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A Draggonnii Civil Conflict
Posted: Nov 25 2012, 03:31 AM
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Istrianii Ralea Vega looked over the most recent official communiqué from Et’ai Zirakul. Things had certainly gone from bad to worse.


To the varied peoples of Atlantian Oceania regardless of nationality or allegiance.

From The Sovereign Nothic Clanships of the Zirakuli

There comes a time when a man must choose to stand up for what he believes to be right and just in this world. When that cause is pure, others will join him as he stands - Family, Friends, Community, and yes, even an entire Nation. Here we stand!

For too long have the Zirakuli been oppressed by the vulgar tyrannical Rhyuun of the Draggonnii Socialist Empire. For too long have we bowed before those unworthy masters and played puppet to their whims and desires. For too long have we suppressed our own souls for to do otherwise would have brought down irrevocable punishment on our selves. Too Long ends now!

We, the entirety of the Zirauli peoples, hereby claim our lives and our lands as ours and ours alone. We hereby claim Sovereignty from Vegai oppressions. No longer will we follow as fools the despot in Errion Vega. We hereby claim our right to govern our selves, our right to be Free! By blood we were made as slaves and by blood we shall regain our Pride!

This is our first and only Declaration of our Independence. From this point forward we will defend our homes and our peoples with our lives if needed.

She had hoped simply to ignore the situation for a while to let tempers settle, but this changed everything. This was a slap in the face directly aimed at her and her empire. This had now become an issue that required a swift response. Perhaps if the Dwarven States were not watching, awaiting their own chance to secede from the Empire… But they were, and she could not allow them to harbor those kinds of thoughts. There was only one answer - Zirakul must be first castigated and then subjugated mercilessly. And it had to happen now.

She dialed the numbers and waited while the phone rang.

“Xylec. We are going to war.”
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
Posts: 372
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Posted: Nov 29 2012, 03:40 AM
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Xalec paced back and forth in front of the stained glass window that graced the northwest wall of the Presidente Commandante’s private office. It had been hours that they had argued over what action to take in the wake of the Zirakuli secession and he still could not believe what he was hearing.

“You cant be serious!” he shouted more at the window than at Estrianni. “Do you honestly know how it will look as we stand idly by and do absolutely nothing? And I am not just talking about the lands that make up the Empire. What will this look like to Falcania? To Wight? To Starblaydia?”

Estrianni Raelea Vega sat calmly behind the desk. She understood the frustration that Xalec was feeling. The same feelings that most Vegai would share with him.

“We wont be doing “nothing” as you call it. We will mass forces along the border and blockade the Bayagi Zirakul. That will effectively cut them off from any outside support they might get from other nations. Then we can deal with them at our leisure. Now will you finally calm down and listen to why I have made this decision?”

“Do I really have a choice?”

“No. This decision is final.”

“Well if that is the case, go ahead and fill me in as to why.”

Estriani smiled. He was a brilliant tactician - once you could get him to see the whole picture.

“The Zirakuli have always been malcontent under our rule and they have risen up to gain independence on more occasions than I personally care to count. Would you agree?”

Xalec sighed heavily. “Yes, and they have made seven previous attempts to gain independence.”

“Seven it is then. Seven previous attempts to leave the Empire. All made with spears, longbows, and other mundane weapons. And the last of those less than ten years ago. Yet, as our recon has been quick to notice, The Zirakuli have amassed quite an arsenal of modern weaponry, some of it even rivaling our own. This is not the same old Zirakuli revolution.”

“All the more reason to crush it quickly” Xalec rumbled.

“Before we do that, I would really like to know where they got these weapons and the training to use them right under our noses. I now that we have never kept a ton of troops in Zirakul, but we should have seen this coming.”

“Easy enough to find that out after the fact.” Xalec was still not ready to give in.

“And then there is a major issue that I do not even begin to understand.”

“And what is that?”

“The name they have chosen to be known as this time. “The Sovereign Nothic Clanships of Zirakul”. We have only recently come to believe that our continent of Nothandryun most likely originated from two separate peoples, The Rhyuun and the Noth,”

“Skip the supposed history. It gives me a headache.”

Estriani grinned as she continued “Most scholars agree that the holdings of the Empire are mostly comprised of what would have been Rhyuunic lands. Up until this point we have only had one dealing with what would have historically been Nothic.”

“And what would that have been?”

“The incident just outside of Sorthern Northland in what is now CCS occupied territory.”

Xalec bolted upright in his chair. That did change everything.
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
Posts: 372
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Posted: Nov 29 2012, 06:51 PM
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My dear Presidente,

It weighs on my heart to hear of the difficulties your people face. You are beloved of your subjects, and their loyalty does you credit. That the misguided Zirakuli clanships would bite the hand that feeds them is deeply unfortunate.

The Confederation of Common States was developed by our great nations to aid in just this sort of scenario. But above that, and beyond that, my people will always be friends of yours, and your plight shall not go unheard by the Kingdom of the Free.

I know that you have had reason to doubt my government, and indeed, my own rule, concerning the past year of our sponsorship to Leorudo. Privately, I would like to let you know that I regret this decision - the financial gain does not offset the difficulties it has caused; in particular, I am sorry for the strain it has put on our alliance. Were it possible to extricate ourselves from this mess, we would surely do so - indeed, once we have regained the FAV Raptor, we will begin the transition of our relationship to a purely financial arrangement. The Lion will never be as close to us as the Dragon is.

