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Notice of Annexation
Posted: Apr 6 2013, 01:17 PM
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The region has stood idly by while our neighbours the Septentriax of Septentrionia have seen their once civil society plummet into chaos and uncertainty. Government has all but disappeared in the once proud and somewhat French country. The baguette shops have run dry, the grape withers on the vine. It has been a year since the fall of the ruling Mouvement laïque and the exile of Corporate Dictator Alain Lemay, who has since gone into hiding with the large part of the nation’s treasury. The pitiable state of affairs in the once-proud nation was starkly illustrated by its complete inability to deal with, or recover from, the Z-Virus which spread so rapidly and destructively throughout the region. Our initial observers find that the population has been devastated with survival rates as low as 1.6%. Those that are left are suffering terribly, all infrastructure is failing, and a humanitarian disaster unfolds, while the region fiddles. Here in Wight, where we are no strangers to disaster and quite like the frailty of the human grip on life, we can no longer watch impassively and do nothing. On behalf of the poor suffering people of Septentrionia, at the command of President-Dictablanda Jean Baptiste, we hereby issue notice of annexation of Ninety-Three Mile Islands and all former possessions and territories of Septentrionia, to perform administrative duties and restorative functions until such time as we deem the people of the nation sufficiently recovered to once again manage their own affairs.


Acting in full consultation with the Vilitan Orbital Intelligence Agency (VOIA) – the highly advanced organisation that knows almost everything that is going on in Atlantian Oceania at any given time – Wightling NGO aid workers have been inside Septentrionia since reports first emerged that the forty-year dictatorship of Mouvement laïque was collapsing amid suspicions of imminent national bankruptcy. The administration of Wight is categorical that observation was entirely neutral and interference in the final days of Alain Lemay’s dictatorship was neither a policy nor was it an actuality. We are clear also that we had no involvement in Lemay’s exile, no hand in the emptying of the state treasury, and no record of where either the man or the money went. We expect VOIA to be similarly disconnected from the circumstances behind the final days of government in Septentrionia: no doubt they will investigate this as diligently as will we. Observers remained in the country as various trade unions, syndicates and business leaders vied for power in the ensuing vacuum, but on instruction of the Government in Spit, did not attempt to support the efforts of any party over another or in any way impinge upon the right to self-determination of the Septentrionax. All observers were pulled from the country when the nature of the ‘April Fool’s Flu’ or Z-Virus became apparent, and, with a state of emergency declared across the region, Septentrionia was abandoned to it’s fate.

When the all-clear came several weeks later, Wight immediately despatched observers back to the Ninety-Three Mile Islands to assess the situation. Unsurprisingly the nation had not been able to protect or organise itself, and the scale of devastation in the country was enormous. Estimates put the current population at 325,000, approximately 1.6% of the previous recorded population according to government census (source: NS Wiki). Facing a potential destabilising humanitarian disaster on its doorstep, Wight again presented plans to VOIA and has subsequently placed Septentrionia into annexation.

One month ago, on the 14th day of Rainmarch, Wightling year 414, the Spittal House, the executive branch of Wight’s government, in partnership with the Oroboros Co-operative, established an unlimited line of credit to the people of Septentrionia, for the sole purpose of reconstruction of the country. This fund, the Wight Septent Regeneration Fund, will be administered from the Co-operative’s accounting headquarters in Taxhavn, a small and largely unknown island and favoured business financial centre in Rushmore. Secondary administration will be held in the Co-operative’s operational headquarters in Kukalaya, in the Wightling Commonwealth.

Two weeks ago, on 25th day of Rainmarch, with the transportation aid of Andossa Se Mitrin Vega’s First Koz’elii Carrier Strike Group, and with some light assistance (carrying bags, reading maps, etc) of the Draggonnii Imperial Elite Corps (Vegai 2nd Salamantic Tsunami), a large team of Wightling civil servants lead by Wight Foreign Secretary and Halal Butcher Tariq Hashshashin set up administrative offices in a temporarily undisclosed location in the capital city Ourseville. One week ago, the 4th day of Floret, the administration placed a temporary nationalisation order on all existing infrastructure and business, to be managed centrally by the new Wight Septent Colonial Office, or WSCO, which of course is a Co-operative in which all Septentrionax are members and stakeholders, temporarily managed by Wight government officials under the direction of Governor Hashshashin.

Septentrionax armed forces, what remained of them, have been stood down, temporarily. The Naval facilities have been placed under the supervision of the Koz’elii Carrier Strike Group for the time being, and Septent ships will be commissioned into the Wightling Armada as soon as they are confirmed seaworthy and operational. In the meantime, Rear Admiral Eskonj Vega has kindly agreed to keep the Carrier Strike Group on high alert and patrolling the entire coastline of the Ninety-Three Mile Islands on behalf of the WSCO until the Wight Armada can get some Septent ships afloat. This is to guard against opportunistic nations who may feel the poor people of Septentrionia, ungoverned and vulnerable, should be subdued and conquered in selfish acts of territorial acquisition, which Wight and its sponsors are co-operatively opposed to, in this instance.


Three days ago, on the 8th Floret, Governor Hashshashin temporarily suspended the Assemblée Nationale, which has been hobbled in the first instance by forty years of corruption and then by the recent outbreak of the Z-Virus. Only three Assembly cabinet members were left following the flight of President Lemay, and only one, the Governor of Nord-Costale, Mme. Blanche Frappier, survived the viral infection. Mme. Frappier has voluntarily agreed to an internship with the new administrative team in Ourseville for the time being including secure residence – for her own safety at this volatile time. Each of the eleven local government offices, The Gouvernements, have been suspended while central administration is established in the capital, although senior civil servants from Wight, under the direction of Governor Hashshashin, will eventually reform the Gouvernements to conduct administration at a local level. The Wight Septent Colonial Office has reviewed the condition of the judiciary in the country following mass defections of senior judicial officers with the ruling clique under Lemay, and determined that in its present condition it is unfit for purpose. Therefore the Consitution of Septentrionia is temporarily suspended, and the Interim Wight Septent Administrative Constitution replaces it.

The former ruling party Mouvement laïque has been closed and it’s possessions confiscated following forty years of corrupt dictatorship. Under the Interim Administrative Constitution, the party has been declared illegal and all membership invalid. Any surviving former members are encouraged to hand themselves in for a free and pleasure-filled vacation to Wight where they will commence a period of guided self-reflection, re-education and restoration under the custody of Jacquse Yioux’s Famous Travelling Kangeroo Court, including a sight-seeing trip to Le Tissier Penal Colony on the Gallows Archipelago. The former Parti National, disbanded by Mouvement laïque, will remain disbanded. Parti Republicain will be permitted to continue operations as an advisory council to the Colonial Office, however, party members are strongly urged not to shelter former Mouvement laïque activists who must perform their rehabilitation under the guidance of Wightling authorities as outlined above.

The Colonial Office, underwritten by the Interim Administrative Constitution, will be responsible for the governance of the Ninety-Three Mile Islands, Septentrionia and all it’s territorial possessions until the Indicators for Self-Determination have been satisfied (see below). The Governor of the Colonial Office will be the notional head of state during this administration, and will report directly to President-Dictablanda Jean Baptiste. Each of the eleven Gouvernements will be re-established with proven Wightling administrators managing the local offices. The Colonial Office will be responsible for all nationalised industry and resourcing, and will manage the treasury. To assist with this, the Wightling corporation Oroboros Co-operative, which has extensive experience of managing state sector industry and national treasuries, will establish an office in Ourseville and act as both an advisory to the Colonial Office and as the delivery arm in all matters practical.

The over-arching aim of the Colonial Office is to restore order, security and prosperity to the people of Septentrionia, and to this end is committed to re-investing all resources and profits, excluding a small consideration for management costs (see Fiscal Responsibility, below), back into the nation; and to restore national pride, aspiration and self-determination to the long-suffering Septentrionax.

