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Taking Back What's Ours
Posted: Jul 21 2005, 06:13 PM
PMEmail Poster
[OOC: Sorry for the long delay. I was waiting for Ryloss to post, but since I've got more time than usual, I'll post something now.]

Camp Freedom, approximately five km north of Portland

Kennedy sat at the makeshift command centre at an undisclosed location roughly 10 km from the border of the Disputed Territory. The Sixth and Seventh Infantry Divisions had just gone through extensive training as part of the reforms package pushed through Parliament after Sarzonia's legislative body finally listened to Army Chief Antonius Santius's repeated demands. The Fourth Armoured Division was due to arrive within six hours.

"Blitzie, how's it looking?"

"Training's gone pretty well. Those Praetonians sure bark louder than any pit bull I ever came across," Major General Geoff Tolliver said. "These are some of the finest troops Sarzonia have ever produced. We should be ready for anything. Especially if Sarzo gets us into more hot water with those Chacoran bastards."

Kennedy gave Tolliver a knowing look, then pointed at the digital display.

"I'm glad you're optimistic Geoff, but we've got a job to do. These are the satellite images in the Disputed Territories and in here," he said, pointing to the three southernmost provinces in Chacor, "are some images we've gotten from UAVs. Right now, there isn't a lot of buildup at the moment, but I bet you my last paycheck they'll build up in a hurry if we get too aggressive."

"Are you saying we launch an invasion?"

"No, Tolliver, I'm not saying launch an invasion. What I am saying is we begin combat exercises. Make it look as though an invasion will come at any day. I don't think Sarzo's going to like the sound of the compromise Douglas proposed."

Situation Room, Gray House

"What'd you hear from Tenal?"

"He's saying they won't release the POWs," Deputy Senior Vice President and External Affairs Officer Grant Haffner said. "Apparently, they have evidence of some terrorist activity among some of the squatters."


"Well, they did steal our territory, did they not?"

"You have a point there. But what do we make of their continued refusal to work with Ryloss?"

"You know what I think about that, Mike."

"I know, Nicole," Sarzo sighed. "But we're this close to resolving this conflict peacefully. They just won't budge on that point.

"Well, if they won't budge that last inch, it's time for us to push them that last inch."

"What do you mean?"

"We've got the First Army at their doorstep, right?"


"If they don't cooperate by the deadline, tell that obnoxious little prat Douglas that you're going to take the Disputed Territory by force. And if you do, you're not going to stop until Chacor is burnt like charcoal at a barbecue."

"So you mean to say you're willing to risk all-out war with Chacor and God knows who else who's on their side?"

"Look at it, Mike," Newman cut in. "Who is on their side? They've got Latao, whose entire country is in ruins. They've got Druida, whose best military weapon is an assortment of pies and they've got Legalese. Wait, Legalese ceased to exist. We could take out the entire FLMS by ourselves with one hand tied behind our backs. If we got some help, we could take Chacor as our territory and expel the Chacorans from the landmass entirely."

"You're talking ethnic cleansing and that's completely out of the question," Sarzo said. "You're also talking genocide and that's out of the question. At the very least, you're talking imperialism and THAT is not an option I'm willing to even put on the table."

"No, Mike, we're not talking about any of those things. What we are talking about is forcing Chacor to give back the territory they stole from us and as part of the reparations they'll have to pay, they'll be forced to allow us to annex some of their land."

"I don't like the sounds of that," Sarzo said. "Remember, I'm commander in chief of the armed forces. I do not authorise any of that. However, if Chacor continues to refuse to work with the Rylossians, we will have every right to consider that a tacit declaration of war. And we can respond to that accordingly. But let's keep our objectives limited to regaining the stolen territory. If they give up any more than that, great. But otherwise, I just want our original territory back in Sarzonian hands. Then we'll work with the Rylossians to return the POWs to Chacor."

Sarzo called Vice President for Naval Operations Kathy Bunhall.

"Make sure the Fourth and Fifth Fleets are in positions along the southern coast of Chacor," he said. "I want the Second and Third Fleets to patrol the central portion. One or two Carrier Action Groups should be able to cut Chacor off from the north. John, I want your best strategic targets for a massive tungsten rod attack, preferrably military or government installations."

Sarzo grimaced as he gave the commands that conceivably edged Sarzonia closer to war. He knew time was drawing short and the time to play chicken had ended. The time was coming when the world would find out who'd blink first.
It's all about the Navy.
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Posted: Jul 22 2005, 12:56 AM
PMEmail Poster
"Tom, reports are coming in... the Sarzonians are mobilising."

