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95X and Scottfire Make Official Announcement
Posted: Jun 29 2007, 02:42 PM
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For those who don't know, a brief background:
- Jason Barbur is 95X's young Head of State, who represents its democratic, pro-business and otherwise freedom-based government.
- General O'Brien is Scottfire's aged dictatorial leader, who made execution the punishment for just about any crime, and otherwise simply oppresses the populace.
- 95X was created by seceding from Scottfire. Later on, Scottfire was broke and 95X had money, so the two nations signed an agreement where 95X essentially bought Scottfire.

A few minutes after 3PM, many in 95X were finishing up their day of work, school, or play. Last minute meetings were being scheduled, chain e-mails were floating around offices, children were waiting for school or public transit buses to take them home, and those with days off or nothing to do were enjoying themselves.

In all three groups, many were near a turned-on television, although not everyone was paying attention.

Out of nowhere, broadcast TV stations broke into their regularly scheduled programming, cable news stations hurriedly announced a special report, and even some special interest channels had a moment of dead air.

It was enough for office chit-chat to stop, the older kids to pay attention, and those with nothing better to do whose programs were interrupted, to immediately pick up the phone to give an earful to the receptionist at the TV station they're watching.

On all of these stations, the picture changed to show a Pacific City conference room. Two podiums with microphones attached stood beside each other on a carpeted platform 6" off the ground in the forefront. Behind them, two flags hung sideways as the backdrop - 95X on the left, Scottfire on the right.

The scene was soundless for only a few seconds. Then, an off-camera female voice announces: "Now, 95X Head of State Jason Barbur and Scottfire's General O'Brien."

Each man walked onto camera from the respective sides of the screen, shaking hands as they approached the podiums. This was very rare - each would frequently address their own nations, but not jointly. Although the two were as different as night and day politically, the agreement that drew their nations together created the unlikliest of professional friendships. Each turned toward the camera, and the press conference began.

"Good afternoon everyone," Barbur started, as the picture changes from the original view to a close-up of him. "As many of you know, conflict is escalating in our region. A longstanding war of wits between two regional superpowers has sat idle for some time. Meanwhile, another disagreement between two others has began (Barbur grammatically misspoke). Although neither nation has been contacted regarding our participation, we'd like to make it very clear that 95X denounces the actions of all these nations for any reason, regardless of the reasons, and hopes the nations in conflict can peacefully come to agreeable terms. We will, however, welcome the possibility of being neutral hosts of unarmed, diplomatic talks, if anyone is so inclined."

O'Brien continued, and the camera focused on him. "Our military is not for hire, nor are we interested in international combat for other nations. Our peace and defense agreement with 95X simply provides for our military to defend 95X's borders in exchange for compensation, with the understanding that we won't attack the nation. This is the reason for our information session."

Barbur added, "In addition, if any peaceful person of another nation feels they need to relocate to escape death, they are welcome to come to 95X, where all we ask is they register that they're here, understand and appreciate our way of life, and have a way to support themselves. More information is available at our official website, gov.95x."

The floor was opened for questions from the media that was in attendance. O'Brien was asked the first question, although it was unintelligible over the broadcast.

"That's c-correct, Scottfire's army is not available to fight for or against any international cause."

Only a few noticed his stutter on the 'c,' but it included Barbur, who noticed O'Brien's left arm raise toward his lower abdomen. Since Barbur was asked the next question, he paid attention to the reporter asking the question, and the camera returned to a close-up of him.

"Under the circumstances," Barbur starts, hears a noise, then looks to his right, "HOLY (s-bomb), CALL THE AMBULANCE!," he screams, which goes out over live national television.

The TV picture returns to the original view of both, which shows O'Brien slumped over onto the podium, holding his chest. His weight causes him the podium to start falling over towards the camera, although before hitting the floor, the picture quickly cuts to a pre-recorded Scottfire flag waving, and "Scottfire Forever," Scottfire's national anthem, playing for sound. Some stations quickly cut back into normal programming, the news channels scrambled to get their own anchors back on, however some the smaller stations either didn't realize the conference was over by default, or their automation systems were waiting for an official end of the feed, which wouldn't come until the instrumental piece played twice.

Immediately, the 95X populace who watched the announcement were struck with fear - the feed they were watching was from Scottfire's state-run television network! The ones that were unfazed from that fact had a different thought in their mind - the health of Gen. O'Brien, whose leadership was questioned and downright hated by some 95Xers, but agreed to honor 95X's peace requests. It was simple - Scottfire needed the money, 95X needed some defense. O'Brien understood this, even if it wasn't exactly what he wanted, either.

