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New Poll: Starblaydia's Popularity Falling
Posted: Aug 10 2004, 10:16 PM
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New Feeky Poll Results
NSNI Press

A new poll from Saran Polling Industries of the people of Feeky has found deteriorating public support for the Protectorate of Starblaydia in the ongoing race for UN Delegacy.

A poll taken just hours ago and hastily tabulated to maintain this press agency's commitment to fast and friendly news shows the results in numbers, which never lie. 85% of Feekans polled believe that the campaign tactics of Starblaydia are 'somewhat disturbing' or 'very disturbing', up from only 55% last week. Only 4% of respondents said that the Starblaydia campaign is 'not disturbing', down from 23% last week.

When asked for comment, most Feekans commented that the latest wave of rhetoric was responsible for their shift in attitude.

"We expect the delegate nominees to pump up their own images," said Lars Hrjdtottrsljtson, a lawnmower mechanic from Waverly Center in the district of Donig. "But it's uncalled for to smear another nation like Starblaydia is doing. Attacking another nation's policy only opens oneself to attacks, which will only end in a dirty race."

These sentiments seem to be shared amongst many Feekans. A week ago, overall support for Starblaydia was high. 92% of respondents in last week's poll thought that, if elected, Starblaydia would be a good regional delegate. However, in the current poll this support slipped heavily to 45%. last week, only 2% of respondents thought that Starblaydia would do a poor job as delegate, compared to 33% currently.

Another issue that seems to be at the heart of this matter is the shockingly underreported fact that Starblaydia has currently captured the delegate seat during the race. While no treachery is suspected, many are worried that, if the Free Republic of Lamoni is elected, Starblaydia will refuse to stand down from the position.

The current poll questioned 325 Feekan citizens of voting age. The margin of error is +/- 3%.
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Posted: Aug 11 2004, 05:03 AM
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Excerpt from Starblaydi Cobmbined Broadcasting's Early-Evening News show.

"The Race to be voted Regional Delegate is hotting up today, as Starblaydi Candidate Lord-Representative Benjamin Mackey dimissed his opponents supurious claims and also pointed out that he was fed up with political sniping that has been going on recently. Here's The Big Interview with Benjamin Mackey."

"Lord Mackey, what is it particularly that is getting on your nerves recently?"

"Simply Georgios, my opinions and our Nation's policies have been constantly attacked from both Socialist and Liberal stances since this campaigning began, and frankly, I'm getting rather tired of it.

"The Chairman of Maturia and I engaged in some, at times, quite heated debates, all on the topics that surround the left-wing view on the world. I think the result was probably something of a score draw, but he withdrew from the campaign.

"Recently all my time has been taken up with reading quite angry statements of support from ordinary, hard-working, intelligent Starblaydis who are sick and tired of the Liberal candidate's constant sniping at the Starblaydi people. They have been, in essence, calling us stupid while claiming to be the most intelligent in the Region. Were a foreign man to call a Starblaydi 'stupid' on the street he would most likely receive a good thrashing."

"How do you respond to claims that economic prosperity brings unemployment?"

"I think that is a badly thought out arguement if ever there was one. All this talk of 100 efficient or 200 less-efficient workers is nonsense, particularly if you turn the example to my opponent's nation.

"With an economy that the United Nations itself describes as 'Imploded', how would any factory afford to hire even 50 workers in the first place? With an economy that doesnt grow and doesn't produce, prosperity is never an achievable goal.

"With nearly 240 Lamoni Rushanas for every US Dollar, where can the prosperity be? I certainly wouldn't trust their economic ministers. Whereas with a single Starblaydi credit being worth nearly a dollar-and-a-half, isn't a strong economy and a trade surplus what every nation needs a bit more of?"

"Finally, my Lord, what is your opinion on the polls that come out of the Commonwealth of Feeky?"

"First of all I'm very glad that the people of the Commonwealth are so interested in Regional Affairs, I think it's a great standard that we must all live up to.

"Bear in mind, also, that the Commonwealth were never really going to vote for us, anyway, unless we changed our stance on almost every issue, which we will not do lightly."

"But now, Lord Mackey, they think your campaign tactics are "very disturbing", how do you answer that claim?"

