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Chaos in Khazaron
Posted: Jun 24 2005, 12:02 AM
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The capital city lays in flames as those loyal to the First Archon of Khazaron, James Khara, clash with those who are loyal to the old democratic government of Khazaron.

The clash between the two factions began when the First Archon refused the demands to allow for free elections in Khazaron, stating that "The chaos of democracy would never again taint this land." Upon hearing his reply, the Democratic Loyalists attempted to arrest the First Archon while he was on his way to a diplomatic meeting. The First Archon responded to this attempt by executing on the spot those responsible for it and ordering the arrest of those behind it.

When Khazaronian troops stormed the local headquarters of the Archons backing the Democratic Loyalists, a firefight broke out that resulted in the eventual destruction of the building and the starting of a fire that would claim several city blocks.

As the key Loyalist leaders flee the capital, the Khazaron military has adopted a scorched earth policy on any people or places suspected of being connected to the Loyalist movement. Word from the First Archon's office is that they are all being charged with High Treason and ordered to turn themselves in. If done so, the office says they will recieve a fair trial. So far not one person seems to believe it.

As the conflict continues to intensify and threaten to spill over to the surrounding provinces, the fragile infrastructure that once held Khazaron barely afloat in the global market, has for all intents and purposes completely ceased to exist. Rumors are that looting and rioting has become the norm throughout the capital and many nearby cities.
The Red Devil
Posts: 515
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Posted: Jun 24 2005, 09:51 AM
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We are saddened to hear that such chaos has overcome the country of Khazaron, and we are equally disgusted with the actions taken by both sides. We are willing to lend a hand in anyway possible, but let it be known that we will be a neutral party.

Dewars Strand
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Jun 24 2005, 11:46 AM
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The Free Republic will be neutral in this matter, and invites both sides to send a representitive to Lamoni.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Jun 24 2005, 12:42 PM
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Somewhere beneath the conflict riddled city the First Archon sat in a room with his military advisors, pouring over maps of the city that marked the strategic placement of their forces in relation to the Loyalists. Looking obviously frustrated the First Archon sat down and crossed his arms, looking at each of his advisors and the back at the map.

Just when it appeared that First Archon Khara was going to say something, a knock on the door to the tiny room came. Letting out a frustrated sigh, the First Archon waved his right hand. "Come in." he said in a gruff tone of voice. Into the room walked a young looking man wearing a dirty green camoflage outfit, with black jackboots that where caked in mud. The aide saluted the First Archon. "Excellency," the aide began "the Free Republic of Lamoni has offered to help resolve our dispute by allowing members of both parties to come to their capital to discuss the problem."

The First Archon let out a derisive snort. "Free Republic hmm? Gee, I wonder whose side in this little rebellion they'd take? I'm sure they'd had us roll out the red carpet for those infernal loyalists and let them take our country down the drain like the old government almost did, selling out to special interests."

The aide stode silent for a moment until he was sure the First Archon was finished speaking and the continued. "We've also recieved an offer of help from the nation of Nedalia. Although it clearly states that they will act as a neutral party." For a few moments the First Archon sat their quietly, staring at the maps on the old fold out table as he thought to himself, then he turned his attention back to the aide. "Tell Lamoni we will take them up on their offer of meeting with the Loyalists to discuss some sort of settlement and inform Nedalia that if they can help relieve some of the burden our economic collapse has caused, we would most welcome some form of assistance. Perhaps mention that they could meet with us in Lamoni if they want, provided the Lamoni don't mind that is."

Tha aide nodded and quickly left to go give the First Archon's reply to the two nations. With that the First Archon cleared his throat and smiled. "Now gentleman, back to the business at hand."
The Red Devil
Posts: 515
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Posted: Jun 24 2005, 06:33 PM
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Recieving the message from Khazaron, it was presented to the President in the normal manner.

Scanning it, he instructed an aide to send a message to Nedalia that they were invited to come to the talks as well. The aide was also to instruct the Foreign Minister to recieve the important guests. The talks were to take place in the same mountaintop building that the FLMS alliance was forged in. Easily defended, it made a perfect place for diplomatic meetings.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Jun 24 2005, 10:42 PM
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Donny Stack relaxed on his leather chair, ready for another boring day of work. Nedalia's international activities had been limited to sports lately, with the politics of the country seemingly bent on becoming isolationist again. So much, infact, the Stack was having flashbacks of how life was like before they made contact with the outside world. He sighed and turned to the window to light a cigarette. Annoying habit, he knew, but he needed to calm his nerves a bit. A knock came at the door.

"Come in!" he bellowed. It was his secretary Marriane. "What is it?"

"Sir, its a message from Mr. Strand. He said to call him. It's urgent," she replied.

She was referring, ofcourse, to Nedalia's famous Minister of Foreign Affairs (and perhaps President Andrew Bren's closest friend), Dewars Strand. A highly important man, and the fact that he was calling on him must be an urgent matter.

