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The Kingdom of Rosengarde
Posted: Jul 11 2009, 07:33 PM
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The Kingdom of Rosengarde
The Land of the Iron Rose, Kingdom of the Rose Guard

Iron Roses, Crimson Bars: The Flag of Rosengarde

The flag of Rosengarde is totally symbolic in nature, with no major references to national history save in, of course, the presence of the iron rose emblem of the Crown. The four major symbols which dominate the flag are the twin roses, the golden pillar, the crimson bars, and the white foreground. The foreground is the more obvious symbolic reference: it represents the joie de vivre of the Rosani, the constant goal of peace which dominates the cultural mindset. Despite this love of peace, the crimson bars hold a more militaristic prospect. Though at first glance they form an E pattern, this portion of the flag is meant to be viewed from the right side down, where instead the bars form an M pattern. It is this M pattern which refers to the infamous words of High King Valqura the Founder, Rosengarde’s first ruler and last unelected king: “May the Kingdom preserve her might”. It is a military philosophy which insists on a constant preparation for self defence, and an emphasis on the importance of preserving Rosengarde’s independence. The golden pillars represent one of the founding philosophical tenets of all Rosani government, that Rosengarde must be founded in tradition and history but dedicated to progress and visionary action. This is represented by the firm standing strength of the pillar, complimented by the outstretched third “arm” of the pillar reaching right. Finally, the iron rose culminates the symbolism of the peace and stands firm as the most important symbol of the Kingdom. It is the dual black rose emblem that was King Valqura’s war standard during the Ascension Wars, and is the symbol of the Rosani Crown and the Iron Rose King.

A Brief History of Rosengarde: Presented by Court Historian Joseph DeVries

The Founding Kingdoms

It would be impossible to fully document the history of the Founding Kingdoms, the 4 nations which once occupied the lands that are now, in totality, referred to as Rosengarde. Their beginnings are a similar tale: tribes of people which, in the early days, formed cities together and built the first political entities that would come to be known as the Kingdoms. It was a time when the political unification of all Rosengarde was thought unimaginable, as peace did not exist for many decades.

To the west was the Sultanate of Rajaratna, led by the Great Sultan and his Council of Emirs. It was a deeply superstitious and traditional society, favouring old ceremonies and ancient dynasties of rule. Despite this obsession with history long gone, the Sultanate was rich from the life blood of the Avori River which brought water to their parched desert lands.

To the east was the Holy Empire of Tol Alethia, a deeply religious society which followed a strict moral code and Church hierarchy based on the worship of the Eternal One, their God. They were led by the Emperor Pontiff, a dynastic leader whose control was iron and whose will to spread the Church of the Eternal undeniable. The Holy Empire thought manifest destiny was rightfully theirs.

To the south, sprawled across the coastline of what would someday be Rosengarde, was the Confederation of Free Cities. More a loose military alliance than a political bloc, the Confederation was composed of more than a dozen coastal and island cities who sought mutual protection for the rich and profitable sea lanes and mercantile ventures. Though there are many to name, they were dominated by the Queen of Cities, the Jewel of the Coast, the illustrious city of Qalavarnassus.

Finally, to the north, was the Kingdom of Roszalia. A feudal society, with a strict system of nobility and peasantry, they were none the less a sensible sort of people who profited from a healthy trade with the Sultanate along the Avori River. They were led by an absolute ruler, a King, whose word was law.

Between these four nations, war never ended. When peace came, it came in only brief spats of a few short months before the fighting began again. The people of these lands were gripped in a perpetual state of hatred, pitting themselves against one another not for survival but for conquest, glory, and treasure. Yet the Northern Kings, the Eastern Priests, the Southern Cities, and the Western Sands could not break a near constant stalemate, their powers deadlocked by a combination of military equality and unfortunate geography. That all changed with the ascendancy of Darnassus Valqura, the Unifier King.

The Years of Valqura: the Ascension Wars

Darnassus Valqura, the future Founder of Rosengarde, was born into a minor merchant family in the city of Qalavarnassus. His mother and father traded in silks from Rajaratna, and weapons forged in the cities of Tol Alethia. They earned enough income to afford some small luxuries, including their son’s education in some of the city’s finest schools. He was found to have a particular affinity for fighting, and enlisted in the Rose Guard (the city’s militia army) at age 18.