"The Protectorate of Starblaydia is merely 'telling it like it is'. We do not resort to political sniping and games, we do not work an angle, where everything said is designed to promote us and belittle our opponents. I fear the people of the Commonwealth may be suffering from temporary political naivety on this matter, or perhaps a rather subjective eye on the proceedings. When we in Starblaydia feel something, we express it, rather than putting spin and gloss on the subject like some kind of snivelling, PR-ridden, political animal."

"Lord Mackey, I'm afraid we've run out of time, thankyou."

Economic Sources:
Starblaydia's Economic Statistics
Lamoni's Economic Statistics
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Posted: Aug 11 2004, 03:26 PM
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This is Mark Mulbroon with LBC World News here with President Matt. Thank you for agreeing to come on the show, Mr. President.

You're welcome, Mark.

Mr. President, a Starblaydi representitive has said that the Free Republic has called Starblaydi's quote "stupid." What is your response to this?

Well Mark, it has never been said that the citizens of Starblaydia were stupid, just that the UN itself has shown that citizens of the Free Republic scored higher on intelligence tests. Aside from which, we would never call any other nation names. If the people of Starblaydia got that wrongful impression, then it is not our fault.

Next, Starblaydia is claiming that both the Free Republic, and Marturia have attacked the policies of Starblaydia. Is this true?

Absolutely not, Mark. Starblaydia has simply not stated what it's policy postions are. I am not suprised that Starblaydia has charged Marturia with attacking it's policy positions. Marturia actually DID do that. However, the Free Republic has never and will never attack the policies of another nation; unless said policies fall into the category known as "war crimes." Certainly, we can disagree on important issues, but that is what diplomacy is for.

Starblaydia has said that the nation of Feeky is showing Naivete for 'telling it like it is.' What is your side of this issue?

The Starblaydi claim of naivete on the part of the citizenry of Feeky is baseless. Their Lord Mackey would have us believe that Feeky is putting 'spin' on the facts like some; and I quote, "snivelling, PR-ridden, political animal." We feel that this is an unfair attack upon the nation of Feeky, and that it also shows Starblaydi arrogance. Governments do not snipe at each other. That Starblaydia would do so this readily proves not only that Starblaydia is arrogant, but it makes you wonder if Starblaydia is really the ideal candidate that some think that they are. The Free Republic stands by Feeky in it's quest to expose the truth. No matter where it may lead.

In their interview of Lord Mackey, the Starblaydi newscrew asked the following question: How do you respond to claims that economic prosperity brings unemployment?

What is your response, Mr. President?

Mark, this question is not one that should even be asked. Economic prosperity means that around 2 to 3 percent of a nation's population is unemployed at any one time. This is due to normal economic movement. Stores shutting down as people buy somewhere else, obsolete technologies getting the boot, and other normal everyday economic indicators.

We are running out of time; Mr. President. Thank you.

You're welcome, Mark.

This is Mark Mulbroon with LBC World News. Thank you, and good night.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 11 2004, 03:47 PM
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"And for an instant response to that interview with the President of the Free Repbulic of Lamoni, we have Minister of the Exterior, Lord Isaac M.C. Chisoko, live via satellite. Lord Chisoko, thankyou for joining us. Can I ask you first, what is your reaction to the statements made by President Matt?"

"Well Ramjit, I think this is yet another example of the opposition to Lord Mackey juggling with words rather than actually addressing the issues at hand, which Starblaydia is always prepared to do."

"What exactly do you mean, my Lord, by 'juggling with words'?"

"Well I have a hasty transcript of this interview in front of me, and time and time again the President was deflecting attention away from himself and, by extention, his nation by laying the matter on somebody else.

"For instance.
"their Lord Mackey would have us believe that Feeky is putting 'spin' on the facts like some; and I quote, "snivelling, PR-ridden, political animal." Now, first of all we know that Lamoni have some of the most legendary spin-doctors in the Region, and they have been out in force in this sentence. Lord Mackey did not, and I can personally assure all viewers on this having spoken to Benjamin myself, accuse the Commonwealth of Feeky of anything. What he was referring to is the over-bearing desire throughout politics to put one's own spin on things. We in starblaydia do not do that, whereas from President Matt's interview you can quite obviously see that Lamoni does."

"Do you agree with Lord Mackey accusing Lamoni of calling us 'stupid'?"

