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Operation Galactica
Posted: Oct 5 2006, 07:00 PM
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Lake Bekk

Captain Collin Mackingworth was sitting in his quarters, sipping his coffee and reading his nice book, enjoying a calm day in command. Granted, there was never really anything other to do when in command of the Justus, the Gold Coast-class light cruiser equipped with a highly advanced missile radar and defence system, known as the AEGIS-II system. Altered especially for the Justus because of her role as flagship of the Bekk fleet, which consisted of 40 DD-GM, 65 DD-AA, 10 DD-ASW, 90 F-FA, 185 GB-GM, and 415 GB-CD. Despite all the tension recently, barely a peep from the Starblaydis had been heard. So the fleet continued her exercises, and waited patiently for the Starblaydi Navy to come. Mackingworth was about to take a sip of coffee when alarms went off. Loud klaxons poured down the hall, and the sailors of the Justus leaped into action.

Captain Mackingworth place to coffee on his desk and ran towards to bridge. The PA blared a warning, that this was indeed the real thing. Ever since the fall of the Legal Republic, the Fleet B1 had been patrolling the coast to prevent piracy and to watch the Starblaydi military in case of any move. He reached the bridge, where his first officer, a Commander/1st was getting the missile batteries warmed up and the AEGIS-II system warmed up. "What's going on commander?"

"Sir, we've detected a massive wave of Starblaydi activity. Aircraft are swarming into the Lake and into former Legalese. They've gone active with missile radars and are coming in swarmed. We've gotten reports from the CD gunboats that troop carriers are leaving the coast, heading towards Port Dein. It looks like it started." Mackingworth nodded solemnly. A Petty Officer burst in the Command Center, saluted the captain and the XO, then turned one of the display plates at an empty station to the sattelite television the Justus received. There it showed Viannor, making her declaration.

Unfortunately for the Fleet B1, the Starblaydi Armed Forces were ready for this battle. The powerful F-23S were in control of the sky before the fleet could react. FJ-31 Highlander-V air-superiority fighters were up in the air very quickly. They met the Nightwings headon, and it became a battle of skills and attrition. The Nightwings were able to defeat the first wave, simply because they were prepared. The AEGIS-II missile system onboard the Justus swept the sky, organizing the battle and linking through the battle-network which served so well in the past. While the fighters about tangled for control of the sky, a small flight of F-14Ns came from the north of Bekk, flying low through unoccupied territory and across the sea.

With little cover for them, they simply flew blind until they could see the fleet on their passive radars. They lit up their radars for a short time, fired off the first round of missiles, and then burst and flew along the edge of the battle, controlling their missiles long enough for the vampires to hit the ASN fleet. "VAMPIRES!" shouted a missile control officer onboard the Justus, and the Justus lit up her missile defences and her automated Short Range Missile Defence System, or SRMDS. The swarms of air-to-ship missiles burned with unrelenting fury low over the ocean towards the main battle group of the Justus and her DD-AA, DD-ASW escorts.

Their were simply too many. Three missiles from the first wave escaped the SRMDS and hit the Justus and two of her DD-AA escorts. Her AEGIS-II crippled, the battle overhead became a mess. The one advantage of Command and Control that ASAF had over the Starblaydis was lost. While there was no clear loser, there was one clear winner. With the Justus damaged and turning rapidly to get into port, Lake Bekk was under control of Starblaydia, for now.

Crystilakere Straight

In the cover of a cold night, the Winston Churchill coursed through the water at a strong 45 knots. The fleet was a large one, containing one of the three Graham-class hyper-carriers that housed almost 300 aircraft and contained huge command and control centers for the fleet. Supported by land based AWACS E-7 Lookouts, the fleet was on course to the Casaran portion of the Nemyan Straits with the Pacifica in her sites. With NF-11 Limassol jets flying point and B-8 Kearny-V bombers ready to support, this fleet was ready for the engagement. After hearing the reports of the battle in Lake Bekk, Admiral Justonic stood fists tightened around the railing on the observation platform the surrounded the fleet command and control center. He would make Starblaydia pay for this.

Legalese City, Former Legalese

Once a great city, Legalese City has been abandoned after Starblaydi-ruled Legalese had been granted its independance. Now merely a husk of concrete and glass, there wasn't much left of the population. Maybe a hundred, two hundred thousand at most, but they were very poor. The city though, made for an excellent command and control post, and was the headquarters for all of the 10th and 13th Army Groups in all of Former Legalese, both the Republic and Legalese de jure. As the Starblaydi war machine moved into Legalese de jure, the HQ got the word through outlying contingents as they were slowly overrun one by one. Soon, Major General/3rd Hosea Dodimakos had the HQ preparing to move house, burning papers and destroying unneeded or unwieldy equipment. Elements of the 23rd Armoured Division were moving up along with the 1st Artillery Division and the 151st Airbourne Light Infantry Division to defend the HQ as it prepared to move.

It was a race to Legalese City, and now it was merely a chance of whether the 10 & 13 Army Group HQ could move in time.