The history, culture and national identity of the Septentrionax will at all times be respected and celebrated by the Colonial Office, and we are quite sure the people of that nation will come to see us as brothers in the long game to establish inviolable human rights for each and every individual of Septentrionia and the world(s).


The Colonial Office is preparing a precise report describing the factors which will determine the process by which the good people of Septentrionia will be empowered by their friends the Wightlingfolk to self-determine their governance. In the meantime, a set of indicators has been agreed upon by the administration which will determine when precisely this transition back to self-determination will be set in motion. Once the five following indicators are all met and agreed upon by the administration, the process for transfer of governance will begin. The indicators are as follows:

(1) A sufficient number of qualified senior Septentrionax civil servants will be ready to establish a body for self-governance. All senior civil servants will have gained their Accreditation to Govern through a programme of training and support from the Colonial Office, after an internship at levels appropriate to their existing experience. Each senior civil servant will be vetted for security reasons and complete a period of training in Wight to ensure the highest quality persons will be entering the first government of a regenerated Septentrionia.

Administrative indicators are explained in detail in Schedule 1 of the Annexation Notice Appendices.

(2) Septentrionax society will have reached a sufficiently complex and stable level of function in areas of industrial production, education, cultural industries, transportation, demographic mix, First Principles of egalitarianism, human rights & rationalism, law and order, distribution of wealth and resources, cultural identity and regional relations.

Social indicators are explained in detail in Schedule 2 of the Annexation Notice Appendices.

(3) The administrators of the indigenous Septentrionax body which will succeed to Government at the time of Self-Determination are committed to eternal peace and fraternity with Wight, and will sign a peace and co-operation Accord at 25-year intervals from the beginning of Self-Determination. The Colonial Office must be satisfied that the incoming authority is allied politically and militarily to Wight, it’s Commonwealth, and it’s allies.

Political indicators are explained in detail in Schedule 3 of the Annexation Notice Appendices.

(4) The nation has established systems of resource and infrastructure management to allow economic self-sufficiency, the ability to manufacture, distribute and trade domestic product; and the determination within government and industry to maintain productivity and progress in keeping with the needs of the people and the region.

Economic indicators are explained in detail in Schedule 4 of the Annexation Notice Appendices.

(5) Further to Point (4), the nation has sufficient systems of resource and infrastructure management to create acceptable surplus, in order that reasonable repayments be made annually into the Wight Septent Regeneration Fund, in order that the national credit extended Septentrionia for the regeneration of the nation be repaid within twenty-five years of the beginning of self-determination.

Precise details of the Wight Septent Regeneration Fund, monthly credit lines, annual accruals, interest rates, management fees and repayment schedules are explained in detail in Schedule 5 of the Annexation Notice Appendices.


See Schedule 5 of the Annexation Notice Appendices for full details.

Wight is funding the entire project through the Wight Septent Regeneration Fund, which will be administered by the Oroboros Co-operative Bank on behalf of the Colonial Office, and repayment of the loan will begin only when Wight has successfully returned self-determination to the country, which will only happen when the country can afford to repay the loan. In Wight this is technically known as the Wynne-Wynne Plan, after a senior economics advisor to the Colonial Office who drew up the small print: Mr. Garrick Wynne-Wynne.

Oroboros Co-operative Bank, based in Taxhavn, will trade under the style of the Septent National Bank (abbr. Sept-Nat) and has acquired the full share in recently nationalised institutions Banque Septentrionalis, Banque Orléans, Francobanque, Dépôtbanque and National Savings and Credit Bank, BÉCN (Banque Épargnes et Crédit Nationale). These have been merged into the single Sept-Nat, although there appears to be almost no capital left in any of them, following the defection of President Lemay and his coffers. Any money still deposited will be absorbed into the Regeneration Fund, all citizens will start with a zero balance in their accounts but with considerable access to loans at affordable rates to assist in getting the country back on it’s feet. The Regeneration Fund will also pay for a considerable Welfare System to support the Septentrionax in recovering from the recent crises, and a back-to-work programme assisting the connection of unemployed or disenfranchised citizens with new opportunities within state-run infrastructure businesses.

The Governor of Septentrionia and Head of the Colonial Office Tariq Hashsashin will be responsible for fiscal policy and spending, and will answer only to the Head of the Oroboros Co-operative Bank, and to the Wight government’s Foreign Secretary. The Head of the Oroboros Co-operative Bank will be the auditor of fiscal policy and spending during the Administration of Septentrionia. This position is also held by Tariq Hashsashin. The Foreign Secretary will act as senior supervisor to the Governor to ensure all policy of the national government is understood and applied in Septentrionia. This position is held by Tariq Hashsashin as well.


Any nation who has cause to dispute the honourable and life-saving actions of the kind and generous Wightling Government should have recourse to the following contact points:

Those who are opposed on diplomatic grounds and wish to arbitrate a diplomatic solution should contact Foreign Secretary Tariq Hashsashin for an appointment to discuss the annexation. In the event that Mister Hashsashin cannot be immediately contacted at the Spittal House government building in Wight, please contact the Governor of Septentrionia, Tariq Hashsashin, at the secret location of the present Administration in Ourseville.

Those who are opposed on military grounds and wish to pursue a military solution should contact the Sa Tu’urk Militarised Zone Vegai Base Commander: Provost Marshall Haeden Sur’esii. Perhaps after consultation with the Sandpiper Military Almanac, in particular the interesting article on deployment at Sa Tu’urk:

Link: Deployment at Sa Tu'urk

OOC: This Annexation has been made following consultation with Vilita and ASMV after the CTE one month ago of Septentrionia. I intend to preserve the culture and history of the nation and, in the event Sept returns, hand it back as if the Indicators above had been met. Note to ASMV: For the time being, if you wouldn't mind, could you reflect the annexation on the next map, with Wight colour and label? Thanks.
Dedicated Scribe
Posts: 62
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Posted: Apr 7 2013, 01:55 AM
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From Her Royal Highness, Presidente Commandante of the Draggonnii Socialist Empire, Estriani Raelea Vega

To President-Dictablanda Jean Baptiste of the Simulacra of Wight and other notable rulers located within the borders of Atlantian Oceania.

The people of the Draggonnii Socialist Empire are proud to support the humanitarian and governmental aid offered to the devastated peoples of the Septentriax by our dear friends in Wight. The rebuilding of this once great nation is by no means a small undertaking and we will offer what support may be needed as time moves along.

We will also help to mediate any disputes over the handling of this situation should we be called upon to do so as long as said disputes follow legal routes in a diplomatic fashion.

As has been the case since the arrival of Wight in Atlantian Oceania, the military forces of the Vegai will provide for their protection from aggressors until such time as they can adequately defend themselves at which point we shall work together as allies. This Vegai protection, by the very nature of its intent, shall from this moment forward be extended to include the former Septentriax for as long as it remains under Wightling influence. All threats of force shall be considered an open act of warfare and the Draggonnii Defense Forces shall respond appropriately.

Again our commendations to President-Dictablanda Jean Baptiste. We wish you naught but success in this venture.
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
Posts: 372
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Posted: Apr 7 2013, 05:34 AM
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To: President-Dictablanda Jean Baptiste, Wight
From: Andrew Browne, Administrator of The Inevitable Syndicate
Cc: [Mailing List: Regional Leaders], Christopher Arnell, Moderator of Foreign Affairs
Subject: Re: Notice of Annexation

Dear President-Dictablanda Jean Baptiste,

We here in the Inevitable Syndicate completely support your rather noble effort to preserve the culture and systems of the Septen Islands. We are here to support you, with supplies and humanitarian aid, if needed. The world can be a scary and dark place, and we feel that your nation is a force of good, working to make it brighter.

