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Leorudian Territorial Expansion: Part One
Posted: Nov 4 2012, 08:49 PM
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Months after the diplomatic mission in Leorudo
New Almintora Colony, Shift #1 of Today
"Sir, the ships are moving in." A construction worker by the name of Darrell said to his superior, indicating that another fleet of supply ships where moving into the port at the bay. Darrell was a part of a group of construction workers that would build another housing development. It had been an odd adjustment, moving from the over-crowded housing districts of downtown Leorudo to the construction tents in the middle of nowhere. He also had to deal with all the bird-people he hadbeen introduced too, but no harm had come of that, so he thought it was okay.
"Okay, when are the materials going to be ready?" Darrell's boss, a man named Carter, asked him.
"Within two hours, I'd say." Darrell answered.
"Okay then, lets get moving." Carter said as he looked up at a Falcanian blimp. It read:
"Thank you, for building a better future."
He thought they deserved a little more than that.
Micheal looked out from viewpoint on the colony. He liked what he saw. New Almintora would have the first Leorudian port that would service "wet" ships and airships side-by-side. He also had a gargantuan city headquarters building that was being built not far from the port, along with offices, factories, highrise housing developments, and even an airport for international trade. Falcanian assistance had been crucial in the development of the colony, and they were getting their return in multiple port discounts that will help them in the long run. It was looking like the first colony was in good hands and he was almost ready to build the next one. He enjoyed this much more than he did fighting over an island in the middle of nowhere, but he should not jinx it now. He intended on the next colony being much more open to all the region's nations, offering port benefits and such for civilian aid and military protection, all of this would be temporarly, of course, because the instant Leorudo could get a navy that could move outside Lake Bekk, life would get much easier.

This post has been edited by Leorudo on Nov 4 2012, 09:15 PM
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Posted: Nov 6 2012, 11:22 PM
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"Okay, we are going to move out and claim all six of our other areas now. It is time to go public."
The call had been made from the top of the pile, Oliver Balone had issued the edict that would move Leorudian naval vessels out of New Almintora, along with the newly-purchased fleet off the international market, to expand and hold all seven positions. Now this would contain miminum protection due to the small amount of ships that could be used, but this would protection none the less. Now it was Micheal Aporus' job to relay the order to his units. It also meant that Leorudo could issue a public statement advertising for regional or even international settlers and help, but first he felt he wanted some protection.

Well, now that protection was in motion, and within the next few days a public statement could be issued, but the ships were in motion.
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Posted: Nov 7 2012, 01:02 PM
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"So, Burns, you got a report for me?"

"A couple, sir. New Alimintora have built some shipyards. They have cargo haulers in the water, sir."

"Already? It's only been six months."

"I never said they were very good cargo ships, sir. They seem to be going for... speed. It's speed they're after."

"I hope this gets better."

"That's right, sir. They signed their life away on these contracts. Falcanian workers, Falcanian money. Falcanian jobs. This is really our expansion, we're running it, it's just Leorudian people, and Leorudian flags on the boats. We're going to make... billions of talons. Tens, maybe hundreds of billions. Good news for the treasury, eh?"

"Good grief. They're buying all these services from us - rental for the airships, Falcanian crews, Falcanian constructors. How are they paying for this?"

"They're borrowing the money, sir. From... Falcanian banks and financial institutions. It's all in the contract, you see."

"Sky above. So as well as providing all the expertise, materiel and personnel for this, we're also providing the funding for this little empire of theirs?"

"Seems so. But there was a question I had, sir."

"What's that, kid?"

"What does it look like when a whole empire defaults?"

Black settled back in his chair, and smiled a dark little smile.

"I think Falcania might just have enough bailiffs for that."
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Nov 7 2012, 05:34 PM
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There are troublesome events unfolding in AO at this point that I believe we can no longer ignore. President Oliver Balone of Leorudo has proven to be even less competent than we had originally thought. And believe me when I say it is hard to view him as less competent than I already did.

Of course you already know of the miniscule expansions that Leorudo has intended to make for some time, those are now coming to pass. At first look they had not seemed to present any problems for us, but a closer look has brought some startling revelations.

First note that three of their “expansions” seem to have popped up in close proximity to holdings of our own, while two more are directly in the middle of Falcanian interests. Of the remaining two only one seems to make sense.

Let me go into more detail.

With our definitive move into Burk’dyngr effectively allowing for our direct control of trade and military movements in and out of the Nothandryun Passage, their newly claimed port of Jerojane seems a bit odd. They cant really thin this new port will become a trading hub with only Vilita/Turori, Warkus, and ourselves in close proximity and the port being in a very avoidable location as well. Truly it makes no sense until one looks closer at the big picture.

