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Ignorance is Bliss
Posted: Sep 6 2007, 02:40 AM
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QUOTE (Spartuh @ Sep 5 2007, 06:50 PM)
We also object to Falcania's aggressive, sophomoric name-calling, in referring to our sovereign, independent state, as 'dubious'.
...It is unfortunate that the Falcanian government remains so immature, sophomoric, and pig-headed...
Now YOU'RE resorting to name-calling. Don't. If you want them to stop, you should refrain from doing the same. (In 95X, the other bus riders would push you off at the next stop.)

95X, who indirectly supports Falcania's claim to the island, notes that Falcania appears to have fulfilled all steps necessary in the 'Regional Map' thread to request expansion. 95X's motive for supporting Falcania's claim is due to the fact 95X does not currently have a spot on the regional map, and is concerned that special interests in the region are preventing nations from expanding or being placed on the map, which may block a future attempt being planned by 95X to request a spot on said regional map.
Additionally, according to today's UN rankings, Falcania is the 15th largest nation in Atlantian Oceania, with a population of 6.19 billion. Sptartuh is 63rd, with a population of 88 million.
Finally, 95X feels the regional map should've been updated immediately upon Sarzonia's cessation several months ago (OOC: That's the amount of time I've considered for the RL 5 days, give or take a day or two), as it was the only original opposition. The timely updating of the regional map (or a post indicating the claim was accepted and would be included on the next update) would've prevented the second claim from being made.
If this can't be agreed to, 95X, as a nation that does not stand to directly gain or lose from this dispute; feels that in accordance to the rules in the 'Regional Map' thread, that the case should be taken to a council who will make a final, binding decision. If not, then we propose that a 'double-majority' regional vote should be taken by all non-puppet nations that are members of the Atlantian Oceania Region on the RL date 9-6-07; with the options: "accept Sarzonia's claim" (nation cannot claimed by Falcania but can be claimed by someone else), "accept Falcania's claim," or "accept Spartuh's claim." As Atlantian Oceania currently has 64 nations (including puppets, which would not be allowed a vote), 32 would need to be eligible to vote one way or another, and of that minimum of 32, at least 50% would need to vote for someone's claim, or it should be proposed that Dimindokere should be claimed by the region as a whole (such as Eystrck, Tachbe, and Wapahkoneta), and unavailable to any single nation. A nation that doesn't vote within the alloted time (thinking RL dates 9-7-07 to 9-14-07) will be considered to have abstained and count against the 50% turnout majority.
Senator in Training
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Posted: Sep 6 2007, 02:55 AM
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QUOTE (Lamoni @ Sep 6 2007, 01:56 AM)
Also, your claim to Diamindokere has been rejected by most nations in the region; including Starblaydia, Sarzonia, and Lamoni.

3 out of 64 is not a majority - in fact, it's less than 5%.
That's why I think there should be a binding council decision, or a double-majority vote of all nations in the region.
Senator in Training
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Posted: Sep 6 2007, 08:00 AM
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OOC: There are fifty-one players in AO:
Amerigo Fidelis
Bazalonia/Atheistic Right/The Mice of Miceland
Bettia/Morgrugyn/Northern Bettia
Delesa/Southern Delesa
The demons from satan
Hockey Canada
The Islands of Qutar
Keyne Island
The Lowland Clans
Manhattan Prime
Nova Numidia
[NSWC Signups doesn’t count, as it’s not controlled by any single person]
Oceania Khailfah
Quakmybush/Bushes Been Quaked
Southeastasian Nations
Starblaydia/Nova Britannicus
Unified Capitalizt States/Lontorika

From this list, it doesn’t look as if getting twenty-six people to vote is realistic.

IC: Should any regional vote be held on the Diamindokere issue, the Capitalizt Defense Alliance requests that, as one of the primary military powers in the region, it be permitted to vote in place of its home nation, the Unified Capitalizt States.
Commerce Heights
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Posted: Sep 7 2007, 10:54 AM
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It seemed as though the Foreign Minister had taken a step back in time to Ancient Greece. She'd known who the Spartans were, but the classical architecture was still as grand today as it was in the past. Taking a cue from that, she ascended the steps and came to the double doors. The Foreign Minister was attractive, and knew that she was getting some well hidden stares from the guards. This put a smile on her face, lighting it up.

Once she got past the large double doors, she walked past the Spartan honor guard, to where the... she did a slight double take. Given the deference that the soldiers were giving the female teenager in front of her, it was clear that she was royal. Fortunately, she'd seen a poster during the ride from the airport with this image on it, but she thought that the poster had been joking when it said that this girl was the king. Apparently not.