This post has been edited by The Lowland Clans on Oct 5 2006, 07:15 PM
The Lowland Clans
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Posted: Oct 5 2006, 09:02 PM
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A message, a written message, was received by all the nations involved in the war.

In the letter it emphasised how deplorable acts of war are and blamed both sides of the conflict. It emphasised the neutrality of the government in this situation and had said that is was uncomfortable with the war being where it is in relation to the nation and curiously the letter ended with the word "Farewell" which was all on it's own.

A few days later the mice dissappeared from Atlantian Oceania and appeared in another region all together.

(OOC: Thought I'd spread myself a bit more widely than AO, Miceland is now no longer in AO. and can be removed from the map)
Scribe in Training
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Posted: Oct 5 2006, 09:59 PM
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The reports were confirmed; the population of the former Southern Islands turned former Miceland was leaving in droves, by the millions. The site of Nedalia's first ever military battle was being vacated by its most recent inhabitants, perhaps overwhelmed by their mystery and mystic. Whatever it was, Commander Horacio was not going to have them used against Nedalia. He picked up the phone, connecting directly with the President of Nedalia.

"...inform the Parliament we're going to take actions now and review them later. The Southern Islands will be swept in under 24 hours."

The next phone call was to Nisr Army Base in Kensington and Barroudi Army Base just outside of Brellane. In the next 2 hours, 23,000 troops were going to land on the northern shore of Temple Island and 14,000 were going to sweep East Island from the east to the west...
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Oct 5 2006, 10:12 PM
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Frustrated at the lack of a reply, James Martin-Gibson hit REDIAL on his phone.

"Starblaydi Envoy's Office, Hubana. How may I help?"

"Lady, you get the Envoy to my office as soon as possible, please. This is a matter that has been dealt with by Parliament. I don't want to compromise our relations with Starblaydia, but if he refuses to show then I'll have to consider other work-arounds."

Angrily, he slammed down the phone and waited.
Senator in Training
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Posted: Oct 6 2006, 12:33 AM
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The news that attacks had occured on SDL forces spread quickly throughout the alliance.

Lamonian Army and Civil Gaurd troops were ready, and five divisions of Lamonian infantry had boarded LamoniAir aircraft. Their destination: Bazalonia. They would then link up with Bazalonian units, and be sent to wherever they would be needed. Lamoni would send what troops that it thought could be spared, but they had to keep a sizeable defensive force ready to use against Nojika; in case Brakiss awakened from one of his "Thousand year naps." To this end, a military draft was commenced, and the draftees were now going through basic training. The move would allow Lamoni to feild millions more troops than it had in the regular Army and Civil Gaurd. They should at least be able to hold off Nojika at the border, though it would be a bloodbath.

In his last act before he retired, President Stone had secured a affirmative vote of the Lamonian Senate for a declaration of war against the nations that had declared war on the Alliance of Nine States. All that remained was to send the Starblaydis the relevant message.

To: Lady Viannor, Starblaydia
From: President Stone, Lamoni

This note is to inform the Starblaydi government that the Free Republic is hereby at war with the SAAS nations attacking the Alliance of Nine States.  We find your clumsy propaganda ploy involving the (fake) Lowland Clan soldier insulting; and can't help but wonder how someone fataly shot by a sniper could still be alive.

Current Lamonian Vice-President Andrew Stinson was sworn in as the second President of the Free Republic moments after President Stone resigned. Another message was also sent to the SDL nations informing them of Lamoni's entry into the war.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Oct 6 2006, 01:20 AM
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The Lamonian Troops arrived at a number of BAF (Bazalonian Air Force) bases and where greeted by a number of high level officials. Each briefed the Lamonian troops of the current status including the involvement of SAAS nations.

The Bazalonian and Lamonian Troops would be jointly deployed to defend themselves and fellow members of the SDL against the threats posed by the SAAS, Nojika, Xile, Abbatoir and Hypocria where the SAAS nations in the region. Some had stated their intent on war, and others had yet to.

Bazalonian and Lamonian strategists worked on a plan, a war strategy one that would show that the SDL would do as it's name suggest. Defend itself from the attacks of the aggressor. Meanwhile the Lamonian troops stayed in Bazalonian barracks and waited for deploment. Wherever that would be.

Meanwhile the Bazalonians where not idle either masses of Subs, carriers, AA Destroyers every kind of warship that could be thought of flowed from the Bazalonian Naval Bases into the waters around Bazalonia. Almost choking the seaway with it being so full of Bazalonian ships. No ships that where not sure of their friendly status with the Bazalonian Navy stayed well clear and where well aware that in misunderstandings could mean ships be sunk. The Bazalonian Navy by their sheer presence effectively blockaded the area, preventing transportation by water from the Taaru Sea and the Secocia Sea.

