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OOC: How I intend to start this allianceness stuff
Posted: Oct 22 2012, 04:31 PM
PMEmail Poster
Well, how about instead of just "Boom I take everything mode."
I start out with a small claim during Phase 1, but slowly expand without any offical notice, and of course I would just keep slowly moving forward until we get a standoff, and my nations borders would be pretty much secure, with the objective of expansion completed.

Also, the part of this plan I could do is Leorudo would go around the map to random unclaimed areas of land with it's tiny navy, take a tiny piece of land(such I am doing with the Falcanian thing) so that by the end of this whole thing I own a bunch of little tiny Hong Kong's that generate a whole bunch of money all over the region, as the taxes would be much lower in these areas as opposed to nieghbouring ports, so buisness would be booming.

(^RL friend suggested this last part, I thought it was kinda cool, so I'm putting it for discussion.)
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Posted: Oct 23 2012, 03:32 AM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
I quite like that second idea, that'd be cool as you'd be making other versions of Leorudo around the region, kinda like Settlers or Civ or something.

I'd be far more comfortable (and think it would be better RP possibilities, too) with a selection of Leorudo dots around as ports on the unclaimed parts of the map than I would a tiny nation suddenly expanding fifty times its original size to get a ocean-going port.
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Posted: Oct 23 2012, 02:36 PM
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QUOTE (Starblaydia @ Oct 23 2012, 03:32 AM)
I quite like that second idea, that'd be cool as you'd be making other versions of Leorudo around the region, kinda like Settlers or Civ or something.

I'd be far more comfortable (and think it would be better RP possibilities, too) with a selection of Leorudo dots around as ports on the unclaimed parts of the map than I would a tiny nation suddenly expanding fifty times its original size to get a ocean-going port.

I agree with Star. This latest idea is quite brilliant in ways and opens up a whole new can of worms that would affect nearly everyone in some way or another.

And the cities could be raided viking/pirate style thus setting off international conflicts. Once I frame Vil for those raids of course biggrin.gif

Just sayin'...

Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
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Posted: Oct 23 2012, 02:37 PM
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QUOTE (Falcania @ Oct 22 2012, 11:54 AM)
Well, good grief, it looks like it's gettin' all Galactica II up in here today, and I'm not sure I've worked out how this has happened.

Tell me about it. wink.gif
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
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Posted: Oct 23 2012, 04:47 PM
PMEmail Poster
Well, the idea would also be that many of the ports would be very militaristic, but maybe the ports of lesser importantance would be raided, and when the raiders decided to hit one of the bigger ports, boom, Leorudo, CCS, and the trading partners of the ports would instantly show up on ALL the little ports protecting it, and trade would come to a standstill. Next thing you know embargos and blockades hit everywhere, and we have ourselves a full-scale regional incident.

Do you think I am ready to put this up IC?
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Posted: Oct 25 2012, 12:49 AM
PMEmail Poster
I like the ideas for the placments of your city-states (what would they technically be called?) They even give me a reason to raie an eyebrow as the one in the northwest is in very close proximity to my new base in the CCS Protection Zone.

Anyway I did edit the claims a bit so that none are larger than Leorudo itself. I will wait a bit before posting the new update in order to see if there are issues to beironed out.
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
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Posted: Oct 25 2012, 01:02 PM
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QUOTE (Andossa Se Mitrin Vega @ Oct 25 2012, 12:49 AM)
I like the ideas for the placments of your city-states (what would they technically be called?) They even give me a reason to raie an eyebrow as the one in the northwest is in very close proximity to my new base in the CCS Protection Zone.

Anyway I did edit the claims a bit so that none are larger than Leorudo itself. I will wait a bit before posting the new update in order to see if there are issues to beironed out.

Well, we can use that as an excuse to put Leorudo into the CCS, when we send a bunch of "settlers",if you will, then you would ask me what that was all about ICly, I would explain, and you would then crack some deal that I should join the CCS because of all the profits it is about to bring in.

Also, I guess they would be called colonies or something like that.
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Posted: Oct 28 2012, 08:53 AM
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"Sir, Task Forces 005, 006, 007, 008, 008, 0010, 0011, and 0012 are ready for deployment onto predetermined sectors 1 through 7 for initial security. Requesting finally clearance." Sgt. Micheal Sabrini asked the newly reinstated Lt. General Micheal Aporus. It had been a long time since someone had requested permission to do something, so Micheal was taken back by for a half second. He quickly caught himself, however, and told the Sgt. to proceed with the operations.

His new "office" as he called it, was not as fancy as his former when he was staying on his center of operations near Wicksteed, but it would do. He had his standard battle simulator brough back from the old island, but not much else. He had the command of the airship Navigatio(as seen here)
(user posted image)
The Navigatio is one of the most powerful aerial vessels in the Leorudian Armory, developed in early 2005 with some more of those blacklisted tax LmU's that fall out of the government every year described a "waste". She can fly across the entire continent within a half of an hour and has communications capabilities unmatched. She also escorts multiple different variants of planes from the Denoma Fighter V-39(the main utility aircraft of the Wicksteed Campaign) to variants of the F-36 Super Viper Joint Dominance Fighter, bought in secret from the Viranain government, waiting for an actual mission. Also equipped with Anti-Air turrents that can expand out of the ship's hull. The ship was also equipped with a Class-B Radar that can locate enemy assests on the other side of Starbladyia.
Micheal's office was in the main building on the airship, and it had all of the tools he needed to commence a large scale military operation, from Pina Colada minibars to Pandora blaring Beyonce(don't judge), but, this was a mainly civilian operation, and this was supposed to be easy.

