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New Qasimir: Endings and Beginnings
Posted: Jan 23 2006, 10:40 PM
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[[ OOC: This thread (or post, as the case may be) is intended to show how New Qasimir came into being, with a mixture of ‘intelligence briefings’ and character interactions. I am not posting the tentative Factbook here – I will put the Factbook in a separate post, link this ‘history’ thread to the Factbook after I've applied for a region.

Note: the Nova Oceania mentioned herein is a fictional nation / wannabe empire (any and all similarities with any existing NS nation(s) are humbly regretted), which would have ceased to exist about 25 years ago. If anything in the post is cause for concern, let me know how/why and I will make changes accordingly.

Apologies for massive length, but my muses went crazy and I couldn’t help m’self. In the meantime, enjoy. :) ]]

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30 Years Ago:

A few sheaves of glossy paper, prepared with dark, flowing ink, bound in leather, ornately, lavishly decorated. One might mistake it for a historical document, or a vain artisan’s diary. But it is none of those things. The leather seal on top marks it as an official document of Nova Oceania, the black seal underneath marking it as a document of the rightly feared Imperial Inquisition. Beautiful, soft to the touch, indeed, but where the Imperial Inquisition is involved, the beauty is a terrible one, with promises of death and darker, crueller things.


File: XXX – XX/X
Prepared by: Nova Oceanic Imperial Inquisition

Briefing: Qasimir Freedom Guard


This report has been prepared collate known information and speculation on Qasimir Freedom Guard, hereon referred to as QFG, insurgent organization engaged in covert and overt hostilities against allied nation of Qasimir over period of two years. The organization has recently expanded targets to Nova Oceanic Imperial Forces in Qasimir, with expressed intent to commit hostile acts in Nova Oceania Proper. Their stated goal is to “remove all foreign influence from Qasimir, and return it to its people as a free, sovereign republic.”

Quick brief on Qasimir: Official ally of Nova Oceania, very strong ties with current ruling Sultanate. Nova Oceania offered significant military and other unofficial aid to current Sultan and extended family in taking over Qasimir’s reins form previous Sultan. False allegations have been made by QFG that Qasimiri Sultanate are puppets to Nova Oceania, presumably regarding strong economic relations between Qasimir and Nova Oceania. Regarding economic ties, primary import from Qasimir is natural gas, along with industrial and manufacturing components, obtained at comparatively cheap costs. False allegations have also been made by QFG regarding success of free trading zones established on Qasimir with Nova Oceanic supervision, that the monies earned are all underhandedly raked in by the Sultanate with support from Nova Oceania. Section 1 of this report details Qasimir and Nova Oceanic relations.

QFG operational tactics are best classified as Asymmetric Warfare, with quick strikes and rapid withdrawals. Their attack plans follow no consistent pattern, though the targets are invariably of strategic, military, and economic significance. When engaging conventional forces, they avoid direct confrontation, employing urban cover and often using local terrain against Qasimiri and Nova Oceanic regulars. Their armaments and equipment are combinations of modified decommissioned and stolen military hardware, primarily of Nova Oceanic design and Qasimiri manufacture. The degree of expertise involved in the attacks hints at a level of training similar to Imperial Darkwatch forces, and more disturbingly, classified knowledge of specific weak aspects, structures, locations. Civilian casualties so far have been very low, and street-level sources suggest a growing support for the QFG’s methods as well as a growing disappointment with the current Sultanate. The devout nature of the common people also plays into the QFG’s hands, who have added a religious dimension to their propaganda operations, defaming the virtuous Sultante as a debauched, heretical monarchy. QFG operations, effects, and implications are dealt with in detail in Section 2.

Review of Inquisition investigations into QFG reveals little about overall command structure, other than a high degree of compartmentalisation. Security screening of potential QFG members is alarmingly thorough; of seven infiltration operations, of which the last two were classified above REGENT class, only three succeeded, and only one Inquisition agent returned alive. The two agents who did not survive were able to alert the Imperial Inquisition to attacks on the Mobile Defence Command [File Ref: XXX-XX/X] and the Black November strikes [File Ref: XXX-XX/X] on the 5th Imperial Fleet stationed on the maritime boundaries of Qasimir. The only piece of viable intelligence recovered, on careful examination of QFG related surveillance, is a reference to QFG’s primary command – the two [File Ref: XXX-XX/X]. A review of Inquisition operations undertaken against the QFG is given further detail in Section 3.



Stapled to the top of the introduction is a folded note, smooth, flowing writing in dark red ink, the letters a little messy at the edges, as if the note were written in a hurry. The note ends with an official Nova Oceanic seal, but instead of the standard dark blue, it is red, and the overflow of ink almost makes it seem like a great unhealing bloodstain.

