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Chaos in Khazaron
Posted: Jul 13 2005, 06:12 PM
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"Yes, I think that i'll join you at the museum. I get to see it so rarely in this job, after all. All the international squabbling and such gets to a drain. So, shall we be off?" Keeping his voice so that only Alexander could hear him, he said "In the interests of seeming to avoid favoring one side over the other, it'll be best if I went in my own limo. I hope that you'll understand. Maybe if you get your own country, and these talks may well come to that, you'll know what this job is like. I'll see you at the museum."

With that, President Stone went off to his limo, and left for the Lamonian History Museum.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Jul 13 2005, 06:18 PM
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Alexander nodded again in agreement with President Stone and moved downstairs to join his delegation in the limo. The limo quickly speed off towards the Lamoni History Museum.

'Things seem to be off to a good start.' Alexander thought to himself as he settled down inside the limo, taking time to look over a folder that an aide of his had just handed him.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Jul 13 2005, 06:30 PM
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In the Limo with President Stone was the Foreign Minister, and the head of the NIA (the National Intelligence Agency).

After President Stone had told the two about what had happened, he asked the NIA Director for his opinion on the matter. After all, the limo was routinely swept for bugs.

"Well, both sides may be getting along now, but the negotiations proper haven't really started yet. I think that the best possible solution to this 'problem' will be if the democrats were either given their own part of Khazaron, or even their own nation. As long as Khazaron doesn't invade them, of course, but we can provide security for that area if need be. It would even give us international prestige. Do you have anything to say, Mr. Foreign Minister?" The NIA Director didn't really like the Foreign Minister, so this was said with a sneer; which made President Stone wonder -again- if he ought to fire one of them.

"No. For once, I agree with my warlike colleague here. It's the most elegant solution to the problem, and those are what we get paid for."

The rest of the ride to the Museum was relatively quiet.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Jul 13 2005, 06:39 PM
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The First Archon sat in his limosine, conversing with his trusted aide Johnathan while looking over a folder with pictures of the members of the Loyalist delegation and their biographies and recent activites listed in a detailed report. Closing the folder, First Archon Khara turned to Johnathan. "Well Johnathan, it appears we'll have some work cut out for us once the negotiations begin. The real trick will be getting the Loyalists to accept our rule while keeping them happy." Johnathan nodded. "Indeed Excellency. The best way to handle the situation may be to offer some form of compromise to them, give them some of what they want, without completly destroying the Khazaron we've fought so hard to build."Johnathan said.

First Archon Khara looked out the window as they sped along the road and continued. "I suppose you are right. But these democratic types or so finicky about getting exactly what they want when it comes to the structure of government, it may prove easier said than done." The First Archon let out a chuckle, followed by a sneer. "Ironic that they preach of cooperation and compromise, yet when it comes to government they want neither." Johnathan nodded and chuckled as well.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Jul 14 2005, 05:22 PM
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President Stone arrived at the Museum, and watched the other delegations come in behind him. Except for Nedalia, that is (OOC:Since you said that you are normally late). They seemed to be late; again. 'What is it with the Nedalians?' President Stone thought, shaking his head. It wasn't like it was THAT hard to get to the museum, and if they were to somehow get lost... well, they were supposed to be following the others.

Noting that both of the other delegations had arrived and were waiting expectantly, Stone decided that it was better to start the tours now. "Gentlemen, it appears that the Nedalians are late -again-, but we can have people look for them while the tours start. If you'd care to come this way..." There was a big SCREECH, and the Nedalian limo arrived, landing in the museum parking lot after somehow managing to get airborne. Normally not one to deviate from his public pokerface, even President Stone had to stare at the limo in shock.

OOC: Nedalia, I thought that that would add some humor. Take it how you want.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Jul 19 2005, 10:34 AM
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OOC: Man that was so funny! :D Lamoni, dont worry, thats quite fine.

As usual, Stack's delegation couldnt find a way to stay on time, and save for that last minute rally race through the streets of Lamoni's capital, they wouldve missed the tours. Thankfully, however, the last second airborne stunt shocked the others into waiting for the arrival of the rest of the delegation.

Once inside the museum, Stack continued his conversation with both the Loyalist and the First Archon delegations, continually going back and forth. Before long, he had the reassurance of the First Archon about the use of the aid Nedalia was sending, and had managed to work out the outlines of a deal with the Loyalist to begin sending aid so that the people in the Loyalist controlled territories may be helped as well.

