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Posted: May 31 2009, 01:09 PM
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Hanabi Brooks, third president of Bettia and grand-daughter of its founding father Amir Brooks, sat anxiously at her desk. She had every right to be anxious too - it had been over two decades now since the dreaded Arora Flu reared its ugly head. It had started out as a minor inconvenience, striking rural communities in the north where the wild arora population was highest. At first it was simply dismissed as a sniffle caused by the cooler temperatures found at those higher altitudes, but when it found its way into the capital Gabalfa and claimed its first victims, people sat up and took notice. Hospitals throughout the country were flooded with patients struck down with this disease. The years that followed were punctuated by every available scientist desperately trying to find a vaccine coupled with the government trying hard to reassure its people and to explain why a cull hadn't taken place.

The irony was painfully plain to see - Bettians were well-known for their compassion for dumb animals, and yet it had been that compassion that made the situation worse. Any other government would have taken drastic steps to halt the virus in its tracks, but the mere sight of large blazing piles of dead aroras would have started mass riots without fail. As one journalist wrote, "What's the point of slaughtering those innocent creatures simply because they carry a virus? There are plenty of humans with it too - are we going to slaughter them as well?" At its height, over 75% of the population were taken ill. Millions of people were killed - most notably her predecessor the second president of Bettia - and billions more would have been at risk if the disease ever caught hold outside the borders.

Therefore, the Bettian Grand Shura had taken the only option available - quarantine. All of Bettia's borders were sealed (and Northern Bettia too, just for the sake of it), all planes were grounded, all trains were halted. Foreign diplomats and nationals who weren't affected by the disease were politely asked to leave for their own safety - indeed the only diplomatic contact Bettia had had with her neighbours was on WA business, and that was done online (thankfully the Arora Flu virus hadn't figured out how to spread itself online). Participation in international sports was immediately halted and many domestic competitions were badly affected, mostly due to the fact that most of Bettia's sportsmen and women weren't well enough to play. The plan had largely worked, with relatively few cases reported abroad.

The country had lived in isolation for twelve years now and had coped surprisingly well, not like the Northern Bettians. There, the military government's tight grip had loosened so much that the nation had essentially split into a number of self-governing tribal provinces and city-states. A national government was still in place, but was national in name only. Thankfully, the military strength of each of the provinces was more or less equal and it was that equal distribution of power that kept things in check, but the situation was delicate to say the least.

Back at home, Hanabi Brooks had had a tougher time of it than most other presidents. She had inherited a nation falling apart at the seams at the hands of a microscopic killer, but halfway into her five-year term the end of the ordeal was in sight at last thanks to a vaccine finally being isolated. It had taken many years of 24-hour shifts to produce enough for the country's population of nine billion people and countless aroras, but it had worked and now the president sat at her desk fiddling with her favourite blue hijab, waiting for the news she had waited so long to hear.

Eventually Hamid bin Safwan, Shura representative of Al-Maghrib province and Minister of Health, entered her large office. He held a thin report in his hand, but the half-grin on his face told her all she needed to know.

"It's good news," she said, sighing with relief.

"Yes, the Arora Flu is under control to such a degree that we can declare the epidemic over. We can finally lift this damn quarantine!"

Hanabi slumped back in her chair and offered a quick prayer of thanks. "At last. Now we can get this country back on track."

"Yep. We've already entered teams into the next World Cup and World Bowl tournys, so that'll help get the people's morale up. We've started a major education campaign to get our health system fully staffed once again. International flights are resuming, and we're working on a massive tourist campaign which we hope will get visitor numbers back up to what they once were."

"Good, that'll help the economy, especially on the south coast. I guess the only thing left to do is to send out telegrams to our friends and neighbours and invite their diplomats back. Those empty embassies are costing a fortune in mothballs!"

My dear esteemed neighbours

As I'm sure you are aware, we had to take the unfortunate step of closing our doors to the world due to circumstances beyond our control, but now those doors are open once again. Therefore, we cordially invite the nations of Atlantian Oceania to establish a diplomatic presence in our nation and request that we may do the same in yours.

A new chapter has began in our nation's history, and we wish for as many countries to be a part of it.

Yours sincerely
Hanabi Brooks
President, the Blessed Realm of Bettia

This post has been edited by Bettia on May 31 2009, 01:10 PM
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Posted: Jun 1 2009, 02:12 AM
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My dear esteemed neighbours

As I'm sure you are aware, we had to take the unfortunate step of closing our doors to the world due to circumstances beyond our control, but now those doors are open once again. Therefore, we cordially invite the nations of Atlantian Oceania to establish a diplomatic presence in our nation and request that we may do the same in yours.

A new chapter has began in our nation's history, and we wish for as many countries to be a part of it.

Yours sincerely
Hanabi Brooks
President, the Blessed Realm of Bettia

President Stinson welcomed this news from the Blessed Realm. It had been a very sad day when Bettia had to shut down all of their diplomatic relations due to the virus that had infected both people and Auroras, but for all that, they had made it back into the international spotlight. With Lamoni never being lazy when it came to opening diplomatic relations, Stinson decided that it was time to see how the Bettians had fared during the plague. Thus, a message was sent to the Bettians.

