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Xilean Scientific Venture
Posted: Oct 11 2004, 08:29 AM
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"So you are sure this will be effective?" questioned President Laiur.

"Absolutely Mr. President. Worst case scenario is that we are discovered with the cargo, but even this will draw all suspicion to the northern areas of the region. Of course we will set up there as well, but the pertinent strategic location is..."

"...I know General." interrupted Laiur. "Send the team."


Two battlecruises escorted the cargo ship into international waters, evidence that Xile still suspected some type of subversive retalliation. The ships had been traveling for days, hampered by two violent storms in the cove. Admiral Judias Iscarion stared out across the sea. Taking out his looking-glass he spied the Lamonian shoreline in the distance.

An hour later the group encountered a small reconassaince ship approaching. Night was falling as the ship pulled alongside the Rectifier and an officer bearing the dress-uniform of Lamoni was escorted on deck. He was apparently angered by the Xilean presence, and strode briskly to Iscarion. "What brings you so close to Lamonian territory admiral?"

"Scientific expedition to the north." was the curt response of Iscarion.

"Pretty well armed for a scientific expedition, wouldn't you say?"

The indignation was welling up inside of the admiral who stated, "Just enough to keep you bastards off our back. Or so we thought."

Livid now, the officer began striding back to board his ship and remarked "I kindly ask that you remove yourself from this area immediately."

Judias smirked. "In accordance with UN Resolution #74, which states that international waters begin at a distance 20km off the shoreline, we are well within our rights to be here. In fact, we decided to give the extra kilometer just to ward off hostility. So now, I kindly ask you sir, to go -explicitive removed- yourself."

The officer gave a start at the very rude obscenity aimed at him, and boarded his ship in a rage. The ship began towards the Lamonian shore, doubtless to get Lamonian brass involved. Admiral Iscarion was visibly perturbed. "Damn it, all this diplomacy bull-explicitive removed- is getting to be too much for me. Prepare the dive teams. Tell them to hurry up so we can get the hell out of here."
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
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Posted: Oct 11 2004, 03:38 PM
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(OOC: Guess that i'll have to bite)

Lamonian sentiment against Xile had still not ebbed, and so the Lamonian government cut orders to a carrier battle group centered on the FRLS Lemnos to keep an eye on the Xilean ships.

After all, the government reasoned as they heard the report from the officer who had met the Xileans, It WAS international waters. Simularly, the Xileans couldn't really do anything if Lamoni fighters were to overfly them, could they?

The entire exercise was given the codename Operation Exorcism (Someone had a sense of humor, they all thought), and it was agreed that Lamonian divers would look at the areas where the Xilean ships had been. According to the UN Resolution, they could even dive right next to the Xilean operation, and Xile couldn't do a thing about it.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Oct 11 2004, 06:32 PM
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A very large metal box was lifted from the cargo hold, the crane creaked with exertion upon lifting it. The divers stared in wonder at it. They had already dug out a foundation for the equipment under the water, and were preparing to secure it after the drop. They inserted the hydrogen fuel cells and replaced the protective cover, locking it into place. Replacing the cells would be difficult, not only because of the defense system that made for quite a painful shock upon touching it, but also because the defense system and lock mechanism would only be deactivated with a special transmission from Xiliean command. Adjustments to the software inside, and collection of data could also be sent and retrieved the same way.

The Lamonian crew stood on deck of their ship and watched as the divers made preparations. They put on their gear and dove into the water. An interested sailor on Lamoni's ship called out to one upon the Xilean ship. "So, what is that thing?"

"I dunno." He remarked. "A sonar array that tracks whale migration or something. Guys say the government is trying to test out their new sonar system, so they gave the hippies a gift out of it to make them happy."

"Well, whats up with the defense system then?" the Lamonian sailor called again.

The sailor sighed. "Top-secret technology in there I guess. Don't want anyone to..."

"Shut up," Admiral Iscarion yelled. "Damn Lamonians. Have to stick their fingers in everything anyone in this region tries to do..."

The box slowly descended into the waves, and an hour later the dive team resurfaced. They removed their gear and returned to their quarters.

