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Operation: Ultimate Prize
Posted: Feb 12 2007, 07:28 PM
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"Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United Provinces."

Dominique Domasca cleared her throat.

"We have, for too long, been involved in a petulant impasse with the people of Starblaydia. This, clearly, is not a situation that benefits the people of our nation; nor is it fair on the innocent Starblaydi populace. As such, the United Provinces of Krytenia hereby unilaterally withdraws its declaration of war against the Protectorate of Starblaydia and their allies. Or navies shall return to neutral waters around our own coastline, taking the mobile section of the KAF with them."

"However, there is one unfinished piece of business. The tyrant, Lady Viannor, has shamed the continent of Calania, the region of Atlantian Oceania, and has sullied the name of the SAAS, an organisation that we were once a member of. We implore that this woman is removed from power, and we offer the following incentive to any individual or organisation that does this."

A large safe is wheeled in (this takes eight people to do), and opened. It's full of banknotes. Nineteen more safes are revealed behind the curtain at the back of the stage, each as full as the last.

"There are twenty-five million Credits Krytenian in each of these safes. A total of five hundred million to he, she, or they who bring me the head of Viannor Starblayde. Or at least topple it. Good hunting."

Domasca smiled smugly - as if she was aiming it at her Starblaydi counterpart - and the broadcast faded to black.
Now With Added Bekk!
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Posted: Feb 13 2007, 05:22 PM
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OOC: This looks interesting. I may well contribute my own soldier of fortune at some point.
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Feb 13 2007, 11:00 PM
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The Az-cz assassins community was abuzz about the offer for money about killing Viannor for money. While there was plenty of money to be made both for themselves and that they could give back to the Az-czid community for doing the duty, there was a deeper question about whether it was proper.

See, Az-czid assassins are vigilantes more than profit hunters. Any assassin who was found out to be doing their hits just for money would be quickly taken out themselves. Therefore it was necessary to learn more about the target herself.

One of the more influential and more well-known assassins, Sly-Stn had taken it on himself to figure out if there should be an organized hit from the Az-czid assassins guild and if so to organize it. So he made his way to the friendly country of Bazalonia and then attempt to make further contact with the Krytenians in order to find out why exactly they would order such a thing.
Senator in Training
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Posted: Feb 14 2007, 02:48 AM
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If the Az-czid community of assasins were merely abuzz, the Lamonian Society of Assasins were positively giddy.

As the Free Republic had already declared war on Starblaydia for attacking an ally, there were no moral qualms. Assasin Steve Ungar was already organizing an elite squad of ten assasins to take on this mission. They were all formerly a part of the Lamonian Special Forces, so they figured that it wouldn't be too hard if planned properly.

The ten men studiously studied everything that there was on the target, as well as any maps or information about the target's activities that they could get their hands on. They would get the prize money if it killed them.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Feb 14 2007, 03:31 AM
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Bazalonian agents decide a unique approach to this is necessary and While Bazalonian forces put the Az-czid assasins in contact with the Kryties they also furnished them with all the information about Lady Protector they had.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Feb 15 2007, 01:00 AM
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While Myrtannia did not have an official assasin's guild or anything to that - any known members of such an association would be hunted down by the federal government - there was a pair of Myrtannians who'd joined the Lamonian Society of Assasins who'd heard about the proffered Krytenian fortune. The pair would work together, then, to claim the fortune for themselves, and to Hades with the rest of the LSA's 'official' team.

Both hailed from the Sayiid Island Province's capital of Mari City, and had certain past experience that made them feel up for the task. Matsu Tsukehara, an ex-United Isles Commando, had the military special forces training that would be necessary should a firefight occur, or munitions need to be dealt with. Her partner, Hatsuyo Adachi (no realtion to Ayano Adachi of the Snow Angel Team), was a former spy for the federal government, and thus had valuable espionage skills.

Together, they poured over the most detailed maps they could find, and what information on the prospective target they could obtain. Adachi's contacts with Myrtannian Intelligence proved useful to a point, and they obtained information from certain shadier Lamonian contacts. From there, they traveled to Nephi to make contact with the Krytenians for details on how payment would be arranged once the hit was confirmed, and other details on their reasoning.

They were determined to get those Credits for themselves, even if it meant butting heads with the LSA on the way there.
Experienced Senator
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Posted: Feb 15 2007, 02:10 AM
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The LSA team had intelligence contacts of their own, and a former Colonel in Lamonian Military Intelligence was added to the team in order to collect information. Passports for the entire team were expert copies of those of SAAS and neutral nations; even a Starblaydi passport. Computer hackers had already placed the relevant records into each involved nation's computers that controlled passports, so that shouldn't tip anyone off.

