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Fortress Atlantian Oceania
Posted: Aug 10 2006, 06:13 AM
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Military Begins Heavy Expansion

Rappor, southwestern Nedalia - The glow from the spotlights shining from the shores of the Guntas Industrial Area in Rappor is unmistakable, and the huge construction project which was officially started today by the Nedalian government will, possibly, change the face of our military forever.

The Rappor Vessel Construction Facility, or the RVCF, will be the country's first ever ship-building plant, a step which the military says is a neccessary one.

"Our navy, thanks to our Sarzonian friends, is already one of the largest and most modern in the region, but sooner or later, we had to start producing our own," stated leader of the Nedalian Army, Commander Horacio, at the opening ceremony of the construction site. "Our economy is powerful enough to support such a grand project, and with the help of the people of Nedalia, it will be a successful one."

The RVCF project is expected to cost approximately K325 million (OOC: Is that realistic...its about $1.55 to every K1) upon completion, and is known as Phase One of the military's expansion plan.

The second part, Phase Two, is already underway, being an aircraft production plant outside of Captera, which will cost nearly K500 million upon completion. The military has already started drawing up plans of its first fighter, but with the work Paladin Technologies has been doing, which prompted the Nedalia Air Force to order many of the F-4 Bird of Prey, the importance of that production plant has been surpassed by the RVCF.

In addition to all that, the Nedalian government has also started drawing up plans to send its first crew into space. Although there has been nothing solid announced yet, it is reported that a new branch of the government, called the Nedalia Exploration Organization (NEO), will head the trip into the last frontier.
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Aug 10 2006, 08:53 AM
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"Well we better get started."

"Yeh if Nedalia is going to raise their levels of military power we need to be ready just in case they do something."

"Ok, let's roll!"

Alexandria Times-Tribune-Post-Gazette-Chronicle-Journal-Enquirer

Front Page

Milchama to counter Nedalian military expansion

In an unsuprising move today the Milchama government announced that it would be increasing its military capacity around the forts of Port James for the navy and Tel Morlin for the air force. This move was done according to Great Leader Tim Gonnenberg because, "Nedalia is expanding their military and we don't to be left in the dust. Also because it is looking more and more apparent that our military will be taking some kind of action in Djacor-Rysonnia we need our military to be strong so that if we take heavy casualties we will be able to recover." Gonneberg also said that he did trust Nedalia not to attack us but that he didn't want them to "get any ideas."

This move is being done by taking the surplus workers in Alexandria and moving them over to both Port James and Tel Morlin for at least the next 6 months to one year. However, the Milchamian government said it would not be increasing military spending for the year because it is already high enough. Defense Minister Afi Metal said, "All we are doing is bringing more people to places where they already focus on production of military machines. This will allow us to make more ships and airplanes but without significantly or even at all increasing the budget for military spending."

This post has been edited by Milchama on Aug 10 2006, 08:56 AM
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Aug 10 2006, 02:05 PM
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OOC: Not that I'm jumping on a military build-up bandwagon, but as the last two issues I answered (on the same day in fact) produced the following description, I think this is acceptable

QUOTE (Latest United Nations report on Starblaydia)
"...military spending recently hit a new high, and the country has been 'going shopping' by annexing nearby nations for their resources..."

Just over fifteen trillion Credits. That is, near-as-dammit, twenty-five trillion US Dollars. That's what the Government of Starblaydia spends on their armed forces, which is now, under Lady Viannor, higher than ever before in our nation's history. The time for it may never have been nearer, either, as Hockey Canada, Nedalia (for a second time) and the ever-warlike Milchama have all seen enormous military build-ups.

What nobody seems to realise, however, is that Starblaydia have been doing this for years. What you see in action today in Atheistic Right, or over the skies and on the ground in Djacor-Rysonia is not the cutting edge of the Starblaydi armed forces. These are our reserves, our back-ups, the tried-and-tested systems to call upon if ever required. The secret stuff will blow your mind - never mind your resistance - into itty bitty pieces.