Leoingrad is another claim that makes no sense, especially from a nation seeking acceptance into the CCS. It is in such close proximity to our base at Noth that even missiles the Leorudans could afford to build could find their mark. Again they can not possibly hope for naval superiority in that arena. And surely they do not think that CCS membership will keep us from protecting our own trade interests. Right now we control more than 97% of the trade between the Salamantic and eastern areas of the region. That will not change easily.

And then there is New Tournet. Once more the Leorudans have chosen a site well within an arena we have just opened up ourselves. And this base also serves to be yet another flaunt directly in the face of Starblaydia.

Now add New Leorudo and New Mathdon which are both seriously in the heart of Falcanian interests. The look at New Undavil and New Almintora which both find themselves in Vilita’s realm of influence.

Leorudo claims these ports will be of strategic trade value, yet only New Undavil and perhaps New Mathdon make any sense for those roles. I, for one see something far more ominous.

There are currently four major players in the region. Starblaydia (Leorudo, New Tournet), Falcania (New Leorudo, New Matdon), Vilita (New Almintora, New Undavil, Jerojane) and ourselves (Jerojane, Leoingrad, New Tournet). And New Undavil just happens to stand between Valanora and any desire they might have become involved.

The Falcanians have buried themselves beak deep in this and are convinced they hold all the strings to make Leorudo little more than a puppet. If that is the case and this is a power play by Falcania, this game has just gotten very dangerous for us. However, if Falcania are being led by unseen strings, things are far worse. If that latter is the case I can not help but wonder who would have the means to be controlling this game we are playing.

I have our eyes and ears everywhere and will let you know once more information has come to light. If you have need of me I will be visiting our friends in Wight.

Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
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Posted: Nov 8 2012, 05:56 AM
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Dear King Reun III,

As you obviously know, the progressive party of Warkus tends to not affiliate with the royal family. Since we are the people who ousted your family from power, I can perfectly understand any animosity you have towards me.

However, I am looking for assistance with international issues (Which may soon turn deadly). I am willing to offer anything you may need, so please hear me out.

Leorudo has recently claimed land in seven areas across Atlantian Oceania. They have also claimed that their expansion will allow for increased trade and prosperity for their nation. However, the only port I see that has any trade value is New Undavil.

All of the other ports seem to have connected Leorudo with all of the big boys in AO, ASMV, Starblaydia, Falcania and Vilita. Jerojane also seems to connect them with us, which worries me even further.

From the looks of things, the Falcanians seem to be holding Leorudo by the strings. This is bad, very bad.

As you may already know, relations with Falcania have not been very good since we declared full support of Starblaydi delegation, and made official threats to their supporters. They easily have the power to destroy us with the click of their fingers. While we may not be their number one target, the power they've obtained is frightening.

I would like to ask you and your family to start making official visits in the following nations:

Starblaydia (Please travel there yourself.)
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega (Send your closest heir, Prince Kosn.)
Vilita (Send a trusted family member who you think would make a good diplomat.)

Please do your best to improve diplomatic relations in these nations. You also have the right to establish any alliances with these nations, but please contact me beforehand.

I understand that these demands are sudden and may be inconvenient, and I apologise for that. Our nation's safety is at stake, we need to act fast and work together.

Aldwyn Beven
Prime Minister of Warkus

This post has been edited by Warkus on Nov 8 2012, 06:12 AM
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Posted: Nov 8 2012, 08:38 AM
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Black was one of the "frequent flyers" on the shuttle service to New Shirley. It was a prestige that many in FLIE aspired to. Black said it gave him a headache.

So, not for the first time this year, he was in a briefing room at the Citadel. Vintage furniture, he noted. Not like the offices at Featbridge.

Still, an audience with the Falcon was not to be sniffed at.

King Falcon was known for his easy-going demeanour. It played well with the populace in a nation where armed revolution was more or less codified in the constitutions. Falcanians did not have elections for their politicians, but they voted for their governments with their wallets - and they voted for their royalty with their rifles. He swept in, almost at a saunter, open-necked shirt and chinos.

"Ah, Mr. Black. Thanks for seeing me today."

"Of course, sire."

"Director of Central AO..." Falcon sat down at the table. "That's normally just Starblaydia and their manoeuvres, isn't it? Good to keep an eye on them. But your job's changed a bit lately, hasn't it? Take a seat, by the way, please."

Black sat down. "Yes, sire. This Leorudian expansion has been a particular thorn."