Stack's official position was dubbed Advisor of Ministers, which was another way of saying that he relayed messages to the public and media when one of the Ministers couldnt. He had never actually spoke to Mr. Strand before, so he was anxious as to what this was about.

"Hello, Mr. Strand? Yes, this is Donny Stack. How do you do?"

"Ah, Donny. How are you? I wouldve called you in to my office, but I didnt want to send across town on something I could just relay to you on the phone. Listen, Donny, I have a very important assignment for you. You're young and you've shown amazing potential, potential which I want to put to use. Are you aware of the situation going on in Khazaron?"

"Yes, they have a rebellion going on. Apparently, some people are trying to bring the stability of the country down and overthrow the government."

"Yes, basically, but the media, ofcourse, portrays it to be that the government officials are the victims. The truth is, the rebellion has just as much justification as the defense of the government. We have been invited to Lamoni to moderate talks between the government of Kharazon and the rebellion, and I have chosen you to lead the Nedalian delegation there. We are firmly neutral in the matter, as our only concern are the safety of both the few Nedalians there and the Kharazonian people in general. I will send all the information we have on the country and the situation going on there later this afternoon. As for now, we have chartered a plane from Nedalian Airlines to fly you and your 6 man team over to Lamoni."

"That will do just fine, sir. May I ask, do I know the gentlemen I will be working with?"

"Yes, they've all worked with you before. I dont have time to go into details now, I have the issue of economic aid to the country to deal with, but rest assured, you are the man in charge of this assignment. The others will be there to take orders from you."

"As you wish, sir. I will get on it right away. Will you require anything else of me?"

"No, Donny. Just come home safe."

"Thank you, sir. Good day."
Emperor in Training
Posts: 486
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Posted: Jun 26 2005, 11:22 AM
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The First Archon and his cabinet ran across the windy runway at Khazaron International Airport. The plane that would bear them to the Free Republic of Lamoni was already gassed up and ready to go as they began to board. First Archon Khara stepped aside and allowed his cabinet to board first as he toke some time to confer with his personel aide, Johnathan Cair, on what the agenda was so far.

"According to our correspondence so far, the plan is to have the summit meeting on some sort of remote retreat in Lamoni, Excellency." Johnathan yelled above the roar of the engine. First Archo Khara nodded. "I see. What about the Loyalists? Did you make sure that they had their charter flight ready to go as well?" Khara responded.

Johnathan nodded. "Yes Excellency, just as you commanded." The First Archon smiled. "Good. A little goodwill may convince these Loyalists to see the error of their ways and come around to our way of thinking." Johnathan looked doubtful as he and the First Archon climbed the steps to board the plane. "And if they don't Excellency?" Johnathan shouted. The First Archon turned around and looked at him, still smiling. "We'll cross that bridge when we get to it." Johnathan nodded as they stepped on board and the steps where pulled up and the door to the plane closed.

Provided that they didn't run in to any bad weather along the way, the First Archon and his entourage should be able to make it to Lamoni in a couple of hours.
The Red Devil
Posts: 515
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Posted: Jun 26 2005, 04:55 PM
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Looking over at the Foreign Minister, President Stone inquired if everything was in readyness for the summit.

"Yes, even down to the honor gaurd at the airport. You worry too much sometimes, Mr. President."

A Vremya gaurd came into the room, and it was time to go out to the airport to meet the foreign delegations. Getting into the handmade Limo, it sped off to the airport with it's standard escort of Vremya gaurds.

Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Jun 26 2005, 08:01 PM
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A rather small plane with two propellers stode ready on the lone landing strip at Lucia Regional Airport as Alexander and Stephen, along with about six other indviduals ran up to it and began hurridly boarding it. Alex and Steve toke the seats at the far back of the small plane and fastened their belts, watching as their comrades began boarding and storing their suitcases and bags in the overhead and under their chairs. Alex sat their with his head leaning down on his folded hands, a look of concern on his face. Stephen turned to his friend.

"Something the matter?" Stephen said. Alex turned to him and crossed his arms. "I'm concerned about how these negotiations will go, and about what the First Archon will try while we are there." Stephen nodded in agreement. "This has to be done just right. If we don't, it'll be back to the killing again." Alex toke a long breath and then let out a sigh. "I don't know how much longer we'd be able to hold out against the First Archon's forces, he has most of the military backing him."

