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Syndicatian State of Emergency
Posted: Jun 3 2013, 05:00 PM
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Marko Gajinovic was starting an emergency meeting in the National Assembly of Savski Venac. He was in his millitary uniform. The members of ne National Assembly were confused. Since the war Marko only wore his uniform on millitary parades and special occasions. But this was odd.

"Today, at 17.49 ,Druidish time , the Ahlenfi airfoce shot down all of the 5 planes that were en route to IS. As the ataman of the Peoples Army of Savski Venac , minister of defence, head of the state and prime minister, I declare war on Ahlenfi. From this moment the PFR Savski Venac is at war with Ahlenfi that is responstible for more that 1000 lives."

The memebers of the national assembly were shocked. They havent heard of the dissaster that happened. Marko exited the hall and entered his car. He was going on a meeting in the Peoples Army HQ that was 5 minutes drive.

OOC:I will continue this later
Savski Venac
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Posted: Jun 6 2013, 02:18 AM
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OOC: Hope it's ok if I RP your side of a phone call, TIS. If not, feel free to retcon it. No feelings hurt.

"Mukuna, get me on the phone with the Administrator from TIS."

"Right away, sir."


"Hello, this is Munako Lumakonapani, Minister of Defense of the Republic of Maklohi Vai."


"I wish to talk about responding to Ahlenfi's agression. We believe we need to start with diplomacy."

"That sounds reasonable. Have you contacted the Emir?"

"Yes, but he hasn't responded."

"Of course he hasn't. He's a stuck up little wannabe dictator. You have to go through other channels."

"We have previously had contact with a delegate at a regional conference."

"Mmm, well you could start there. I would recommend that you talk to some people on our side. We know a few more people over there."

"Thank you very much."

"I'll have the information sent to you."


"Hello, this is Munako Lumakonapani, Minister of Defense of the Republic of Maklohi Vai. Who am I speaking with?"

"This is David McGarrity, special agent of the government of The Inevitable Syndicate."

"What is your duty, Mr. McGarrity?"

"I'm not allowed to tell you that, sir. All I have been put on the line to tell you is this: I can get you to talk to the man who controls the Ahlenfi army."

"But the Administrator told me that I couldn't talk to the Emir."

"Oh, the Emir doesn't control the army."


"Ahlenfi is internally flawed beyond belief, sir."

"How do you know all this?"

"I can't tell you that, sir."

"Then how can I trust you?"

"You have the Administrator's recommendation. And besides, what other choice do you have?"

"Well, I coul---"
"Dammit! Get back on the line!"
"Mukuna, I need the President."

"Right away, sir."

"Mr. President, this is the Minister of Defense. I have news regarding Ahlenfi."
The Minister briefed him on the news, then paused.

"So can we engage?"

"I believe so, Mr. President. We can talk to someone important."

"Good. Make it happen."

"And what if it's a trap?"

"Please, Admiral Ackbar, cut it."



"Hello, this is Munako Lumakonapani, Minister of Defense of the Republic of Maklohi Vai. Am I speaking to the Administrator?"

"Yes. Did you speak to David?"

"I did speak to Mr. McGarrity, yes."

"Did he give you information?"

"Yes, he told me----"

"I know what he told you. Be ready later today. Ahlenfi will come to you."

"Sir, how do you know what they will do? How do y----"

"Minister, sometimes it is better to just accept things, nu?"

"Sir, I must know what is going on!"

"Wait for the call. That is all I can say. Goodbye."

OOC: I would very much appreciate a phone call RP from Ahlenfi. Feel free to RP the MoD or President (if it's larger) from my side.
Maklohi Vai
Scribe in Training
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Posted: Jun 12 2013, 04:44 PM
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TO: The Inevetable Syndicate(whom it may concern)
FROM: The Savski Venac Peoples Army general staff head Marko Borisavich Gajinovich