Details of the Great Valqura’s life are difficult, and cannot be relied upon with great certainty. However, certain facts are known with some significant degree of accuracy. It is known that Valqura’s skills in both tactics and weapons usages were excellent, and he was cited by the Rose Guard as being a young man of significant talent. Some accounts of his dazzling charisma and charm can be confirmed by his early acceptance into the personal bodyguard of the Grand Duke of Qalavarnassus, who saw him as a trustworthy and upstanding gentleman. More significant accounts of Valqura’s life only become available when he is near 30, when some political betrayal within the Court sends him to the front lines of war with one of the other Free Cities. This war was yet another in a long line of conflicts in the region, and is barely worth remembering save that it is considered to be the very first days of the Ascension Wars. History tells us that the Commander of the invading company was somehow killed (unconfirmed sources suggest he was loyal to the Crown, and extremely antithetical to Valqura, who some say had him killed to take his place) and that Valqura took command of the company. From there, incredible tactical abilities led the Rose Guard from shining success to shining success, and what was once a simple territorial dispute ended in the total conquest of the Free Cities and their absorption into Qalavarnassus. Upon his final victories, Valqura was invited back with open arms by the Grand Duke, the man who had betrayed and exiled him. During a glorious parade to welcome home the victorious soldiers, Valqura stabbed the Duke as he was being honoured by the Crown. His men slaughtered the Duke’s loyalists, and on the spot Valqura declared himself the King of the newly renamed Kingdom of Rosengarde, the Kingdom of the Rose Guard. The name was appropriate, as major government positions were now occupied by sympathetic commanders from Valqura’s Rose Guard Company. Valqura the Conqueror was now at the head of a newly unified southern nation, supported by a resource covered coastline and profitable trade lanes.

Valqura’s dreams of unification were becoming his only ambition, his greatest drive: though he had achieved something thought unachievable, he knew he was capable of more. Only a year and a half after he had taken the South, he turned his attention to the West where the rich farmlands and mighty cities of Rajaratna resided. When his armies landed, the Council of Emirs was split. Some of the Emirs (in a modicum of wisdom) abandoned the pretense of hope, instead siding their armies with the clearly superior conquerors. Others remained hopelessly loyal to the Sultan. That loyalty was not paid in kind, and when Valqura finally took the Sultan’s capital of Monasteriense those emirs were executed, and their Sultan forced to spend his remaining life in a lavish prison.

Though he had caused much bloodshed through his conquests, Valqura became the benevolent dictator the Sultan never was. He eased restrictions on education, allowing women and young girls to attend newly founded state schools with secular policies. The once harsh clerical class lost its powers of militia and policing, and was replaced instead by Rajaratnan civilians led by teams of professional Rose Guard soldiers. Strict restrictions on dress were lightened, and freedom of religion was offered when it was once unheard of. Valqura even commissioned the building of new mosques and hospitals, magnificent institutions which awed his new subjects into his worship. Rajaratna was a nation under the brutal heel of an unkind leader; under the High King, Rajaratna became a place of learning and particular civil freedom. Perhaps most important of Valqura’s reforms were his easing of export tariffs to the Southern Cities and his sale of state owned shipping enterprises to ordinary citizens. At long last the economic future of the Raja people was in their own hands.

Valqura’s next conquests were brought upon him more by destiny than a predetermination to conquer the heartland. The Emperor Pontiff of Tol Alethia had declared a crusade against Valqura’s lands, citing the unfathomable acceptance the High King held of Rajaratnan tradition. The opening battles of this war were waged primarily on the lands in and around the city of Qalavarnassus; it would be the last time the Queen of Cities would see war so near to her walls. Valqura held firm against the massive, well armed Imperial forces, and only after several months of alliance and concerted attack with Roszalia did Tol Alethia accept the heel of Valqura’s power. The warrior caste of Roszalian society, bedeviling their weak king, staged a coup against the Crown (a coup which many suggest was orchestrated by Valqura) and the nation was turned over to the Conquering King of Qalavarnassus. So ended the Ascension Wars, and their inevitable and glorious goal proved fruitful; the once warring lands of our nations were united under the newly ascended High King Darnassus Valqura.

The Creation of Rosengarde

Upon his victory, the High King of East, West, North, and South turned his thoughts away from conquest to governance. He intended to create a system that lasted beyond his greatness, and refused to die before his subjects were permanently unified in one, great peaceful system. The King’s first major proclamation was to reform his territories into administrative districts, based upon the 4 nations he now controlled. Collectively, his new empire was to be called the Kingdom of Rosengarde; his homeland would once again be referred to as the Free Cities. Each district was nominally led by a Viceroy, one of the 4 of Valqura’s most trusted men. Once again, the High King maintained absolute power from the capital in Qalavarnassus. Collectively, the 4 capitals were the cities of Qalavarnassus, Monasteriense, Tol Alethia, and Roszalia. They are referred to more commonly as the Iron Crown Jewels.

