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AOCC2 Rosters and roleplaying thread
Posted: Feb 17 2007, 01:15 AM
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You know what to do!

RP bonus is:
5 points - Excellent!!
3 points - Well, it's a good 'un...
1 point - At least he RPed...
0 point - Crikey, mate.

Style modifier
Each team gets 7 points to modify their style between offensive curling and defensive curling. Offensive curling is when you play to knock your opponent's rocks from the house in each end of the match, so that you can use your last rocks to try to win points. Defensive curling is the method of playing your rocks in a formation and then playing your point-getting stone inside the formation to guard it from an opponent's counterattack.

An example of a style modifier would thusly be, OFC 3, DFC 4; OFC 7, DFC 0 or OFC 1, DFC 6.

This post has been edited by Pacitalia on Feb 17 2007, 01:27 AM
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Posted: Feb 17 2007, 02:59 AM
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Team Demot
First: Bellowar Mazii - age 22
Second: Ricky Manttalow - age 28
Third: Triad Deno - age 24 (Vice)
Fourth: Jammal Rellings - age 26 (Skip)

OFC: 3
DFC: 4
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Feb 17 2007, 06:42 AM
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Curled Bazalopes

First: Malcolm Fostington
Second: Jerry Haven (skip)
Third: Douglas Mawson (Vice)
Fourth: Kevin Lawson



BazSport's bringing the sports that matter to you.

The Atlantian Oceania Curling Cup is back in on the regional sporting arena. Yes, the sport in which 4 Bazalonians made it into the quarter finals of the 1st winter Olympiad all that time ago is back. But still what exactly is Curling? Many Bazalonians are probably stumped as to what exactly curling is.

To Answer this we would like to talk to Wayne King the Athletic Head of the Bazalonian delegation to the winter olympiad in commerce heights. Good Afternoon Wayne and welcome to BazSports.

Thank you for havaing me, I've heard that Curling is similiar to bowling. can you explain exactly how a game of Curling works?

A Game of Curling is remarkably similiar to a game of Lawn bowls in the fact that the object of the game is to score points by having your teams Curling Stones closest to the button. However that is where the similiarity ends. A curling team is made up of 4 people each one throws 2 stones, with the objective to get your stones into the scoring area , known as the house and as close as possible to the button. Each throw 2 players have brooms and can "sweep" the surface and control the speed of the stone.

So what strategies are there in curling?

There are basically 2 strategies, drawing, that means attempting to get you stones in a better position or blocking attempting to stop your opponents stones from getting in a good position. Or you could try to knock you opponents stone out of the way.

Bazalonia is currently 9th seed in the region with our Winter Olympic experience, what do you think will happen, particularily as we were just unlucky enough to be the 3rd seed in our group.

I'd say we have a very good chance of putting up a good fight. Qualification is a certain possibility however Chacor have played in the AOCC before and that experience may be just enough to get them over the line.

One final question, will the Curled Bazalopes be under any real sort of presure like the Bazalopes, the national soccer team, to perform?

Not really, Though we did get to the quarter finals in the first Winter Olympics in Curling it's been a long time and no one is really expecting anything dramatic like a series of wins against the number 1 team in the region.

We'll now just look at the teams that the Curled Bazalopes will face.


Group A

And here are the fixtures...


Day 1:    Bazalonia at Sarzonia
Day 2:    Milchama at Bazalonia
Day 3:    Chacor at Bazalonia
Day 4:    Sarzonia at Bazalonia
Day 5:    Bazalonia at Milchama
Day 6:    Bazalonia at Chacor

Any comments Wayne?

The Curled Bazalopes will have their work cut out for them, They can't forget Sarzonia and let them through but they still have to take Chacor down a peg or two. This is going to be a hard group for the Curled Bazalopes to handle but handle they can.

Okay, thank you wayne that is where we are going to leave it, See you during the tournament.

That's alright, I'll look forward to being with you in the commentary team with you too.

From one Ice Sport to another, yes, I'm talking about the Hockey World Cup...


Jerry Gulped as he got on the AeroPacitalia flight to Pacitalia. No one would remember if they qualified. No way they would win this nor come close, however if they came last, particularily if they lost to a nation that had no Curling experience at all that would be another matter all together.