Dear sir/madam,
The PFR Savski Venac is in a state of war with your neighbour Ahlenfi.
Ahlenfi army has brought down all of our helicopters that were going to aid your country. Since we find it as an attack on our nation we declared war on them.
We are asking the Inevetable Syndicate to let our army land on its soil and fight our enemy. The SVPA will also ask for a free airspace which means that our millitary planes will have clearance to fly over your skies and also permission to land on your airstrips. We also ask for your permission for moving our millitary ships into TIS territorial waters.
Savski Venac will send one aircraft carrier that will arrive in 5 days time. With it 2 grand cruisers that are capable of launching tactical missiles and 5 destroyers, with them 6 cargo ships that will carry soldiers,tanks,howitzers and other millitary suplies.
Savski Venac will send the 3rd IRA division, the 15th SVC(Serbian Volunteer Corps) division and the 14th Armoured Guardist division, each counting 10.000 men They will be supported by the 51st SVPA Airforce squadron counting 100 planes that will be stationed at the SVV Stenka Razin carrier.
The head of the naval Task force will beCounter-Admiral Evgeny Stepanovich Karakasov, the head of the land operations will be General Anton Ivanovich Vladimirov and the head of air operations will be Major Ivan Stanoyevich.

Ataman of the Savski Venac armed forces, Marko Borisavich Gajinovich
Savski Venac
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Posted: Jun 14 2013, 08:29 AM
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Emir Urdan Molothai had just recieved the grave news that the country was not only at war with the Syndicate, but northern country Savski Venac as well. He had called his advisors in the Imperial Palace, and they had constructed a plan of action for the next few days.

"So, Emir, the plan is to simply concentrate efforts on the Syndicate while they are attempting to provide relief for their people, and in doing so we can secure territory."

"But, we have engaged in fighting with two different countries apart from the Syndicate! That wasn't the plan!" The Emir shouted, and pounded his fist on the table.

"With all due respect, Emir," interrupted one of the Emir's Advisors, "shouldn't we also focus on these other two countries! They could become Ahlenfi colonies, as we crush them with our might. Think about it - this Maklohi Vai, this Savski Venac - Wouldn't they be much better as New Hashbi and New Khabu? The ports would be useful for trade, and we wouldn't have to rely on the Syndicatian scum to trade our oil. Plus, you avoid any conflict near our soil, while still crippling the Syndicate."

"You raise a good point. Send over a squadron of fighters to Maklohi Vai. They seem to be the weak links in the Syndicatian Allies. As for Savski Venac, we must stay on the defensive. I have heard word about their powerful navy, but on the desert sands, their navy will be ineffective. As for troops, I leave their movements up to you. Direct them to Westonbirt, as it is closest to the border. Now go!"

One of the Emir's advisors pulled out a phone and dialled a number he had just received from a lackey.

"Hello, this is Munako Lumakonapani, Minister of Defense of the Republic of Maklohi Vai. Who am I speaking with?"

"You are speaking with the enemy. I am Kamali Abadi, one of the Emir's closest advisors. You have done us a great injustice by siding with the Syndicate, and as a result, we are coming for you. You will not expect us, as we are already there. Integrated in your communities, hidden in plain sight. You will not find us, but your country will crumble. This is your punishment for siding with those Syndicatian dogs."

"Is there not anyway we can come to an agreement?"

"No. I am sorry. This is how is must be done."

Posts: 5
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Posted: Jun 14 2013, 08:40 AM
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STATUS REPORT: 3 days after Tsunami Event

Helicopters and resources from all three emergency services have worked day and night to find and rescue survivors of the flood events. Many made it to major cities and higher grounds alive, but have lost their homes due to the floods. The permeable rock of the lower lands has resulted in some land being reclaimed, but it is sure to take a long time yet before the country returns to its former borders. As for aggression with Ahlenfi, a leaked document containing troop movements was sent to Syndicatian forces, and the army has been placed on high alert in key areas along the border. Some refugees have moved over to other countries such as Ibex and West Guiana, and some have moved out in boats from Burgess to begin a long trip to Audioslavia. We hope that our refugees do not cause too much trouble, and thank the world stage for our support in this terrible time.

Death toll has risen to approximately 4,500 from flooding, and 30 from Ahlenfi Artillery Strikes.

To: Marko Borisavich Gajinovich, Savski Venac
From: Harriet Williams, Chief Commander of the Syndicatian Army, The Inevitable Syndicate.

Encryption: Maximum

Dear Mr. Gajinovich,

We appreciate your offer for help against the tyranny that Ahlenfi tries to impose on us during this time. Seeing as the country has wronged you, we accept your offer to station troops within the Syndicate. Your men will be joining ours at the border, fending off enemy attacks and hopefully pushing past the border. As for your offer for navy ships, we are afraid they will be ineffective, as Ahlenfi is a land locked country. Even though our coastline has migrated inward quite considerably, it still won't be enough to hold an attacking position against the enemy. Your tactical missiles, however, could be a valuable asset, and so I have allowed clearance for your ships in the new sea areas that has been created near Nostromo. You are also cleared to dock any ships in the waters around Burgess and Fligsive, should any other aggressors join the Ahlenfi cause.