Shortly thereafter, a constitutional reform dialogue was initiated in the capital, with several hundred of Rosengarde’s foremost legal experts, military analysts, and community leaders. At the head of this conference was of course the High King; every clause of the constitution would require the signature of his approval, along with the approval of selected representatives of the 4 viceroyalties. A long list of civil rights and responsibilities was outlined for the King’s subjects, together codified into what would be referred to as the Sacrimentum Imperiosis (the Oath of Empire), the complete Rosali constitution [more fully explained later in this factbook]. The only matter not settled under the Constitution was one of utmost importance; the issue of royal ascension, and who would replace Valqura upon his death or retirement. Though many expected a blood dynasty, others thought that the King seemed unsupportive of this option. He requested a pilgrimage across his new Kingdom before deciding the question of how the heir would be chosen.

Even upon the end of his travels, the King said nothing of who would come after him. It became troubling to his closest advisors, the Council of Ministers, and the Chancellor of that Council quietly gathered loyalists and began to plan for the King’s inevitable death.

The intervening years were the Golden Age of Rosengarde: High King Valqura dedicated himself to be an engineer of social progress, funding great feats of architecture and notable improvements in healthcare and education. The Oath of Empire was a stepping stone, a declaration of the rights of man from which the King would base his reforms. None the less, the King thought this to be too small a step. Though the Sacrimentum established legal boundaries, the King publicly announced it did not hold itself strong enough to the values of the Rosali people. Locking himself away for nearly a month, the King emerged with a new, partnering document to the Sacrimentum Imperiosis. Though it had no legal powers, the King demanded it be as vital a part of Rosali law as the constitution was. The document contains dozens of articles, outlining the values and beliefs Valqura held that all Rosali must hold dear as subjects of his kingdom. Today, they are seen almost as holy texts from a prophet, and they are debated and vaunted in every corner of our society. Collectively they are known as the Valqura Articles, or the Iron Rose Mandate. While the Sacrimentum speaks of rights, the Articles speak of responsibilities. The most notable and indeed the first reform launched from the basis of these Articles was Rosengarde’s infamous compulsory military service, initiated only a few weeks on the heel of the Mandate’s publication.

It was then, only a year after the Mandate’s public release that High King Darnassus Valqura passed away. It occurred quietly, and without significant pain. Yet the grief of the Kingdom was heard for days as the people mourned their great Founding King. In honour of his memory, the Chancellor of Council (now briefly the Head of State) declared the week of his death as a time of mourning, to be spent honouring the King through parades and funeral games. Along with this, Valqura’s birth day was made a national holiday along with Ascension Day, the day when the new nation of Rosengarde was born. Indeed most Rosali national holidays are based around Valqura’s life and the major events of his political work.

A major question arose upon the High King’s death: who would have the Iron Rose Crown? The Chancellor, now briefly Head of State, instituted the emergency legal proclamation he had spent years planning. Chancellor Lyon Vittori was a noted proponent of democratic and political rights; his forceful and opinionated attitude towards the extremities of Valqura’s absolute rule made him a trusted friend of the High King for many years. The proclamation, entitled “the Royal Ascension Act”, transformed the powers of the High King, limiting them and sharing them with what would become the Royal Assembly of Rosengarde. As for the heredity of the Crown, that position would become elected on a basis of every 4 years, with reelection possible to the limits of a person’s natural life. The Chancellor was practically worshipped for these reforms: that another great man should come on the heels of the High King pressed favorably on the minds of the Rosali people. Indeed, upon the first election of the High King Vittori was selected unanimously to be the second royal leader of the Kingdom. His reign is remembered for reforms of a more democratic nature to Valqura’s, signifying the progressive future of Rosengarde.

Only the past few decades of historical research have concluded why Valqura was so irresponsible on the manner of declaring an heir. It seemed he kept secret that he was in fact infertile, declared medically incapable of bearing children. Despite this, uncovered journals from court servants and physicians suggest that Valqura had a superstitious belief that by some miracle the universe would give him a child, and adamantly refused to declare blood dynasty until this miracle child was born. Clearly, this was not the crowning moment of Valqura’s life and explains his deep misgivings with defining the manner by which other royals could ascend.
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Posted: Jul 12 2009, 11:54 AM
PMEmail Poster
The Rosali Constitution: A Lesson in Dualism

The Sacrimentum Imperiosis (The Oath of Empire)

The Sacrimentum is a large document, covering a wide variety of areas (including powers of the King, division of powers, etc). Under the section of its rights and freedoms, it features (among others) the following:

- freedom of conscience, religion, thought, belief, expression, the press, peaceful assembly, association
- right to democracy and participation in political activities
- right to vote
- right to enter and leave the country
- right to move between viceroyalties
- right to reside outside Rosengarde
- right to life, liberty, and personal security
- right from unreasonable arrest or seizure of property
- right to legal counsel
- right to the presumption of innocence before proven guilty
- right to not be subject to cruel or unusual punishment
- right to an interpreter during court proceedings
- right against self incrimination
- equal treatment under the law
- right to language
- right to education
- right to housing
- right to healthcare
- right to sustenance
- right against unnecessary armed conflict
- right against slavery or servitude
- right against torture or inhumane treatment
- right to recognition as a human being before the law
- entitlement to all rights listed as a human being
- right to asylum
- right to citizenship
- right to marriage with consent
- right to own property
- right to equal access to public service
- right to work
- separation of Church and State
- etc

