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Chaos in Khazaron
Posted: Jul 2 2005, 10:16 AM
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OOC: Sorry about that. On to business.

Leave it to Nedalians to be late for an event, no matter of what importance. Khazaron's future was partly dependent on the Nedalian delegation headed to Lamoni for the talks, and they still managed to find a way to make sure they arrived late. This was contratry to the way Mr. Donny Stack, leader of the delegation worked, but alas, he could only hold his frustration inside.

The plane was just touching down as he looked out of the window. Lamoni's economy had recently, in UN terms, imploded, but you couldn't tell by the way the country looked. It was quite beautiful and definitely showed no signs that countries under economic pressure usually do. Stack was anxious to meet the Lamonian and Khazaronian officials, the first of such contact Nedalia has had with both. There was, ofcourse, the sale of an entire navy's worth of Lamonian made ships to the Nedalia military, but nothing of this political importance.

What was of concern to Stack, ofcourse, was the importance of the people he would be meeting. The Lamonian president, as well as the First Archon of Khazaron, were to be his on side in these negotiations, and the fact that he was entrusted in such a role showed great faith from both the government and the Nedalian Liberal Party.

He walked out of the plane, greeted immediately by Lamonian officials. Eager to get to business, and already running late, he was immediately put in a limo, headed towards what was to be a desicive meeting.
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Jul 3 2005, 06:17 PM
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With the Nedalian delegation finally arriving on Lamonian soil, the meeting could finally begin. When President Stone made it back to the meeting site, he saw that the 'meet and greet' session was already underway. Taking some of the Lamonian Vodka that was set out for everyone, President Stone walked towards the table. If anyone wanted to say something to him, they'd have ample opportunity. Meanwhile, he had some things to do.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Jul 4 2005, 09:00 AM
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The First Archon and his delegation where waiting inside the conference room when President Stone and Mr.Stack and their respective entourages arrived. After talking for a moment with his aide Johnathan, First Archon Khara made his way over to where the Nedalian delegation and Mr.Stack where standing. Walking up to Mr.Stack, the First Archon extended his hand and smiled. "First Archon James Khara, but you can call Jim. I would like to personally thank you for responding to my people's need for aide."

As the First Archon was busy talking with the Mr.Stack, the Loyalist delegation entered the room. Alexander immediately walked over to where President Stone was and smiled, offering his hand. "I can't thank you enough for this. My only hope is that we can bring some form of peace and freedom back to my homeland." As the rest of the Loyalist group filed it, they where meet with some icy glares from the First Archon's delegation.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Jul 4 2005, 01:46 PM
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Donny Stack knew exactly why the First Archon had approached him first. With Nedalian money flowing into Khazaron in order to help bring some stability back to the country and help it's people suffer less, Nedalia sat in good terms with the Khazaronian government. However, unkown to the First Archon was Stack's first objective: to let it be known, firmly, to Alexander that the Nedalian funds were not to aid the government, but to aid the people. Stack was to assure both sides of Nedalia's neutrality in the matter. Only then could Stack move on to his 2nd objective.

"First Archon, it is with great honor that I meet you. Please, I insist, I shall call with the respect you deserve," Stack replied. "I hope that the funds my government has sent to Khazaron is finding a home helping the people of your fine country."

Stack carried the conversation with the First Archon, but his eyes were already starting to focus on the Loyalists, who were coming in by numbers. Alexander had made his move, going directly for Lamoni's President Stone, which could complicate things a bit. This was obviously a start of a battle of wits between the Khazaronians, each picking their respective sides, but Stack had to figure out a way to put an end to that.
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Jul 4 2005, 03:33 PM
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Listening politely to the Khazaronian, President Stone smiled, and worked out a prepared line.

"You are quite welcome. It is the hope of the Free Republic that both sides in the matter can settle their differences in a fair and workable manner. I hope that you will enjoy your time here, and we have several optional trips for all of the delegations included in the schedule. In fact, that is going to be announced later on, but there's no harm in letting everyone know about that now."

