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AOCAF 19 - RP Thread
Posted: Mar 20 2007, 04:30 PM
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Croeso y Bettia!!

The Football Association of Bettia welcomes the nations of AO for this, the nineteenth installment of the Atlantian Oceania Cup of Association Football.

We don't do defence
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Posted: Mar 20 2007, 06:55 PM
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OOC: This post stretches the boundaries between the world outside of AO, and the world inside of AO, and the context of the post is to be assumed to have been written by an outsider comparing history as they know it along side the nations of Vilita & Turori, and not of a citizen of Vilita or Turori speaking solely of their own history.

Eel-Cat Thing: Is it really possible?

When the great sporting powers of Vilita & Turori announced they would be combining forces in regional competition beginning in AOCAF XVI, many were shocked, not only by the fact that two leading nations would be re-combining after 15 seasons of competing seperately, but also by the combination of mascots that the two nations presented. Vilita, traditionally represented by the Jungle Cat, a land-based mammal of the feline species and water-shy by nature, combined with Turori, represented by the Eel, an Anguilliform of the fish species typically found near the floor of a body of water, a place that no cat has likely ever tread.

The odd combination quickly brought up the question of whether or not these two animals had, in fact, ever found themselves in contact with one another in nature. Early research provided few clues, but we can reveal for the first time, the answer to this question. Prior to the combination of Cats and Eels on the regional football stage in Atlantian Oceania, only 6 times, 6 times throughout all history, had the two animals ever been combined in any way, shape or form. But were this combinations natural, or manufactured?

Without question, the most famous combination of the Eel and Cat came surprisingly long ago, nearly 400 years, in fact, when one Judith Leyster produced a peculiar painting with oil on a 59x49 panel. This painting was long believed to be the only instance in history where an Eel and Cat were together at once, a fact which is now apparent to be un true. But, were an Eel and a Cat actually together at the time of this painting? Was the painting produced as a result of an actual situation in which a Boy was holding a cat in one arm, and an eel in the opposite hand? Or was the painting purely the obscure fantasy of its artist?

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One clue may lie in the Eel, and its relationship with the little girl. In the boys left hand, the Eel appears to be arcing in the direction of the little girl. To maintain such an arc, it is necessary for the Eel to have been depicted as though it were alive. If this was however, a depiction of an actual event, is it unlikely that the girl, no older than 8 years, would have been quite so cheerful and curious with a live, squirming and gooey Eels hovering in the general vacinity of her ear. It is also strange how the girl is not focused either on the Eel or the Cat which is also nearby. These facts seem to indicate, that at least some imagination on the artists part was required in the creation of the painting, and as a result, it is indeterminable whether any portion of the painting is actually a depiction of a real event which saw an Eel and a Cat in the arms of the same holder.

It would be over 370 years before the next depiction of a cat and an Eel would occur. Whether the origins were tribal, religious or simply pleasure related, an image exists where the headdress of an eel is positioned directly beside the headdress of a cat. These masks were created with the purpose of spirit dancing in mind. But, again, there is no way to know whether the inspiration for the creation of the cat and eel masks was physical in nature or fantasical in the mind.

Such is the case with other instances as well, such as the comic book cat who drags an eel behind him on an unknown path, or the childs learning board which depicts both the cat and the eel, describing them with the most succinct of definitions. Though not intended to be read together, seperated by the existence of the dog, the cat and the eel are positioned beside each other on the childs learning board, with the descriptions "Cats have whiskers" and "An eel is a long fish" respectively. The objective was designed to teach children the letters, cat staring with the letter 'C' and eel starting with the letter 'E' in the alphabet.

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There is even an instance in which the term 'eel-cat' is used. Eelman Records, a label which produces records of blues recordings to a local island population. While it is not known why the company chose the Eel as their mascot, in a space saving attempt, they chose to additionally trim the word "Eelman" to "Eel" and "Catalog" to "Cat" during the production of their official Eelman Records Catalong, referred to as the 'eel-cat'. While there is no correlation between the two animals in question in this example, it is the only known instance in which the phrase "eel cat" has ever previously been formed.

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These, however, only account for 5 of the 6 historical instances in which eel and cat had been previously paired. Recent discoveries in the eel-cat research field have uncovered one more, most amazing image. Unlike all previous images, which depict only illustrations or reproductions of the two unlikely animalia cohorts, this image was in fact a photograph.