Best of Luck,

Administrator Andrew Browne

This post has been edited by Inevitable on Apr 7 2013, 05:34 AM
Dedicated Scribe
Posts: 72
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Posted: Apr 7 2013, 06:52 PM
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Public communication from the Xenobiological Enclave of Nellietopia:

We're very encouraged to see people making humanitarian efforts to restore order and peace in the oft chaotic lands of the Frenchies formerly of Septentrionia. However, no matter how great and how well-intended the plans of the Curse of Wight may be, there will always be collateral damage. The Enclave wishes to propose a solution to this problem: Send us the unwanted children of the surrendered and we will turn them into delicious Nellie Scout Cookies - French pastry style. It's a win-win situation (except for the kids, but no one ever asked for their opinion).

On that note, we invoke the nations of Atlantian Oceania to help contribute to the reconstruction of Septentrionia by buying our special batch of Nellie Scout Cookies. 90% of the proceeds earned from the sale of our special Nellie Scout Cookies: French pastry edition will go toward the construction of new schools in the beleaguered lands. And if you buy two today, you get a free propaganda tower that will broadcast 30-second subliminal messages to people within 300 meters to buy Nellie Scout Cookies.

May today be Nellie for you!
Scribe in Training
Posts: 17
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Posted: Apr 8 2013, 08:17 PM
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The Rt. Hon. Appia Victricia Mackenzie, RC
Government House
1 Via Augusta
Cansæ, Glascovia FCH 0001

President-Dictablanda Jean Baptiste
Wightling Commonwealth of The Broken Islands

Dear President-Dictablanda Baptiste,

Her Imperial Majesty's Government condemns the Wightling annexation of Septentrionia. No matter how well Wight cloaks its intentions in soporific prolixity, its colonial and imperialist ambitions are undeniable. Wight's professed desire to provide "humanitarian assistance" to the Septentrionax people merely presents an unconvincing façade for its own, self-interested ambition.

Glascovia cannot idly stand by while Wight tarnishes the principles of democracy and self-determination that all civilized nations profess to uphold; for Glascovia to simply ignore Wight's moral transgressions—or, gods forbid, to applaud them, as some have—would categorically mar our own national conscience. Effective immediately, Glascovia is subjecting all Wightling goods to trade tariffs, and rescinding the lowered security precautions we normally afford fellow denizens of Atlantian Oceania. Her Imperial Majesty's Government prays that these measures encourage the government of Wight to see the error of its ways, and that other nations in Atlantian Oceania follow our example.

Sincerely, I am,
user posted image
Appia Victricia Mackenzie
Consul, Second Glascovian Empire
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Posted: Apr 9 2013, 02:12 PM
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Your Imperial Majesty,

I write to you bearing a branch of peace. Glascovia has a long and distinguished history of ideological righteousness. However, there are no moral boundaries being overstepped by our friends in Wight. The people of Septentrionia have needed assistance for quite some time now, and it is only right that the Broken Islands take another into their fold.

It would be a shame for all involved if your tariffs served to drive Wightling business away from your shores. The Glascovian market is a lucrative one, and it would fill me with regret if you were to allow Falcanian tradesmen to profit so nakedly by undercutting you.

With such a legacy of war in the north of the region, it is good to see stability and order being restored. The FAV Phoenix has been participating in a long-standing patrol in this region. Its wings shall guard the Wightling aid workers from interdiction. The people of Septentrionia should be free to live the lives they want, without fear of harassment from less enlightened nations. I would urge you to join us in this endeavour.

Nobody would want you to stand anywhere except alongside us. Particularly yourselves, I am sure.

With courage and hope,
His High Majesty the Falcon, the Third King of the Free, Chosen of Falcania, Jayla, New Nestia, and Realms Otherwise Beneath the Skies.
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Apr 9 2013, 04:57 PM
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NOTING that the area once occupied by the proud nation of Septentrionia has fallen into a period of neglect,

REALIZING that the Wightling Commonwealth of The Broken Islands has taken steps to ensure that the people of this once proud nation don't fall on even harder times than they already have,

APPLAUDING the intentions of the Wightling Commonwealth, however,

CONCERNED that the current plan of annexation of the former Septentrionia by the Wightling Commonwealth ignores several key principles of the democratic process, including the right of the people to represent themselves in their governance,

NOTING that the current plan of annexation of the former Septentrionia makes no effort to allow the people of Septentrionia to represent themselves, or at the very least, even express their opinions,

FURTHER NOTING that the government of Wight has intervened without the consent of such people, although in the circumstances this is understandable,

CONCERNED that the details of the Interim Wight Septent Administrative Constitution have not been released for the review of the international community,

FURTHER CONCERNED that former members of the  Mouvement laïque are being forced to undergo a "period of guided self-reflection, re-education and restoration under the custody of Jacquse Yioux’s Famous Travelling Kangeroo Court," and that this period includes a "sight-seeing trip to Le Tissier Penal Colony on the Gallows Archipelago,"

REALIZING that not all members of the Mouvement laïque have done anything wrong, and that for some, this period may be unnecessary,

NOTING that the corporation Oroboros Co-operative has been given a large say in the governance of the former Septentrionia,

CONCERNED that this corporation may take advantage of the situation to make a quick profit, disregarding the livelihoods of the people in the former Septentrionia,

ALSO CONCERNED that the second indicator for self-determination may lead to unwanted government policies that go against the majority of people's wills,

REALIZING that that may not be the case however,

DEMANDS that the Emirate of Naitpyge be allowed to send a party of observers to the former Septentrionia to observe the situation there and report its findings to the Emir of Naitpyge.
Scribe in Training
Posts: 44
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Posted: Apr 11 2013, 02:59 AM
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It's an old, rotary-dial, desk phone that sits on the nightstand in 95X President Rick VanBuren's bedroom.

It only rings in the event of major events that might affect the nation, or a wrong number.

At 3:01 AM one morning, it rang, with the unmistakable tone only an old phone could make. It awakes VanBuren, still agitated over a radio station prank where a DJ tricked a phone company employee into giving out the number and called it during the middle of the night as "entertainment."

"It's three in the morning, you'd better not be selling insurance," VanBuren mumbles as a "greeting."

Listening to the intelligence informant, he thinks this is something that could probably wait until later on in the day.

"Does it involve a direct threat to us?" VanBuren briskly asks.

Hearing the answer, VanBuren replies, "well then have someone whip up a standard boilerplate letter with our acknowledgement of the situation and our interest in their sales mark—er, helping the people of Septentrionia in the interim should they need it."

He hangs up the phone and goes back to bed.
Senator in Training
Posts: 215
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Posted: Apr 14 2013, 05:07 AM
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Author: Tariq Hashsashin, Governor, Septen Islands
Publisher: Wight Septent Colonial Office

Date of Annexation: 8th Day of Floret, 414

Date of this quarterly report: Trequatre Day, 1st Sunmarch, 414

For responses to the annexation by other countries, see International Community section, below.

Restoration work on the Government building in Ourseville is under way, managed by the not inconsiderable skills of former Polarian architect Jens Christiansen, who has been responsible for much of the dour utilitarian and brutalist architecture widely celebrated in the rebuilding of Wight. Meanwhile the interim administration led by Tariq Hashsashin remains operational from a classified bunker nearby.

The Interim Wight Septent Administrative Constitution came into effect on the 11th Day of Floret, 414, nationalising all assets and institutions, such as remain operational, and notional assets/institutions which have been rendered inoperational by the joint catastrophes of the collapse of organised society and the outbreak of the Z-Virus.

Government remains centralised but with the kind assistance of the Draggonnii Imperial Elite Corps ten regional government offices are being established for decentralisation, which should occur within the first year of annexation. Mme. Blanche Frappier, former Governor of Nord-Costale, remains our welcome guest and most senior surviving politician from the Septentrionax administration. She has been appointed head of Parti Republicain, the former political party now fulfilling the function of advisory panel to the Colonial Office. At present six further capable civil servants have been found who survived the Z-Virus and all have been interned with Mme. Frappier as officers of Parti Republicain and advisors to Governor Hashsashin.

