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The Hand of Friendship
Posted: May 9 2005, 05:49 PM
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Nations of the Atlantian Oceania

On behalf of his Excellency President Titus Drax and all the people of The Most Serene Republic of Hypocria I would like to say how proud we are to have found a home in this great region.

We would like to take this opportunity to extend the hand of friendship to our new neighbours and would welcome the chance to foster diplomatic relations.

We have been somewhat isolationist in are attitudes to date but His Excellency has expressed a great desire to change that fact. We have already had some contact with other Atlantian nations. Nedalia is one of a handful of countries home to a Hypocrian embassy, while the Hyppos met both Sarzonia and Druida at the last U21 World Cup.

Our great hope is that we can open diplomatic talks with many more nations and naturally also hope to meet some of you in up coming sporting events.

Thank you for your time.

Maximilian Borada
Department of Foreign Affairs

This post has been edited by Hypocria on May 9 2005, 05:50 PM
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Posted: May 9 2005, 06:43 PM
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Lord Sero Tenal, Sovereign Architector of the Imperial Hegemony of Ryloss, expresses his interest in an embassy exchange and economic treaties.
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Posted: May 9 2005, 07:50 PM
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President Stone is interested in an embassy exchange.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: May 9 2005, 08:35 PM
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The Free Lands of Nedalia welcome you to the AO, and we sincerely hope our healthy relationship continues. We also wish to organize that freindly we have discussed, hopefully in the near future.

Emperor in Training
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Posted: May 9 2005, 09:10 PM
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Unless you have natural resources to sell, technology that we don't have, products that are in high demand by our citizens, or you wish to become a member of the Strategic Alliance of Autocratic States, we will have no business with you.

In fact, we are greatly amused by the metaphor that was utilized to represent diplomatic exchange. Perhaps one day we will see your nation achieve some tier of greatness, but they day may never come.

:Praetor Appia Firma
;Nova Roma

(OOC: No hard feelings; just trying something new.)
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
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Posted: May 10 2005, 03:30 AM
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Lord Sero Tenal
Imperial Hegemony of Ryloss

My Lord,

His Excellency has expressed his considerable interest at the prospect of an embassy exchange with your nation. If you would send us your requirements we will make all the necessary arrangements. We will also begin putting together a diplomatic team to be sent to Ryloss. In regards to your proposed economic treaties I can tell you that we always welcome trade with other nations and would be happy to discuss this further.

Maximilian Borada
Department of Foreign Affairs

President Stone
The Free Republic of Lamoni

My President,

A Lamoni embassy in Hypocria would be most welcome indeed. If you have any specific requirements please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate them. We will begin preparing our own diplomatic party to be sent to Lamoni.

Maximilian Borada
Department of Foreign Affairs

Dewars Strand

Minister Strand,

We continue to value the good relations with your nation very highly. Rest assured that the people of Hypocria would love to see the Hyppos meet the Lions in a friendly match, although perhaps our nations will meet in a more competitive arena in the not too distant future.

On a personal note I am delighted to announce that the long delayed diplomatic facility is finally completed and your ambassador is free to move in at their earliest convenience. Your new embassy address is 1 Embassy Plaza.

Maximilian Borada
Department of Foreign Affairs

Praetor Appia Firma
Nova Roma


We are delighted that we could provide you with such amusement. Is there really nothing that we could interest you with? Hypocria’s economy is built upon a diverse variety of industry from gambling and arms manufacture to cheese. Do you citizens like cheese? Beef based agriculture is another cornerstone of our economy. We could probably rustle you up a nice cheeseburger.

Maximilian Borada
Department of Foreign Affairs

This post has been edited by Hypocria on May 10 2005, 03:31 AM
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Posted: May 10 2005, 03:51 AM
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The Confederacy of Latao welcomes the new (formed) nation of the Most Serene Republic of Hypocria in Atlantian Oceania.

The Latao NEC (Government) would like to invent your representatives to an open chat in the city of Luciaria.

Nadia Pumia
Latao Foreign Minister
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Posted: May 10 2005, 06:33 AM
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Director Borada,
Hypocrian Department of Foreign Affairs,

On behalf of the Lord-Protector of Starblaydia, Lord Tiberius Starblayde, may I welcome the Most Serene Republic of Hypocria to Atlantian Oceania.

Starblaydia wishes to open diplomatic relations with the Most Serene Republic, and partake in an embassy exchange, adding a Hypocrian Embassy to the many situated within our capital city, Jhanna.

Lord Ricardo Gomez,
Minister for Communications,
Protectorate of Starblaydia
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Posted: May 10 2005, 10:00 AM
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Nadia Pumia
Foreign Minister

Minister Pumia,

Your offer is a most gracious one and I would be delighted to except, unfortunately due to the huge increase in diplomatic activity of late I can’t see myself leaving the office for a while. Please do not see this as unwillingness on our part to foster good relations between our two nations.