"Sarzo should know better. Perhaps he could take down the FLMS, but I'm sure he won't be able to do anything about one more nation on our side... he can't possibly risk international condemnation by attacking a fellow World Cup nation."

"You're saying you're going to ask...." Thomas Douglas' assistant, Henry Gringer, gives a little shudder as he mentions the name which most Chacorans view with hatred, "... you're going to ask Newells, Tom?"

"I'll do anything in my power to resolve this peacefully, but if Ryloss is refusing to co-operate it's not our fault, and we have to protect our sovereignity, Henry."

"Tom, you are part-Sarzonian. They can't possibly deny a citizen into the country. Go over there and have a good talk with Sarzo."

"Sarzo wants peace, but he wouldn't listen to a single second of what I have to say, I'm sure. That'd be very futile. Whatever it is, mobilise our troops and reservists. That may not be a lot, but an army of strength 200,000 plus help from Liverpool England will I'm sure force Sarzo to perhaps at least reconsider. MEanwhile, I need to work something out - peace is better than war."

"We interrupt regular programming for Breaking News. Reports are coming in from Sarzonia that Sarzonian troops are mobilising. President Thomas Douglas is set to make a press briefing, and we can go over LIVE to Woodstock, Sarzonia, where President Douglas, who is half-Sarzonian, is having, quote, "a personal respite", end quote, from the ongoing events.

"My fellow countrymen, Chacorans, Sarzonians....

Most of you understand the current conflict our two nations are trying to solve. Chacorans apparently claimed land vacated by Sarzonia in the north of Sarzonia, and our two countries are working hard, working together, to find a peaceful way of solving this conflict.

However, Chacoran citizens are in Rylossan hands, detained on alleged terrorism charges. Chacor does not stand for this, and thus talks have slowed drastically.

I am personally back in Woodstock, in Sarzonia, which I consider to be my homeland, being born on the border and all... I am back to take a personal break from the events of the past two months.

I undertand that the Sarzonian military has begun mobilising, and I have instructed Chacoran units to do the same. However, I am still holding out for a peaceful solution, one without causing bloodshed.

I stand here today, making a pitch to Sarzonians and Chacorans alike: We are one people; neighbours to each other; family to some. We can work together to end his conflict - only IF Ryloss agrees to work together and cooperate, which I do not expect them to do.

I realise that your two nations share a great .... share great military ties. However, they are standing in our way of solving this peacefully. Go to the Rylossan embassy and protest. We want a peaceful end, and Ryloss is what's stopping us.

Thank you."
Senator in Training
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Posted: Jul 24 2005, 06:16 PM
PMEmail Poster
[OOC: Chacor/LE, a reminder that puppet wanking is HIGHLY frowned upon. It's Sarzonia v. Chacor, not Sarzonia v. Chacor and Liverpool England.]
It's all about the Navy.
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Posted: Jul 25 2005, 05:25 AM
PMEmail Poster
[Yeah I know it's frowned upon, but the two nations DO have prior history and not LE just coming in like some n00b and saying "We back them" wink.gif. It's legal, as far as I'm concerned. 'Sides, it's just a mention, I don't intend to do so.]
Senator in Training
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Posted: Aug 5 2005, 02:02 PM
PMEmail Poster
[OOC: I'll grant the fact there may be prior history between Chacor and LE, but my opposition to puppet wanking remains. Do NOT try it.]

"Mr. President, Chacor's President," Executive Secretary to the President Becky Davis began.

"What the hell does that dipstick want now?"

"Uh, Mike, he's here and he wants to meet with you in person."

"How did he manage to get through the checkpoints at the border? Some guard's head is going to roll."

"He showed a Sarzonian passport. He says he's half Sarzonian."

"You go out there and you tell him that he has 72 hours to get his lily livered arse back to Chacor or he will be placed under arrest."

"Mike, are you trying to start a war?" Davis stood up and glared. "I'll send him right in." She walked out before Mike had a chance to stop her.

This is just fecking great, Sarzo thought as he waited for Douglas to walk into his office. He stood up, folded his arms across his chest, and glared as Douglas started walking into the office.
It's all about the Navy.
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Posted: Aug 9 2005, 04:05 PM
PMEmail Poster
"You can almost smell the tension," Kennedy said as he listened to radio reports of the escalating tensions between Sarzonia and Chacor over the disputed territory. His army continued their daily, ceaseless drills that Kennedy insisted would turn his large group of volunteers into a crack, professional unit. He knew that sentiment among his troops was growing that they were looking for real action and they wanted to fight a war soon.

"Ryno, I've got Army Chief Santius on the phone," Colonel David Whitney, Kennedy's aide de camp, said as he walked into the tent that served as Kennedy's quarters.