The ships were off.

Woah betsy!

Let's not get mid-2000s-era Lamoni about this. I sincerely hope this comprises a fairly major proportion (i.e. much more than half) of your whole military. I checked NSEconomy - Your defence budget is around 786 billion. Mine is 24 trillion, and I can only just manage to field six airships of equivalent strength, technology, and aircraft complement - and that's only because I've essentially crippled my military in all other areas (naval power projection, protracted land war, siege tactics, etc - no ships, no tanks or APCs that can't be airlifted). And that's only because I've consistently RPed as a nation that is both massively wealthy and massively warlike.

If you'd like, I can have retconned this as having leased you one of these for test purposes, with a heavy Falcanian supervisory crew, and you're taking it rogue.
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Oct 28 2012, 01:27 PM
PMEmail Poster
QUOTE (Falcania @ Oct 28 2012, 08:53 AM)
"Sir, Task Forces 005, 006, 007, 008, 008, 0010, 0011, and 0012 are ready for deployment onto predetermined sectors 1 through 7 for initial security. Requesting finally clearance." Sgt. Micheal Sabrini asked the newly reinstated Lt. General Micheal Aporus. It had been a long time since someone had requested permission to do something, so Micheal was taken back by for a half second. He quickly caught himself, however, and told the Sgt. to proceed with the operations.

His new "office" as he called it, was not as fancy as his former when he was staying on his center of operations near Wicksteed, but it would do. He had his standard battle simulator brough back from the old island, but not much else. He had the command of the airship Navigatio(as seen here)
(user posted image)
The Navigatio is one of the most powerful aerial vessels in the Leorudian Armory, developed in early 2005 with some more of those blacklisted tax LmU's that fall out of the government every year described a "waste". She can fly across the entire continent within a half of an hour and has communications capabilities unmatched. She also escorts multiple different variants of planes from the Denoma Fighter V-39(the main utility aircraft of the Wicksteed Campaign) to variants of the F-36 Super Viper Joint Dominance Fighter, bought in secret from the Viranain government, waiting for an actual mission. Also equipped with Anti-Air turrents that can expand out of the ship's hull. The ship was also equipped with a Class-B Radar that can locate enemy assests on the other side of Starbladyia.
Micheal's office was in the main building on the airship, and it had all of the tools he needed to commence a large scale military operation, from Pina Colada minibars to Pandora blaring Beyonce(don't judge), but, this was a mainly civilian operation, and this was supposed to be easy.

The ships were off.

Woah betsy!

Let's not get mid-2000s-era Lamoni about this. I sincerely hope this comprises a fairly major proportion (i.e. much more than half) of your whole military. I checked NSEconomy - Your defence budget is around 786 billion. Mine is 24 trillion, and I can only just manage to field six airships of equivalent strength, technology, and aircraft complement - and that's only because I've essentially crippled my military in all other areas (naval power projection, protracted land war, siege tactics, etc - no ships, no tanks or APCs that can't be airlifted). And that's only because I've consistently RPed as a nation that is both massively wealthy and massively warlike.

If you'd like, I can have retconned this as having leased you one of these for test purposes, with a heavy Falcanian supervisory crew, and you're taking it rogue.

Okay, I can understand where you are coming from, but you must remember, Leorudo is a very militaristic considering it's size, and she has only been in maybe three wars, so the money spent on defense(not counting the blacklisted money from other departments) would culminate over years and years, so 2/3 budget of one year that we did not fight a war is okay to spend on ONE of these(I only have one at this point) it is still unreasonable to mass produce these into the main vessels of our airforce/airspace navy(whichever you want to call it) because of the cost. But, this is the first military operation in the AO straight from Leorudo, so I felt that we had some cash to burn. But, I also don't believe that I should have a bunch of these because this is, to put it in Halo Wars termonology, an Uber Unit.

But, then agian, I really liked your idea of me leasing one of yours, and this could tie into the whole CCS thing as part of "military aid" or something.

So I'm torn here.

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Posted: Oct 28 2012, 01:32 PM
PMEmail Poster
QUOTE (Andossa Se Mitrin Vega @ Oct 23 2012, 02:36 PM)
QUOTE (Starblaydia @ Oct 23 2012, 03:32 AM)
I quite like that second idea, that'd be cool as you'd be making other versions of Leorudo around the region, kinda like Settlers or Civ or something.

I'd be far more comfortable (and think it would be better RP possibilities, too) with a selection of Leorudo dots around as ports on the unclaimed parts of the map than I would a tiny nation suddenly expanding fifty times its original size to get a ocean-going port.

I agree with Star. This latest idea is quite brilliant in ways and opens up a whole new can of worms that would affect nearly everyone in some way or another.

