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Operation Galactica
Posted: Oct 6 2006, 04:56 PM
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The motorcade sped along the 22E Highway, the Patriarch's car secure in the middle of over a dozen police and military vehicles. Inside Khara and his Minister of Defense where going over the latest reports from the five divisions that where being prepped for immediate deployment to the Alliance front. It had all been hastily put together and procuring the necessary equipment and resources was taking longer than Khara had wanted.

Shaking his head in frustrationg, he threw the folders down on the floor of the car. "How long will it take for us to get to Alliance territory?" Khara asked, obviously frustrated.

"A couple of weeks, that's barring any interference from the weather or SAAS patrols." said Minister Arani. "We also just recently recieved news that there's been a battle on Lake Bekk. From what we can tell the Alliance forces where seen in retreat, but that is all we know right now."

Khara began picking up the folders and rearranging them. "What's the word on the KNV Invictus, or our forces out west?"

Arani shoke his head and sighed. "They're still tied up with the situation in former Nova Roma. It's chaos on a massive scale there and General Skaro is concerned that if we withdraw, we could face a possible incursion north towards our western districts."

"Very well, let's keep the western fleet in the Roman Gulf for the time being to give continued aid to General Skaro and his men. I'll be taking personal command of the Eastern Fleet and the military divisions attached thereof. Although Admiral Herman Voors and General Warren Lester will also be assisting in the field. There's also one thing I'd like you to pass along to the boys in R&D for me."

Arani perked his eyebrows up, a look of curiosity in his face. "What's that highness?"

"Tell them to get to work ASAP on reverse engineering that Roman tech they scavenged. That could give us the edge we need in this war. Anything, especially in the area of weapons systems, will be greatly needed in the coming conflict."

Arani nodded, jotting down a note to himself.

For the rest of the ride the Patriarch and his Minister sat in the car running over numbers and status reports. While it was hastily put together, their expeditionary force would do the trick for the time being. At this point their goal was just taking the initiative away from the Starblaydi and preventing any incursions into the Alliance proper.

Port city of Huntsville, Drani

There was a great commotion throughout the whole of the docking district of Huntsville. Every single square foot of the docks had been commandeered for the loading of the Khazaronian troops, tanks, artillery, and supplies. It was a constant clanging of metal, roaring of commanders arranging their troops, and the sound of welding torches doing last minute touch-ups on several armored vehicles and artillery

Amidst the cacophony of noise the Patriarch's car made its way towards the loading area of the KNV Carain. Opening the door, Khara shielded his eyes from the flying sparks and quickly made his way towards the ship. Minister Arani got out of the car behind him, running to catch up. “I’m leaving you and the rest of the cabinet in charge of any big decisions that I can’t get to while I’m out. Leave anything not to terribly pressing to the Assembly. I’ll be in contact via satellite as much as I can.” He turned to face Arani. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got an expeditionary force to lead.” With that Khara walked up the ramp leading to the KNV Carain,.

Several minutes after Khara had ascended the stair ramp, Minister Arani was overseeing the loading of the troops when five separate unmarked black government vans rolled up next to the loading area. After stopping, the doors opened and out stepped around 50 individuals wearing a red camo uniform and carrying rather large packs filled with their equipment and other necessities. Quietly and quickly they went up the same ramp that Khara had boarded just several minutes before. Minister Arani gave them a look then turned back to overseeing the loading of the troops. Once all the troops where aboard and the last of the heavy equipment had been loaded, the ships began to depart.

Unfortunately for the newly christened Khazaronian Expeditionary Force, the sheer size of them would slow down the initial phase of their trek towards Alliance waters. It was about two hours before the whole of the fleet, once all personnel aboard, to get assembled and out to sea. It had been planned by Khara and the Admiral Voors to take an extremely roundabout way and go southwest towards Lamoni, meeting up with any of the Free Republics fleet there, and then pressing on past Myrtannia, Nedalia, and Falcania. The goal was to come up on the southern end of Lowland Clans and attempt to avoid the SAAS forces as much as possible so that the KEF could be rested and ready to fight a full strength the second they landed.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Oct 6 2006, 08:37 PM
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Province of Arizona