With passports in hand, the team boarded a flight to Fauxhaun International in Bazalonia (where contact was made with the Kryties, regarding payment and such), connected to a flight going to Kafra, Nedalia, and then to Pacitalia. From there, they flew to Abbatoir, and from there to Starblaydia.

Once past customs, the eleven hailed taxis, and went to a hotel for the night.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Feb 15 2007, 09:17 AM
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Spies Shot Dead at Airport
Lamonian treachery rewarded with eleven invoices

Eleven Lamonian spies tried to enter Starblaydia yesterday with forged documents - including Starblaydi and other Strategic Alliance 'passports' - but soon found themselves looking down the barrel of Starblaydia's immigration authorities and security forces' weapons, resulting in eleven coffins ready for dispatch back to Lamoni.

The espionage was uncovered by a computer counter-security team working for the Online Secure Computer Agency (, who monitored futile attempts by foreign hackers to place details into Abattoirian and Starblaydi flight records. OSCA agents allowed this to take place and monitored the foreign agents before they even landed in Abattoir, from where they caught a connecting flight to Tabeck International Airport - all the while under surveillance.

OSCA agents, working in conjunction with other agencies and forces, captured the men as they were taken to a secure government-owned location. There, as spies, they were denied any human rights and, as they were found to be entering a country in a state of war illegally, were swiftly dispatched with a single 9mm bullet to the head each.

The eleven bodies - no Starblaydi officer received more than the most minor of hand-to-hand injuries - are being held securely in a Tabeck morgue, awaiting deportation back to Lamoni, their native land. The Free Republic of Lamoni has also been billed separately for eleven 9mm bullets and officially warned not to try this sort of operation again.

In other war news, Starblaydi forces pushed further through open ground and are on the road to Graham City, capital of the Allied States. This road, when taken, is expected to be the surest nail in the coffin of the Nine states, and with victory in their nation's capital, Starblaydia will be in excellent position to truly win this war for good.

OOC: Nice of y'all to ask me about this first, and even nicer that you can place agents in my country just like that *snaps fingers*. Do it better next time, and also, next time, please enter the most evil, paranoid and well-guarded nation in the region in more than two short paragraphs, if you please.
Also available in purple
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Posted: Feb 16 2007, 06:52 PM
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The Office of International Intelligence had never been so alive. Mercenaries and government organisations from all over the region had been knocking on the door, trying to gain as much intel as possible on the most marked woman in Starblaydia. Some had been given, but for the most part, the OII had been holding back, saving the juiciest bits for its own men. Hell, the Lamonians had even been given duff information. And now the motherlode. "Agent 11-18", the most senior of Krytenia's "Double One" secret agents, pored over the documents.

"Perfect," he said. "Indistinguishable from the real thing."

In front of him, three passports, purporting that "Jurgen Hertz", "Carsten Schmidt", and "Erich Heerlen", were citizens of Geisenfried. Three red-and-black Geisenfried jerseys had also been provided.

"Gentlemen, the plan is simple. You will fly into Starblaydia from Geisenfried on a plane with other supporters during their World Cup qualifying match. Please remember to learn the local accent and dialects; tapes have been provided. Once past customs - disappear. Use your initiative, use your training. But once you are clear, do not bring attention to yourself. Then obtain the tools you need. Find black marketeers, lie, steal, and if all else fails, try and find something you can blow yourself and a whole mess of people up with."

The plan was set. It was audacious, it was a long shot, but if they could carry off getting into Starblaydia, then they might just have a chance.
Now With Added Bekk!
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Posted: Feb 25 2007, 09:22 PM
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Patriarch Khara was enjoying one of the realitively few free moments he had on his ship since they had set out for Alliance waters. As he stared into a glass of rum he had been nursing for the past several minutes, he heard three loud knocks on his door. Placing the glass down, he turned in his swivel chair towards the door and cleared his throat.

"Enter." he said.

In walked the comms officer, he made a quick salute before closing the door and presenting the Patriarch with two sheets of paper. Nodding Khara straigthened his posture as he read the documents. They where reports from Danielle Uram and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, detailing the recent events leading to the capture and execution of eleven Lamonian intelligence operatives and the Ministry's reccomendations on what should be done.

After mulling things over for several minutes, Khara returned his attention to the comms officer who was still standing at attention in front of him.

"Notify Minister Uram that we will not be taking the Krytenians up on their offer. Plenty of people will be doing that already and I wish to focus our resources and efforts on the war in the Alliance and other SDL territories."

The officer nodded, saluted and left the Patriarch's cabin.
The Red Devil
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