“It cannot be emphasised enough: the QFG threat cannot, must not be taken lightly. They have the capacity to hurt us where we are weak, and that cannot be allowed to pass. Should the extent of Nova Oceanic dependence on Qasimir come to light, I dare not think of the consequences, of the fallout. Read this, and understand: do what it takes to root out this sore. Whatever it takes. Even if it means removing a pound of flesh with a dull, rusty knife.

If you cannot, my friend, then I fear for you. And all you hold so dear.

In service of Nova Oceania,
Jacobi Steiner
Regis, Eastern Imperial Command

[] [] []

The Sublime Throne, Official Residence of His Eminence Sultan Syed Al-Hamishi | Maktoub, Qasimir

Syed al-Hamishi was an old man, and he had seen many things in his time. He had done many things, some right, some wrong, and when he thought back he did not hold regret for his actions. It was true, that his path to the throne had been bloody and treacherous, that he had walked over the graves of his own flesh and blood in his ascendancy and had made deals with devils too numerous to count, he but he did not hold regrets. Regrets tended to cheapen the flavour of being Sultan.

And he did make a fine Sultan, with a sharp, aristocratic bearing, cold black eyes and a full head of hair, greying to white. But now, tonight, there was another flavour in his mouth, a taste he did not like at all. Other matters relating to the Nova Oceanic overlords, he would leave to his sons, Shams and Hakim. He had done his duties long ago, had sold the blood of the nation for his own throne, and now, at his age, was it too much to ask to be allowed to enjoy the fruits of his labours until he drew his last?

It wasn’t, he knew, but his sons, who had inherited only his raw greed and animal lust had not inherited his low, feral cunning. And his daughter, serpentine as she was, did not know enough of Nova Oceania to delegate for the Sultanate, wily and cunning though she might have been. So the task fell to him, to read the report, and read between the lines, to see what was said and what was not.

It took him a few hours to understand, to comprehend, and when that happened, Syed Al-Hamishi found himself queasy. The feeling prevented him from enjoying his dinner, occupied his thoughts so thoroughly even the consort who had been arranged for the night failed to distract him. A subject which even willing young flesh could not draw his attention away from: now that was distressing indeed.

Which is why he had summoned the Nova Oceania’s Imperial Advisor, Karl Zarek, to the palace: a bit of brief, frank discussion. Karl was a former Inquisition agent, assigned to Qasimir for the past ten years, an invaluable aid in Syed’s bloody rise to power. Now, ten years on, they were still almost friends, but both knew better than to presume.

“Greetings, Eminence, and to what do I owe the pleasure of your company?” Karl nodded his head on arrival, late as usual, and casually dressed. It was his regular, purposeful infraction, a habitual defiance of courtesy. Syed found it amusing, and somewhat refreshing. But tonight was different. He held out the report, and watched as Karl took it, flipped a few pages, closed it shut.

“So you’re familiar with it, I see,” Syed said, received a light shrug in reply.

“I wasn’t expecting you to handle it, Eminence. Though perhaps it’s better that you do, since your sons would be rather…ineffective in this situation.” A pause, a thoughtful glance outside the massive arching window towards Maktoub’s glittering lights. “Commendably fast reading, though. I wasn’t expecting to be called up until tomorrow.”

“Urgent matters are best discussed in informal places,” Syed returned, following the gaze, “There will be an official summons tomorrow anyway, but I need to know now where we stand with this.”

“Where we stand?” Karl narrowed his eyes, looking back, neck tensing, tone dagger-sharp, “Where we stand, Eminence, is simple. QFG is a legitimate, real threat to everything we have worked for, for everything we’re standing on. This isn’t like those other pathetic little rebellions you’ve quelled by flattening a few villages and executing a few official scapegoats. If you’ve read it well enough, you’ll understand what’s really being said, in not so many words.”

“Calm yourself, please, Karl. Anger doesn’t suit you, and it doesn’t befit me, either” Syed frowned, letting the other man’s spite wash away, walked towards the window, continuing, “I need you to tell me precisely what’s not being said here. Because unless I’m not mistaken, the Inquisition report suggests that this organization are privy…”

“…to highly secret information from your Security Ministry, from your Internal Defence Ministry, and from your Industrial and Manufacturing Ministry,” Karl cut him off, calm and cool, each word an unsubtle knife. “The organizations are compromised, along with their Nova Oceanic assets and Imperial Inquisition links. And the compromise comes from within your Sultanate. The QFG’s roots are within your Sultanate, Eminence.”

