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The Latao Conflict
Posted: Aug 22 2005, 02:00 PM
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Now that all three of the allied nations were surrounding the Latin capital, it was time for the attack to begin. Lamonian artillery opened up on the town in preperation for the infantry to enter and take the city. The bridges across the river were all ready for the assault to begin, and the infantry made use of them as they headed into the Latin capital, weapons blazing at likely spots for enemy troops to be hiding.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 23 2005, 07:01 PM
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As soon as the Lamoni forces began attacking the Latin capital, the Khazaronian artillery and tanks moved into position. Forming a series of lines outside the captial, the tanks and artillery began firing on the defensive positions the Latin defenders had taken up. Within a couple of hours signifigant damager had already been delivered to the Latins, forcing many of them to fall back deeper into the city. General Hamar called for the tanks to give chase, with the infantry following close behind to "mop up" any remaining troops the tanks may have missed.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Aug 23 2005, 08:37 PM
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Upon receiving word of the Lamonian and Khazaronian attacks on the city, the Nedalian Forces began their push westwards into the suburbs. Instead of using mortar attacks, which the two other allied nations were doing, Commander Horacio had ordered the troops to move in and secure the eastern suburbs of the city, then hold off until the Khazarions had secured the south and Lamoni the north.

On the other hand, the NGM fighters had made their way to the west of the country in attempt to locate what they believed were the rogue missiles. They had received word that the Latin forces were bunching up in the farmland outside of the capital, presumingly guarding the Lamonian hostages and the nuclear warheads, but Nedalian intelligence claimed that the nuclear warheads were never in the possession of the old government, thus making it highly unlikely they were guarded by former government supporters. The nukes, claimed the NIA, were still in the mountains, in the hands of Osmec radicals who still had hopes of gaining power over the war ravaged nation.
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Aug 24 2005, 01:41 PM
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Pushing the Latin troops deeper into the city, Lamonian G5 Howitzers were busy destroying the Latin Federal House. When that building had likely burned to the ground, the Lamonian guns shifted to a fire support mode for the troops and tanks that were busily blasting away at the Latin forces like the four horsemen of the apocolypse.

Here, a sergeant held onto a live grenade until four seconds were left, and threw it at a Latin machine gun nest, immolating it when the Latins couldn't get rid of the grenade fast enough. There, a tank mercilessly took out a platoon of Latin troops that were running from one destroyed building to another. At yet another place, a lucky artillery shot collapsed a shot up building right on top of another concentration of Latin troops.

At the same time, an operation was begun to use paratroopers to capture a Latin air base so that Lamonian planes would have extended range and a emergency landing strip. That this base would put Lamonian fighter/bombers in range of both the Omsec controlled mountains, AND the group of remaining Latin troops, was no accident. On the other hand, this would be an excellent opportunity to show off the vaunted Latin 'black hole' cloaking device for what it really was, a fake.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 29 2005, 10:13 AM
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The Khazaronian forces began to cease their indescriminate use of artillery fire as they moved further into the Latin capital. With the military and civillian buildings becoming more tightly packed together it would be far more effective for them to use infantry to seize and secure the various sections of the city. The tanks would be used as back-up in case the fighting began to spiral out of control. With the Lamonian forces having secured the area in and around the Latin Federal Building, the Khazaronian forces toke it upon themselves to seize any anti-aircraft sites and the industrial sector of the capital, as it seemed to be supplying a great deal of the supplies to the remaining Latin forces in the country.

Due to the importance of the industrial sector, the Khazaronian forces were forced to relocate several armored divisions in order to be able to secure the area. It seemed the Latins where trying everything they could to prevent the Khazaronians from seizing the lifeblood of their war capabilities. Buildings crumbled, letting out billowy clouds of dust as thunderous sounds of tank fire could be heard amongst the battle cries of men. It looked like this would be a rather tough fight for each side.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Aug 29 2005, 03:43 PM
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The Lamonian forces showed no mercy to the Latin defenders, chasing and rooting them out wherever they chose to flee. It would not be long before the Lamonian forces had seized their half of the city. The plans to attack the remaining large concentration of Latin troops were already being drawn up with obeservations from the special forces troops in the area. One of the so called Lamonian 'supermen' had managed to silently kill a Latin soldier and steal his uniform, allowing him to roam around the armed pocket pretty much at will.