The BAF was also active with a number of air-superiority fighters flying in the skies being alert and looking out for any sneaky aircraft that may or may not be stealthed.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Oct 6 2006, 02:14 AM
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President Porfirio Trahin was glad to have all the political maneuvering over and done with, and the order of the day returned to the best interests of Myrtannia. He wondered idly for a momeny what his predecessor, Sean Holton, would have done had he enjoyed more support from the National Congress. Truth be told, there wasn't much the Myrtannian armed forces could have done even if the United Isles had joined the war. Intelligence estimated that the Starblaydi military was something on the order of eight times as large as the entire Myrtannian armed forces. Even if he added in reserves and National Guard, there was no way that any UIM force would've contributed much of anything to the conflict.

He stood in the Triangular Office, the chief executive's work station in Sandstone House - the Myrtannian President's traditional home while in office. President Trahin was still getting used to the idea of permanantly living in Halosen, since he was originally from Ramalah Province. His family would be moving into Sandstone House within the next few days, but for now it was quite solitary. Issues of state kept him busy, as he pieced together his own cabinet.

In order to ease the transition of power, he had asked most of Holton's cabinet to stay on in his administration. The ministers of Education and Finance had both agreed to, and the Minister of Defense had also consented just an hour ago. President Trahin had also convinced Minister of State and Foreign Affairs Akbar-Maheed to become his Vice President, cementing the cabinet. He intended to decide on a new Minister of State and Foreign Affairs soon, but for the moment Vice President Akbar-Maheed would continue to handle that department.

As he looked out the window over the Halosen Grand Mall, he nodded; his move to keep the UIM neutral in the War was going to be the right decision. No Myrtannian lives would be sacrificed in a senseless bloodbath of a foreign war. Trahin intended to send a few more units into Yihsrael to help the Yihsraeli Army secure the land as the Temple Rededication drew near. As an observant Jew, Trahin felt it was something he had to do to help his siblings in faith.

Just then, his musings were interrupted as the Minister of Defense stepped in, looking a bit worried. Of course, with the whole region going to war, any Defense Minister would be daft or insane not to be worried. Not that anyone would attack the United Isles, but he couldn't help but be overcautious.

"General Sha'Kar, please come in. What is it that troubles you at this late hour?" President Trahin asked cordially.

"Mr. President, I have some... startling news," Tariq Sha'Kar spoke, "Regarding our own forces."

"Well, what is it that is so startling? Armed engagements with Rightist elements in Yihsrael?" he responded with more questions.

Sha'Kar shook his head, "No, sir. I've just recieved a letter from a Lt. General Belkowitz, an officer in the United Isles Commandoes. She.. she feels it necessary to inform us that she, along with a good fifth of the UICs believe it their duty to assist SDL efforts against Strategic Alliance aggression. If we do not allow her contingent of the UICs to link up with SDL forces... if we don't, they'll defect to the Free Republic of Lamoni."

"And betray their oath to protect the United Isles? She feels that strongly?" Trahin gasped in shock.

"By her words, yes. I've had a talk with the commander of the UICs, and he says that if Belkowitz insits on something, she'll keep on insisting until she gets it. A very stubborn soldier," Sha'Kar sighed.

"A fifth? That's about... what, 200,000 Commandoes?"

"Yes, sir, Mr. President."

"Very well... tell her that the United Isles remain vehemently neutral, but she will be allowed to take her contingent to the Free Republic as volunteers for the Lamonian Army or something. Let her figure out the exact title they want," Trahin sighed himself, "I have a speech to the nation and the region coming up soon... one less thing to worry me won't hurt. May God help her Commandoes. Thank you for sticking with me despite Holton's fall, General."

"I serve Myrtannia first, Mr. President. That's my first and foremost duty," Sha'Kar replied with a slight bow, "I shall inform the Lt. General of your decision."


The time had come for President Trahin's first public address since taking office, and it was set up to be broadcast to as wide an audience as possible. Not just the entire nation, but the entire region, would be able to pick up the broadcast if they wished to. Myrtannia's Ministry of State and Foreign Affairs also sent out a similar statement via the diplomatic routes. As the cameras rolled, Trahin launched into his speech.

"Good evening, my fellow Myrtannians, and all peoples of Atlantian Oceania. As you are all quite aware, a major armed conflict has been initiated between powers of the Strategic Alliance of Autocratic States and the Strategic Defense League, of which Myrtannia is a member. Hostilities have already been exchanged between Starblaydi and Lowland Clans forces, and more nations join the conflict every day. Lamoni, our trusted neighbor, has joined the confligration of conflict this past day," Trahin began solemnly.

"You may also be aware that in the past 48 hours, changes have transformed the Myrtannian government to an extent. Sean Holton has been voted out of office, and I have taken up the duty of leading our beloved and united isles. In the interest of national security, the United Isles of Myrtannia is hereby declaring neutrality in the current conflict, to remain in place until all hostilities between the warring parties has come to an end."

"To this end, and despite our continued membership for the moment in the SDL, no foreign craft of a military nature will be allowed within the territorial skies or waters of the United Isles. Violaters of this policy will be dealt with swiftly and decisively by the Myrtannian Air Force and United Isles Navy, forcefully if necessary, and regardless of the crafts' nation of origin. I have also authorized the Myrtannia Defense Force to assume defensive positions alll across the UIM. We will not join the hostilities, but if attacked we will defend our homeland to the death. To the last man, woman, and child."