It hit him like a gut punch with a knuckleduster. He hadn’t anticipated all of that. The IDM?! He thought frenetically, The IMM?! But their security measures were the best in the country, second only to Sultanate Security. And the last bit…well, that was just a little too hard to stomach, but as his mind slowly cleared, he realised it was the only possible way all the evidence fit. He pressed a hand to his brow, squeezed hard to clear the ache that had taken root under his forehead, and said nothing, eyes closed, contemplating this uncomfortable turn of events.

“Oh, take your time, Eminence, there’s no rush, no rush at all,” Karl drawled, voice cooler now, taking a step closer, lowering his tone to almost a whisper. “Here’s a little thing that the report won’t tell you. I would’ve told you tomorrow, but since you’re getting all hot and bothered, let’s I tell you right now, hey?”

“You have six months to kill this cancer, Eminence. Six months, that’s all she wrote. If you can’t, Nova Oceania will bring in the Darkwatch with full sanction authorisation. Everything you have, everything we’ve built, they’ll burn and rape and destroy, leave standing just enough for Nova Oceania’s needs. And no one else will even lift a finger, because Qasimir will have invoked the long standing defence alliance between our nations to quell a massive civil disobedience the likes of which the Qasimiri Armed Forces are woefully ill equipped to handle.”

Karl stopped, stepped away, turned to leave.

“Remember, Eminence, six months.”

For the first time he could remember, Syed Al-Hamishi felt old, weary, worn, and when he looked out the window again, he saw in the glittering lights thousands of candles just waiting to burst into flame and consume his city whole.

Six months, and the words still echoed hollow in his mind. Six months.

[To be concluded]

[[OOC2: That's it for the time being. If the narrative is hard to follow – basic premise is this: 30something years ago, Qasimir was a puppet state to this wannabe grand empire called Nova Oceania, and the QFG wanted to liberate Qasimir; eventually, they succeeded and formed New Qasimir.

This was an initial background to give an idea of what Qasimir was like before the ‘revolution’ – the RP for the part where QFG liberates Qasimir and forms New Qasimir will be posted as soon as I can write it up and edit it onto this post – next day or two, hopefully. Thoughts, comments, etc, in the meantime would be highly appreciated. *crosses fingers* Also, I just really, really hope I didn’t make an idiot of myself up there. Cheers, and thanks for reading. :)]]

This post has been edited by New Qasimir on Jan 23 2006, 10:48 PM
New Qasimir
Posts: 4
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Posted: Jan 24 2006, 11:15 AM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
OOC: Great Caesar's ghost... you said there were a number of good RPers in this region.

You just increased that number by 1.

Nice one.

Oh and you can only edit a post like 5 minutes after posting it, its there just as a typo correction thing.
Also available in purple
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Posted: Jan 24 2006, 03:24 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
OOC:I agree with Star. Very nice indeed. It's a pleasure to have such a good roleplayer in AO. Welcome to the region and I can't wait to see the conclusion.

This post has been edited by Khazaron on Jan 24 2006, 03:24 PM
The Red Devil
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Posted: Jan 24 2006, 05:08 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
Aww. Now you made me jealous. Please join the SDL.
Winging It Since 2004
Posts: 776
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Posted: Jan 24 2006, 05:13 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
OOC: (multiple posts compacted into this one to not spoil Qasimir's thread too much)

QUOTE (Falcania @ Jan 24 2006, 11:08 PM)
...Please join the SDL.

I was wondering how long it would take for one of those to come along, Man that was so funny! biggrin.gif. Didn't think it would be you though biggrin.gif

QUOTE (Falcania @ Jan 24 2006, 11:15 PM)
You can mock. I notice the SAAS recruitment policy is basically a chargrilled corpse on a stake under a sign saying "welcome to the SAAS."

The Strategic Alliance doesn't *quite* work that way. We even left Lamoni a basket of mixed fruit, once.
Also available in purple
Posts: 1877
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Posted: Jan 24 2006, 07:20 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
The Strategic Alliance doesn't *quite* work that way. We even left Lamoni a basket of mixed fruit, once.

Which I had tested for all sorts of things that could have been placed in it.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Jan 26 2006, 05:51 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
[OOC: ...and done. finally. Apologies for typos (of which there quite a few *headdesk*), etc, etc, and the delay. And inconsistencies. This one jumps around a fair bit in time, but I've tried to make the sequence of events clear. If it's not...err...sorry.

Starblaydia, Falcania and Khazaron: thanks a lot! I'm overwhelmed. :) Regarding SDL - *grin* dude, yes, definitely! That, and before I was sort of intimidated by the SAAS. But chargrilled corpse on a stake as welcome sign? Now I'm just plain scared.