Kennedy sighed. "All right, let's have it." He picked up the phone. "Kennedy."

"Ryan, I've been asked to give you the word that you are being brevetted Field General for the duration of the tensions with Chacor. You are also given overall command of the operation should it come down to war."

Santius hung the phone up, not waiting for Kennedy's answer.

"Guess I'm stuck with this command," Kennedy said.

"What do you mean, sir," Whitney said, suddenly snapping to attention.

"Dave, drop ranks for a bit," Kennedy said. "I've just been given command of the whole Chacoran operation. The Third Army is en route to the Northeast Border with Ryloss with Major General Amanda Thompson."

"It gets worse Ryan," Whitney said. "Newman sent an e-mail. You're in overall command. That means Admiral Newman is waiting for your next word."

"Sheeite," Kennedy said. "All this because Sarzonia wants more from Chacor than simply handing over territory?"

"Well, if they simply handed over the territory, we could release the ex-pats into their custody and head back home. But they keep refusing to acknowledge Ryloss."

"So now you mean to tell me we're close to all-out war because they're whining about Rylossian involvement?"

"Or because we're too stubborn."

"Dave," Kennedy said. "You know about the treaty..."

"We're still separate countries Ryan. We're not part of the same country. The treaty doesn't mean we've given up our sovereignty or they've given up theirs."

"I didn't say that," Kennedy said. "But you have to remember that gives both of us vested interest in the other country's affairs. Their army troops patrol our land as if it's theirs, but our naval ships patrol their waters like they're ours. It all ends up in the wash.

"Now Chacor's talking about bringing Liverpool England into the fray."

"Do what? If Liverpool England enters this, there'll be a lot more than a sporting rivalry going on. There'll be some serious bloodshed."

"Or some of their stadiums will be target practice for the Godrods."

"Hold on a sec," Kennedy said as his communications device beeped.

"Kennedy. All right. See you in five."

"Who was that?"

"The Rylossian general of the army. He wants to meet with us to go over invasion plans. Operation Body Slam, I think is what he called it."

That's just great, Whitney thought as he watched Kennedy stride briskly out of the tent and into his Humvee with notepad in hand. The operation would commence soon enough.

This post has been edited by Sarzonia on Aug 9 2005, 04:06 PM
It's all about the Navy.
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Posted: Aug 9 2005, 07:07 PM
PMEmail Poster
"Sarzo! As always, good to see you..." Douglas' voice rang through the room. "I suppose you've heard of Chacor's AOCAF bid then?"

Before Sarzo could say a word, Douglas continued, "Good. I don't want to harm our chances. I'm sure you, our good neighbours, don't, either. I'm offering this: Ryloss gets to oversee the withdrawal, but otherwise gets minimal intervention. We'll of course need our PoWs back, so if they can be flown into the Chacoran Embassy in Woodstock, I think we can make this a smooth end to tensions."

"I'm not going to have my cities blown up because of some frickin' dispute, and I don't think you'd like to see... we'd like to see any civilian damage. What do you say, Sarzo? A truce?"

[OOC: If you want the tensions to go on, you can always reject it, Sarz. No worries.]
Senator in Training
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Posted: Aug 10 2005, 09:14 PM
PMEmail Poster
Well, well. Look what the cat dragged in, Sarzo thought as he picked up a piece of paper. He walked out from behind his desk with the paper and walked up to Douglas, standing approximately 50 centimetres from his Chacoran counterpart.

"I'm not too pleased with my security teams at the moment, so forgive me if I'm not exactly jumping with enthusiasm at your presence here," Sarzo said firmly, fixing a steady glance at Douglas. "It's not everyday that a national leader in the middle of a warm war is able to flit through Sarzonian airspace like it's his own." Sarzo lifted the sheet of paper in his left hand to shpw it to Douglas, taking care to keep the contents well-hidden.

"Your poorly-disguised threat notwithstanding, I'll accept your proposal," Sarzo began at last. "I'll contact Lord Sero and have him release the prisoners. I'll also contact my military commanders and have them demobilise." Sarzo turned the paper around and moved his right hand to a position mere centimetres apart on the top.

"This sheet of paper," Sarzo said, "is a declaration of war. Parliament passed it just minutes ago. All it needs is my signature and a state of war exists between our countries." Sarzo tore the paper, then walked to his laptop and hit a button. "I've just transmitted a veto of the declaration of war. All I had to do was sign that paper and we would have been at war."

Wearily, Sarzo sat down, making a half-hearted motion to Douglas to sit down. "Care for a drink? Lord knows I need one."
It's all about the Navy.
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