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Behind the white wall of snow (open)
Posted: Mar 22 2007, 05:13 PM
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QUOTE (West Pasco @ Mar 22 2007, 08:14 PM)
President Rodger (the Pasconian one not the Olliverian one) looked up at the TV, there it was boasting more news about the OLI/HC conflict. ....Hockey Canada has taken over Ile de Roylle in Oliverry....... hummed the TV in the residence.
"hmmmmmmmmmm" Rodger sighed "what can I do?Oliverry is such nice place and there president is so nice.....hmmmmmmmmmm....Aha!

Robin get Ft Sowell on the phone!

OOC:Can i get the list of who's on what side? And some background

OOC: Quick bit of background.

Nedalia, Khazaron, Lamoni and Falcania go back a *long* way. We started the FLMS, which flopped, then the somewhat more successful Strategic Defence League, or SDL. A number of nations joined this alliance, seen as the yang to the SAAS's Yin. Hockey Canada was one of these members, as is Oliverry. And Bazalonia, come to think of it.

But now Hockey Canada is pissed off, for some reason, and wants to take over Oliverry. As Oliverry is one of the SDL, we are all piling in to save it. Well, the active members anyway.
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Mar 22 2007, 05:31 PM
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FNA Feather - Conference Lounge

As the leaders took their seats, Falcon turned to the window. It was strange. He had fond memories of the old days - Stone, Khara, Bren and he. Stone and Bren were dead, now, and Khara was having health problems, or so he had heard - in any case he was sending a representative rather than arriving in person. Clearly it was up to one of them to shuffle off the mortal coil sometime soon. Stinson and Dala were good presidents, certainly, just the people to be running their countries, but... they just weren't their predecessors. That was it. He was just feeling old.

Waving the thoughts from his mind, he turned to his fellow leaders with a broad grin. "Ladies, and gentlemen. What a predicament this is, eh? Hockey Canada has always been one of our strongest allies - I even remember offering to bolster her airforce! It is a queer thought indeed to think that our Birds of Prey, designed and manufactured in Falcania, Nedalia, Lamoni and Khazaron, will be matched against their production brethren - who amongst those factory workers would ever imagine that this plane would be used to destroy the last one down the production line? These weapons of war, provided in the notion of friendship, turned upon us - it is a concept most alien."

He paused. "Enough philosophising. Master Aran, have some refreshments brought through, if you would. Fellow leaders, it is time to talk strategies. I'm sure you've seen those cumulonimbus formations spreading over the border. Those spell rain - a hideous thought for my people. It is regrettable, but I am afraid that until those stormclouds clear, I shall only be able to offer airborne support - still a sizeable advantage, but nowhere near the leverage we could achieve with my soldiers. Grim indeed, but I'm sure that Stinson has brought more than enough soldiers for everyone!" He allowed a laugh, before he continued.

"It is interesting to note that our Bazalonian cousins have brought their sizeable flotilla onto the table. It is a recent development, but nonetheless it should be sufficient to tie up the Hocanucks down in the drink." He paused.

"My biggest worry, leaders, is the massive infantry wave. Ten million soldiers, according to Oliverrian intelligence. Even "Zergrush" Stinson has only a quarter of that. Sheer numbers may prove our downfall unless these stormheads clear. Regrettably until then the only thing I can do is tie up their airforce - but then, we are the true Birds of Prey, eh? That should present no problem." He was interrupted by attractive (in a feathery sort of way) tea lady, who pushed in a trolley of tea, biscuits, and prized Lamonian vodka.

"Right now, we must prioritise. Stinson, Dala... Uram? Any contributions?"
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Mar 22 2007, 08:33 PM
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"Sir." state a young Lueutinent "You called for here"

"Yes" replied Daltrey "I came for a specific reason. This is where they're holding the's UMSGen3's right?"

"yes what do you want with them?"

"let's just say,I wanna do some Beta testing."

"But why sir?"

"I'm singlehandedly gonna kick Hockey Canada's ass"

"Sir are you crazy!"

"No, I's just that for thirty years I've wanted to do something like this. I'm shur your dad's told you about my previuos job."

"Oh yeah I forgot........"