In practical terms, the FAV Feather will establish a base in neutral land near to the Zirakuli. If force becomes necessary - as, regrettably, it seems may be the case - then our sword is at your side. No matter the tools you need to accomplish the outcome you desire - diplomatic tools, financial tools, intelligence tools - we shall lend you aid.

I trust the tree still grows strong.

Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Nov 29 2012, 08:04 PM
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To: Whomever it may concern within the Andossa Si Mitrin Vega Military,
From: General Roger Lanoe, Leorudian Army of the Mountain
Encryption: High

The nation of Leorudo strongly believes that the members of the Confederate of Common States should assist one another during times of strain, and I would like to express dismay at the rebellion in your territory of Zirakul. Furthermore, I can feel it is only nessecary that the troops under my control assist your nation's surpression efforts at your discretion. These troops would be under your control for the time being, and will be transported to our territory at Leoningrad for your deployment.

I also regret my nation's involvement with the current unrest in the region by establishing oceanfaring territories, and I would personally like to reassure you that the armies under my control are more than willing to defend the entirity of our alliance as a whole, and I, myself, am willing to assist in any form nessecary. Let this be a notion of my unwavering support of your leadership of Andossa Si Mitrin Vega.

-At your service
General Two-Star Roger Lanoe
Leorudian Army of the Mountain

This post has been edited by Leorudo on Nov 29 2012, 08:08 PM
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Posted: Nov 30 2012, 03:16 AM
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Thank you for your kind words concerning this insurrection of the Zirakuli peoples. You, more than most, know what kind of actions one must take, to not only build, but to hold together a Kingdom or Empire as we each call our own nations. Very few others with exception of the Starblaydi and the Vanorians could now of such things as they sit upon their own thrones or behind their own desks and largely ignore the world around them. Even in this most recent spat of activity, it seems that those involved can only see their own side of the page and show no regard to the important writings on the other.

Therefore I shall share my own concerns over the current situation in Zirakul. In what to our knowledge has been less than a calendar year, the Zirakuli have made the move from spear chunking tribesmen to full blow military tacticians complete with a nice array of modern weaponry and a full understanding of how they should be used. We both know that the possibility of this happening on its own is simply absurd.

So who then has supplied and trained them so quickly? The Vilitan’s? Surely not. We are wary of them for several reasons but they do not have the resources to pull this off. In fact, almost no one in the region is that powerful, and the few that are we have eyes and ears near. Starblaydia. Valanora. Pacitalia. Commerce Heights. Nay to all. Although if the latter two were to become involved… Let’s not think on that too hard. A literal Pandora’s Box that could be.

While the Zirakuli remain content simply to maintain their borders, I will be searching for answers as to where their newfound power has come from. I think I will begin that search at a mountain just outside of the Sorthern Northland border. We never truly found any answers as to what happened there.

Any help you wish to provide will be greatly appreciated. It will be a welcome sight to see the Falcanians and the Vegai working together once more.


To General Two-Star Roger Lanoe
Leorudian Army of the Mountain

From: Xalec Ald’huin
Grand Templar of the Vegai Royal Guard
Knight Marshall of the Vegai Defense Force
Grand Marshal of the Draggonnii Empirical Mili’taire

I am pleased to hear of your support in the matter concerning Zirakul. It shows much of your loyalty as an ally. Be advised that the contingent of Leorudian personnel will be stationed at Kriusha along the Meldinburg/Stonengarten/Zirakul borders. We will keep you informed should any causes for concern pop up.  
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
Posts: 372
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Posted: Nov 30 2012, 12:20 PM
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You know I have nothing but admiration for your rule. As you know, the FAV Feather is in transit to your part of the world. Standing at the bridge rail, is Artur Strongborn, a Marshal of my Sky Control Force. He's a very pleasant young man, an excellent violinist, and his leadership of the forces that swept the insurgents from the remains of Sorthern Northland brought us to this stage of friendship. As you can imagine, I have a very high opinion of this young man, and may select him for a place in my government soon, so make use of him while he is available.

I formally request military access to your nation, that my forces may be better at your disposal. In matters of strategy, Strongborn will answer directly to myself, and you, of course, have my direct line.

I have also tapped the Treasury. Funds for international development have been made available to you. Dispose of them as you wish.

I hope at least our unity in this struggle against a common foe will bind us closer than we were before.


This post has been edited by Falcania on Nov 30 2012, 12:20 PM
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Feb 5 2013, 01:03 AM
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OOC- sorry for not getting back to this sooner


The Draggonnii Socialist Empire is pleased to grant you access to our airspace in regards to the situation in Zirakul. You may also use the VDF base at Sunset Ridge to refuel and take on supplies should the need arise.

At this point I am unwilling to mount an assault on the Zirakulii. They have long been our comrades and nothing has shown that returning to that is beyond hope. A more serious issue is where they have obtained their newfound military power. We have learned that some of their weaponry is most definitely of Falcanian origin while some is our own. Given the fact that we have each made a fortune on shall we say less that open markets, that is of little surprise. It is the third party pieces of their weaponry that bring cause for alarm - that and the newly resurrected symbolism of ‘Nothic’ in their new national title.

No current histories even know much about the Noth except that they were here long before the rest of us. Information is what I am searching for. If there is an unknown player in our regional game, I want to know about it.

As always we appreciate your help and experience. Thank you.

Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
Posts: 372
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