The Sacrimentum is unique in that it possesses a “right against unnecessary armed conflict”, known as the Just War Clause. This Clause is detailed in the Oath, outlining the circumstances in which war can be declared on a foreign country. For a war to be considered legal under the Charter the opposing nation must have attacked or directly threatened an attack on Rosengarde or Rosali citizens, or must have committed human rights violations to such a significant degree that war is necessary. In no other scenario can war be declared; essentially, this Clause ensures that wars cannot be waged by the Rosali government unless for the purpose of protecting the homeland.

The Valqura Articles: The Iron Rose Mandate

The Valqura Articles are practically a novel in their size and scope, speaking on Valqura’s vision for Rosali society. The Articles begin with the declaration that has become a founding principle of Rosali society:

“Above all else, you and all you know who are born under the Rosali sun are subjects of our Kingdom, sworn to uphold that which your High King has built for you. I bestow upon you the Mandate of the Iron Rose, the sworn service to the Crown. The Kingdom shall never lose her might.”

The Articles then proceed to state a lengthy list of responsibilities of the Rosali citizen. They include the following:

- Responsibility to vote, at all levels of government
- Responsibility to inform yourself on all aspect of Rosali democracy
- Responsibility to vote in an intelligent, well thought manner
- Responsibility to give your loyalty, for all your natural life, to the Iron Rose Crown
- Responsibility to defend the safety and security of the Kingdom and its subjects wherever they are threatened
- Responsibility to follow the codes of law set down by those you elect
- Responsibility to never seek, encourage, or support the fragmentation of the Kingdom
- Responsibility to honour and respect your High King
- Responsibility to serve the human race in some capacity
- Responsibility to serve the Kingdom in some capacity
- Responsibility to treat others with the dignity and respect you would afford your High King
- Responsibility to provide for the needs of your children and family, to harness the potential of the next generation of subjects
- Responsibility to seek happiness in accordance with the Kingdom’s laws
- Responsibility to swear the Oath of Empire, and to uphold each of its clauses

The Articles feature an entire chapter on one particular responsibility, the responsibility to serve in the Rosali army. The chapter speaks of the importance of maintaining the Kingdom’s ability to defend itself, and the vitality of healthy and well maintained armed forces. This clause led to the creation of Rosali military service laws, where citizens must serve at least 2 years in the army (most choose the reserves) or else they are stripped of their citizenship.

Basic Facts

Official Name: The Kingdom of Rosengarde

Short Form: Rosengarde, the Kingdom

Ceremonial Name: The Iron Rose Kingdom, Kingdom of the Rose Guard

Motto: The Truth Shall Set You Free.

Capital City: Qalavarnassus

Official Languages: English, Arabic

Currency: The Crown.

The Organization of Rosali Government

Government Form: Constitutional Monarchy, Federal Democracy

Head of State: High King of the Iron Rose Crown (long form), High King, King (short form)

Head of Government: Lord Chancellor of the Assembly (long form), Chancellor (short form)

Current Head of State: High King Vigarde Maloriel

Current Head of Government: Lord Chancellor Marcus Gosselin

The government is split into three separate branches: the legislative, the executive, and the judicial. The legislative branch is the Royal Assembly, the branch which creates new laws and oversees the enforcement of established law by the Executive Branch. The Executive Branch is the elected government of Rosengarde and handles the everyday tasks of governing the populace, as well as education, social welfare, etc. The judicial branch is the Magistratum (the courts), including the High Magistratus (Supreme Court), the Territorial Magistrati, and the Council Magistrati (Municipal). They handle legal cases brought before the government as well as civil suits between individual citizens.

Legislative Branch: The Royal Assembly holds 289 seats. Each Member of the Assembly is referred to as a Consul of the Crown (short form Consul), and it is their purpose to represent their administrative ridings to the committee of the whole. The House is split into two separate legislative houses, which offer checks and balances to one another: they are the National Consulate and the House of Legatus. The Consulate is elected by a first past the post system, in which geographical ridings are represented by candidates (under the patronage of a Crown party) who are elected by simple majority. The House of Legati is composed of 150 individuals (known as Legatus) appointed by the parties, with percentages of seats being awarded based on a system of proportional representation voting using a closed list of candidates. In essence, while the Consulate acts as geographic representation, the Legatus acts as political representation for the values of the Rosali people based on the overall percentage of votes per party. They are selected based upon their particular specialties. During an election, the political party which controls the most seats in the Assembly is asked to form a new government, with that party’s leader becoming the nation’s Lord Chancellor. The current Lord Chancellor is Lord Marcus Gosselin of the Progressive Social Democratic Party. The Royal Assembly is the term used for the building in which the Assembly meets. It is interesting to note that in Rosengarde, it is a common political practice to refer any politically important declarations (potential laws) to the civil population for referendum. The Crown Elections Bureau, the government department tasked with the oversight of Azuri elections, runs a number of permanent polling stations which offer voting services for any items at referendum. Averages of 198 laws per year are put to referendum by the Assembly.