He was now setting himself up for the next objective; a way to broker a deal between the Loyalists and the First Archon. So far, they both have been pretty stubborn about compromising, so it wasnt as easy as it had first seemed. Hopefully, however, with the help of President Stone, Stack would be able to find a crack through them.
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Jul 19 2005, 06:19 PM
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Halfway through the tour of the museum, President Stone was still shaking his head and muttering to himself over Nedalia's airborne stunt. His muttering had caused the museum guide to look over his way a few times, but he kept waving the man off when that happened. Finally ending up next to the head of the Nedalian delegation, President Stone asked: "So, what do you think of the place so far?"
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Jul 20 2005, 06:50 PM
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Both the First Archon's and the Loyalist delegations where talking with the Nedalian represenatives, no doubt working out some finer points of the agreement betweent the groups. At one point, while conversing with a member of Mr.Stack's entourage, the First Archon excused himself and walked up to President Stone. "Mr.President, I must say that the Lamoni people do have quite a wonderous and colorful history from what I have seen so far. I have always been somewhat of a history buff myself. In your opinion what's the most signifigant historical act displayed here in the museum?" The First Archon turned to look at the President more directly, only to see that he had just interrupted him while he was speaking to Mr.Stack. Raising his hand the First Archon said "I'm so sorry, I didn't see that you where busy. Please forgive me."

Meanwhile on the otherside of the room, Alexander and a few of his aides looking over an exhibit when one aide turned to him and tapped him on the shoulder, pointing out the First Archon having what looked like a conversation with the leaders of the Nedalian and Lamoni delegations. "What do you suppose that is all about?" the aide asked Alexander. Alexander turned and looked, chuckled slightly and patted the aide re-assuringly on the shoulder. "Don't worry Thomas, I'm sure all he's doing is the obligatory political schmoozing. Just sit back and enjoy the museum for now." Thomas nodded at Alexander's words, although still visibly concerned, he then turned his attention back to the exhibit he had been viewing.
The Red Devil
Posts: 515
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Posted: Jul 21 2005, 10:13 PM
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OOC: Still waiting for Nedalia to say something. Might have to give them a nudge.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Jul 24 2005, 09:37 AM
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OOC:Ok, sounds good. Just let me know if you want me to post or anything to keep the scene moving.
The Red Devil
Posts: 515
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Posted: Jul 26 2005, 09:54 AM
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OOC:You still there guys?
The Red Devil
Posts: 515
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Posted: Jul 26 2005, 07:54 PM
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OOC: Sorry, I was out of town for a bit. Yeah, you might as well post to keep the story moving, Khazaron.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Jul 26 2005, 09:18 PM
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OOC:Ok, hope I didn't sound like a massive jerk in that last post. I was just curious. Anywho, I might post some stuff about the reconstruction of Khazaron going on back in Archon City and the like, just to provide something different maybe.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Jul 27 2005, 06:47 AM
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Meanwhile, back in Khazaron...

As the First Archon and his opponent, Alexander, where off trying to broker a lasting agreement between their two factions, things where beginning to come back to some semblance of order throughout the country. Due to the exectutive order issued by the First Archons' office and by the leader of the Loyalists, Alexander, most of the hostilities going on in Archon City and the surrounding countryside had ceased. Those that continued where usually hunted down and arrested by either side for endangering the peace that had finally come.

Now, with the help of the Nedalian aid package that had been sent to Khazaron, industries where getting back on track, rebuilding of the capital was taking place, and roads where now safe to travel on once again. Construction crews where at work everywhere, trying to undo the massive ammounts of damage that had been done, mostly in the capital, during the clash between Loyalist and Government forces. For the first time in several months, the Khazaron Government Airport Authority opened up all airports to do business again, hoping it would bring in an influx of even more trade and commerce to enhance the economy.

Even the military was benefiting from this peace and renewed vigor in the economy. With not much fighting going on anymore, the military was finally able to set up checkpoints and establish Police Centers throughout the provinces and capital, to ensure that the peace in the country would continue. A policy of non-hostility was towards known Loyalists was adopted by order of the Minister of Defense. Also, for the first time in almost a year, the recruiting offices where seeing an influx of people. It wasn't much mind you, but it was a start. Plus, with the boost to the economy, the military was finally able to start better equipping and training its troops.

The Red Devil
Posts: 515
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Posted: Jul 27 2005, 05:10 PM
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The First Archon, after seeing President Stone was finally free, walked up to him with broad smile. "Mr.President I must say the Lamoni people have bright and wonderous history from what I have seen so far. Tell me, what do you believe is the greatest moment in your nations' history?"

Meanwhile the First Archons' aid Johnathan, and the rest of his delegation, began trying to mingle with the Lamoni and Nedalian delegations once again, making small talk and generally trying to have a good time. On a few occassions the First Archons' delegation would inadvertantly bump into the Loyalist delegation, providing for more than a few moments of akward silence, and even some rather unkind looks by both parties. Alexander saw this going on, shaked his head, and began to slowly made his way towards where President Stone was, only to find First Archon Khara talking to him. He then decided that it might be best if he approached the President later with his questions, and moved on towards a nearby exhibit, joined shortly thereafter by one of his delegation.
The Red Devil
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