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Atheistic Right Missile Testing
Posted: Jul 18 2006, 02:38 PM
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Whenever a decision needed to be made in the AORDO Headquarters in Tabeck, Starblaydia, there was almost always a Starblaydi around with the authority. After all, nobody gave a rat's ass about AORDO, so locating the HQ in current President-nation Starblaydia inevitably led to more Starblaydis occupying the place than any other nationality. Even when the decisions were to be made by the 'big three' of Founder, Delegate and Chief, often the only representative of those present was a Starblaydi.

Wherever there was a Starblaydi officer, you could bet your last credit that there would be a KERES agent standing over them. The Kalonii Emergency Reaction Enforcement Service were Viannor's personal force, every single one utterly loyal to her and her alone. So, when the only person picking up the phone was a Starblaydi, and the person on the other end was a Lamonian requesting military aid, the KERES agent hovered and whispered and schemed, and Viannor's will was carried out by the Regional Defence Organistation.

No AORDO air support was forthcoming.

The political bull-explicitive removed- behind that curt response was far more elaborate, stating simply that AORDO was not at the beck and call of nations taking agressive action against each other and requiring backup when things became perilous for the invaders. Besides, the current action in Atheistic Right was not AORDO-sanctioned. No nation had come to Tabeck pleading for aid in defending their homeland from the Great Lion's slavering forces. The Lamonian commandos would be on their own.
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Posted: Jul 18 2006, 03:53 PM
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The captain nodded, turning to the other four who where with him and signaling them to get ready, leaned and pressed the transmit button on the radio strapped to his vest, speaking clearly.

"This is Captain Stiller, prepare to move out. Rendevous half a click outside the Lamoni base." Turning to his men, who had all readied their weapons, he smiled wryly.

"Time to go to work boys. Only in death does duty end!" Quickly they marched out into the warzone that surrounded the base, keeping a low stance in relation to the ground and taking single shots whenever they could at the advancing Atheist troops.

Just as they where making another step, a snapping hiss was heard to hit the ground just in front of the captain. Instantly causing all of his men to drop to the ground and spread out, crawling on their stomachs on the rought terrain. Slowly, the soldier to the right of Captain Stiller, grabbed his binoculars and skimmed the horizon. What seemed like hours passed before he made slowly placed his binoculars back in their pouch and pointed ahead, and off to the left.

The captain nodded and placed his right eye behind the sight of his rifle. It toke him a moment to adjust to the sight, but sure enough he saw it. Behind a series of thick foliage, and right next to some rubble that looked like it could have been a street, he saw the glint of a gun barrel.

There was to much cover, even if he could guess where the man's head was, there's no way he'd be able to get a clean shot. Cursing his bad luck, he turned to the soldier on the far right of him and motioned for him to go around. Nodding that he understood, the soldier slowly inch-wormed his way along the terrain, eventually making it to where he was at a 90 degree with the position where the sniper was.

Smiling ever-so-slightly, his rifle raised and his sights fixed, the soldier squeezed the trigger. No real audible sound could be heard from the distance where the captain and the others where, but seconds after the soldier had squeezed the trigger, a loud clatter was heard from where the sniper's gun suddenly dropped, a limp set of arms laying just next to them.

Noticeably pleased, the captain silently motioned for his men to regroup and they continued on their way to rendevous.

Once the group was back together, 10 in all, the captain turned to his comms officer. "Notify the Invictus to contact home and let them know we are going to need more than just a few elites in here. This is going to be a much bigger operation than previously anticipated."

The comms officer nodded and got on the wire as the others stode guard.

The Red Devil
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Posted: Jul 18 2006, 04:30 PM
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Berserker Flight, launched from the Naval Task Force, was making yet another flight over Atheistic Right to continue air superiority, which, after the demolition of the anti-air defenses and the obliteration of the Atheistic Right Air Force, was quite a boring job. More or less, they simply flew over the same patches over and over again, occasionally radioing in every so often to give another predictable report of no activity.

So, it was surprising for the captain of Berserker Flight when he suddenly got a call from the carrier.