Flocks of C-5B Galaxy aircraft, escorted by F-35s, started to land in Trabea, Regina, Oxville, and Riverbend. Inside them brought a large chunk of the Dominion of Cesibia. The troops, were brought in to defend the west coast of the mainland. They were under the command of a Delesaian Lieutenant-General, Edmond Browne.

user posted image

user posted image

The forces were spread thin and there were many cracks in the defence, but that was part of the plan. Edmond had most of the forces in reserves in the rear, waiting tfor any forces to land, then the forces could be shipped off and beat back the enemy off the desert landscape.
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Oct 6 2006, 11:30 PM
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So there was war in Atlantian Oceania? As far as the Socialist Union was concerned, so what? If all of the corrupt, capitalist nations wished to destroy one another, it was all just fine with the SUNA. Perhaps the collapse of some of those governments would lead to the uprising of the Proletariat within. All of that would be just fine with Chief Socialist Kaminska as well. For the SUNA's intents and purposes, staying out of the war for the moment was the best option.

By the Chief Socialist's decree, the Crimson Army had sealed the borders between the Socialist Union and Footballia and The Lowland Clans, and had reinforced the SUNA-Hockey Canada border just in case. To add to the Socialist Union's defensive moves, the Crimson Navy had been put on high alert out on Lake Bekk. Their orders, such as they were, were to defend the people of the Socialist Union from hostile attack from foreign powers. Anyone who entered the SUNA portion of Lake Bekk would be warned first, then recieve a warning shot across the bow, and then an attack if needed. Complimenting them was the Crimson Air Force, which was now flying regular patrols over SUNA skies and the SUNA occupied sliver of Lake Bekk. SUNA, however, had no intention to interfere with the Starblaydi or TLC navies. Let them kill each other to their hearts' content.

Added to these moves, the Chief Socialist sent the following message to Jhanna:

To: Lord Isaac Chisoko (
From: Malik Jana, Secretary for International Relations, SUNA (

Lord Chisoko, we in the the Socialist Union view this new conflict as none of our immediate concern.  In this regard, the Socialist Union will neither interefere with or criticize moves by the Starblaydi military and government.  We feel that the Protectorate is acting well within its rights after the attempt on Lady Viannor's life.  Know that the moral support of the Socialist Union is with you in your conflict.

However, if any forces, be they Lowland Clans, Starblaydi, or otherwise, enter Socialist Union controlled waters or skies, the SUNA will defend itself without mercy.  

May victory come swiftly to your legions and allies.
Neu Amerika
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Posted: Oct 6 2006, 11:41 PM
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"Soldier," she accosted him, "You find General Lebowitz and tell him that Lt. General Belkowitz, UIC, is here to see him."

The soldier that had just been accosted by Lt. General Belkowitz was Colonel Andrey Petrovich Ivanichko; aide to General Lebowitz. Fortunately for the Lt. General, the Colonel was used to being talked and screamed at. "Lt. General Belkowitz. Welcome to the Free Republic. If you will follow me, we have numerous other people here to take care of the unloading process. We have barracks for all of your troops. General Lebowitz is going over orders for a new operation that will likely involve your commandos. Come with me, please."

With that, Colonel Ivanichko lead the Myrtannian to the presence of General Lebowitz. He was over a computerized planning table, running simulations on what looked like a complicated operation. The General dismissed the Colonel, and greeted Lt. General Belkowitz. "If you will step over here, i'd like to fill you in on something called 'Operation Scimitar.' This room has been swept for bugs, so fell free to give me your honest opinion on this wacky scheme when i'm done."

The General took a breath before launching into the specifics of Operation Scimitar.

"The basic idea is for the Bazalonian, Nedalian, and Quakmybushian navies to link up and attack the Starblaydi bases on the Hypocrian islands. While the combined fleet draws Starblaydi naval forces away, at least Lamonian and Myrtannian commandos will parachute onto the bases and look for intelligence before making the bases as useless as possible. Of course, we would be killing any Starblaydi or Hypocrian troops that got in our way. Once the naval situation has settled down some, we hope to be able to pull the commandos out via naval transports. Now, what is your opinion on this operation?"

Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Oct 7 2006, 01:12 AM
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Lt. General Belkowitz was only satisfied fully when the officer she had accosted led her to the presence of General Lebowitz. She was used to getting things done quickly and efficiently, so if the Lamonian had taken offense to her tone, she would've given him a Myrtannian what-for. It didn't seem to matter in her mind that she was a guest in this country. Once she was face-to-face with Lebowitz, she offered a crisp salute, then looked over the plans the Lamonian general had explained to her.

When he asked her for her opinion, Belkowitz didn't answer right away. She looked over the plans and map, frowned, then offered her take on Operation Scimitar, "Well, the first concern I have, obviously, is the comparitive naval strengths in this operation. We've got to have numerical superiority over the Starblaydis if this plan's going to work at all. Or at least equal numbers and classes of ships. Keep the Purple SoBs busy longer that way. Better if we can crush 'em and not have to worry about them later."

She then looked over the naval bases that would be their targets, "And we'll obviously want our special forces to work in small teams to infiltrate the objectives. Some to actually obtain the intel, others - the majority - to neutralize any SAAS forces in the target areas. Then, some of the designated combat teams will move to sabotage the essential naval base targets. Docks, dry docks, and any other targets we might have time to blow."

Belkowitz looked up to Lebowitz and offered, "I strongly recommend that we drop in under cover of night, in order to confuse the enemy more. Our infiltration teams should be in SAAS naval uniforms, ideally Starblaydi, but Hypocrian will do just as well. Combat teams should be in black or camo fatigues. That's how UICs do things - we dropped into AR in AR airborne uniforms, and it might work against the enemy here too."

"Sorry if it's a bit cloak-and-dagger, but that's my take on this. We go in under cover of darkness, in disguise, and get out with naval transports in the early morning. If the transports don't show up in time, we commandeer some SAAS craft and get out," she added, "That's what I think right now."
Experienced Senator
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Posted: Oct 7 2006, 08:14 AM
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The Starling listed into a nosedive. All manner of small items were sent flying. Falcon stood, shakily. He steadied himself and made for the cockpit. Keying in his royal override code, he opened the bulkhead. The pilot and copilot were just sitting there at the controls. "Adrian?" The pilot didn't respond. Falcon gently tapped him on the head. Adrian's lifeless body flopped to the right, and Falcon saw the matted blood on the feathers around his neck. Three parellel slices across the throat. Falcon whipped round, unsheathing his claws. Where was the assassin? The shadowy figured dropped from the ceiling of the cockpit. Falcon turned, claws raised. The assassin struck quickly, with a dagger in each hand. He was freakishly fast, and it was all that Falcon could do to fend him off. Falcon took a pace back, caught one knife in both of his talons, threw it aside, and performed what was literally a flying kick to his assailant's stomach. He knocked the other knife away, knelt on the assassin's chest, and tore off his hood. Surprisingly, the figure was a normal human, not a Falcanian. Falcon pulled back his right fist, claws protruding from between his knuckles like a grotesque set of knuckledusters. "Who sent you?"

The assassin coughed slightly, looking at the claws above him. He smiled and spat in Falcon's face. "I was sent by Lady Viannor herself. I was ordered to crash the plane, making it look like an accident."

Falcon smiled. "Nobody will ever find your body. Nobody will ever know you existed. Your life will have been in vain." With that, he swiftly punched the man in the throat, the three claws piercing his flesh, severing his jugular and his windpipe. With a spurt of arterial blood and a wheezing gasp from the dying man, Falcon removed his fist.

There was a noise behind him. Hack stood in the doorway, agape. "Don't just stand there, Mike! Get the plane level!" Falcon stood up, pushed the dead captain out of his seat, and pulled back on the yoke. Hack joined him. The Starling skimmed over the sea, causing a reasonable wave in its wake, then soared back up. Falcon wiped his brow.

Hack looked at him. "What's going on, Sire?"

"Starblaydi assassin killed Adrian and Mark. So I had to kill him. I'll have to dispose of his body in a suitably graphic fashion so as not to cause controversy."

