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From the ashes of the old...
Posted: Jun 27 2007, 11:39 AM
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(OOC: Basically this is my first post in my RP to claim that island to the NE of Khazaron for my puppet nation of Nova Numidia. The country will be made up of the Nova Roman refugees that had been taken into Khazaron after the collapse of their country into various factions and then into nothing. Post any IC/OOC responses or complaints you may have.)

Archon City, Khazaron

The conference room was uncharacteristically quiet as Danielle Uram toke her seat at the head of the table, gently placing her folder down and looking out at the assembled group. To her direct right sat Minister of Internal Affairs, Laurence Amar. Then on the other side of her was Minister of Defense, Michael Arani. At the far end of the table sat First Archon Tyler Anan, with some of his fellow Archons sitting on either side of him. She nodded at everyone in turn. “Well gentlemen, let’s get this started shall we? I called you all here today to discuss a very important issue that has been developing over the past several months. I’m sure by now most of you are familiar with the influx of refugees the Dominion has been receiving from the former territories of the now deceased Imperivm of Nova Roma.”

Several heads around the table nodded. Danielle smiled. “Good. Then you undoubtedly know what a strain this refugee population has begun to put on our economy and wartime resources. But of course, don’t take my word for it…” she motioned to Minister of Commerce, Adam Kum. He stood up, cleared his throat, and addressed the group. “Put quite simply” he said “we won’t be able to sustain under constant supervision, this large of a group of refugees. To do so would be feasible, but in the long run we would loose enough money that we could very well slip into a recession.”

“How long would you speculate?” came the voice of one of the Archons sitting next to First Archon Tyler Anan.

“About four to five years, if we planned things and rationed resources.”

“What about attempting to naturalize them? That would get rid of the need to funnel so many domins into these refugee camps. We’ve got plenty of open areas and small towns that could take them on in our eastern districts.” said the Archon sitting on the other side of Tyler Anan.

“No, that wouldn’t be possible I’m afraid.” replied Minister Amar. “Current polls show that the average citizen views the refugee problem in an extremely negative light. To try and naturalize so many, especially from a nation that had once been an enemy, would cause great unrest.”

Danielle cleared her throat to get all of their attention once more. “We have come up, however, with a much more palpable solution that would not only leave our economy relatively fine in the long run, but provide a way to place the refugees in such a place as to not cause a negative response from the vast majority of Khazaronian citizens.”

“What would that plan be?” asked First Archon Anan.

“Relocation.” Danielle stated simply. “We help them relocate to a new home, help them get set up, and therefore eliminate the problem of the camps. Once we get them on their feet, we should be able to reduce our economic support and therefore help our economy rebound.”

“You are suggesting we give these people a new country?” asked the First Archon.

Danielle nodded. “More specifically, the island to the northeast of us. It’s uninhabited and has yet to be claimed by any other international powers in recent history. It should be relatively easy for us to set something up there.”

“What about the problem of them starting up their war-machine again and trying to attack us.

Minister Arani raised his hand. “As a stipulation of this relocation initiative, they would agree to no longer have a standing military that would have the ability for foreign military ventures. In short, they are only going to be allowed so much forces as to keep themselves socially stable. That, coupled with their closeness to us, will allow us to keep a close eye on them. Should anything funny start to pop up, we can throw the hammer down on them relatively quick.”

The First Archon and a few others around the table nodded.

“What we are asking right now…” said Danielle as she shifted her attention towards the First Archon and his associates “…is that the National Assembly work with us in helping to get this project under way. We would appreciate it if an initiative was passed to help fund some domins to this project. The sooner it is completed, the sooner we can get back to healing. I have already secured the help of Minister Arani to use naval transports and the army to help relocate the refugees. We just need the resources to begin establishing their homes is all.”

The First Archon sat there for a moment, thinking. He knew this was just a courtesy being given to them, that they could rush ahead with these plans without the Assembly, but that they would look better PR-wise if they got the stamp of approval from the Archons. Seeing no point to the struggle, he nodded his approval.

Danielle and the other ministers present smiled. “Then I thank you all for attending this. Meeting adjourned.”

Refugee Camp Beta-6, Rhianom District

The collection of tents and ad-hoc housing that had been the home of the Roman refugees for the past couple of months was a buzz with activity. Everywhere one looked, you could see people scurrying about, packing things up or being ushered into the checkout points that had been established by the military. Some in the lines had looks of hope and joy, while others looked scared and worried. This had happened quite all of the sudden, so fear amongst some was not to be unexpected. Once finished registering with the proper authorities, the refugees where then taken onto buses and driven to a nearby port city that would load them onto several naval transports that had already been set aside for them.

All of this had not come without a fair bit of arguing back in Archon City. Many in the National Assembly had been against helping the refugees find a new homeland, equating it with helping nurse a lion back to health that had just tried to maul them. Tristan Nasari, leader of the Nationalist Party in the Assembly, had even tried to use the motion of support for grounds to dismiss the First Archon Tyler Anan, of the Democratic Alliance, from his office. After the confusion settled down, the motion passed with slimmest of margins. The only thing that had saved the effort was the economic forecast that had been presented by the proponents of the relocation.

Now a huge effort was being undertaken in Camp Beta-6 in Rhianom and in all other camps throughout the district and its neighbor, Tchaisom. Large caravans where being formed, ferrying the refugees to one of the Navy’s pre-designated departure points in northern Rhianom.

While all of this was happening, Minister Arani had already dispatched the Army Corps of Engineers to the island to begin work on establishing base camps and more permanent housing structures for the refugees.
The Red Devil
Posts: 515
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