Harriet Williams
Syndicatian Army Commander

This post has been edited by Inevitable on Jun 14 2013, 08:56 AM
Dedicated Scribe
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Posted: Jun 15 2013, 09:39 AM
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An article from the newspaper
Citizens in Savski Venac gathered in front of the Ahlenfi embassy, they were protesting, some were even throwing rocks at the embass. The police tried to push them away from the embassy and they did, untill the football fans and extremists came with flares. The policemen retreated while the ultras and extremists started breaking into the embassy. They set it on fire and didnt let the fire brigade near it. The embassy was burned.
All over Savski Venac stands were opened and had a picture on the boards that were above them.
user posted image
The stands were collecting money that will be sent to the Inevitable Syndicate as an aid for repearing the damage from the tsunami and the Ahlenfi aggression. The money should also be used to by food and medical supplies that will also be sent to the Inevitable Syndicate.

The Inevitable Syndicate, new waters made by the tsunami

The two grand cruisers were the pride of Savski Venac. They, along with the other ships in this newly assembled task group were slowly manouvering through the treaterous new waters in the Inevitable Syndicate, trying not to hit something that was submerged.

"Comrade Karakasov, we are approaching a small town, the waters are shallow here !"

"Stop the engines and lower the anchor!"

"Yes comrade Karakasov!"

The small fleet stopped.

"Everyone, battle stations, get ready to launch the mid range tactical(ballistic missiles)!"

The syrene on the ship was turned on instantly. Sailors were rusing to their battle stations. Each of those MRBM's had three MIRVs that had a blas yield of 44 tons TNT .

"Comrades, launch one missile per ship!"

The warheads were emerging from the decks of the two cruisers.

"Target the capital of Ahlenfi!"

"Comrade Karakasov, the missiles are ready for launch!"

"Fire in T -5"

Everything was silent, the crewmembers on other ships watched.

" 4, 3, 2, fire!"

The motors of the two missiles started working and the noise that they were making was uncomprehensable. All soldiers were saluting the rockets.

"Comrade Milyanov, sen the message to General Vladimirov and Major Stanoyevich. The ground forces can start landing on the shores, and the planes can start the tactical operations!"

Savski Venac
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Posted: Jun 15 2013, 12:37 PM
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user posted imageuser posted imageuser posted image

Syndicatian Authorities have begun the spread of Propaganda in the war against Ahlenfi. Support for the Allies is growing, as is contempt for the enemy.

This post has been edited by Inevitable on Jun 15 2013, 12:53 PM
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Posted: Jun 17 2013, 01:57 AM
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"Minister, you look shaken."

"Ahlenfi is coming, with weapons."


"They're going to fight. They are idiotic uneducated brutes, but they have big shoot shoot machine that they want to use."

"Sir, I'll put satellites on high alert?"

"Yes, do that immediately. And anti-air missiles. They'll come with planes first. Also have someone go through the last census, see if we have anyone from Ahlenfi."


"And I want my defense council in the main conference room in 10 minutes. President can come if he wants."



"Gentlemen, I'll get to the point. Ahlenfi is attacking. They have no sentient reason, and they cannot be negotiated with. They are an inland desert nation, so our navy is of no use. We need to start with defense against their strikes. We have air sirens ready, and of course we test them every month. I assume things have been set up for anti-air defense, correct?"

"Yessir, that's set. We have points set across the country."

"Good. Now, we should be able to take down their planes, or at least wound them pretty badly. Should we send up fighters in countenance?"

"I would suggest to wait, sir. Maybe put the Totai (OOC: on that island SE of the others) fighters on hold, and see what happens."

"Do you think our defenses are good enough?"

"It depends, sir. If they send 10 fighters, yes. If they send 200, maybe not."

"Well then we wait. Satellites will pick it up and we can take it from there. What's the range of the radar?"

"It reaches the Pacitalian coast, sir."

"Good, good. Well, I think we only have a couple minutes befo----"


"Bloody hell, there we go. How many?"

"20, sir. Full squadron's worth."


"Fighters, medium size."

"Good, good. How will the systems respond?"

"Well, sir. 20 is a workable number."

"Good. Then get to it. Sound the air raid sirens and fire away."