"Hmm. So what's our course of action now?"

Falcon paused. "We fly the Starling to meet up with the carrier fleet. I'll commandeer a flagship. Get in contact with our Nedalian allies."

Hack nodded, and pressed some buttons on the autopilot. They began to wing their way to the carrier fleet.

OOC: No, he wasn't a Starblaydi, nor sent by Viannor. At least ask before you decide to make my main character decide to do something completely outside her normal actions. This never happened as far as I'm concerned - Star
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Oct 7 2006, 10:27 AM
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Colonel Robert Mackenzie sat on his bridge on the NSS Revena, he was on his way to meet the Bazalonian Navy, he had received orders to meet the Bazalonian and Nedalian Navy to attack the Starblaydi bases on the Hypocrian Islands. Then the Lamonian and Myrtannian troops would try and infiltrate bases. He knew this gunna be where Quakmybush would shoot it first bullet, or missile of the war, and where their first Quakmybushian live will be lost. "NSS Xed, NSS Jinkton City, NSS Cherrywood, and NSS Dreton come in." he said over the ships communication system."

All four ships copied and asked what was going on.

"Well, we are within an hour of Bazalonia, get all of the troops ready, get all of the planes ready to launch, its gunna be our first battle, tell all your troops that if they die in wont be in vein, tell them they are helping their country through this horrible time. Over and Out." he clicked the system off and then told his own ship what had to happen. He heard all the troops running around getting ready and some of the planes going off to see what happened. He then sat back and waited.
Dedicated Scribe
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Posted: Oct 7 2006, 02:07 PM
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Sarzonian Airspace

The Starling appeared to have reached its destination, as the autopilot began throttling the engines in. The sky ahead was clear.

Michael grabbed a handset. "This is the Starling, Royal Transport of his Majesty King Falcon, monarch of the Free Kingdom of Falcania and the Dominial Principality of Jayla, Protector of the Faithless, Defender of the Outcasts, may all who speak his name be forever shielded by his glory." He took a deep breath. "We seek permission to board your vessel."

There was silence. Falcon turned to Hack. "Are you sure we've got the right place?"

He was answered by a crackling of the radio. "This is the FNA Feather, flagship of the Falcon's Aerial Navy. We acknowledge his Majesty's presence and would be honoured by his presence." Out of the cloud cover high above, a dark shape began to descend. As it got closer it became apparent that it was one of the new DSAC-1 Leviathan. The Starling slowed down, matching the speed of the Feather. Somehow it managed to slow itself to a halt on the runway. The Feather then ascended high above the clouds.
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Oct 7 2006, 04:12 PM
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Khara stood on the bridge of the KNV Carain and looked out over the myriad of ships that where layed out over the ocean. Taking a moment to savor such a grand sight, he then turned his attention towards Admiral Voors. Currently the admiral seemed to have his attention drawn to the latest readouts on the positions of enemy fleets in the region. He had also been running near constant readiness drills since they had reached international waters.

Stopping just a foot or two behind him, Khara cleared his throat. Almost startled, the admiral turned around and bowed slightly. "Yes highness?" he said with a smile. Khara shoke his head and chuckled. "There's no need to call me that while we are out on the open waters. If you must call me something, call me Commander or Admiral." Admiral Voors looked a little perplexed at the request and then shrugged. "As you wish commander."

Khara smield. "Very good. Now then, how far are we from Lamonian waters?"

"About an hour."

"Good." With that Khara turned to his right and walked over to the comms officer, patting him on the shoulder. "Contact Lamonian naval command and notify them that we wish to enter their waters and join up with any possible on our way towards the Alliance." The comms officer nodded and began broadcasting the message on a military encryption channel as soon as they where within range of Lamoni.

"Lamoni naval command, this is the Khazaronian Expeditionary Force flagship KNV Carain, we request permission to enter your waters and are looking for any forces willing to aid us in fighting back the Starblaydi menace in the Alliance." The officer then let go of the broadcast button and awaited for a reply.
The Red Devil
Posts: 515
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Posted: Oct 7 2006, 10:25 PM
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"Lamoni naval command, this is the Khazaronian Expeditionary Force flagship KNV Carain, we request permission to enter your waters and are looking for any forces willing to aid us in fighting back the Starblaydi menace in the Alliance." The officer then let go of the broadcast button and awaited for a reply.