Anywhos, enjoy :) ]

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25 Years Ago:

Oceanic Enterprises Manufacturing Centre, Maktoub Industrial Development Region, Qasimir

It wasn’t an old place, but the decay had already started to show on the walls. The key location was underground, an ill-kept place, a dark, cavernous chamber, hidden away under the bowels of the spent factory, its purpose and existence forgotten. An anonymous, safe location, perfectly suited for the Freedom Guard’s needs. The corridors were dimmed, and the semicircular chamber where the meeting took place had virtually no light at all, save a lone bulb shining down at the far end of the flat wall.

Feet shuffled into the dark chamber, slowly, surely, found seats and made themselves comfortable. In time, the shuffling footsteps all died away and a door closed shut behind them with a solid clang.

“In the name of freedom, I greet you, my brothers and sisters,” a clear, throaty voice cut through the dark, a shape manifesting under the light. A lean, powerfully built man, dressed in dark, casual clothes, whose eyes the shadows hid. Behind him, a silhouette revealed itself to be a slim, light-skinned woman in the same unassuming, casual clothes. Despite the lack of light, it was hard to mistake the similarity in their features, bearing, posture.

“I am Kasim al-Haq, as most of you may already have ascertained. Joining me is Fatima Qader Abizaid – whom you have named the Black Widow.” A flicker of a smile might have passed through his features, or it might have just been the light playing tricks.

“Five years ago, the Freedom Guard sunk into the shadows when we received word of what the impotent Sultanate was planning to allow. To destroy us, they were willing to ravage our beautiful cities, our faithful people. Five years ago, we were not ready, because we could not allow our actions to doom our people. So we faded into the woodwork as if we never were. We became rumours, myths, restful ghosts, and the Sultanate returned to leeching our nation dry with the blessings of Nova Oceania. We no longer have the blessings of our people, for they feel betrayed by our ultimate promise, that greatest of deceits, hope.”

A pause, calculated.

“But today, my friends, tonight, five years on, we are ready. Many of you did not know of this, some of you have been involved since the beginning, and I can only apologise to the former. Your presence here, my friends, is the culmination of a powerful plan. Some have been with our cause longer, some shorter, but all who are here have one thing in common: we want to see our nation free, truly free. We have all made sacrifices for this cause, wept blood and bled tears, but hear me, my friends: the end is in sight.” Adding quietly, with firmness and conviction, with faith, “Allah willing, the end is in sight.”

“The pride of our aggressors made them blind to the fact that we had not been defeated, that our anger, our rage, our faith, could be harnessed against them in the subtlest of manners. We misdirected them, let them believe they’d killed off our information sources during the Ministry Purges five years ago, and we lost many good people in the process. Now, our brothers and sisters are entrenched deeply into the very fabric of the Sultanate, and we have dug our roots deep into the earth of Nova Oceania as well. Like the silverstripe, we are coiled and ready in the dark, ready and waiting for the chance to strike.”

Another pause, during which a deep quiet settled into the chamber.

“The Freedom Guard’s strength is in one hand not knowing what the other does, in being enough steps ahead of our enemies to never be detected. I break the compartmentalisation protocols and bring you here to tell you this: our time of hiding in the shadows and manipulating the Sultanate are soon to end, in a matter of weeks. All of you will have received detailed instructions, for yourselves, for your operations groups by tonight. Take them to heart, and understand: I am telling you this now because after this meeting, there will be no contact between any of our separate operations groups, not until we have seen the plan through to the end, the very end.”

“I will not give you false hope, my friends, for you have earned yourselves the right to truth with blood and tears. Our plan is exceedingly ambitious, and it is more than likely many, if not most of us, will die fulfilling our objectives. But as truly as Allah is my Lord and Muhammad his prophet, I promise you: when we are done, our nation will be free, and Empire of Nova Oceania will be crippled, rent to pieces like a carcass after a vulture has done its feeding.”


Excerpt: Personal journal | Capt. Sazid Oveishi, QFG 2nd Counterintelligence Group

I can’t bring myself to sleep now. I just can’t. Tonight’s gotten me wound up, but I’m not alone in that regard. Everyone was wound up tonight, tight, coiled, their faces sharp and expressions heavy, almost remorseful.

It feels like I’m drowning, if I stop to think things through, even for a few moments. There’s too many factors to consider and double check and keep checking. I shouldn’t, because the plans have already been made, all the gears timed in perfect, terribly synchronicity.

But this is how I am. I worry, I fret, I check over things that don’t need checking over. She tells me it’s a good habit, but there’s always mockery in her eyes, and her laughter sounds like a cruel, broken thing. I don’t much like her, the black widow, how she carelessly she toys with those under her command. Have to grant her this, though - she makes the hard decisions, doesn’t flinch, doesn’t tear up. In truth, she terrifies me. Terrifies all of us.