OOC: here is a pic of a UMSGen

user posted image

This post has been edited by West Pasco on Mar 22 2007, 09:01 PM
West Pasco
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Posted: Mar 22 2007, 09:31 PM
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Danielle had just come back from talking on her cell phone, catching the gist of what King Falcon was talking about. She toke her seat and nodded to everyone present. "I just got off of the phone with Minister of Defense, Michael Arani. He has given the green light to assure you we will send whatever is necessary to help defend our allies. The most likely forms of aid that we can offer and actually make a noticeable effect in would be in infantry and perhaps naval presence. Although if needed we can give some air support as well."
The Red Devil
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Posted: Mar 23 2007, 01:48 AM
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QUOTE (West Pasco @ Mar 23 2007, 01:33 AM)
OOC: here is a pic of a UMSGen

user posted image

OOC: Hahaha, awesome. Not sure if anyone else will accept this but I sure as hell will. Unfortunately, you do know that it will get annihilated fairly quickly, if it's just one suit against the whole Hockey Canadian airforce? Hell, I'll probably shoot it down if I don't ICly know what it is.

This post has been edited by Falcania on Mar 23 2007, 01:50 AM
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Mar 23 2007, 05:08 AM
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OOC: I'm tempted to let it in just for the 'coolness' factor. I want to wait and see what HC says, though.

IC: After the Khazaronian Minster for Foreign Affairs finished, Stinson gave a polite pause, and then started speaking. "If the Falcanian troops can't fight in the rain, then we are going to have to hold the strategic objectives. In Hockey Canada's mind, this would likely equate to major cities, and strategic resources. Oliverrian and Lamonian troops can do that, but it would be at a murderous cost.

What we can do is to use the allied naval and air forces to launch a pre-emptive strike on Hockey Canadian forces. If I were them, i'd put radar stations all over those mountains, but there HAS to be some blind spots. If we could get past any possible 'Radar Fence,' even if it means blowing some Radar Stations up, then the allied Air Forces can launch sucessful strikes that will delay the Hockey Canadian forces, and even cut them off from supplies. It would be nice to have some intelligence sources inside of Hockey Canada, though."
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Mar 23 2007, 08:51 AM
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OOC: Hahaha, awesome. Not sure if anyone else will accept this but I sure as hell will. Unfortunately, you do know that it will get annihilated fairly quickly, if it's just one suit against the whole Hockey Canadian airforce? Hell, I'll probably shoot it down if I don't ICly know what it is.

OOC:Well I RP it as being based off of technology you guys rejected tongue.gif

Also i'm also not gonna try to get involved in any major battles,I'm gonna go into outer space till I'm over HC (I should avoid all radar that way), And then start reaking havoc on HC ph34r.gif

This post has been edited by West Pasco on Mar 23 2007, 09:05 AM
West Pasco
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Posted: Mar 23 2007, 11:50 AM
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QUOTE (West Pasco @ Mar 23 2007, 08:51 AM)
OOC: Hahaha, awesome. Not sure if anyone else will accept this but I sure as hell will. Unfortunately, you do know that it will get annihilated fairly quickly, if it's just one suit against the whole Hockey Canadian airforce? Hell, I'll probably shoot it down if I don't ICly know what it is.

OOC:Well I RP it as being based off of technology you guys rejected tongue.gif

Also i'm also not gonna try to get involved in any major battles,I'm gonna go into outer space till I'm over HC (I should avoid all radar that way), And then start reaking havoc on HC ph34r.gif

OOC: Yeah... that's a major 'no' on the whole flight suit thing. You can't have some huge thing run by one guy take on a huge air force. Why don't you get your friend Master Chief and Chuck Norris to help you. Just give up on life now. The space thing seems kind of both stupid and reckless. Say you even develop a space program, technology in the short amount of time, and even devise a weapon good enough to get me. You'll be using futuristic technology in a modern-day roleplay. Just give up on life kid. I've calculated that my Infantry will have about 40 mil people in it by multiplying my population by making it an incredibly low percentage of my population. That's just for volunteers, without conscripting or anything else. Keep the OOCs to a minimum please.

I would also like an idea to where your armed forces are. As you'll read in my roleplay, it is very confusing to figure out if you're countering or not in the chaos of attack.