"Will do, sir."

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------(After the battle)

"Sir, I have the final reports."

"Tell me."

"8 planes shot down into the ocean or destroyed over ocean. 3 planes destroyed over land. 5 planes were able to fire shots, and I'll get to that in a second. 3 planes turned back before being shot at or shooting their own targets. 1 plane was downed on land, a beach near Tulamoi (center part of that small snaky island to the east). The base at Rimoloi (north part of same island) was able to capture the plane a-----"

"Are you telling me we have a captured fighter pilot?"

"Yessir. He's being taken into custody at the Rimoloi base."

"We need to get on that. Make sure he's taken care of, because we're gonna do a little questioning tomorrow. What about the shots fired?"

"Well sir, 4 of those planes flew over the main island, which as you know is more cooperative. They didn't target well, and so nobody was killed. Some property damage in Wakita (south side of the bay on the west side of the main island) is all we have now. So that's mostly ok."

"What about the other plane?"

"Well, it went for Urmakani (northernmost city on the island to the furthest north and east)..."

"-explicitive removed-."

"Yessir. The locals didn't really cooperate. So in downtown there's only a little damage, but when you get into the southern suburbs... there's an estimated 20+ dead and over 120 wounded."

"Oh -explicitive removed-..."

"The President is preparing an address on those deaths and on the war as a whole."


"What's the next course of action, Minister?"

"1. Send your best man out to Rimoloi to question that pilot.
2. Heighten defenses on the air. That's the only way they'll be able to attack. They have no reasonable navy, and ours would crush even a reasonable navy. That also means they can't transport an army by sea. The air is the key.
3. Make sure citizens get the message, whether is be through the President's speech or not, that we are trying to end this war quickly and with as little conflict as possible, but we are dealing with a different sort of people here. We need the cooperation of all Vaians in listening to government instructions."

"Is that all, sir?"

"All for this meeting. I'm going to go back and plan."


OOC: I'm not looking for a full blown war RP here, sorry, but I'm willing to go with some conflict.
Maklohi Vai
Scribe in Training
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Posted: Jun 17 2013, 09:27 AM
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Somewhere in Vale, Inevitable Syndicate

Millitay trucks were passing throught the counry. With them tank,APC's,jeeps that were pulling artillery guns. Above them twin engine helicopters and large transport planes escorted by fighter jets flew.
You coul hear the singing of some soldiers and the sound of accordion. Everyone was cheerfull.Some soldiers were playing cards in the trucks, while others were chattiong with their comrades.
But then, and explosion in the skies made everythin change. A fighter plane was hit by a rocket. It was a small group of Ahlenfi fighters. Everyone took their rifles and were ready for action. Some soldiers that were sitting on the tanks had surface-to-air missile launchers had them ready. The fighter planes escorting one transport plane immidiately ascendend into the blue skies.
Suddenly an Ahlenfi plane flew over the convoy and threw a bomb at a truck. Immidiately, the soldiers that had the surface-to-air missile launchers fired three rockets that hit the plane.
The soldiers that were in the truck that was hit were caught on fire and were desperately screaming for help.
Other Ahlenfi planes were easely shot down by the Danubian fighter jets.
Later that day all of the soldies that surrvived tha bombing of that truck died from burns.

Just a day later later the Danubian troops entered the city of Westonbirt. They were greeted by crowds of Syndicatians that cheered and threw flowers at the hulls of the Danubian viechles.
Savski Venac
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Posted: Jul 4 2013, 12:56 PM
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Status Report: 30 Days After Tsunami Event

It's been a long month. Everyone that has been involved in the rescue effort has worked very hard, and the initiative to send more athletes out to give some entertainment to the populace has worked well, with a consistent performance in the World Cup and various Tennis Tournaments. The Syndicate extends its thanks to those athletes, and wishes them good luck.

The flood waters have began to recede, due in part to piping efforts and the general spell of drier weather we've been having recently. As a result, at least two counties have come back to us, however extensive work is going to have to be done if the settlements that were located within them are ever going to be habitable again. Syndicatian Geographers predict it could take up to three months before construction and refurbishment can even begin, so members of the Public are instructed to not enter these areas without an official permit, that can be obtained from a local council office. Members of the scientific community are more than welcome to enter these areas for use in study, if you don't mind being dropped a few hundred miles from a war zone.

