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Bedistan in Chaos
Posted: Mar 12 2005, 10:55 AM
PMEmail Poster
January 19, 2070
Cdredika, Kiúsagad, Bedistan

Nobody ever saw them coming. The Bedistan Intelligence Agency (BIA) was already rather lax, having had no international incidents to contend with in at least a quarter century. And surely there was little reason to keep an eye on Tingitana, which had almost no government to speak of and therefore certainly could never launch any kind of organized offensive. Anarchists wouldn't work together.

Apparently, these were not your typical anarchists.

Over the past twenty years, several of the wealthier Tingitanan citizens had successfully managed to gain control of old Khiousagahd military supplies, including aircraft. Some were working as insiders in the Bedistani military, and therefore knew that nation's defense force to have grown extremely weak through disuse. In fact, they were still using antiquated vehicles from sixty-five years ago! This past November, the anarchists finally decided they had enough firepower to give it a shot.

Give what a shot? Why, the complete and total takeover of Bedistan, of course. A long time ago, Tingitana had been a colony of Bedistan, and when the latter granted the former independence, they were left with such a weak government that they could not possibly find any means of territorial expansion. Now over three and a half billion people were attempting to live on land meant for just a few million, and things definitely weren't working out. The time had come.

Cdredika fell easily, and after leaving a token defense force, the anarchists headed west toward the provincial capital of Khikhi. If they could take Khikhi, they would have a major advantage in the battle by cutting off the three southern provinces from the rest of Bedistan. And this wasn't even close to the full attacking force. More would come, spilling into what would hopefully be the former Bedistan like water bursting through a dam.

[OOC: Bedistan is the parent nation of Pedriana, finally joining it here in AO. This RP is to explain why Bedistan left its old region. Anyone that wishes to join in may do so, with the proviso that Tingitana (another of my puppet nations) *must* win this conflict.]
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Mar 12 2005, 11:51 AM
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January 20, 2070
Columbia, Federal District, Bedistan

Bedistani president Patrick Morgan sat in his office in the Executive Mansion. He was obviously worried about the Tingitanan attacks in the south, yet at the same time he also seemed calm.

"So what should we do, sir?" Vice-President Dean Willis seemed far more agitated; indeed, he looked like he was going to burst. Willis was a Southerner himself, having grown up in the suburbs of Hendersonburg. "We can't let the anarchists keep going!"

"That," replied Morgan, "is exactly what they want us to think. They want us to meet them head-on at Khikhi with a full force, and while we're occupied there, they'll launch another offensive somewhere far away, like Eagle's Rest or Port Lusambo. The trick is not to play into their mind games. Let them come. Lull them into a false sense of security. Even if Khikhi falls, it will work to our advantage. They'll sweep into the south, and then we can begin amassing forces on the Notelara Plains. We'll cut them off from their supplies and starve them out."

"Mr. President," Willis responded coolly, "this is not a medieval castle siege we're talking about here. There are nearly a billion people living down there, you know that? And these anarchists aren't going to care one whit about who gets killed for their motives. If you proceed with that plan, you could well be signing the collective death warrants of a quarter of this nation's population. Do you really want to live your life having to carry that around in your mind?"

"I know what I'm doing, Dean. In just a few weeks everything will be back to normal."

January 22, 2070
Khikhi, Kiúsagad, Bedistan

The invaders found themselves extremely surprised at the near total lack of Bedistani resistance. "Those folks up in Columbia must be absolute idiots," remarked revolutionary leader Seko Umo. Casualties were very minor, numbering only in the double digits because the citizens of Khikhi were to scared to leave their homes. Umo's radio broadcasts also helped matters. "We are not here to remove you or displace you," they decreed. "We simply wish to live among you in peace."

Vice-President Willis continued to try to talk some sense into President Morgan, but the latter continually reassured him that everything was going to plan. Willis, not buying it, was beginning to re-establish his contacts in the military to try to get something done before it was too late.
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Mar 12 2005, 12:13 PM
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February 15, 2070
Columbia, Federal District, Bedistan

The news reports were getting more depressing every day. The list of cities under Tingitanan control sounded like somebody was just looking at a map of Bedistan and reading off the name of every city they saw. Cdredika, Khikhi, Beaagkh, Tallahassee, Van Diemen, Ijsselmeer, Kilkenney, Hendersonburg...the list goes on. Effectively, all of Bedistan's Southern Continent holdings save Notelara were in the hands of the anarchists. And virtually nobody lived in Notelara.

