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Presidential Palace Incinerated
Posted: Aug 19 2004, 12:04 PM
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(OOC: Let me get some time and I will do a presentation of information to all concerned in the neutral talks. The one message will be implied to you all, and of course u can respond as you wish.)
Pinprick of Apathy
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Posted: Aug 19 2004, 06:34 PM
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Construction was going well, just a few days ago, the Pontifex Maximvs had arrived and made a sacrifice to the gods to bless the completion of the command center.

The command center, a marvel of Novvs Atlantian military engineering was constructed partially underground where the main command rooms and equipment resided. The remaining portion was merely eye-candy, two granite arches intersecting with a dome like structure being built to conform with the remaining space. Inside this dome was the elevator that would take any persons (with proper authorization of course) into the command center.

As for the rest of the base, an outer perimeter wall had been established on the western portion, with a small (but suitable) access road into the base through an automated gate. Two of the eight gauss batteries had been completed on the eastern cliff tops and a series of barracks had been built up (though not fully accommodated) and a few anti-air emplacements had been brought in.

Runway areas had been cleared but were not yet paved nor prepped. The air control center still had to be built up and there were no where near enough medical facilities left.

However, for the time being, construction was following the allotted schedule.
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
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Posted: Aug 22 2004, 08:07 AM
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Chairman Davis sat in his Cabinet Chambers, various ministers gathered at the table around him.

"We appear to have reached an impasse. Our allies want to talk, but the Western Powers insist on warmongering."

"So what do we do?" Foreign Minister Peter Ainori piped up. "We could never make it west across the Channel by air, and sending Naval forces would not put us on a good footing with the Starblaydis, and that's all we need."

"Don't worry, we have a plan..."
Now With Added Bekk!
Posts: 661
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Posted: Aug 23 2004, 06:34 PM
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::Transmission from Xilian Headquarters::

This act of agression will not go unpunished.  For your transgressions you will surely pay.  Your weak call for peace is just a cop-out to the mounting adversity against you.  You will not get out of this so easily.

Punch-Drunk Psychosis
Posts: 358
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Posted: Aug 23 2004, 07:20 PM
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Special Forces Command was buzzing as the first transmission came across from their two "secret weapons".

"Base, this is Victoria One. Currently on a bearing of two-four-niner. Oxygen tanks currently at accepatble levels. Package stored safely, delivery system currently at 80% efficiency. Victoria Two following at good pace, comms beacons working fully. ETA is seven hours thirty."

SF Commander Gordon Verilas smiled. "Excellent work Victoria One. Keep us posted on developments. Base out." He turned to Comms Officer Fred Suleyman. "Any word from Jubilee One?"

His timing was almost comically accurate.

"Base, this is Jubilee One. Bearing steady at three-zero-two. Package safe, delivery at 77%. Jubilee Two and Three both AOK, comms in full order. ETA seven hours forty-five."

Verilas addressed his second vehicle. "Continue as planned Jubilee."

The Commander was much pleased by the messages. He went to the phone, and informed the Chairman of the news.
Now With Added Bekk!
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Posted: Aug 24 2004, 12:55 AM
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The Tropics of Vilita have issued a formal decree to the head of state in Krytenia::


Fairthy Leaders to the South, We Salute You.

However, We would like to express our concern at the upcoming Olympic Games in Avid-Diord. With Increased hostile activity in the South-East Vilitan Cove, Our Athletes, and Our People are worried that the city Avid-Diord will be a safe place to prove their athletic talents. While we appreciate your efforts to aide Abattoir in an effort to prevent the spread of the, we also have concerns that these actions have brought undo aggressive attention to the Krytenian states. We support the noble moves by Crystilakere and Starblaydia, and hope that this situation can be resolved with the utmost speed.