Meanwhile, all of the Latins at the captured airbase had finally either surrendered or been killed. The assault was so sudden that the victorious Lamonian forces had even managed to capture five Latin fighters, a C-130 transport, and a tanker plane. The newly captured base and planes were checked for booby traps, and were finally declared safe to use after two hours. That's when the Lamonian planes started to fly into the base nicknamed Rome by the LAF. The base would allow for an emergency landing strip, as well as a secure shore based HQ for the Lamonian forces.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 29 2005, 04:17 PM
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The fog of gunsmoke, gas, and dust cleared to reveal a multitude of Khazaronian fighters taking cover behind and long line of building rubble as they toke shots at the Latin defenders and attempted to break through the blockade of howitzers, tanks and machine gun nests blocking their path into a series of long industrial buidldings. Three tanks flanked the troops on either side, but had been forced to hold their fire due to the likelihood of them hitting the complex as well, as the defenders where keeping a very close proximity to it.

A gruff looking gentleman ran up to another soldier with a pair of binoculars. "Captain sir, our scouts report at least a total of 150 men guarding the facility. There's at least a third of them up front and the other two-thirds spread throughout the facility." The captain placed the binoculars down next to him, only to have them shattered seconds later by Latin gunfire. Ducking behind the rubble to avoid anymore Latin bullets, the captain turned to the gruff soldier. "150!!?" The captain swore under his breath. "What could they possibly have in that place worth that many lives? This is madness. We'll be here forever." A few more grenades where thrown, exploding and sending the Latins manning a series of machine gun nest flying into the air like rag dolls. Just as they fell to the ground however, several more rushed up to take their place with gunfire.

Seeming frustrated, the Captain swore again as he tried to contemplate his next move. As he seemed about ready to speak, a group of men crawled their way to the rubble where the Khazaronians where from behind a mass of twisted metal that at one point was part of a Latin parking lot, carrying RPGs on their backs. The captain turned and noticed them and smiled broadly. "Hot damn!" he said. "I was wondering when you boys'd get here." The men unshouldered their RPGs and toke up position evenly among the Khazaronian troops. The captain called for covering fire to distract the defenders as the demo experts placed their shots. Seconds later a huge explosion rocked the Latin defense position and flames plumed into their in brilliant oranges, reds, and yellows as several rockets found their homes in amongst various troops, howitzers and machine gun nests.

Not wasting time, the Captain turned to his men and shouted. "Take the building men, charge!" The force of Khazaronian infantry surged forward, a few men being taken down by snipers on the roof, who where in turn taken out by their Khazaronian equivalent. The fighting was fierce and bloody once the Khazaronians broke through the wall of the complex. Gunfire amongst the two forces laster for about another three hours as the Khazaronians hunted down every last Latin defender and shot them. At the same time the tanks where moved in to help set up an ad hoc defensive line while the troops searched the buildings.

In one building, that had been marked Top Secret, they found what appeared to be several crude drawings. At first they where mistaken for children's drawings that the commander of the facility had perhaps placed around his desk to remind him of home, but upon closer inpspection they revealed something different. One page in parcticular had a crude plane figure drawn in blue crayon with wavy yellow lines drawn around it. Beneath the plane was the picture of a smaller plane with and addition symbol next to it and then a black circle next to it, with and equals sign and the words invisible written their with backwards S. After laughing their collected butts off, the troops composed themselves as the Captain turned and smiled. "Looks like we found the Latin Cloaking Project."
The Red Devil
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Posted: Aug 30 2005, 12:28 PM
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As word of what the Latin Cloaking project really was spread throughout the allied forces, you could hear the laughter all over Latao. Assuming that the allied forces were laughing at THEM, the few remaining Latin troops in their capital started shooting with renewed vigor. The only remaining major battle to be fought in the city was in the industrial complex, and Khazaronian forces were dealing with that. The Lamonian forces were mopping up any last resistance before heading for the big remaining pocket of Latin forces.