"Now look here just a minute, you've fallen right into their trap. Lord Mackey said that "in essence", "in essence they were calling us stupid by inferring their statistics-borne higher national intelligence. Lamoni have twisted that comment to make it sound just like we were accusing them of insulting us directly. we know they were insulting us, but doing it indirectly in the way a snivelling politician would."

"So, finally, you're saying that President Matt's claim that 'governments do not snipe at each other' is a false statement?"

"I think we've seen on numerous occasions that sniping does go on, and Starblaydia and her great people are usually on the end of it."

"Lord Chisoko, thankyou."
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Posted: Aug 11 2004, 04:18 PM
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Interview with President Matt

Written by: Niel Straphos (staff writer)
Nephi, Lamoni (Nephi Times)

Thank you for appearing with the print media so soon after your recent television interview, Mr. President.

Thank you, Niel. I want to clear up some "irregularities" in Starblaydia's last statement.

Which would be?

First, Starblaydia was telling only part of the truth in this quote: "I think this is yet another example of the opposition to Lord Mackey juggling with words rather than actually addressing the issues at hand."

You see, Starblaydia is using this quote to make it look like we are putting spin on what they say. You see, Starblaydia itself has stated with this quote that their Lord Mackey is juggling with words rather than addressing the issues at hand. This is but one example of Starblaydia putting spin on facts in order to make themselves look good. In fact, their claim that Lamoni has some of the best spin-doctors that there are is in itself a lie. As for the Starblaydi claim that we are deflecting attention away from ourselves, that is also a lie. We are dealing with legitamite national and regional issues. Once again, Starblaydia is putting spin on the facts. Furthermore, the government of the Free Republic deals in facts, not fiction.

Mr. President, Starblaydia is stating that the government of the Free Republic has called them stupid by extension when the UN Report on the subject was commented upon. Do you have a reply to that?

We will never, and have never called any nation stupid. Directly, or indirectly. If anyone in the Lamoni government has done so, they will be disciplined, but there is NO evidence to back such a claim. We will not be held accountable for something that we did not do.

What of the Starblaydi claim that they have not accused the Commonwealth of Feeky of anything whatsoever?

Niel, that Starblaydi lie is debunked by this quote from thier Lord Mackey: "I fear the people of the Commonwealth may be suffering from temporary political naivety." If they have not accused Feeky of anything, then why would they need to make this statement at all? It is an accusation in and of itself. We will not sit there like an adle schoolboy and watch Starblaydia lie and attempt to intimidate the good people of the region.

Mr. President, one final question, Starblaydia has made this comment: "I think we've seen on numerous occasions that sniping does go on, and Starblaydia and her great people are usually on the end of it." What do you make of it?

It is true that there has been sniping. However, the accusation that the government of the Free Republic has initiated it against the government of Starblaydia is absolutely false, and we demand a withdrawl of that comment.

Thank you for your time, Mr. President.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 11 2004, 04:33 PM
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"My Lords! Can we have a few quick questions, please?"

Lords Van Honjiik and Chisoko were walking through the departure lounge of Jhanna International Airport, with their guards around them, the heaving press pack had been waiting for them for over an hour. The ministers walked over and appealed for quiet.

"Look, ladies and gentlemen, we are about to board our flight to see Starblaydia's final group match against Cockbill Street, unless you want to be the cause of an extra flight at the taxpayers' expense, I suggest you be quick. Andy."

"My Lord, do you retract your statement that sniping does does on between Governments, as President Matt has demanded?"

"No I do not."

"And why not?" asked the reporter again as the camera bulbs flashed in dischord

"I have not accused Lamoni of anything other than trying to spin their facts, like every Government has done throughout history since the year dot. Frankly, I'd like him to retract his repeated accusation of lying. Starblaydis do not lie. One might want to disagree with our statements for one's one political ego, but we do not lie. Good day."

With that, Lord Isaac stormed off, thoroughly annoyed that Benjamin had dragged him down to Lamoni's level.

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Posted: Aug 11 2004, 07:01 PM
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Next on the National Ainorpispian News Network (NANN), the first live interview with our nation's newly elected Honored Leader, Elana Kain. And now your host, NANN veteran news anchor Maurice Chavez..