When it comes to the war, the Syndicate and it's allies are doing a fine job at securing many vital positions. An attack by the Danubians a few weeks ago has really crippled the Ahlenfi force, and Syndicatian Operatives have successfully completed various assignments to stop the Ahlenfi menace. Syndicatian and Danubian troops have moved off the defensive after orders from Commander Williams, and have secured areas of Taquristan province. These areas will remain under the control of the Syndicate as compensation for the land that we have lost due to the floods, and also compensation for the unjustified attack on our country. We are unlikely to stop until we get to Hashbi.

Unfortunately, areas of Westonbirt and Webster Partition have come under heavy fire from Ahlenfi Air Forces, and areas of farmland have been destroyed. Syndicatians are advised to begin growing their own food in their gardens in order to combat possible shortages, and free seeds are available from most local council offices to help you all get started. An estimated 250 troops have died at the hands of the enemy, and all people living close to the border are heavily advised to relocate to areas such as Fligsive or Burgess.

Once again, we thank you all for your continued support, and hope that this conflict sees a swift and beneficial resolution.
Dedicated Scribe
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Posted: Jul 4 2013, 03:41 PM
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To: Andrew Brown, Administrator of The Inevitable Syndicate
Fr: Rt. Hon. James Dugarry, Prime Minister of Krytenia
Re: Military Support

I hope this evening finds you well.

The Kingdom and United Provinces have decided to remain neutral in this conflict - officially at least. However, we are willing to supply arms and other military materials in addition to the relief aid currently in place.

Such military aid would be supplied in a clandestine manner, so your discretion on this matter is paramount. If our involvement is revealed, such aid will be removed immediately.

J Dugarry
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Posted: Jul 13 2013, 05:45 PM
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The Imperial Palace, Hashbi, Ahlenfi.

"Sir, I have the target in sight. He's headed to the balcony now. Get ready."

"Thank you Specialist. Right men, are you ready? We only have one shot at this, and if we cock it up, it could cost thousands of lives. Of course, should we succeed, it'll save ten times more."

"Sir, he's on the balcony. Commene Operation Gold on the Ceiling."

"Right boys, let's go!"

The Syndicatian Special Operations Outfit swooped down onto the balcony on the top floor of the Imperial Palace, and the Emir, Erdun Molothai, turned to face them.

"So, you have come to kill me, eh? Of course, I expected this. You cowards won't even fight like real men, with our covert operations and your unorthodox weaponry!"

"Oh, no, Mr. Molothai..." said one of the members of the outfit, "We've not come to kill you. We've come to remove you."

The helicopter whirred above the palace, looking for a point to touch down on. It picked it's spot - the roof of the palace - and began it's descent.

The Emir attempted to make a dash for the doors back inside. Behind him was another soldier. Suddenly, he felt a *thud* on the side of his head. He toppled over, and everything faded to black...

Status Report: 45 Days After Tsunami Event

After 45 days, things are starting to look up inside the Syndicate. Plans put in place to pump the remaining flood waters from low-lying lands have began to be put into action, and a small land bridge has been created from the Island that consisted of Eastport, Gatesby, and Hardypoole. This has been used to funnel aid and refugees around, freeing up commercial plane space for vital cargo used to fund both the rescue and war efforts. Some Syndicatians have confirmed that they are still strapped in their homes - particularly those living where the floodwaters are deepest, such as Coulomby and Turingate. Efforts have been focused on getting those select few to safer areas before rehabilitation can begin.

New settlements have sprung up in the higher areas - including a rather large one (named "Pavillion") in Webster, near the highland source of the Lesko. This community has thrived, housing many displaced Syndicatians and providing a home base for the rescue effort. It seems that the settlement may become the first of the new towns that will inevitably become another part of Syndicatian culture, and will also serve as a shining beacon of resolve.

Other areas that the Syndicate have been showing resolve is on the war front, with much ground being made to recoup the losses that were made during the disaster. Reports have shown that the Emir is nowhere to be seen, and this has caused the Ahlenfi forces to be a little lacklustre in their performance. Of course, this is nothing but a good thing, and Syndicatian and Danubian forces have pressed on to areas of  Taquristan. A shipment of weapons and other military material from [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] has served us well, and with the [REDACTED], we were able to take out enemy camps and military buildings with ease. The parties involved know who they are, and we extend our thanks.