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A living, breathing cat frozen in time with an eel, presumably just caught, positioned at its left front paw. Further research about the origins of the photograph confirms, with eyewitness testimony, that the cat did in fact interact with the eel, with the cat 'trotting... with (the eel) in (his) mouth'. To date, this is the first and only known instance in history of interaction between a cat and an eel. while obviously rare, fans of Vilita & Turori can take some relief in knowing that their mascot, while improbable, is no longer a complete and total myth as may previously have been assumed.
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Posted: Mar 21 2007, 12:37 AM
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A video broadcast from the office of the coach of the Ulzaxid team. On the screen is a creature unlike any that has ever been seen before. It is an about 8 and a half feet tall bipedal organism. The creature has wings covered with feathers, a prehensile tail and a body covered in a kind of slime. It also is quite massive to go along with it's height and has long claws at the end of it's hand. Despite it's massive size it exudes a sense of grace and agility. It begins to speak:

"Hello, all nations of Atlantian Oceania. We are excited to forge a friendship with you all. Although I don't have a name for the purposes of this cup I will be using the name Stuart Abdul-Rahim, after the great Bettian manager. Please don't be alarmed by my appearance. Although in my natural form I can pack quite a wallop as you'd say we don't like to commit acts of violence. As long as we aren't provoked their will be no problems. Which is our sincere hope. Also, please understand that I am a full morph, and that the players on the team will not be playing in full morph form, as that would provide an unfair advantage. Instead we will be playing in a number of different smaller forms."

Two different animals walk into the room. One looks like a big monkey covered in slime and the other looks like a mixture between a ferret and a monkey covered in slime, bigger than just the monkey-looking thing by itself

"Allow me to introduce two of the players for my team as well as the two main forms we will take during the competition. This one (pointing to the just monkey) is known as Marc J. Floren. It is the standard form that most of my players will be using. The second will be referred to as Khim Azanulbizarn for the purposes of this competition. The players in this form will naturally be more agile and athletic than the first form introduced. Ocassionaly we might use other forms, but these will be the main ones. We understand that it wouldn't be fair to use our full forms in this competition, so you will never face anyone like me."

"One more very important thing to note is that during the match we will be perfectly silent, as will our supporters. We don't communicate to each other through talking in the manner that you do. We are more than capable of communicating in that way, as you can see. We just don't. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. We're looking forward to a great tournament."
Scribe in Training
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Posted: Mar 21 2007, 01:41 AM
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"What odd creatures those Ulxa... Ozlax.. Uzlaxid.. Bah, whatever they are."

"It's Ulzaxid, and I think they are plaing quite reasonbly fair. They could use their form to achieve a stupendous advantage despite having very little experience in playing, I believe they also just signed up for the Baptism of Fire."

"Though, It's going to be a bit of a problem. They seem to be taking on the names of fames ex-players. From Bettia, Starblaydia... and I can't remember where Floren is from but I know he's famous."

"yeah, could cause a bit of a problem.... What group are they in?"

"Group C."

"Damn, that means they are in the same group as us and the Az-cz robbers."

"Gah, Who else is in our group?"

"Have you had BazSports turned off or something? We're with V&T (stupid Eel-Cat things), Krytenia (stupid Aces), Ereeland and 95-X as well as the previously aformentioned ones."

"oh.. Damn. V&T that';s gonna hurt. and Az-cz..."

"Well, at least we are still ahead of them in the AOCAF rankings. Though you gotta give it to Khim, Caine and Peter. They certainly did great with the gnomes and made them world players fairly quickly."

"Well, I hear that Peter was having some problems fitting in with Az-czid society being Orthodox and all."

"I wonder if he's going to leave?"

"I wonder why he hasn't left already."

"What about Caine?"

"How the heck should I know. It's not like Az-cz has announced he's leaving there coaching team or anything. I don't suppose it's out of the question but I don't really see anything pushing him in either direction."

"So... you are saying that unless dash-FA kick him out you think he'll stay?"


"Okay so what do you think of the group. Well, We have V&T, Az-cz, and Krytenia. If this was in the WC 2 talented teams that would normally earn entry into the finals would be eliminated."

"But this is not the WC this is the AOCAF..."

"I know... I think it will go as seeded. Az-cz seemingly unable to do well in the AOCAF despite their huge performance in the WC."

"So V&T and Bazalonia are the top 2 with Krytenia and Az-cz rounding up the top 4?"


