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Chaos in Khazaron
Posted: Aug 3 2005, 10:31 PM
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The First Archon shoke his head in answer to Nedalias' question, standing up out of his chair and smiling at the delegates at the table. "The sovereign government of the Dominion of Khazaron agrees with the honorable Mr.Stack of Nedalia. Unity must be had. Through unity, there is strength, through strength there is power, and throuhg power there is peace. Let us all strive ever onward towards peace." With those words the First Archon sat back down in his chair, casually looking over at the Loyalist delegation, in particular Alexander, across the table.

Several members of the Loyalist delegation appeared to be notcieably uncomfortable with the First Archons' choice of words. Yet, for the most part they kept their quiet, as their leader stode up and nodded to Mr.Stack and then the First Archon. "Agreed. We want nothing more than for the people of Khazaron to have peace, after so much bloodshed." With that Alexander sat back down.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Aug 4 2005, 04:47 PM
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Sitting back without saying anything, President Stone thought that the conference was going well so far, but they had yet to really get started. He would wait until they actually started tackling the issues at hand before getting involved.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 4 2005, 06:36 PM
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Nodding his head, Mr. Stack continued.

"Well, now that we've got both sides agreeing on the fact they want the bloodshed to end, comes the tricky part; How? I am vaguely familiar with the demands and the terms of each side, but I would like to have it from each delegation directly. First Archon, I call upon you, please, tell us."
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Aug 4 2005, 08:01 PM
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The First Archon nodded at Mr.Stack and smiled as he stode up once again, smoothing out some creases in his suit. "Gentleman..." First Archon Khara said as he gazed around the room at those seated at the table.

"As you are all no doubt aware, my government and its' people are no fans of democracy. We have seen in our countrys' past how democracy is used time and time again to the advantage of those who would seek to oppress others, and sell our nations' children as slaves to corporate machines and the priveleged. No longer shall this happen, no longer shall we tolerate it. That is what the Six-Month War was about, it was about ending the oppression of democracy and the unstability it can cause by encouraging people to debate and argue, rather than act. The time has come in Khazaron to evolve beyond just caring about ourselves, as democracy encourages, and care about our people as a whole. The only way to ensure that everyone works together is to have an enlightened leader showing them the path. One, who has the power to rise above debate and anarchy, and lead. My government proposes that the executive branch of the Dominion become a lifetime position, and be given as much power as necessary to guide and protect the people."

First Archon Khara cleared his throat, only to be interuppted in his speech by one of Alexanders' aides shooting straight up from his chair. "You can't be serious!!! This is outrageous, there's no way we..." Before the aide could finish his sentence, Alexander turned to him and gave him a cold look, and the aide sat back down as those sitting next to him attempted to calm him down. Smirking to himself as he toke a sip from a glass of water, the First Archon continued.

"If the honorable aide of Mr.Dinu would let me finish. I was going to say that in order to make this idea a more attractive one to those who would disagree with the majority of us, we are willing to come to a compromise with those who wish to have some form of democracy in Khazaron. We will not, however, allow democracy to return as it had in the past. Enlightenment has come to Khazaron, and it's not leaving."

With those last words, the First Archon sat back down and turned to look at Mr.Stack, nodding at him to signify that he was finished.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Aug 5 2005, 04:18 AM
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"Very well, First Archon, I thank you for making your position clear. Now, Mr. Alexander, if you may take the floor and propose to us your position. We also ask that everyone remain sitted and quiet, please."
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Aug 5 2005, 10:07 AM
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Alexander smiled and nodded at Mr.Stack and then slowly stode up.

"Gentleman, first off I would like to apologize for the outburst of my colleague here. He can be a tad over-zealous at times." Alexander said this last part while turning to give his aide another glare that would kill. The aide, smiled weakly and seemed to shrink back down inside his chair.

"As for the government, we of the democratic movement in Khazaron, or as the First Archon and his people like to call us: "Loyalists", wish for the re-establishment of democracy in Khazaron. This is not to, as the government would have people think, to pull Khazaron down into chaos and sell our children as slaves, but to try and bring the voice of the people back to the government. In the time since the Six Month War ended, and your government toke power Excellency, we have seen a radical drop in civillian participation, not to mention a growing feeling amongst some of the population, that the government isn't listening to them anymore. So many people feel like they are being left behind in this new age of yours. What we would like to see is the return of democracy so that people can feel like they can make a difference and be heard in their government once more."

Alexander nodded at Mr.Stack before sitting back down and clasping his hands, looking across the table at the First Archon, whom in returned nodded at him and smiled slightly.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Aug 6 2005, 07:59 PM
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When he heard the pronouncements from both sides, President Stone's assesment that this was going to be difficult was confirmed. Not yet seeing a chance to improve the situation, he kept quiet, but his concentration on the talks was broken by an aide handing him a message. 'Latao wants to hold talks with Starblaydia in Lamoni????' he didn't quite voice, but instead wrote a little note for the aide, which said: Prepare a place for the diplomatic meetings in eastern Lamoni, inform the parties when the place is ready, and then tell me.

The aide left with a nod after reading that note. Looking back at the talks, President Stone figured that he'd be asked about what just happened.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 6 2005, 09:32 PM
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The First Archon was sitting down, casually flipping through a folder that contained various bits of information on the members of the Loyalist delegation, when he noticed out of the corner of his eye an aide coming in to speak with President Stone as Alexander was finishing his speech. Closing the folder, and waiting for Alexander to take his seat, First Archo Khara then turned to President Stone and motioned to door the aide had just left through. "Please excuse me if I sound rude, but I hope everything is ok?" There was an obvious ammount of curiosity in his voice.