"King Leonidas, the Free Republic extends it's greetings, and thanks you for the hospitality of your hall." She waited for a response.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Sep 13 2007, 10:58 PM
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The Kingdom of Spartuh will have it known that we still soundly reject the Falcanian claim to this island. We feel that, in the face of the opposition to the Falcanian claim by several prominent nations of the region, our claim is rightful. Zeus, the all-father of our Gods, guided us here. King Falcon is denying reality by claiming that an island that was once a nation of millions could suddenly become uninhabited at the snap of one's fingers.

Spartuh's claim to this island is supported by Lamoni, Delesa, Starblaydia, and Vilita, amongst others. We have been willing to discuss the matter with King Falcon in diplomatic talks. He has ignored and spurned these peaceful efforts. This is taken as an insult to the Spartun nation and people.

However, we Spartuns and our fellow Greeks like to place pride on our reason. Therefore, in the interest of reason, we call for a regional vote to solve the dispute once and for all. With the general apathy towards posting in regional dicsussion, we propose a simple majority vote, rather than a double-majority vote as proposed by another nation.

If this proposal is accepted, we will abide by the region's decision. We firmly believe that the region will side with our rightful, divine claim to this island, and resepect us as a new nation in the region. Older nations, we believe, may expand elsewhere, as suggested by our Starblaydi friends. If, however, the vote proves otherwise, we will consult the Gods and make our decision on where to move.


The young King looked up at the foreign minister of Lamoni and stared harshly for a few moments. So this was the woman sent to represent the distant Free Republic? From her appearance, she almost seemed unlikely to be a power broker - but how she carried herself said otherwise. As always, the Gods worked in mysterious ways.

Finally, the King nodded and answered, "You are most welcome, Foreign Minister, and I personally extend Spartuh's thanks for your nation's greetings and thanks. We are grateful for your support in these.. trying times."

"Shall we step inside for further discussions?" she suggested, gesturing to the long hall behind the door - which too was lined with more of the Royal Bodyguard. Leonidas moved inside without waiting for a response, and added, "Have you been told of our ancient tradition, the Agogi?"

Meanwhile, the Foreign Minister of Spartuh was busy sending a message to the very nation their current guest's nation was the arch rival of. Starblaydia had voiced support for Spartuh, and therefore must be part of these discussions. The small matter of a war could be ignored by the Spartuns. They'd not joined one side or the other.. yet. This might be an excellent opportunity to feel out both major alliances as well.

To: Starblaydi Foreign Ministry
From: Dellos Krestallos, Foreign Minister for the Kingdom of Spartuh

Many greetings and salutations to you and your great nation!  Firstly, allow me to voice my nation's thanks for your voiced support for the Kingdom of Spartuh.  Your support is rightful and just, and we believe it will only blossom into a fruitful relationship between Sparta and Jhanna.

In order to further strengthen this relationship, we cordially invite a representative of the Starblaydi government to visit our sovereign Kingdom.  He or she will be welcomed as a most honored guest, and be treated as such for the duration of their stay.  Two nations such as ours, following one strong leader, have much to share culturally, economically, and possibly politically.

We await your response with trepidation,
Dellos Krestallos,
Foreign Minister for the Kingdom of Spartuh
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Posted: Sep 14 2007, 02:10 AM
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Following along in the King's wake, Tanya responded "Yes, the word literally means 'raising,' and it refers to the methods used to raise Spartan male children to be soldiers. It involved separation from the family, cultivation of loyalty to one's group, loving mentorship, military training, hunting, education, dance and social preparation.

Girls also had a form of state education involving dance, gymnastics and other sport, together with other subjects. The aim here was similar to that of the agoge in that it aimed to make Spartan women the most physically attractive in the whole of Greece, and to enable them to bear healthy and vigorous children. Traits such as grace and culture were frowned upon, in favor of physical tempering and moral rectitude. Like the boys, a girl's education has been conjectured to include a sexual relationship with an older woman.

Spartan women wore the old-fashioned Peplos, open at the side, leading to banter at their expense among the other Greeks, who dubbed them phainomerides, 'thigh-showers.' At religious ceremonies, on holidays and during physical exercise girls and women were nude, even with the boys and men."

( Agoge )

By the time that she had finished with this long winded explanation, they had already ended up where the King had intended them to go.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Sep 16 2007, 01:43 PM
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King Falcon today sent a televised broadcast to the whole region, addressing King Leonidas of the nation of Spartuh.