To date nine members of Mouvement Iaïque, vehicle of the outlawed former dictatorship, have submitted themselves or been discovered at hide-outs in Ourseville, and have been transferred to a Wightling guest house at the Sa Tu’urk Militarised Zone under Vegai guard, where they will begin their period of self-reflection and rehabilitation. Two further party members have been identified as alive and at large, though they have yet to be detained.

Under the terms of the annexation the culture and history of the islands will be both respected and celebrated. However, for ease of identification in Wight, one or two minor anglicisations of place-names will occur. Consequently, while the nation label of Septentrionia will remain in reservation for such time as the people of these islands determine to bring it back into circulation, for the time being, under the administration of the Colonial Office, the islands will form part of the national boundaries of Wight and be henceforth known as The Septen Islands. Further, the capital city will be renamed from Ourseville to simply Ours until such time as the self-determining Septentrionax decide otherwise (see Indicators for Self-Determination in the Notice of Annexe for further details). In order that the good people of Ours (what remains of them) do not feel unduly singled out, the ‘ville’ suffix will be dropped for the minor cities of Sauvage, and Nordique.


Once the Draggonnii Imperial Elite Corps have successfully secured regional bases for the Colonial Office administration, a comprehensive census and national registration process will commence to more quickly aid the restoration of order and essential services to the poor suffering people of the Septen Islands. Presently an informal network of emergency camps is providing the essentials of clean water, food and basic shelter to those who have been rendered refugees in their own country. The appointment of regional marshals to oversee the census and registration of all citizens to the new National Welfare database will begin within the month.

The Z-Virus has all but run it’s course now and there are no known carriers of the virus still alive. Initial estimates of a survival rate of 1.6% and a population therefore of 325,000 may now seem on the conservative side, and a rate as high as 5% (1.02m) may be nearer the mark. A large population of uninfected citizens had formed a network of previously undiscovered communities within the dense northern Forêt Boréale, and while they were competing for space with the famous Septen Polar Bear, they do seem to have managed very well over a period of several years in hiding from the Dictatorship. Encouraged by the efforts of the Wightling administration they are beginning to make themselves known to the authorities. The Colonial Office notes that Mme. Frappier was aware of this community – or aspects of it – and is disappointed that she did not share this information with us in a timely fashion.

Priority has been given to the refurbishment of hospital facilities in all major conurbations where pockets of the population still exist, in order to provide immediate assistance to most medical requirements. Two converted military helicopters provided by the Vegai’s Draggonnii Imperial Furozii (air cavalry) will airlift patients requiring more specialist or life-saving care to an emergency field hospital at the Septen Naval Base in Ours, managed by the best medical teams of the Vegai’s Imperial Navy Koz’elli AO Support Fleet.

Fresh water is now being provided from rejuvenated water processing facilities in the Monts Centraux area, but all food supplies are currently being shipped in from Wight and her allies in an emergency aid operation until such time as farming and food processing can be restored to the Islands.


The Oroboros Co-operative has established a National Assets Register at the government bunker in Ours, and will eventually move to a separate building in the city presently being refurbished as the corporation’s AO headquarters. The Colonial Office thanks the Co-operative for this remarkable commitment to the Septen Islands.

Water processing plants and hospitals, as described above, have been the first priorities for regeneration by the Co-operative, along with capital projects in Ours such as the government buildings and Oroboros AOHQ. Oroboros is managing all housing, as appropriated by the Colonial Office, to restore and provide social housing for the whole nation. All mortgages and tenancy agreements are cancelled, with new free tenancies underwritten by the Colonial Office to support rehousing where housing is lost, and renovation where housing exists in dilapidated states. Private ownership of housing will be considered in due course when the Colonial Office meets in parliament to establish a timetable for post-emergency Septentrionia.

Projections for the key private industries will be issued by Oroboros to the Colonial Office during the next quarter, including the temporarily defunct Thibault Automobiles. A merger with Wightling Commonwealth auto manufacturers Kjartan Autobílo (Hvammstang) TTAD (Tamarindia) and Zipper (Wight) as part of the Co-operative has been pre-approved by the Spittal House.


The Draggonnii Imperial Elite Corps is presently engaged in securing vital facilities across the Islands, on behalf of the Colonial Office, while the 5th Star Division of the Draggonnii Imperial Army is engaged in peace-keeping and humanitarian efforts in the country, under the supervision of senior officials from the Colonial Office. There have been no conflict incidents of note save for sporadic and minor civil disturbances which will diminish when the more isolated communities are educated on the intentions of Wight to restore pride and independence to the country.

The decimated military of Septentrionia was stood down immediately upon annexation and the various bases are now under the supervision of the Draggonnii Imperial Army on behalf of Wight. The surviving soldiery was estimated at approximately 4,300 from an initial force of 52,000; most of the soldiery has now been recruited into a newly formed Domestic Security Service, the SDS, billeted at the army base in Desmarais under the supervision of the Imperial Army. They are being trained to form a new small defence force, but are likely to be contained at barracks for 12 months, at minimum. Three senior surviving officers with close links to the dictatorship are currently detained at the Naval Base in Ours, from where they are likely to be transferred to Sa Tu’urk in Wight for retraining and rehabilitation.

The small Septentrionax Navy has fallen under the administration of the Wight Armada, and it’s fleet of eleven patrol boats, plus one frigate, one destroyer and one half-built ballistic submarine will be reregistered to the Armada. The thirteen additions to Wight’s own operational navy increases it to fourteen vessels. The total complement for this fleet stands at 650, of which there are a proportionally high number of survivors – around 160 – who are presently being assessed to their fitness to continue service. As the existing Wight Armada, with a total complement of under 50 trained seadogs, is ill-equipped to man this new fleet, it will mostly stay in port for the next 12 months while recruitment is conducted. The Draggonnii Imperial Navy will take on the role of training a new force of sailors to man the Septen ships, as well as continue to conduct full patrolling duties in the waters around the Septen Islands and Wight. Work on the submarine will commence once the facility has been assessed by Oroboros Co-operative, who will be responsible for it’s construction.

The police force in Septentrionia under the dictatorship numbered a proportionally large 60,500 (estimated) and under 3,000 will have survived the Z-Virus and related crises. This force has been stood down, and temporarily suspended, with the Draggonnii Imperial Army presently fulfilling that duty alongside a select representation of officers from the Wight Army. Of the estimated 3,000 surviving police officers approximately 150 will likely have been closely linked to the dictatorship, and may represent the most dangerous threat to the annexation and restoration process. So far no party members from the police force have voluntarily surrendered, and only 12 have been detained following identification. They are presently held at the Naval Base in Ours. The Wightling Intelligence Service will be establishing a task force to identify and screen all former police officers, with voluntary presentation encouraged. Those who do give themselves up and are screened as safe will become candidates for a new domestic police force to be set up and managed by the Colonial Office. This is intended to be fully operational in 24 months, and proportionally made up of Septen natives with Wightling immigrants who will be provided with incentives to come and work for the Septen Constabulary.

The prison population numbered approximately 11,300 at the last census, although unofficially it may have been as high as 15,000. Tragically the survival rate among incarcerated victims of the Z-Virus is below 0.1% - there are nine known survivors from the prisons in Dauphin and Desmarais who are presently undergoing medical rehabilitation at the Naval Base and depending on their crimes and present states of mind, may be released, or transferred to Le Tissier Penal Colony in Wight for a more humane period of incarceration. All prisons are currently being demolished by Oroboros Co-operative; a temporary facility is being managed at the Naval Base in Ours, while new plans are being drawn up under the Colonial Office’s Interim Administration Law & Order Act.