Her brother, in contrast, inspires us. Whereever he leads, people will follow, and for the causes he champions, people will take arms alongside him, will fight and bleed and die. He bleeds to, but he doesn’t die so much. And that’s a good thing, because every cause needs its champions, its heroes. He doesn’t lie to us, doesn’t lord over us, and he hasn’t yet left a brother in the arms of our enemies.

But we need them both, The Two, Fatima Qader Abizaid and Kasim al-Haq, because they’re the essence of what we are. They’re Yin and Yang, light and dark, and between them they create a perfect balance. It’s ironic that they are the core of the Freedom Guard, ironic in the cruel, twisted way that fate likes to burden us mortals with, because the blood in their veins is royal blood. The previous Sultan had been their uncle, before the Syed Al-Haimishi made his bloody play for power. Their parents, being the Sultan’s Intelligencers, hadn’t been spared, and they hadn’t been spared having to watch, on Syed Al-Hamishi’s special orders.

With a history as twisted and dark as that, I can understand why Fatima became who she is, a creature of the night, silent and subtle and deadly. We’re not all of us saints, but her hands are the bloodiest, because her quarry never sees her coming. Her hate is a cold thing, her rage colder, and where the rest of us look away from the edge of the Abyss in fear, she embraces it and makes it her own. But we need the darkness, because causes founded on pure idealism are doomed to failure. She takes on the most thankless of tasks, does things that makes bile rise to the throat of hardened soldiers, but she does it ultimately because someone needs to. She, out of all us Intelligencers, was the only one able to break through the conditioning of the last of the Inquisition’s infiltrators in a paltry two days. She broke a REGENT class agent, in two days. Even her brother seemed a little afraid of her, after that.

And Kasim….what is there to say about him that hasn’t already been said? He is compassionate and emphatic, and he knows what people want. He knows what to say, when, and how. He is the face of the Freedom Guard, and his words are what linger in the thoughts of the public subconscious when they think of us. All told, that is not a bad thing at all, and it doesn’t hurt that he’s a pretty good commander out in the field.

But enough. Enough, enough, enough. I have wasted enough time rambling about people who need no introduction, most certainly not from me. I need to rest now, and stop thinking. Letting my brain loose to graze on this complex, intricately ordered plan – that way lies madness.

I must sleep now, for when our planned apocalypse burns our skies blood red there will be little time for such simple pleasures.

[] [] []

21 Years Ago:

File: XXX – XX/X
Prepared by: Strategic Reconnaissance Division [SRD], Eastern Imperial Command

Briefing: Qasimir Civil War

This is preliminary briefing on the Qasimir Civil War, its roots and current situation, has been written to accompany the formal report on the same topic submitted to the Nova Oceanic High Imperium by the Imperial Defence Command.

For the sake of completion this brief will delve into the basics of the inception event that triggered the Qasimir Civil War and much internal unrest in Nova Oceania. The inception event is generally referred to as the Trinity Strike [File Ref: XX-XX/X], due to the four near-simultaneous incidents which left Nova Oceania and Qasimir vulnerable to the armed uprising.

The Trinity Strike:

1. Assassination of Sultan Syed Al-Hamishi along with key Ministers and Military Officers of Sultanate by QFG loyalist sleeper agents in Qasimir. Timing coincided with fatal assaults on key Military Officers of the Eastern Imperial Command, pro-Qasimir Expansion policymakers, and vital members of major corporations by dissident elements within Nova Oceanic Imperial Military. Vladis protocol put into effect for damage control, Delta notices served to all major news carriers. Darkwatch forces alerted for possible long-term hostile deployment in New Qasimir.

2. Concealed rocket and mortar barrages on Nova Oceanic aviation wings at Maktoub, destroying 45% of grounded aircraft and vehicles. Massive explosions at Natural Gas refining and routing facility on Qasimir coast, destroying root pipelines to Nova Oceania. Minutes later, multiple explosions at Imperial Materials Acquisition and Foreign Affairs Ministries. State of emergency declared in Nova Oceania, New Qasimir.

3. Less than an hour after assassinations, 6th Imperial Fleet’s secondary carrier INO Stratos reports contact with Nova Oceanic 15th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing V-22 troop transport, apparently taking fire, in need of emergency landing. V-22 had been suborned by QFG forces two weeks prior to attack, used radar mask while launching from nearby modified merchant ship. V-22 contained experimental non-nuclear single-detonation high-energy EMP weapon, stolen one year ago from Nova Oceanic proper. On detonation, effective 1/3 of fleet was rendered dead in water, with additional loss of approximately ¼ of low-flying combat and support aircraft returning from CAPs.