They had simply secured the position of the sonar, tracking the position with GPS to make sure it was in exactly the right position. The size of the box was enormous, so they had to try their best not do disturb any sea-life.

Judias sneered and gave the Lamonian vessel a very impolite hand gesture, then returned to the bridge. He directed the captain to resume the course. The three ships left the Lamonians to their pleasure, and maintained their northwestern course. They had 7 more drops, and then had to build a monitoring station in the northern ice mass, where whale migration was heaviest.


President Lauir was beside himself. The operation was a great success. Now once the rest of the 'sonars' were buried, he would have a much better grasp on things.

Only himself and a few of his cabinet members knew about the true nature of the operation, and not even they knew it all. He kept the military on a strict need-to-know basis, and was quite confident that leaks would not escape.

In fact, he was just that. Quite confident. Especially now.
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
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Posted: Oct 11 2004, 11:06 PM
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(OOC: Hmm…this looks interesting. I can’t really just stand by and be amused, can I?)

The UAV skimmed above the stratosphere, peering curiously down upon the events unfolding 21 miles off of Lamonian shores, its controller mentally noting to suggest a more in-depth investigation of the developing incident. Later that evening, several analysts were pouring over the recordings in an effort to unravel what they could.

“Well, it looks like they installed some sort of sonar device, judging from the composition of the container. Only sonar devices use that particular composition of alloys—hey, Wallace—take a look at these tracings! Those don’t fit in—do you know what they are?”

“The pattern they’re lying in looks suspiciously like wiring to me. They might be a system to dissuade marine life from taking up residence on the detector.”

“Can you prove that?”

“I doubt it. They could really be anything between left-over tracings from construction and some sort of weird cloaking mechanism. But I’ll take our suspicions and write them up.”

“Do it ASAP—the main office seems very interested in these results.”

“Yes, Sir,” Defense Analysis Specialist Herbert Wallace said to his overseer, Major Lansing Altinga.
Scribe in Training
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Posted: Oct 12 2004, 07:37 AM
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Construction commenced upon the sheet of ice almost immediately after the ships arrival. Much of the structure was pre-assembled, and the construction team began drilling through the ice. The durability of the sheet could be proved, and the hole quickly broke through into the bone chilling water. An airlock was constructed into the water, and a large metal dome was placed over it. The defense system was armed and the locks put in place. Three high-ranking officials climbed into a small submarine and were lowered into the water. They moved into the airlock, unlocked the door, and entered the dome. Their supplies were handed in with them, and they prepared for their long tenure of manning the station.

The group of shifts maneuvered around, avoided a large chunk of ice, and began their homeward journey.

The officials within the building unloaded their leisure devices; a television, radio, deck of cards, and their small beds. They then adjusted the thermostat to a warmer temperature and removed their heavy coats. They sighed and looked at a small package. Unloading the dynamite and placing the charges all around, they looked at each other frightfully. They unloaded their weapons, and relaxed on their cots, filled with anticipation.

This post has been edited by Xile on Oct 12 2004, 07:43 AM
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
Posts: 358
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Posted: Oct 12 2004, 02:48 PM
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In Sarmatia, the director of the National Intelligence Agency read reports that Xile had engaged in an appearant scientific mission in international waters. Lamonian Intel seemed to be a little suspicious as to the nature of the Xilean endeavor, which the NIA director understood. He hadn't expected Lamoni to just welcome such a mission so near to its waters without some suspicion. While Lamonian anger at Xile may not have ebbed, Ainorpispian anger at them had recently begun to fade slightly. Though upset over the choice of actions in the past by Xilean leadership, as a nation Ainorpisp had decided to start moving on. This new intel about Xile and its reported sonar was more intriguing than suspicious to the director, who decided to keep an eye on the situation. Who knew what scientific discoveries might be made, after all? Then again, it could be a cover-up for a hidden purpose for the sonar, which he wouldn't dismiss either. In international Intel, you couldn't just dismiss any possibility without more solid facts.


