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Atheistic Right Missile Testing
Posted: Jun 25 2006, 11:51 AM
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As soon as the message from the Lamonian forces was recieved, Patriarch Khara ordered a contingent of 10 Crimson Guard to depart for Atheistic Right immediately, via the KNV Invictus. The trip itself would normally take several days to cross such a vast distance of water, especially if there where storms, but the order was given that they burn the engines extra hot in order to get to AR as soon as possible.

Indeed they did churn out a extra portion of speed from their engines, so much so that they came dangerously close to overheating and collapsing on several occasions. Meanwhile the Crimson Guard members where being briefed on their mission once they arrived.

They would dock and maintain position with the Lamonian fleet, dropping down into a smaller boat awaiting them, which would then release them into the waters themselves to swim onto shore. In order to cover for their beachfall, the Invictus would barrage the land with artillery fire to attract the attention of the awaiting Atheistic forces. Afterwords they would go in and seek out the key anti-air installations in AR and take them out, making way for the Lamonian paratroopers to land and begin major operations.

As they came into position with the Lamonian fleet, the Invictus commander, Admiral Ushin, contacted the Lamonian fleet and notified them of their plans.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Jun 25 2006, 11:03 PM
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A Lt. Commander came onto the bridge of the taskforce's flagship (FRLS Invincible) handing the message from Khazaronian Admiral Ushin to Lamonian Admiral Matthiesen. Scanning the message for the essential facts, he shredded the dispatch using the onboard shredder.

Then a reply was sent:

To: Admiral Ushin, KNV Invictus
From: Admiral Matthiesen, FRLS Invincible

Plan approved.  Proceed at your discretion.  Crimson Gaurd unit chops back to Khazaronian command when Lamonian paras have landed.  Good hunting.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Jun 29 2006, 08:23 PM
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(OOC: Well, let's get the ground assault going)

Bazalonian Special Forces sent to find and neutralise the nuclear threat performed a HALO jump.. A High Altitude Low Opening jump, where they jump from the plane at a high altitide and not open the parachute until the last second... There where 2 squads of 10 people each... they landed one, on the eastern half, the other on the western. With gieger counters to help detect radiation...
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Jun 30 2006, 12:13 AM
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(OOC: And so, Myrtannia throws its hat into the ring, sort of...)

While seemingly every other nation in the area around the 'Secondary Island' of Myrtannia, also home to Atheistic Right, was getting its forces in on the attacks upon that nation's soil, the Myrtannian Armed Forces were also doing their job. That job, as the name of the ground forces might suggest, was defending Myrtannia. The MDF was sitting all along the border, backed up now with reserves from the Defense Force Centers near Bunkal and Damascos. A veritable wall of olive drab-clad soldiers in full battle dress were now watching the border between the civillized Allied States and the chaos that AR was quickly becoming.

Not just infantry, but all avalaible armor and artillery had been brought up to the border, in case AR tried something. It didn't seem likely now, but there wasn't much else the MDF was allowed to do. Under strict orders from the highest authority, no conventional forces of the Myrtannian Armed Forces were allowed to take direct offensive action against Atheistic Right. Faced with a larger ground force on the other side of the border, it was probably a good idea for now.

Still, the soldiers were getting restless. One Private Yong Ritzert sighed and patted his assault rifle as he peered out over the border, then glanced to his squad commander and asked, "Are we going to do something besides just sitting here?"

The squad commander, Sergeant Faustino Germana, shook his head, "Not unless the armed forces of Atheistic Right attack us first. Then we can respond in kind."

"Bummer," Private Ritzert grumbled, and then went back to staring out over the border.


Meanwhile, the more unconventional forces of Myrtannia, officially linked to the MAF and the MDF jointly, were preparing to take a more direct action. After all, being unconventional, they weren't violating the President's order, and he had personally instructed them to go ahead with this mission. Myrtannia's congress might have recalled the SDL decision to a vote, but this matter was to be taken care of personally. The Allied States was not to have a neighbor run by a madman with nuclear weapons, so those weapons and the capability to produce them must be eliminated. That was the job of the Allied States Commandoes, effectively Myrtannia's special forces.

Making a jump like this was unconventional as well - the aircraft they were flying in on were painted to look like commercial aircraft from Air Myrtannia. In a few moments, thirty ASC's had exited their planes, activated their chutes, and drifted toward the ground near the suspected nuclear development area. If they found what Intel said they would, they'd just have to destroy it before the Rightists could use it, wouldn't they? To make things more complicated for the enemy, the Commandoes wore AR style uniforms over the MDF-issue undershirts, and kept their ASC blue berets hidden in their gear. If they ran into friendly forces, they'd just pop those on, raise up a Sun Burst flag, and hope for the best. Hopefully, they wouldn't be here that long.