It took less than a day for New Qasimir Armed Forces to cooperate with loyalist Freedom Guard in insurrection, as Syed Al-Hamishi’s heirs had been disposed of and the Sultanate replaced with QFG loyalist members – who had as yet not officially renounced ties with Nova Oceania. All official communications, however, were cut off. Darkwatch forces already present on Qasimir were fast being outnumbered, and a decision was taken by the High Imperium to launch currently prepped Darkwatch forces into New Qasimir under guise of Qasimir Armed Forces regulars, given full sanction authorisation with emphasis on urban chaos tactics. Imperium also assigned Darkwatch PsychOps operatives to being pro-Nova Oceanic propaganda, to the tune of resisting new ‘anarchist’ forces taking over the sultanate, directing their rage to QFG and QAF regulars, perpetuating the ‘Civil War’. Surprisingly, or not, as the case may be, Darkwatch kept QFG occupied in the ‘civil war’ for over three years, causing major infrastructure damages and inducing a massive exodus of Qasimir civilians to other neighbouring nations in the region. The last of the Darkwatch forces was extracted from Qasimir on Imperium orders approximately a year ago.

No official action was taken against Qasimir, other than breaking away all economic and technological ties. Considering the situation, this might seem unwise, but it must be understood that Nova Oceania had suffered attacks on several fronts. Interdiction superiority and the sheer intimidation factor provided by the Imperial fleet were lost. Crippling blows in economic sector, only felt in the long term, were dealt by the destruction of the Natural Gas lines. Despite the incidents being blamed on Qasimir sponsored terrorists, no official military actions could be taken on Qasimir on account of ongoing ‘civil war’. And Nova Oceania had not the military strength, the strong economy, nor the support of powerful allies to sustain an open war of attrition with Qasimir. Darkwatch deployment was the best and only option available.

Nova Oceania has fully washed her hands of New Qasimir now. The decision was taken by High Imperium a year previous; the last of Imperial resources still alive were extracted months ago. Although the damage dealt by the QFG forces are being feel even more keenly today from the cracks beginning to show in Nova Oceania’s façade, Nova Oceania has left her mark on Qasimir. New Qasimir, the reincarnation of Nova Oceania’s onetime puppet, beings to spread its wings, but it is a weak, sickly bird, with no friends on high, and easy prey for those who seek a quick meal.


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3 Years Ago:

Office of the Director, ESI (External Security Intelligence), Dukhan, New Qasimir

Fatima Qader Abizaid takes her time to leave. The workday is over, the first shift of staff has all left, and the night-owls are just settling into their workstations. She is old, and her body is no longer as lithe or agile as it once was, not as beautiful or sinuous; but she doesn’t have much time to reflect on the past these days. The present offers far too much to keep her busy.

She pauses by the tall window, pulls the blinds and watches dusk creep over the horizon. Presses her fingers against cool glass, shifts her gaze to the clouds, and then to the lights of the capital, Maktoub, not so far away. All the while, her own eyes stare back at her, a ghost of a reflection, weary, tired.

The four agents let loose into the field just checked in earlier in the day, bringing up the total tally of active Level 5 Qasimiri NOC agents to thirty-seven. She feels her pulse quicken, just a little, and thinks of her brother, far away in the city of lights, surrounded by policymakers and other species commonly found in National Assemblies. He will be furious when he finds out, of course, but that is nothing new. If he has his way, New Qasimir would never have a proactive external Intelligence policy. All in the name of peace and new beginnings, and she wonders if he’s growing naïve as he ages.

“We are weak now,” she remembers telling him, in the days they were rebuilding the government structure, state by state, post by post. The days when the mighty Nova Oceanic empire was dust in their wake, divided and conquered by other eager powers, past glories forgotten. “We are newborns, of no definite parentage. Weak and feeble, and more than anything else we need to earn back our strength.” And he’d thought she was only talking about keeping a standing army and mandatory conscription. “Don’t be so narrow minded, little brother! Open your eyes, look around you! We need strong rulers, we need a strong economy, we need our businesses to flourish and our children to be wise. That’s what we need, and that’s what you’re going to work towards.”

That had surprised him, because she was saying that she essentially agreed with his priorities, and he’d expected more resistance from an old hawk like her. She knew that, and knowing, she didn’t stop, pressed forward with her real case, something far more important, far more urgent.

“But understand, little brother, we need to be strong, and in peacetime, the size or capacity or efficiency of your military counts for only so much. Strength in peacetime comes from knowledge, Intelligence. We already have the required assets in place – there are literally millions of displaced Qasimiri’s all over the region, many who’ve seeped in through society’s cracks wherever they are. They can be our eyes, our ears. And remember how we made the Freedom Guard, brother, how we got back our nation? How we crippled and rotted Nova Oceania from the inside, that now, it’s not even a memory? Our brothers and sisters have years worth of practical experience in the subtle and deadly arts. We can’t let that fade away, not if it can be put to good use, for the sake of New Qasimir. Help me, Kasim, do this thing, and we will never be weak.”