International reaction to the annexation has been muted but largely supportive. Our allies the Vegai of course have been nothing but a guiding light in this difficult time and a salve to our conscience. Our ambassador to Her Royal Highness Presidente Commandante Estriani Raelea Vega, the esteemed and voluptuous Donna Maw, has been instructed to demonstrate our great appreciation of this support through a reaffirmation of our loyalty to our Dragon Sisters of ASMV. President-Dictablanda Jean Baptiste plans to invite himself on an historic first state visit to the nation in the coming months.

Likewise we have had warm messages of support from Administrator Andrew Browne of the Inevitable Syndicate, not to mention His High Majesty the Falcon, the Third King of the Free, Chosen of Falcania – a great encouragement from one of the regional superpowers. This has been a strategically vital endorsement in opposition to our harshest critic in the matter, the Right Honourable Appia Victricia Mackenzie, Consul of Second Glascovian Empire. The Empire has vowed to make things very difficult for Wightling trade in the area, as well as hinting a veiled threat against citizens of Wight in Glascovia at this time. Despite the reassuring admonishment from Falcania to the Consul, the government at Spittal House has telephoned citizen Isaiah Copthorne who was inexplicably on holiday within the Empire, and told him to head home at his earliest convenience. It has been reported he has already flown to Ko-oren, from where he plans an unusual alternative holiday in the ruined ashes of Sothern Northland which, he says, is more appealing than Glascovia anyway.

By contrast to the economic threats of the Empire, both Falcania and 95X have extended the monied hand of trade and exchange, which can only be good for the rebuilding of the Septen economy. The Emir of Naitpyge has demanded, in capital letters no less, to be allowed to send a party of observers to the former Septentrionia to reassure himself that this humanitarian effort is all above board, and of course, they will be more than welcome. We advise all visitors to travel to Spit, in Wight, first where they will be issued with the special diplomatic visas which are presently required to enter the administration of the Septen Islands. Accommodation in Spit for the ninety days or so it will take to issue the visas (after background checks and screenings) will be offered for free to diplomatic visitors from our friends the Naitpygers.

Finally there is the confusing issue of the communication from the Xenobiological Enclave of Nellietopia, requesting orphans for Nellie Scout Cookies (French Pastry Style). Whilst, as with Falcania and 95X, economic associations are to be encouraged, we are not sure about selling orphans to make biscuits. Clearly, the margins are too low.


The Wight Septent Regeneration Fund has been granted an appropriation of ฿4,333,000,000 per month for 36 months from the date of annexation, with quarterly reviews in the first year, annual reviews thereafter and three-year extensions to appropriations subject to satisfactory presentations at the Spittal House. The Colonial Office reports at this first quarterly review a small debit balance at the end of the first quarter of ฿1.18 billion (7%), with a spend of ฿14.16 billion against a forecast of ฿12.99 billion. Deficits are anticipated to balance at the end of the third quarter with the potential decentralisation programme and income from nationalised assets coming onstream.
Dedicated Scribe
Posts: 62
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Posted: Apr 14 2013, 08:55 AM
PMEmail Poster
To: President-Dictablanda Jean Baptiste, Wight
From: Yuri Evgenyevich Andropov, Vice-President of the PFR Savski Venac

Dear President-Dictablanda Jean Baptiste,

The Goverment of the Peoples Federative Republic of Savski Venac along with its people salutes your effort to bring stability to the region. Our president sends his best regards to the Wight government.
The government of the PFR Savski Venac decider that it should send any supplies needed for the revival of the Septen Isles. Also our governent is requesting the Wight government to allow us to build a small base that would serve as a diplomatic outpost from which our government can observe the happenings in the region, the small base that we would like to establish would also be a millitary base where we intend to send the 55th IRA "Sands" battalion ,that numbers 1300 men, along with the 57th Armoured "Ivan Mazepa" batallion, which also numbers 1300 men. In the base we would also like to establish a small air strip for helicopters that will be used for the transport of the supplies as well as soldiers and people. In the base there will be a medical facility that can be used both by the soldiers and civilians.
The base in Septemtrionia will only be used for bringing peace to the region.

Yuri Evgenyevich Andropov
Savski Venac
Dedicated Scribe
Posts: 56
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Posted: Apr 14 2013, 08:57 AM
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Tariq Hashsashin, Governor of the Septen Isles,

We the undersigned write to you today to tender our services.

It is a formidable task that has been laid out before you. Our Falcon, the Chosen of the Free, has already written to you, to extend the hand of the Free Kingdom to you in this difficult time. His honour is beyond doubt, and he will marshal our warriors to strike down any who would threaten your endeavours.

However, we stand apart from he, offering another hand of aid. We eight, the undersigned, represent the Association of Free Companies. Our seven institutions represent the backbone of Falcania's infrastructure. We have the ability and resources to make your task a lot easier.

Septentrionia represents a formidable opportunity. The Free Kingdom is no stranger to rebuilding that which has been broken, stronger and taller than before. It has been said that Falcanians are in the business of rebuilding the world. I believe there is much business we can do.

The people of Septentrionia have needs that are not currently being fulfilled. Most importantly among these, are food, water, housing and healthcare. Falcania is a land of crowded mountaintops, and short-lived people. All four of these are problems that all Falcanian minds are familiar with, and experienced at solving. UMANST has a proven track record of providing affordable, reliable and high-yield grain that thrives even in our most barren soils. During the controversial Leorudian expansion, Everleaf boasted that they could build a city in five years - and indeed, they built New Mathdon in four. Gengrove achieved the mammoth task of adapting the established Z-retroviral to the very different Falcanian immune system, not to mention their sterling efforts at distributing it among the populace. Goldmund-Teller is a world leader in clean energy efforts, and would be delighted to help light the future for your people.

Septentrionia will recover, and after that, it will need to grow, and flourish. Bachmann & Associates offer a range of financial products that are ideal for those wishing to build private enterprise and work wealth from the rubble of the past. Matsundai, too, and ITI, will help provide tools for your future. It is not enough merely to survive - we want to help your land thrive.

Each of us would take great honour from accepting your invitation to visit Septentrionia ourselves, so that we can see your efforts ourselves, and, Sky be willing, negotiate some of the contracts that would allow all of us to benefit from this opportunity.

Yours in faith,
The Council of the Association of Free Companies
Hinerach Bachmann, President, Bachmann & Associates Public Banking
Marina Bolsix, Overseer, Everleaf Industrial
Jacq Sendal, Chair, Integral Technologies Inc.
Sera Marsa, Principal, Union of Medical Associates Nutritional Science & Technology
Ilizbit Goldmund, Tara Teller, Partners, Goldmund-Teller Energy Solutions
Tommen Sondax, Chief Executive, Matsundai Retail Group
Dr. Josch Hunlex, Dean of Operations, Gengrove Wellbeing
Winging It Since 2004
Posts: 776
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Posted: Apr 14 2013, 01:41 PM
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Yuri Evgenyevich Andropov, Vice-President of the PFR Savski Venac

Vice President Andropov,

First, many thanks for your words of support and encouragement, and your kind offer of help. My President-Dictablanda Jean Baptiste has forwarded your communiqué and I respond with his authority.

On the matter of supplies, the Colonial Office will be setting up a Purchasing Office to buy critical supplies from the emergency funds we have appropriated from the Wight parliament at Spittal House. As you will understand, in the interests of the people of the former Septentrionia, we must get the best value we can and to that end we will be seeking preferred suppliers against our identified and published requirements. We strongly urge your appropriate ministers, for export and trade, to attend the Preferred Suppliers Conference in Spit, Wight, on 24th - 26th days of Sunmarch, 414 (Wightling calendar attached for reference). A competitive tender from your exports office will be considered at that point.