The group's leader, Lt. Colonel Cinthia Nagelkirk, made sure her troopers disposed of their chutes, and then pulled out a Geiger meter, handing it to a commando next to her. Looking to her second-in-command, Captain Alec Gellman, she nodded, "Keep your heads up, we're in the badlands now..."
Experienced Senator
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Posted: Jun 30 2006, 01:51 AM
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As the Khazaronian Crimson Gaurd was taking out the anti-aircraft installations in the Lamonian LZ, the first of the Parawing equiped Paras leaped out of the plane, and glided to the LZ. Behind him came the rest of the paras, and the first mission of the Special Forces troops was to secure an area of 20 Kilometers along the Myrtannia/AR border region. As the troops were landing, a message was sent to the Myrtannian government to warn them of the development.

To: President Holton, Myrtannia
From: President Stone, Lamoni

Lamonian paratroops are landing in the border region between Myrtannia and AR.  They will secure an area of 20 KM along the border, and then move to other objectives inside AR.  Myrtannian forces are welcome to join us in this matter at your order, President Holton.  I would advise that you let us know if you want to join up, first.  This will prevent a 'blue-on-blue' engagement.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Jun 30 2006, 09:22 AM
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OOC: Myrtannia, your commandos could be in for a whole world of trouble - if you want them to be, that is wink.gif

QUOTE (Starblaydia)
...the dozen helicopters filled to bursting point with Special Forces and their equipment. They would be landing in the complex soon...

QUOTE (Myrtannia)
...ASC's had exited their planes, activated their chutes, and drifted toward the ground near the suspected nuclear development area...

The nuclear research complex was now practically defenceless. The Starblaydi F-16s had decimated every power, radar, SAM and flak emplacement within sight and now a dozen V-22 Osprey helicopters were landing, disgorging around two hundred and fifty Venators, Starblaydi Special Forces. Camouflaged in appropriate gear for Atheistic Right and weilding AK-108s with attached grenade launchers, the Venators fanned out and cleared every building of resistance, taking care to not shoot dead any AR scientists.

Suffering minimal casualties, the Venators soon secured the complex and began the process of lifting the scientists back to their ships. One of the pilots, however, noted something towards the horizon. Parachutes.

<Sighted, AR airborne troopers,> the message came across the radio in curt military speech, <inbound, north-north-west. Be advised, estimate Platoon-sized force.>

"Copy that," The Venators Company was being led by Captain Jaehaerys Fyreskar. He turned to his First Sergeant, "Defensive positions, Plan Indigo-Two," before getting back on his radio. "Mythbase, this is Dangermouse."

<Go ahead Dangermouse.>

"Inbound airborne troops, air support requested."

<Copy Dangermouse, sixteens let loose.>

The more engineering-minded Venators were making themselves a makeshift airstrip out of one of the long, straight road throughs the complex. Some of the heavy-lift aircraft would be arriving soon, co-ordinated with their assault. There was more work to be done than just clearing this research facility.
Also available in purple
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Posted: Jun 30 2006, 05:15 PM
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The Research complex was large, extremely large and from the surface it looked like there was nothing left of any remnaints. But those in the military intelligence divisions of the invading armies knew better too many people where going in and out upto the point of invasion for the size of the top-based dwellings. There was a complicated underground subway complex, retinal and hand biometric scanners and a total of 4 power generators under neath. The power supplied is just enough to run the subway, biometric scanners as well as a number of defensive installations.

Inside where a mix of scientists, security guards and a small number of elite forces.. As well as The Great Lion...

{OOC: Think of a Black Mesa type thing from Half-life, but in this case the Gordon Freeman is evil.}
Atheistic Right
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Posted: Jul 3 2006, 09:06 PM
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The relief from My Patio was now ready for distribution, the thing is it wasn't food or other supplies as the warship where lead to beleive it was a large supply of military armaments

1750 T-72's
20 Hind Gunships
1750 BMP-1's infantry fighting vehicles and 3000 MP5 Submachine guns.

The tanks rolled out of the storage shed with troops in the BMP-1's carrying various sub machine guns and other weapons... The hinds took to theair and took aerial support... The tanks started to rumble towards the Mrytannian border

Atheistic Right
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Posted: Jul 17 2006, 03:44 PM
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The Lamonian paratroopers had set up a security zone all the way from the Myrtannian border to 20 KM inside Atheistic Right. Satisfied that the Starblaydis would take out any nuclear weapons that they would find, a decision had been made to lessen the risk of conflict for the Myrtannians.

