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Soul Expression Looks To Gain River Access
Posted: May 28 2004, 10:56 AM
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I will agree that the expansion of Soul Expression will benefit the trade of all nations in the area. The nation of Abattoir would have easy maritime access to the nation, making trade between our two countries less expensive and much less of a hassle.
Pinprick of Apathy
Posts: 398
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Posted: May 28 2004, 12:10 PM
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QUOTE (Crystilakere @ May 28 2004, 10:55 AM)
QUOTE (Soul Expression @ May 27 2004, 08:44 PM)

Would Crystilakere please esplain how it is directly involved.

This thread has nothing to do with me, my national beliefs or the state of civil rights in my nation. This thread is about your nation expanding in order to benefit your national trade route. In expanding you will be acquiring land currently inhabited by local tribes. We would be interested in knowing what your plans were to integrate them into your nation or will they just be ignored in the name of money. By opening this trade route, your ships and people could be passing through our waterways and docking in our ports. We'd like to know what kind of people we will be dealing with, and even whether trained Soul Expression natives will be greeting us at the dock, or if they will be enslaved natives.

What waterway of yours would we be passing exactly?

As for the quality of life all our citizens enjoy, that has already been addresses and sufficiently expanded upon.
Soul Expression
Royal Scribe
Posts: 137
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Posted: May 28 2004, 12:16 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
QUOTE (Soul Expression @ May 28 2004, 01:10 PM)
QUOTE (Crystilakere @ May 28 2004, 10:55 AM)
QUOTE (Soul Expression @ May 27 2004, 08:44 PM)

Would Crystilakere please esplain how it is directly involved.

This thread has nothing to do with me, my national beliefs or the state of civil rights in my nation. This thread is about your nation expanding in order to benefit your national trade route. In expanding you will be acquiring land currently inhabited by local tribes. We would be interested in knowing what your plans were to integrate them into your nation or will they just be ignored in the name of money. By opening this trade route, your ships and people could be passing through our waterways and docking in our ports. We'd like to know what kind of people we will be dealing with, and even whether trained Soul Expression natives will be greeting us at the dock, or if they will be enslaved natives.

What waterway of yours would we be passing exactly?

As for the quality of life all our citizens enjoy, that has already been addresses and sufficiently expanded upon.

I believe any use of the canal going to the east would lead to Crystilakere waters. I don't see where you answered the question, All I see is you posting yours, and Crystilakeres National Factbook's off NationStates then slagging Crystilakere's treatment of people. That, I do not think, counts as answering the question at hand.
Posts: 1300
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Posted: May 28 2004, 05:27 PM
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It is becoming clear that the nations of Crystilakere and Vilita are filibustering Soul Expression's plans for expansion. We have explained our intentions and answered all the questions pertaining to our plans for joining the waterway, no matter how inane they were. We are continuously being asked to stae our intentions and proceedures when we already have done so on more than 1 occasion.

In view of the development of this situation, Soul Expression is losing much respect for international proceedures. It is apparent to us that there is an underlying current of anti-Soul Expression philosophies being enforced.

This being the case, a series of new proposals are being ratified for revision by Soul Expression parliament to alter Soul Expression's charter for international activities and political involvements to deal with unfriendly nations acting against us.
Soul Expression
Royal Scribe
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Posted: May 28 2004, 05:38 PM
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QUOTE (Soul Expression @ May 28 2004, 06:27 PM)
We have explained our intentions and answered all the questions pertaining to our plans for joining the waterway

Crystilakere's original post has never been answered. Your only "attempt" to answer this question was when you copied your National Description from NationStates and then added "There is no reason to believe we will behave otherwise with our land and citizens from the south....."

That response will not get you an expansion. The point of the RP for expansion is so you write the RP; Not so the NationStates coders can write it. After that paragraph you shifted your arguement to slamming Crystilakere's Description as seen only by the NationStates coders without so much as asking if those were true to the stance of the Crystilakeran government.

Had you taken the time to answer the question yourself from the start, this thread would be in the archives and your expansion, already drawn up and saved on the map, would be uploaded and official. But alas, we still await an On-Topic response from Soul Expression on the question original posed by the Armed Republic of Crystilakere.
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Posted: May 28 2004, 05:46 PM
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In a bold move,and in response to the south tribes' request to be part of Soul Expression, the leaders of the south tribes and Soul Expression met to conclude negotiations that have been ongoing for so long now. Soul Expression has agreed to annexe the area(as all public plans have displayed so far) and to grant its people full Soul Expression citizenship, with all the benefits enjoyed by the actual citizens of Sioul Expression.

Once the declaration of annexation was signed by both parties, Soul expression's newest citizens shouted with joy and launched festivities to celebrate the occasion.

People from all over Soul Expression traveled to the new part of the country to meet their new compatriots and to join reveling in the festivities.

Today, May 28th, has been declared a national holiday to accentuate the festive atmosphere.

As of now, the peoples of the south tribes will finally be able to enjoy all the benefits of being Souls, that they have desired for so long now.

Soul Expression's new citizens have expressed their worries of returning to their pre-Soul Expression situation. Hence, to ensure the new Souls' security and well being, Soul Expression has been hard at work setting up its notorious Soul Expression defenses throuout the land.
Soul Expression
Royal Scribe
Posts: 137
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Posted: May 28 2004, 06:58 PM
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Novus Atlantica moves to support this act of expansion made by the Soul Expression government. After several days of travelling and conversing amongst the natives of the proposed region to be expanded into, NANO (Novus Atlantican Negotiation Organization) agents have confirmed that these natives all welcome the "annexation".

Whether the Soul Expression government will treat these natives as real humans or slaves is debateable, but it is our belief that these natives would not be welcoming this annexation if they were to be enslaved.