And the cities could be raided viking/pirate style thus setting off international conflicts. Once I frame Vil for those raids of course biggrin.gif

Just sayin'...

I think I put a few ports in perfect position for a couple "Vilitian" raids just for you.
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Posted: Oct 28 2012, 04:49 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
The thing is, military budgets aren't just shopping budgets. Procurement is going to be a sizeable portion of that, but it's not like your department of defence can really "save up" for this sort of thing.

Look at real life. The UK has spent billions of dollars on building two aircraft carriers that pretty much everyone is agreed are too expensive - it's a controversial move. Each one is costing £3.9 billion. In comparison, the defence budget in the UK last year was £45 billion. Of which £7.8 billion over 6-8 years was considered too much! I find it always best to err on the side of extreme conservatism when it comes to military procurement - aside from the slated introduction of my aircraft carriers (which are on a vague schedule) my military has maintained roughly the same size year-on-year.

As such, I'd be more than happy to have loaned you the FAV Raptor on a loaner as the Navigatio. Bearing in mind that currently I'd only have, in service, then, the FAV Phoenix, Feather, Vulture and Hawk, how ahead that would put you in terms of military aviation.
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Oct 28 2012, 05:57 PM
PMEmail Poster
QUOTE (Falcania @ Oct 28 2012, 04:49 PM)
The thing is, military budgets aren't just shopping budgets. Procurement is going to be a sizeable portion of that, but it's not like your department of defence can really "save up" for this sort of thing.

Look at real life. The UK has spent billions of dollars on building two aircraft carriers that pretty much everyone is agreed are too expensive - it's a controversial move. Each one is costing £3.9 billion. In comparison, the defence budget in the UK last year was £45 billion. Of which £7.8 billion over 6-8 years was considered too much! I find it always best to err on the side of extreme conservatism when it comes to military procurement - aside from the slated introduction of my aircraft carriers (which are on a vague schedule) my military has maintained roughly the same size year-on-year.

As such, I'd be more than happy to have loaned you the FAV Raptor on a loaner as the Navigatio. Bearing in mind that currently I'd only have, in service, then, the FAV Phoenix, Feather, Vulture and Hawk, how ahead that would put you in terms of military aviation.

Okay, I guess we could use this, but even better, you could loan it to me in secret and I will give you some, port benifits, if you will. I just don't really like the idea of going rouge.

But, maybe near the end of this thing I'll roll this thing out, because A)I would have studied yours for ways to make one cheaper and 2)Having only ONE airship can't seem too unreasonable for a nation that is forced to use airforce instead of navy/army because we are put on a lake with no ocean access and two nations surronding us on both sides.

But if that seems to unreasonable, I'll just have to cut some money from the education department and maybe get some finacial aid from a few allies.
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Posted: Oct 28 2012, 06:05 PM
PMEmail Poster
And here I thought this whole thing wouldn't affect my little Island nation. But this claim:user posted imageprobably will be enough to draw us into any war. We know we'll get steamrolled, but that's not gonna stop us. With all the activity to our northwest, it's pretty likely that at least one Leorudian plane will "accidently" cross into our air space, which we won't like a whole lot.

And another thing. The Leorudian mainland only has access to Lake Bekk. How exactly are all of these port cities going to get ships without having to build them there?

This post has been edited by Naitpyge on Oct 28 2012, 06:05 PM
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Posted: Oct 28 2012, 07:19 PM
PMEmail Poster
QUOTE (Naitpyge @ Oct 28 2012, 06:05 PM)
And here I thought this whole thing wouldn't affect my little Island nation. But this claim:user posted imageprobably will be enough to draw us into any war. We know we'll get steamrolled, but that's not gonna stop us. With all the activity to our northwest, it's pretty likely that at least one Leorudian plane will "accidently" cross into our air space, which we won't like a whole lot.

And another thing. The Leorudian mainland only has access to Lake Bekk. How exactly are all of these port cities going to get ships without having to build them there?

Well, for the first thing:
If your smart, having one or two planes that are members of a huge alliance cross your airspace should not make your government prepare the silos. Plus, we can always do a little fruitbasket diplomacy stuff.

I can either:
Transport the ships out of Lake Bekk via plane:
(A.K.A. Halo Wars Pelican)
Which was a fairly successful tactic in the Wicksteed Campaign for me.

or I can ship the parts to a friendly area and assemble them piece by piece. I remember something about them doing that to an old American baseball stadium.
But once one factory to make those is up, then ten ships can be put out before you know it, from there we can make all the ships we need.
Dedicated Scribe
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Posted: Oct 28 2012, 07:25 PM
PMEmail Poster
QUOTE (Leorudo @ Oct 28 2012, 05:57 PM)
2)Having only ONE airship can't seem too unreasonable for a nation that is forced to use airforce instead of navy/army because we are put on a lake with no ocean access and two nations surronding us on both sides.

It's because of this that I'm having trouble with the whole idea of Leorudo militarised ports simply popping up all over AO, to be honest. Personally I think you should look at Star's 'building a military' for a start, and then win your ports, one by one.
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