The first hook was easy. But after that, it was an uphill battle to create three separate intelligence agencies, each with its own mandate – she fought tooth and claw, got cut and bled and roared and kept fighting. When the dust settled, when the New Qasimir’s flag flew, a long fifteen years ago, she had what she needed. Thus, ESI, NSI, and RAD were born, and it was a glorious birth, for they kept with them all the skills and the memories that had made the Freedom Guard invisible and deadly.

But these are memories still, and she does not like the bittersweet fragrance nostalgia leaves in her throat. So she pulls the blinds back as they were, turns off the lights, and walks to the door. Hesitates, for a brief second, exhaling long and slow and deep, before closing it behind her.


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New Qasimir Factbook


Conventional Long Form: The Republic of New Qasimir
Conventional Short Form: New Qasimir


Nationality: Adjective: Qasimiri | Noun: Qasimiri(s)

Population: Approx. 10 Million [Jan ‘06]

Ethnic Groups: Though not a true picture of diversity, the populace of New Qasimir is a mix of Arab and South Asian, with minorities from Nepal and the Philippines.

59% Arab
35% South Asian
3% Nepal
2% Philippines
1% Other

Religions: The government, despite being accused of being Atheist, is actually secular in nature. Islam is the religion of the majority, though significant segments of the Arab community are Coptic Christians. Minor practiced faiths are the Buddhism, Catholic and Protestant avenues of Christianity, and Hinduism.

64% Islam
29% Coptic Christianity
3% Buddhism
4% Other

Languages: The most spoken language is the Qasimiri Arabic dialect, which shares much with Egyptian Arabic, and is the favoured method of speech between Arabs, while the South Asians make do with Hindi and Urdu and occasionally Bengali. The government, in a view to better integrate the nation with the global community, has made English the primary language, and to appease its majority communities has kept Qasimiri, Urdu, Hindi, and Bengali as secondary langagues.

Primary: English
Secondary: Qasimiri, Urdu, Hindi, Bengali


Government Type: Federal Republic

Capital: Maktoub

Administrative Divisions: 6 Territories – Al-Afzal, As-Sifar, Al-Kalish, As-Samaedi, Al-Azad, Al-Subhan

Suffrage: Universal suffrage at age 21

Executive Branch:

Chief of State: President Amin Barakzai [Elected by popular vote every seven years for a maximum two terms in office; though powerful by constitution, acts largely as a ceremonial figurehead]
Head of Government: Prime Minister Kasim Al-Haq [Officially appointed by President, in general head of majority party in parliament]
Cabinet: Cabinet of Ministers chosen on by President on advice of Prime Minister. Current Cabinet:

Deputy Prime Minister: Azmir Hameed
Attorney General: Nasreen Tahmina Al-Akhtar
Minister for Internal Affairs: Zubaida Meer
Minister for Foreign Affairs: Sazid Oveishi
Minister for Defense: Mirza Hanif
Minister for Education and Science: Esham Al-Qudus
Minister for Commerce and Tourism: Syed Shams At-Tariq
Minister for Health and Medicine: Noor Al-Fattah
Minister for Environment: Akhtar Majumdar
Minister for Communications and Transportation: Suleiman Al-Badr
Minister for Religious Affairs: Syed Mosaddeque Ameen

Special note: current President, Prime Minister and Cabinet serve for life, through invocation of special clauses. When New Qasimir is stable and new competing parties are well established, the Prime Minister has indicated the President will be asked to dissolve the government and allow fresh elections to take place.

Legislative Branch: Unicameral legislative body, the Majlis-e-Khas [Special Assembly]; 120 members, elected through popular elections for five year terms. Each Territory divided into specific number of electorates; 2 – 4 candidates elected from each electorate.

Judicial Branch: The Judiciary interprets laws based decisions expressed by the Legislature. The Judiciary exists in three levels – the Supreme Court at the National level, the Federal High Court and Administrative Appellate Court at Federal level. On the territorial level, each court has its own hierarchy, the peak being the Territorial High Court, the ultimate level of original jurisdiction in the territory. Following the Territorial High Court are District Courts and Local Courts, of which the former generally handles major criminal trials and the latter handles other summary matters.

Major Political Parties:

New Qasimir Democratic Party (QDP) | Currently most powerful political organization in New Qasimir, primarily composed of ex-Freedom Guard members and civilian intellectuals. Stance is conservative, but currently leaning towards moderate with widespread reforms in education and commerce.
New Qasimir Freedom League (QFL) | Offshoot party from QDP, due to a difference in views. Ultraconservative and religious, though QFL promises secular government and better conditions for lower-class people hit hard by the war.
Qasimir Liberal League (QLL) | Name says it all; Party philosophy is “if it works for you, it’s something we can do”; Primarily composed of college professors, a few odd ex-journalists, and lots of college graduates. With new themes, fresh faces and vibrant techniques, they’re attracting quite a bit of attention among New Qasimir’s younger working professionals.