Executive Branch: The current leading party in the Consular Assembly is the Progressive Social Democratic Party (PSD), which controls a whopping 72% of government. The leader of the PDS is Lord Marcus Gosselin, the nation’s current Lord Chancellor. The Lord Chancellor is the Iron Rose equivalent of a Prime Minister, and it is his/her job to act as the Head of Government in conjunction with the Head of State, the Iron Rose King. The Lord Chancellor is also considered the Second Citizen of Rosengarde, next to the First Citizen (the Iron Rose King). The current Sovereign is High King Vigarde Maloriel. He is the prominent national symbol of the Imperial Commonwealth, and acts as the symbolic personal leader of the Rosali people. He shares executive power with the Lord Chancellor, though his position holds a great deal more power in terms of administration; as well, the High King is the designated commander-in-chief. The role of the Chancellor is more so legislative, while the King’s role is more administrative. To compare, the High King is essentially a more ceremonial and honorific version of a President, elected every 4 years under constitutional law. To assist in his administration of the country, the High King appoints Directors who each control a portfolio of the government. The Directors of the Maloriel Administration, along with their directorates, are as follows:

Director General: Dr. Cirillo Alseini. The former CEO of the Crown Bank of Rosengarde, the Kingdom Investment Authority, and the Royal Nuclear Authority, Alseini holds a Ph.D in Economics with a specialty in Governance & Administration. She is the former Party Chairwoman of the Progressive Social Democratic Party, and still holds significant influence there. Many believe she aspires to run for Queen some day.
Director of Agriculture: Darien Kizri. Kizri founded the Agricultural Investment Agency, which promoted high intensity renewable farming in Rosengarde and special renewal projects on the Avori River in Rajaratna. Kizri has held this post through several administrations for several parties.
Director of Rosali History and Language: Dr. Leonardus Von Kothari. Holding a Ph. D in Rosali History, with a specialization in the Valqura Era, Von Kothari is the former curator of the Crown Museum of Rosali Civilization and the former Chair of the Historical Research Grant Council.
Director of Citizenship and Immigration: Ephraim Dawnmoor. Dawnmoor was an interesting choice as DCI: his political history was spent as the Consul for Qalavarnassus Port Riding, as well as the Commissioner of Border Services Rosengarde. He is noted as a hardliner on both immigration and the attainment of citizenship, supporting the High King’s (and the Lord Chancellor’s) notably conservative stance on immigration policy.
Director of Environmental Affairs: Mira Rugandi. Rugandi is a former Legatus for the Green Kingdom Party, as well as the former Chairwoman of the Royal Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development. From this position, she has had a notable influence on Rosali environmental policy for over a decade. She is a dedicated environmentalist, which often alienates her from the rest of the Royal Directors. Despite this, the King appreciates her passion and hard stance on her Directorate.
Director of Finance: Cho Sheng. A graduate of the Richard Strathroy Academy for Economic Policy, Rosengarde’s foremost economic school, Sheng was chosen primarily due to his 2 decades of experience leading the Kingdom Investment Authority after the reign of Dr. Alseini. He is a noted red conservative, and a fiscally tight individual with an open pocket for major social investments.
Director of Ocean Affairs: Commodore Marcus Ellari. The Commodore came recommended from the Royal Armada; he served several years as Commandant of the Armada Patrol Directorate, and more recently as Comptroller of the Navy. He comes from a long line of sailors stretching back in an almost uncut bloodline.
Director of Foreign Affairs: Madeleine Rookwood-Celeste. The former Ambassador General of the Crown Diplomatic Corps, as well as the former Special Ambassador to the Crown, Rookwood-Celeste is a veteran of diplomacy with a reputation for charm and appeal. None the less, she is also regarded as the Diplomatic Corps’ feral lion, a harsh critic of those deemed oppositional to the Crown.
Director of Health: Isabella Latia. Latia has been a dignified but vocal defender of universal healthcare and the improvement of healthcare for many years. She is the founder of the Empathy Foundation, which lobbies for improved healthcare to all levels of government. She is a former director for Doctors Without Borders and was the former Vice Director under the previous Director of Health.
Director of Human Resources: Shin So. So has worked for dozens of corporations and founded the So Firm, a group of HR specialists who streamline staffing within organizations for increased efficiency and productivity. The So Firm is the largest such organization in Rosengarde for this purpose. So is regarded as having streamlined the notoriously bureaucratic Tol Alethian Viceroyalty and was referred by the Viceroy of that province.