Meanwhile, Lamonian troops had managed to bring some embedded reporters in to take a look at the captured Latin R&D facility. Of particular interest to the news crew (after they finally finished laughing their butts off), were the crayon drawings of the Latin cloaking project. They decided that this (and the other laughable Latin 'projects') were good enough to base a broadcast on.

"Good morning viewers from Lamoni and around AO. We are currently walking towards a Latin military R&D facility. (the camera shows an attractive female reporter walking towards the building) Now that we are inside, we are joined by the highest ranking Lamonian officer currently in this section of the Latin capital city. Major Bruno, firstly, how is the war going to date?"

(the camera shows a somewhat short but well built guy with grey just starting to show in his otherwise brown hair)

"We are currently routing the Latin forces on all fronts. The only real pocket of resistance left is in the Latin south, but the allied forces will finish them off when we are finished here."

(OOC: R will be for the reporter, B for Bruno)

R: "What of the Lamonian nuclear experts being held by the remnants of this failed regime? Have they been found yet?"

B: "We have reason to believe that they are being held in the area with the remaining Latin forces, and are continuing to move the needed forces into place. It won't matter if the Latins know this now, we have them under surveilance from aircraft flying from a covert facility."

R: "I see; and what are those papers that you are carrying?"

B: [I]"These are the drawings of the Latin aircraft cloaking project. (he takes a page out from the stack to show it off) As you can verify, all of the other pages dealing with the subject are exactly the same. Crayon drawings. The Khazaronian forces that captured this facility tell me that they almost mistook these for children's drawings at first, but they seem to be how Latao does their R&D. I should say, what passes for their R&D, anyway. (Bruno shows the rest of the pages before giving them back to the Khazaronians)

R: "I see; thank you Major."

B: "Anytime."

His task of getting the sorry state of things in Latao to the outside world completed, Major Bruno then went on with his intelligence duties, helping the Khazaronians with finding and... 'attempting' not to laugh at the continued series of crayon drawings.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Aug 30 2005, 04:53 PM
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OOC: Invaded Latao without me...I feel so...dirty.
Pinprick of Apathy
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Posted: Aug 30 2005, 06:29 PM
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OOC: You can still join in, Ab; there's just not much more to do.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 30 2005, 07:49 PM
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The man literally jumped out of the jeep while it was still moving and ran towards the commander's tent. The eastern part of Latao was completely under Nedalian control, making it safe for Commander Horacio to come ashore, setting up just off the coast in what was dubbed "Camp Drubbeyreh". The information he carried was of vital importance.


"Very well, let him in," declared the Commander.

The man, short of breathe and panting, walked in and took a seat. The Commander offered him a cup of water and allowed him to catch his breathe.

"Sir, the NGM force has located the nuclear warheads in western Latao. They are awaiting orders to engage in combat with the small group of Omsec supporters guarding the weapons," the man said.

"How many men have made in that far?" asked the Commander.

"All 304 of them, sir."

"And what of the Latin forces?"

"They calculate that they number just over 500, commander."

"The NGM, they say they can take them?"

"Sir, they are locked, loaded, and ready to go."

"Is that what they said?"

"Sir, they said they have hard-ons just thinking about going into this battle."

"You got me laughing on that one!, very well then. Lets finish this campaign off."

