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AOKCC Results/RP thread
Posted: Aug 16 2006, 01:58 PM
PMEmail Poster
The Gnomes of Az-cz are glad to announce the beginning of the first Atlantian Oceania Kleptochase Championships. We thank the eight nations that have signed up and welcome them to the competitions. We hope that they enjoy their experience here and decide to compete in future events. Unless any nations decide to sign up at the last minute, the draw, schedule and venues have been set.

Group A (Az-cz City)

Winston Smith - Winchestia
Joshua Trengrove - Bazalonia
Marty Kochenon - Milchama
Étienne Moreau - Oliverry

Group B (Az-cz City)

Viliama Riistamii - Vilita
Lumber StrongMouse - Miceland
Thoror Azrantahim - Starblaydia
Maria Heatherton - Bazalonia

Group C (Az-cz City)

Dazrim Barantibar - Starblaydia
Runner SprintMouse - Miceland
Schreider Martin - Milchama
Alfred St-Jacques - Quakmybush

Group D (Az-cz City)

Marian Luppers - Milchama
Ioalali Morai - Vilita
Martin Wilson - Winchestia
Andrew Rather - Bazalonia

Group E (Mil-Bax)

Yabai Tomoai - Vilita
Peter SneakyMouse - Miceland
Peter Harden - Bazalonia
Vladimir Petrovič - Quakmybush

Group F (Mil-Bax)

Gustave Roy - Oliverry
Joshua Hoffman - Quakmybush
Levi Jonasson - Winchestia
Ootaniz Riiatzor - Vilita

Group G (Mil-Bax)

Théophile Fournier - Oliverry
Andreas SteepleMouse - Miceland
Rudolf Giessen - Quakmybush
Khazrar Meterrzibarn - Starblaydia

Group H (Mil-Bax)

Davy Kinch - Milchama
Dallas Pederson - Winchestia
Nurri Tezbaktahir - Starblaydia
Jules Québécois - Oliverry

Due to the unknown status of all of the chasers competing, we will have very special format to this tournament. Before proceeding to the actual knockout round we will have six group matches. Like any group matches, these matches will be played until their is a winner. However we will be keeping track of the replays. For chasers with more wins than losses the more replays a chaser has the worse he or she will be ranked. For players with more losses than wins, the more replays a chaser has the better he or she will be ranked. In other words, replays will push you towards the middle. However a chaser with five wins will always be ranked ahead of a chaser with four wins. The results of the six group matches will be tallied and used to determine seeding for the knockout round.

Here is the schedule for the group stages:

Chase #1 Chaser #1 v Chaser #4 Chaser #2 v Chaser #3 Technique
Chase #2 Chaser #1 v Chaser #3 Chaser #2 v Chaser #4 Maze
Chase #3 Chaser #1 v Chaser #2 Chaser #3 v Chaser #4 Strength
Chase #4 Chaser #1 v Chaser #4 Chaser #2 v Chaser #3 Speed
Chase #5 Chaser #1 v Chaser #3 Chaser #2 v Chaser #4 Strength
Chase #6 Chaser #1 v Chaser #2 Chaser #3 v Chaser #4 Speed

Here is the schedule for the knockout rounds, all of which will take place in Az-cz city.

Round of 32 Maze
Round of 16 Speed
Quarterfinals Strength
Semifinals Technique
Finals Strength

There will be no reseeding after each round so that the winner of the team seeded 1st and the team seeded 32nd and the winner of the team seeded 16 and the team seeded 17th will meet in the second round, no matter what.

As a special bonus, the eight chasers who advance to the quarterfinals will automatically earn an exemption for all events on the Kleptochase tour for one year, and the other eight chasers who advance to the round of 16 will earn exemption to all of the majors. The 24 chasers who fail to make the quarterfinals will all also be invited to take part in tour qualifying.

We wish all chasers an enjoy experience and good luck. Remember "steal from those with, give to those without".