"Berserker One-One, allies have begun ground invasion. Proceed to operation area and iniate reconnaissance."

"Roger, Victorious. Will proceed to operation area."

The four planes of Berserker Flight pulled away from their flight plan and towards the area, lowering their altitude to get a better view. Soon enough, the battle between the Lamoni commandos and the Atheistic Right defenders came into full view. One of the first things that the flight noticed were the Hind gunships. At first, they thought that they were SDL choppers, but they soon realized they were firing in the wrong direction for them to be SDL craft.

"Uhm, Victorious, we have visuals on a set of AR Hind gunships. Requesting authorization to engage."

It took a couple seconds, but the reply came.

"Berserker One-One, cleared to engage."

The four planes wasted little time. Within seconds, missiles began streaking towards the Hind gunships, who were pretty much dead meat. After a couple of fly-bys, all of the Hinds would be gone, skewered by the much more powerful TF-97s*. Because they were on an air superiority mission, they didn't have anything but AAMs, but they still managed to make a few strafing runs with their machineguns on the Atheistic Right ground forces before leaving the area, capable of doing little else. But hopefully they had sufficiently contributed.

*TF-97s are a Geisenfried-produced variant of the F-14, basically.
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Posted: Jul 19 2006, 12:46 AM
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Atheistic Right had gone on the attack moving towards Mrytannia, ex-SDL and current ASPIRE member. It was now no longer time to sit back and reign terror from above. The aerial bombardment only served to infruiriate the members of Atheistic Right. The Bazalonian Spy Sattelite had lost Cobra, the Minister of War and External Relations and even worse. The Great Lion had seemed to dissappeared. There seemed to be no one running the country, but the BSIO (Bazalonia's Intelligence Agency) knew that some on just as crazed was at the helm. Though they had no idea who.

The Bazalonian navy went through the straight between the Island that is controlled by Atheistic Right and towards the Atheistic Right Mrytannian border. Radio communications where sent to the Mrytannians detailing the Bazalonian plan. The Navy was to send boarding craft and land 5,000 tanks of their own as well as a million Bazalonian troops. This will take about 5 days to complete the deployment but by the time they had finished The Bazalonians should be able to aid in setting up a buffer on Atheistic Right Territory with the Lamonians who where also informed of the upcoming deployment.

This buffer force would be just a fraction of what was needed to take Atheistic Right by force, included in the force was a number of mine hunter tanks. The Great Lion was a person that would mine certain areas and kill his own troops to lure the enemy in.

Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Jul 19 2006, 01:12 AM
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The remaining hinds exploded in a explosion as Greisenfried fighters released the homing missiles at them... a couple of the missiles had been shot down by machine gun fire but another missile was launched and destroyed the Hind that had saved itself.

The maddened at the destruction of their Hinds the soldiers on the ground threw themselves into the battle with all the gusto and hate that all members of Atheistic Right had for people outside their group and in this case the group was all of Atheistic Right.

Some chopped off the heads of those that had died, didn't matter what nationality, even if it was an Atheistic Right soldier and lobbed these heads into the opposing army. A couple of Vans from the nations leading provider of Soylent products had turned up in the area. The Plan was to take the bodies of all opposing armies and advertise on the following basis "Do you bit for the war... And Eat the enemy."

They expected large amount of profits from the promotion, and since the nationalities actually respect war dead, it was seen as another way to get one ontop over their enemies.

One of the snipers in the trees noticed the Khazaron shot, well the consequences of it, he just so happened to have his scope at the moment aimed at that sniper in particular, you could never tell what side any 'Rightist' was on when they had a weapon and could get away with a kill. He swong the gun around looking for the source of the attack and noticed the Khazaron forces heading to a rendevous. IT was quit a distance away and it would require perfect aim, he identified who he thought to be the highest ranking officer and utilising the sparse tress and rubble, rubish and the occasional portion of grass judged the wind conditions, combining in the subject was moving this was going to be difficult.

He aimed his sight taking into account wind, and movement and after about a few minutes of aiming let a shot go. Going straight towards the head of Captain Stiller.

