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Coronation in Khazaron
Posted: Aug 29 2005, 02:13 PM
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"Security? You're telling me. Hang on." Falcon fumbled with his cane, pulled out a gun and shot at the roof. A sniper fell and hit the ground. "I don't know. It's a knack!"
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Aug 29 2005, 02:18 PM
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The First Archon couldn't help but grin as he saw the King shoot down yet another would-be assasin. 'It's to bad this man is already King of his own nation, I could use a good mind like him.' He though to himself, then motioned for the guards to go clear up the body and make another sweep of the area to ensure no other attempts would be made during the ceremony.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Aug 29 2005, 03:32 PM
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President Stone couldn't help but smile as well. For an older gent, King Falcon was racking up a body count to rival Rambo. He decided to continue the earlier chitchat.

"Nice shooting, your Highness. One could almost think that you'll eliminate all of those terrorists in your lifetime if they keep sending people to kill you."
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 30 2005, 04:27 AM
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"It's a possibility. Everybody wants a go at me." He put the pistol back in the cane and sat back in his chair. "I do have bodyguards of course. Don't bother looking, you won't see them. That's how good they are. But still, I tell them to let some slip under their radar, just to give me a bit of practice."
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Aug 30 2005, 12:02 PM
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"I daresay that you've gotten more than a LITTLE practice so far, your highness. You've been attacked at least four or five times since the plane bombing over Khazaron."
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 31 2005, 10:49 AM
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(OOC:After talking with Nedalia over IM, I decided to just assume he is arriving and to start the ceremony.)

After showing the honorable Mr.Stack to his seat next to King Falcon II and President Stone, the First Archon disappeared from public view as the final preparations where made for the ceremony. Several minutes later Alexander Dinu, the acknowledged leaders of each of the major parties of the Assembly, and the Chief Arbiter stepped out onto the platform and sate down at the seats that had been set up just to the left of the stand that held the crown. After a few moments waiting for the crowd to quiet down, the Chief Arbiter stode up, wearing the black robe traditional to his office, and smiling at the crowd toke center stage.

"Distinguished guests" he began. "May I present to you James Khara." Pointing with his hand down towards the end of the aisle between the two sets of seats, the First Archon appeared there dressed in the same white suit that President Stone and the others had seen him in just moments before. He stode tall and alone as he made his way down the center aisle, his face reflecting almost no emotion as he kept a serious demeanor throughout the proceeding. Finally as he reached the stage, James Khara stode next to the Chief Arbiter on the right. The Chief Arbiter reached behind himself to the seat he had sat on and grabbed what appeared to be a plank of really old wood.

"This piece of wood" the Chief Arbiter explained. "Is the oldest surviving artifact we have of the first colonists that came to Khazaron. It was once part the hull of one of the first colonial ships that arrived hear over a century and a half ago. Normally, cornoation oaths would be done over a religious relic or text, but to emphasize the belief of the government that religion is a person's choice and not the state's, we shall use this historical relic. Furthermore, this relic will symbolize the people and culture of Khazaron that Mr.Khara will be pledging to lead wisely and defend valiantly. And without further ado..." The Chief Arbiter presented the plank to James Khara, who then placed his right hand on it while facing the audience.

"I, James Khara, due give my solemn word to guide the people of Khazaron wisely, govern justly, and defend valiantly. I will protect them from all threats, foreign and domestic, and esnure that they never again need fear oppression. May this oath I now take bind me to their fate and care. May I guide them to a bright future and ensure that never again shall a Khazaronian go without the basic rights all humanity are entitled to." With those words he toke his hand from the relic, which was then placed back on the Chief Arbiter's seat.