"So how much money you gonna bet?"

"A tenner and your on."


*Shake hands*
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Mar 21 2007, 02:08 AM
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Many in Atheistic Right that saw the Ulzaxid broadcast saw the creatures as the pinnacle of evolution, the goal for humanity to achieve many many centuries if not millennia.

Meanwhile others had their attention turned to the team who did reasonable well considering their rank during the World Cup Qualifiers and did amazingly well during the Cup of Harmony missing out on a spot into the knockout range by H2H results.

AFA knew that good results in the WC meant little in the AOCAF but it would be like startinf from scratch all over again, but AFA didn't mind it was another chance to show the world just how much Atheistic Right had changed.

For the first time in a long history Atheistic Right is going to struggle to make the round of 16. With 28 teams, the first 4 in each of the 4 groups of 7 are going to progress through this leaves Atheistic Right seeded 6th just behind Schaivonia who have just moved into AO.

Atheistic Right
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Posted: Mar 21 2007, 06:23 AM
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Myrtannian born Lamonian AOCAF Coach America Mcnany was reveiwing the teams that the Hawks would face in AOCAF XIX.


Manhattan Prime

It appeared as though the Hawks had been cast into a relatively easy group, with only Sarzonia known to be able to put up determined resistance, and Delesa not to be underestimated. She knew that many in Lamoni were curious about the nations of Demot and Delesa, and would watch that match just out of curiousity. The two nations were thought to be somewhat alike, even though most knew that that statement was wrong. While the Hawks had faced most of the teams in the group before, there were some they hadn't, so Coach Mcnany would make sure that the team would work just as hard as they had in winning the last two AOCAFs fairly; despite what other nations said or thought. No one had raised a fuss when V/T and the Hawks had faced each other in the AOCAF XVI finals, after all.

When she was done reading up on the available files of the other teams in Group D, an assistant handed the coach a new file. As she looked inside, she saw that it contained a description of the Hawk. Amused, she read on; figuring that this was some private Lamonian citizen's attempt to shoot back at the V/T Eel-cat thingy announcement.

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The term HAWK refers to birds of prey in any of three senses:

Strictly, to mean any of the species in the bird sub-family Accipitrinae in the genera Accipiter, Micronisus, Melierax, Urotriorchis, and Megatriorchis. The large and widespread Accipiter genus includes goshawks, sparrowhawks, the Sharp-shinned Hawk and others. They are mainly woodland birds that hunt by sudden dashes from a concealed perch. They usually have long tails and high visual acuity.

More generally, to mean small to medium-sized birds that are members of the Accipitridae, the family which includes the true hawks (Accipiters) and also eagles, kites, harriers, buzzards, and Old World vultures.

Loosely, to mean almost any bird of prey.
The common names of birds in various parts of the world often use hawk loosely. For example, in North America, the Buteos are called "hawks".

In February 2005 the Canadian scientist Dr Louis Lefebvre announced a method of measuring avian IQ in terms of their innovation in feeding habits. Hawks were named among the most intelligent birds based on this scale.

Hawks are believed to have vision as good as 20/2, about eight times more acute than humans with good eyesight. This is because of many photoreceptors in the retina (Up to 1,000,000 per square mm, against 200,000 for humans), a very high number of nerves connecting the receptors to the brain, a second set of eye muscles not found in other animals, and an indented fovea, which magnifies the central part of the visual field.

This post has been edited by Lamoni on Mar 21 2007, 06:24 AM
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Mar 21 2007, 06:25 AM
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The Schiavone Scribe
Squad still missing

Schiavonia's squad from World Cup 33 have still not returned home. Neither have the officials of the SFF.

It's something that has gotten many locals worried. Not a single player has been seen since Schiavonia moved to Atlantian Oceania last year. Indeed, all of the Scribe's football correspondents were with them, and so have also not been seen in months.

Which is a problem, as Schiavonia have been entered into the regional tournament of their new home, AOCAF. The nineteenth edition of which is to be held in the most fitting of nations, that of World Cup holders Bettia.

But who is going to play, manage and administrate the team?

Well, a Schiavone squad is set to be announced with players who were not quite good enough for the first team squad. While some might think of this as not being a true representative side, apparently it is the done thing by many teams in the region. And if these guys are needed for the next World Cup, then they need all the practice they can get, anyway.

There is also no problem on the coaching side. Former Sloths defender Nicolai Ferreira will be team manager for the tournament.