However before this the team had come across an Atheistic Right civilian, a pregnant female. She was been shot in both shoulders and when she saw the Khazaron's pushed herself back away from the approaching troops fear was in her eyes. She tried to get up but couldn't... Fear was in her eyes as she became face to face with the enemy
Atheistic Right
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Posted: Jul 19 2006, 01:24 AM
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OOC: can we also get the Research facility line of this RP going. Thanks Mrytannia who has made an RP in that Line of this RP but Star could you do some in that line (and anyone else who is involved in that too)
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Jul 19 2006, 10:14 AM
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The group continued to plod along for a few more minutes before coming into contact with a wounded, pregnant, female civillian. Before Captain Stiller could say anything to his men, however, one of his men, who was the closest to the female, walked over to her, in the path of Captain Stiller, and reached into a small med-kit he had strapped to his right upper-thigh. Before he could say anything to the woman, a loud ping emitted from nowhere and he fell over dead, a bullet sized wound in his forehead.

Immediately the men dropped to their stomachs again, and looked about their environs to ascertain where the shot came from. The woman, in the meantime, was scurrying away as fast as she could, perhaps thinking the shots had come from the Khazaronians. After looking for about a minute, Captain Stiller, motioned for his men to grab their fallen comrade and hoof it back the way they came.

They where able to move suprisingly fast for being crouched so low. Mainly sticking to trees and rubble, they managed to make it back to the Lamonian base without much trouble, a couple of Atheist troops making shots at them as they ran. Captain Stiller and the others managed to dispatch a few with some well-placed shots and frag grenades.

After getting back to the base, Captain Stiller made sure to secure their fallen comrades body at their section of the camp, and then ordered the comms officer to contact the Invictus, making sure they where kept aprised of the situation. It was quickly decided, that the remaining Crimson Guard members that where still out in the field, would continue with the mission as ordered. The other Guard members would stay with Lamonian forces and render support by attempting to take out enemy supply structures.

For now they would stay put while they awaited reinforcements to arrive from Khazaron.

Meanwhile in Archon City...

James Khara, along with three generals, his Minister of Defense, Minister of Internal Affairs, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Director of Foreign Intelligence, sat in a plush conference room, at the head of a mahogany table, his hands steepled and his eyes staring out around the table.

Michael Arani, the Minister of Defense, tapped his fingers against the manilla folder he had recieved that contained the comunique from their Crimson Guard force in Atheistic Right. Looking towards the Patriarch, Arani sighed.

"I think this is going to require much more than just a few special ops people to oust these nutjobs. We need to go all in." Arani said.

Khara nodded in agreement, then turned his attention to his Minister of Internal Affairs. "What reaction can we expect from the Assembly for this?" he asked.

"The feelings are about evenly split it seems." replied the Minister. "I think we can proceed without much complaining from them."

Khara cracked the first smile he had the whole meeting. "Excellent. Then proceed with deployment of forces." his attention turned to the three generals, then he pointed to the one sitting closest to him. "General Turim, I want you to command the expedition. Take along with you another 10 Crimson Guard and a generous compliment of Leviathans (Khazaronian Navy Seals basically) to help weaken the enemy's infastructure, along with the necessary amount of soldiers."

General Turim, an tan-skinned man with salt and pepper hair, and goatee, nodded, getting from his chair and giving a quick salute. "Consider it done." he said in a deep baratone voice, quickly departing the room.

Finally, Khara turned to his aide, Johnathan, who stood behind him. "Notify the SDL headquarters in Kafra, as well as the relevant parties in the involved nations in AR, that we are sending our people in to help expedite matters."