"KNV Carain, this is Lamonian Naval Command. We would like to send an officer over to deliver a briefing on a proposed allied strike on a Starblaydi target. We'll be sending him in a civilian helicopter; it will be using GAURD frequency. Over."

------------- later ----------------

Admiral Johansen Jacobi alighted from his helicopter, and met his Khazaronian reception committee on the Carain. After being led to flag quarters on the ship, he wasn't surprised to see a Khazaronian admiral. He saluted the allied officer; and then turned to address the other occupant of the room. Admiral Jacobi WAS surprised to see none other than Patriarch Khara. Saluting again, he said, "Patriarch. It is a pleasure to see you on such a voyage. I'm sure that you will appreciate the briefing that I have come here to deliver." With that, Admiral Jacobi gave them a briefing on Operation Scimitar (including the obvious need for the Khazaronian ships to join in for it to work), adding the suggestions of the Myrtannians. Then came the expected question about what the Khazaronians thought of the operation. (OOC: see my IC post with Myrtannia's Lt. General Belkowitz for specifics on Operation Scimitar)


The Lamonian troops in Bazalonia had increased to ten infantry divisions. They were some of the best that the Free Republic had, and they would be a fine addition to any allied force. They would likely not participate in Operation Scimitar (which they knew nothing about), but their time would come. It was only a question of when.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Oct 8 2006, 06:31 PM
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(OOC: Screwed up on my last post, A, B, C, D, F, G are the only Groups headed for TLC. H-N are reserves, and someone's gotta keep the homefront quiet, namely, Army Group E, the urban specialist)

Army Group A had arrived in Paricone that night, under cover of darkness. It then filed southward into Legalese. Quickly marching the several miles to Port Dien, Army Group A then prepared to rest while it awaited the rest of the FNA.

By 5 in the afternoon the next day, the entire FNA that was going on the offensive had arrived in Port Dien. Orders soon began coming in from the General Staff.

Army Groups A, B, and C are to sweep southeast to Bellona, capturing the town before swinging southwest to below Sagdineo, the troops within should then surrender and you may take them prisoner.

Army Group D is to move to the Curia/Legalese City area and aid the Starblaydi Army in anyway possible.

Army Groups F and G to move towards the Clan lines in between those two points.

Footballian High Command

As expected, Bellona fell with no fight, and the FNA marched forward.


Loçñalkyo, Oberepyun, Empire of Footballia

Torm XV was somewhat nervous as he stepped onto the platform. He hadn't made many outdoor speeches, and knew that they were considerably less safe. He had also heard rumors that the Rorçn were soon to rebel again, which could severely injure the war effort. He took a deep breath before his last few steps to the podium.

"Ladies and gentlemen," began the Overlord, "yesterday our glorious troops captured Bellona. While many of you may think that this is trivial, due to the utter lack of Clannish armies in the area, you are wrong. While not even approaching a test of our Army, for even a Commie can take an undefended city, this event shows that we are here to support our allies in Starblaydia. Together, we shall win this war, and cast down our enemies, destroying their armies and their infrastructure. There will be a new Golden Age for Footballia, one in which we will live without fear of any other nation because of our might and our allies to the north. This city is merely the--" His speech was cut short by the fire of assault rifles. The Overlord was immediately slammed to the ground by a member of the Imperial Guard. Others, some disguised, some not, plunged into the crowd of terrified onlookers in order to try and take the assassins alive. Three Guardsmen reached the first assassin at the same time, and slammed him to the ground. The procedure was repeated rapidly on the other two. The Imperial Guard managed to calm the crowd and shepherd them away soon thereafter.


Imperial Palace, Loçñalkyo, Oberepyun, Empire of Footballia

The Overlord groaned as he awakened. His shoulder hurt like crazy. He slowly recalled what had happened at the speech, and thought to himself, No more outdoor speeches for us... as the door to the room opened. Helç Xort, his Internal Advisor entered, followed by Markalk Xet Reñat, Head of the Footballian Military.