OOC: It's probably a good idea to refresh yourself with the rules by reading over the wiki again. Kleptochase Wiki Feel free to take some liberty in describing the obstacles, traps and locks you encounter during the chases. As for the scorinating schedule, the first matches will be posted at 1:00 pm Japan time on Friday August 18. That would be approximately 5:00 am GMT, 12 am EST and 9 PM Thursday August 17 PST. After that each match will be posted as soon as possible after 24 hours have passed from the previous results. However somedays will go longer without posts than others.

Please post RPs here. Feel free to make OOC comments or questions as well.
Senator in Training
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Posted: Aug 16 2006, 03:26 PM
PMEmail Poster
(OOC: I've assumed some of the presentation aspects from things like K-1 and the like. As it is a dream sequence, perhaps they shouldn't be considered canon (that would be up to Az-Cz to decide, of course))

Dallas Pederson was fast asleep. It would still be a few days before he left, with the rest of the Winchestian delegation, to go to the AO championships. He was one of the few in Winchestia who really understood Kleptochase, having watched many of the Az-CZ majors through the bootleg tape industry in Winchestia.

Always a strong athlete, he fantasied about what it would be like to compete against his idol, Mar-Mar......

*a 30-second Video clip plays of Dallas Pederson training with the words "YOU HAVE NO CHANCE" all over the video screen, as a female voice announces "Dallas Pederson: Winchestia"

"Ladies and Gentleman, Welcome to the opening round of the Orc Strength Showdown! Introducing at start point #1, from Tilse, Winchestia: Dallas Pederson!"

*polite applause from the crowd as they really don't know who he is

*The arena lights go out as another video plays. This one is more intimading with highlights of Mar-Mar's conquests, as the crowd gets more excited

"And in starting point NUMMMMMMMMBBBBBBERRRRRRRR 2!!!"

*The crowd starts to roar as it knows who is coming out

*The familiar Mar-Mar anthem "Pain by Mar-Mar" plays over the loud speaker


*The crowd noise becomes unbearable, as Pederson starts to get goosebumps all over his skin. He has seen this image hundreds of times on video. He realizes what is about to happen.

"DALLLLLLLLLAS" comes a scream from out in the wilderness.

*With a start Dallas wakes up to see his mother waiting over him

"You are going to be late Dallas! You're suppose to go to training for that Kleptoball"

"Kleptochase, ma, Kleptoball is something else entirely"

"Whatever, that silly gnome game. I don't know why you guys are even going, it isn't like you have any chance against them"

"Ma, *yawns* the gnomes are going to be.....oh nevermind, I'll just go get my stuff and go. Why do you alwasy wake me up at the best part of my dream?"
Scribe in Training
Posts: 19
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Posted: Aug 16 2006, 03:31 PM
PMEmail Poster
Marian Luppers was at it again. He had been at the fore front of the Milchamian rugby movment and is still the all time leading try scorer for them.

Now he was again at the forefront of another Milchamian sporting movement, the Kleptochase movement. In the 2 months since kleptochase was introduced Luppers had won all but 2 tournaments that had been held and had become Milchama's most established chaser.

He also liked his group opponents in Group D

Ioalali Morai- He had seen the tapes and knew that Morai was a huge speedster who did not seem to do well in any other disciplines. Luppers knew that if he was able to beat him in speed he would beat him in anything else.
Martin Wilson- He was all over the place. He wasn't as concentrated as Morai, but Luppers still did not consider him to be much of a threat. He expected victory there.
Andrew Rather- He was very smart but not that talented. He looked very good at the mazes and was able to survive in anything else.

Luppers felt good he could win the group and his coach Tommy Manny agreed.


Marty Kochenon was the least of the chasers. Barely known outside Constanopel where he won every local tournament he had never advanced past semis in any national tournament. Sure he had made it to semis or quarters every single time including the time when he beat Marian Luppers but he was still worried, espiecially because Strength looked to be a major part of this tournament and he was not strong.

He looked at his tool box and the draw fell out, he thought about it again.