"Yes, that's why I wanted to talk to you today. I'm sure I don't need to tell a man of your stature that this has made some of our neighbours a little bit twitchy. Starblaydia seems indifferent - probably because they share a land border with the hub of this nonsense. But the DSE aren't too happy with this. We're still negotiating for the admission of Leorudo to the CCS. We're organising this now - I've locked a dozen of our finest graduates in a meeting room with a coffee machine and a pizza guy, they're hammering it out as we speak. And now, as far as the Presidente Commandante is concerned, Leorudo are popping up naval bases all over the region - in particular, in their back garden. You know how territorial they get about their sovereign waters - nearly as much as we are over our skies. I think they're wondering why they weren't consulted about this. And then I got to thinking - why wasn't I consulted over this? Please," he cut off Black's answer. "I know I broadly approved this expansion. It could be good for Falcanian interests. And it has been. I've been on the phone to the Treasury - they're broadly pleased with all these lovely contracts you've been signing. Could be very lucrative. But the question I'm asking myself, Mr. Black, is which friend I would rather lose - the Royal Princess Estrianii Raelea Vega? Or President Balone? Well, Balone's on a very shaky political ground, but on the other hand, Estrianii is a very good dancer. So that's what I'm putting to you, Black. After this meeting I need to go and mop up a minor incident concerning our having been snubbed by some travelling Warku royals. I'll leave this in your hands, Mr. Black. By all means, carry this expansion through. But you should definitely make sure you can drop it. Instantly. Should you receive a message from my office. An email, a phone call, a text message. Hell, I believe we have a protocol for smoke signals? The point is, when I tell you to drop this, this is dropped. Scrub the Falcanian flags, wind up the contracts. You may even need to recall the Raptor. Make my life easy. You're not a knight, yet, are you? It can be arranged."
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Nov 9 2012, 08:45 PM
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"Say, have you been watching the developments of the regional map, conflicts, and politics the last few months?"

"Nay, been far too busy paying attention to the World Cup Qualifying. Why, something drastic been happening lately?"

"Well, ASMV has expanded somewhat, following our own expansion, and the microstate of Leorudo has gone and made essentially city state naval ports all over the region, after being invited into the CCS."

"Hrmph, well as long as none of that is near us..."

"Ah, but there is one that is directly in our shipping lanes to the north and at a spot where we usually refuel and resupply. Our allies have not made in direct stances against it, but I am becoming increasingly wary of these movements. How soon until they are embolden enough to come into our sphere of influence? Already we've had this new nation pop up in the north."

"Well, we can't act against the whole of the CCS, we don't have that sort of manpower despite our technological superiority and if Starblaydia is not making a move, we need to stand pat until they do. If this Leorudo thinks they can just set up port on Arrosia though, they will be met with the full might of the Vanorian military machine upon them. That I can gurantee you, Tobias and the Military Council already don't like sharing the continent with these new neighbors to the north. Any sort of imperialistic move onto Arrosia, long known as being within our influence, will undoubtedly be seen as an act or war."

"What shall we do then."

"I'll relay this information through the proper channels, imagine we will end up going to DEFCON 4 as a result."
a.k.a Elves Security Forces
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Posted: Nov 9 2012, 10:41 PM
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Gregory Vilari had been one of the first workers sent to New Almintora when the colonization went public in Leorudo. When he had arrived, he had helped build the fifteenth dock station on the Grand Portgate near the center of the city. He had been granted a nice little house atop one of the many housing complexed constructed, and dispite the annoying aspect of hulking construction projects looming in the distance, the area inwhich he was located was fairly subtle. Markets and buisnesses were located throughout the skyscrapers just like back home in Leorudo, along with dozens of elevators. Gregory worked for Morcavi Industries , which happened to be located near the same structure that he helped build when he first arrived. His job involved operated a crane that moved crates from the ships to the loading bay for the trucks.
"Morning, Tom." Greg said to Tom Muldanno, a coworker who worked in the loading bay.
"You see the World Cup game yesterday?" Tom asked, taking a final swig from his coffee, knowing that a conversation was at hand.
"Which one?" Greg asked. He was not much of a fan of football but he understood the game and make general assumptions.
"Starbladyia and Kulverint, hell of a game." Tom said. He was one of the Leorudians who still supported the Starbladyian squad, a commonplace before Leorudian AFC came into existance, and many Leorudians still supported their geographical nieghbors.
"Nah, who won it?" Greg asked.
"Starblaydia, of course. I wouldn't be talking about it, am I right?" Tom joked.
Greg told him how true that was an that he needed to check in with the office for the day, and he went off.
He walked into an industrial office that operated his area of the port, signing his name onto the clipboard before saying good morning to the secretary, an older woman named Karen.
"Do we have any coffee left?" Greg asked Karen.
"I believe there's some in the kitchen." The secretary responded.
"Thank you, Karen." Greg took a detour, poured himself a cup of joe, and headed towards his crane.
After a few minutes of setting up his crane and getting clearance from the operater he began to move crates to trucks. Just another piece in a much, much larger puzzle, and oh howw fragile all of it hung in the balance.
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Posted: Nov 10 2012, 12:52 PM
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General Orlando Sinita had been working hard the last couple of months, being one of the only college-educated workers on Donald Secladius' little island, he had been tasked with ensuring that buildings did not end up falling over after a couple hours, and so far, he had not steered the citizens wrong in a few weeks, so he thought he was doing okay. Sometimes, he wondered why Donald Secladius was doing this, but hey if things went the way he was told, his great-grandchildren would be rich by the end of this thing. All he had to do was to put up with some horrible living conditions for a couple months and it would all be fine, because the moment Leorudo made an enemy, Mr. Secladius would have made a friend, and with this friend their little island would get both economic aid and militaristic aid. Then when Leorudo's idiotic government turned the entire region agianst themselves, Donald Secladius would rise up as the legitimate leader of Leorudo once agian, plus whatever was left those port cities Mr. Balone was starting, and repay the people who caused his downfall. Sounded like a fullproof plan to the General, but not everyone would find it so. It looked like there was a reason the President only recruited a couple educated workers.