At present we our formalizing a number of embassy exchanges with nations around the region and we would be honoured if your nation would consider such an arrangement.

Maximilian Borada
Department of Foreign Affairs

Lord Ricardo Gomez
Minister for Communications
Protectorate of Starblaydia

Minister Gomez,

Thank you for your words of welcome minister. We would be delighted to send an ambassador to your fine nation and would in turn welcome a Starblaydi ambassador to Hypocria. If there are any specific requirements your perspective embassy may need please do not hesitate to let us know.

Maximilian Borada
Department of Foreign Affairs
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Posted: May 11 2005, 12:43 AM
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Appreciated Mr Borada
The Confederacy of Latao doesn't just open embassies, as everything costs money. There must be a clear benefit to do that.

We are however open to hear from you when you got free time to discuss prosperous releations.
Posts: 535
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Posted: May 14 2005, 11:54 AM
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The clerk looked up from his desk at the sound of the door opening. He stood up quickly when he realized who it was glaring at him.

“Director, I wasn’t expecting you in today”

“My one day off in weeks and naturally I get a call from the boss. I’m on my way to see him now”, the Director Borada replied, “But I wanted to drop these in. See that they get delivered”

The clerk looked at the small pile of messages that has been unceremoniously dropped on his desk.

“Certainly sir I will see to it personally . . .”

But Borada was gone.


Lord Sero Tenal
Imperial Hegemony of Ryloss

My Lord,

We have prepared 4 Embassy Plaza to be the future site of an embassy from your nation.  We hope an embassy exchange still interest you and hope to welcome an ambassador from Ryloss in the near future.

Maximilian Borada
Department of Foreign Affairs

President Stone

Mr. President,

I hope you will consider 5 Embassy Plaza as a suitable site for your embassy here in Hypocrium.  I look forward to welcoming your ambassador in person.

Maximilian Borada
Department of Foreign Affairs

Lord Ricardo Gomez,
Minister for Communications,
Protectorate of Starblaydia

Lord Gomez,

Rest assured I realize that your nation has much more pressing concerns at this time but I would just like to inform you that the current international situation has in no way affected our desire to exchange embassies with your country.  We have prepared 6 Embassy Plaza as the perspective site of a Starblaydi embassy.  I hope to welcome your representative in the not too distant future and on behalf of the President I wish you a speedy resolution to the current situation.

Maximilian Borada
Department of Foreign Affairs
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Posted: May 14 2005, 02:11 PM
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The Director,
Department of Domestic Affairs.


As the new ambassador for Starblayida in your great nation, there are some minor questions regarding Hypocrian Law that I would like cleared up. Could you please inform my staff and I, of 6 Embassy Plaza, on the Hypocrian policies in regard to:
  • Loud music coming from places of residence
  • Back-garden parties
  • Overgrown hedges
  • Late-night barking dogs
  • Other 'neighbour from hell'-type actions

A response on this from your Department would be apprecitated.

Ambassador Christophe Garcia
Starblaydi Embassy
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Posted: May 14 2005, 03:12 PM
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Starblaydi Embassy
Embassy Plaza

Ambassador Garcia,

Embassy Plaza is located in the Republican District of the city which is home to the great and the good of Hypocrium society. Consequently garden parties tend to be very civilised affairs, there is little loud music, hedges are immaculate and the dogs tend to be carried around by elderly women and are far too lazy to do anything as energetic as bark.

On the other hand, the President regards you and your staff as his esteemed guests in our nation and consequently you are not bound by these same unwritten rules. Let you hedges grow wildly, throw parties everyday, play your music as loud as you like and let your dogs bark freely if you so wish. Although the Republican Palace is not far from the Plaza, the walls are thick so His Excellency will not be disturbed.

Naturally any of our citizens who make the mistake of complaining about the noise from your embassy can expect a late night visit from Republican Guard stormtroopers.

In short Ambassador, enjoy your stay.

Marco Del Canto
Department of Domestic Affairs

This post has been edited by Hypocria on May 14 2005, 03:13 PM
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Posted: May 14 2005, 03:23 PM
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Director Del Canto,

Thankyou for your most speedy reply, we are sure to file away these comments for... um... later use.

Ambassador Garcia.
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Posted: May 14 2005, 04:15 PM
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From: The Free Republic of Lamoni
To: Maximilian Borada, director of Foreign Affairs, Hypocria

Our Ambassador, Maxillian Shepard; is on his way to Hypocria as of the time of this message.  We consider 5 Embassy Plaza as an acceptable location for our Embassy in your nation.  Thank you for the hospitality of the Hypocrian people.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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