The simple, black-dressed man stood at the podium, his beak surveying the press conference. He cleared his throat and the hubbub subsided. He took a quick drink of something green, and then began to speak.

"I, King Falcon II, note with great approval the courage of the small nation of Spartuh, facing up to a much larger and more powerful kingdom. Currently, military action against Spartuh would be unfavourable for the warriors of Falcania, besides which it would be a shame to better such brave fighters as those of the honorouable nation of Spartuh. Instead of threats, Falcania instead offers tribute to a fellow warrior nation. I personally offer the honourable warrior, King Leonidas, a gift of our military might, a donation of twenty-five flight-ready squadrons of the F-5 Bird of Prey, one of the most advanced multirole jet fighters in production today, to the Spartuhn air force. In return, I ask for Leonidas to be noble, and to please desist in laying claim to Falcanian territories."
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Sep 17 2007, 01:57 AM
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King Leonidas continued walking up towards the intended destination while the Lamonian foreign minister spoke. True, education was an important part of the Agoge - a true Spartun was expected to bear a strong mind as well as a strong body. Yet even with that, the long-winded explanation of the warrior training process was a little tiring for the young King. After all, she already knew what it was, having gone through it herself... twice. At least the Lamonian had done her homework. An igonrant foreigner would have been much more difficult to deal with.

Still, Leonidas was frank as usual in her response, "It is good to hear you know so much about our culture, but.. to be honest, you sound like an Athenian. But never mind that, we have much to discuss."

A couple of Royal Bodyguards, despite their intensive training, snickered at the Athenian comment. Leonidas glared at them, and the pair went silent and returned to a proper bearing. Sighing, Leonidas looked up at the foreign minister again and thought of another thing to add.

"And the thing about.. sexual relations with those of the same gender in the Agoge? Well.. that's what we like to call Roman propaganda. You see, we don't frown upon same-gender relationships, but we don't excatly encourage them, either. Bad for breeding," Leonidas added, just as a man in a smart business suit and neatly trimmed beard ran up.

"Y.. your highness. Urgent news," the man, whose hair was graying, gasped.

"What is so urgent that you would interrupt my discussions with the foreign minister of the Free Republic of Lamoni?" Leonidas demanded, clearly perturbed. Or as perturbed as a 13-year old girl with pigtails could look.

"It's the Falcanians, your highness. They're offering a compromise," the man answered.

"A compromise? Now that is news.. not that we'd be afraid to fight if we had to.. and not that we wouldn't take joy from going giant chicken hunting.. but there's no reason we can't be civil," Leonidas replied, clearly intrigued, then ordered, "But just in case, I want a representative sent to Kafra to begin discussions about our potentially gaining military friends in the region. Or at least to talk to the SDL about our position in the situation... in fact, send the Chief of Agoge Instruction.. yes, old Colonel Hercules should do nicely."

"It shall be as you wish," the man nodded, and rushed off to deliver the messages.

Meanwhile, Leonidas turned to the Foreign Minister and apologized, "I'm afraid this bears a reciprocal televised response. I'll return once it's been made to continue our discussions.. until then, I will send my own Foreign Minister to talk with you."

As the King said, so it was done. The King went off to her main office to make a major televised response. Foreign Minister Krestallos arrived a few minutes later, dressed in a Royal Army battle dress uniform, medals covering much of the left breast pocket.

"Ah, Minister Ley," he nodded to her - he was much taller than the King, and had a properly trimmed beard, as well as an eyepatch over his right eye, "What do you think of our Kingdom so far?"


King Leonidas of Spartuh today sent a televised broadcast to the region, but was pointedly directing her words at King Falcon.

In contrast to the black dressed simple appearance Falcon II had put forward, Leonidas was still in the full traditional armor and cloak, though the helm was nowhere in sight. Her hair now back in a proper braid, she sat before a large Spartan flag, flanked on either side by members of the Royal Bodyguard, their assault rifles at the ready.

"To all nations watching this broadcast, greetings. I am Leonidas, ruler of the sovereign Kingdom of Spartuh. Today, as you likely are already aware, King Falcon II extended his admiration of Spartun valor in the face of seemingly overwhelming odds. I would personally like to thank him for his words of praise. However, I also note with regretfulness the confidence he bears in the 'superiority' of his ground forces to Spartun warriors. But for now, I will not dwell on that for now."

"I am pleased to see that the Falcanian ruler is willing to talk rather than take rash action. However, if even the potential of invasion by Falcania is brought about, reason will have failed on King Falcon's end of things. From the very beginning of this situation, Spartuh has offered negotiations to resolve the dispute. We continue to offer diplomacy and negotiations as an answer - as King Falcon said, we are both warrior peoples. What good would it do to bleed each other?"

