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Paladin Technologies
Posted: Aug 12 2006, 02:23 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
TO: Charles Newberry, Paladin Technologies, Lamoni Division
FROM: Khazaron R&D, Archon City, Khazaron

We are happy to hear that you have decided to accept our offer of land. Already we have been scouting several sites in western Khazaron. So far, however, the most suitable appears to be up in the remote regions of the northwestern district of Jeroi. It is heavily forested and possesing of many mountain ranges, which should provide for a natural security. Also, there is a wide dispersal of population density in the region, meaning less possibility of having outside parties interfere in classified projects.

The Dominion would also like to offer the services of MPs stationed at the local army base just 75 miles south of the proposed site, as well as members of Khazaronian State Security, should you think they be needed that is.

We look forward to this prosperous new venture with you.

In the name of the Patriarch,

General Elias Surn
Khazaron Research and Development
Dominion of Khazaron
The Red Devil
Posts: 515
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Posted: Aug 12 2006, 02:32 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
To: Khazaron R&D, Archon City, Khazaron
From: Charles Newberry, Paladin Technologies, Lamoni Division

We would like to have the mentioned Khazaronian units 'on call,' meaning that they would be available with a phone call if needed.  The placement of the proposed land is agreeable to the purposes of PT, and sounds like an ideal testing ground for our weapons projects; not to mention production factories.  Speaking for my own country, it pleases me to continue to assist the economy of a true friend and ally.

OOC: I don't suppose that you could map out where exactly this place is in the Dominion?
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Aug 15 2006, 06:54 AM
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The Nedalia Air Force will take a further 55 F-4 "Bird of Prey" fighter jets, at a total cost of approximately $1.925 billion.
Emperor in Training
Posts: 486
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Posted: Aug 15 2006, 09:56 AM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
OOC: For the map, there should be one on my NS Wiki page. Just click on the link that says something like Most Current Map or something, the area I talked about should be in the northeastern part of the map, towards the top. I accidently said northwest in my last post, so pretend like I said northeast.
The Red Devil
Posts: 515
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Posted: Aug 26 2006, 10:51 AM
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To: Charles Newberry, Paladin Technologies, Lamoni Division
From: Ministère de la défense nationale, Oliverry

I received your letter. A bit late it might be, but my department is willing to help everyone in Paladin Technologies to progress in the arm technology. Oliverry, it's a known fact, has 1940s technologies as land technology and 1970s technologies as both naval and air. So, we need help in modernizing our army. So, the Government agreed to send as many scientists as possible to Paladin Technologies to keep this major industry rolling.

As you might know it, the Army is really needing arms. So, we're gonna buy 200 F-4 "Bird of Prey" at a total cost of $7 billion. If you've got any idea for a spending plan for $1.98 trillion, just tell me about it cause we sincerely need all the help we need.

Signed, Roland Therrien
Ministre de la défense nationale
Royal Scribe
Posts: 139
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Posted: Aug 26 2006, 09:43 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
From: Charles Newberry, Paladin Technologies, Lamoni Division
To: Ministère de la défense nationale, Oliverry

I have unilaterally decided to accept the Oliverrian scientists into the Lamonian Division of Paladin Technologies (which temporarily includes the facilities in Khazaron, at present). 

As for modernization plans for your military, we can offer an extensive package suited for your nation in addition to the 200 F-4's that you have already announced purchase orders for.  The best possible modernization package would apply to all branches of Oliverrian armed forces, and we would need further data on their size and composition. 

At a minimum, we would suggest modern naval vessels (perhaps armed with Zimorodok pseudo-missiles), a seriously upgraded army, and a modern air force.  Oliverry has already started work on it's air force, so we would focus on the Navy and Army. 

For your Army, I would personally reccomend:

Assault rifles
Main Battle Tanks
SAM systems
Armored Personnel Carriers
Anti-tank weapons
Night vision goggles


various other items.

It all depends on what Oliverry is willing to spend, and what it's requirements are.  As I see it, the task is to rebuild your military from the ground up.  Paladin Technologies can do that.

I await your reply.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Aug 28 2006, 07:01 AM
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TO: Ministère de la défense nationale, Oliverry
FROM: Paladin Technologies, Nedalian Division

We have taken and confirmed your order of 200 F-4 "Bird of Prey" fighter jets, and we are pleased to announce that they will be delivered out of our factory in Falcania, and our newest factory in Khazaron.

As for the upgrading of the military, then we ask you to leave that to us. We are on the verge of developing quite a few next-gen weapons (tanks, rifles, helicopters to name a few), and we would kindly suggest to you to do nothing but have a drink of your choice, on us ofcourse, and relax while we do the work for you.

We shall be in touch shortly.

Thank you again for your business.
Emperor in Training
Posts: 486
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Posted: Aug 30 2006, 08:17 AM
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Jursan Akhtam, leader of the Paladin Technologies-Nedalian Division, gazed into the mirror, readjusting his tie. He had a smile of content on his face; in just a few minutes, we was going to announce another member to the growing Paladin Tech. family: The AH-5 Condor Helicopter.

With the final designs coming from Falcania and the production details from Lamoni confirmed, production on the AH-5 was to begin in all four production facilities: Khazaron, Lamoni, Falcania, and Nedalia. The brunt of the production was to be done between Lamoni and Nedalia, as Oliverry's latest order of 200 F-4 "Bird of Prey" fighter jets was to be handled by the other two factories. Regardless, delivery was still on track to be earlier than once expected, thanks to the efficiency of the brand new, state of the art factories.