The fear caused a last-minute run on 95X's stock markets, which closed after 20 minutes of losses; even the automated 24/7 ones suspended trading until start of business the next day.
Senator in Training
Posts: 215
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Posted: Jun 30 2007, 10:22 PM
PMEmail Poster
"This is BazFM your source for everything Bazalonian, we now take you to breaking international news..." the radio blared in the car as it was on the road

"10 minutes ago, Jason Barbur, the head of State for 95-X has been rushed off to hospital details are sketchy but reports indicate that he had been shot during a joint press conference with him and the dictatorial leader of Scottfire, General O'Brien officially denounced the war between the SDL and Starblaydia, offered to host talks and instituted an open border policy for peaceful persons wishing to flee from nations involved in the war and other conflicts that have recently arrisen. No one has yet claimed responsibility and the motives for the presumed attack are still unclear. More on this story as it developes we now take you back to our regular programing"
Eating A Bazalope Burger
Posts: 774
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Posted: Jul 2 2007, 02:21 AM
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Official 95X Statement
For Immediate Release
Pacific City, 95X – Yesterday afternoon, a joint 95X/Scottfire press conference was stopped when Scottfire President General O'Brien fell immediately ill. He has been rushed to an undisclosed 95X hospital; his condition is considered classified at this time.
Jason Barbur, 95X Head of State, contrary to foreign news reports, is fine, albeit shaken by the turn of events.
Event security, which included Pacific City police, Barbur's personal detail, Scottfire military (both general duty and assigned to O'Brien), confirmed that no firearms other than their own were present at the building the press conference was housed in; they as well as Barbur himself confirmed that no shots were fired, and O'Brien had not shed blood, even after falling down.
The 95X Government recommends those wishing updates on the situation stay close to domestic media reports.

Matthew Miller
95X Government Information Office
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Posted: Jul 4 2007, 03:23 AM
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It was a tough week for Barbur, who paced his Pacific City office suite, yet it was just beginning. His walks through the parks and riding the same public transit systems as the common people came to a screeching halt after the press conference, a guard even stood post outside his office door. Critics in the media accused his actions as being 'suspicious,' others personally attacked him for being 'soft on regional politics.' The last several days' worth of the Pacific City Courier sat unread in a corner, next to a recycle bin. Additionally, his girlfriend for over a year dumped him for a girl, adding to his personal stress level and worries.

Holding a one-liter of Peppy Cola, taking a drink occasionally, he was also worried about the only person who was his worst enemy and best friend, General O'Brien. All these thoughts, as well as the future of his nation, multiplied in his head. If O'Brien doesn't rule Scottfire with his iron fist, what happens next? Worst of all, who takes over? Would they destroy 95X's way of life? He said the nations were staying out of other countries' business, why would anyone come to 95X's aid if needed?

Suddenly, the buzz from the intercom breaks the silence.

"Mr. Barbur?," the voice asks.

Reduced to the sarcastic jerk he was as a teenager, Barbur responds, "I'm sorry, Mr. Barbur is an addict in a nameless nation elsewhere in the world, my name's Jason, how can I help you?" (He was referring to his father, who was never a part of his life.)

"Uh, Mr. Jason, Sir," the voice responds, "a member of the Pacific City Police Special Forces is here to see you."

"Is he in uniform, or in a suit?," Barbur asks.

"He says he's the commander of the unit, and he's in uniform."

"Did you check his credentials, and is he armed?"

"No, sir - uh - I mean no he's not armed, and his ID is official."

"Allright," Barbur sighs, "send him on back."

The officer is escorted to Barbur's office, where he introduces himself and gets right to the point.

"Although you might be unaware," he advises, "my division secretly monitors International radio frequencies and private national surveillance networks. I'm here to tell you data suggests Scottfire is testing nuclear weapons, and may have launched something into the ocean surrounding the nation."

Barbur's week just got longer. He stared out at the murky, rainy, cold day, and the thermometer next to the window that said "Outside: 9°C," wishing the rain would wash away his troubles.
Senator in Training
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Posted: Jul 5 2007, 03:11 AM
PMEmail Poster
From the front page of the Pacific City Courier:
O'Brien Dies in Pacific City Hospital
Scottfire leader dies of complications from heart attack
Pacific City - General O'Brien, President of Scottfire, died in a Pacific City hospital early yesterday evening. He was 67 years old.

National Broadcasting, who broke the story and announced it live over all its radio and television stations, said details were few and the details that were available were brief.

O'Brien became President of Scottfire 17 years ago, when his army defeated and killed King Xavier Scott and Queen Mary Scott. He immediately took command of Scottfire's standing armies, personally executing those who refused to follow his orders.

Under his command, Scottfire's poor economy collapsed, businesses found it impossible to operate, and the Scottfire Military became the countries' only employer. Many groups of people, including children, elderly, homeless, and people unable to serve, starved to death when the country could no longer produce enough food.
It was out of O'Brien's tyranny that 95X broke away from Scottfire. O'Brien refused to mobilize any military out of concern for further secessions, paving the way for 95X as it exists today.

With Scottfire's treasury empty several years later, 95X made an unprecedented offer to purchase Scottfire. O'Brien, seeing his own troops starve and his own belly said to be empty for days at a time, reluctantly accepted the agreement, which stated Scottfire would not attack 95X, and would, in fact, defend 95X's borders. Scottfire became a sovereign Province of 95X, as it stands today.

It was rumored that 95X Head of State Jason Barbur was called into the hospital by O'Brien shortly before his death. National Broadcasting (which Barbur is also President), 95X officials, and Scottfire officials all refused to comment, citing matters of national security.