He hadn't really heard of any of them except for Josh Trengrove of Bazalonia but that was only because a beauracratic error had had him entering the tournament late.

He wasn't looking to confident for outrounds either, both quarters and finals where strength as well as two group stage matches. If he could get to quarters though he would be on the Az-Cz and all would be well.


Schreider Martin, was a Milchamian idol, in suicide footballer. A Right striker of stregth, speed, and talent he led all Milchamians in try scoring and even got a team named after him.

Now he was in kleptochase looking for a new challenge. He had the videos of his group opponents and his 5 coaches told him that he could win.

He looked at them again on the press release.

Dazrim Barantibar - Starblaydia- He never really looked comfortable until he got on a technique course. Outside he knew he could win.
Runner SprintMouse - Miceland- If the name didn't give it away the videos did. This fast mouse sucked at everything else. He looked alright at mazes but not enough to win anything. Martin thought he could win.
Schreider Martin - Milchama- Martin knew his strengths and weaknesses and it looked good to him.
Alfred St-Jacques - Quakmybush- The smart St. Jacques was known around Quakmybush for winning the maze tournaments. However outside of that he looked very beatable, very very beatable.

A win in the group looked good for Martin, and he was ready to advance.

Davy Kinch had realized something very quickly after the draw was announced it was a seeding and bid tourney. Everybody advanced from the groups it was all about how good your seed was and how far you advanced afterward. Kinch also knew that the bid was in quarters as that got you into any tournament you wanted in Az-Cz and he could use the money.

Kinch now needed to figure out his seeding. He again looked over his videos bookmarked on the internet and sent to him from the nice people from Az-Cz. He realized that it was him and Kotchenon who had to prove things.

Heck Kinch had only got here because in the Parid open he swept past Luppers on a speed course and had been able to outthink Martin on a maze course. That was one of Kinch's few wins on a maze course and he was still proud of that victory.

This tournament he expected to do well. If he could win in double octos then he was in to the quarters and if he got to quarters then he was made. However, he was not good at maze courses except that finals win against Martin. Maybe under pressure he will do better.

Kinch could only hope so.

Royal Scribe
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Posted: Aug 16 2006, 10:12 PM
PMEmail Poster

Depends on the event. Most events tend closer to the understatement of tennis. However the Strength Showdowns are more like K1, or the beginning of NBA games yes.
Senator in Training
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Posted: Aug 17 2006, 07:39 AM
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Peter Harden, Maria Heatherton, Andrew Rather and Joshua Trengrove where all at a press conference about the upcoming Atlantian Oceania KleptoChase Competition. They where all sitted at a long table with Dirk Richter the head of the. Bazalonian National Kleptochase Association.

"Before we open up for questions our chasers want to have a few words, Peter drew the short straw so he's first." Dirk Richter

"Thanks Dirk, and yes. I did draw the short straw, but I am very excited about this upcoming tournament and to add to this that Technique course up first. Let's just say I'm going to show how these gnomes to do technique. I'm disappointed there is only one technique course but I do realise that techniques are the hardest course to organise and run and it would be too much of a burden on the course designer. But this is going to be hard for me to get through group E." Peter

"and now Maria" Dirk

"Hi, yeah and let me pre-empt a questition, Yeah, I'm one of the few women that play kleptochase, and of the few of those that have taken strength as my speciality. Lumber StrongMouse will most likely be my main competitor in the the Vilitian competitor is just way too generalised and sorry but the Starblaydian competitor IMO will not be much of a competitor. I think I have a really good chance in group B."

"3rdly, Andrew Rather" Dirk

"Thanks Dirk. I've got the brains, but lets face it I'm not the fastest among the team. The Maze course is right up my alley but I have to think that it's going to be hard for me to win this one. But yeah, I occasionally have been known to put on a burst of speed when needed. "

"and finally, but not least, Joshua Trengrove"

"I'm pretty much the physical specimen of the team, sorry Andrew." a wry smile crossed his face. "oh You got me laughing on that one! Josh." Andrew retorted "but seriously I think we have a very well balanced team and I expect at least one of us to get through the group stage. Group A will be putty in my hands"

"Okay, so we'll open it up for questions."