Probably soon-to-be itty bitty pieces of Milchaman soliders and hardware, if the latest statements from the idiotic Gonnenberg are anything to go by. Perhaps the very last place in the entire region you would want to be is in front of the Starblaydi war machine in full effect, and Gonnenberg is expecting to put his servicemen right there any time soon. Let's hope his people are prepared for body-bags, which is assuming they get past the Atlantis Battlefleet currently off the coast of Chacor, neatly coming nowhere near Sarzonia's territorial waters - that's the last thing the region needs.

Second-to-last, maybe.

The Watcher

*NB: 'The Watcher' is the pen-name of any of a number of high-ranking military and political officials close to the Inner Council who occasionally write for the Jhanna Chronicle. Any newspaper editorial from the Watcher can be viewed as an insight into the Starblaydi Government's opinion. Effectively, selected political and military opinions can be leaked through this pen-name.
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Posted: Aug 10 2006, 04:58 PM
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Minister of Defense Michael Arani walked through the marble halls of his ministry's central building. A near constant river of green clothed military officers and assistants surrounded him. To one side he could see three colonels and a general having a rather heated discussion over something, and just across the way from them, some mid-level functionaries of his office carrying various files and forms.

After walking for a few minutes he found himself in front of glass double doors, across which where the words "Omega Level Security Clearence Only" in bright yellow letters. He pulled out his security card that hung around his neck and placed it in front of the card reader on the right of the doors. The light above the doors turned green and the glass slide open with a pneumatic hiss.

Upon entering the restricted area he was met by two of his aides, both carrying folders. He nodded to each and kept walking down the long hall towards a metal door at the end, which also sported a card reader and was guarded by two guards armed with M-16s.

"So what's the news gentlemen?" said Minister Arani.

"Well sir, from what we can tell the Nedalians have initiated a buildup in their military forces, a multi..." the aide to Minister Arani's right was cut off quickly as he stopped and raised his hand.

"So? They are our allies, while I do appreciate that we are being kept up to date on all occurences in the region, I'd prefer that you focus more on where are concerns are recently. Namely, nations like Starblaydia and that secessionist nation in Chacor."

The cleared his throat before continuing. "That's actually what I was going to get at as well. It appears the Starblaydi funding for Defence has increased quite a bit recently.

Minister Arani nodded. "Very well, keep a close watch on them. I trust Lady Viannor's government about as far as I can throw them. At least with Starblayde there was a certain amount of predictability to his actions." He paused for a moment as he presented his ID before the card scanner at the end of the hall. "By the way, how are our upgrade projects going. Specifically, the naval one."

"Not to good sir. We've yet to recieve a reply from Portland Iron Works on our proposal. We should probably start looking elsewhere." replied the aide.

Minister Arani nodded. "Do it." he said simply as he walked into the meeting room beyond. The aide nodded, jotting down a quick note on a notepad before turning to make the necessary contacts.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Aug 10 2006, 09:21 PM
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It was the same old story. Commander General Michael Hack and King Falcon II were having a defence meeting. "Sire, I take it you know already of the Nedalian shipyard work?"

"Of course, we discussed it at length over martinis and lunch."

"Well, sire, I've decided that the time is ripe for us to expand our own production. The Pelican Project is nearing completion, and we're going to need to build the products somewhere. I've sketched out some sites in Jayla and in the west of Falcania."

"Excellent, Mike. As always. Order construction immediately."

"Excuse my asking, your majesty, but why now? We have plenty of time until the completion of the project."

Falcon slid today's evening copy of the Jhanna Chronicle across the desk. "Jhanna Chronicle, leading Starblaydi newspaper. Political editorials, page 23." Hack read. "As you can see, Mike, the Starblaydi foreign policy is bat-explicitive removed- insane. I don't like it, but sooner or later, Viannor's chucking of military forces around the region will come to a crunch. And Falcania will be just one molar in that crunch. I don't want it to be a loose, cavity-filled molar. This will be a strong, gleaming molar of dirigible goodness. Understood?"