Meanwhile, the carrier ANS Excalibur was to the west of Ainorpisp, conducting routine training flights over the norhternmost portion of Atlantian Oceania. It was standard procedure for the pilots of the Ainorpispian Navy to make such flights, in order to ensure they were used to the F-32 fighters they flew. Many of the pilots were younger, and hence required the flights to become intimately familiar with their aircraft. Usually, they wouldn't see anything but white down below on the ice sheet, since it was... well, ice. Three F-32s were making their return to the Excalibur when they spotted something odd below. Their interest caught, they flew another pass over what appeared to be a metal dome of some sort. Equipped with a powerful recon camera, one of the jets snapped several pictures of the construction, as well as a small speck that dissapeared beneath the water not long after the pass was completed.

"Did you see that, Lemur-1? Looked like something was down there," Flying Officer Jose Martinez pointed out over the radio on the AN frequency.

"Probably just a whale or something, Lemur-2. Let's head back to the Excalibur and report this in to Captain Al-Shai'ib," responded the wing's commander, Lt. Hanako Dosukoii, "I'm sure he'll want to know about what we found."

With that said, the F-32s marke with the Ainorpispian Navy insignia (the standard RAF-like 'target' of purple, dark blue, and black respectively, with an anchor imposed over it to represent the Navy) headed back to their ship to report a strange gray dome on the ice sheet. Captain Al-Shai'ib in turn would likely report its existence and send both a report and the pictures taken by Lemur-2 to NIA HQ in Sarmatia.
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Oct 12 2004, 05:10 PM
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After the Xileans had left the area, it was decided that divers would be sent to see what Xile had been up to. The divers found a metallic box, and were suprised to discover that it had electronic defenses. This discovery raised Lamonian suspicions even higher, and even prompted a message being sent to Ainorpisp, to see if their sources had any better idea of what was going on than Lamoni's did.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Oct 13 2004, 11:44 AM
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The Termarian Minister of Defense paced behind his desk, hands clasped at his back and brow furrowed.

"Lamonia needs to know what our analysts found. Send them a hard copy of the latest data with one of our couriers, with a message that reads as follows:

Most respected compatriots. Termarian analysts discovered a Xilean operation to place a sonar device immediately outside their national waters, as well as a manned monitoring station in the ices north-west of Lamonian territory. While we do not, [repeat, accent it this time] do not know what exactly the Xilean purpose is in this area, we can trust they are up to no good whatsoever.

Termaria pledges its aid in whatever capacity Lamonia requires until this incident is resolved.

Ok. That ought to do it. Send them that, along with a copy--censored, of course, with regards to personnel information--of the analysts' report.

And do it post-haste."


Ten minutes later, a Termarian leer jet took off from the port outside the capitol, its passengers carrying data vital to Lamonia's safety, and set a course for the Lamonian capitol.
Scribe in Training
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Posted: Oct 13 2004, 03:16 PM
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"So what do you think about Xile's whale tracking system?" The reporter asked the spokesman of the Starblaydi branch of the Greenpeace Organistation.

"I think its a great step forward by such a non-environmentally-minded nation such as Xile," said the scrawny, bearded hippy in the baggy sweater, "to see that Xile can provide help for our sea-borne freinds is an example to every other government in the world."
Also available in purple
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Posted: Oct 13 2004, 05:40 PM
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While we do not, [repeat, accent it this time] do not know what exactly the Xilean purpose is in this area, we can trust they are up to no good whatsoever.

How exactly do you know this? Besides my own RP foreshadowing, you should know nothing whatsoever about this operation. By your own volition you believed there was no reason to be alarmed, and the defense system could have countless reasons for being present - notwithstanding the fact that it is supposedly 'top secret' sonar technology in the box. Are you godmodding, or what here?
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
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Posted: Oct 13 2004, 05:48 PM
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This is Janice Loraine for XNN. We have good news for you greenniks out there today, our executive office has actually taken some interest in nature! We have for you now enhanced readouts showing the positioning of several large groups of whales.


Using top-secret sonar technology, the government plans on using their sonar device to track whale migration and plan any shipping operations away from their movement to ensure their survival in the waters of Atlantian Oceania.