"We have determined that the assassins were Rorçn separatists, sir. Also, an open revolt has flared across Rorçnyun, and is growing in magnitude as we speak," announced Xort. Anger, white hot anger, flared in Torm.

"Damn those -explicitive removed-ing Rorçn! Always in the -explicitive removed-ing way!" His screams of anger brought the doctor rushing in to get Reñat and Xort our, but Torm waved him off.

"Those sons of bitches are always there. Always! Ready to revolt whenever we need no distractions. They did it in my father's time, when we were rebuilding. They've done it now, with most of the FNA out in Legalese. Those bastards! Markalk!"


"I don't care what you do, get rid of the rebellion. And don't let it back up. Keep those damn Rorçn from -explicitive removed-ing with my Empire!"

"Yessir." With that, the two men left, leaving the Overlord tormented by his wound and by the Rorçn.


FNA HQ, Oberepyun, Empire of Footballia

"The Overlord said whatever we need to do to keep them down."

"That leaves a lot of interpretation."

"I don't care. Do what you need to, Jenral."

"Will do." Jenral Orwalç Fopelç turned away and walked to the next room. He ordered the Majoir manning the comm system to connect him to Majoir-Jenral Relç Çoñ, his subordinate in Army Group E.


"Yes sir?"

"I suppose you've heard of the uprising?"

"Yes sir, I was just about to comm you for orders."

"Good good. The Overlord says he wants no more rebellions. Do you know what this means?"


"Wipe them out. Destroy them. No more revolts. No more fear. No more savagery. They...will...not...come...back. At all. Ever. If any ever do, I will personally have your head. Do you understand?" Çoñ gulped.

"Yes sir."

"Good. Now, order your men in there, and get to it."

"Yes sir. Goodbye." He signed off. Fopelç stalked off, consumed with hate for the Rorçn, a hate far more passionate than that of most Footballians.


Official Press Release from the Imperial Palace:

Yesterday, an assassination attempt was made on our beloved Overlord, who will recover from his wounds.  The assassins have been determined to be Rorçn separatists.  In addition to this, a new Rorçn secessionist movement has begun in Rorçnyun.  Any nation caught aiding these unlawful rebels in any way, shape or form will be considered hostile to the Empire of Footballia and treated accordingly.

His Imperial Majesty, Overlord Torm XV
59th Overlord of the Glorious Empire of Footballia
Dedicated Scribe
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Posted: Oct 8 2006, 07:38 PM
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OOC: This is reposted from the 'Second Rocyn Secession' thread, though the bulk of the original post remains there.

IC: Meanwhile in Nephi, the only recently arrived Socialist Union ambassador to Lamoni had arrived at the proper government facility to speak with the President. He didn't know the name of the building, that was for the driver or a tour guide to worry about. What mattered as that Chief Socialist Kaminska himself had informed the man of a top secret offer he was to relay to President Stinton. So, dressed in his best suit Ambassador Elfrentz Trautski waited to see Lamoni's head of state. Truatski had already called for an urgent audience with the man, and now waited to see if his request had been answered.

"It had better have been, or Comrade Kaminska will have my head," Trautski grumbled, "Even their Foreign Minister would be suitable, I suppose."
Neu Amerika
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Posted: Oct 8 2006, 07:55 PM
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Security measures were beefed up. In fact, it damn near resembled a small army around the podium. Assassination attempts had become a dime a dozen recently in the region, and the Nedalian Secret Service were taking no chances with their own.

Clearance was given to President Yasmine Dala'a, her first appearance in public after Starblaydia declared war on The Lowland Clans and sent the whole region into a burning flame of fire headed straight to hell. She walked towards the podium under the watchful eye of the NSS, finally arriving at her destination. Infront of her was Sahat il-Hurra (Field of Freedom), filled with almost 2 million people who had come in support of the President. She looked up from her notes and began to speak:

"I greet you fellow Nedalians on this mournful day where we find the region we call home befallen by war...war that has swept over our lives and the lives of our allies, war that will claim millions if it is not brought to a halt. Unfortunately for us, this war was brought on us by a regime that cares not for death or destruction, but only greed and power. Nedalia has long warned of the dangers the new Starblaydi regime could pose to the entire region, even before I became President, when our great fallen hero Andrew Bren was in power.