Vice-President Willis continued to implore President Morgan to send aid to the south, but he wouldn't listen. Willis even threatened to go to the Legislature and ask for impeachment, a threat which Morgan simply laughed off. He had other things to think about...


It was 2:30 in the morning and everyone in the Executive Mansion was asleep. Everyone except the President, that is. He was in his office in his pajamas with a mischievous grin on his face. He flipped the switch to activate the communications panel. After a few seconds, the head of someone wearing red and black faded into view.

"How is the plan going, Patrick?"

"Going very well indeed, Seko, very well indeed. My subordinates are really quite stupid and don't realize what's happening. Dean just thinks I'm an idiot and wants to impeach me, but he doesn't suspect any involvement."

"So what is the next step?"

"Well, I have to do something to keep people placated. I'll be moving troops down into Notelara, but they won't pass the Kiúsagad border. Meanwhile, you should come in where nobody expects it. Send a moderately-sized force to Metrewalk, on the northwest coast. Make sure you have a larger force still in reserve in Tingitana, though. The main event is going to get underway soon."
Royal Scribe
Posts: 108
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Posted: Mar 12 2005, 05:49 PM
PMEmail Poster
March 12, 2070
Dennis, Sutelara, Bedistan

The people of Dennis could only watch. Just three days ago, President Morgan had ordered the entirety of Bedistan's air force out to Port Lusambo, where the anarchists were currently attacking. And even though Tingitana had already gained control of the whole of Bedistan on the Southern Continent as well as much of former Lontorica and Silverbrook, still the President did pretty much nothing. He surely could have called on Commerce Heights for help (well, technically, any of various corporations in that nation; the "government" itself had little or nothing to do with national security). Was it pride? Most thought so, though some were finally beginning to realize what was truly happening.

Impeachment proceedings were preparing to draw to a close with about an 80% probability that Morgan would be forced to resign. He had already stated, though, that he would do nothing of the sort, claiming it would "compromise the integrity of our borders even further" and that it was always best "not to change horses midstream".

Dennis was the closest major city to Columbia, the national capital. But despite that, security seemed about as weak as it could possibly be. Local police forces did their best to hold off the Tingitanans and maintain order, but it was not to be. Within two days, Dennis was in enemy hands, and they were obviously headed southwest to the capital.


March 15, 2070
Columbia, Federal District, Bedistan

The nation sat in mourning as President Morgan's funeral procession fully occupied national TV coverage. He had fallen victim to a lone gunman's bullet the night before, the man claiming he committed the act "for the good of the country".

This, of course, meant that Vice-President Dean Willis would ascend to the presidency. Many doubted his courage and strength, but those who believed Morgan to be in cahoots with the enemy were certain this was the very turning point they needed.

The problem wasn't Willis' strength, though. There was a Bedistani law stating that no presidential decree could be overturned by another president within one year except in a situation of crisis. While of course this was a situation of crisis, it seems that Morgan's underground network branched out a long way, and President Willis met great opposition in the Legislature. There seemed to be no way he could get any significant military force back to the capital to deal with the imminent threat.

And finally it struck.

At 3:00 that afternoon, the first wave of Tingitanan forces entered the capital. At that point, Willis said something to the effect of, "Sod the Legislature!", and personally ordered all available personnel to assist in Columbia's defense. Much of Columbia had been destroyed by the time forces had returned from Port Lusambo. For a while, they pushed the invaders back quite a long way, this being the first effective resistance seen so far. But the sheer number of anarchist forces finally overwhelmed the Bedistani defense, and the flag of Tingitana waved over Columbia by midnight.

At 1:19 on the morning of March 16th, all radio and television frequencies were interrupted by a special presidential broadcast.

"My fellow Bedistanis...

"We have fought for two months against the invading Tingitanans, who came from absolutely nowhere to surprise us. They have taken control of the whole of the south, the Jativan Islands, all of former Lontorica and Silverbrook, and tonight their flag flies at the Capitol Building in Columbia. Our forces have been absolutely depleted due to the very bad judgment of former president Morgan. At this juncture, we are left with no other option than to accept defeat.