He needed to defend the desicion to send a team to Pacitalia and the only way he could do that was to ensure that they won the games they needed. Including the first.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Feb 17 2007, 07:38 AM
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Submission of the Az-cz roster for AOCC2

To-Sr (vice)
Olaf Svenderson (skip)

OFC: 5
DFC: 2

This is the same squad that won the Silver medal in the recently completed olympics in Commerce Heights Jasi'yun.

OOC: This post has been edited because 3wide's spell check keeps changing the name of my freaking player. The second players name is is T-H-O but the spellchecker keeps changing it to though for reasons I can't figure out. If anybody knows how to keep that from happening let me know please.

This post has been edited by Az-cz on Feb 17 2007, 07:52 AM
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Posted: Feb 17 2007, 08:43 AM
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The four curlers just finished practicing when they heard that the schedules had been announced for the AOCC2.

Svenderson was first to examine the schedules and was simply flabbergastered. "I don't get this freaking region. Why are there so many nations that are averse to the world spotlight? We were the silver medalists of the olympics and the gold medalists are in a different region, yet we're ranked sixth. How does that work?"

To-Sir answered back, "yeah I know. It's the same stuff as in AOCAF. I don't know what's wrong with some of these nations like the hosts or Amarenthe or Myrtannia. Well let's see if they're really as good as advertised or if the rankings are just retarded."

though-Ir added to the complaining. "Not only that, but the schedule is just poorly designed. Is Pacitalia really unable to come up with a schedule for a group of four that is balanced. Why do some teams have three consecutive matches with the hammer or without the hammer. That's just ridiculous. It's 6 matches in a group of four. The Az-cz world cup comitteed made a schedule with 18 matches for a group of 10, non-repeating and never had teams have more than two times in a row home or away."

Swi-Pr continued to harp on the hosts "well they're a bunch of brain dead capitalists. Someone from their country made the claim that not for-profit TV was capitalist because it competed against capitalist TV. Which is like claiming that cuddling with my wife is capitalist because instead we could be out shopping. So it's not suprised they don't know what in heck they're doing."

Svenderson then tried to bring the group back on focus. "True true, but either way we just have to deal with it. Let's analyze the teams in our group. Amarenthe, well they won the silver medal here last time so they must be pretty danged good. However that doesn't mean they're really that good. They dropped a couple of matches in the group play last time and some pretty badly about that."

Swi-Pr confidently added "and we've never really heard of them in anything else. We ought to get the better of them, but it certainly will be a tough way to start. Who's next?"

To-Sir replied quickly "Ubundi."

though-Ir looked confused and asked "Who? Have they ever competed in anything here in Atlantian Oceania?"

Svenderson said "I don't think so. I think they're pretty new here, which means they could be suprisingly good, but probably we'll be able to take them down. Then we finish with Nojika. They're pretty mediocre at everything near as I can tell. I don't see any problems there either."

The team generally agreed that they ought to crush their group and roll into the knockouts on a high note. It wouldn't be till later rounds where they really expected to be challenged.
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Posted: Feb 17 2007, 02:16 PM
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Manhattan Prime

First: Pete Kowalski - age 22
Second: Chad Brown - age 25
Third: Jimmy Hopkins - age 26 (Vice)
Fourth: Owen Westwood - age 28 (Skip)

OFC: 3
DFC: 4
Manhattan Prime
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Posted: Feb 17 2007, 05:44 PM
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Team Ubundi Roster

Lead: Otto Uotila
Skip: Mvula Utni
Third: Azaan Daktari (Vice Skip)
Fourth: Gero Sipho

OFC: 4
DFC: 3

The Eclipse Sporting Grounds, Ubundiville, Ubundi

Team Ubundi was working on basic strategy when their British coach, Jonathan Wells rushed in holding a stack of papers.

"What is it, John?" asked the skip, Mvula Utni.

"Our AOCC2 opponents and schedule has been released."

Wells handed the papers over to Utni, who read.

"Looks like we're in Group B with Amarenthe, Az-Cz, and Nojika. Amarenthe is ranked second and Az-Cz sixth, so those will be the ones toughest ones to beat. Nojika is ranked with us equally, and seems to be new to AO curling tourneys."

"And the schedule?" Otto Uotila questioned?

"Day 1 - Nojika
Day 2 - Az-Cz
Day 3 - Amarenthe.
Days 4, 5, and 6 are when we play the teams, again."

"It's a tough group, guys, but since we are new, no one quite knows our strategy," Utni announced. "We will win using surprise."