800 Hours, Setoli Military Testing Facility, near Viridus, Leorudo
"Curry, Status report."
"Thirteen hostile signatures coming the left side."
"Uh..almost a kilo out."
"Any airstrikes avalible?"
"We have one Northrup making runs near the presure on Yellow Brigaide."
"How close."
"Three kilometers out, almost cleared."
"How many hostiles did you say there were?"
"-explicitive removed-e. Tell Echo Team to make us their waypoint."
Commander Fenlop was leading a small patrol in a much larger Leorudian training exercise. Today, they where running a search and destroy-type mission in which they were assigned to keep the Eastern portion of the battlefield secure from an opposing army that was focused on detonating a simulated EMP that would render the war game over. The soldier's helmets also were outfitted to tell the soldiers when they had been shot, and with what. Right now, him and his partner where the at the back of the unit, and they were attempting to meet up with Echo Team, and move up at the target.
"You going to patch me through to Echo Team or not?"
"Doing it."
"Echo Team, this is Oynx Team. We have located thirteen targets a kilometer ahead of us and we could really use some support."
"Is it important enough?"
"Well, if my unit is gone, then the entire eastern half is gone."
"Alright, lets see, ETA 2 minutes. Echo out."
Commander Fenlop turned back to his partner.
"How long until the Northrup is avalible?"
"About three minutes."
"Is it moving towards us?"
"I gave it the command."
"Is it moving towards us?"
"It appears so."
"Sir!" A soldier further up in the patrol exclaimed.
"What is it?"
"Echo Team, within my sights."
"Patch me."
"Echo Team, this is Onyx, we have visual on you."
"Good, the thirteen signatures are going to our right."
"You want to flank 'em?"
"Lets do it."
The Commander then turned to his patrol.
"Lets move up towards the signatures, weapons on my mark."
The patrol marched to their west.
Three figures appeared in the distance.
"Get down! Weapons ready!" The Commander hissed to his troops.
The men hit the ground.
"Echo Team, we have visuals on the targets, moving north. Flank 'em now if you are going to." The Commander turned to his troops.
The assualt rifles spring to life, ambushing the enemy units.
"Three confirmed kills, right there." One of the patrol said.
"Go right. Help Echo Team out."
Then, the noise of an aircraft screamed over head, their bomber had arrived and had fired down.
"Patch to the bomber commander."
"This is Onyx Team, how many kills can you confirm?"
"We hit a group of six. All are done now." A woman with a foriegn accent stuttered into the communications.
"Thank you."
Echo Team ran from behind some cover onto towards the patrol, missing a few.
"We have a whole unit on our ass, give us some cover!" The Echo Team Commander said through his communication. He turned to his patrol "Weapons at Echo's Six. Spread out."
Right as the troops moved, all their equipment went dark, a half second later the same messege appeared on everyone's helmet:"Victory to Blue-Black Joint Task Force. EMP Detonated. Report back to base."
"Dammit, what the hell happened?"

This post has been edited by Leorudo on Nov 10 2012, 04:21 PM
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Posted: Nov 13 2012, 07:07 PM
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"...and the ships are in position to defend. The ports of Jerojane and New Tournet have makeshift operational communiques, while the remaining four ports are using the local ships as their headquarters. We are mainly awaiting orders to send more reinforcements to the ships at your command."
Lt. General Aporus had just been briefed on the status of his colonies.
"Lets get Mr. Balone on the phone." he decided, and within thirty seconds, he was looking face-to-face with President Oliver Balone.
"Mr. President." Micheal greeted his leader.
"Micheal, why are you interuptting me from my ruling?"
"Well, the ships are in position at the ports, and we need to know the next direction of all of this."
"I was thinking that we hold an international confrence." The President said.
"Just an old-fashioned mass messege would be easier." Micheal suggested.
"And cheaper, but that would not seem so...face-to-face, so to speak." The President mused.
"Do we have enough staff to pull of a mass-video messege?" Micheal asked.
"No..." Oliver paused for a second,"mass test it is."
A messege was sent to the respective nations of the region of Atlantian Oceania:

Dear respective nations,

In this crucial juncture of civilised history, a time in which moral issues confront economic issues on a daily basis, the leaders of the World are forced to make crucial decisions that can shape the future entirity of all intelegent beings. In doing so, international economies can be confused and congested to a complete breakdown at times when it comes to international trade. Well, one step to creating a more secure and productive international economy is having small, isolated, hubs of trade located throughout our region in locations that are benefictual to all nations. These ports would operate utilizing trade based on one common currency (that is the Nationstates Dollar, or NSD) and simple regulations determined by the citizens of the ports themselves, not some faraway private intrest group, but a government that is ran based on the common jugdement of what is the intelligent thing to do. Now, in out region's history, these moral and economic hurdles had been parried by nations such as Andossa Se Mirtin Vega, who have attempted to keep northwestern trade routes calm in the wake of the devestation that was Sorthern Northland Civil War.And too Starblaydia, who has made great strides to improve the quality of the energy that powers their nation and it's effect on the envirnment, and Falcania, for helping develop the land south of Secocia for further prosperity. Now, back to the point, Leorudo, with the voluntary aid of outside sources, has already established seven ports spread throughout the region, and tonight, the nation-state of Leorudo declares it's ports open for buisness. Further offers concerning the development and port rights to the new cities can be discussed on the return address.

-President Oliver Balone
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Posted: Nov 17 2012, 04:54 PM
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Provisional City of Jerojane, Leorudo, Entertainment District
Jerojane was a tourists' town. It had been designed that way from the beginning. There was a reason the city was planned with an entertainment district two times as large as the industrial complex that was being set up. Much like the city of New Almintora, the skyline mainly consisted of construction cranes, but that would soon change due to the investors that were taking control of the open plots of Earth. Brenden Moore was one of those investors. He had built numerous resorts throughout the World, and now he turned his eyes towards the small expanision project in the profitable region of Atlantian Oceania. This purchase was smart because it was located in a city that was in an ideal spot for outer-region travel, being in the center of the region, and the hotel was located only a few blocks from the airport, so this was smart buy in his mind. The hotel would be complete with over thirty-nine floors stretching up into the sky, but for now he focused on the construction of the fish tank in his lobby. This hotel would be everything he loved in a hotel, and it was one of many new upstarts in the hit-or-miss gold-rush colony.
Leorudo, Leorudo, Capital District
"Still no replies to our communique?" President Oliver Balone asked another one of his underlings.
"No Sir, international intrest is still low." The "underling" said back to the President.
"Okay, how long will it be until we can pay off this debt?"
"Atleast a year."
"Oh joy."
The President sat back in his chair, taking a long breath.
"So now I need some quick restoration." He said to himself, twirling his pen.
He typed an email to "Donut", the head of LDI, asking for a list of not-listed projects, then he thought to himself that for the first time in years, Leorudo would be cutting back on corruption.
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Posted: Nov 17 2012, 08:47 PM
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Foreign Secretary Tariq Hashashin the Halal Butcher concluded his presentation to President-Dictablanda Baptiste and the Vegai diplomatic party headed by Xylec.

"In conclusion, it is preposterous to accept that a small landlocked and previously unheard of nation with a GDP that small can suddenly in a matter of months claim ports all over the world and have city skylines already developed, allegedly well defended and ready for commercial trading. The President took over in a bloodless coup when the country was apparently in financial meltdown, and now they have a region-wide empire overnight? And to claim that any incurred debt from the unfolding of what must've been six ready-built cities plus a near instant creation of an armada to defend and service the ports will be settled in a year?

"We conclude that Leorudo is simply a puppet of Falcania, even if President Baloney doesn't know it yet. The cost of this project would outstrip just about any nation's financial capability save only the economic superpowers. Leorudo would be in debt to their backers for two hundred years or more. It is most likely that each of these territories including the original one on Lake Bekk will be flying orange-and-one-bend-azure flags within a decade unless someone steps in to stop it.

"We have an agent in the Olympic Tower. Falcanians everywhere. They probably all have tape measures in their pockets and furniture on order for when they move in. We suggest that any negotiation on the future of these Falcanian city states being operated under a Leorudan flag of convenience be conducted with the master nation, the backer, the puppeteer: Falcania.

"From our own point of view, we've prepared this international statement, for your consideration."