Main industries: Trout Farming, Information Technology, Natural Gas, Agriculture, Automotive

Major Imports: Iron and Steel, Consumer Electronics, Agriculture-related, Military Hardware, Textiles
Major Exports: Maize, Natural Gas, Plastics, Communications Equipment, Automobiles

Currency: Elker (Ek)
Exchange Rate: 2.7857 Ek: 1 $


Service and Obligation: Two years of compulsory military service on turning 18; only exceptions are debilitating injuries of illnesses. Those with medical conditions (like asthma) preventing the physical regimen soldiers undergo are not exempted, but assigned to administrative positions instead.

Strength: The current policy on the overall strength of the Armed Forces is that military personnel inclusive (commissioned, non-com, enlisted), the number should be approximately 1.75% of the total population at any given time, with a further 0.255% of total population kept in reserve.

Current Active Strength: 175,000
Current Reserve Strength: 25,500

Branches: New Qasimir’s active and passive military and defence related components report to the Ministry of Defence. The Active (Military) components fall under the purview of the Armed Forces Command (AFC).

New Qasimir Army (NQA) | Dedicated 40% of Active and 35% of Reserve Strength
New Qasimir Navy (NQV) | Dedicated 40% of Active and 45% of Reserve Strength
New Qasimir Air Force (NQAF) | Dedicated 20% of Active and 20% of Reserve Strength
Special Operations Command (SOC) | Dedicated 0.75% of Active Strength
Defence Intelligence and Security Directorate (DISD) | classified

The bulk of current military equipment is between five and fifteen years old, though kept well maintained. New technologies are appended where possible, though all military forces are trained for contingency ‘tech blackout’ situations involving EMP weapons. Current policy is to have moderately sized forces with excellent tactical and strategic training. Secondary emphasis is on weapons systems, armaments and vehicles able to withstand sustained combat before needing repair and conforming to current combat philosophy. Current combat philosophy focuses on asymmetric and unconventional combat, successfully engaging enemies possessing superior numbers and more advanced technology.

Relevant Organizations:

Paramilitary: The two primary paramilitary organizations in New Qasimir are Civil Protection(CP) and New Qasimir Frontier Guard (NQFG). Both are inaccessible through the Draft, and fall under the purview of the Attorney General’s Office. As such, their numbers are not factored into Military Active/Passive Strengths. Consequently, their funding comes from the Law and Order mandate of the budget, not Defence.

New Qasimir Frontier Guard (NQFG): The NQFG is assigned to protect national borders. NQFG draws on the Army and Navy for training and command personnel. It possesses two separate elements, one dedicated to land (Border Security Force - BSF), the other dedicated to coastal waters (Coast Guard).

Civil Protection (CP): CP is responsible for maintaining law and order inside New Qasimir, in essence a police organization. A divisional command exists in each territory, with the central command located in the Dukhan administrative district near Maktoub.

Intelligence: Other than the DISD, which deals specifically with military events and situations, there are three separate Intelligence organizations in New Qasimir. The ESI [External Security Intelligence] falls under Foreign Ministry overview. NSI [National Security Intelligence] falls under the Ministry of the Interior. RAD [Research and Analysis Directorate], an independent organization, operates in a grey area in between the ESI and NSI; its exact purpose and function have so far not been officially disclosed, only that it reports directly to the Executive branch of the government. Also in place in the Qasimir government is the National Intelligence Council, a body comprising of the heads of all Qasimiri intelligence services, the armed forces, as well as representatives from various ministries. Its main task is to produce definitive high-level intelligence assessments for the consideration of Prime Minister and the Cabinet.


Military Training Command (MTC) works under the Defense Ministry, overseeing Armed Forces Military Academy (AFMA), which trains officers in the Army, Navy and Air Force, and Technical Training Institutes (TTI) which prescribe Engineering and Signals/Communication disciplines.

New Qasimir Industrial Organization (QIO) falls under joint purview of the Ministry of Commerce and the Defence Ministry. It has three divisions, Acquisitions (QIO-A), Research, (QIO-R), and Export (QIO-E). QIO-A is responsible for official procurement of materials and armaments, QIO-R is responsible for research into industrial technologies, for civilian and military applications, and QIO-E is dedicated to the export of indigenous technology and materials.

This post has been edited by New Qasimir on Jan 26 2006, 06:16 PM
New Qasimir
Posts: 4
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