The main problem is on the administrative side. The SFF HQ has been empty for over a year, now. Well, apart from the security guards looking after the place. Rodney Lowe, chief of the SFF, has not been seen since leaving Az-cz afte the World Cup. Although you probably gathered that from the rest of this report so far.

As it is, former broadcaster Mike Jones, a good friend of Lowe's, has taken temporary charge. Jones has recovered from a cycling accident and psychological problems to take the post.

Of course, we'd go into more detail, but as we have no football writers on the staff at the moment, either, this report is being written by the Scribe's receptionist. And here's my preview of Schiavonia's group.

Bettia are the World Cup holders, and are also ranked as the second best team in AOCAF tournaments. Probably the favourites to win the whole thing and keep Bettia on the glory trail because of their home advantage. If they win their second AOCAF here, it could be the start of world domination!

Pacitalia have never really taken the world stage by storm, preferring to keep their team for the AOCAF tournament. And it obviously does them well, as they're seen as one of the better teams in this group. Will probably have too much for an inexperienced Schiavone team.

Nedalia have flattered to deceive in recent years, and no doubt the sloths will be looking to mske the most of thier opportunity against a team who appear to be on the way down. By their standards, anyway.

Aurendia burst onto the international scene a few years ago, but then started to faulter. Obviously, they've been having a decent time of it here in AO, and should do OK in the group, but pretty obviously not a major threat beyond that.

Schiavonia are... well, us. This is our first ever AOCAF, what with only being here for a short while. Hopefully we'll do OK, and our attacking style will hold us in good stead.

Atheistic Right are more famous for imposing their lack of beliefs on others than they are for their sporting prowess. And I only said that so I could use a cool word like prowess. So good, I used it twice!

Capitalizt SLANI are apparently in their first ever AOCAF, too. This comes as quite a surprise to us here at the scribe, as they've been hanging around Atlantian Oceania for a few years more than we have. Maybe we've just got our facts wrong.

Well, those are the teams in Schiavonia's group. Apparently, many fans have high hopes of reaching the knockout stages, although these are probably false hopes given by a half-decent run in the World Cup. Considering that these are different players in a different tournament... we don't know what to expect!
Scribe in Training
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Posted: Mar 21 2007, 10:24 AM
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Noz-Tf: Coach Hawdon has called this press conference today to discuss his and coach Khim's future as Az-cz coaches.

Hawdon: I'd like to thank Noz-Tf for his support. He has been a wonderful help to me and coach Khim and I appreciate it very much. Today I am announcing that both coach Khim and I will be stepping down from our positions on the Az-cz coaching staff. We both absolutely treasured are experiences here in Az-cz, but we felt that three cups was enough. We've accomplished what we set out to do, which is make Az-cz a world power. We both just felt it was about time to return home.

Reporter 1: Does falling short in the finals have anything to do with this decision?

Hawdon: No, but making the finals did. We began to consider this after we beat Schiavonia, but when we controlled Demot we both knew that the team was there and they didn't need our help anymore and we wouldn't be letting them down if we left.

Reporter 2: Was there any problems between you and Noz-Tf?

Hawdon: None whatsoever. Their was great comraderie between all of us. Me and Khim got along well and so did the rest of the team.

Noz-Tf: I totally agree. I wanted them to come back. This was their decision made for reasons having little to do with the team.

Reporter 3: Is there a possibility you or coach Khim will return to Az-cz at some point in the future?

Hawdon: Possible, but I doubt it. I want to go back to Bazalonia and Khim certainly won't come back. The stress of coaching a top 10 team isn't something he wasn't to deal with anymore. He's at the point where he only wants to coach teams he thinks he can make great. The

Reporter 4: What about coach Hobble?

Hawdon: He also will be leaving the squad. He enjoyed working with the team, but just couldn't meld with Az-czid society.

Reporter 5: Coach Hawdon, do you think you will look for coaching work soon.

Hawdon: I won't be looking. If a good position in Bazalonia is available I'll take it, but I'm fine to sit out a while until the right job comes along. After this wonderful experience I don't just want to jump into any situation.

Reporter 6: Noz-Tf, what about coaches for the Az-cz team.

Noz-Tf: For the upcoming AOCAF in Bettia, we will be leaving the team in the hands of Zax-Im. For world cup 34, we're currently in the process of hiring that coach. Hopefully we'll have more news by the end of this competition.