The Syndicates of the Broken Islands of Wight reject Leorudan claims on the following territories:

New Almintora
New Tournet
New Leorudo
New Undavil
New Mathdon

Further, we invite the nations of Atlantian Oceania to reject these territorial claims by Leorudo as without substance and furthering the political and territorial ambitions of a third party nation, unnamed. Since by our estimation the Government of President Balone is no longer the sovereign power in Leorudo, we call on the people of that nation to demand the restoration of sovereign power. In the interim, we recognise the former President Donald Secladius as the last independent leader of the nation, the last legitimate leader of the nation, and therefore, the only authority by which Leorudo is independently represented. We invite former President Donald Secladius to form a Government in Exile, and are willing to host said Government in the city of Spit, Wight, free from harrassment or threat of harm until such time as a democratic and sovereign government is elected by the people of Leorudo.

"How does that sound?"

This post has been edited by Wight on Nov 17 2012, 09:32 PM
Dedicated Scribe
Posts: 62
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Posted: Nov 18 2012, 03:31 PM
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The Syndicates of the Broken Islands of Wight reject Leorudan claims on the following territories:

New Almintora
New Tournet
New Leorudo
New Undavil
New Mathdon

Further, we invite the nations of Atlantian Oceania to reject these territorial claims by Leorudo as without substance and furthering the political and territorial ambitions of a third party nation, unnamed. Since by our estimation the Government of President Balone is no longer the sovereign power in Leorudo, we call on the people of that nation to demand the restoration of sovereign power. In the interim, we recognise the former President Donald Secladius as the last independent leader of the nation, the last legitimate leader of the nation, and therefore, the only authority by which Leorudo is independently represented. We invite former President Donald Secladius to form a Government in Exile, and are willing to host said Government in the city of Spit, Wight, free from harrassment or threat of harm until such time as a democratic and sovereign government is elected by the people of Leorudo.