Johnathan nodded. "Right away Highness."
The Red Devil
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Posted: Jul 19 2006, 03:26 PM
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An entire Lamonian infantry division had just completed boarding their transports, and were being sent to reinforce the security zone. The more engineering minded of the special forces troops in AR were building a rough airstrip for the planes to land on. Fortunately, the trip was short enough that the planes would not need to refuel for the return trip. As the soldiers landed, they were immediately taken to the spots where they were needed the most, shoring up the Lamonian/Khazaronian/Bazalonian line. Just as the infantry units were approaching the line, they could see what looked like dots being lobbed at the allied line. In fact, these were severed heads; as they discovered when they got closer. Some of the newer members of the division were a little shaken by this, but they were brought under control by their officers.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Jul 19 2006, 05:39 PM
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"Sir!" A Venator spotter yelled at his Captain, "Those AR troops, they're now flying a Myrtannian flag."


"Orange sunburst on blue, Sir," the spotter confirmed.

"-explicitive removed-." Atheistic Right uniforms, Myrtannian flag. This was not the kind of situation that he needed: a policitally unstable one shrunk down on to a tactical battlefield decision.

"Shoot them," came a woman's voice from behind him, "you know you should."

Captain Fyreskar whirled to find a black-clad woman before him, wearing sunglasses and sporting a emotionless tight-lipped expression.

"If they are Myrtannians, Kommissar," Fyreskar knew the K.E.R.E.S. never displayed name-tags unless they had to, "you know as well as I do that it would be a shot to kick off an AO-wide war."

The air support was inbound, the political overseer was breathing down his shoulder and an under-whelming force of troops from location unknown were advancing on his position. Jay Fyreskar - incidentally the man who had shot Tiberius Starblayde, the second national leader to fall in his sights, before sending him tumbling into the Nemyan Straight - had yet another huge decision to make. It only took a few moments.

"Warning shots, fire above their heads!"
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Posted: Jul 19 2006, 11:39 PM
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There was a great commotion in the Assembly Hall, all sorts of figures ran about, scurrying this way and that. Papers where practically flying from aides hands as they rushed to pass them to their repsective Archons. Amidst the commotion, the recently elected First Archon, Tyler Anan, slowly made his way from the door on the side of the great room, down near the front, towards the podium area that was center stage of the hall.

It was a rather nice podium, ivory top and oaken base. It cost more than most people owuld hope to make in several years. On top of it sat the ceremonial gavel, the handle of which was made out of the same oak as the base of the stand, with the ends of it being a covering of ivory. The seat behind the podium/desk was a black leather office chair with a wide head-rest.

Stepping up onto the area, First Archon Anan stode behind it, gently picking up the gavel and wrapping it several times. Mics that had been placed on the top of the podium picked up the sound and relayed it through various speakers, allowing the gesture to be heard even over the cacophony of sound that was emitting from the Archons and their various groups.

"Order, order in this Assembly." Anan said with a commanding tone.

Almost as suddenly as he hade said it, the noise died down. Within a minute or two, they where all taking their seats and given the First Archon his full attention.

"I officially call to order this meeting of the National Assembly of Khazaron, to discuss the decision of whether or not to support the idea of sending our armed forces into battle." He paused for a moment and toke a quick survey of the room, noting several fidgeting expressions that looked like they wanted to say something, but where just waiting for him to give the floor. "...but..." he continued "Seeing as how this is an emergency session of this Assembly, and over such an important matter, we will limit discussion over this to the speakers of the two respective camps on the matters."

First Archon Anan turned his attention to the mid-left of the hall and focused in on a red-haired individual in a blue suit and black tie. "First the chair will here from the honorable Archon from Khatos." He motioned towards the red-haired man, who quickly stode up and nodded his head in thanks to the First Archon.

"My thanks Excellency..." he began "To put it simply, we cannot allow such a nation as Atheistic Right, which threatens the very safety of the region with their dangerous ideologies and nuclear weapons to continue on the path they have chosen. As it has been shown that they are unwilling to cooperate with the region, then drastic action must be taken. We must stand by our neighbors and allies and strike a blow against this kind of terrorism, a blow that would send a message to others like them that such actions will not be tolerated.

To that end, I urge the Assembly to vote in approval of mobilization of our forces. Thank you." The red-haired man bowed slightly, recieving quite a few claps from about half or so of the Assembly, then sat back down.