In the row of security zone outposts farthest into AR, the rumbling of multiple diesel engines could be heard. The Lamonian special forces troops had been supplied with SDL man portable anti-tank weapons, and had a lot of room in which to play manuver war. IF, that is; someone wanted to 'play,' as the troopers thought of it.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Jul 17 2006, 06:57 PM
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The tanks rumbled east towards the Mrytannian border straight into the Lamonian forces.

The Hinds flew over the lamonians firing their machine guns as the past,

The troop transports and the tanks lumbered forward and where about a kilometer away when the transports stopped and opened up. The T-72's kept going and the troop transports had their full compliment of troups. Some had rocket launches but most had sub-machine guns of some kind.

Atheistic Right
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Posted: Jul 17 2006, 11:33 PM
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The Lamonian Special Forces had a good eye for terrain, and had built traps for the enemy to wallow in. Reinforcements had also been called for, and Myrtannia had been notified that the supposed objective of the enemy force was Myrtannia itself. The Lamonian reinforcements wouldn't arrive in time to matter, but Myrtannia units might be able to help if the Myrtannian political leadership could be convinced of what the enemy was up to.

Man portable SAMs (OOC: Stinger type SAMs) were launched at the Hind gunships as they flew past, and quite a few of them hit their targets. One innovative Captain even fired a SAM at an enemy tank, managing to destroy it. Then lots of Lamonian anti-tank weapons fired, and the battle was joined. It wasn't expected that the Lamonian forces would be able to hold for long, but AORDO (OOC: attn: Starblaydia) had been radioed about the possibility of sending airstrikes over to contain the enemy force. The uneven battle raged as shots were traded on both sides.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Jul 18 2006, 01:22 AM
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At the suspected nuclear development facility area, Lt. Col. Nagelkirk was still monitoring the target area from afar. Something wasn't quite right about this, and she had a sick feeling in her stomach. That only happened when something was, indeed, odd. There didn't seem to be any Rightist soldiers on guard anywhere around the facility, though another commando watching the grounds swore he saw soldiers moving about at first. Then again, those Ospreys around the complex didn't seem too Rightist, and certainly that meant someone had already made it here.

"There's somebody in there, all right," she explained, noting the activity that was obviously going on inside the compound, "And they aren't Rightists. Meaning they're friendly, or at least on our side... all commandoes are to don ASC berets immediately."

Within moments, the thirty commandoes were wearing said berets, and one soldier removed a Sun Burst flag from a pack. This commando also took out a collapsable metal pole, assembled it, and then attached the flag to it. At Nagelkirk's command, the commandoes moved closer to the complex, the soldier with the flag waving it gently so that no mistake would be made by this third party's soldiers. If they were Rightists, they'd find out soon enough...


Along the border between AR and Myrtannia, the MDF was getting some alarming radio traffic. Not only had Lamonian Special Forces radioed in that Rightist units were headed toward the border with the intent of attacking, but MAF observation planes had confirmed a considerable amount of enemy armored vehicles doing just that. Now it was clear that the Lamonians weren't just trying to drag the Allied States into a war. The States themselves were in danger, and therefore the MDF would have to defend Myrtannia by preventing enemy units from crossing into Myrtannian soil. Normally, the MDF would choose to fight defensively, but there were Lamonian paratroops already just across the border helping do that. They wouldn't be able to hold out on their own. If the invasion force could be stopped dead in the water before getting too close to the border, the Allied States would be safe.

Then came the all important signal, straight from someone at the top - "Operation Cavalry is a go! Repeat, Operation Cavalry is a go!"

The plan called for a two-stage attack against a potential invader, this one modified as soon as the AR crisis began by the general staff. First, the MAF would swoop in and assail the Rightist armor, targeting tanks first along with any enemy aircraft, troop carriers second. Already, Joint Strike Fighters (and the handful of MAF bombers) from every MAF airbase within reach of the target zone were taking off and heading for the area of conflict. Without air superiority, the Rightists were sitting ducks.

Once the MAF had struck the enemy hard and done some damage, the comparitively small MDF force would roll out across the border and head to launch a flanking attack on the enemy force. If they were still outnumbered, the MDF would use hit and run tactics to bleed the Rightists all the way back to the border, where they would be in range of naval-based missiles. The reservists would remain at the border to help repel any attempted invasion should the counterattack fail. For now, the Type 99 Main Battle Tanks of the MDF warmed up their engines, and watched the show as MDF fighters raced for the point of conflict.