Stone watched for a reaction from the Khazaronian.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Jul 4 2005, 04:20 PM
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The First Archon smiled and nodded at Mr.Stack. "Indeed they have. In fact, while we where in the air, on our way here, I recieved word from Archon City that your funds where already beginning to help alleviate the massive inflation due to the conflict. I only hope some day we would be able to repay your kindness to us."

As the First Archon was talking with Mr.Stack of Nedalia, Alexander continued his conversation with President Stone. "Tours?" he said with a bright smile coming to his face. "That would be wonderful later on. I was awestruck as we where on our approach in the plane by some of your beautiful scenery in this country. Tell me Mr.President, what beautiful spots do you have in mind to show us? If you don't mind my asking of course."

Meanwhile back at with the First Archon... "Perhaps we shall be able to work out something to the benefit of both countries here, along with resolving this nasty dispute between my government and the Loyalists." the First Archon said as he talked with Mr.Stack.
The Red Devil
Posts: 515
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Posted: Jul 5 2005, 05:07 PM
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"We have arranged tours of the Lamonian history museum, Azertine National Park/Wildlife Refuge, and even to a sporting event of each delegation's choice in our capitol city of Nephi. We thought that it would help the negotiations to start on the right foot if everyone was relaxed instead of tense." Stone noted that Lamonian aides were talking to people in both of the other delegations with the same offer out of the corners of his eyes. "So," President Stone went on, "is Khazaron as beautiful? I've never been there."

Things looked like they were going fairly well so far. At least, no one had tried to kill anyone else as yet.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Jul 5 2005, 06:15 PM
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"Sir, I assure you that you need not feel you owe Nedalia anything. We cannot, and will not, sit idlely and watch your countrymen suffer. As long as we see the money being put to good use, then the money shall keep coming in. As you are aware, Im sure, our economy has done wonderfully well for itself, and our President hopes only the same for yours," Stack replied to the First Archon. He then continued, "Sir, I hope you do not mind me going over and introducing myself to the Loyalist delegation. It is important that I get to know them."

With that, Stack excused himself and went over to the Loyalists, introducing himself to each one of them, even striking up small conversation. His target, ofcourse, was Alexander, who was currently occupied by President Stone. Stack needed to make clear to Alexander that, if proven that he will spend the money wisely and for the people under Loyalist controlled land, then Nedalia would be willing to send a generous amount of funding in their direction as well.
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Jul 7 2005, 07:06 PM
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Seeming to not get an answer from Alexander, President Stone walked over to where the democratic delegation was hovering about.

"Hello gentlemen, I trust that you are all feeling fairly comfortable. Is there something that you want to discuss before the optional tours start?"
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Jul 11 2005, 10:03 AM
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OOC:Sorry about taking so long to respond, was really busy this weekend helping my mom move.

Alexander noded at President Stone and smiled. "Well Mr.President, we Khazaronians like to think so." he said chuckling to himself for a moment. "But in all seriousness we do have some rather beautiful, large, forrested areas in our country. Unfortunately for many of our businesses, these forests are good for little else then housing Lions and looking pretty. Khazaronian lumber is notoriously poor in quality, which is why we focused on becoming powerful port of trade instead of an exporter." Looking over for a moment, Alexander saw his delegation beginning to mingle with the Nedalian delegation, then turned his attention back to President Stone. "Provided that these negotiations go well, I was also wanting to seek government sponsorship for a national mueseum, to teach the children of their noble heritage."

Meanwhile the First Archon finished up his conversation with Mr.Stack. "Of course, protocol demands that you hear both sides of the argument. I need to introduce myself properly to President Stone anyway." With that the First Archon walked over to where President Stone was standing. Alexander seeing the First Archon's approach and observing that the Nedalian delegation was heading his way, excused himself from his conversation with President Stone and introduced himself to Mr.Stack. "Greetings" Alexander said with his right hand extended to Mr.Stack. "On behalf of the Khazaronian Democratic Delegation I would like to offer my thanks for your help in this matter."