Liberals in congress are saying the government is doing this simply to test out their new sonar device's capabilities for war-efforts, but either way the whales are better off for it!
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
Posts: 358
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Posted: Oct 14 2004, 11:17 AM
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QUOTE (Xile @ Oct 13 2004, 05:40 PM)
How exactly do you know this? Besides my own RP foreshadowing, you should know nothing whatsoever about this operation. By your own volition you believed there was no reason to be alarmed, and the defense system could have countless reasons for being present - notwithstanding the fact that it is supposedly 'top secret' sonar technology in the box. Are you godmodding, or what here?


The idea would be that, in the past, Xile has seldom acted with the best wishes of Lamonia at heart. Xile has the suspicious reputation of not being a model citizen. Thus, it is perfectly reasonable to assume that Xile is "up to no good." Any less would be an affront to reason. Is that a reasonable answer to your question, or do I need to explain myself further?
Scribe in Training
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Posted: Oct 14 2004, 11:35 AM
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"Why, exactly, should we be concerned that Xile is tracking whale movements?"

"I should think that would be obvious. While their intentions in that regard are no doubt irreprehensible, their sonar is not restricted to tracking whale movements." The reporters furiously snapped pictures and clamored to ask the next question. One, a stylish looking man in a black beret and phoenix-leather jacket, succeeded.

"Why do you think they planted their device so close to Lamonian territory?"

The Termarian official checked his notes.

"It seems they are deliberately provoking Lamonia by sinking their sonar directly outside Lamonian territory. It could be because they simple hate Lamonians but are too afraid to actually make an aggressive act against them in the current political environment--somehow that doesn't really seem like much more than conjecture. Much more likely is that they are tracking the movement of the Lamonian navy and merchant fleet, for some indiscernable purpose."

"And the manned station?" This time, a different reporter had squeezed in the question--a rather attractive looking woman in a custom-tailored business suit and understated glasses.

"The Termarian government believes it is nothing more than a monitoring station--a standard practice in research of any kind." The black bereted reporter thrust himself towards the official again.

"And, what exactly is your position on the welfare legislature currently..."
Scribe in Training
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Posted: Oct 14 2004, 01:42 PM
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(OOC: Just one thing, it's LAMONI, not Lamonia. Thanks.)

Given the 'history' between Xile and Lamoni, Xile's 'official' explanation was not taken seriously. Especially given that Xile had been against an anti-whaling resolution that went through the UN.

It was taken with some suprise that a Termarian 'leer jet' was requesting a landing at Government AFB (where the governmental officials plane's are). This was granted, and the Lamonian Foreign Minister himself was sent out to greet the arriving jet.

Meanwhile, Lamonian divers were still examining the suspicious box that Xile had left near the coast. They were still working on how to get past the box's defenses, in order to see what was inside. If it was in fact peaceful, it would be left alone. If it had a military purpose, then it would be exhumed.

The Lamonian government was still waiting for word from Ainorpisp on Xile's activities.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Oct 14 2004, 02:14 PM
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After a long meeting discussing the findings of the Flying Lemur wing of F-32s from the ASN Excalibur, the director of NIA was prepared to complete his official report. So far, Ainorpisp was still suspicious that there might be some sort of alterior motive involved in Xile's activities, but was not prepared to say that there were any kind of hostile intentions present. Reports of defense mechanisims on the sonar pods or whatever they were could indicate a myriad amount of things. For now, the official, though inconclusive, finding was that this was indeed a scientific venture on the part of the Xileans. Just as he was about to deliver the report to Director of International Affairs - Councilor Draco Yrezinski - he was delivered a message by the Western Intel director, who oversaw Ainorpispian Intel regarding the Western part of Atlantian Oceania, which included Lamoni and Termaria.

"Lamoni wants to know what we have on the Xilean venture," West Director MacLeod informed his boss, "I think they're a bit suspicious of hostile intentions."

"They're our allies... very well, take the second copy of the report and have one of your agents fly it over to Nephi immediately. We don't need our closest allies jumping the gun on this," the NIA director stated, and handed his subordinate a secondary copy of the Intel report.

"Yes, sir," MacLeod nodded, and knew just which agent to send with the intel.

Soon, Agent Connery was on board a military transport plane with the report, accompanied by two Marines for added protection. They eventually landed at Government Airport in Lamoni, where Agent Connery's instructions were to deliver the report directly into the hands of President Matt himself.
Royal Scribe
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