"We urge all warring parties to cease hostilities and come to a mature, reasonable understanding between one another. Simply declaring war and assailing fellow members of the family of nations strikes us as immature, childish, and vastly destructive. It is detrimental to our community of states that comprise the makeup of Atlantian Oceania, and to all ways of life. To see our region sullied by this failure of adults to be adults saddens us beyond measure. But in the end, we have faith that reason will persevere."

"To my people I say only this: I personally and solemnly swear that so long as I am your President, Myrtannia will not enter into any armed conflict unless directly attacked. No Myrtannian blood will be spilled on far off foreign lands that have never threatened or thought of threatening us," Trahin concluded, "Peace shall reign in the United Isles, as it will some day once more in our troubled region. God shall guide us all in these dark days, and there will someday be light at the end of the tunnel. Good night, and God Bless the United Isles."


Meanwhile, the UIC contingent under the command of Lt. General Saida Belkowitz was being transported to the port of Skalatur. Skalatur was the nearest port to Lamoni large enough to service the UICs, and countless civillian ships had been arranged for the job. In a few hours, the first ships were loaded to the brim with soldiers and their material, and shipped off to Lamoni. Belkowitz had participated in the actions in Atheistic Right alongside Lamonian Special Forces, and had siblings serving in the new Army of Yihsrael. She had always believed in standing up against tryants who thought they could throw their weight around, and had never liked any state of the SAAS, particularly despising Starblaydia. Why that was, only she knew. Whatever the case, her troops would soon be joining the Lamonian military as volunteers for the SDL effort. Under Lamonian command, they would avoid getting the United Isles drug into the war, and would still be able to fight against the SAAS themselves.

A statement had already been sent to the new President of Lamoni:

To: Andrew Stinson, President, Free Republic of Lamoni
From: Tariq Sha'Kar, Minister of Defense, United Isles of Myrtannia

I am writing to inform you that approximately 200,000 United Isles Commandoes are at this time heading for the Free Republic.  Their commander, one Lt. General Saida Belkowitz, wishes to volunteer her services, as well as those of the aforementioned UICs, to the Lamonian armed forces for use against those of the SAAS.  This action is not officially sanctioned or condoned by the United Isles of Myrtannia, but has the unofficial blessing of myself and President Trahin.

They are highly trained, and will be an asset to your military's efforts.  Expect their arrival at Naval Port bearing codename Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.

Tariq Sha'Kar,
Minister of Defense,
United Isles of Myrtannia

Experienced Senator
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Posted: Oct 6 2006, 02:51 AM
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TO:  Tariq Sha'Kar, Minister of Defense, United Isles of Myrtannia
FROM:  President Andrew Stinson, Free Republic of Lamoni


We fully understand the need to keep the United Isles out of the regional conflict.  You have my assurances that the UIC commandos will be treated as any other part of the Lamonian special forces.  Special Forces General Carl Lebowitz will await the commandos at naval port Whiskey Tango Foxtrot; and the commandos will be integrated into Lamonian and SDL warplans from there.  I hope to meet you in person sometime after the war is over.


Andrew Stinson,
Free Republic of Lamoni
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Oct 6 2006, 03:25 AM
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To: Andrew Stinson, President, Free Republic of Lamoni
From: Porfirio Trahin, President, United Isles of Myrtannia


You have my thanks for the clandestine nature of this event, President Stinson.  We have enough troubles at home without having to deal with the regional conflict.  Personally, I feel it is foolish and should have been left between Starblaydia and The Lowland Clans.  However, Lt. General Belkowitz feels differently, which is why she will now serve with your armed forces.

I hope to send Vice President Akbar-Maheed to Nephi on a diplomatic mission, and as part of a larger region-wide tour to discuss Myrtannian interests with foreign governments.  Granted, he will not visit Starblaydia, the Alliance of Nine, or any involved nation in the area engulfed in hostilties unless invited personally by their governments.  I may venture to Nephi myself to discuss Lamonian-Myrtannian relations in these dark days.  We must keep our friendship strong despite our difering outlooks on this war.

In Friendship,
Porfirio Trahin,
United Isles of Myrtannia


A few hours after departing, the first Myrtannian civillian ships were within sight of the Lamonian naval port 'Whiskey Tango Foxtrot'. Lt. General Belkowitz could see the blue and red Lamonian flag flapping in the early morning wind, and she grinned. Even if that sneaky opportunist Trahin had gotten himself elected President, she and her Commandoes would be able to fight the good fight. Even if that did have to be in LSF (Lamonian Special Forces) uniform and service. If they were in the fight, that was good enough for her, regardless of whose uniform they wore.