Reporter 7: Coach Hawdon, what advice do you have to the Az-cz players and the next coach.

Hawdon: My main advice to the next coach would be that maintaining a good atmosphere is very important. This squad, even more than most, lives and dies by teamwork and preperation. As to the players, just keep working hard and believe in themselves. The disappointment of that finals loss will be hard to shake, but if they keep trying they'll have more chances.

Noz-Tf: Thanks for those words coach. Once again we thank you for your wonderful service and wish you and coach Khim best of luck in the future.

Hawdon: We've had a wonderful stay. Our treatment here has been exemplary. I'll remember my time here for the rest of my life.
Senator in Training
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Posted: Mar 21 2007, 10:31 AM
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Az-cz Scroll

Into the mouth of the tormentors

After a world cup where the Az-czid team was throughly tormented by Bettian teams it seems appropriate that the next competition would be in Bettia. While things would have to break in a strange way to give the Gnomes a chance at revenge against the Bettians, the young Gnomes at least hope to make a positive impression on their rivals home turf.

With the senior squad advancing to the finals the AOCAF squad will be a lower level squad indeed. Only bench players from that squad will be here in Bettia. Instead the team will once again deploy a youth team, hoping for improvement that will help the team in upcoming cups.

Even more than that however, is the testing of former national team captain, Zax-Im. Captain of the first Az-cz squad ever to make the world cup proper, he has shot up the coaching ranks very quickly, helping the squad in World Cup 33 and now earning the right to guide this young squad through their matches. Indeed with such a young squad and manager this team will truly just be playing for pride here in Bettia.
Senator in Training
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Posted: Mar 21 2007, 11:47 AM
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OOC: It's Az-cz, not Az-Cz. The C isn't capitalized.

Az-cz Scroll

AOCAF 19 Predictions

Well it's time for me to once again make a bunch of random guesses that have little to no correlation on the actual outcome. I finally did get one right, predicting Bettia to win the final in my pre-cup predictions ( Of course I didn't have enough confidence to stick with them like I should have, but at least I recognized they were a good team. So I'm getting better. On with the show.

Group C - Group of Death

This would be our group. Let's take a look at the teams we've got here.

Vilita & Turori, Bazalonia, Krytenia, Az-cz, Ereeland, 95X, Ulzaxid

Hmmm.... let's see we've got four teams that made the knockout rounds or better last cup. Not good. Vilita & Turori is always strong in the AOCAF. Bazalonia is part of the triumverate of Bs that make us pay for replacing them with a dash, and Krytenia, the number one team in the world going into last cup. Hmmmm.... bad news that. Vilita & Turori ought to rise to the top, I think the aces will use this cup as a kind of last hurrah and climb to second, and there's no way one of our killer Bs will lose to us. Which means that basically we're fighting to hold off the bottom. 95X looks spirited and should move up to fifth, with us holding them off. Ulzaxid are weird creatures who don't seem to know much about football. In their normal form they're downright scary but the "monkey+" form is just a big monkey. Shouldn't be a problem. And Ereeland on the bottom.

So then over to our opposite group, Group D.

Group D - Make it a triple?

Here are the teams in group D:

Lamoni, Demot, Nojika, Delesa, Manhattan Prime, Ubundi, Sarzonia

Well clearly Lamoni as two time defending champs is the team to beat. Although Demot ought to give them a challenge their positions oughn't change. I think Sarzonia will suprise everyone by coming back to live and smoking up to third and leaving Nojika disappointed in fourth. Manhattan Prime stays in fifth pushing Delesa down two spots to sixth and Ubundi in dead last.

Then over to Group A

Group A - Hosting priveleges

The teams joining Bettia in group A:

Bettia, Pacitalia, Nedalia, Aurendia, Schiavonia, Atheistic Right, Capitalizt SLANI

This is definitely a strange strange group. We've got the hosts and world champs who will run away with the group. Then we've got the intelligence challenged but AOCAF skilled Pacitalians who will finish second. We think that the crazy sports mad Schiavones will finish third, even without all of their squad, who left Az-cz but haven't seemed to have turned up anywhere. Stealing the fourth spot is the other group of godless heathens Atheistic Right. Nedalia holds on to fifth, Capitalizt SLANI in sixth and our Baptism of Fire mates Aurendia hugely disappoint in falling to seventh.