UNCradio Sport Transcript

Folami Tafari: Welcome back to UNCradio Sport. This is Folami Tafari and joining me now is Ubundi Now! sports columnist and curling specialist, Teemu Vaara for a quick interview. Welcome!

Teemu Vaara: It's great to be here.

FT: Today, Team Ubundi's AOCC2 schedule was announced, and by looking at their group, it seems that the Team will have to get through some difficult opponents.

TV: Right. Team Ubundi is the newcomer to Atlantian Oceania curling events. First seeded in the group and second overall is Amarenthe and second seeded Az-Cz will be hard opponentes for Team Ubundi to beat. Against equally ranked Nojika is when Ubundi should win.

FT: How would you rank Team Ubundi?

TV: Team Ubundi is a young and talented bunch who have been training for many months. Being new, Team Ubundi could surprise their opponents with strategy and talent. I believe that this team has a good chance of doing well in the AOCC2.

FT: I see. How much support will Team Ubundi find here?

TV: Interest in Ubundian curling has grown magnificently over the past decade, so Team Ubundi will find much more support here than before.

FT: One last question… While on the topic of popularity, do you ever believe that curling will reach the amount of following of say football or rugby?

TV: You never now. Football and rugby became popular in Ubundi about a century ago, so their big head start has helped them.

FT: Thank you for taking the time to talk to us.

TV: My pleasure.
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Posted: Feb 17 2007, 07:06 PM
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Woodstock Daily Mail

Just what is curling, anyway?

By Dave O'Halloran
Daily Mail Staff Writer

WOODSTOCK (17 February) -- The Sarzonian Curling Federation had a major problem on its hands. No, the organisation didn't have problems securing visas for any of its players or coaches. It didn't have to deal with sold out hotels and having to shack up its players at some fleatrap in a nation that has few such hotels. The SCF had a much more fundamental problem.

It couldn't find players who even knew the game.

"We believe that sending a team to Pacitalia is the right thing to do," Vice President for Health and Athletics Jimmy Marshall said in a news release. "Considering the efforts the [Pacitalian Prime Minister Fernando] Chiovitti government has made with Operation Pentacle to restore Paci-Sarzonian relations, it is only fitting that we send our best and brightest curlers to Pacitalia as a statement of confidence in those efforts.

The problem, however, is that after the SCF was formed just two months ago and filled a staff into three temporary trailers in southern Woodstock, it had to find players to fill the team. That proved to be no easy task.

"I don't know how we managed to do it, to be honest," said Coach Patrick Conway. "It took some creativity on our parts to find four people who knew anything about the sport, let alone were physically able to play."

In fact, the fourth player, vice Piotr Bershayev, only received his green card six hours before the deadline to submit a roster. Had the clearance not come through, Conway would have had to suit himself up. And for a 53 year old who admitted to suffering from vertigo whenever he strapped on ice skates, that would not have been pleasant.

"Oh no," Conway said, literally shuddering at the prospect of having to play in the tournament. "According to doping regulations in Pacitalia and in the international governance of the sport, I wouldn't have been able to take my medication. It would not have been pleasant."

However, the Sarzonian team still isn't out of the woods just yet. Rosian goverment officials still haven't sent notarised documentation that Bershayev didn't compete in the nation's international curling matches, which would render him ineligible to suit up for Sarzonia. However, a legal aide with the Rosian government said it was "simply a matter of finding someone who's not too lazy to notarise it."

Meanwhile, Conway laughed when he saw the news report from Bazalonia that told their players not to discount his team from advancing past the group stage.

"You've got to be kidding me," Conway said. "We're still working on the basics of just trying to learn each other's names."

Sarzonia Spokes
First: Charlie Orem - age 19
Second: Ross Spencer - age 32
Third: Piotr Bershayev - age 24 (Vice)
Fourth: Mathew Renney - age 27 (Skip)
OFC: 3
DFC: 4

This post has been edited by Sarzonia on Feb 17 2007, 07:07 PM
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Posted: Feb 18 2007, 03:10 AM
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The Mynia Daily

Amarenthe returns to international curling

At which, we previously discovered, we're half decent. Not bad for a country who rarely sees ice unless artificially maintained.