"Yes, sire." Hack didn't, but the gist was clear. "I'll see to it right away, your majesty."
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Posted: Aug 11 2006, 12:16 AM
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A wise looking gnome is sitting at his desk. He gets a call on his intercom

Intercom: Sir, one of your international advisors is here to see you.

Wd-Wr: Robber Captain Sir, have you been following the news of all of the military buildups?

Ug-Mt: Of course I have been.

Wd-Wr: Are you worried at all about it. Do you think we should start preparing a military?

Ug-Mt: Hardly. Do you think I want to start flushing Ex-Gx's down the drain on something so stupid as a military. If we are forced into conflict with any of these people we'll just assassinate them. That's our stock in trade. But really come on, we're peaceful people. We don't do fighting.

Wd-Wr: Are you sure sir, their military's look pretty big.

Ug-Mt: Yes, but we gnomes are experts at killing things much bigger and stronger than us. You just do it while they're not looking. How are you going to sneak up on someone with one of these, F-4 Bird of Prey thingies. Come on now. Much better our way. But I trust we won't have any conflicts anyways.
Senator in Training
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Posted: Aug 15 2006, 06:50 AM
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"Why, exactly, are the Milchamans getting all uptight about our recent announcement to expand our military and make use of the budget given to us," stated Commander Horacio, a bit annoyed at his western neighbors.

"Well, they're pretty uptight people. Not to mention they will find any excuse to salivate at the prospect of anything to do with a military, or war, or get the picture," stated General Frank Simonalle.

"I would love to be their to see their faces now," Horacio said with a smile. "Make it official."


The Nedalia Air Force has announced the acquisition of 55 further Paladin Technologies F-4 "Bird of Prey" in our attempt to continue our improvement of the defensive capabilities of Nedalia. The total amount paid to Paladin Technologies is approximately $1.925 billion.

This post has been edited by Nedalia on Aug 15 2006, 06:54 AM
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Posted: Aug 20 2006, 07:47 AM
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Nedalian Army Acquires Big, Bad, Hated-by-Starblaydia (which means they must be good) Missiles

Kafra, Nedalia - The Nedalian Army announced its acquisition of an undisclosed amount of Paladin Technologies' Zimorodok missiles today, continuing its trend of beefing up all of its forces.

The Zimorodok missiles, which were originally designed to be launched from navy vessels, have been modified and customized specifically for the Nedalian Army, with most of them now being able to launch from land. The launchsites have reportedly already been placed all along the coasts of northern and southern mainland Nedalia, as well all around the shores of the Western Territories. In addition to the land-launching missiles, the Nedalian Navy has also received some for its newer fleet.

Emperor in Training
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Posted: Aug 20 2006, 06:56 PM
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"Oh sh-t! They got missiles now."

"Well let's make our own"

"What type?"

"Better than thiers"

Alexandria Times-Tribune-Post-Gazette-Chronicle-Journal-Enquirer

News Section

Milchama to expand missile program

The Milchama Government announced today plans to expand their missile into making, "Deadlier and longer range ones. You know like the ones the North Koreans are making except good." The Government felt the pressure from the Nedalians to continue to increase military spending and to make sure that their neighbors perceive them as weak.

One governmental official said, "Slani Nedalians. They just keep on expanding and making more stuff so we have to make more stuff to keep ourselves happy and to make sure that we win the next election."

The missiles are called Neshek missiles because they sound like a gun going off when they are shot. The government is hoping that these missiles can help Milchama averge the "Nedalian threat."

Royal Scribe
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Posted: Aug 22 2006, 06:03 AM
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Military Vehicle Production Plants Open Doors

Captera, Nedalia - Reporting from the site of the biggest of the 4 production plants that simultaneously opened their doors for work today, this is Sarah Shoulds.