On the matter of an observation base, while we are grateful for your attention to detail and diligence in assuring positive outcomes for the people of the Septen Islands, we will not be able to allow military observations at this time. A one-hundred mile exclusion zone is in force around the islands, monitored by the Draggonnii Imperial Navy, and they will strike with impunity if the exclusion zone is breached. Similarly, a no-fly zone is enforced across the same boundary. Vegai and Falcanian aerial observers are in the region to ensure this also remains in place. That said, the good people of Naitpyge are sending diplomatic observers and you are cordially invited to do the same. We will welcome those observers in Spit with all due respect and diplomatic priviledge, and issue diplomatic visas to the Septen Islands thereafter, where your staff will be guests at the pleasure of the Colonial Office.

Once again let me state the gratitude of Wight, on behalf of the people of the Septen Islands, for your message of support.

Tariq Hashsashin, Governor
Septen Islands


The Council of the Association of Free Companies

Honourable Falcanians,

Your support for this Wightling project is tremendously appreciated, and reflects once again the common ground between our countries in the matter of humanitarian first principles. You good fellows of all people will understand, in the interests of the people of the former Septentrionia, we must get the best value we can in the reconstruction of the nation and to that end we will be seeking preferred suppliers and contractors against our identified and published requirements.

We strongly request your appointed officers and executives attend the Preferred Suppliers Conference in Spit, Wight, on 24th - 26th days of Sunmarch, 414 (Wightling calendar attached for reference). A competitive tender from your exports office will be considered at that point, and no doubt, considering the remarkable track record of the listed organisations, you will be at the sharp end of those decisions. Clearly, and I say this without prejudice, you are the current preferred Preferred Bidders bidder.

I have arranged accommodation for your entire delegation at the Spit Ritz in anticipation of your attendance, and I will be there personally to ensure your stay is a pleasant one, though by your own standards our modest islands and their facilities will seem... meagre. Naturally, a luxurious and secure tour of the Septen Islands can be arranged during your stay.

Once again let me state the gratitude of Wight, on behalf of the people of the Septen Islands, for your message of support.

Tariq Hashsashin, Governor
Septen Islands

This post has been edited by Wight on Apr 14 2013, 01:51 PM
Dedicated Scribe
Posts: 62
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Posted: Apr 22 2013, 05:19 PM
PMEmail Poster
FROM: Mr. Abdul Qadir, Chief Ambassador of the Former Septentrionia Observation Mission
TO: His Royal Majesty, by the Grace of God the Almighty, the Emir, Tjak Herumpk, and his various advisers
SUBJECT: Mission to Septentrionia

I am happy to report that we have successfully arrived in Spit, just in time to begin the process of applying for Visas to the former Septentrionia, or as the Wightlings call it these days, the Septen Islands. And just in time to watch our ally Darmen's World Cup matches.

I must say that when I was originally told that it would take ninety days to receive a visa and make our way to the former Septentrionia, I was very worried. Think of all the horrible things they could do before we arrived to keep them in check. I'm sure the gnomes from the World Assembly skipped through this whole process, POOF, and there they where, scurrying around and taking notes. Not that they'd do anything if they found something bad.

After some explaining though from the Wightling authorities, I'm content in waiting here with the rest of the mission for the ninety days or so it'll take to get these Visas. And from what I've heard, nothing bad has happened yet.

In the meantime, we're enjoying ourselves for the short time while the All Greens strut their stuff in the World Cup. Had a good game against West Angola, shame they lost. Once the All Greens are finished, possibly after their match with Andossa Se Mitrin Vega, who, I'm told, are running all military operations in this episode, we'll visit the Le Tissier Penal Colony to observe the situation and conditions there. We'll also visit other such places where former Septentrionians are being held.

Lastly, I'll close my report by stating that these bloody Wightlings keep calling us Naitpygers. Don't they know we're Naitpygians. So annoying.

Also, one more thing. I don't believe I ever turned in my list of those I've brought with me, which I should have done. My apologies. Here it is:

Mr. Abdul Qadir, Civil Servant of His Royal Majesty
Prof. Anwar Fahim, Professor of Politial Sciences and International Politics at the National University
Lt. Basil Mert, 1st Cavalry Regiment
Lt. Cenk Junayd, 1st Infantry Regiment
Mr. Abdal-Malik Amir, Civil Servant of His Royal Majesty
Father Abiel Adonai, Priest of the Holy Forden Church
Mr. Abdal-Aziz Artaxerxes, Civil Servant of His Royal Majesty
Mr. Abraham Zachary, Representative of the Governor General
Mr. Iqbal Blaise, Representative of the Second Communist Group of Naitpyge
Mr. Rio Burton, Cartographer from the National University
Lt. Attila Hamza, 1st Artillery Regiment
Scribe in Training
Posts: 44
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Posted: May 12 2013, 03:06 PM
PMEmail Poster

Author: Tariq Hashsashin, Governor, Septen Islands
Publisher: Wight Septent Colonial Office

Date of Annexation: 8th Day of Floret, 414

Date of this quarterly report: 1st Day of Pasturet, 415


• Declaration
• Government
• Health & Welfare
• Economy
• Military
• International Community
• Balance Sheet


Tariq Hashsashin, Governor of the Wight-Septent Colonial Office, The Septen Islands, Foreign Secretary of The Broken Islands of Wight and Halal Butcher by Appointment to The State, announces, this 1st day of Pasturet, in the Sixteen Bit Calendar year 415, that the emergency of Septentrionia is now officially ended with the Septen Islands restored to a governable state. By the honourable efforts of Wight, with the kind aid and assistance of our partners in this enterprise Andossa Se Mitrin Vega and Falcania, with additional support from our international friends of Savski Venac, The Inevitable Syndicate and Naitpyge, order has been restored. Martial law has been rescinded, curfews lifted, and the military stood down from civil duty and withdrawn to base. Now the long work of creating a self-sustaining and economically productive nation can begin, within the family of the Wightling Commonwealth.


The central government of the Wight Septent Colonial Office has now taken up residence in the official government building at the former National Assembly in Ours, now fully restored after extensive damage during the riots of the last days before the Z-Virus, All-Fool’s Influenza, got a foothold on the Septen shores. This building has been renamed the Commonwealth Building in honour of the Wightling Commonwealth which is rebuilding the Septen Islands brick by brick, and of which the Septen Islands is now a member.

In keeping with his terms of office, Governor Hashsashin the Halal Butcher has issued his notice of resignation for the post, and will serve a 12-month notice period before returning to his full-time role as Foreign Secretary for the Broken Islands of Wight. In the one-year hand-over period, former Ambassador to The Draggonnii Socialist States of Andossa Se Mitrin Vega, Ms. Donna Maw, will succeed to the post of Governor of The Septen Islands. Her excellent relationship with the Vegai has been identified as central to ensuring the continued support of our Big Dragon Sister in the military and peace-keeping operations both around The Septen Islands, and of course, more widely in the North-East Salamantic Zone.

Regional administrations are now beginning to shoulder some of the responsibility for local government, with the Draggonnii Imperial Elite Corps having successfully secured all regional cities and restored order and calm to urban centres across the country. Eleven local governments have taken office by appointment from the Colonial Office, with appointed Regional Administrators from the Wight Civil Service currently looking after matters as agreed through the Interim Constitution.

Septentrionax Mme. Blanche Frappier, former Governor of Nord-Costale, remains our welcome guest and most senior surviving politician from the Septentrionax administration. She remains head of Bureau Republicain (formerly Parti Republicain), the former political party now fulfilling the function of advisory panel to the Colonial Office. Six further capable civil servants who survived the Z-Virus have been interned with Mme. Frappier as officers of Bureau Republicain and advisors to Governor Hashsashin. The Bureau has been removed to the extensive estates of Chateau Anse-aux-Crapauds on Ile de Benoît, where the former party members can live, work and thrive in relative isolation while supporting the efforts of the Colonial Office to resurrect this fallen nation. The estate has been renamed Chateau Republicain in their honour. The residents are free to travel to other parts of the country, but for their own safety this will be under supervision and they will be required to complete the necessary applications for visas to leave the grounds of their home & office.