Group B - Children of a lesser god

This group has plenty of strong teams, but not quite the recent success of groups A and D. Here are the teams:

Starblaydia, Hypocria, Milchama, Quakmybush, Amarenthe, West Pasco, Jasi'yun

I hope Quakmybush rises up to win this group. A great time was had by Az-czzers in arranging the cup with the Quakmybushians and we hope they fulfill their potential at some point. With Starblaydia and Milchama on their way down and Hypocria being a question mark as always, we think the Sharks will rise up. The Purple Peril will still ring in second, with Hypocria and Milchama slotting in behind. Jasi'yun up to fifth, Amarenthe in sixth, and West Pasco, whoever they are, in seventh.

That would set up second round matchups of

Bettia v Milchama
Krytenia v Sarzonia
Quakmybush v Atheistic Right
Demot v Bazalonia
Vilita & Turori v Nojika
Pacitalia v Hypocria
Lamoni v Az-cz
Starblaydia v Schiavonia

Milchama, a team, like us, with a long history of futility against Bettia will once again suffer at the feet of the Aroras. Krytenia wins the battle of two long time nations. Quakmybush thrumps Atheistic Right in the biggest mismatch of the second round and Bazalonia ends Demot's AOCAF earlier than the Demotians would hope. Vilita & Turori easily deal with Nojika, while Pacitalia is too much for Hypocria in a battle of non world-cuppers. We battle but end up falling short of the Hawks, not able to derail their quest for three, and Schiavonia pulls off the upset of the round knocking out Starblayida.

The quarterfinals then provide these matchups:

Bettia v Krytenia
Quakmybush v Bazalonia
Vilita & Turori v Hypocria
Lamoni v Schiavonia

The hosts keep their quest for a pair of titles going with a win over the aces. Bazalonia once again proves they're better than Quakmybush with a tight win in the quarterfinals. Vilita & Turori handle Hypocria easily enough and Lamoni's easily stops cinderella Schiavonia, a strange title for the #5 team in the world.

In the semis the matchups are:

Bettia v Bazalonia
Vilita & Turori v Lamoni

In the battle of two of our biggest adversaries, and the two remaining legs of the killer Bs, the hosts triumph over the Bazalopes, advancing to a finals on their own pitch. Vilita & Turori finally puts an end to Lamoni's winning ways in a match that had been a finals in both AOCAF 16 and AOCAF 17.

That leads to a finals of Bettia v Vilita & Turori with an undercard of Bazalonia v Lamoni.

The Lamonians easily win the third place playoff, finishing with a win and lamenting (Lamonting?) how close they came to a third consecutive title. Meanwhile Bettians are made to feel like Az-czzers, albeit on a smaller level, as they watch the Vilitans & Turorians celebrate on their pitch in front of them.
Senator in Training
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Posted: Mar 21 2007, 05:47 PM
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Matchday 1
95X vs. Bazalonia (Pajajaran Stadium, Subarnas)

Matchday 2
Bazalonia vs. Krytenia (Stamping Ground, Lorshill)

Matchday 3

Matchday 4
Bazalonia vs. Vilita & Turori (Alice Street, Butetown)

Matchday 5
Az-cz vs. Bazalonia (Pajajaran Stadium, Subarnas)

Matchday 6
Bazalonia vs. Ulzaxid (Pajajaran Stadium, Subarnas)

Matchday 7
Ereeland vs. Bazalonia (Stamping Ground, Lorshill)

Andrew Coulter, president of the BFSA, as James Gaines had become president of the WCC. Looked over the fixtures for the Bazalopes in the upcoming AOCAF he was thinking and pondering the matches and started to jot down some notes of the paper.

Next to their match against 95-X he wrote "95-who?... No real special preperation needed" He was confident that the team would be ready, for the coach. Which suddenly he realised. Eric Frankton, the coach of the Bazalopes wanted to go back to Drago FC. He had enough of international football and just wanted to go back to the A-league for now. But he had no idea who could take the position. He'd have to think about that. "WIN"

"Kryties are always dangerous. Be on guard." The Krytenian Aces needed to be taken seriously. The team has bucket loads of experience and is always a good chance. They better be careful. Bah... who to choose as coach... "DRAW

Next to the bye - he wrote, "Rest day, needed to prepare for next match"

Vilita and Turori - "Major threat, need to make the most of this match and the previous bye if we are going to dominate this group." The Eel-Cat things where going to be the Bazalopes toughest challenge. The Irony may just be that Bazalonia and Turori will be hosting the upcoming World Cup together as the hosts have yet to be announced. LOSS

Az-cz - "Robbers, should progress - though we can't take this team for granted." WIN

Ulzaxid - "No idea how to play - cakewalk in the dark blindfolded." WIN

Ereeland - "Errish will struggle - should see another Bazalonian dominated match" WIN

Predicted Points 13/18

It was then that BazSports had coverage of the Az-czid press conference. BazSports which is always on in the BFSA headquarters. After watching it. There was only one action that Andrew could take.