"Therefore, I am hereby extended a personal invitation to King Falcon II himself to meet me in the neutral territory to put together an agreement that satisfies both sides of this issue. I propose we meet in Kafra, at the headquarters of the Strategic Defense League. I call upon this organization, to which Falcania belongs, to help broker such an agreement. Spartuh is not declining the Falcanian offer, but merely wishes to discuss it face to face with King Falcon. Surely, a fellow warrior King can respect the wish of a counterpart."
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Posted: Sep 17 2007, 09:38 AM
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"Alert Baz-001, we may need it to get to Kafra. If King Falcon is going to accept this proposal by golly, I'm going to be there."

"He hasn't accepted it, yet."

"But trust me, if the Lamonians, Spartuns and Falconians really want to resolve this they are going to do it almost immediately it's the quick or the dead especially when it comes to meetings like this. While Lamoni has been, well, instrumental in arranging this I'm not letting Bazalonia slide down from it's position in regional politics. We where once the regional delegate for crying out loud and I'm going to make sure Bazalonia stays important."

"Or, you just want it to look like it."

"Either way means points during election."

Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Sep 17 2007, 12:37 PM
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Its been months since Nedalia had been mentioned in any sort of international news. The war on Hypocria was all but forgotten; stale-mates are never much fun. After the deadly Starblaydi attack on Honsfield, the Nedalian government, led by Yasmine Dala'a, had pretty much ceased international activity in the name of rebuilding from the inside out.

The economy was stronger than it had ever been, and the rebuilding efforts were ahead of schedule. Honsfield was beginning to resemble the beautiful coastal city it once was, with new projects appearing seemingly overnight. As for the Nedalian military, factories were rolling out weaponry, small and large, every day, making it one of the most fortified lands in the AO.

However, deceased President Bren once lobbied to make Kafra the HQ of the SDL, and it was thanks to him that Kafra became one of the most important cities in the region. So when word reached Dala'a that the SDL was to meet in the HQ just south of the capital, she had a direct, straight response:

"Prepare the city for the arrival of our allies. We have much to do."

Emperor in Training
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Posted: Sep 17 2007, 12:46 PM
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Falcon smiled in the seat of the Starling, and turned off the TV. He was growing to love this Leonidas. The man had balls, something which he thought had been increasingly scarce in regional politics lately. It'd be an honour to meet this man. His pilot had set a course for Kafra, and they were expected to arrive within the hour.
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Sep 17 2007, 06:46 PM
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President Stinson had been watching the televised broadcasts from both Falcania and Spartuh, and felt a ray of hope for the first time since this crisis had broken out. If Falcon had used military force on the Spartuns, Lamoni would have been forced (by public opinion) to withdraw from the SDL in order to kick some Falcanian ass.

Warplans had been updated; just in case there was need. Now, though; the government's massive sigh of relief could be felt throughout the Free Republic. They weren't out of the woods yet, but at least they could see a way through to avoid tearing the entire SDL apart. There was still the crumbling SAAS to worry about, as well. Everyone knew that they must have been laughing their asses off at the altercation; and plotting how to use it to their advantage. President Stinson was actually able to fall asleep on the flight to Kafra, which was the first time that he'd slept since this crisis had erupted. Now, it came down to finding some way to get those two to agree on a compromise.


Foreign Minister Ley didn't miss the snickering at the 'Athenian' comment. She had half expected it, as a matter of fact. Anyone who had studied Greek history knew that the Spartans of old thought that the Athenians were weak, and that too much education would distract one from their duties as a warrior.

She wasn't entirely sure how the present day balance of knowledge versus warrior training worked here, but she'd do her best to find out.

She was about to respond to the 'bad for breeding' comment when a man with a trimmed beard and smart suit interrupted. She listened to the exchange between the newcomer and the King; and she too started to feel the hope that President Stinson would feel after the television broadcast by the Spartun king.

After King Leonidas had left her, a man that she presumed to be the Spartun Foreign Minister walked up to her and introduced himself, asking what she thought of the Kingdom of Spartuh.

"What I have seen of the Kingdom is really quite beautiful," she said in the mien that diplomats used with one another. "Perhaps we can see more of it at a later date?"
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Sep 20 2007, 12:11 AM
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At King Leonidas' express orders, a man had been sent to Kafra to begin a meet and greet with the various nations represented by the SDL there. There was an ulterior motive beyond the Spartuh-Falcania meeting, but that could remain secret enough. Until it was time to hatch the plan before those nations. The man sent to represent Spartuh initially was Colonel Heracles (the King had confused him with another Colonel, named Hercules) - the man in charge of Agoge Instruction.