"Thank you and good evening. This week, the High Council of Ainorpisp voted unanimously to remove Gregory Tush from the highest office in our nation, and to instate Zuul Regional Chairwoman Elana Kain as the new Honored Leader. Previously unknown outside her district, she is now on thrust upon the national stage. Amongst the most important issues she now faces, aside from domestic changes to be made, is the matter of the A.O.'s UN Delegate race. Due to a recent report by the nation of Feeky, both candidates have been engaged in a heated dialouge. Here to comment on this exchange this evening is Honored Leader Kain. Welcome, ma'am."

"Thank you, Maurice."

"If I might, as the saying goes, 'cut to the chase', what are your preliminary thoughts on the recent exchange of words between Lamoni and Starblaydia?"

"Well, I feel that both governments are making accusations, if subtly. Firstly, the Feekan government says that Starblaydia is playing dirty politics in the race for the United Nations delegate seat. This, I'm sure you understand, is a most serious claim, not to be taken lightly. So far as I have seen, there seems to be no blatantly obvious example of Starblaydi mudslinging, at least not in the conventional sense of the word."

"Can you elaborate on what you mean by 'not in the conventional sense', ma'am?"

Certainly, Maurice. What I meant was that Starblaydia has not partaken the traditional mudslinging tactics such as name-calling or character assassination. For the most part, they have responded to nations such as Marturia's attacks on their policies with thought-out and intellegent answers. In his most recent statement in response to those of Lamoni President Matt, however, I was troubled to find the following statement made by Starblaydi officials:

have not accused Lamoni of anything other than trying to spin their facts, like every Government has done throughout history since the year dot. Frankly, I'd like him to retract his repeated accusation of lying. Starblaydis do not lie. One might want to disagree with our statements for one's one political ego, but we do not lie. Good day

Now let's dissect this statement on piece at a time, shall we? To begin with, the statement made by the Ministers about every Government throughout history putting spin on their facts is, in fact, true. All foreign and domestic governments I have encountered have spun facts in their favor, no exceptions. It has been traditionally used as a method to ensure public support of the government, by putting a favorable bias towards their homeland on the news. Like I said, there are no exceptions to this rule, not us, not Lamoni, not Starblaydia.

"Next, however, comes the troubling part. The ministers of the Starblaydi government stated, and I quote, 'Starblaydis do not lie. One might want to disagree with our statements for one's one political ego, but we do not lie'. This seems to indicate that the ministers believe their people are infallible. Only one who is infallible does not lie. So unless the Starblaydis are all Gods, I doubt that they never lie. They could, however, be referring to not lying in the political arena, but they made no such clarification. Such a statement as 'Starblaydis never lie' reveals the darker side of the Starblaydi politics - a pompous attitude at times. I'm not saying they are arrogant all of the time, but I've seen a constant trend of an air of superiority in their words. This goes back to the first statement about putting a spin on the facts, or in this case statements."

"Going back to your first point, what are other accusations you have seen?"

"The most prominent one that comes to mind is the original claim of Starblaydia that Lamoni, in essence, was calling Starblaydis 'stupid' while claiming to be the most intellegent nation in A.O. This was followed by the accusation of Lamoni that Starblaydia was lying about not accusing Lamoni of calling Starblaydis, in essence, 'stupid'. I feel that the truth of the matter is that one nation's people are no more intellegent in this matter than the other's, despite the United Nations report. There are many types of education, some the government-run or established schools, others learned in a more personal environment like the home or learning from the proverbial 'school of hard knocks'. Therefore, neither nation can claim rightly that their people are smarter than their opponent's. On a person-to-person level especially, intellegence would undoubtedly vary greatly."

"What are your feelings about the tone being used by Lamoni and Starblaydia in general?"

While discussion and debate are healthy for a democratic and peaceful region, there is a point at which it stops being only debate. I feel that here the debate, involving intellegent and well-thought-out statements, has degraded into simple bickering. The hearsay, such as 'Starblaydia said this' or 'Lamoni claimed that' seems to be nothing more than the sort of arguement that younger people might have, not leaders of great nations.

"We're running short on time, but if I can ask one final question?"

Of course.

"Despite misgivings about both candidates, why do you still adamantly support Lamoni in the race for UN Delegate?"