"What?" President Oliver Balone said to himself.
"Sir, the transcript from Wight, as you asked." The messenger, aged around seventeen, said to the President
"No, why are they so opposed to such a noble cause?" He asked.
"I don't know, Sir." The messenger said, trying to appear intrested in what his commander had to say.
"Get Donut on the line." The President said, with a tone of ignorance. He had noticed the boys' attitude.
"Yes Sir." The boy left the room, only to return a few minutes later with the preferred channel of the director of the Leorudian Department of Defense.
"Oliver." A husky voice came over President Balone's computer.
"Director." The President said, slightly offended by the use of his first name.
"What is it you need from me today?" Came the reply.
"I need for you to do a little research for me." The President said, slowing it down for effect.
"What kind of research?" The voice bounced back.
"I need to reasons behind Wight's negativity." The President said, quicker this time.
"Why?" Agian, short response.
"Well, this is the only response we have recieved, and if that is our only response, the general reception will not be positive." The President elaborated.
"So, are you thinking we formally condemn them? Or do you just want send them a fruit basket." Came the voice, the President thought that the Director remembered how to complete a sentence.
"Which ever one the LDI feels is better." The President said smoothly.
"Okay then. We have two agents already near that region, but we did not feel the direct need to install agents into the nation, because imagine the whiplash if one would be found." It looked like someone pulled out their "Locate Leorudian Leverage" app on their phone.
"They are getting transfered then, wasn't Wight the place that was in the middle of those earthquakes a little while back?" The President asked.
"Yes, but the area seems to have calmed down." The Director said.
"Just find out about the negativity." The President said. He had quickly ended the conversation.
"How the hell did they find out about us?" President Donald Secladius said to his aide, tapping on an early 2000's styled laptop.
"I don't know, but they know we are here." The aide responded.
"Do you think we should come out?" The President asked, waiting for the aide's honest opinion.
"Nah, not enough support. Do you really want to have Wight's army agianst the LDI? I mean, I saw some of those blacklisted projects: the chemical weapons, cyberspace hijacking, and even Whiplash, those are all turned agianst us the moment we show ourselves, and if that happens, our only hope will be sheer numbers, we should wait until a bigger nation comes out agianst them. Then we take over." The President considered this, as his original plan was fairly similar.
"Alright, that seems like a decent idea, but keep the weapons on high alert."
Two agents sit in an almost empty confrence room in LDI Headquarters.
"So, lets break this down piece by piece."
"So, they think we are control by a third party."
"Not really."
"Falcanian Debts?"
"Those are not as high as you're imagining."
"Free portpasses?"
"Assumming they can find a port to park in! You know how much international buisness is going to come when this all opens? Quite a bit, and it is not like we won't lose all of our profits! That is only in New Almintora and Jerojane. That is not a problem."
"So why is Wight so pissed at it?"
"I am assuming it has something to do with the colony of New Tournet, taking some of their trading turf and all."
"Well, maybe they are getting jealous."
"No, the old President could have done something for them."
"Records don't show to much trade with Wight, following the disaster and all."
"Of course is doesn't. Considering that the rest of the messege is saying how horrible free elections are and all, I'm willing to bet the old pimp had something to do with it."
"But it seems too perfect."
"How so?"
"It is almost like they are trying to draw us into Spit."
"The city they want President Secladius to restart his government in."
"How would they be drawing us in?"
"They would find an agent of ours, exploit it, and turn the region agianst us."
"Being an LDI agent forces you to be a little paranoid, doesn't it?"
"Yes it does."
"So, we have this narrowed down to two things, one, they could be jealous, or two, Donald has someone in his back pocket."
"Maybe he screwed one of their daughters."
They both shared a laugh at this as the report was sent to their Director. The messege was simple: Candlestine Warfare is the way to go, but send someone good, they could not be caught.
Dedicated Scribe
Posts: 94
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Posted: Nov 20 2012, 05:17 PM
PMEmail Poster
New Undavil Development Fleet, Aboard the L.S.S. Agridia
It was a fine day to wade across the open water on a brand-new Leorudian patrol boat, one of only four boats transferred from Lake Bekk into the port colony of New Almintora. It was a member of the New Undavil Development Fleet, also known as the first fleet to reach Leorudo's last and most isolated colony. The captain was one Marcell Perolli, one of the lowest ranking captains of a L.S.S. ship in the entire Leorudian Navy, but that wasn't important to him, as he got to command over eighty men. He was leaning agiant a wall in the command room of the vessel, just as he was most days of his voyage.
"Martenelli, Status Report." He said, indicating that he wanted a briefing on his location.
"We are a little more than two days away from our projected location." A much younger sailor said, as if he was reading it from a book.
"We are rounding multiple uncharted islands as of now, and we would be much faster if we were not waiting for those civilian cargo ships..." The sailor said this time with a little fustration at the end.
"Thats enough John." The captain said, turning towards the mini-fridge. He pulled out some pink lemonade, he was not really into the "hard stuff" unlike some of his crew.
He sat and turned towards the window, lost in thought...
"What a nice day."
"Mr. President! Emergency!" A young man in a beret ran into Donald Secladius' office.
"What is it son?" The President said, quickly looking up from his computer.
"Five Leorudian-flagged vessels were spotted on the radars approaching our position!" the boy exclaimed.
"How close."
"Approaching firing range, and fast."
"They sent a damn invasion fleet at us, what are they carrying?"
"Looks like two patrol boats and three carriers, either for fuel or..." The boy was cut off by the President. "Units." The President then turned back to his computer and turned on his skype.
He typed in a few commands requesting General Sinita.
The classic skype ring filled the room.
"Yes, Donald?" Came the voice of the general, crackling through the speakers.
"General, we have a Leorudian invasion fleet entering our waters."
"What? They've found us?" He said quickly, obviously more awake.
"It looks like it. They are approaching firing range fast. Get the men online and arming the guns."
"Do you want the New Hayesalian special?"
"Why not? What've we got to lose?"
The "New Hayesalian Special" was a weapon that was using agianst Leorudian in the Wicksteed Campaign. The weapon was designed to reduce the amount of signatures a projectile sends off. They were going to fire a bunch of missles, but on both radars it would only show around two missles.
"Should we alert Wight?"
"Do it."

To the Government of Wight,

Hello, and I am Donald Secladius, and would like to take you up on your offer to reestablish my government in your nation. However, I am under fire by the Leorudian Navy, and me on my crew will team up with you an uncharted island sent to you enclosed. I will have over two thousand people with me, so be prepared with the appropiate transportation. Sorry about the haste involved with the letter, but we are under fire.

Thank you for helping restore Leorudo,
President Donald Secladius.