Turning his back to the crowd, James Khara then kneeled before the Chief Arbiter, who then toke the crown from its' resting place and stode in front of James Khara. Raising it above James' head, the Chief Arbiter looked out over the crowd and announced. "May the People honor this crown, and through it their servant James, first of that name. It is in their name that I crown you Patriarch of Khazaron." With those words he lowered the crown onto the head of now Patriarch James Khara. A roar of acclimation rose up from the Khazaronians and vairous soldiers present. Shouts of "Long live the Patriarch!" could be heard, even from outside.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Aug 31 2005, 11:37 AM
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"Yeah, Patriarch, live for long time" Said Falcon uncertainly, kind of startled by the roaring. Then he noticed the sniper. For a pleasant change, it wasn't aiming at him. He leapt up from his seat and grabbed his handgun. "Bastards!" He said, shooting the man about to make James Khara's reign the shortest in history. The man fell. Falcon replaced his pistol, and looked around. Everybody was staring at him, including several soldiers who were doing so over the barrels of assault rifles. Falcon coughed nervously and returned to his seat.
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Aug 31 2005, 12:17 PM
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Indeed the soldiers where very concerned, many of them rushing to the stage and covering the Patriarch and the entourage sitting nearby. Patriarch Khara looked and noticed that his men where pointing their guns once again at King Falcon, and letting out a rather frustrated sigh, he turned to a soldier nearby. "Tell those men it wasn't Falcon that fired the weapon." The soldier looked at the Patriarch with an 'How do you know?' stare, to which the Patriarch pointed to the nearby corpse of the fallen assasin. The soldier nodded and gathered several of his men to go collect the body and secure the area. A quick investigation of the man revealed that he wore an old Loyalist military uniform, probably marking his as one of the members of the more extreme parts of the old Loyalist group that had been unhappy with the peace treaty.

After the guards spent a few more minutes making sure the area was secure again, the Patriarch rose and smiled slightly. "It appears that someone was upset about not being invited." Patriarch Khara said. A few nervous laughs emitted from the crowd, most people where still visibly shaken from the event. "I had hoped to have a little more time to spend on a speech, but in light of what just happened, I think it may be best if we move the celebration to the grounds of the new palace that is being constructed. Although, before we celebrate, I would like to say one last thing. As my first official act as Patriarch, I would like to officially pass on my title of First Archon to our newly elected leader of the National Assembly, Mr.Dinu!" Mr. Dinu came forward and briefly shoke hands with Patriarch Khara before the guards began to move everyone out of the building and into the awaiting fleet of limos that would take them to the dinner celebration.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Aug 31 2005, 01:59 PM
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Entering the Limo, Stone was starting to wonder if HE should've brought a gun. The latest attack was just like something out of a movie. Luckily, King Falcon had managed to kill the assasin before he could put a bullet hole in Patriarch Khara's head. As he waited for the limo to move to the new location, his mind kept going back to the scene, running it backwards and forwards. Stone knew that it would keep doing this until he'd fully settled down again, which shouldn't take that long with the constant stream of such events since arriving in Khazaron. As Stone looked out the windows, he thought he saw King Falcon II.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 31 2005, 04:17 PM
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"Something tells me me I'm going to earn a knighthood or something if I keep this up." Said Falcon to his driver, adjusting his cufflinks. "How can one country have so many assassins? I've been here one day and already I've foiled about 5 attempts on my life, 1 on someone else's. I don't get this much action in 2 weeks at home." The limo sped past his hotel. "Wait, that was - you're not my normal driver-" Falcon saw the gun on the dashboard, thrust open the door and dived out of the limo. He hit the ground in a soldier-roll and scrambled back to the hotel, before someone else tried to kill him. "Make that 6 attempts on my life."
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Aug 31 2005, 05:20 PM
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Seeing someone roll out of the limo in front of his, President Stone had his limo stop to see who it was. When he found that it was King Falcon, Stone offered him a ride in HIS limo again.

"You know, I thought that Khazaron's security forces were better than this. This makes... six (?) attempts on your life, AND an attempt on the Patriarch. I wonder if the situation will improve any when Khazaron gets the equipment that we've promised them?" Stone was too busy thinking out loud by then to remember that King Falcon was still at the door of his limo.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 31 2005, 08:31 PM
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Meanwhile in the Nedalian Limo, it had became very obvious to the Khazaronian driver that the Nedalians danced by a different tune than the rest. With the alchohol provided in the Limos, Mr. Stack had become slightly more than tipsy, and had managed to pick up a few Khazaronian girls on the way to the dinner "party", as he called it.