Akhtam turned his head; his aide was mentioning it was time to meet the press. Still wearing a smile on his face, and smelling of confidence and success, Akhtam walked out onto the podium, not only to announce the introduction of the AH-5 Condor, but also to announce the Nedalian Air Force's order of 212 helicopters, at a cost of $4.876 billion. As of yet, Oliverry was also receiving the AH-5 Condor, although the amount was still undisclosed.


OVERVIEW: The AH-5 Condor is an advanced attack helicopter designed to rid both enemy ground and air units from the battlefield.  While not much of a match against modern fighter aircraft, it can shoot them down with short range air to air missiles.  The gatling cannon can be used to take out targets with anything up to light armor.  The rockets can be used against armored units, as well as
buildings.  The triple SRMs are suggested for use against armored units, as well
as enemy SAM or flak sites.  The helicopter is also hardened against EMP attacks
while the canopy is down and locked.  All in all, an excellent and balanced
attack helicopter.

LENGTH: 11.865m

HEIGHT: 3.9m




ARNAMENT: 1 27mm 3-barrel gatling cannon, 4 hardpoints for RM-1 rocket launchers, triple SRMs, or SR anti-air missiles (can be modified).


COMBAT RADIUS: 260 nm (300 mi, 480 km)

FERRY RANGE: 1,024 nm (1,180 mi, 1,900 km)

SERVICE CEILING: 21,000 ft (6,400 m)


MAX. SPEED: 158 knots (182 mph, 293 km/h)

CRUISE SPEED: 143 knots (165 mph, 265 km/h)

MAX. TAKE-OFF WEIGHT: 21,000 lb (9,525 kg)

PRICE: $23 million

user posted image

This post has been edited by Nedalia on Aug 30 2006, 08:26 AM
Emperor in Training
Posts: 486
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Posted: Aug 30 2006, 06:06 PM
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The Bazalonian Government wishes to expand it's airforce and believe F-4 and AH-5 aircraft would be a suitable addition to our airforce. We wish to purchase 1000, birds of prey and 500 AH-5 Condor's.

Tanner Dean, Minister of Defense.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
Posts: 774
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Posted: Aug 30 2006, 07:02 PM
PMEmail Poster
TO: Tanner Dean, Minister of Defense, Bazalonia
FROM: Jursan Aktham, Paladin Technologies-Nedalian Division (On behalf of all of us)

Your order had been received and confirmed, fellow SDL compatriot. The total cost will be $35 billion for the F-4s and $11.5 billion for the AH-5, amounting to a total of $46.5 billion. Production will start immediately. Thank you for your business.
Emperor in Training
Posts: 486
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Posted: Dec 11 2006, 01:13 AM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website

user posted image

PT MBT-1 Juggernaught

Crew: Commander, gunner, loader, driver

Weight: 62,500 kg

Cost: $10 million per tank


length 8.3 metres
width 3.50 metres
length with gun forward 11.50 metres
height 2.50 metres


60 kilometres/hour by road
40 kilometres/hour cross country


500 kilometres by road
300 kilometres cross country


one 155 mm, model PT30 gun
one 7.62 mm chain Gun
one .50 caliber, model PT37A2 anti-aircraft gun
two banks of grenade launchers (various grenades)
one computer/radar controlled PT35A1 30 mm anti-missile chain gun


The PT MBT-1 tank incorporates steel-encased depleted uranium armour. Armour bulkheads separate the crew compartment from the fuel tanks.


The Juggernaught is designed to clear enemy armies from the battlefield with it's heavy main and other guns.
The grenade launcher banks can fire a variety of HE grenades, as well modern smoke grenades that are designed
to confuse even IR devices that may be present in enemy tanks. Anti-air protection is affored by a PT37A2 AA
gun, and the computer/radar controlled PT35A1 30 mm anti-missile chain gun is designed to detonate incoming
anti-tank missiles before they can kill the Juggernaught. The Juggernaught also has excellent range and speed,
being powered by a powerful modern diesel engine. A more humorous aspect of the Juggernaught is it's inbred
ability to create hot water for either tea or coffee.

This post has been edited by Lamoni on Dec 11 2006, 01:22 AM
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Dec 17 2007, 05:59 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
OOC: bumping so that I can send product info to someone
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Dec 18 2007, 07:34 PM
PMEmail Poster
The Imperial Republic would like to place an order for 200 Condor helicopters, pending it's release for sale outside the SDL of course. We would also like to request an additional 200 Birds of Prey to revamp our aging airforce.
Manhattan Prime
Royal Scribe
Posts: 194
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Posted: Dec 19 2007, 12:20 AM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
TO: Government of Manhattan Prime
From: Charles Newberry, Paladin Technologies, Lamoni Division

The Imperial Republic's order for 200 AH-5 Condor helicopters and 200 F-4 BOP fighters has been approved by this office.  Assuming that my comrades in the other two divisions of Paladin Technologies approve it, then your order will be filled at a cost of 11,600,000,000 NS Universal Standard Dollars (NS-USD).

Charles Newberry
Paladin Technologies
Lamoni Division
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Jan 18 2008, 07:51 PM
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As part of a major increase in our airpower capabilities, the Imperial Republic would like to order an additional 300 Birds of Prey.
Manhattan Prime
Royal Scribe
Posts: 194
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