The First Archon walked up to President Stone and bowed slightly and smiled. "Once again I would like to thank you for helping us in this matter Mr.President, and I must say I am looking forward to spending time in this beautiful country of yours. I overheard you mention something about a mueseum to Alexander there. What sort of things do you have in your mueseum pray tell?"
The Red Devil
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Posted: Jul 11 2005, 05:43 PM
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"The Lamonian National Museum holds numerous items from Lamoni's past. We have everything from a replica of one of the first Lamonian buildings, to a former Psipronian jet fighter, to captured Nova Roman equipment from when they foolishly tried to invade us; and a lot more.

OOC: think of the RL American Smithsonian

IC: As to helping you in this situation, we like to think that we will really be helping both sides." Knowing that the democratic delegation was within earshot, it seemed like a safe thing to say. An aide came into the room, and nodded at President Stone. "It looks like the tours are ready to start if any of the delegations would care to take them. We've provided for all the security concerns, so nothing untwoard will happen. Now, if you'd care to take the tours, please board the limosines that you arrived in, and a guide will be with you on the trip."
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Jul 11 2005, 11:18 PM
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Stack new what he was doing. Moving in on the Loyalist delegation, he had left the First Archon unattended. He knew President Stone would not lot that be, and as expected, excused himself from Alexander and moved towards the First Archon. This gave Stack the opportunity he was looking for.

He made his way to Alexander, introducing himself and getting the formalities out of the way. He wanted to make sure that Alexander felt that Stack was neutral in the cause, as that was vital. He said to Alexander, "I'm sure you are aware that we are sending funds to the First Archon and his government, but let me assure you, it is not so that they remain in power. We are concerned with the people of Khazaron, and the aid we have put forth is so their suffering could become less. The First Archon has assured me that the money is being used for exactly that cause. I want to offer the same aid to you. I understand there are Khazaronian territories under your command, territories you control. Those are areas the First Archon cannot send aid to. What I am proposing, Alexander, if you truly have the Khazaronian people in mind, is to allow us to begin doing the same with you in hopes of helping the people who live in areas under your control."
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Jul 12 2005, 05:32 AM
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The First Archon nodded at President Stone's words and excused himself to gather up his delegation for the trip. After having a fews words with his aide Johnathan, the First Archon left, followed quickly by the rest of his entourage; boarding their limo that awaited them outside.

Meanwhile, Alexander continued his conversation with Mr.Stack of Nedalia. "That is very kind of you to offer such aide to me and my fellow Khazaronians..." Alexander turned his head for a second, noticing the depature of the First Archon and his party, and then turned his attention back to Mr.Stack. "I will greatfully accept any offers that you may give us, but you must know that however generous you might be, the future of my movement will depend on the outcome of the talks here. In order to stop the bloodshed and warfare that has torn our nation apart, the First Archon and I must work out some sort of agreement, in order for Khazaron to truly begin to heal."

At that moment an aide of Alexander's came over. "What's going on? Why'd the First Archon's party leave?" the aide asked. Alexander shrugged and looked at President Stone. "I don't know, perhaps President Stone does though." The aide nodded and Alexander turned to Mr.Stack. "I would greatly like to continue our discussion, but if you would excuse me for a moment." Walking over, Alexander bowed his head slightly in respect and smiled. "Mr.President, I was just talking with Mr.Stack of Nedalia when I noticed that First Archon Khara and his delegation left. Are you beginning the tours that you had mentioned previously?"
The Red Devil
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Posted: Jul 12 2005, 05:12 PM
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"Yes, yes we are. I'd just made the announcement. You didn't hear it?" President Stone thought that he might have to bring in some kind of PA system if people weren't going to be able to hear him from 5 feet away. "Would you like to take one of the tours? Personally, I think that the tour of the Lamonian History Museum is the best on the list; but it is up to you."
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Jul 13 2005, 06:06 PM
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( Sorry about that,smile.gif in my mind for some reason, I pictured my guy and Mr.Stack standing farther away, like across the room or something)

Alexander smiled politely at President Stone and nodded. "The Lamonian History Museum sounds just wonderful Mr.President. Will you be joining us on the tour?" Alexander said, then turned briefly back to his aide, who had been listening in on the conversation. "Gather everyone up and tell them to get back in the limo." The aide nodded and went about his task. "I'll join you shortly."Alexander said before turning his attention back to President Stone, awaiting his reply.
The Red Devil
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