Finally, her ship docked, and she gave a last look in the direction of the United Isles of Myrtannia. Perhaps she would never see it again, prehaps she would in a few months. One never knew in these cases. Maybe she would never return to Myrtannia - she had considered for a while the possibility of applying for Yihsraeli citizenship. If she survived the war, she might end up there, then. For now, she had a Lamonian general to meet, and troops to disembark from ships.

After turning over the command of disembarking to her second-in-command, Belkowitz began looking for the Lamonian general whom she was to meet. Surely he was around here somewhere, wasn't he? She stopped looking for a moment to sling her assault rifle over her shoulder, and then removed her blue beret. Clipping that under one of her uniform's epaulettes, she sighed and felt the wind blow her black hair every which way. Finally, she spotted a Lamonian soldier and approached him purposefully.

"Soldier," she accosted him, "You find General Lebowitz and tell him that Lt. General Belkowitz, UIC, is here to see him."
Experienced Senator
Posts: 362
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Posted: Oct 6 2006, 07:31 AM
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OOC: This is all background and filler, some actual action will come in a new post

Somewhere over the eastern shore of Lake Bekk
"Nailgun leader to base," The lead pilot, Group Captain Javier "Jailbird" Jaitaii, "making final approach."

His Nightwing diversion had worked perfectly. Not only had the F-23S craft remained stealthy until going active with their weapons' radar, but their frontal assault had also distracted the group well enough to unleash the flight of F-14s and their air-to-ship missiles against that damn super-AEGIS cruiser. Though it hadn't been sunk, any advantage the Allied States had because of it's power was now gone. Score one each for the first strategic and tactical victories in this war. The Bekk was now a level playing field. Level in that Starblaydia now had the edge.

The F-14s hadn't come close enough to be in range of any retaliatory fire, but his Nightwings had suffered. An entire wing, his wing, had been sent on that mission, seventy-two planes making up the active arm of the 23rd Superion Wing, just one of thirty-six Superion wings stationed around the region. Twelve of his planes, and most probably their pilots, would not be returning to their airfield in Gar-Hallad. Search and Rescue Helicopters from both sides would be en route to the battle zone even as he had turned and headed for home.

Djacor-Rysonia, Chacor
"Oh for crying out loud," Inquisitor Portisso exclaimed to himself, "the region has gone to hell in the proverbial handbasket, we're fighting half the sodding region, I'm co-ordinating the occupation but not the withdrawal of Starblaydi troops from Djacor-Rysonia, hiding the fact we instigated the plague there and also trying not to get shot at by Sarzonian or Nine States' forces. But, but," he was really irritated, "obviously all these things have to come lower in my list of priorities than chatting to some Chacoran tosser!"

His staff merely let his wave of expletives wash over them, as it had so many times before. Starblaydia controlled the main port cities of Djacor-Rysonia, using them as holding pens for their landing craft and a few ships to defend them. The Atlantis Fleet had, quite predictably, buggered back off to Starblaydia and left them rather helpless, being on the wrong side of a rather-large Lowland Clans fleet, presumably heading north for Starblaydi waters. Portisso sighed.

"What's this guy's name?" He asked.

"James Martin-Gibson." The reply was swift, the question expected for a while.

"Great." Portisso replied with an accepting sigh. "I'm on my way."

Jhanna, Starblaydia
"Oh?" Viannor joked, "And what might this be?"

She sifted through the pile of papers on her desk and produced the message from the now former President Stone. The Inner Council, now in their role as a Council of War, looked on in amusement.

"A telegram, it appears," she exclaimed, "from one has-been national leader, no less! Some old fellow called Matthew Stone, it appears! He's aged far too old for his own good, from a little town called Nephi, Lamoni, by all accounts. Let's see what he has to say, shall we?"

She read the message aloud:

QUOTE (Matt Stone)
"This note is to inform the Starblaydi government that the Free Republic is hereby at war with the SAAS nations attacking the Alliance of Nine States.  We find your clumsy propaganda ploy involving the (fake) Lowland Clan soldier insulting; and can't help but wonder how someone fataly shot by a sniper could still be alive."

The entire room chuckled, even the KERES agents standing at ease inside the doors, ever guardians of their nation's leader, even more so now. There was a single face that was not amused, however, that of the Foreign Minister, Lord Isaac Chisoko. He had seen... what had he seen? He didn't know any more, it all felt like a bad dream, even his work and now his life was suffering thanks to his recent experience. And yet here she was, sitting at the head of their table, laughing and joking at an old man's expense.

"Why is it," Viannor asked, "that when we do give out propaganda, they respond to it as if we were telling the truth, and then when we finally do give out the truth, they react as if it was paltry propaganda? There are some odd people in the world."

"Perhaps you are a clone, my Lady," His Holiness was inspecting his new manicure, ever ready with a witty retort.

"Not a daemon, Phillipou?" Viannor raised an eyebrow in jest. Isaac cringed.

"May I suggest, my Lady," Lord Orfosi, Minister of Defence, spoke up, "that we initiate Operation Cry Wolf?"

Viannor laughed at the name they had given for it, and nodded her head.
Also available in purple
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Posted: Oct 6 2006, 09:21 AM
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His intercom buzzed.