"Give 'em hell!" one tanker cheered, while infantry loading up into Type 97 Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFVs) nodded in agreement.

In addition, a message had been sent to the Lamonian capital and back to the source of the initial warning. It read:

To: President Stone, Lamonian Military
From: Tariq Sha'kar, Minister of Defense, ASM

In light of the hostile-intended force heading directly for our border, we have begun steps to remove this threat.  The fight is joined.  Momentarily, the Myrtannian Air Force will assist your ground forces, and the Myrtannia Defense Force will move to reinforce you position with armored forces.  We will not be able to engage in a sustained conventional battle against the Rightists' superior numbers, but we will do our best.  Hopefully Lamonian reinforcements and AORDO troops will arrive to assist us in this fight.

A message was also sent to AORDO command requesting immediate support against the Rightist armored force. How the battle would turn out from here was anyone's guess.

OOC: The armored vehicles mentioned here are both in current use by the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

This post has been edited by Myrtannia on Jul 18 2006, 01:26 AM
Experienced Senator
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Posted: Jul 18 2006, 06:32 AM
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As the Mrytannians and Cobra knew The Battle tanks where sitting ducks to the masses of enemy planes, forces and equipment. This was about taking as many enemies out in one large swoop as possible., and as well as Cobra's survival. He could see why The Great Lion fled, utilising the chaos of a large full-on battle Cobra had planned to steal the uniform of a dead whoever he could get, preferably Mrytannian.

He'd get into Mrytannia and work to undermine the government from within, now.. all he had to do was survive. Which in the middle of a battle such as this was not going to be easy

8 of the Hinds came down a total of 4 soldiers came out of the crashes alive, The other 12 Hinds landed ,letting out their compliment of troops, totally 92. The Hinds once again took to the sky and performed their Strafing runs against the Lamonians The 96 live troops soon engaged the lamonians from the rear. Trying to do as much damage.

The Tanks fired the cannons into the general mass of people from both sides killing indescriminately. nearly getting as many of Atheisitc Right's soldiers as Lamonians.

The Troop carriers had their machine guns blaring and the ones that still survived the onslaught ploughed through everything that was in it's path.

Nearby in a number of trees there where The best snipers that the Atheistic Right industrial hitmen had to offer. A total of 12 of them infiltrated the area using sophisticated camoflauge gear disguising themselves as either wildlife or utilising the natural lay of the land to skirt around to their locations unnoticed by the forces.

These snipers in the chaos would go unnoticed and maybe just maybe they could actually turn the tide of battle. in Atheistic Right's favour
Atheistic Right
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Posts: 35
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Posted: Jul 18 2006, 08:58 AM
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The leader of the Crimson Guard that had been placed with the Lamonian forces stepped up to the Lamonian commander. Calmly keeping his trigger hand on the Steyr Aug A3 slung in front of him, he surveyed the ongoing battle against the Atheistic Right forces. His men had secured the main command post for the Lamonians, in an attempt to help free up more of their forces for the battle. Something irked him however, as he heard the thunder of gunfire and artillery.

Turning to his Lamonian counterpart. "I've an idea that may help swing things a little more in our favor against the Atheists." he said flatly. "Groups like these are little better than an unruly mob, or a rampaging bull. Cut off the head, and the body quickly dies. I would like to volunteer my men for an operation to begin dismantling the Atheist command structure in this region. Provided, that is, that you have no problem with my men leaving their current guard duties?"
The Red Devil
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Posted: Jul 18 2006, 01:35 PM
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Brigadier General Thompson regarded his Khazaronian counterpart, and yelled (to be heard over the fighting) GO!!!!!

He then turned back to the map table, orchestrating a strategic move to a more defensible position, hoping that the Myrtannians would be able to show up in time. In the meantime, he radioed AORDO and the SDL for more troops and air support.

Meanwhile, the battle raged as Lamonian commandoes were doing their best against the AR army. Though this would be a very bloody fight, it was not without it's share of victories for the highly trained commandoes. AR tanks and APCs were biting the dust, but not in large enough numbers to garuntee victory. The Lamonian commandoes held the upper hand against the AR infantry, but the armored units might turn the tide unless the MDF and other reinforcements arrived in time.

Back in Nephi, President Stone had received the message from BG Thompson, and had immediately ordered that more Lamonian troops should be sent into the battle as soon as possible; while knowing that this would take a while.
Democratic Maniac
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