"Peter and Maria will be upgainst the Mice from Miceland. What are your thoughts on them and their team?"

"I'll take that", said Dirk, "There is no reason that a Miceland competitor such as lumber should not do well, we have been looking at as much video as we can from all of our competitors. However it seems there is no Miceland tapes available for us to look at. We think it's probably due to their Entertainment and Gaming Office. If what we have seen from the Baptism of Fire video translate well into Kleptochase then this team will be a hard one to beat. The Mice deserve our respect as a sporting nation and we also need to respect their culture however different it might be to the Bazalonian culture."

"Who do you think will make it to the finals and who will win?"

"Nearly any single nation could very well end up with the winner of the competiton but of course I favour my chances." Joshua Trengrove

"Okay, thank you everyone. That's where we have to leave it. See you in Az-Cz." Dirk

Eating A Bazalope Burger
Posts: 774
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Posted: Aug 17 2006, 07:58 AM
PMEmail Poster
From Kd-Bl, Head of the Kleptochase rules comittee
To Dirk Richter head of the Bazalonian National Kleptochase Association
CC: All national Kleptochase comittees

Honorable Mr. Richter,

We are writing to inform you of a misconception that sems to be prevalent amongst the Bazalonia chasers. The reason that there are only two technique events has nothing to do with their difficulty to set up. Although it is true that they are complex to set up, so are the Strength and Maze courses. But none of that is a problem. Are expert course constructors can easily assemble courses for each race. The reason there are only two technique courses is luck of the draw. In mixed competitions like the Human Open or this competition, the order of the events are chosen by random draw. For the human open we make sure that each of the events is chosen for the first four days and three of the events are chosen for the quarterfinals, semifinals, and finals.

Because of the new nature of this event the format was done like this:

First we drew the group stage. We made sure that the first four days did each event once, then we drew randomly for the last two events, with the proviso that two racers wouldn't compete twice on the same event.

Then we drew the knockout rounds completely separately. Again we made certain that the first four rounds were four different events. As this is only a five round knockout the last stage was chosen at random. This explains how there are two strength rounds in both the group stage and the knockout stage. As this is completely random perhaps next time there will be more technique events.

I hope this clears up any confusion on that issue.

Also we have course designs for the first three days. We will be sending these to each nation to distribute to their racers. Please study them before the competition begins.

Senator in Training
Posts: 246
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Posted: Aug 17 2006, 08:20 AM
PMEmail Poster
OOC: Just to be clear, in case of a tie, the course in the replay will have a different pattern than the course in the first match. Maps will be distributed on the spot and the chasers will be given a little time to look at them before the match starts. Also, each match will use different course layouts.
Senator in Training
Posts: 246
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Posted: Aug 17 2006, 08:44 AM
PMEmail Poster
Winston Smith looked down at his watch. "Damn, those kids are late AGAIN. What is with them? Do they know how important this is to them?"

Smith was the oldest (38), most technical of the Winchestian Kleptochasers. He was also their de facto coach. "Well, finally you guys bothered to show up! It's only about 30 minutes late! You show up 30 minutes late in Az-CZ and you'll have missed your chase. Where the heck is that geek Pederson?"

"Probably dreaming of that Mar-Mar character again" replied Martin Wilson. Unlike his three teammates Dallas Pederson had actually heard of Kleptochase before the Az-Czers came to Winchestia. The others liked to tease him about this, but he had been an invaluable soure of information thus far.

Just then Pederson came into the gym, carrying a huge box. "Sorry I'm late, I just got these in!"

"More tapes of Mar-Mar?"

"No, tapes of our opponents at the AOKCC!"

"Even Miceland" replied Smith, duly impressed

"Even Miceland. See it turns out that some obscure Az-Cz sport station broadcast all of the 'learning tours' that they went on. There is some film on every single competitor in the tournament!"