Alexander, looked curiously at the First Archon. Apparently he had been oblivious to his surroundings as he spoke and did not notice the aide entering. One of Alexanders' entourage leaned in and whispered to him what had happened. Nodding at the aide, Alexander then turned to President Stone to see if he would answer.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Aug 7 2005, 03:29 PM
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Noticing that everyone was looking at him, President Stone decided to just tell the truth.

"It seems that these won't be the only talks to take place in Lamoni. Starblaydia and Latao have agreed to hold talks in the eastern part of Lamoni."

Just as Stone was about to say something more, the aide came back with another note. Stone skimmed it, then read the highlights of it out loud: "It appears that Latao is suing Starblaydia for invading them. I know the Starblaydi Lord-Protector well enough to KNOW that there is no way in hell that Starblaydia is going to pay Latao any 'damages.' Tiberius Starblayde is going to consider it extortion, which is what it really is. Starblayde might just decide to bomb Latao for the hell of it."

This post has been edited by Lamoni on Aug 7 2005, 03:30 PM
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 7 2005, 03:48 PM
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The First Archons' eyebrows perked up as President Stone finished speak. Smiling slight he addressed the President. "Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't it Latao that began this ordeal as the aggressor? Weren't they the ones threatening to use nuclear arms against other nations? Wouldn't that make them the ones who should pay reparations?" First Archon Khara folded his hands and smirked, then raised his right hand and gestured, dismissing the issue. "But then again it's none of my business what two nations do to each other. So long as Latao dosen't threaten my people, he is of little concern."

Alexander watched closely as the First Archon spoke and nodded in agreement with what he said. "I agree with the First Archon, for once at least. But I am concerned about what is going in with this nation Latao." Pausing for a moment to look down at a folder an aide just handed him, Alexander then continued. "Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't Latao have nuclear weapons at their disposal? I would hope the primary purpose of these talks would be to secure those weapons to prevent any unstable individuals from using them." Alexander leaned back in his chair as he, and the First Archon looked at President Stone.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Aug 7 2005, 04:10 PM
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"A very good question." Stone said. "Latao has lead us to three nuclear weapons, but we suspect that there might be more hidden somewhere in Latao. We just don't know where. Fortunately, we self-destructed most of Latao's nukes, but there are discrepancies as to how many they have left. If Starblaydia bombs them, they might try to use the remaining nukes against Starblaydia, who has SDI. That would make Starblaydia bomb Latao back to the Stone Age."
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 7 2005, 04:52 PM
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Both the First Archon and Alexander listened very intently at President Stone. After Stone finished speaking, the First Archon cleared his throat. "As strange as this may seem to some present, I agree with Alexander." A couple of aides in both parties chuckled at the First Archons' words. "Something must be done about those nuclear weapons, they pose a threat not just to the neighbors of Latao, but the whole region. If Latao tries something with them, I can't guarentee that my government will remain neutral." Looking over at Alexander the First Archon bowed his head slightly. "Forgive me Alexander, I did not presume to speak for you."

Alexander shoke his head. "As I said, I agree with your stance. If Latao tries to keep pushing the situation, which is dangerously close to the brink as it is, then we may have to do something. It would be a heinous neglect to our people's well-being if we didn't." With that, Alexander turned back his attention to President Stone and Mr.Stack, as did the First Archon.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Aug 8 2005, 05:18 AM
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Trying to keep the subject at hand from drifting to the on-going and volatile Latao crisis, Stack looked up to the First Archon and asked what he thought was a very important question:

"First Archon, what are your claims to the throne? In other words, how and why did you become the First Archon? I am unfamiliar with Khazaronian history, so please excuse the bluntness of the question."
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Aug 8 2005, 10:01 AM
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The First Archon smiled politely and nodded at Mr.Stack. "No need to apologize Mr.Stack. To answer your question though, I became First Archon after a rather brutal civil war in our country. Our people got tired of having the corporations and special interest group oppress us through the veil of "democracy", so we decided to put a stop to it. After the corrupt government was gone, we set up a provisional government that would last until something more permanent could be decided on. We decided on the names of Archons because it harkens back to ancient times when the wise ruled the independant city-states. I became First Archon, because well, my people chose me too. Those of the revolution at least. Which, if I might add, was a substantial part of the population."

Alexander looked like he wanted to say something, but seemed to be waiting for the conversation between First Archon Khara and Mr.Stack to be finished before he interjected.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Aug 8 2005, 02:00 PM
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Now that the talk had returned to internal Khazaronian matters, President Stone settled in and listened to the others. When the time for the first scheduled break came, he handed a note to the same aide that had handed HIM the notes, watched the aide read it, nod and run off to take the appropriate measures.


The effects of the note could already be seen a few hours after it was acted upon. At this army base, the Lamonian 5th Mechanized Infantry division was administratively 'attacking' the Lamonian 10th Mechanized Infantry division. The rest of the Lamonian military was also warming up in the preparations to strike at Latao should the situation warrant it. Any irrational nation with nukes was of concern to the Free Republic, and the entire region as well.

Democratic Maniac
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