Director of Industry: Abd-Al-Aziz Rahman. The former Viceroy of Rajaratna entered kingdom politics after his reign as a Consul for Monasteriense South. He served previous to his Viceroyalty as the Chairman of the National Chamber of Commerce and as CEO of the Avori Petroleum Corporation. He is detested by environmentalists for his notably lax attitude towards environmental protection and his fierce support of expanded industrial zoning.
Director of International Cooperation and Human Rights: Dr. Richard Kovonich. Served a long career as a Consul in the Royal Assembly, and was noted as the Assembly’s expert on legal affairs and constitutional rights. He chaired the Royal Committee on Constitutional Rights and most recently came out of a 10 year stint as the Royal Ombudsman for the Kingdom of Rosengarde.
Director of Commerce and International Trade: Carmen Alecto. A shipping buff, Alecto is the former Chairwoman of the National Chamber of Commerce and their Administrative CEO. She was also the Special Ambassador for Free Trade at the Crown Diplomatic Corps.
Director of Justice (The Lord Attorney): Dr. Laurence Victoriatus. Victoriatus served for 2 decades as a Crown Prosecutor for the Office of the Lord Attorney, and was involved in several high profile cases concerning major breakthroughs in Rosali law. He is noted for his hard stance on corporate crime and his significant support for enlarged policing operations. He holds a Ph. D in Criminal Prosecution and Criminal Law from the University of the High King in Qalavarnassus and a further doctorate in Criminology from the al-Rahman University of Monasteriense
Director of Labour: Bahiyya Abd-Alar. A former organizer and CEO to the National Labour Council and the Association of Trade Unions, Abd-Alar fights vigorously for the rights of workers and is noted for butting heads with the more capitalistic philosophies of her compatriots. Her father was an oil driller for a major Rajaratnan petroleum company.
Directorate of National Defence: Bernard Rothborn. General Rothborn was educated at the Royal Academy of the Military Arts in Roszalia. He has participated in and commanded several combat engagements and is the acting Second in Command of the United Rose Guard. He is a tactically sound, practical man who shares a close relationship with the High King.
Director of Natural Resources: Ahmad Nashwa. Nashwa has held this post for a decade, having come from an illustrious career as Commissioner of the Roszalian Lumber Authority and the Rajaratnan Mining Commission. He is a close compatriot of the Director of Industry, and the two work harmoniously to promote greater economic freedoms for Rosengarde.
Director of Public Safety: Victor Reynaldus. With a Masters in Rosali Governance Reynaldus comes from several major postings at the Office of the Royal Ombudsman, serving as Chief Investigator of several major government corruption cases.
Director of Public Works and Government Services: Jack Peron. Peron holds a doctorate in Public Administration, and was the owner of the Peron Administrative Firm (similar to the So Firm) before agreeing to bring his incredible efficiency expertise to the Maloriel Administration. He has been tasked to oversee the High King’s long term goals for sleeker Rosali government.
Director of Transportation: Cassandra Delarosa. The former Commissioner of the Rosali Transportation Commission; prior to that, she was the Director of Transportation for the Viceroyalty of Roszalia.
Director of Space Development: Kevin Fenvold. Fenvold holds a doctorate in both satellite technology and space sciences. He was CEO of Infinity Empire Technologies before being invited to lead the government’s efforts to take Rosengarde to the stars. He is now the dedicated front line manager of the Kingdom’s efforts to build a world class launch facility for both public and private use.

Judicial Branch: The Magistratum is the Rosali justice system, and is a multi tiered organization with numerous civic responsibilities. It has a number of layers of courts depending upon political boundaries, civic classification, and political importance. The highest tier of the Magistratum is the High Magistratus, the Rosali Supreme Court which handles cases of direct pertinence to the Oath of Empire or cases which hold international or national importance. To handle cases pertaining to the Viceroyalties, Viceroyal Magistrati (plural of Magistratum) are used. Local civil cases and criminal prosecutions are done by municipal Magistrati. Judges are referred to as Magistrates (The 7 Magistrates on the High Magistratum are referred to as High Magistrates). Terminology remains the same when referring to lawyers: Crown Prosecutor for the prosecution and Defense Attorney for the defense.