"Well, you guys go workout, I'm going to watch these in the office"

Some time later Winston Smith returned with a full notebook in his hand.

"OK, so I've been through our opponents. I don't seem to be best at anything in my group. Martin, you appear to be the strongest and nearly the most technical. Levi, you are clearly the quickest and the best in mazes. But you are going to struggle against Hoffman in technique on day 1. And Dallas, you also appear to be the strongest and best in mazes, but MAN, are you slow going in a straight line!" (everyone giggles)

"Overall, I think we can do well in this thing. I'm at the end of my athletic career, but for you guys a quarter-final spot could mean a new and lucrative career. And for you Dallas, it could mean a shot against Mar-Mar" (everyone laughs again)

"We leave for Az-Cz tonight guys. Enjoy dinner and I will meet you at the airport. Oh and don't be late....."

Scribe in Training
Posts: 19
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Posted: Aug 17 2006, 10:13 PM
PMEmail Poster
In Az-cz city, Tex-Mex was giving the speech before the first round of chases and in Mil-Bax it was Art-Bob.

Tex-Mex: We welcome everyone here to the capital of Az-cz to compete in the first Atlantian Oceania Kleptochase Championships. You should be honored to be given such an opportunity. And for those of you who do well, you can try to set your sights on the 20 majors that I won in my career. Good luck.

Art-Bob: The first big race of your Kleptochase careers. I can remember when I first got into the course for my first Celerity Challenge. It was an event I can remember clearly. And I'm sure you will all remember today for the rest of your lives. Good luck as you press forwards and try to become the first international Kleptochase champion.

OOC: Cut off for RP for MD1
Senator in Training
Posts: 246
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Posted: Aug 17 2006, 10:32 PM
PMEmail Poster
OOC: Note that the Winston Smith v Étienne Moreau match went to the sudden death 4th race.

Winston Smith  Draw Draw Draw Win
Étienne Moreau    
Joshua Trengrove  Draw Win  
Marty Kochenon    
Viliama Riistamii  Draw  Win  
Maria Heatherton      
Lumber StrongMouse  Win  
Thoror Azrantahim    
Dazrim Barantibar    
Alfred St-Jacques  Win  
Runner SprintMouse      
Schreider Martin  Win  
Marian Luppers  Win  
Andrew Rather      
Ioalali Morai    
Martin Wilson  Win  
Yabai Tomoai Win  
Vladimir Petrovič      
Peter SneakyMouse      
Peter Harden            Win  
Gustave Roy  Draw Win  
Ootaniz Riiatzor      
Joshua Hoffman  Draw  
Levi Jonasson                 Win  
Théophile Fournier  Win  
Khazrar Meterrzibarn    
Andreas SteepleMouse  Win  
Rudolf Giessen    
Davy Kinch    
Jules Québécois  Win  
Dallas Pederson    
Nurri Tezbaktahir  Win  

Group Standings

Joshua Trengrove  1-0-1
Winston Smith  1-0-3
Étienne Moreau 0-1-3
Marty Kochenon  0-1-1

Lumber StrongMouse  1-0-0
Viliama Riistamii 1-0-1
Maria Heatherton  0-1-1
Thoror Azrantahim  0-1-0

Schreider Martin  1-0-0
Alfred St-Jacques  1-0-0
Dazrim Barantibar  0-1-0
Runner SprintMouse  0-1-0

Marian Luppers  1-0-0
Martin Wilson  1-0-0
Ioalali Morai  0-1-0
Andrew Rather  0-1-0

Peter Harden  1-0-0
Yabai Tomoai 1-0-0
Vladimir Petrovič  0-1-0
Peter SneakyMouse  0-1-0

Levi Jonasson  1-0-1
Gustave Roy  1-0-1
Joshua Hoffman  0-1-1
Ootaniz Riiatzor  0-1-1

Théophile Fournier  1-0-0
Andreas SteepleMouse  1-0-0
Khazrar Meterrzibarn  0-1-0
Rudolf Giessen  0-1-0