"Inquisitor Portisso is here, Mr. Prime Minister."

Gibson sighed. The sooner they got Thomas Douglas out of office, the better. He never was either here or there, always in Liverpool England when he was needed in Chacor, and in Chacor when he was needed in Liverpool England. The sooner he became Prime Minister, the better. "Let the Iniquisitor in."

"Inquisitor Portisso," Gibson began, shaking his hand. "I am sorry to have had to bother you. I trust you have had a good flight from the depths of Djacor-Rysonia." Without waiting for Portisso to speak, he continued, "I'm sure you know what this is about. Your country is at war. We are directly across a body of water from the country your nation is at war with. Let me make this clear, Inquisitor. Our nations have friendly relations. I'd rather have let you and your troops just silently sit in Djacor-Rysonia, but nooo, Parliament went and passed this bill calling you up. So listen carefully.

"I shall quote the exact text of Bill 1014-C.

"The Starblaydi advisor should be summoned to the Prime Minister's office to be reminded that Starblaydia still has troops in Chacor, and that as we are remaining neutral, no military strategising should take place within our borders except on Starblaydi territory within the nation."

"The only official Starblaydi territory within our borders is the Envoy's office in Hubana. There is a relatively large build-up of Starblaydi forces here, and I do not wish that we be used as a "launching point", if you will, for any Starblaydi moves.

"Let me also reiterate, Inquisitor, that Chacor does not wish to get drawn into this conflict. I would also like to add that I am pleased that the bill requesting Starblaydi forces to leave did not pass. But it is a sign of growing dissatisfaction within Parliament of the Starblaydi presence here.

"Please remind Lady Viannor that if she had planned in any way to use the troops stationed in Chacor in this war, we will not accept being used as a launch pad for your troops' activities.

"Finally, but not least, please send the Lady the regards of the Government of Chacor, and I am sorry that this has taken your time. Oh, one more thing."

Gibson reached under his desk. "Please deliver this fine wine to the Lady, to reinforce our friendly relations, and hopefully this Parliamentary motion has not done harm to our ties."

Buzzing his intercom, he asked that Portisso be shown out.
Senator in Training
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Posted: Oct 6 2006, 11:29 AM
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Nemyan Straight, south of Casari
The Admiral of the Pacifica Battlefleet, Yanosh Clarke, was Starblaydia's most-experienced naval commander. He was the veteran of almost every naval deployment Starblaydia had been involved in over the last twenty-five years. He knew his job, and he knew his fleet's task would be to meet and defeat the Allied States Navy in the open waters to the east of Calania.

From the bridge of the Tivoli-Class battlecruiser Tiberius Starblayde, the flagship of this Starblaydi fleet, he could see what had been arrayed before him. A ASN fleet was heading towards his position, with no doubts as to their intention: combat with the Protectorate Navy.

"That Graham-class hasn't disappeared into some kind of golden fish-bowl, has it?" He asked no-one in particular, but as ever in the efficient Protectorate Navy, someone was there to answer.

"No, Sir," the Lieutenant answered curtly, "'Big-Winnie' is still right in the middle of that formation - latest satellite imagery."

"Well," Clarke replied, "there's always hope."

They probably had more planes than he did, they certainly had more cruisers than he did. Starblaydia's carrier force was dictated by not having all your eggs in one baasket, three-hundred planes may be a super-effective strike force, but if he could just take out that ship...

"Give me our numbers again, Lieutenant,"

"Yes, sir," said the Lieutenant, wondering why the Admiral wanted to hear it again, when it had probably been committed to memory,

"Two Tivoli-class fleet battlecruisers, ourselves and the Subjugator,
"Five Repulse-class large aircraft carriers containing 72 planes, A-14S and F-14N type,
"Ten Invinicible-class small aircraft carriers, containing helicopters and 12 A-14S craft,
"Three Azure-class Battleships,
"Twenty Knife-Class missile cruisers,
"Twenty Baal-Class light cruisers,
"Forty Leveller-class Destroyers,
"Thirty Greivance-class Frigates,
"Forty Tyrion-class Corvettes,
"Thirty Seawolf-class submarines-"

"That'll do, Lieutenant," Clarke said, "I think I remember the rest."

Somewhere in there, along with the other semi-secret weapons, would be Clarke's ways of stopping the Winston Churchill. Even though he couldn't afford to forget about the rest of the fleet, he'd soon see how well old Winne could fight them from the bottom of the ocean. He was interrupted by his radar operator.

"Sir! ASN Fleet moving towards operational range."

"Very well." Clarke's eyes narrowed, the battle lines had been drawn. "Launch our F-14s, ready the Sea Gryphons, and get some bloody air-support on hand from Legalese, that's supposed to be our territory now, so let's get some help from it!"

"And the Atlantica fleet, Admiral?"

"They know what we're up to, my boy, if our anvil needs a hammer, they'll be here."