The Gladiatoral Select
-Tropics of Vilita

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Posted: Aug 24 2004, 05:46 AM
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Chairman Everton Davis has issued the following statement to the Vilitan Head Of State:

"We have attempted diplomacy, however the nations to our west are steadfastly refusing. However, after your plea was received, we have decided to halt all military actions for the sake of the Olympic Spirit.

We sincerely hope that Xile and Novvs Atlantis will at least keep a temporary ceasefire for this reason. We do not want to see innocent lives lost, or neutral nations dragged into this conflict."
Now With Added Bekk!
Posts: 661
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Posted: Aug 24 2004, 09:36 AM
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With the release of the Xilian message, Abattoir will be suspending its attempts at peace. We will not incite hostilities, but will prepare for them.
Pinprick of Apathy
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Posted: Aug 24 2004, 01:11 PM
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Waiting for the national broadcast to begin, Honored Leader Kain sat behind her desk, in front of the Ainorpispian flag. She had been quite busy of late, preparing for this address, reviewing the Ainorpispian Olympic athletes, and a letter that had just arrived from the Lamoni government. The latter was to wait until she had finished her speech to the people of her nation. Taking a deep breath, she watched as the cameraman counted down to the beginning of the broadcast. 3... 2... 1..

NANN presents a live broadcast from the national capitol, Sarmatia, by the Honored Leader...

Good evening, fellow Ainorpispians. I am honored to be addressing you from this place, full of the history of generations past. Only recently was I elected Honored Leader by the High Council, but I trust in the Golden Path to guide our judgements as a people and as a nation.

We live in a distressed world, where certain nations have turned to open armed conflict to solve disputes. The bombing of another nation's capitol and the destruction of a national landmark such as a presidential palace are not a healthy way to get a point across. Things that can be solved with diplomacy should never result in the outbreak of war. Even as I speak, the nations of Xile, Krytenia, Abbatoir, and Novvs Atlantis sit upon the brink of all-out war. While Ainorpisp understands the need of Xile to respond to an attack upon their soil, we are concerned about any further spilling of blood.

Some nations, however, have kept a level head in this situation, and have taken their own steps to help bring an end to the conflict. Starblaydia has sent forces to ensure that neither side attacks the other, to preserve the peace. I would like to take this moment to thank them for their efforts in that respect. Our closest friends, the Free Republic of Lamoni, have chosen to remain neutral, and that is also what our nation has decided to do. This is not our battle to fight, and we will not be dragged into a war that does not concern us. Not one drop of our blood will be spilled when our interests and safety are not threatened. To put it bluntly, Ainorpisp will follow the mantra we have always followed: Ainorpisp never goes to war because we want to, we only go to war because we have to.

This year, our region will be holding its first Olympic Games, an event that we hope brings together the international community and creates a better understanding of our neighbors. Ainorpisp will be sending a large team of athletes to Avid-Diord, the host city of the Games, once their safety is assured. With the host nation involved in the aforementioned situation, we fear for the well-being of all competitors while open conflict is still a possibility. Therefore, I have decided that until both sides of the conflict agree not to engage in war during the Games, Ainorpisp's athletes will stay home. This position will change if their safety can be assured by the Krytenian government, however.

May the Golden Path guide us all and bless our Ainorpispian motherland. Thank you, and goodnight.

As the broadcast switched to an image of the national flag waving proudly while the national anthem played, Elana Kain motioned the cameraman out. Now that her address was completed, she would return to other pending business.

"Bring in the letter from Lamoni, please," she asked of her aide, who went to do so.
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Aug 24 2004, 05:57 PM
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President Matt was awaiting his own address to his people. He had refused makeup as he thought that it was dishonest. That he looked good normally was all that really mattered. He had agreed to let the presidential barbers style his hair, though.

"We are on in ten seconds, Mr. President."

Precisely ten seconds later, the show started.

"Welcome to LBC's World News Sunday. I am Tim Brognola, and with me today, is President Matt. Welcome to the show, Mr. President."

"Thank you Tim. It's always an honor to be on your show."