This time Anan turned towards the middle, in the second row, to a man in a black suit and tie, with a gray and balding head. "The chair will now recognise the honroable Archon from Amaria." he said as he motioned with his hand towards the gentleman.

The man smiled and rose from his seat, clearing his throat. "I'll keep this brief, but to the point. My fellow Archon mentioned how we should take a stand against such a regime to protect the peace and security of the region, that these Atheistic Righters have ignored all avenues made to them. I ask though, have we truly tried at making an open dialogue with these people, or has it just been a half-hearted effort, only doen to put on a good face?

"Instead of sending our brave men and women into battle, we must think calmly and let rational heads prevail, lest we be overcome by the same fanaticism that rules in nations like Atheistic Right and Starblaydia. Let such places serve as a warning to us that we might not become what we seek to prevent. Life is the most precious thing we have, we cannot throw it idly by. To that end, I urge this Assembly to vote against the mobilization. Thank you." The man bowed and toke his seat.

First Archon Anan rose to his feet from where he had been sitting behind the desk/podium at the front, and looked out at the faces in the Assembly Hall. "At this time we will now vote on the matter. Please make your vote by hand and bring them up front where they will be counted."

Just as the sheets where being passed out and the various Archons began scribbling down theri votes, First Archon Anan's assistant, a rather striking female with blonde hair, walked up next to him and handed him a piece of paper. Reading it, Anan's face went from slightly bored, to downright melancholy.

Taking the gavel in hand again, he banged it a few times until all eyes where on him again.

"I have just recieve a note from the Patriarch's office." he said as he looked down at the paper to take it all in again. "Due to the seriousness of this matter, His Highness, James Khara, Patriarch of the Dominion, has declared an override in this matter, declaring in favor of moblizing the troops."

Anan sat down in his chair, almost as if the wind had been taken out of him. Across the hall he could he audible sounds of disapproval.

Meanwhile, far removed from the Assembly Hall, in the port city of Aska, lines of green camoed men began boarding the transports that would soon wisk them off to the place that was quickly becoming Hell on Earth.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Jul 29 2006, 06:43 PM
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Along the AR-Myrtannia border, the MAF was focusing on providing air-to-ground support as the ground troops prepared to move in. On the Myrtannian side, what minesweeper tanks the MDF had to its name had taken up the front of the column. T-99 main battle tanks and type-97 armored fighting vehicles (loaded up with infantry) backed these up, and the lead tank flew the Sun Burst on high. Now, the mandatory national service law was making almost too much sense. The MDF was going to war, if on a limited scale.

"Green light, let's move!" a voice shouted, followed immediately by the roar of artillery. Any observed AR defensive positions between the border and the site of the battle between SDL and AR forces would be recieving Myrtannian shells now. With the MAF assisting against any enemy forces, the MDF rolled out into Atheisitic Right, headed to try and stop the apparent invasion attempt.


At the testing facility, things were getting hot quickly, and Lt. Col. Nagelkirk didn't like it one bit. Bad enough that there was another force inside the facility besides the expected Rightists, but that bad gut feeling was stronger now. Then, a volley of fire came from the facility, though it didn't seem to be aimed at them directly. Still, the Commandoes did as they were trained to do when under fire.

"They're firing! Hit the dirt!" Nagelkirk shouted out, and the ASCs all found what cover they could, and stopped advancing, "Keep waving the flag! If they're friendly, they sure aren't taking any chances."

The flag bearer was kneeling, but he kept the Sun Burst aloft, waving it frantically to try and tell whoever it was in that facility that they were Myrtannians. It wouldn't do to get shot up by a force that was trying to do exactly what the ASCs had been sent to do.
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Posted: Jul 30 2006, 06:47 AM
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A member of the Upper Escheleon of the bloodbath that is Atheistic Right politics sent a photo to everyone in the region. All nations that it knew of saw a photo.

The photo was that of one on the battlefield... A pregnant woman obviously wounded by a gun with the wound still bleeding. A Khazaronian in the dress of it's Captain. By anyone who had met Captain Stiller it would have been fairly obvious but there was no obvious item to identify the captain to anyone who didn't know. The gun was raised and certainly looked like the gun of the captain was the one that had wounded the pregant civilian along with the photo was a diatribe against Khazaron and it's allies.