Jules Québécois  1-0-0
Nurri Tezbaktahir  1-0-0
Dallas Pederson  0-1-0
Davy Kinch  0-1-0

Overall Standings

Lumber StrongMouse  1-0-0
Schreider Martin  1-0-0
Alfred St-Jacques  1-0-0
Marian Luppers  1-0-0
Martin Wilson  1-0-0
Peter Harden  1-0-0
Yabai Tomoai 1-0-0
Théophile Fournier  1-0-0
Andreas SteepleMouse  1-0-0
Jules Québécois  1-0-0
Nurri Tezbaktahir  1-0-0
Joshua Trengrove  1-0-1
Viliama Riistamii 1-0-1
Levi Jonasson  1-0-1
Gustave Roy  1-0-1
Winston Smith  1-0-3
Étienne Moreau 0-1-3
Marty Kochenon  0-1-1
Maria Heatherton  0-1-1
Joshua Hoffman  0-1-1
Ootaniz Riiatzor  0-1-1
Thoror Azrantahim  0-1-0
Dazrim Barantibar  0-1-0
Runner SprintMouse  0-1-0
Ioalali Morai  0-1-0
Andrew Rather  0-1-0
Vladimir Petrovič  0-1-0
Peter SneakyMouse  0-1-0
Khazrar Meterrzibarn  0-1-0
Rudolf Giessen  0-1-0
Dallas Pederson  0-1-0
Davy Kinch  0-1-0

This post has been edited by Az-cz on Aug 18 2006, 12:31 AM
Senator in Training
Posts: 246
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Posted: Aug 17 2006, 11:53 PM
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Tomoai Tops

Fan favorite Yabai Tomoai became the first Vilitan to get a 1 in the first column of a Kleptochase thing without first getting anything else in any of the other columns, today. Tobai and opponent Vladimir Petrovič of Quakmybush both got a "1" in their head to head match, but Tomoai's "1" was prettier and the fan favorite walked off with the victory.

Other Vilitans performed fairly pathetically in comparison. This statement applies only to Ioalali Morai, whos "1" was no match for the oppositions "2.4"

Both Viliama Riistamii and Ootaniz Riiatzor managed a draw in their first chase, but only Riistamii would follow through in the matter, joining Toboai in the win column, despite taking longer to do it.

In an interview following the chase, Riiatzor claimed that after the first draw the eyes started to dry up, and the player was too concentrated on rubbing the eyes on the head to make the itchy dryness go away to think about chasing.

Apparently, the eyes on the head of Ootaniz Riiatzor are still dry, and as a result the status of Riiatzor for the next chase is unclear.

Posts: 1300
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Posted: Aug 18 2006, 08:43 AM
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Luppers had done it easily. He not only had crushed Arthur Rather but was 4th place in the overall competition. His technique had been excellent and his lockpicking skills had really improved. Rather didn't stand a chance as Luppers beat him down easily.

He looked at the tapes again as he got ready for tommorow's maze event. "If I play like this he thought, they don't have a chance."

His coach had said so, and Luppers always trusted his coaches.


Kochenon had not performed well. He considered himself to be a savant in 3 events but yet he seemed to struggle in every one but speed. Kochenon needed a victory tommorow and he needed it bad so he knew he was going all out. At least he was not down like Davy Kinch.

He thought Davy looked really depressed after his poor showing today, he was in last place in the overall standings but that did not matter so much as he had a lot more events. He thought Davy was taking it poorly so he went over to talk to him, maybe a little chat would help both of them.


Schreider Martin had done it again. In a technique course he had again outthought his opponent and beaten him. Not only did he get the win but he was in second place overall and everybody from Az-Cz was complimenting him on the strategy that he used.

Martin had taken a different route to the object as he picked his first lock then he climbed over a wall and picked his opponent lock took the object and ran back before the poor mouse knew what hit him.

Martin was right about Runner SprintMouse, maybe he could win the competition?


Nobody got near Davy in the locker room afterwards.