With the continuous tension in the region, the Nedalian Army recently announced its intention to begin heavy expansion, and has kept true to its word. Since their announcement, a ship-producing yard, known as the RCVF project, has been constructed in Rappor and a huge aircraft production plant right here outside of Captera.

They have also taken order of more than 130 F-4 fighterjets from Paladin Technologies, as well as an undisclosed amount of modified Zimodorok Missiles, believed to be in the tens of thousands.

Now, with 4 vehicle production plants opening up in Captera, Kimstronne, Woodston, and Momesta, the Nedalian Army is signalling their intention to begin mass-production of all ground units. Their first model is believed to be a state of the art battle-tank. The project, with all 4 plants, is believed to have cost K4 billion, and will produce close to 20,000 jobs.

Emperor in Training
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Posted: Aug 22 2006, 10:09 AM
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Smoke chugged from the countless chimneys of the newly formed airshipyard FAN Chigley. Falcon smiled, and knew that inside a new age for Falcania was being constructed from hydrogen-helium mix, polymers and static-neutral support struts. Before long airships would be the dominant behemoths of the sky. Capable of achieving an altitude reachable only by the very highest-ceilinged SAMs, and deploying devastating swathes of fightercraft onto the battlefield from high above. Costly, certainly, and dangerous due to the hydrogen within. Just one spark could bring the entire billion-talon project down in burning flames, wreckage and screaming. But the risk was worth it. A golden age of aerial warfare was coming.

This post has been edited by Falcania on Aug 22 2006, 10:10 AM
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Posted: Sep 3 2006, 05:17 AM
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Autocracy Acquire Starblaydi Surplus

It is no secret that the army is the senior service in the Autocracy’s military. It gets the vast majority of the funding while the other two services fight for the scraps. It’s a fight that, just recently, the airforce seems to be winning. And it’s not before time too, particularly after Defence Minister Khoza labelled the Tiger II aircraft that make up the Autocracy’s fighter wings as “dangerously inferior” and “barely even second rate”. That statement sparked the High Command into action and it has been revealed that a deal has been struck with SAAS allies Starblaydia. A High Command spokesman confirmed that the Autocracy has acquired 192 fighters in all, 144 F-15C Eagles and 48 F-15E Super Eagles, which will form the new 1st and 2nd Air Assault Wings.

That was not the only bit of business between the Autocracy and the Protectorate. The new naval base built on the western coast of the island of Sinistra was constructed as part of an operation to modernise the navy. Unfortunately lack of funding and interest from the High Command has left the installation as something of a white elephant. Until now. Now the facility, the second largest in the Autocracy, is under new management after it and the nearby Sinistra airbase were loaned out to the Starblaydi military. The few ships and personnel that had been stationed there have been reassigned and the purple, white and black is already flying over the command building, giving the Protectorate an important outlet in southern Atlantian Oceania.
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Posted: Sep 6 2006, 08:45 AM
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Sunnis Fleet To Leave For Hypocria
Southern-most base soon to be fully manned

The latest formation of a Starblaydi Naval Fleet - codenamed Sunnis - is all set to depart for Starblaydia's latest military base: an installation on the westernmost of Hypocria's two southern islands - Sinistra. The fleet, numbering some two-hundred warships and many more associated suport vessels, will be commanded by Vice-Admiral Lorenzo Hierro, noted for his tactical skill and determination.

Quite what the Sunnis fleet will be doing down in Hypocria is, as usual, anyone's guess, whether it be to fly the flag around Verdena, or train up the Hypocrian Navy, or what. Putting a fifth of Starblaydia's active naval force so far from home, however, is definitely a cause for concern.

Admiral Hierro cursed lightly under his breath as he pulled up the collar on his grey longcaot, even on the short trip from the Errant staff car would see him get soaked. He made sure his hat was on tightly and opened the door as fast as he could, walking briskly - an officer never runs in working dress uniform, after all - across the pavement and up the path to the main building. A Marine guarding the door, who was no doubt wet to the bone, stood ramrod straight to attention and saluted him as he entered the building. Hierro arely touched his cap, such was the hurry he was in.

