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Making Waves
Posted: Jan 10 2008, 10:33 AM
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"Good morning Lady Dominier, how fares your noble self?" a happy Samir Duraz asked upon entering the Matriarch's quarters.

"Excuse the pleasantries General, I know what it is you want. I will not condone a course of action that will lead to hostilities. The only way I will approve your manuever is if you get the word of Lamoni that they will not oppose this action." a quite frustrated Elizabeth Dominier retorted.

"Ah, but that is why I have come. I personally visited Lamoni and spoke with the appropiate government officials, and they having absolutely no problem with this move. In fact, with our recent trade agreements, a few of them are actually encouraged by this action."

"I see. I still don't like it, this could cause a good deal amount of trouble with the other region members, and we don't exactly have the biggest or most powerful military around if an action was to be made against us as a responce. Yet, if you have Lamoni's approval, then you have mine as well. Please keep the casualities to a minimium will you? I don't want us to get a reputation for being careless."

"Aye madam, I will see to it that casualities remain low. If the images from the satelite are right, there is only a small native population."

Bellwater Port

Grand Admiral Aurther Curtdon waited patiently in his quarters upon the flagship D.S.S. Marhala awaiting word from General Duraz. The Navy and the Army were mobolized. They were planning on staking claim to the island to the southwest of Demot, directly south of Lamoni. Intelegance had indicated that the island was unhabited by any civilized peoples, and had a plentiful of recourses to help energize a stagnet economy. When he cell phone buzzed and he read the text from the good General, Aurther's eyes lit up.

"Attention, all hands on deck. We are moving out at 1300 hours. All personel please report to your stations now. This is not a drill. Operation Red Rose is in effect."
Royal Scribe
Posts: 103
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Posted: Jan 10 2008, 03:51 PM
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"Gutsy. Cute, but gutsy."

Major-Commander Hack leaned back in his chair contentedly. "I'll like to see how this pans out. Course as a recent member of the Colony Club ourselves, we'll be foolish to oppose."
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Jan 11 2008, 01:25 AM
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From his diplomatic plane (which was on it's way to Monavia), President Stinson transmitted a message to the rest of AO officially stating Lamoni's LACK of objection to the colonization of the specified island by Demot.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Feb 3 2008, 05:57 AM
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Captain Orealus Nirelong was a loyal man. He never once questioned his orders, be them from his parents as he was growing up, or now in his military career. He was proud to serve Demot in any way possible and he cared not the consequences of his actions. Yet for his undying loyality, he was also quite curious and inquisitol. So when the Army was summoned to exucute a land grab, he had no reservations about the measures it may take. Yet when he and his division arrive in Bellwater to board the vessels that would ferry them to the island they were to be siezing, he was quite dissapointed in what lay before him.

It was nothing anyone would call a modern navy. It contained two carriers, but the rest of the twelve ship fleet consisted of wooden galleons, not modernized transports made of a more sturdy material. As they where nearing their destination, the good captain finally got up the nerve to ask the Grand Admiral why their navy was in such a pitiful state.

"Why? Why you ask? The answer is simple Orealus, it's because the Matriarch cares not for our military. Just look at the finaces of our government, and you would clearly see that our defence is severly lacking an adequete budget. Therefore, we were only able to buy those two carriers, and not some battleships, submarines, and other vessels that would do us far greater use than those blasted galleons. The foolish woman still thinks we can wage war with dragon riders and melee weapons. She's living in the past, what we need is a future.

Which makes me wonder why she would approve this action in the first place. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad she did, but it is unlike her. If we seize this island, I can promise you that in a years time, it will become just as grand as the mainland."

"I see Aurther. Still, if she is soo against military advancement, why not try to persuade one of the other family members to usurp her title? Surely Isador would be more accepting to our cause. I know he's still only a teenager, but the lad has a vision of Demot that would surely brings us into a new era."

"She will in time name the lad Great Leader, for now we'll just play our parts and serve Demot as best we can.

Now get your men ready, by tommorow morning we shall reach the island of Dunmodrian. I want to have a beachhead setup within 3 hours of landing, and adequete defences, quarters, and intelegance within 5. "
Royal Scribe
Posts: 103
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Posted: Nov 6 2008, 01:33 AM
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OCC: I guess I forgot I hadn't finished it. Well here it comes, although slightly abbreviated. Maybe CH will add it to my domain tongue.gif

IC: The landing was made and the troops had their camp and recon done with an hour to spare. Just like the satelite images had shown, there was no signs of civilization, much less human life on the island. It still had the exotic feel of wildness that the Druids of the country would fall in love with, once they were allowed to settle here. By all accounts, the island was deserted and whatever peoples had once lived here, were gone. Soon the first wave of settlers would be on their way to the island. Part of Orealus was saddened by the thought of this beautiful island becoming tamed and turned into the mainland. There was a certain beauty about it that made you feel more alive. It was the same kind of beauty he had found in combat, with your blood pumping and doing whatever it took to keep you and your fellow soldiers alive. It was something quite primevel and basic about it, which made it ever the more invigorating to the Captain.

"Well lads, sorry to get your hopes up about the possibility of seeing action, but it might be better that there was none to be had. You lads and lasses are still the first generation of Demotians to be organized and outfitted with modern weapons, bar the Empress' own guards, and could have easily had trouble adjusting. Still, you have done your duty well here, and will likely be getting to stay here in the coming months as the settlers come over and begin to setup cities. It will be your duty then to protect those men and women from the harshness of this island until it is tamed and help build a new Demot here on Dunmodrian. We might be soldiers, with our first duty being combat specialists, but I'll be darned if we aren't also here to build a better country. So if it means building houses and paving roads for civilians, by golly we are going to do it and enjoy doing it. If you have a problem with that, then perhaps you should consider moving to another country, because this is Demot, and we do what is needed!"

The soldiers quietly nodded their heads and in truth were more relived than anything that they had not had to engage in combat. In the coming months they would have plenty of work to do, and time to train with the new weapons, as they reformed this wild land into a jewel of modern civilization.

Elsewhere, thousands of civilians from all walks of life were piling into Bellwater, preparing to make the trip to Dunmodrian for whatever reason. Among those was Harthgate the Enlightened, one of the few remaining Druids in the country. They all would be trecking over, with agreements from the Empress herself to the building of five new cities on the island, including a port on the southern half, in the charter for the city of Villain.

OCC: Due to a lack of time, I will not be RPing the establishment of the cities itself, but for those who care, here is a map of post settlement Demot and Dunmodrian.
Royal Scribe
Posts: 103
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