Westonbirt, however, was and still is the victim of a push by enemy forces, and for about a week now soldiers and citizens alike have been battling it out in the city. The Ahlenfi people seem to be experts when it comes to Improvised Explosive Devices, and have killed many citizens using them. While our forces have tried to bite back, riots in the streets and the strong resolve of Westonbirt residents to defend their homes has slowed progress.

While this news saddens me greatly, I know that our men and women, with the support of our allies, will eventually triumph over the great evil in the sands.
Dedicated Scribe
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Posted: Jul 13 2013, 06:02 PM
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Taqur, Ahlenfi

Abdu Shalhoub had been trapped in Taqur for two weeks. It first started when the military forces of the country decided it would be a good idea to go to war with their biggest trading partner, cutting off their access of a port in the hope that they would gain it by the methods of war. Of course, this enraged those in the country to the east, and they had attacked with quite some force, managing to push right outside the city. The city insides had turned into an area of chaos - Syndicatian nationals fighting Ahlenfi Loyalists, Ahlenfi Rebels who believed the war to be unjust fighting the Loyalists, and the corrupt few who saw the war as a way to further their own gains fighting everyone. One gang had rose up - the Black Foot - and they ruled over a quarter of Taqur. Nobody was messing with them in a hurry.

Shaloub was an Ahlenfi Rebel - he believed that the war the Emir had set into motion was unjust - to Abdu, it felt like they were kicking the Syndicate while they were already down. And so when the Syndicatians rocked up to Taqur, he offered to help them.

So, here he was - waiting for a supply drop that the Loyalists were supposedly going to receive. He wasn't sure where the information had come from, but the Syndicatian soldiers had asked him and a his force of approximately sixteen men to secure the area before they moved in. Their reward? A third of the contents of the drop.

While Abdu was thinking about where this had all gone wrong, the ever-familiar sound of rotor blades was getting ever louder. Pulling out his binoculars, he noticed the Ahlenfi Air Force Roundel on the helicopter, and began to make his way over to where it was predicted to drop. When he arrived, the shooting had already started, and he and his men scrambled to cover. However, when he got within range of the supply drop, one of the loyalists was staring at it in horror.


As the box that the drop was housed in fell away, it revealed several canisters with valves connected to a circuit. That circuit was then connected to an alarm clock. Which was beeping.

The canisters shot out a deadly-loooking light green gas, and Abdu didn't even have the time to react before his eyes began to tear up. He tried to run, but fell over instantly, and looked in horror as one by one, the people that surrounded him fell to the ground.

He didn't think of anything after that.
Posts: 5
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Posted: Jul 15 2013, 12:33 PM
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To: The Inevitable Syndicate
From: West Guiana

For the long haul it was decided to stay out of your conflict, however though the moral side of our nation and people won over the suspicious side. Unless this conflict that should have never happened worsens we'll re-evaluate our standing, but until then our boarders are open for any possible refugees, along with those looking for medical and financial support.

A natural disaster compounded by a war can ruing a nations economy, so until further notice the West Guiana Federal Reserve by an act of Congress shall be giving $ 1.2 billion yearly in foreign aid asking only that at lest 20% go to help those in need. This is essentially "we give, no questions asked what you'll do with it".

President Mike Jackson.

This post has been edited by West Guiana on Jul 15 2013, 12:34 PM
West Guiana
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Posted: Jul 16 2013, 05:44 AM
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A month ago

A anti-tank rocket launcher fired a projectile in the streets of Westonbirt. Its target- a Ahlenfi tank just in front of them.
The projectile has hit the tanks driver hatch,it made a hole in it and flames started going out of it. Some soldiers opened the hatch, they were on fire, screaming for help in Ahlenfian. The small unit that has preivousl destroyed the tank is now passing by them, trying to ignore the terrible screams.
Westonbirt has turned into a warzone in just a day. Jets flew over trying to bomb ther designated targets, but then a AA missile knocks them out. A soldier fighting column is trying to capture a machine gun nest but they all get slaughtered by heavy artillery that is pounding the city for the last 24 hours.
-Moove! Come on lets go lads! Get down! GET DOWN!
The soldiers heard some whisteling, it was mortar fire.
Then the commander looked at his unit. One soldier was in parts, his abdomen was on a car just a few feet away hile his legs were blown up. Another soldier was missing his leg, he was screaming in pain. Chaos was around them.
Then something starte whisteling again.
A bomb fired by the Ahlenfy heavy a-guns has just hit the unit. Nobody survived the explosion.

To be continued...
Savski Venac
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