"Effective immediately, all holdings of the Grand Dominion of Bedistan are subject to a mandatory evacuation. Every Bedistani citizen is expected to leave the country immediately. There are cargo and passenger vessels from Vilita, Starblaydia, Druida, and Pedriana, as well as those we still have remaining, that are prepared to take us all. All of our current land shall be sacrificed, and we will move to new land specially reserved for us in Atlantian Oceania.

"Once again, this is a mandatory evacuation, effective immediately. I urge you to waste no time in this procedure. Thank you for your cooperation."

And so the exodus began.
Royal Scribe
Posts: 108
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Posted: Mar 12 2005, 07:02 PM
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George Williamson sat in the corner of the Lamonian retreat, unsure of what to do next. Now that The New Atlanticans were coming to the meeting, he had no need for the contact device which he was carrying. Even worse, he couldn't find the number for Ghostbusters! The only thing that would solace George at the moment was the Lamonian vodka, with the promise of New Atlantican Wine for later.

Suddenly, George's device rang. "Hello?" he said into it, slightly bewildered.

"George, Marcia here." the voice of the Consul's secretary said. "Can you connect me to Marcus? I have some information he may want to know."

"Well Marcia, since I'm here too, why don't you tell me what it is."

"George, it has nothing to do with there. It's about the nation of Bedistan, which seems to be relocating."

"Alright Marcia, I'll grab Marcus." George did so, handing the device to Marcus Davies.

"Marcia? Marcus here. What's going on"

"Marcus, it appears that the Bedistanis are moving. Specifically, they're coming to Atlantican Oceania, where they intend to settle."

"Bedistan? Figures, all the great soccer teams want to be here in AO. Next thing you know, the AOCAF will be the World Cup."

"Marcus, you're missing the point here. It's been rumored that they might be open to joining forces with us, Lamoni, and the others. We should offer them some help."

"Oh, right. Okay, Marcia, write them a letter."

Marcia sighed. "Marcus, there's a quicker way. You know the device you're talking on? Use it to send the message to the Bedistani President yourself."

Marcus scratched his head. "Yes Marcia, I knew that. Keep holding down the fort, dear."

Marcus hung up, and turned to George. "Williamson, do you know how to work this thing?"

"Sure do, Consul. What do you need?"

"Alright, send a message from me to Bedistan. Let them know that we can help them out with their move- no need to grab a U-haul."

"Right away, sir." George began working, presenting the message to Consul Davies in moments:

President Willis,

I happen to have a few ships in our port of Numalia.  If you need additional transport, I can offer their use.  Welcome to Atlantican Oceania.


Marcus Davies
Senate of Legalese

"Good work, George!" said Marcus. "Now get that to Willis ASAP!"
Back in Black
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Posted: Mar 12 2005, 07:42 PM
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"Another Helicopter-load is coming in now, Sir,"

"Good, how're our medical supplies holding up?" asked the Commodore as the chopper touched down and Bedistanis were helped to disembark.

"Pretty good, Sir," his Lieutenant replied, "the Repulse is a big lady."

The Nimitz-Class Aircraft Carrier and her accompanying Battle Group were in Bedistani waters. Waters that were rapidly becoming Tingitanan Arnarchist waters. Overheard were his planes, Tomcats and Hornets, flying in pairs as they covered this evactuation. Attached to the Repulse was a huge variety of Landing Craft, Helicopter Assault ships and other large Cargo vessels, all helping to move as many people from Bedistan as possible. The Repulse was co-ordinating most of the Atlantian Oceania relief efforts as they moved these refugees.

"Can we move them all, Sir?"

"We can but try, Lieutenant."
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Posted: Mar 12 2005, 08:17 PM
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(OOC: A few lines are references from my RP in the Alliance thread)

Somewhere aboard a plane, just landed in Lamoni....

"Uh... Felix?"

"Yes, Timiz... I know, you need this mess cleaned up."

"Uh... not really. See this?" (Holds up cell phone)

"Yes, of course I do, I'm not blind, you know."

"Not the phone, moron! The text message on the screen!"

Mr Ozerkakhov,
E govt. in Chacoria has just informed me tht u've been reposted 2 a new AO nation.