Stephen smiled. "Relax old friend, everything will be fine. Our intel says that these Lamoni characters are quite trustworthy and impartial. I'm sure we can get a fair compromise out of these proceedings." Alex turned and looked out the window of the plane, watching as the men below made the final preparations. "I hope so. I truly hope so." Alex said as the plane began to move down the runway.
The Red Devil
Posts: 515
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Posted: Jun 27 2005, 01:07 PM
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The door to the cockpit slid opened and out stepped Johnathan, quickly sliding the door shut again and making his way to the back of the plane where the First Archon was reclined in a chair, taking a breif nap. Taking his place in the seat next to the First Archon, Johnathan gently shoke his arm. "Excellency..." he said in a light tone of voice, so as not to startle, and possibly anger, him. First Archon Khara's eyes opened and he sat up, rubbing his eyes and turning to his aide. "Yes Johnathan, what is it?" the First Archon said in a groggy voice. "We are just twenty minutes away from Lamoni Excellency." Johnathan replied. First Archon Khara nodded. "Thank you Johnathan. Shall we go over the customs and culture of the region again? We want to make a good impression on these people, or at the very least avoid some international incident." The First Archon said this last part with a bit of a smile, almost chuckling to himself. Johnathan grinned in return and opened up his briefcase containing their limited intelligence on the Free Republic of Lamoni.

Twenty Minutes later...

The plane landed effortlessly on the runway and came to a halt. Inside the First Archon as his enterouge where hurridly scurrying about, trying to get their belongings organized and in the right positions for the exit from the plane. It had been agreed that the First Archon would be the first out of the plane, followed quickly by his aide Johnathan Cair. After that the various advisors to the First Archon would follow, two at a time, down the stairs.

The First Archon was busy straightening his tie and jacket whent he pilot came out of the cockpit and opened the door and lowering the steps for the First Archon. Poping his head out for a quick look, First Archon Khara saw a delegation of what appeared to be Lamoni government officials and an honor guard. Smiling, the First Archon toke a deep breath and stepped outside onto the stairs, slowly decending them.

First Archon James Khara stands at six feet, two inches tall. He has short brown hair and blue eyes. His body still retains its' muscular build from his days of fighting in the guerilla movement against the old Khazaron government, and he posses a rather prominent scar along his right arm that he got while fighting in the Six Month War. He usually tries to keep this hidden with clothing as he is very concious about it. He is currently wearing a navy-blue suit with a grey tie, white dress shirt and black leather shoes.

His assistant is four inches shorter than he, standing at five feet ten. He as blonde hair and green eyes, a regular build and the same blue suit that the First Archon has, with the exception that his tie is red.

The First Archon walked halfway from the plane to the awaiting delegation and honor guard and then stopped. Bowing slightly, the First Archon said "On behalf of the people of Khazaron I thank you for such a warm reception."
The Red Devil
Posts: 515
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Posted: Jun 27 2005, 07:11 PM
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At the head of the Lamonian welcoming delegation, President Stone decided to bow (as the First Archon had done so), and introduced himself.

"Welcome to the Free Republic of Lamoni. I am President Stone." He the proceeded to introduce the rest of the governmental figures in the recieving line. When that was finished, the First Archon was escorted to a waiting Khazaronian limo, which would take him to the summit. President Stone was going to wait for the other delegations to show, and then head for the meeting place in his own limo.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Jun 27 2005, 09:02 PM
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First Archon Khara thanked President Stone and boarded the limo, followed shortly their after by his aide Johnathan and his cabinet, each of whom thanked the President as the First Archon had done. The limo then proceeded to spirit away the Khazaronian Governments' delegation.

About thirty-five minutes later...

Another plane, much smaller than the first, landed on the runway and taxied up to just behind the Khazaronian plane. A few moments later the door opened and the stairs unfolded. The first two people to step out and descend the steps where Alexander Dinu and his friend and fellow Loyalist Stephen Anarus.

Alexander is six foot tall with dark blonde hair and brown eyes. He is wearing khaki pants, white shirt and a khaki jacket that is unbuttoned. His shoes are white sneakers.

Stephen is five foot nine inches tall and has red hair with brown eyes. He is wearing slightly muddied blue jeans and a white buttoned up dress shirt with black sneakers.

The two men waited at the bottom of the stairs for the rest of their delegation to descend and then proceeded forward to where President Stone and his fellow government officials where waiting. Alexander stepped forward and smiled extending his hand. "Greetings, I am Alexander Dinu, and on behalf of the supporters of democracy in Khazaron I would like to thank you for hosting these proceedings. Allow me to introduce my friend and assistant Stephen Anarus and the rest of our delegation." Alexander said this last part as he kept his left hand extended and motioned toward his delegation with his right.
The Red Devil
Posts: 515
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Posted: Jun 28 2005, 07:19 PM
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Shaking Dinu's hand, President Stone welcomed him to the Free Republic, and performed the same diplomatic ceremony that he had done with the First Archon.

After the Democratic delegation had headed off to the meeting site in their own limo, he turned to the Foreign Minister, and inquired when the Nedalian delegation would be arriving.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Jul 1 2005, 06:13 PM
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(Nedalia, you still there?)
The Red Devil
Posts: 515
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Posted: Jul 1 2005, 07:19 PM
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OOC: I'll send Nedalia a PM.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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