He was a gruff, tough old soldier who'd spent many years as a drill sergeant before getting promoted to officer's status. Like his King, Heracles didn't see any need to beat around the bush. Better to get straight to the point and tell someone you thought they were ugly than to try and make them feel better about themselves. At least that's how Heracles would put it.

Heracles was a tall man, with a militarily trimmed beard and crew cut. Decked out in Spartun BDUs, he was an imposing figure, and the medals and peaked cap he wore with the uniform only added to that. His dark hair showed only a few bits of gray, showing he was no spring chicken. Yet he was in impossibly good shape for his age, thanks to years of Spartun Army life.

The King would be arriving not long after him, but he was to be the Kingdom's first representative in Kafra. With him was a squad of Royal Army soldiers, which made him feel better about flying on the RAF transport. There were a pair of fighters escorting it as well, but like the transport, they were all piloted or crewed by Spartun women. Not that a Spartun woman wasn't tough, but a Spartun man was supposed to do the fighting and such.. unless it was in the air. Or on the water.

At any rate, the Spartun aircraft approached their destination, and the city of Kafra spread out underneath them. It was quite large, and therefore fairly impressive. As the RAF craft grew within a few minutes of their destination, the Colonel opened up a radio channel to contact those on the ground.

"Ground control, this is Colonel Heracles of the Royal Spartun Army, sent directly by King Leonidas to make contact with the SDL delegation in Kafra. Requesting permission to land," Heracles spoke bluntly, wishing he could just get on the ground and out of this contraption.


King Leonidas, having not heard any word from Falcon II on the proposed meeting, had decided to head for Kafra after all. If Falcon showed up, that would be the ideal result. If he shunned Spartuh again, then that would just make him look bad and further Spartuh's cause. Whatever the case was, Leonidas would be there.

So, about an hour behind Colonel Heracles, the King flew aboard another RAF transport, escorted by four fighters. On board with her were twelve trusted members of the Royal Bodyguard, all in their traditional Spartan armor. Leonidas wore the armor as well. She sat near the cockpit, watching out the window as the ground flew by underneath them. This was certainly going to be interesting... she'd find out whether Falcon would show in about 45 minutes.


Back in Spartuh, Foreign Minister Krestallos had a good laugh at the Lamonian woman's commenting on the scenery. He'd had a long conversation with a diplomat about making small talk, and that was one of the tricks he'd suggested. Find something positive to say if you could not say much else positively. It was amusing that he was seeing it play out here, with a foreigner. Still, the King would never forgive him if he wasn't civil in his dealings with her. She'd probably force him to take up professional baseball as a member of the Persians.. the worst team in the Spartun Baseball League. Baseball was fine, but the Persians were so badly named that no self-respecting Spartun would play for them; they were loaded with foreign players and non-Spartun Greeks who couldn't get on with the Athenians club.

"Yes, that could certainly be arranged," he answered her request, then offered, "I could even arrange for you to see an Agoge class.. or our fledgling national soccer team being pieced together... or we could take in an SBL contest. You see, sport exists even in Spartuh."
Posts: 13
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Posted: Sep 20 2007, 01:18 AM
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Like a thousand times before, the Starling touched down on the runway of the SDL compound. The nature of Falcon's visit on this occasion, however, was very different. He had no entourage and there was no crowd waiting to meet him. As the rotors ground to a halt, all became silent, and his footsteps as he descended the ladder and crossed the runway echoed throughout the compound. Step by step, he slowly made his way into the concourse of the main building.
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Sep 20 2007, 04:36 PM
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After receiving a helpful beep from his computer, General Ajamdáneqo went through his desk drawer to find his uniform’s insignia—he rarely bothered with it because everyone at CDA headquarters knew his rank, and the complex design was somewhat fragile—and took the nine hundred meter teleporter trip to the ground floor. Not being in any particular hurry that would justify the expense of international teleportation, he had a car waiting to take him to the small Aeropag International Airport, where he boarded a CDA plane which would soon depart for Kafra. After flying over the apparent demise of organized crime—er, “government”—in Sarzonia, and the foundations of a new Casaran government, the plane touched down at the SDL compound. The endless sprawl of Kafra was a sharp contrast to the intricately-connected glass structures of Aeropag, bounded by water on all sides, but he adjusted and found his way to the main building, where Falcon and some man named Heracles had already arrived.
Commerce Heights
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