"How The F---! could I blow this?"
Then he threw stuff around the room. 32nd place out of 32, with one of his strongest events. He looked at his notes and saw the Jules Quebecois was a savant. And a poor savant at that.

"F---! How the hell could I lose?!"

He then went and threw a chair across the room to get the anger out. Then Marty Kochenon approached him.

"Calm down, Davy its only the first day and don't worry about it everybody breaks. Not only will you improve but it will be fast and it will be good. I have confidence in you."

Davy slowly came down to his senses again and started to think about the competition. He knew he could win, all he needed was confidence.

"Thanks Marty, want to help me study my map?"
"Sure, if you'll help me study mine."
Royal Scribe
Posts: 189
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Posted: Aug 18 2006, 10:52 AM
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Winston Smith took stock of the situation. The team had gone 3-1, a fair result but one that could be better.

"I'm too old for this" said Smith, "I can't do four of these things a day, it will kill me"

"At least you won Winston. I was so nervous that I walked right into the birdcage trap. And then I couldn't pick the darn lock on it. I need to get some sleep!" replied Dallas Pederson responsible for the "1" with a shady performance today.

"Listen it's still really early in the tournament. Let's all go back to the hotel and get some sleep. We'll come out tomorrow and see how we do, then we will decide what we can do about it"

With that the team left to go to their hotel room.
Scribe in Training
Posts: 19
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Posted: Aug 18 2006, 08:57 PM
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"I... won...... I..... Won..... I WON!" exclaimed Joshua Trengrove at the end of the 2nd match. The fact that he faced that Kochenon fellow, who was obviously a better technique chaser more nimble in his fingers. The course had a number of window, door and other obsitcles that where designed to be required to be lock-picked, however it seemed that Joshua managed to use his strength and muscles to bash his way through the obsticles, a very crude methods and you could hear the grimaces that tthe gones in the stadium gave as each door, window or other obsticle made a loud and annoying noise. No way would this method of breaking in work for anyone against anything that had even a modicum of security but for this technique chase it gave him an edge over the more knowledgeable and dextrous Kochenon.

Andrew Rather, had another technique course against a Milchaman, Martin Luppers, Martin had reached the target and had kept ahead of the Bazalonian all the time, The major problem for Andrew Was, he dropped the tool required for some of the later traps back at the start and had to go back and get it. It had somehow fallen out of his bag of goodies, officially sanction Kleptochase tools.

Maria was just too slow for he opponent, though not by much. She managed to draw against him in the first course and only lost by a few seconds in the second one. This match was the closest Technique course for a Bazalonian.

Peter Harden however, was in a battle royale of the sneaks, Peter was up against another Peter, however this Peter was not a normal Peter, it was Miceland's Peter SneakyMouse. The lead changed a number of times and it was anyones match as Harden reached the target, he took it and lept over a pit trap that was ahead, however Peter SneakyMouse failed to leap over the pit and so he had to climb out. That gave Harden a lead to which he managed to get to the end before the mouse was able to catch up with him.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
Posts: 774
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Posted: Aug 18 2006, 09:26 PM
PMEmail Poster
To All Racers:

We in Az-cz are very disappointed in the actions of one of the racers today. Joshua Trengrove of Bazalonia did not overcome the traps, but rather broke them. As we are willing to except that possibly he was unaware, that is a huge violation of the rules. We will not be ordering a replay of this race, but let it be known that any chaser who purposefully breaks an obstacle rather than overcoming it as intended will have their results for that race invalidated and be declared a loser by forfeit.

We offer our apologies to Marty Kochenon. Although we feel it would be unfair to invalidate the results at this stage to make it up to him, he will be granted a one year exemption to the Az-cz Kleptochase tour regardless of his finish. However if he finishes amongst the top 8 there will still only be eight automatic places. Same goes if he advances to the round of 16.

We hope to avoid any such incidents in future races. We encourage the competitors to compete fairly and in the spirit of Kleptochase. Good luck in future races.
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