"I will inform them right away, sir."
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Aug 31 2005, 12:04 PM
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The fighting began to subside in the industrial and southern sectors of the Latin capital. Slowly but surely the one stalwart defenders began to surrender or be overrun by the much better equipped Khazaronians. Due to the loss of their main source of supplies in the industrial sector, many of the Latins found themselves running short on ammunition, armor and things that go boom. Morale was said to be dropping like a stone amonst the Latins, with talks of a total surrender of the last stronghold in the Khazaronian held part of the city becoming more and more common. The Latins had managed to hole themselves up in a rather large high-school campus, surrounding it with all of their remaining troops and guns. Apparently the recent outbreak of laughter at the discovery of their R&D center had made these soldiers all the more determined to hold their ground, if only out of spite to the allied force.

Khazaronian tanks and artillery surrounded the campus, with infantry waiting just outside of the circle of the armored divisions. Hours passed on as everyone became more impatient for the surrender to be sent. One soldier was said to have remarked: "This is suicide, if they don't surrender they'll be crushed." It turns out that the soldiers words where prophetic as two hours later the commander in charge of the siege was given orders by General Hamar himself to level the building to the ground, after discovering that the area was clear of any possible civilian casualties. The shelling itself lasted for 45 minutes, and when it was over a large waft of gray and black smoke billowed up from where the last semblance of Latin power in the capital had been.

Khazaronian forces spent the next several hours securing the various positions in their territory by ferreting out any last ditch efforts by Latin soldiers, as well as setting up security checkpoints and base camps throughout the ruins of the city.

As for the southern parts of Latao, pacification had already been well under way. When it became clear to the Latin defenders in the south that the Khazaronians obviously had the upper hand, most either fled to the capital city or this small parcel of land where it had been rumored that the Lamonian experts where being held. Thus it had been a relatively easy job for the Khazaronians to secure the area, only a few partisan bands had sprung up in the various cities and towns, and they mostly began to surrender or collapse after the news of the fall of the Latin capital reached them. By order of General Hamar, all of southern Latao had been placed under martial law, with Khazaronian troops patrolling the highways and streetcorners. A curfew of 5 p.m. had been set and anyone caught violating it, or supporting the Latin partisans and army would be shot on sight.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Aug 31 2005, 02:10 PM
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Now that the Latin Capital had been dealt with, a Lamonian cargo plane landed at Rome. Inside were the frozen bodies of the Latin diplomatic delegation that had been killed by the Starblaydis. A presidential order was now being enforced as the bodies were buried under the remains of the Latin Federal House, which would one day become a garden.

As in the Khazaronian controlled portions of Latao, the Lamonian western sector was under a strict curfew begining at 5 PM. Anyone even suspected of supporting the Latin army or partisans would be shot. (OOC: The allied nations are eventually going to have to create a map showing which nation occupies what territory)

Preperations were being made with the Khazaronian military leaders for a joint attack on the remaining major pocket of Latin resistance. So far, the joint discussions were going well, even as the first Lamonian mothballed military equipment was being turned over to Khazaron, and the training of those Khazaronian military units still in Khazaron was starting.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Sep 1 2005, 04:23 PM
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In the aftermath of the fall of the Latin capital, General Hamar and his staff had moved their HQ into the center of their section of control in the city. After their defenses where set up and their area secure, the General toke a ride in an armored SUV to the Lamonian center of command to meet with their commander to discuss strategy.

After arriving, he created the commander warmly, but with a stark look on his face he said: "I suppose this leaves only that area where your experts are being kept, correct? Our intelligence in the area says it's pretty heavily guarded against anything but an all out assault. What do your boys say?" The General asked, hoping that they where both getting the same intel, or this op might be alot harder than anticipated.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Sep 1 2005, 09:24 PM
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"Henry, come in," called out Commander Horacio.

"Yes sir, how may I be of service?"

"I believe the capital has fallen into Allied hands. We havent had any contact with our fellow invaders. I want Sergeant Grondar to go over to the Lamonian HQ base and General Bitten to the Khazaronian HQ base. I want them there in no less than 4 hours."

"Yes sir, I will inform them."

(OOC: In case anyone wants to RP the arrival of the Generals, presume they have taken the trip.)
Emperor in Training
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