The large population of citizens who had formed a network of previously undiscovered communities within the dense northern Forêt Boréale, hiding successfully for several years from the Dictatorship as political opponents, have coalesced into a strong support for the interim administrative annexation. Encouraged by the efforts of the Wightling administration they have made themselves known to the authorities as an organised grouping, Communauté Libération. This group is already acting as the key advocate of the Wight-Septent Colonial Office, and members are currently being vetted to take up senior positions in the new adminstration. Governor Hashsashin has identified the group as politically and strategically vital to the long-term goals of the annexation process. The leader of Communauté Libération, Achille Firmin, has been entertained in Wight by President-Dictablanda Jean Baptiste, visited Mouvement Iaïque detainees, met with Vegai military leaders and held discussions with Bureau Republicain to become the senior manager of Mme. Frappier – although this meeting was not a success due to Mme. Frappier’s intransigence.

To date sixteen members of Mouvement Iaïque, vehicle of the outlawed former dictatorship, have submitted themselves or been discovered at hide-outs across the Septen Islands, and have been transferred to a Wightling guest house at the Sa Tu’urk Militarised Zone under Vegai guard, where they begin their period of self-reflection and rehabilitation. Nine of the sixteen have already graduated to the second stage of their rehabilitation, and have been transferred back into Wightling custody. They are currently resident at Le Tissier Penal Colony, where they have their own comfortable pension and are enjoying the benefits of a rigorous exercise and reflection programme. The Colonial Office can confirm that Monsieur Émeric Augustin, former Governor of the Capitale, is the most senior of the interns.

The government of Wight once again strongly denies salacious rumour that the former dictator Alain Lemay, his cabinet, and infamous leader of Septentrionax espionage ‘Agent Oli’ were in fact kidnapped by Wight operatives and are also under custody in Wight. This of course would amount to nothing more than a Wight coup in Septentrionia, and as such, is illegal under the Constitution of The Broken Islands of Wight, and quite against our foreign policy. We state once again and for the record, the whereabouts of the Dictatorship remains a mystery.


With regional bases for the Colonial Office administration successfully secured by the Draggonnii Imperial Elite Corps, a comprehensive census and national registration process has been completed to more quickly aid the restoration of order and essential services to the poor suffering people of the Septen Islands. Informal networks of emergency camps are still providing some essentials of clean water, food and basic shelter to those who have been rendered refugees in their own country, but upward of 88% of citizens are now rehoused and on the National Welfare database. The appointment of regional marshals to oversee the census and registration of all citizens to the new National Welfare database continues, and has been a very successful enterprise.

The Z-Virus has run it’s course now and there are no known carriers of the virus still alive. Estimates of a survival rate are now confirmed as high as 5% with a Septen population of 1.02 million.

Priority had been given to the refurbishment of hospital facilities in all major conurbations where pockets of the population still exist, in order to provide immediate assistance to most medical requirements. This was completed in the second quarter and emergency facilities are now operational in each state. Ten converted military helicopters provided by the Vegai’s Draggonnii Imperial Furozii (air cavalry) are now operational as airlift ambulances. Specialist life-saving care continues to be provided at an emergency field hospital at the Septen Naval Base in Ours, managed by the best medical teams of the Vegai’s Imperial Navy Koz’elli AO Support Fleet, while a new comprehensive hospital system is constructed in Ours. Specialist mid- to long-term hospital care is now being provided in the Spit National Hospital, Wight, via mediflight.

Fresh water provision is now being fully operational from rejuvenated water processing facilities in the Monts Centraux area, but 70-80% of all food supplies are currently being shipped in from Wight and her allies until such time as farming and food processing can be restored to the Islands. Oroboros Co-operative has established Farms & Feed, or EAA (Exploitations Agricoles et Alimentaires) as a key syndicate to lead in the re-agriculturalisation of the country. The EAA is expected to provide 50% of potential domestic foodstuffs within 5 years, and 80% within 10.


The Oroboros Co-operative has established it’s AO regional headquarters in the commercial district of Ours, with a newly refurbished building, Co-operation House, and from here manages the National Assets Register on behalf of the Colonial Office. The Colonial Office thanks the Co-operative for this remarkable commitment to the Septen Islands. Next door in Falcon House is the Septen branch of The Council of the Association of Free Companies, the Falcanian group of corporations who are investing considerable funds and resources into rebuilding the national economy.

Sept-Nat, the nationalised banking group managed by Oroboros Co-operative with a minor holding from Falcania’s Bachmann & Associates Public Banking, has established it’s own office in the buildings of former BÉCN (Banque Épargnes et Crédit Nationale) – now part of Sept-Nat. Sept-Nat House is also in the commercial district of Ours, just around the block from Co-operation House.

Key infrastructure projects including water processing plants, hospitals and power generation have been the first priorities for regeneration by the Co-operative, along with capital projects in Ours such as the government buildings and Oroboros AOHQ. A new Motionless Electromagnetic Generation plant is under construction at Cap-Phare and will be commissioned in under one year, and a fluid time processing facility is expected to come online at a secret location in Nord-Costale during SB year 417. The MEG plant is the first capital project of state-owned Énergie Nationale, while the fluid time plant will be managed by Heavy Products – both of which are divisions of the Oroboros Co-operative.

Oroboros is managing all housing, as appropriated by the Colonial Office, to restore and provide social housing for the whole nation. All mortgages and tenancy agreements are cancelled, with new free tenancies underwritten by the Colonial Office to support rehousing where housing is lost, and renovation where housing exists in dilapidated states. Private ownership of housing was debated in the Colonial Office Post-Emergency Septentrionia Summit, and was ruled unconstitutional according to the Interim Constitution. All housing belongs to the State and is managed through the National Assets Register, by Oroboros.

Key private industries now under the aegis of the Colonial Office are being assessed for productivity and replenished where appropriate. The temporarily defunct Thibault Automobiles has been merged with a number of Commonwealth auto syndicates, but will retain it’s own identity as a former leading AO manufacturer of carbon-neutral green cars. It is the intention of Oroboros Co-operative to revitalise Thibault and get it back in the market place.
The merger with Wightling Commonwealth auto manufacturers Kjartan Autobílo (Hvammstang) TTAD (Tamarindia) and Zipper (Wight) as part of the Co-operative has been approved by the Spittal House in Wight and will commence in the next quarter.


Both the Draggonnii Imperial Elite Corps and the 5th Star Division of the Draggonnii Imperial Army have been stood down from civilian functions with the downgrading of the emergency in Septentrionia. They are now confined to military installations at key strategic points and are placed on standby for emergency intervention only. Sporadic and minor civil disturbances have diminished and the intervention of Communauté Libération at potential flashpoints has been highly successful.

The newly formed Domestic Security Service, the SDS, is billeted at the army base in Desmarais under the supervision of the Imperial Army. Former members of the Septentrionax armed forces, they are being trained to form a new small defence force, and are likely to be contained at barracks for a further 12 months. The SDS numbers 4300 men, and the organisation of this force logistically and hierarchically is still under review. Three senior surviving officers with close links to the dictatorship had been detained at the Naval Base in Ours, from where they were transferred to Sa Tu’urk in Wight for retraining and rehabilitation.

The small Septentrionax Navy has fallen under the administration of the Wight Armada, and it’s fleet of eleven patrol boats, plus one frigate, one destroyer and one half-built ballistic submarine have been reregistered to the Armada. The thirteen additions to Wight’s own operational navy increases it to fourteen vessels. The total complement for this fleet stands at 650, of which there are a around 160 who were existing seamen of the Septen fleet. The rest have been recruited from the Wightfishery and will serve a five year commission, by which time it is hoped there will be a 50% integration of domestic sailors.