Firstly, the long friendship between our two nations is definitely an influence, of course, but a very minor one. Our decision, after reading both candidates' campaign threads, was based on overall impressions of the nations in question. Starblaydia, while admirable in its eloquence and for the majority of the time intellegent answers, has flaws we could not ignore. Now, I'm not saying that Lamoni is perfect either, but they are in our minds the better candidate. Starblaydia has seemed arrogant, with what I feel is a 'mightier-than-thou' attitude, when their own domestic freedoms for the Starblaydi people - both civil and political - are far from admirable. Also, they appearantly think that being Liberal is a bad thing, though if I'm wrong and they can prove it, I will rescind that statement. The true nature of the Golden Path teaches beliefs, that for the most part, would be considered politically Liberal. Currently, the UN record of Ainorpispian Civil and Political Freedoms is terrible, but that was the doing of the Tush administration. I want the people of Ainorpisp, the children of the Golden Path, to know and understand, that I, the High Council, and her Holiness the High Priestess will work tirelessly to reverse those fortunes, and to restore their rights that were taken by the 'Holy Emperor' Tush. We have taken the first step and applied for membership in the United Nations, in the hopes that it will ease our transition into a more equal society.

"Thank you for your time, ma'am, and may the Infinite Justice of the Golden Path guide you."

"You are most welcome, Maurice. May the Golden Path guide us all."

This post has been edited by Ainorpisp on Aug 11 2004, 07:11 PM
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Aug 11 2004, 07:08 PM
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[OOCly, that's a brilliant post.]
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Posted: Aug 11 2004, 07:17 PM
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Delegate elections are sexy. I'm sorry I didn't read everyone of these posts, as I'm pressed for time, but I skimmed over a couple. I think they are well written, and the activity the region is showing towards this race is outstanding. I'm glad something finally got you people posting.
Pinprick of Apathy
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Posted: Aug 11 2004, 08:04 PM
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QUOTE (Starblaydia @ Aug 11 2004, 07:08 PM)
[OOCly, that's a brilliant post.]

[OOCly, Thank you for the compliment.]
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Aug 11 2004, 09:43 PM
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The Federation wishes to point out that it in no way allured to the idea that economic prosperity always brings about unemployment. We are merely noting that while the economy may be doing extremely well, high levels of unemployment are entirely possible. As noted by the example provided in the latest Novvs Atlantian data burst.

:Praetor Gaivs Falxivs Marivs

Nova Roma
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Posted: Aug 11 2004, 10:23 PM
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Greetings to all nations of Atlantian Oceania. I address you on this day, August 11, as Hober Mallow, Executive Director of the Feekan Foreign Relations Bureau. It has come to my attention that a recent press release from my nation has caused a great stir in the region and added fuel to the fire of the UN delegacy race.

First, let me state unequivocally that the news report released yesterday was not an official government action and does not necessarily represent the opinions of the Feekan government. We exercise a freedom of press and thus cannot and do not control statements from our press. We similarly do not exercise any form of control over the opinions of the people of Feeky, and those opinions do not necessarily match those of the government and do not necessarily force any action by our government.

Secondly, taking into consideration my personal expertise in diplomatic relations, I would like to officialy extend my services to mediate any further debate between Starblaydia and Lamoni. If both nations wish to engage in a controlled and reasonaed discussion of any issues of concern, this can be done without resorting to endless rebuttals.

Thirdly, I was given this message to include from my peer, the Feeky Government Personal Relations Comittee Chairman: "Feeky, and specifically the Feeky Government Personal Relations Comittee, prides itself on being home to the most legendary spin-doctors in the region, opinions to the contrary notwithstanding."

Thank you for your time.

# # #
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Posted: Aug 12 2004, 04:18 AM
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[OOC - attempted to post this about eight hours ago but my net connection wouldn't let me - so here it is, finally.]

"Ladies and Gentlemen. The Lord Protector of Starblaydia."

The young Lord and ruler of all Starblaydia sits in the chair opposite the currently off-camera reporter, who has his own camera, along with the two roving cameras. Out of shot there are half-a-dozen Special Forces operatives guarding their lord, and everyone holding a camera has been extensively screened for loyalty.

"First of All, my Lord, may I thank you on behalf of the whole nation for appearing on our screens tonight in this landmark broadcast."

"That's my pleasure, David. I believe this broadcast is going out across the entire region, also."

"May I begin with your overall opinion on the current UN Delegacy Election?"