*four minutes later*
"Fire on my mark! Five, Four, Three, Two, One, Mark!" General Sinita yelled out orders as missles fired from the masked cover of the special.
The missles had been fired at both patrols boats, which would be followed by multiple rounds at the cargo ships. Stuff was about to get exploisive.
"Captain, we have a situation." One of the Captain's aides said to him.
"What is it?" Captain Perolli asked.
"A tiny outpost settlement thing is firing missles at us."
"What?" The Captain exclaimed, shocked.
"Well, we must have passed by it without noticing it, but it is armed, and firing missles at us." The aide said.
"Return fire!" The Captain said, as he said that, he looked out the window to see an explosion on the other patrol ship.
"Sir, first missle making contact, twelve seconds!"
"Brace for impact!" The captain exclaimed. Instead of one missle, fifteen Atlas missles slammed into the vessels' hull.
"That wasn't one missle, Private!" The Captain said as he stumbled to his feet.
The aide was slumped over his controls. This was not good.
The Captain reached for the communiques back to Leorudo.
"Mayday! Mayday! This is Captain Perolli of the L.S.S. Agridia, we are under fire by unknown forces, send immediate assistance! Patching you through the data."
*Multiple explosions are heard in the background.*
The ship was going down.
"Donald, it is the right thing to do." General Sinita told his President.
He suggested wiping the settlement from the face of the earth in the form of an extremely large time bomb, the largest non-nuke weapon in the President's inventory.
"No...We will need all of these." The President said.
"You know as well as I do that if anyone finds this spot, Wight and everyone else will reject us." The General said.
"Please..." The President said.
"We have to do it." The General said.
"Fine. Set the timer."
*Hours later*
An armada of small rafts floated towards the new island where Wight would pick them up. Women, children, everyone. The settlement was gone. A small explosion had destoryed all their work, but they would be in peace now.
Leorudian Broadcasting Station, Nightly News:November 20,2012
"Today, in what is being called one of the worst naval disasters in Leorudian history, five ships en route to New Undavil were hit and killed by unknown forces. Leorudian investigation units are en route, but for now, little is known about who did this too us. More than one hundred-sixty military and over three hundred civilian are confirmed dead, while an unknown number are missing. The government has stated its outrage and that a full-scale investigation is in progress, but for now, we don't know who or why Leorudian citizens are dead."
"Mr. President."
Oh, had it been a long day, another person was knocking on his door.
"It is designed to open." He said, showing that he would let someone in.
A familiar figure entered the room.
"Hello General."
"Nice to see you, Oliver."
"How are you?"
"Still mad about you ending my Gaveo vacation, but alright."
"General Micheal Aporus, why are you in Leorudo?"
"I took the first flight out here because I saw the data. I know who did this."
"You do? Who?"
"Well, they used a New Hayesalian-styled Loki. I shot a few down in my old Wicksteed Campaign. The only ones who have access to these are LDI, and the only ones who have had access to the LDI are..."
"Or Donald Secladius."
A silence swept across the room.
"Well, we picked up heat flares from the location hours later, so it looks like whatever they had there, it is gone." Micheal said.
"Anything in the area?"
"Uh, nothing that we can really track, if they left, they did a good job."
"So, about that agent in Wight, is he moving to Spit?"
"How do you know about that?"
"I'm your third highest-ranking general. I know things."
"Well then...yes, he is moving to Spit."
"Good. If we can get the slightest piece of evidence supporting the Donald is in Wight, then we have public support."
"Since when are you the PR guy?"
"I ran the Wicksteed Campaign. Enough said."
"Point taken."
"Thank you, and get your ass back to New Almintora."
"Yes Sir." Micheal did a mock-salute and walked out the door.
Dedicated Scribe
Posts: 94
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Posted: Nov 21 2012, 06:38 AM
PMEmail Poster
"So, now that we're working together, what'cha think about this?" said King Reun III, handing a piece of paper to Aldwyn Beven.

The Syndicates of the Broken Islands of Wight reject Leorudan claims on the following territories:

New Almintora
New Tournet
New Leorudo
New Undavil
New Mathdon

Further, we invite the nations of Atlantian Oceania to reject these territorial claims by Leorudo as without substance and furthering the political and territorial ambitions of a third party nation, unnamed. Since by our estimation the Government of President Balone is no longer the sovereign power in Leorudo, we call on the people of that nation to demand the restoration of sovereign power. In the interim, we recognise the former President Donald Secladius as the last independent leader of the nation, the last legitimate leader of the nation, and therefore, the only authority by which Leorudo is independently represented. We invite former President Donald Secladius to form a Government in Exile, and are willing to host said Government in the city of Spit, Wight, free from harrassment or threat of harm until such time as a democratic and sovereign government is elected by the people of Leorudo.

"...So it looks like we're not the only ones that seem to understand the situation" Beven thought to himself. "Hmm...I can't help but completely agree with them on this." said Aldwyn Beven. "Yeah, I agree too, but what're we meant to do now? What's our next move?" Reun III asked. "It's simple, we take our stance and stand behind it. We've got more of an idea of what's going on, so it's time to take further involvement." Beven said.

Aldwyn Beven quickly wrote something down, and handed it to King Reun III.

The Socialist Democracy of Warkus seconds Wight on their stance regarding Leorudian land claims.

We also second their support of the true sovereign power of Leorudo, former President Donald Secladius, as opposed to President Balone, who we believe no longer holds sovereign power in Leorudo. We formally claim support for Donald Secladius, and offer to assist him in establishing government. We formally claim support for Wight and their claims, and offer to assist them regarding the Leorudian crisis.

"...So we're fully supporting the guy?" Asked Reun III. "Yes, precisely. I'll alert the other nations in Atlantian Oceania immediately." Beven said.

Scribe in Training
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