The Draggonnii Imperial Navy retains the role of training the new force of sailors to man the Septen ships, and continues to conduct full patrolling duties in the waters around the Septen Islands and Wight, though now in partnership with the expanded Wight Armada.

Work on the submarine commenced once the construction facility at Ours was assessed by Oroboros Co-operative, who are responsible for it’s construction, although it has now been outsourced to the Vegai to complete.

The police force in Septentrionia was considered to represent the most dangerous threat to the annexation and restoration process, with a large number of links to the dictatorship that were unidentified. The Wightling Intelligence Service task force continues to identify and screen all former police officers, with voluntary presentation encouraged.
The old police force has been disbanded with screening of former officers proving a complex matter. The new force was intended to be fully operational in 24 months, and proportionally made up of Septen natives with Wightling immigrants who will be provided with incentives to come and work for the Septen Constabulary. At this time, the Septen Constabulary is still not even partially operational, and policing is conducted by the Wight Constabulary in association with the Vegai military. The participation of Communauté Libération in establishing a safe and reliable Septen Constabulary has become the priority for the Colonial Office.

All prisons were demolished by Oroboros Co-operative; only nine survivors from the prison populations escaped the Z-Virus. Seven of those have been released while the other two, considered more dangerous criminals, have been transferred to Le Tissier Penal Colony, on Wight. A temporary facility is being managed at the Naval Base in Ours, while a new facility at Ste-Anne, on Ile de Benoît, is now being commissioned under the Colonial Office’s Interim Administration Law & Order Act. The population of prisoners incarcerated in the last year during the administrative annexation is 339, of which 289 are on minor, short-term sentences.


The President-Dictablanda, on behalf of the Broken Islands of Wight, the Wightling Commomwealth, the Wight-Septent Colonial Office and the people of the Septen Islands, wishes to thank our allies for their continued support.

Observers from Naitpyge, after patiently waiting six months for access to the country, have provided overwhelmingly good feedback from their visit. Based at the Chateau Republicain with Mme. Frappier, they have been fully briefed on developments and allowed occasional access to any successful projects they wish to see. While their freedom of movement has necessarily been curtailed due to security issues, they have full access to briefing papers provided to Bureau Republicain at the Chateau, as well as a luxurious accommodation, excellent food and service, all the comforts they might require, and of course a small and precious consideration for their continued support of our project.

We regret that the military officers from the observation delegation, Lt. Basil Mert, 1st Cavalry Regiment, Lt. Cenk Junayd, 1st Infantry Regiment and Lt. Attila Hamza, 1st Artillery Regiment were disappointed that their visa applications were turned down, and that a stay with our esteemed Vegai colleagues in officers quarters on Sa Tu’urk were considered inadequate. It was the ruling of Tariq Hashsashin that military presence on the Septen Islands at this time would be considered inflammatory by the locals and therefore the best course of action was to provide the military officers with an alternative accommodation, one which we felt they would enjoy. Alas, they were rather belligerent at the base and sent home by the Vegai for continued non-military indiscipline probably due to their discontent.

How it happened that Father Abiel Adonai, Priest of the Holy Forden Church, met with a minor accident in Spit and was unable to visit the islands while he was detained, for his own health, at the Spit National Hospital for three months with no more than a sprained ankle, is still under investigation.


The Wight Septent Regeneration Fund has been granted an appropriation of ฿4,333,000,000 per month for 36 months from the date of annexation, with quarterly reviews in the first year, annual reviews thereafter and three-year extensions to appropriations subject to satisfactory presentations at the Spittal House. The Colonial Office reports at this first annual review a small debit balance at the end of the first quarter of ฿2.83 billion (5.48%), with a spend of ฿54.43 billion against a forecast of ฿51.6 billion. Deficits were anticipated to balance at the end of the third quarter with the potential decentralisation programme and income from nationalised assets coming onstream. This is now likely to feed into the bottom line during first and second quarters of year two, with the Falcanian’ Council of the Association of Free Companies likely to contribute it’s first license fee of ฿34 billion within the next two quarters.

This post has been edited by Wight on May 12 2013, 03:09 PM
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Posted: May 15 2013, 05:01 PM
PMEmail Poster
FROM: Mr. Abdul Qadir, Chief Ambassador of the Former Septentrionia Observation Mission
TO: His Royal Majesty, by the Grace of God the Almighty, the Emir, Tjak Herumpk, and his various advisers
SUBJECT: Mission to Septentrionia

We have finally received our Visas to travel to the former Septentrionia ourselves. However, our visits outside of the Chateau Republicain have been limited, for supposed "security" reasons. Whether this is to keep us safe, or them safe, can not be determined at this time. We have been able to visit some of the new hospitals however, and other smaller projects that have been carried out. And the Wightlings seem to be very kind, giving us access to quite a few documents filled with very valuable information. Still, we would very much like to begin visiting the people of the former Septentrionia more often, and observing the situation in a more proper way. We will continue to wait patiently though.

The three Army officers who had hoped to travel with us to Wight were refused Visas, and were instead sent to Sa Tu’urk, where the Vegai military operates a base. We were not at all happy about this. Apparently, according to the Wightlings, a military presence (three men‽) would inflame the locals. What‽ It makes no sense whatsoever, and as I'm sure you already know, the three officers have returned to Naitpyge, and most likely have filed their brief reports on their experiences.

In addition, Father Adonai, unfortunately sprained his ankle while still in Wight. The Wightlings have taken good care of him, and he has finally joined us, albeit a bit late. Although Father Adonai's recovery did take three months, and the Wightlings are currently investigating as to why this very long delay occurred. We eagerly anticipate the results of the investigation. Father Adonai has been unable to explain the long delay either however.

I must say that I am slightly concerned about the treatment of the detainees at the Le Tissier Penal Colony. The Wightlings have not gone into great detail about the "exercise" these detainees are being put through. Forced labor is definitely a possibility, and we'll be keeping a close eye on the situation.

Also, the Wightlings seem to be insisting that all, or at least most of, the Septens, are "poor suffering people." If that's the case, shouldn't their number one priority have been to help these people, and not to set up a functioning government? Just something to think about.

In terms of the food supply, the former Septentrionia will most likely be dependent on foreign supplies for upwards of 10 years. This is unacceptable, and the Emir should seriously consider putting pressure on the Wightlings to speed up the process of returning the former Septentrionia to near non-dependency with regards to food production.

We also found the mention of a "Fluid time processing facility" both highly questionable and concerning. Fluid time is, according to Mr. Rio Burton, something that "exists because it exists." Fluid time is not something that can be produced, so we can only guess as to what the Wightlings are actually up to.

The unconstitutionality of private ownership of housing is highly concerning, and once again, the Emir should seriously consider placing pressure on the Wightlings to reverse such decision. We believe that the State ownership of all housing can easily be manipulated to hurt a certain group of people. Whether that will actually happen, or what group(s) will be targeted is unknown. We'll certainly be monitoring the situation though.

Overall I must say that this observation mission can neither be categorized as a success or failure in its early stages, but it certainly has been frustrated.

Updated register of members of the Observation Mission:

Mr. Abdul Qadir, Civil Servant of His Royal Majesty
Prof. Anwar Fahim, Professor of Politial Sciences and International Politics at the National University
Mr. Abdal-Malik Amir, Civil Servant of His Royal Majesty
Father Abiel Adonai, Priest of the Holy Forden Church
Mr. Abdal-Aziz Artaxerxes, Civil Servant of His Royal Majesty
Mr. Abraham Zachary, Representative of the Governor General
Mr. Iqbal Blaise, Representative of the Second Communist Group of Naitpyge
Mr. Rio Burton, Cartographer from the National University

This post has been edited by Naitpyge on May 15 2013, 05:03 PM
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