Fellow Nedalians, what we feared, what we hoped we could avoid, what we prayed would pass us, it has arrived. Viannor of Starblaydia officially declared war on our SDL allies, The Lowland Clans, and since has begun moving her troops south towards the former Republic of Legalese, claiming town after town. Battles have already ensued, enflaming the shores of Lake Bekk with death. It has arrived.

We admire the Pacitalian efforts to attempt to bring peace forward as an option, and we wish that it was. However, our friends in Pacitalia forget one thing: peace has no place with a regime that thrives on misery, oppression, death, and destruction. This regime will gain nothing from peace, therefore it refuses it as an option. It was its own propaganda that started this war; I assure you, my fellow Nedalians, that our allies in The Lowland Clans did not put a price on Viannor's head, and was not behind the assassination attempt. Viannor was looking for an excuse to go to war, and she gave herself the perfect reason.

As our allies mobilize and prepare themselves for their inevitable showdown, Nedalia has responded to the call of our friends. We are a people of justice, of freedom, and when Andrew Bren signed the SDL charter and vowed to honour it, we became the defenders of justice and freedom. Ladies and gentlemen of Nedalia, it is now our obliged duty to step infront of those who choose to bring pain and oppression to the people of the AO and fight them. Our friends in The Lowland Clans called upon its allies, and my fellow Nedalians, I am proud to let you know that Nedalia was the first to answer it!"

The crowd breaks out into a massive cheer, loudly clapping and shouting.

"Our duty, which we proudly accepted, has called us to battle. Freedom, justice, and all that is right is now directly at stake, and Nedalia will have none of that. Ask the Western Territories and its people what the Nedalian Army does to oppression!"

The crowd continues to cheer, louder at the latest remark.

"My fellow Nedalians, the moment Starblaydia declared war on The Lowland Clans was the moment Viannor went to war with The Free Lands of Nedalia. The moment Starblaydia moved its troops south towards The Lowland Clans was the moment it ensured it would face the people and soldiers of The Free Lands of Nedalia. Viannor, if you're listening, and we all know you are, The Free Lands of Nedalia has its troops mobilized and ready to move to The Lowland Clans on a moment's notice. Freedom shall prevail, justice shall prevail, and under the protection of God, The Free Lands of Nedalia shall aid its allies in their time of need and together, all that is right in the Atlantian Oceania shall drive the menace back to its cave and lift the banner of freedom high over oppression!"

As the crowd began to go into a frenzy, Dala'a smiled and said with a wink:

"Freedom Truimphant!"

This post has been edited by Nedalia on Oct 8 2006, 07:58 PM
Emperor in Training
Posts: 486
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Posted: Oct 9 2006, 12:07 AM
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Alliance Security Room, 16 Canford Street, Graham City

President-Elect Kingsley had aged a surprising amount and his emotional state was not healthy at the moment. Andrew Jons, his chief of staff stood sipping coffee as he watch the briefing about the ongoing battles in the Crystil Channel and Legalese City, where the headquarters for the 10th and 13th Army Groups were evacuating against an onslaught of Starblaydi troops. Already, generals from the active army groups, the 1st-15th, were creating a unified command strategy under General-of-the-Armed-Forces Harold Myers. All that had to be done was to begin to coordinate forces arriving from various SDL allies such as Khazaron and Nedalia. A message to the SDL nations was being prepped, but something else needed the attention of the President-Elect. "Mr. President, we need to deal with the Myrtannian situation." Jons, who was the grease that kept a good portion of the Kingsley administration going, thoroughly despised the Myrtannians for what they were doing. Damn cowards.