Someone was, at least, there to take his coat and hat and Vice-Admiral Heirro walked steadily to the office of the commander of the base. HE saw one person that he hadn't expected.

"Lord Orfosi," Hierro said, noticing the Minister for Defence, "to what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Your missoin to Sinistra, you know how important it is. Here is your list of ships you'll have under your command."

"That's about all I know, my Lord." Hierro had been given ony the barest details, most of if he'd had to work out for himself. His eyes scanned the paper, the names and classes of the ships. "There's almost no land-attack capability here."

"Exactly," Lord Orfosi said, "In the unlikely event that you do need to kill land-based assets down there, we'll have already got you the support you need. For Sunnis, anti-air and anti-ship will be the boundaries. Should that happen, of course."

"Of course," Hierro said, his face illuminated by a shock of lightning outside, "I have some good captains here, thankyou, my Lord."

"Go to it, Admiral," Orfosi said, looking out of the window, "this storm is brewing."
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Posted: Sep 8 2006, 06:12 AM
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It was everything short of a direct, verbal threat. There was simply no other reason why they would situate an entire fleet in southern Verdena, none that made sense to Commander Horacio, anyway. Perhaps they wanted to neutralize Nedalian influence in this part of the region, or maybe just showcase their might and flex their respective RAWRCRUSH muscles. It didn't matter, in the end. The Starblaydis were now based on an Hypocrian island just south of mainland Verdena.

It almost seemed like they were trying to provoke a war, in the mind of the Commander. With tension in the region continuing to be thick enough to be cut by a knife, it was as if the Starblaydis had no regard for the potential devestation that could befall the entire region. Then again, Viannor wasn't known for her logic and sanity.

There had been an interview earlier on Tellas TV (one of the bigger networks in Nedalia) on Jerry Manno Live between the host and the country's Minister of Science, Joshua Freden, and the question came up about the Starblaydi announcement; namely, what was the Dala'a administration's reaction. Freden commented that it was nothing that concerned the government, seeing how Starblaydi had not made any provocation on Nedalia itself.

However, in Dala'a's weekly TV address to the nation, she confirmed that the Nedalian military had been placed on alert, sending strong words towards the Starblaydi, and in particular, Viannor, calling her a "woman on a mission of region destruction", and one that "loathes the prospect of a peaceful existence." She said that "Nedalia will not be intimidated by brash actions, nor will it be provoked by childish, mindless behavior", commenting on Starblaydia's transfer of it's Sunnis fleet to Hypocria.

She also had a few words for the Hypocrian people, asking them to rise and rebel against the injustice of their new government, and its puppet masters in Starblaydia. She declared that Nedalia and Hypocria have long been friends despite being at opposite ends of the political spectrum, and that the Nedalian people cared deeply about the Hypocrian plight, stating the time had come for the Hypocria to start acting in the best interest of the Hypocrian people, not the Starblaydi leadership.

It seemed Dala'a was smarter than he had imagined, thought Commander Horacio to himself. She had thrown a huge budget at the military, and now that the production plants of every aspect of the Nedalian Army was churning out planes, ships, gun, vehicles, helicopters, and everything else, preparation could not have been easier. The massive amount of fight power at Horacio's disposal was frightening, and he prayed to god that the Starblaydis wouldn't make him use it...
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Sep 19 2006, 09:03 AM
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Message Title: Warning. Factor 1.


With the storms of War on the horizion, Kakin would like to remind all nations that ANY attempt at murder, torture, unauthorized enterance to Kakin with be severly delt with.

ANY attempt at war, conflict, skirmishes will be forced IMMEDIATELY back and there WILL be a counter-offensive.


General Zeek
Commander of Kakin Ground Forces
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