"Mr. President, it looks as if the Xile/NA vs. Abattoir/Krytenia situation could bring violence at any moment. What is your response to that?"

Ready to make his statement, President Matt got to the point:

"Tim, as you know, Lamoni is neutral in this conflict. The only reason that we would get involved is if one of the parties in this conflict targeted either us or our Aninorpispan allies. Other than that, Lamoni will not shed the blood of it's citizens in a conflict in which we have no quarrel. We hope that the hostilities will stall long enough that the Aolympics in Krytenia can move ahead as scheduled. However, we will keep our athletes in Lamoni if their safety cannot be assured while competing in Krytenia. It is our sincere hope that the Starblaydi intervention will help to keep matters within the diplomatic arena instead of open war, but we shall see what happens."

"It's been rumored that we have sent Ainorpisp a proposal to improve thier notoriously unreliable telephone system, Mr. President. Is there any truth to these rumors?"

"The Free Republic, acting in conjunction with our national telephone service companies, have indeed sent Ainorpisp a proposal to improve thier national telephone system by installing a new satellite national phone system. A Foreign Ministry official is on his way to Ainorpisp at this very moment to discuss this matter. It is strategically important to have reliable communications with both allies and enemies at all times. Otherwise, misunderstandings have been known to lead to wars."

After the interview had concluded with questions on various domestic issues, President Matt then went to NIA headquarters to find out what Lamoni's intelligence services had found out about the crisis.

Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Sep 6 2004, 09:38 PM
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Making it back to the Lamoni Presidential palace from NIA HQ, the first thing that President Matt did was to think about what was going on in the South Cove conflict. He knew that a temporary ceasefire was in effect due to the Aolympics. He also knew that the conflict would likely heat up again once the Aolympics were over. Mulling the problem over, President Matt suddenly saw a possible way to end the conflict. He sent for the ambassadors of all the nations involved in the conflict to date (NA, Xile, Krytenia, Abattoir, and Starblaydia), in order to send a message to each nation. Still, he had the Starblaydi ambassador come in early, as Starblaydia was neutral, and President Matt had some things he wanted to discuss with the Starblaydi's before the others showed up.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Sep 7 2004, 10:11 AM
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In accordance with the severity of the situation, Foreign Minister Lord Isaac M.C. Chisoko was sent to Lamoni's Presidential Palace, with orders to find a peaceful solution ot the situation.

"Mister President," Isaac said. "The Lord-Protector of Starblaydia wishes for a swift and peaceful solution to this, believing that a diplomatic dialogue can smooth out the current tensions in the South Cove area. We know that Abattoir and Krytenia made the first aggressive moves and now wish to distance themselves from a full-scale conflict.

"I believe an airing of grievances and standing down of forces on both sides would aid this aciton. Do you have any comments on this, or anything you fell should be added to a peaceful proposal?"
Also available in purple
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Posted: Sep 7 2004, 05:28 PM
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The nation of Xile has decided to agree that peace talks are the only way to resolve this issue. However, Xile only agrees to the talks under these conditions...
  • the meeting be held on neutral territory
  • the building be soundproof and in an isolated area to avoid attack
  • that ambassadors and leaders not be notified of the location of the meeting until arrival
  • President Lauir himself will be attending the meeting as a sign of good faith, and hopes the other parties (Abattoir, Krytenia, AORDO leader, the neutral nation, and Novvs Atlantis) will follow suit.

If these conditions are met by a neutral nation who volunteers, the president will meet with the other leaders whenever convenient.
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
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Posted: Sep 7 2004, 06:10 PM
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This should be a starting ground to the talks.

This post has been edited by Xile on Sep 7 2004, 06:12 PM
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
Posts: 358
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Posted: Sep 7 2004, 06:13 PM
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Prime Minister Lavinsky has agreed to your stated terms and will eagerly cooperate with the proposed plan.

Pinprick of Apathy
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