"Get Caine and Peter on the line, I've got a job proposal for them...."

Eating A Bazalope Burger
Posts: 774
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Posted: Mar 22 2007, 12:08 AM
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It had been several years since a Sarzonian national team competed on any stage. In fact, organisers were surprised when Vice President for Health and Athletics Jimmy Marshall called to ask them to send a team to AOCAF XIX. It had been seven long cups since Sarzonia hoisted the trophy under then-wunderkind Brett Hancock, and now he and most of the coaches and all of the players who were involved the last time Sarzonia competed internationally were gone.

Much had changed worldwide since President Mike Sarzo resigned abruptly, but so also had the football world. Many new nations came in and many old ones departed the scene between the last time a Sarzonian laced up boots and now.

No longer could Sarzonians harbour realistic expectations of hoisting a trophy. No longer could Sarzonians expect to win most of their matches by simply showing up. Of course, coaches and players for the Sarzonian national team never expected that anyway. It wasn't their nature.

But now was very different. The Sarzonian team that would compete now wasn't a team of "weekend footballers" that marked the inaugural AOCAF side that finished a surprising third. Instead, this Sarzonian team was a collection of players, most of whom suited up in the Sarzonian Football Confederation, but none of them played together on one national team.

All star matches were a very different animal for the players who played together on such outfits. The speed of match play would be much faster in this tournament, particularly in takil loving Bettia. Would Sarzonia at least credit themselves in their first match, which would take place on the second matchday? Or would the team embarrass themselves?

That question will soon be answered.
It's all about the Navy.
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Posted: Mar 22 2007, 12:21 AM
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Lamonian AOCAF Predictions

Marvin Godlevsky
Nephi Times
Gabalfa, Bettia

The appointed time for AOCAF XIX is drawing near, and fans all over the Free Republic are abuzz with the possibility of the Hawks winning their third straight. Everything seemed to be going for them; the two straight defeats of rivals Starblaydia, the two straight AOCAF cup wins, even the number one ranking in the region. The Lamonian players felt the eyes of the entire region on them, but it didn't seem to bother them. They knew that they had big targets on their backs, but they would just play in their accustomed style.

Which brings us to our predictions of how well that they will do:


Bettia - The hosts will likely dominate this group, and we expect them to do well in the knockouts as well. A Lamoni v Bettia final? Don't bet against it.

Pacitalia - Unless Bettia really stumbles, we can't see the Pacitalians making it above second place in this group.

Nedalia - Depending on how well our SDL allies play, they could either be second or third in this group.

Aurendia - On their best day, they can defeat anyone. We don't think that they will rise above fourth, though.

Schiavonia - One of the new teams, they have a long WC tradition. That might put them in fifth.

Atheistic Right - This is a nation that we helped to destroy sometime back, and we have no records of any previous footballing experience by this new AR bunch. Last place.

Capitalizt SLANI - One of two teams from Commerce Heights, they should just keep from the bottom of the group. 6th place.


Starblaydia - This team will be out for our blood after we've defeated them twice in important matches. It's quite likely that they will win this group, handing Hypocria a loss.

Hypocria - Second place, their only loss should come from Starblaydia.

Milchama - Maybe third if they play well.

Quakmybush, Amarenthe, West Pasco, Jasi'yun - We've lumped them together as these teams will all be trying to not finish last.


Vilita & Turori - Odds on favorites for winning this group.

Bazalonia - These guys don't have the most inspiring AOCAF record, but they might make the knockout cut. 4th place.

Krytenia - Never count the Kryties out of anything, unless it's a match against Starblaydia. Likely 2nd place.

Az-Cz - Second or third place depending on how they play vis a vis Krytenia.

95X - This is their second AOCAF, they should just avoid the group bottom.

Ulzaxid - These strange creatures have no AOCAF experience, but don't count them out. Last place.