The Amarenthian team is in Pacitalia for round two of the AOCC, with a slightly modified team - girls, you've some representation this time around - but a little more confidence. Last year's second place finish was a pleasant but welcome surprise, and 25-year-old Dylan Craig, the returning skip, has high hopes for his team this time around.

"We walked into this last year with basically no expectations," said Craig, "Because we'd never played internationally. This year, we've some idea where we stand. I think we'll do well."

Amarenthe's first match is against Az-Cz.



Kayley Brian, 26 – first (new)
Brennan Luther, 23 – second (returning)
Aaron Doves, 29 – third/vice (returning)
Dylan Craig, 25 – skip (returning)

Shaelynn Corinnagh, 25 – reserve (new)
Keith O’Maley, 26 - reserve (returning)

Coach: Sean Loughen

OFC: 4
DFC: 3

This post has been edited by Amarenthe on Feb 18 2007, 03:21 AM
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Posted: Feb 18 2007, 03:11 AM
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Posted: Feb 18 2007, 12:44 PM
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This scene occurred in the newsroom at the Woodstock Daily Mail.

"Good to have ya on board kiddo. We need someone to fill a hole in our coverage."

"Right, sir. I'm looking forward to it."

Assistant Managing Editor for Sports Marcus Downie eyed the bright eyed kid just out of Somerset State University. He was very eager, almost too eager, but Downie liked what he read from his clips. There was something there about this kid that Downie thought would make a great journalist someday.

But right now, he had a hole to fill. Dave O'Halloran wasn't available to cover the team in Pacitalia since his passport expired and he was too busy on deadline to go renew it right now. Since the kid was the newest member of the Daily Mail staff, he would have to do.

For his part, Travis West was bright and eager, but he also had a knack for doing a great job. After all, he'd won awards from the Somerset Press Association for his work on his college's newspaper. His writing even made Downie jealous, and Downie had 16 years in the profession. Considering all of this, Downie was about to drop the bomb on West.

"I'm going to need you to get on a plane tomorrow to Timiocato. You're going to be covering the curling team."

"The what?"

"You know, curling. That sport with the brooms and that... thing."

"I don't know the first thing about curling!"

Downie gave a glance into West's eyes that started out as a withering scowl from a grizzled editor but quickly morphed into one of compassion. West's eyes were certainly widened with fear, but Downie also saw something else in the kid. Determination. A willingness to do whatever it took to get the story right. The clips proved it. The references certainly pointed to it. Now Downie saw it in the kid.

"Well, that's what research is for, my boy," Downie said with a smirk that he hoped would convey his expectation that the kid would take on the assignment, but also his realisation that he was throwing the kid to the wolves. If he wrote well enough and he got enough positive feedback, the kid would likely earn a more prestigious beat before very long. With the salaries at The Daily Mail, the opportunity to move up was possible for those who did well enough.

"All right sir," West said. "I'll do my best."

Within hours, West was on the plane to Timiocato and was in the press box watching Sarzonia fall in its curling debut, 5-3 to Bazalonia. Downie laughed and smiled often when he read the kid's story. Not because it had holes in it or that it was poorly written, but there was a little injection of humour into the story. The tensions between Sarzonia and Chacor after the Warm War also factored into the preview of the next match.

"Sounds like this kid's going to be something," Downie said with a not so subtle air of approval as he sent the story on to the copy desk. Downie also had another premonition. Perhaps if West wrote well enough on the beat, the Sarzonian Curling Federation would have no trouble filling out a team for AOCC3.
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Posted: Feb 18 2007, 03:48 PM
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Svenderson was absolutely pissed after the match. "These Pacitalians need to learn somethings about maintaining an ice sheet. What the hell kind of crap was that?"

To-Sir was just as ticked off "Indeed. I've never seen the ice crack and a stone fall into the crack before. No way Amarenthe would've gotten that four end opener without that stupid cracked ice."

though-Ir continued "But it was the geyser that cost us. We had the seventh end absolutely won until the geyser sprung up from under the ice sheet and blasted my rock over towards the Quakmybush - Krytenia match. At least it didn't hurt any of our friends from Quakmybush and they still won their match."