"Of course, that's really what this is all about. This is my personal television offensive, if you will, to make sure the right decision is made in regards to the election.

"Now, I wouldn't have picked Benjamin for the nomination if I didn't think he had what it takes to be the perfect United Nations Delegate for Atlantian Oceania. He has my unqualified support."

"Do you feel the debate has had it's tone lowered somewhat over the recent statements?"

"I think that, unfortunately, was unavoidable. As the vote is so close, both parties have become increasingly desperate to win the final few votes for victory. The debate has become quite heated, particularly for an international one, though I think the gracious words of Honored Leader Elana Kain will calm the situation somewhat."

"Accusations of everything from being naive to lying have been thrown around left, right and centre. What is your opinion of this 'mudslinging'?"

"As the debate and diplomacy has streched over international borders, the formulation of words becomes very important. A non-specific sentence, when taken somewhat out of context, can lead to inferred insults. Lord Chisoko's statement about Starblaydis not lying is the most recent case in point. A minister, looking forward to a relaxing flight and exciting football match, is set upon by the pack of reporters i see out of my windows every day. He's beset by flash-bulbs, microphones and questions and makes a statement that, in the heat of the moment, he feels upholds the honour of Starblaydia. When taken out of context, he is proclaiming that the six-hundred and ninety-seven million people living under my protection are the most virtuous people in the world since Eve bit the Serpent's apple. This, quite blatantly, is not reality."

"What is the best course of action now?"

"I think both parties should take a step back and look at their behaviour, and yes, I have suggested this to Benjamin and Isaac. Both Starblaydia and Lamoni are vying for the honour of representing the Region in the United Nations and I think our words and actions should reflect that. We have all laid out our stalls, now it is up to the nations, who shall vote and a Delegate shall be elected. I believe Benjamin Mackey is the man for that job.

"He, like myself, believes in traditional values with a modern-day twist. Yes, Lamoni takes the more liberal view of things, but this is a matter of beliefs. We believe one thing, they believe something slightly different. Liberalism and Conservatism is not some kind of ideological war, it is merely a matter for respect and discussion. And we should all keep that in mind."

"My Lord, thankyou for that message of harmony."

"Not at all, David, I'm glad to be able to voice my opinions."
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Posted: Aug 12 2004, 03:31 PM
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Gesture of reconcilliation from Starblaydia?

Written by: Brian Greenblum

Nephi, Lamoni (Nephi Times) -- In a move calculated to bring the delegate debate out of the mud that it has been dropped in, the Starblaydi government held a press conference.

In reply, President Matt had this to say:

"First, let me say that I have absolute confidence in our candidate for UN Delegate, Akhilleus. However, with the delegate race being so tight, and with both sides rushing to get those remaining votes; some kind of conflict was tragically unavoidable. This conflict, if it had gone on much longer, could have potentially started a cold war. This was not in the interests of the Free Republic. Lamoni and Starblaydia will take a step back, and look over their behavior."

Is there anything that you wish to say about our candidate for UN Delegate, Mr. President?

Not only do I have absolute faith and confidence in Akhilleus, but I also feel that he is the best man for the job. He is a former Senator, and therefore has the skills required for the job. He is one of the few politicians that could be said to be 'loved' by the people. Hard working, honest, and fair, he was the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations committee before he resigned in order to run for the UN Delegacy. We were truly fortunate to have such a man in the Senate, and I feel that the entire region will feel fortunate if this man is elected to the position of UN Delegate. Still, that is for the entire region to decide.

Mr. President, one final question. In their press conference, the Starblaydi government made the following statement: "Yes, Lamoni takes the more liberal view of things, but this is a matter of beliefs. We believe one thing, they believe something slightly different. Liberalism and Conservatism is not some kind of ideological war, it is merely a matter for respect and discussion. And we should all keep that in mind." Would you render an opinion on that?

Brian, Lamoni does take a more liberal view of the world. That is not something that we have made a secret of. As I said earlier, one of the reasons that diplomacy exsists is so that minor disagreements don't explode out of control as this one nearly did. As Starblaydia said, Liberalism and Conservatism is not some kind of ideological war. Instead, it is cause for mutual respect for the opinions of two soveriegn nations.

Thank you for your time, Mr. President.

Anytime, Brian.
Democratic Maniac
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