Late last evening in Downtown Pacific City, a ceremonial grave was set up by protesters, who publicly urinated on it. When asked for comment, one of the protesters said, "Good riddance to another dictator! Long live freedom!"

Reports from Scottfire indicate it's state-run media is running a tribute to O'Brien, while also reporting O'Brien's military loyalists, running the massive army, continues its firm grip against celebrators.
Senator in Training
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Posted: Jul 8 2007, 04:06 PM
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Front page of Xaanvitsberg Daily:

Iizaarland royalties will attend O’Brien’s funeral

XAANVITSBERG, Monday- His Royal Highness King Raaziimza Al-Muktafi Billah Shah IV and Queen Nuur Hikmah, will depart to 95X/Scottfire tomorrow due to the recent death of the nation’s president, General O’Brien. The King and Queen will be there for the final burial ceremony. The royal couple will be flown directly by Royal Iizaarland Airways to Pacific City.

The government of The Constitutional Monarchy of Iizaarland had officially sent condolences to the government and people of 95X/Scottfire, right after the late president officially announced deceased yesterday. He was 67 years old.

General O’Brien, president of Scottfire, died in a Pacific City hospital after shockingly fell immediately ill at a joint 95X/Scottfire press conference. The cause of death was reported as complications from heart attack.
Scribe in Training
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Posted: Jul 9 2007, 12:39 AM
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Lamonian Foreign Minister will attend funeral of General O'Brien

With the eyes of most in the region focused on the ongoing war against Starblaydia in The Lowland Clans, another shock took place recently. The President of Scottfire, General O'Brien; fell ill while in a joint press conference with 95X head of state Jason Barbur. After being rushed to Pacific City Hospital in 95X, General O'Brien died of complications related to a heart attack. He was 67 years old.

While the official diplomatic expressions of sympathy have already been sent to the governments of 95X and Scottfire, Foreign Minister Tanya Ley has announced that she will be attending the funeral of General O'Brien. The Foreign Minister will be joined by King Raaziimza Al-Muktafi Billah Shah IV and Queen Nuur Hikmah of Iizaarland. Unidentified sources in the government have stated that the Foreign Minister might use the occasion to create friendly ties with the nation of Iizaarland, as well as to pay due and proper respect to the deceased.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Jul 9 2007, 03:16 AM
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Minister Slams BazFM

The Bazalonian minister for Foreign Affiars and Trade today slammed BazFM's initial coverage of O'Brien's health issues. In a press conference he said the BazFM "failed to verify even who the target was." BazFM backs it's broadcast news journalists as it did emphasize that due to the breaking news nature of the event that details could be wrong.

Insider whistle-blowers from BazFM apparently have revealed that the only source used was from the national broadcasters for Scottfire and 95-X, according to reporters "we were sure that a gun had been fired", upon further examination, however not one of our anaylsts can identify where the source of this mysterious "gunshot".

BazFM has released a correction and apologised to the Bazalonian public for the mistake, adding to the complications General O'Brien, President of Scottfire, has just died from compications involved from a heart attack. The minister has added that he will also attend the funeral for the General and offers his condolences to both the nation and the General's family.


Excerpts from, a Bazalonian forum for discussing regional politics from various boffins.

PoliMan says: O'Brien's a dictator, pure and simple perhaps the people of Scottfire can finally get some say in their political system

B-Man says: I Dunno, O'Brien was a smart man, he understood the relationship with Scottfire and 95-X prefectly. I'm worried that someone else will take his dictatorial place and be as dumb as those rightists. Totally not understanding anything about real world politics.

ConspiracyNut143 says: I hear that Scottfire is already taking covert moves against 95-X sending somesort of craft, nuklear weapon or even a an underwater army of mermaids.

B-Man says: CN... I... don't have anything to say
Eating A Bazalope Burger
Posts: 774
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Posted: Jul 10 2007, 04:06 PM
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In a short statement today, President Cuthbert of Manhattan Prime has confirmed he will be attending the funeral of the late General O'Brien, until recently President of Scottfire, who died earlier this week. Such notables as Foreign Minster Ley of Lamoni, and members of the Iizaarland royal family have already expressed a desire to pay their respects.
Manhattan Prime
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Jul 14 2007, 09:58 PM
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From the Pacific City Courier:
Mysterious "Q" Officially Takes Over Scottfire
Former O'Brien advisor becomes President of Scottfire
Scottfire - The elusive "Q," who refuses to identify himself other than as a former advisor to General O'Brien, became Scottfire's second President earlier today.
Q, which has never appeared on a television or radio broadcast, released no official information to the public regarding his new position. Word of this information was provided to The Courier by an anonymous source, who feared execution if their identity were revealed.
It has been suggested that Scottfire has an official succession of command, however Q has not identified himself as such a successor.
Earlier this month, Q is said to have personally executed a member of the Scottfire military who gained access to an international communications channel, who intended to notify the Atlantian Oceania Region of O'Brien's death, while Q suggested the region continue on its "regular business."
Senator in Training
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