"Uh, Timiz, what the slani hell does that mean?"

"You don't understand text language?"

"No, not really..."

"I've been sent to (reads message further).... Bedistan. They've just arrived in AO, and apparently are sortof under attack. I'm going there immediately to see how the Chacorians can help."

"So who's joining me?"

"You'll be alone, Fellix.... Congrats on being the new Chacorian Consul to Lamoni."

"And you? You're leaving for Bedistan wearing that..... thrown-up on shirt?"

"I'm afraid so. See you back in Chacor!"
Senator in Training
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Posted: Mar 14 2005, 09:51 PM
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The evacuation was going well. Nearly forty percent of the Bedistani people had already been removed from Terranordalis, and three-quarters of those were at least somewhat settled in their new home. Civil engineers in the new land were working like never before to rebuild the cities and the links between them, hoping to make the new Bedistan as much like the old as possible, only flipped 180 degrees such that what was once north was now south. Additional support from nations such as Legalese, Starblaydia, and Chacor was helping greatly to expedite the process.

Many were nearly tempted to turn around and go back, though, after they saw the press conference made by the CEO of former neighboring nation Commerce Heights. They wanted so badly to go in and pull a Tingitana on them, but managed to restrain themselves.

The CEO's speech was as follows:

"Today, an unorganized Tinigtanan militia captured the former Bedistani capital of Columbia, defeating the corrupt socialist regime that had ruled there for nearly a century. Although Bedistan was a powerful ally, no friendship can erase the terrible crimes committed on the people of Bedistan, Jativa, Sokojito, Sokojiwa, Khiousagahd, Silverbrook, Karacos, and Lontorica. Tingitana has put an end to these crimes, freeing over 3 billion from tyranny and oppression. Today, the 21st of September, shall forever be remembered as a great triumph for freedom. It will be celebrated by the former Bedistani people as the 18th of May is celebrated by the Capitalizt people.

"However, we call upon the new Tingitanan nation to remember that freedom comes at a price. Powerful alliances of rogue states threaten free nations almost daily, and quite often, individuals refuse to make the sacrifices necessary for their continued freedom. The revolutionaries that created the Unified Capitalizt States, though they valued freedom as much as anyone, knew that they could not be free without a government to defend the nation and ensure that criminals that trample on the rights of others are duly penalized. Without such a government, Tingitana might fall—will fall—to terrorists and oppressive regimes.

"We urge the Tingitanan people to set aside their differences and unite under a single government, committed to preserving the freedom of Tingitana. If you take the first steps toward unity and create a delegation representing your people, we can even help prevent you from falling into the same trap as Bedistan and other nations.

"As for the people of Commerce Heights, I encourage you to venture into the new Tingitanan lands and conduct business. Now that the Bedistani regime is gone, a new free market has opened, full of opportunities."

Socialist regime? Hardly. Well, maybe in the past, about thirty years ago, before the administrations of Oliver Sloas, Esther Marchese, and the like. Bedistan had now all but abolished the personal income tax, the per capita GDP had topped 22,000 bakrani per year, and Bedistan's currency was very strong, trading for nearly two US dollars on the open market (why the price didn't go down during the evacuation was a mystery to investors worldwide). Then again, though, this was Commerce Heights, who regarded anything more regulated than their insane capitalizt society as "communist".

And as for the "terrible crimes" committed by the Bedistanis on all those ethnic groups...the groups in question probably couldn't tell you what they were. At the very least, Bedistan wasn't like the imperalistic nations like Lontorica that couldn't even abide newly annexed cities to maintain their names. Apart from the occasional Tow separatist movement in the southeast, everyone seemed to be happy with Bedistani rule.

But who really cared what Commerce Heights thought? Nobody really. Not the Bedistanis, who had long dismissed their comments as pure folly. And certainly not the Tingitanans, who were the textbook definition of anarchists that wouldn't listen to any kind of government no matter what it said. Let Commerce Heights brainwash their people. The Bedistanis had much more important things to think about.
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Mar 16 2005, 10:19 AM
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The Confedarcy of Latao congratulates Bedistan to its reformations. We see a great future for this country and its people and expect valuable, good relationships with the new free regime.

Latao is interessted in starting diplomatic relationships with Bedistan as soon as possible.
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