"Ah yes. You know, I'm tempted simply to declare war on them and make them fight anyways," said the President, wearily. A huge part of the culture in The Lowland Clans was trust and honesty. After having many rulers ruling them badly during the Royal period and the Imperial period, trust between ones subjects and their ruler was key, and so was the relations between rulers. That's why the corruption scandal had been weathered, because in the end the people trusted Kingsley to clean house, which he did in short order. To have someone who signed on to an alliance to help another nation in times of intense need, only to abandon it, was perhaps the worst thing you could do in The Lowland Clans. Myrtannia had done it. "The trade legislation is very punishing, and so it should be. I like it, and I'll sign it."

Jons nodded. "Good, but we can't go too far, push them into the arms of the SAAS. We've only got so many troops, and that's what we need to focus on. Getting the SDL troops on our soil and integrated into the combat network. Fighting Starblaydia and getting them back out of Legalese. Both the Starblaydis and Footballia are coming, and if we're not careful, Abattoir too. We need to keep our friends, yes punish the Myrtannians, but draw a line." He didn't like where this was going. John had been his friend and partner for decades, but he was losing it here. Andrew made a mental note to talk to Lily and Julianne about him. Sammy Compton, one of Kingsley's chief speech writers knocked on the door and entered with the letters to the SDL leaders.

"How's the PE doing?" asked Sammy nervously.

"Not so good, I'm worried he's cracking. Get involved with Ashley, we need to get the Congressional coalition together to keep this war going. Start with the Unionists, both parties and the Pragmatics." Sammy nodded, and handed him the papers, and left. Ashley had served in Congress as a young representative, then worked his way into Kingsley's organization as a unofficial ambassador to Congress. The Trade Reform policies, essentially ending trade with all the nations whom had declared war on the Alliance, also included a section banning all Myrtannian goods and allowing the government to seize all Myrtannian property in the Alliance and deporting Myrtannian citizens. There weren't many, but they'd all be gone in two weeks. It's what you get for stabbing your loyal friends in the back.

He read over the note, gave it to Kingsley, who read it over, and signed off on it. It was soon sent around the region to the leaders of Lamoni, Khazaron, Nedalia, and Bazalonia.

To: Leaders of Khazaron, Lamoni, Nedalia, and Bazalonia
From: President-Elect John Patrick Kingsley

Subject: Integration of Military Forces and Chain of Command

Body: I thank you all once again for coming to the aid of the Alliance in our dark hour. Before I continue, I must ask that you consider the ejection of Myrtannia from the SDL. Their refusal to come to the aid of the Alliance is a clear violation of the treaty and should be regarded as such. I would also like to suggest that the SDL systematically eliminate all trade with Myrtannia, as per their isolationist trends. Our nation is deeply grieved by their actions, and they have betrayed our trust. Now, onto more important matters

When your forces arrive on the battle grounds, we need to fully integrate them into one cohesive fighting unit. Our programming and hardware serves to do just that. If you'll kindly send us your incoming force deployment information, then we'll be able to manufacture enough units in time for your arrival. Another issue that must be worked out is the integration of military command and a common strategy. I propose an integrated command structure, with each nation heading up their own forces, all under the command of General Myers, the leader of our Armed Forces.

Currently, our biggest threat is Starblaydia and her invasion force through former Legalese. We simply lack the numbers to provide a determined resistance, and as we mobilize and equip our Reserve units, we simply need more men. Nevermind the fact the Alliance possess much more advanced technology than any SAAS nation, we simply do not have the numbers at time to resist any strong push into the Alliance. We need armour designed for open combat. Our military is designed with urban combat in mind, and we can provide training and equipment to any urban combat force.

We also need troops to guard the Abattoirian border in the south. I eagerly await your response, and I pray that we will succeed against this ominous threat to us all.

God Bless,
President-Elect John Patrick Kingsley
The Lowland Clans
Royal Scribe
Posts: 116
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Posted: Oct 9 2006, 12:18 AM
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When the message from The Lowland Clans had finally reached his desk, the Lamonian representitive at SDL HQ got together with his TLC counterpart, and requested that President-Elect John Patrick Kingsley make an encrypted call to President Stinson. The Lamonian president had classified information that he expressedly wanted to speak with the TLC President-Elect about.
Democratic Maniac
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