The screech of aircraft taking off from ships all around them was a heartening sight for Admiral Clarke, he just hated having to waste all that fuel without giving his boys something to shoot at. This would surely be a target-rich environment.

Hubana, Chacor
"What happened, Inquisitor?"

"I..." Inquisitor Portisso was still stunned from his meeting with James Martin-Gibson, where he'd been talked at, "I don't quite know, to be honest. Whatever actually went on, I received a bottle of wine out to give to our Lady-Quaestor."

"Oh," she replied, "how lovely."

Legalese City, former Legalese
If only train schedules in semi-hostile areas ran as well as the schedules back in Starblaydia, the General thought to himself. After many days sat couped up in what seemed to be requisitioned passenger trains - such was the outdated decor - Starblaydi troops were lining up on flat, open ground, a few miles away from the outskirts of Legalese City. Any further and they'd be in danger of artillery fire, but here they seemed relatively safe. It had taken hours, but finally a servicable force was readied at this impromptu command post.

"Is that it?" The General asked.

"Affirmative, Sir," the Colonel replied, "We have an equivalent Corps strength lined up, and if we wait for any more forces the Clansmen will have retreated completely"

"Never let an enemy retreat without pressure," the General said, quoting an old Starblaydi maxim, "Five Divisions I have, so five Divisions I will use."

"In our rush to get the armoured fist to the front, we're a little light on infantry. Mostly it's mechanised but we're definitely tank-heavy. We might have to rely on precision artillery, air support and close-order fighting to flush any ASA infantry out."

"You know my orders, Colonel, roll out."

"Affirmative, Sir."

Here was the first live test in Atlantian Oceania of the A-14 Gryphon: stealthy, tailless (all the more stealthy because of it), and with a pilot and navigator, they were excessively deadly craft. Their close-support and high manouevrability would be invaluble over the streets of Legalese City. They were only the second wave, however, coming in after B-2 bombers, who's arrival was only signalled to the General by computer.

Their targets had already been chosen, not ten minutes previously, by SR-71 Blackbird craft flying at some eighty-thousand feet, who were about to become as stealthy as a city block before they dropped their cargo on the defenders.

His T-7 Gilgamesh crew revved their engines, over a thousand of them ready for action, to punch through and around the city. Mobile MLRS systems and regular shell-based artillery aimed their cargos of death towards the city, while Errant-class troop transport vehicles sat behind them.

Trains, planes and automobiles, thought the General, the explosions would be heard from the city any moment now...

Also available in purple
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Posted: Oct 6 2006, 02:47 PM
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Air Combat Center, Winston Churchill, Crystilakere Straight

Admiral/1st Bill Xavier was one of the highest ranking officers in the Allied States Navy. He commanded Fleet A1, the most powerful military strike force probably ever to see the ocean after Sarzonia's isolation. He commanded not only the Winstion Churchill, but three other BCR carriers, a fleet of about 15 BCGs, 24 MCGs, 30 LCGs, 25 DD-AAs, 21 DD-ASWs, and 40 DD-GM and F-FAs respectively. Huge numbers of ships were in this ocean, probably a tad too many. He stood over the tactical display, which was a holographic representation of whatever he deemed necessary. Currently, the Starblaydi fleet which lay somewhere beyond the horizon. The sattelite imagery showed the fleet steaming ahead, ready to meet Fleet A1 right ahead.

Xavier knew that Starblaydi was a anti-ship navy. They were in possession of excellent cruisers and battleships, and that unless Fleet A1 could win the air battle, there wouldn't be much for Xavier to take home. He knew that somewhere out there, was another Starblaydi fleet ready to serve as the cutoff for his retreat. The ASN was not stupid, and there was a reason this action was being committed. He was never told, but it didn't take a brilliant tactician with some fleet knowledge to determine this battle was serving as cover for another fleet moving into the open ocean, keeping all of Starblaydia's watchful eyes. They also counted on him to win the victory. Which would be the hard part.

Fire Control Officer Ensign/2nd Jack Yulankavic shouted out contacts. The holographic display flashed, and showed the arrival of the Starblaydi F-14Ns and A-14S' on an approaching course. He ordered the NF-11 Limassol jets up in the air, and activated the three AEGIS-II AN/SPY-4 phased radar arrays and their supporting gear. Everything in sight was bathed with radar pulses, and the programs designed for began to do there work. Every ship, every plane, knew exactly what everybody else knew. One of the main doctrines that the ASN had built itself on was information gathering. The passive radars on ships and aircraft were the first to receive significant overhauls, refining the detection threshold to quite possibly the most sensitive that physics would allow.

He sent his frigates forward to serve as a harrassing force. They were going to try to pepper the Starblaydi fleet with smaller missiles and radar decoys, confuse them as the cruisers launched their Firestorm missiles, an old-school non-nuclear area of effect weapon, designed not to destroy by to damage, to follow the idea of one man down takes two from the fight, one man down, one man to help. He watched as the planes clashed overhead. The speed was difficult for the processing power to keep up, so he swtiched from holographic to display plate. He watched as the fighters clashed, aided by the AEGIS-II and SPY-4 and in command and control. He controlled the air battle. The Churchill was the center of the attack, and he had to keep it safe.