Lamoni - Us. We should dominate this group.

Demot- Anywhere from second to fourth, depending on performance. We'd like to watch their match against Delesa.

Nojika - Underacheivers. They will likely place fifth, just missing the cut.

Delesa - Same as Demot.

Manhattan Prime - Should be edged out by Nojika to fit into sixth place.

Ubundi - We'd love to find out more about this AOCAF rookie team. Sixth or last, dependant on performance.

Sarzonia - This is another squad this is due for an awakening of AOCAF prowess. They could place anywhere from second to fourth.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Mar 22 2007, 12:32 AM
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"Alright folks, this is likely the last international tournament together for the core of this group, so we need to go out there and just play our game and give the veterans something magnificent to retire on. I know many of you are still recovering after our brillliant third place run in the World Cup last month, but that accomplishment will mean next to nothing if we come out and flop here. I know that we're going into the Champions land and that could be a slight mental challange, but by rising above the odds in the previous months, you have proved to me that no obstacle is above your skill when you set your mind to it."

The team soaked in the words of their coach, and pondered just what kind of legacy they could achieve if they made a deep run here. The likes of Ysman, Black, and perhaps the heroic captain Masteron would be retiring from international fixtures after this tournament, and many would think that a third place finish would be a good enough send off for this icons. Not for these heros of the pitch, these brave poineers of footy in Demot are still hungry and believe they have what it takes to bring back more glory for the fiathful in Demot. Those crazies who would paint themselves orange at the drop of a hat for the chance to watch the Dynamo in person. What would those supporters do if by some far chance the Dynamo won the AOCAF title?

"Coach is right uall, this is it, this is our time. We have one last chance together to prove we are trully one of the best squads in the world, and that our run was nothing more than a fluke. We owe our fans nothing less than perfection and I expect it from everyone, myself included. I know we might have the defending champions in our group, but so what. Sure we are headed to the World Cup champions country to play, but so what. Who would of thought that we would be anywhere near the top of the World rankings when we began our trek years ago, barely a moment in the history of footy. No one has believed in us during those times apart from our fans and we owe them one final run for glory. This is our time, and we must take the oppurtunity now while it presents itself so ripely.", and with the words of the captain, the squad began their training, getting ready for the rigors and possibly bliss that would be forthcoming.
Royal Scribe
Posts: 103
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Posted: Mar 22 2007, 01:11 AM
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Three Rivers Times
“Voted ‘Best Crossword Puzzle’”

Younger Raptors looking forward to AOCAF campaign

BETTIA - The 16th ranked Raptors will be headed to Bettia for AOCAF XIX, and while getting out of the first round is likely, placement in Group A means it will still be a difficult task. Among Aurendia’s Group A mates is host Bettia, ranked 2nd in the region and current holders of the World Cup. Bettia is expected to take first in the group, but a victory is possible for the Raptors, if only due to history. The Raptors and Bettia have met once before, during AOCAF XVI, with the result being a 2-1 upset victory for the Raptors. Second place will likely go to 6th ranked Pacitalia, 3-2 victors over the Raptors in the last AOCAF. The third and fourth place spots will most likely be filled by Nedalia and us, although it with 13th ranked Nedalia as close as they are to the Raptors, the exact order is wide open. Spots 5-7 will likely be filled by the three unranked nations in Group A. Atheistic Right was a regional football power long ago, but has since fallen out of the rankings and will struggle to finish higher than fifth. Schiavonia is a powerhouse in the World Cup, but as this is their first AOCAF, they might struggle, much like Capitalizt SLANI.

As for the Raptors themselves, this tournament will be a time of transition. Team captain Cassandra Campbell and her sister Ashley are the only players remaining on this squad who were there when the Raptors took second place in Baptism of Fire XXX, and they have each announced their retirement from international football when this tournament concludes. On the other hand, their niece Kara is one of a handful of college players on the squad, the first time an Aurendian national team has used college players, and a sign of a general youth trend that should keep the Raptors competitive in future tournaments.

Those awesome psychedelic Vilita and Turori jerseys are back. Sarzonia, Atheistic Right and other nations that dropped out of this tournament before we even existed are back. The Campbell sisters are back. Ulzaxid and their team of slime-monkey creatures have brought the name Pizelkaxrovsky back. Group A’s bringing sexy back. And after four long years, the AOCAF is back.
Scribe in Training
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