Office of the President of the Free Republic of Lamoni

To: Hanabi Brooks

The Free Republic would like to take the time to welcome Bettia back into the international spotlight; and we are fully prepared to reopen diplomatic relations with the Blessed Realm. Accordingly, we shall be sending Ambassador Eleanore Stokes to Bettia aboard one of our five Nietzsche Class Super Dreadnoughts, the FRLS Rampart. This ship is one kilometer long, and carries a missile armament of 9,600 Lamonian Shadow Cruise missiles , 6,400 ESSM , and 136 WeM-30 AShMs.

Despite the massive armament of this warship, please rest assured that no harm will come to Bettia from Lamoni. We would even be willing to give guided tours of the FRLS Rampart to senior Bettian Military and Political officials. Transportation to and from the ship in the form of DnA-30 helicopters will be provided.

The relationship between our two nations was positive before Bettia quarantined itself, and it is our hope that the relationship between our two nations will be positive again.


Andrew Stinson
Free Republic of Lamoni
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Posted: Jun 2 2009, 04:09 PM
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QUOTE (Bettia)
My dear esteemed neighbours

As I'm sure you are aware, we had to take the unfortunate step of closing our doors to the world due to circumstances beyond our control, but now those doors are open once again. Therefore, we cordially invite the nations of Atlantian Oceania to establish a diplomatic presence in our nation and request that we may do the same in yours.

A new chapter has began in our nation's history, and we wish for as many countries to be a part of it.

Yours sincerely
Hanabi Brooks
President, the Blessed Realm of Bettia

Madam President,

It has come to our attention that the Bettian Ambassador to Starblaydia, one Anwar Longlevens, resident at 1288 Saevion Civic Plaza in Jhanna, passed away some months ago. With all the commotion and lack of communication from the Blessed Realm, we were quite uninformed of this. We do, belatedly, send out condolences to the Longlevens family, and would like to host a new Bettian Ambassador in one of the region's greatest cities.

Looking forward to lengthening our partnerships in the World Assembly and World Cup, all of Starblaydia sends its warmest regards.

Ricardo Gomez
Communications Minister,
On behalf of the Lord-Protector of Starblaydia
Starblaydia Triumphant

EDIT: Thread cleaned up. If you want to debate economies, start a discussion thread.

This post has been edited by Starblaydia on Jun 4 2009, 03:19 AM
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Posted: Jun 16 2009, 02:27 PM
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OOC: better late than never...

The president poured over the telegrams from the Lamonian and Starblaydi representatives and her heart couldn't help but be lifted - after all this time and after all the comings and goings seen in the region, her grandfather's efforts at cementing relations with these influential nations had not been in vain. But there was one nagging doubt at the back of her mind...

Her train of thought was rudely interrupted by the intercom.

"Mrs President? Your son is on the phone," her secretary announced.

She smiled as she picked up the phone - switching between international diplomacy and speaking on a seven-year-old's level came easily to her.

"Hi mum! Slamalakum!"

Hanabi chuckled at her son's attempt at speaking Arabic. "Walaikum salam darling. What's up?"

"You'll never guess what I did at school today. I learnt to swim underwater!"

"Very good! Did you do well?"

"Yeah, it was easy! The teacher gave us snorkels and goggles and then we..."

"Gog...? Oh my!" she exclaimed as the nagging doubt suddenly presented itself in full technicolour. "Darling, I'll speak to you later. Love you!"

"Love you too mum!"

As soon as the line was free, the President contacted Tegryn Hywel, her Minister of Foreign Affairs.

"Tegryn? Glad I managed to catch you. I think we may have a problem with the Lamonian ambassador."

"What, you mean about them moving into another region?"

"Oh no, that doesn't bother me at all. It's about them arriving on that battleship of theirs."

"But Mrs President, they've already given assurances that they would never dream of firing on us."

"I don't doubt that for a second. I'm more worried about the Northern Bettians firing on THEM."

"The Gogs? Would they REALLY do that?"

"I wouldn't put it past them. They've been isolated for so long, and they're just itching for a fight, no matter how stupid or pointless. The moment they see a gurt big battleship sailing past..."

"Ah yes, I see," the minister said thoughtfully. "Well, that can be fixed easily in two ways. First, we insist they use the southern route - that should bypass Northern Bettian waters altogether. Second, the moment the enter our waters, we rendezvous with them using a flotilla of our own ships. Nothing too big, just a couple of corvettes and patrol ships, all of them flying the flag."

"Yes, that should do it. Very well, fire off a telegram to Ambassador Stokes detailing our plans. While we're on the subject, have you decided on who will represent us in Starblaydia?"

"I have actually. It took a while, what with the shedload of candidates, but I think I found the perfect candidate. Hilal Okvral'dwr."

President Brooks raised an eyebrow.

"That name... sort of rings a bell. Remind me please."

"Born in the former state of Cockbill Street, emigrated to Bettia with his family when its government collapsed. Graduated from Grappenhall University with a first class honours in political studies. Fluent in thirteen languages and dialects, has previously worked in our diplomatic missions in Nedalia where he built up a massive reputation as a top notch diplomat. And he's three foot eleven tall - short on height, big in stature."

"I'm sorry?"

"He's a dwarf."

"Oh yes, now I remember," she murmured approvingly. "Seems like a good choice. Very well, make preparations for him to fly out to Starblaydia as soon as possible... and I think it'll be a good idea to make sure the Starblaydi embassy building here in Gabalfa is in A-1 condition to receive their diplomats too."

As Mr Hywel left the office, the president sat back in her chair and let out a satisfied sigh. Things were starting to fall into place rather nicely on the diplomatic front - now all the country needed was some good performances on the sporting front.
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