Swi-Pr tossed in his two Ex-gx. "Well to quote from the hosts of the olympics, '-explicitive removed-ing slani hell'. They should have asked the people from JSY for advice on how to run the curling. But I suppose you can't expect too much from people who think 4+2+2+1 = 10. "

Svenderson "Yeah that's definitely true. Maybe we can get Az-cz to host the next one of these competitions so that the results can be treated with a certain level of respect rather than just being random ass. There's no way Amarenthe is that good. Now I know why they didn't bother showing up to the olympics. Bears Armed would've kicked their ass so hard"

Swi-Pr "True. Those guys could curl. Whod've thunk that Bears have the technique, but they certainly did."

though-Ir "Do you guys think it strange that Pacitalia itself doesn't compete in these tournaments?"

To-Sir "Not really, they know that their ice sheets are death traps and stay the hell out of there. When that stone went flying good lord."

Svenderson "Well our next match is against Ubundi. It's hard to tell if they're any good at all. Yes they won 14-1 but Nojika is possibly the worst curling squad in existence."

To-Sir "Whatever. These results are crap. This whole tournament is a joke. Let's go down and see if we can at least find some good pubs round here."

And with that they headed out to try to find some good brewskies to kick back on.
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Posted: Feb 18 2007, 05:51 PM
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AO Curling Returns, Team Myrtannia Ranked #1?

PACITALIA - Time to get the brooms out of the closet and shake off the cobwebs. After an eerie silence, the AO Chapmionship of Curling has returned. With the reigning champions no longer in existance, that means that somehow Myrtannia has managed to come in with the best preliminary regional ranking. This after a good outing in the first AOCC, despite a heavilly dissapointing fourth place finish.

With most of the original Team Myrtannia busy with their day jobs, a new team has had to be crafted around the coaching talents of Filiberto Luangxay. Laungxay, as a few Myrtannians may remember, was the captain of that original team. Now, he's the coach for a team of Myrtannian high school and college students. After the last AOCC, the domestic curling league folded, so non-professionals will represent the United Isles this time around.

"We've got the top ranking for a reason. Now, we're going to go out there and prove that we deserve it. I think these kids have a real opportunity to.. well, to be honest, I think they go out there and do a lot of damage to other teams," Luangxay explained after the team's arrival in Pacitalia.

The Second Team Myrtannia's roster was announced just before the team left for the other side of the region:

Coach: Filiberto Luangxay

Ellyn Mockler
Sachiko Noia (Skipper)
Harland Hansrote
Renaldo Givliani (Vice)

OC: 5/DC: 2

In their first match, the Myrtannians faced a team of unknowns from a nation that none of the UIM's curlers had ever heard of. Regional newbie Jasi'Yun put up little resistance for most of the matchup, scoring just once until the final end. With this matchup, Myrtannia was able to get a feeling for the ice again, scoring just a single stone in each end in a total of six ends.

"It wasn't the all out attack we sometimes had in AOCC 1, but it was a steady, deliberate attack all the same. If we can take someone out of the match early, that's good. But gradually forcing them out is just fine too," coach Luangxay told reporters after the match.

By the time that Jasi'Yun managed to piece together two scores in the tenth end, it was a case of too little, too late. Myrtannia played enough defense to keep the newcomers at bay and seal the win. Now, Team Myrtannia sits atop its group, awaiting Day Two's showdown with Ereeland. The Errish curlers defeated Vilita & Turori in the group's other Day One fixture.

"That wasn't so surprising for us to hear. V&T are from a tropical location, while Ereeland, from what we know, is damp and cold. It's no wonder that they were better in a winter sport," said Team Myrtannia's Vice Skipper, Renaldo Givliani, "We'll just have to give them a proper lesson in offensive curling."

The match is scheduled to be carried on the newly formed Sports Network Myrtannia (SNM), though there will likely be a tape delay.

The final score: MYR 6-3 JAS (10 ends)
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Posted: Feb 18 2007, 09:18 PM
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BazSports - Bringing you the Sports that matter

Welcome to the coverage of Atlantian Oceania Championship of Curling, with me is the studio is Curling connosieur Wayne King. Good evening Wayne.

Good Evening.

The first results have come in from Pacitalia, let's have a look at the results from group A.

Milchama 9, Chacor 4 (8 ends)

1 0 2 2 0 3 0 1   [ 9 ]
0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0   [ 4 ]

Bazalonia 5, Sarzonia 3 (10 ends)

1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0   [ 5 ]
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1   [ 3 ]

So Wayne let's look at the performance of the curled Bazalopes.