He had the DD-AAs and the DD-ASWs loose their active radars, no use in trying to hide them, and get their NP-7 Owls up in the air looking for those subs he knew would come. He had often wondered why he hadn't gotten any subs to combat them, but they all had to be going somewhere. The first wave of missiles from the attacking aircraft, and most of them were swatted out of the sky by the AA defences, though two got uncomfortably close to the Churchill, they had been taken out by an escort DD-GMs SRMDS. Over two hundred planes were battling over the fleet. Xavier watched the battle intently, and was probably a tad too surprised when he got the missiles reports from the west, what was now Starblaydi Leaglese.

Those B-2 bombers were tough to spot, but a good radar tech could find them. Unforutantely, he couldn't find them in time, and they were already on their way back. Three reserve DD-AAs formed a western defence flank, and Xavier wasn't happy with it. Then he saw the number of missiles coming it. He ordered that one of the E-7 Lookouts break off its current mission in the battle overhead, and direct its radars and ECMs towards the incoming missiles. He had know seen his error. He hadn't gotten his fighters up in time, and he had waited for the Starblaydis to come to him. Now he wasn't able to get his Kearny-V force in position, and was going to pay for it with lost attack power against the fleet.

The air battle overhead was turning towards the Starblaydi. As Xavier hurriedly got his remaining fighters off the deck and into the battle, the stealthy A-14S came in. They managed to get past the first wave of AA defences in the fleet, and were able to unleash their cannons and missiles on the outer ring of defence ships. As a LCG was hit, the A-14S flew turned and flew away from the fleet, knowing their surprise had been lost. Two LCGs, three DD-GMs, and 6 F-FAs lost to the first part of the air attack. Not a good way to start a battle, and Xavier certainly wouldn't let it end that way.
The Lowland Clans
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Posted: Oct 6 2006, 03:40 PM
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ooc: Jinkton City sits in the Southwest corner of Quakmybush, on the Secocia Sea

Quakmybush Naval Base, Jinkton City, Quakmybush

Colonel Robert Mackenzie sat at his desk, he knew it was coming, he knew that Quakmybush would soon be at war. The phone rang, he picked it up; "Hello?"

"Hey Robert it's Nguyễn, we need the navy mobile, the Starblaydis are advancing." Nguyễn said.

"Jesus Christ! I'm right on it." He covered up the phone and hit the alarm. "ALL NAVY PERSONNEL REPORT TO YOUR ASSIGNED SHIP, THIS IS NOT A DRILL, ALL NAVY PERSONNEL REPORT!" he screamed over the intercom. "Anything else?"

"Yes, tell the five fleet leaders to go to Bazalonia and meet up with the Lamonian and Bazalonian fleets." Nguyễn said.

"Alright, bye." Mackenzie replied.

Mackenzie let out a huge sigh. "-explicitive removed-, have I ever been dreading this day." he said. There was a beep over the fax machine as the official orders came in. "All five fleets report to Bazalonia where there will be Lamonian and Bazalonian ships waiting. Shoot any hostiles, and never give up." Mackenzie said. With that he was off to his bridge on the NSS Revena, the pride of the Quakmybushian Navy.
Dedicated Scribe
Posts: 84
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Posted: Oct 6 2006, 04:21 PM
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Official announcement from the Imperial Palace:

Today at 14:36, Army Group A boarded the trains for transport to the front.  Army Group B followed at 15:49, and Army Group C followed at 17:04.  Army Groups D-I to follow tomorrow, and I-N the day after.

Loçñalkyo, Oberep Province, Empire of Footballia

Priña-Klaons Gar Firt grumbled as he boarded the shiny, new train. When he signed up for the Footballian National Army, he had expected to stay in for a bit, maybe shoot some rebellious Rorçn, but that was basically it. Not fight a war across Lake Bekk. He wasn’t a very patriotic Footballian. Sure, he thought it was a great country. Torm XV was an incredible national figure, powerful army, good allies. He didn’t really want to defend his country anyway, much less defend Starblaydia. He certainly agreed that if they did not destroy the menace across the lake then the Overlord could be shot next. Then the siren blared, and he sat up, listening intently to all the orders that would begin to come over the intercom, desparate to miss none.


Listening to some statistics over the train’s intercom, Gar found it ironic that the FNA, which was technically merely a force to augment the Starblaydi Army, was actually sending several million more troops to Legalese. He decided to sleep, and stretched out on the bed, visions of glory dancing in his head.

Somewhere near the Starblaydia-Legalese Border

Gar awoke to the sounds of the sirens going off, and booming voices yelling at troops to get ready to get off and start marching. As he hurried to get his stuff, he wondered how long he had slept, whether he would ever find out by going back, and most importantly, when he was going to eat. He was famished.

This post has been edited by Footballia on Oct 6 2006, 04:45 PM
Dedicated Scribe
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