There was mostly silence in Francie Sud. The rain pitter-pattered against rooftops and the occasional thundering gave the appearance of a quiet night. Meanwhile Hockey Canadian B2 bombers and Kimogila-Grade self-propelled bombs flew silently overhead. The JDAM-guided "dumb-bombs" were nearly depleted and the surplus of the old technology was almost depleted. This was excellent news for the Hockey Canadian Air Force because they could use even deadlier and mroe accurate bombs for the bombing of Oliverry. Escourted by Hockey Canadian F-4 and F-13 fighters, they scanned the area over Saint-Francois, Val-du-rocher, Lemaireville, and to much dismay Communiste ready to unload the bombs.

The rain may have muffled engines purring overhead, but not the explosions dropped.

When the fleet had made their last circle over southern Francie-Sud, the signal was given as 5,000 tanks poured through the passes down roads and highways towards their intended destinations. Troop transports sped at 80 k/ph towards destinations and hotbed cities that would provide some resistance from the Hockey Canadian onslaught. Cities began to light up with explosions from both bombs and flares dropped by the bombers to indicate the city was prepared for ground attack.

Civilians caught resisting the Hockey Canadians were shot without question. Those that would not resist would continue to cope with the new occupation. Riding up the Autoroute Federale and the Principales that connected the four cities of attack, 1,250 T-89s each powered their way into the four cities and quickly set up defense for a counterattack from SDL or other niusances.

100,000 infantry marched into each city and stepped onto Oliverrian soil killing resistances in their way. The disruption of an Oliverrian radio tower and radar station gave Hockey Canada access into any local transmission attempts and centred any locations where they were originating. Occupation wasn't a trustworthy thing, and wouldn't be when citizens would be isolated from their own country to be left deaf, blind and dumb.

Meanwhile Ile-Royale was being fortified after a quick Hockey Canadian victory where no militia resistance was being formed. Ville-Royale had taken several hours to cleanse of 'unagreeable' people but by the night when the bombing of Francie-Sud was taking place, the hockey stick and sickle was flying proudly over the provincial capital. An underground tunnel was discovered not long after Fallington well... fell. Leading from Pontville through to Ile-Royale, Hockey Canada realized this could provide some sort of advantage for the defenders of Oliverry. Without hesitation, a demolition crew was assigned to rig the tunnel so it collapsed on the western point of the island. Water gushed through the gape in the tunnel and would give the Oliverrian mainland a little wet surprise.

Hockey Canadian subs hugged the coast alongside battleships, destroyers and carriers. Reports of Bazalonian floatillas were floating like the pollution in the harbours, but no such thing was confirmed yet in Hockey Canadian eyes. The invasion would be in full force soon.
Hockey Canada
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Posted: Mar 23 2007, 01:38 PM
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FNA Feather - Conference Lounge

Falcon listened to Stinson's proposition. "Good idea, but impossible to execute. Falcania may have the superior airforce, but the Hocanucks are fighting in their own skies. More to the point, they will have hidden their radar stations stupendously well, for the express reason that their purpose is to stop us breaking through. We could probe their detection network, but it would take far too long, cost too many planes, and ultimately give away our position."

At this point Status Aran burst in. "Sire, it has begun!"

Falcon solemnly looked at Aran. "The invasion?" he asked, grimly.

"Yes, sire. The Hocanucks have crossed the border, first with bombers, then with tanks and men. Saint-Francois, Communiste, Val-du-rocher, and Lemaireville. All have fallen."

Falcon turned away, to the window. "Goddamn it, Status, why doesn't anybody tell me these things?"

"Sire, it was a sudden attack. We didn't get wind that anything was wrong until... Honestly, sire, it was when the TV in the Officer's Mess stopped getting the Sports Channel. They took the radio and TV stations, and we believe they've seized a radar station too."

Falcon sighed, and sat. "There's no point bombing the cities. We're here to save the people, not kill them. We'd have to get them in transit." He gestured to a map projected onto an interactive whiteboard on the wall. "They've taken the south of Francie-Sud. Chances are they'll strike... I have no idea." He frowned. "We're going to have to fragment the fleet. Send four canzin* squadrons... here, to Beaunemar, in northern Francie-Sud, and another four canzin to Colmundy, which is pretty close to the Hocanuck border. That's all we can do for now."

* Canzin is a Falcanian dialect word for fifteen, just as the English dozen is twelve
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Mar 23 2007, 03:48 PM
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OOC Update to post above: I have become aware of a big map, which is here and useful:

For the purposes of the above, I didn't say Beaunemar, I said Saint-Denis, and instead of saying Colmundy, I said Perpignant.

Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Mar 23 2007, 09:13 PM
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As the Bazalonian sattelite orbited it as quickly as it could flicked between the many hostspots of Battle in the region. This one sattelite managed to get an accurate image of the Hockey Canadian invasion. The images that streamed from the sattelite were enough in detail that civilians could obvious been seen "taken out" for either resisting the Hockey Canadian forces or purely for being 'undesirable'. Perhaps the Hockey Canadians were going on a racial cleansing rampage or indeed something else marked them out. Information on their exact targets was limited but the Bazalonians did have they though was very concerning.

Meanwhile En-route to Oliverry the Bazalonian Naval forces were coming, Cargo planes and their cargo were coming into Olivery giving Ile-Royale a wide berth. Hopefully it was not too late for the Bazalonian forces to make an impact, orders where given for everything to be done ASAP. The forces needed to be there and they needed to be there yesterday.

The flow of planes continued and the Naval forces inched closer, They be involved in Battle... Soon
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Mar 24 2007, 03:37 AM
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(OOC: Lamonian Regiments comprise 1,500 to 2,000 troops each. Airliner seating figures based on the RL Boeing 777.)

The Lamonian troopships were still on station behind the Bazalonian Warships. There were now 105 of them, each holding a regiment of infantry and their equipment. While giving Ile-Royale the same wide berth that the Bazalonians were, the troops were eager to go ashore; as the Army troops thought of the ships as giant targets.

With reports of Hockey Canada finally beginning their main invasion of Oliverry, these troops were going to land in Cote Ouest. From there, they would hopefully be met by Oliverrian troops who would direct them to where they were needed.

At the same time, Lamonian airliners were also bringing in troops and supplies at a rate of 328 troops per trip. While a force movement of this scale was nothing to sneeze at, things were just getting started as more airliners and ships were being nationalized for the purpose.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Mar 24 2007, 08:26 AM
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Skies Above Saint-Denis

The rain was pelting down in a major fashion. Far too damp for an unsheltered Falcanian. However, they needed to stop the advance. Planes didn't need to consider the adverse weather conditions - at least, not the Falcanian planes.


The FNA Kate's Bay and the FNA Alexandreatham cautiously dipped their hangars to the operational height of 19,000 metres above sea level. In the control deck, Ctrl. San Halford spoke into his headset. "Bomber wings Alexandreatham and Kate's Bay, you are cleared for deployment. Fighter wings Alexandreatham and Kates's Bay are cleared to follow."


The SB-6 Swans swept back their wings and proceeded to move to the advancing Hocanuck column. Each carried their standard armament of two rotary "six-gun" non-nuclear cruise missile launchers. The Birds of Prey followed behind, each with a surface strike loadout.

Suddenly the Swans swept out their wings, swooping round and widely encircling the tanks. The destruction was like a dance. The bombers would cross up out of their bombing circle and divebomb the tanks, unleashing their cruise missiles at stupidly short range. A gratuitous waste of money, but these bombers had yet to receive their gunship upgrade. Besides, they did the job.

Then the circle broke, as the bombers had expended their ammunition. The Birds of Prey began systematically divebombing the advancing column. With mighty fwooshes and explosions, they depleted their load, turned tail and returned to their airship.
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Mar 24 2007, 12:37 PM
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To The SDL nations and Oliverry, I regret to inform you that at this time, the United Commonwealth of Delesa is unable to mobalize and supply forces to ensure the saftey and freedom of the Oliverry people. Although I can ensure you that in due time vast amounst of resources and men will be sent or readily available to ensure the sovereignty of the nation of Oliverry from any force that threatens it.

Long Live the Oliverry People!


Lester Geddie
Commonwealth Prime Minister

King George III
Reigning Monarch of the United Commonwealth
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Posted: Mar 24 2007, 08:58 PM
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OOC: I've decided to ignore HC (Who hasn't?) and go on with my RP

"Are you shure you want to go on with this?"


"Now load this on a Spaceplatform and'll send this to outer space"

*in Outer space*

"Sir you are over the requested coordinantes,but one thing. why theese coordinates. it's looks like a small airbase."

"It is,It's a large base actually,it's the largest base for Refuelling aircraft.I figure if we can cut a large portion of the number of craft that can reach the intearior."

"Okay so what's next after that?"

"who knows?"

"Now start the disengagement sequince"
West Pasco
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