The team started well; wining the the first three ends by 1 point each, this must have built up their confidence immensely however the Sarzonians crawled back 2 points. in the 4th and the 5th ends. However another Bazalonian win in the 6th round knocked the Sarzonian charge on the head. The 7th and the 9th resulted in no stones resting in the home area and so no one got any points. And in the 8th End the Curled Bazalopes were up 5-2, even with the Sarzonians getting the last point in the game in the 10th end. It was over the Curled Bazalopes had worked well as a team, their aggressive strategy of knocking the other teams stones away was working well against the midly defensive strategies of the Sarzonian team. This game was indeed both a low scoring and a hard fought match. The Curled Bazalopes gained the early advantage but nearly gave it away to the Sarzonians. This game could have easily gone either way but the Curled Bazalopes used their strong start to their advantage and never let go.

Thank you Wayne, now let's have a few highlights from that game.

<4 clips of drives that effectively knocked the Sarzonian stones away, including 2 of the really close deliveries of the stone right next to the button. As well as a few clips of the Sarzonians good shots>

Now what the Milchamian and Chacor match?

The Milchamians seemed to dominate 9-4, the game ended 2 ends early that was how much the Milchamians dominated, even with what must have been a fluke 3 stone score in the 2nd end the Milchamians only allowed Chacor 1 more point and replied with a 3 point end a a number of 2 point ends, and with the 2 - 1 point ends that was scored. Unike the Bazalonian - Sarzoninian match Chacor actually managed to take the lead at one point.

<clips of the scoreboard ticking over showing how the score progressed over the 8 ends>

Now Bazalonia's upcoming match is against Milchama, What do think of their prospects?

Not good, not good at all, you have seen how the Milchamians dominated the Chacorians though as in every sport it's never over to the fat lady sings, Milchama just has way more international experience. and can handle alot of varied situations as well as being scarily accurate.

Thank you Wayne, this has been BazSports Coverage of the Atlantian Oceania Championship of Curling 2.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Feb 19 2007, 03:34 PM
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Manhattan Herald – 18th February 2007

Chips on Ice Notch Up Early Victory

Demot 5, Manhattan Prime 7 (10 ends)

1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 [ 5 ]
0 2 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 2 [ 7 ]

The decision to send a Manhattanite team to the AO Curling Championship, being hosted in Pacitalia, has been met by general bemusement in Manhattan Prime, with few truly understanding the sport.

However this is a growing Curling movement and the Sports Ministry has released a ‘beginner’s guide to curling’ pamphlet to aid new fans, and to give advice to those who want to join a team. The sport has been described by sources within the newly founded Curling Association as ‘bowls on acid’, and involves teams trying to score points by sliding stones along an ice arena, in order to get their team’s stones closest to the button, whilst teammates sweep the surface of the ice to control the stone’s speed and curve.

Demot won the first end by 1 point, with the Chips on Ice taking the 2nd with 2 points. Both teams continued to trade points the whole way through the game, with both showing some steady play. Manhattan Prime looked the flashier side though, winning several round 2-0, whilst their opponents only scored the 1 point on the 5 ends they won.

Second Chad Brown was up next for Manhattan Prime, and found it hard in his first end, with most of his shots going fairly wide, and Demot capitalizing to win the point. He proved luckier in his 2nd end however, with his final stone curving to knock the Demot stone away, thanks to some well coordinated sweeping from the Manhattanite team.

Vice Skip Hopkins seems to be emerging as the main flair player for the Chips on Ice; although proving unlucky in his first end, with Demot’s last stone knocking his carefully placed shots aside, he picked up 2 points in his 2nd end for skilled positioning, leaving the score 5-3 to Manhattan Prime.

Finally up stepped Owen Westwood, for stones 7 and 8. The Skip far from excelled at throwing, with Demot wining his first end, and the 2nd resulting in the first draw of the game, but his co-ordination of the sweeping throughout the game had proved crucial for Manhattan Prime.

With the score now pulled back to 5-4, the match continued and Hopkins stepped up to take what proved to be the last two ends of the game. Demot pulled the game back to 5-5 in end 9, only for Hopkins to disappoint Demot fans at the death with a stunning display in the 10th end. Manhattan Prime clinched two points in that final end to win their first match of the tournament 7-5.

After the football team’s disappointments at the AOCAF, the question on most fans’ lips seems to be ‘have we actually found a sport we’re good at?!’
Manhattan Prime
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