Generally, Rosali law upholds the following stances regarding these controversial issues:

1. Abortion: Legal (Pro-Choice).
2. Affirmative Action: Illegal (a number of rights in the Oath of Empire speak directly against racially encouraged actions).
3. Arms Trade: The Commercial Armaments Committee authorizes arms trading by analyzing various nations and ruling on whether or not they can be morally traded with. They do so by evaluating a nation’s internal stability, stance on human rights, etc.
4. Death Penalty: The death penalty is considered to be abhorrent and is illegal.
5. Drugs: Strictly controlled by the government. Legal only for medicinal purposes.
6. Education: Rosali citizens are legally required to attend both elementary and secondary school. Education at all levels is completely paid for by the government and is open to all, including at the university/college level.
7. Environmentalism: Rosengarde runs a relatively clean economy, though heavy industrialization in some areas has caused significant environmental damage. Rosengarde has a noticeable lack of environmental protection laws, instead supporting industrial development across the board. Despite protests from environmentalists, the Kingdom has sought to clean its energy sources through the Royal Nuclear Initiative, which seeks to power Rosengarde with 90% of its electricity from nuclear sources within 2 decades.
8. Euthanasia: Completely illegal, save when recovery is impossible.
9. Evolution/Creation: Evolutionists, considering the country is extremely scientific in nature and non-religious by creed.
10. Gay Marriage: All gay couples have full marriage rights under the law as well as the right to adopt children.
11. Gun Control: It is illegal for a Rosali citizen to carry a firearm, unless a hunting license has been purchased. Since a 2 year draft is imposed on the populace, a significant percentage of the population is trained at least in the basic use of firearms.
12. Immigration: Immigration is government controlled, although entry requirements are modestly strict and refugees are usually welcomed with open arms. The requirements for citizenship however are far harsher and require several years for an immigrant to obtain.
13. Income Tax: Tax is seen as necessary for an active, moral government. However, the centrist government of Rosengarde tries to keep taxes only to necessary levels. A great deal of emphasis is placed on streamlining Rosali government and improving its efficiency, with a smaller financial investment.
14. Political Philosophy: Centrist Social Democracy. Free market enterprise along with a strong public sector and government control of important industries. Government services are vast and well funded, ensuring that all citizens of Rosengarde receive fair treatment and equal opportunity. Despite this, government is expected to be competitive as any corporation and must constantly streamline and improve its own efficiency. Rosali government has a tendency to be only as large as necessary, and is actually rather small. Rosali have no appreciation for waste from their government.
15. Prostitution: Illegal, and harshly prosecuted by the Office of the Lord Attorney.
16. Religion: Most of the population is Secular Humanist, although a few theistic denominations exist, particularly Tol Alethian Christians and Rajaratnan Muslims.
17. Social Security: Present, though tight and difficult to gain access to without very specific parameters. Those capable of working who choose to not work are often denied, excluding difficult circumstances. There is a hard working and hard nosed ethic to the Rosali people, and laziness is absolutely not paid for by their government.
18. Veganism/Vegetarianism: People have complete freedom to eat what they will, although many Azuri citizens eat meat regularly. Some disrespect exists for environmentalists and vegetarians/vegans, who are seen as hypocritical and communistic.
19. Environmentalism: The pro-human attitude of the Rosali assures that environmentalism is a philosophy given little credence or respect.

This post has been edited by Rosengarde on Jul 12 2009, 11:55 AM
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Posted: Jul 14 2009, 11:03 PM
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The Rosali Economy

Rosengarde is an industrial, developed, and export oriented economy. Emphasis is placed on services, and manufacturing is centered on automobiles, military arms, and particularly intelligent industries. In fact, the quality of Rosali education has ensured a thriving technology sector with an emphasis on research. Major industries are as follows:

Banking: Major companies include the Crown Bank of Rosengarde, the Kingdom Investment Authority, Empire Trust Limited, and Alethia Global Bank. Banking in Rosengarde features low rates to the point of being a corporate tax haven; the Kingdom Investment Authority, the nationalized financial institution of the country, is incredibly cheap, low cost, and high benefits for Rosali citizens and attracts a remarkable profit for the Rosali government that is reinvested into other social ventures. Increased capital in the Investment Authority also lowers income taxes, further encouraging the Authority’s growth.
Private Military Contracting: Major companies include Concero Tactical Solutions, Lotus Global Security (or Lotus Security for short), Praetorian Defence Corporation, Crown Protection Agency, and Orinado Security Consulting. These companies export their services to nations across the planet, and are highly regulated and connected to the central Rosali government. They are contracted to always support the Rosali government over the employment of other nations, and are regarded as a portion of the Kingdom’s total war capabilities. They also provide tactical experience to Rosali soldiers, affording Rosengarde a pool of veterans through which the Rosali army can be afforded better training and tactical leadership. These companies survive primarily through government contracting and are deeply connected to the Kingdom government.
Research & Development: Major companies include Crossroad Biotechnologies, Darnassus Laboratories, and the White Mountain Defence Firm. Most major companies feature a prominent research and development branch, with the majority of the nation’s research conducted under the guise of the Kingdom’s many educational institutes or the government itself. The majority of research and development is centered on the Kingdom’s primary industries: arms manufacturing, biomedicine, energy production, nuclear technology, automobile manufacturing, as well as satellite and telecommunications.
Space & Satellite Technologies: Major companies include Infinity Empire Technologies and Iron Dawn Satellite Corporation. While Azurygos is not a major participant in space development, its technological and manufacturing contributions to this work are none the less significant. Many nations rely on the machinery and specially patented technology that is exported by Rosali corporations. Azurygos does host a small launch facility at the Solimar Archipelago. This facility is the premier provider of private space enterprise on the planet.
Nuclear Technology: Major companies include the Blue Atom Association and Kolmar Reactor Technologies, although the market is dominated (and indeed all reactors are controlled by) the Crown Nuclear Authority. Almost 65% of conventional electricity in Rosengarde is provided by one of the nation’s dozens of nuclear reactor facilities, kept up to date by a thriving business sector in nuclear technologies which have helped advance Rosengarde in waste disposal methods, energy efficiency, etc.
Commercial Aerospace Manufacturing: There are 3 major aerospace companies in Rosengarde, not including foreign competitors: Diamonde Airlines, Winged Rose Corporation, and the largest company, the Crown Fleet. Aviators at heart, most of Rosali shipping is actually done by helium airships. Commercial flights are usually reserved for passengers. Aviation technology contributes to the overall space development effort, and many of the corporations share close ties with the R&D sector and Director Fenvold’s Office. These companies also compete in the military aviation industry.
Armaments Manufacturing: Specializing in strategic light equipment, light combat vehicles, tactical armour, and future tech development, Rosali industries lead the way in combat technologies. Their main portion of the armaments industry is R&D, and special technologies. The government is rich in contracting and these companies thrive. Major companies are the White Mountain Defence Firm, Steel Rose Industries, and the Global Defence Corporation. These companies are regulated by the Office for Commercial Armament, and the Commercial Armaments Royal Committee.
Oil Extraction: All petroleum companies are centralized in Rajaratna, and oil extraction facilities dot the deep desert across the viceroyalty. Petroleum is a huge source of employment for middle class Rajaratnans and they lobby fiercely for its protection. Major companies include Avori Petroleum, Crown Petroleum, and the Abd-Alazz Corporation.
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Posted: Jul 15 2009, 09:54 PM
PMEmail Poster
The Jewel of Cities: Qalavarnassus

In its history of two and a half centuries, Qalavarnassus has defined Rosali civilization and set the vast majority of its cultural and political trends. Sitting splendidly on Cardinal Bay, the city has always been a hub of trade and commerce between the major Rosali cities. Its history has been a long and colourful one; indeed, it would be impossible to record in any small manner. It has seen a political evolution of unimaginable proportion, having evolved from a basic monarchy to a primitive republic, finally completing the cycle as a grand duchy before the Ascension Wars transformed it into the capital of a united Rosengarde. The city today reflects a meeting of eras, a unique blend of Ascension Era architecture and history with the sleek, modern skyline of the cosmopolitan metropolis that Qalavarnassus has become. Rosali take great pride in their capital city, seeing it as the shining jewel of their civilization.

Population: 1, 568, 978 (as of last census)

Major Districts:

Government District: The Government district of Qalavarnassus is home to either the headquarters or a primary office of every Directorate in the Kingdom. Included in the Government district are several Crown corporations and their offices, along with the administrative branch of Rose Guard High Command. Government district is a major source of employment in the city, housing several thousand Crown employees. The most notable and unique building in the district are the King’s Spires, three twisting skyscrapers which are home to the Office of the Director General and act as the High King’s administrative centre.

Downtown/Business District: The bustling economic centre of Qalavarnassus, the city’s downtown features sleek, unique architecture and the headquarters or major offices of the city’s significant economic players. Particularly present are those companies participating in the nation’s major industries.

Old Town: Situated on the coast, Old Town Qalavarnassus is the original location of the city and was the site from which the city grew. The ancient buildings here are incredible, steeped in Rosali history. Of particular note is the presence of the old and well kept Royal Assembly and next to it the Valqura Basilica which houses the graves of every High King or Queen of Rosengarde since Valqura’s time. The main foyers of both the Assembly and the Basilica are dominated by a massive marble statue of the Unifier King himself.

Academic District: Named for the presence of three of the nation’s most prestigious institutions of learning: King’s University, the Cardinal Institute, and Valqura University. Also located here is the second campus of Monasteriense’ Al-Rahman University.

Victory Mountain: Renamed as such by the High King after the unification of Rosengarde. The mountain features a massive park covered in fountains and beautiful statues; Valqura was the park’s personal patron and made it a glorious example of his benevolent reign. The mountain is topped with a line of 12 large statues, each a caricature of 12 of the Kingdom’s monarchs. The largest statue, and indeed the symbol of Qalavarnassus, is a military garbed Valqura pointing to the horizon. The statues are considered national treasures.

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Posted: Jul 17 2009, 12:07 PM
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