"These Khazaronians and their allies, namely Bazalonia, Lamoni, Mrytannia with Geisenfried, Starblaydia and others have come here in the name of "safety and security". They come to bring order by bringing chaos, they come to bring safety by bringing war, they come to bring security by bringing instability, they come to brfing life by bringing death. They come toi bring peace by bringing war. The photo that you see was taken on the field of battle. Kharzonian commando group came across a civilian, pregnant and expecting birth. These so called 'defenders of the peace' have only come to bring death and destruction to our nation. In the seeking of improving our nations defensive capabilities these nations have came and attacked us for no reason. The only reason that we can think of is that all these nations are jealous and wish to "be the best". The only way they can do this however is to destroy those that stand in their way. In this case, the nation of Atheistic Right. We call on all nations to denounce this inhuman act and this entire invasion. We call upon every one every where to make your voice against this atrocious war. We of Atheistic Right have been too ravaged our way of life has been stopped by this invasion. We call on all nations to put sanctions on theswe nations. The nations that wish to impose their will on the region and this new trade organisation is just another way for them to impose their will on you."

The real war was no where near as dire as the letter and the accompanying letter had made out Atheistic Right's tanks and infantry are still on the attack... however the battle has started to turn in their opponents favour they are still not out of it just yet.
Atheistic Right
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Posted: Jul 31 2006, 05:18 PM
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The Khazaronian forces that had been dispatched not but a few weeks back had finally reached the waters between Lamoni and Myrtannia. Stopping for a day to notify their allies of their position and plans, they then head out to link up with elements of the Lamonian Navy and begint he systematic unloading of their forces.

First off the boats where the additional members of the Crimson Guard. They where to push forward immediately and meet up with their fellow guard members, to solidify a forward position for the infantry and armored cavalry to move in to.

The commander of the expedition, General Eric Landon, quickly made contact with his Lamonian counterpart to begin strategizing as to the best approach for them against the AR forces. Until that time, he would order the Guard units under his command to keep attacking key AR facilities, doing hit and run attacks on supply bases and communication facilities. Secondary, they where to help secure more airfields for possible use by any of the advancing parties.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Jul 31 2006, 11:06 PM
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Receiving the message from his Khazaronian counterpart, the Lamonian commanding General (Lt. General Thomas Vinson, 223rd INF.) sent an invitation to visit his command post in AR territory for the consultations. Along with the message, General Thomas sent along a picture of AR soldiers throwing severed heads (that were still bleeding from the beheadings) with a request that the photo be sent to all corners of AO. The same photo had already been sent to Lamoni, but the government had classified it until now.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 2 2006, 10:06 AM
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The Khazaronian forces were now advancing rapidly to their positions besides their Lamonian allies, giving relief in key positions where they had been hit hard by enemy fire and artillery. With what little power they could muster, the KAF began fly over patrols of the allied bases and bombers where being prepped for raids against the AR armor depots that where said to be in the area.

Not long after his men began their operations, General Eric Landon arrived at the Lamonian headquarters, escorted by five other officers dressed in camo and armed with M16 rifles. Pausing near the entrance of Lt. General Thomas Vinson's tent, General Landon held up his hand to signal his guards to stay behind. Gently lifting the tent flap, General Landon walked in.

Smiling he extended his right hand and shoke his counterparts hand firmly, his face turning grim a few seconds later. "Let's get down to business, shall we?" he said as he walked over to a map of the area that displayed the deployment of various troops and support units.

"For the initial phase of this deployment, I was thinking about using my men to reinforce yours in areas where they have been particularly stretched thin due to constant attack or artillery fire. A little rest for them should help improve our overall fighting effetiveness.

I've also set about using the Crimson Guard members I've been given to help further harrass and disrupt the enemy's supply lines. At the very least they should keep them occupied while we regroup for a major push towards their industrial centers.

What say you General?"
The Red Devil
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