"Sure," he proclaimed. "I know the First Archon AND the Patriarch. Who the hell is gonna stop me from bringing you beautiful creatures in!"

All the Khazaronian driver could do was shake his head...
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Sep 1 2005, 12:57 PM
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The Khazaronian limo lead the others several blocks away towards the center of Archon City. What had once been a ruined sector of the capital several months ago, was now well on its way to being completely revived by countless work crews. All around signs of construction, scaffolding and the like, could be seen. As it was close to night time, the majority of the crews where packing up and getting ready to go home. It was estimated that in several weeks this sector would be ready to take on its responsibilities as the nerve center of the Khazaronian government.

The limo procession stopped just outside a rather impressive iron gate that was guarded by two men in the traditional red uniform of the Khazaronian military. The Patriarch smiled, getting out of his limo to quickly shake the hands of the men and personally thank them, then stepped got back inside the lime as they opened the central gate that lead into the palace complex. (Think of something about half the size of the Versailles palace in France.) The limo procession started up again and followed a long winding road through an already blooming series of gardens. Off in the distance one could see that a sports stadium was being constructed within the complex, with its own seperate gate entrance and parking lot. The palace itself, which came ever closer in view, was only about 1/2 to 3/4 finished, with large portions of the right side still needing some obvious work.

The limo procession came to a stop in a circular driveway right near the front door of the palace. In the middle of the driveway was a large stone fountain with a lion that appeared to be leaning back to roar, only water was coming out of its mouth and pouring forth onto the fountain beneath it. At the doorway itself stode four more red garbed guards, standing at full attention as the procession came to a stop and the Patriarch and his entourage exited the limo. Smiling once again, the Patriarch and First Archon Dinu stopped to personally thank each of the guards before proceeding into the reception room.

Once all the parties where inside, the Patriarch lead his guest through a detour that lead directly to the banquet hall. "I apologize that we still have alot of construction going on and you could not see the full beauty of my people's work." He said as two more honor guards opened large oaken doors into a vast rectangular dinning area that was decked out in white wallpaper with lots of gold trim. Several long rectangular dinning tables, covered with white cloth and a sumptuous meal, where layed out all over the hall. In the center was a beautiful marble fireplace that was already going, and above everything sat multiple chandiliers that sparkle as if with diamonds and shed light on the festivities below.

Turning to adress his guests, the Patriarch smilled and gestured to the room. "Gentlemen, let the festivities begin!" With that the guests where all guided to their respective tables. At the far left side of the room, at the head of all of the tables, the Patriarch, First Archon, President Stone, King Falcon II and Mr.Stack where seated at their own table. This was to make it easier for them to discuss any politics that they wished. As he toke his seat the Patriarch noticed Mr.Stack's female companions. "I'm afraid your friends will have to join our other guests for the time being Mr.Stack. If we are to discuss state business at this table, then it would be best if only we where present at the table. We wouldn't want to bore your lady friends with politics anyway, now would we."
The Red Devil
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Posted: Sep 1 2005, 02:03 PM
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Stone took in the women that Mr. Stack had brought with him, and noticed with some interest that none of the ladies were ugly. Now that the Patriarch had dismissed the women, Stone reverted back into politician mode, but smiled when he finally looked at Mr. Stack and noted how close to raving drunk he was.

"Excuse me Patriarch Khara, but I believe that Mr. Stack won't be in any condition to discuss politics tonight." Stone said this with a light smirk.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Sep 1 2005, 02:53 PM
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Falcon stepped into the party, twirling his cane. "Finally, a room with NO contract killers inside. No, wait." He stopped twirling his cane and raised it like a sword, whirling around and using it to break the arm of the soldier wielding a knife creeping up behind him. As he cried out Falcon smashed him across the temple with a dead blow from his cane. "Hmm, they're bored of snipers, evidently. And this one was recruited into my bodyguard! I must increase my vetting. Well, it is much more fun to beat them with a stick." Falcon looked around in amazement, for somehow a screen of girls had surrounded him. He waved his cane around wildly until they dispersed. He walked over to Stone. "Ever wanted to knock someone unconscious with a walking stick? I do lessons in my free time, if you're interested."
Winging It Since 2004
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