:Praetor Alonius Patriclus

This post has been edited by Novus Atlantica on May 28 2004, 06:58 PM
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
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Posted: May 28 2004, 07:59 PM
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The world comment's on Soul Expression desired growth;

Vilita> The Islands of Vilita have no objection to the small acquisition of land by Soul Expression for the purpose of encouraging trade.

Aethyrea> Aethyrea has no objections to the acquisition of land by Soul Expression. I believe that the addition will increase commerce along the strait (river?) that Soul Expression and Aethyrea would share.
If this goes through, Aethyrea would like to open up discussions with Soul Expression regarding trade between our nations.
Wasnt extension to the waterway already approved?
I wasn't sure if it was, or if you would be extending your holdings to reach the sea - either way - it think its a good idea. It increases commerce.

Lieno> The Lienese government wishes to take this opportunity to support the expansion of the Soul Expression nation into the aforementioned territory. We would also like to enter into discussions to expand the trade between our great nations.

Stralphi> Although the Allied States of Stralphi is far from the proposed expansion, I feel that trade around the southern nations will also enrich the northern nations. I support this proposal.

Abattoir> I will agree that the expansion of Soul Expression will benefit the trade of all nations in the area. The nation of Abattoir would have easy maritime access to the nation, making trade between our two countries less expensive and much less of a hassle.

Additional comments:

Aethyrea> I think Soul Expression has a point. The cannel project happened over night without one iota of thought about natives or the eco-sysyem...well, at least not by the majority.
Really, who's to even say that the land in question is even inhabited? Or that the natives residing there, haven't accepted this with open arms?
Soul Expression did a fair job explaining this expansion in the opening post of this thread.

Stralphi> I have already supported the river expansion, but I wish to reiterate that the economic benefits will benefit both the new Souls, those around Soul Expression, and those all around the region.

Only Crystilakere put forth legitimate reasons for delaying our plans and costing us millions of ideas a day.

In view of overwhelming international support for our endeavor, not to mention absolute ecstacy in the peoples who have yearned for Soul expression citizenship for so long, Soul Expression has proceeded with its expected, and by many, anticipated,expansion plans.

SENN reporter on the spot:

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, Im here in the newly expanded territory of Soul Expression, by the water. Yes folks, you heard me, by the water..."
Cheers and shouts simultaneously roared across Soul Expression.
"Our new Souls are absolutely ecstatic. They've been waiting for this for so long and despite international controversy, it finally happened. So-"
He was interupted as some in the swaying crowd proceeded to empty their drinks on his head.
"He He He, as you all can see, this is one huge party! People are flocking to the waterfront from all corners of Soul Expression, to this historical site, at this historical moment, where the annexation and integration contracts, treaties and constitution ratifications were signed by all parties."
He asks someone in the crowd; " Excuse me sir, where are you from?"
"NORTH POINT, YEAH!!!" And as he said that, all his buddies chimed in with cheers for North Point. "NP!NP!" "WOOHOO!!!"
"Wow! North Point, thats the other side of the country. So, when did you and your friends arrive?"
" Well, umm, we drove down for the last signing that didnt take place but we got here 3 days late, he he, we were about to leave the next, when we heard that they were gonna sign again. YeeeeeeHaaaa!"
"He He" , he turns to interview another partier.
" And you sir, where are you from?"
"Im from right here, man. This is my home town!"
"How do you feel being a Soul now?"
"Oh, man, its great! Its like a dream we're all having. The standard of living in Soul Expression is s-I mean was so much higher than what we could hope to attain for ourselves. Now we will have better sanitary conditions, no more famines, no more worries and deaths during drought season. Aw man, I still cant beleive it. Thank you Soul Expression, thank you vey much!"
"Well on behalf of our nation, I do believe you are most welcome and congratulations."
"Thank you! WooHOOOOOOO!!!"
"Well folks, there you have it. SENN will remain on the spot for most of the festivities. It seems this party will be a long one as busloads of Souls are arriving with more people."

Soul Expression
Royal Scribe
Posts: 137
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Posted: May 28 2004, 08:35 PM
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This thread has nothing to do with me, my national beliefs or the state of civil rights in my nation. This thread is about your nation expanding in order to benefit 1)your national trade route. In expanding you will be acquiring land currently inhabited by local tribes. We would be interested in knowing what your 2) plans were to integrate them into your nation or will they just be ignored in the name of money. By opening this trade route, your ships and people 3) could be passing through our waterways and docking in our ports. 4) We'd like to know what kind of people we will be dealing with, and even whether trained Soul Expression natives will be greeting us at the dock, or if they will be 5) enslaved natives.

1) Not just my trade routes, every nation in the area will benefit from this. replied already, many times. besides, u chose to overlook a whole paragraph. not to mention the submarine exploration part

2) They will be fully integrated with equal rights to present Souls. already mentione repeatedly

3) you assume that we want trade with Crytilakere, and will sail that far to do so. well wrong. not only are you not in the area, and I did mention that its for trade with the south and possible passage to the north, never mentioned going east. yes, we "could" but now, u can be assured we arent eager or planning to do so

4) you dont need to know, you wont be dealing with them.

5) that's just outright insulting. Soul Exprsssion is not Crystilakere. Its citizens enjoy more civil rights than Crystilakere does.

All these questions were pre-answered in the original post.

Soul Expression offers the peoples of the region south east of Soul Expression, the possibility of becoming Soul Expression citizens. They will enjoy ALL the benefits our current population have. They will benefit from our efficient govt, our devotion to the people, our peace with other nations, our flag. Our nations will be one.

1) Soul Expression has alloted a substantial amount of funds for the restructuring of the region to the south east. It is our sincere hope that the 2) citizens of this area will immediately feel they are benefitting from this venture and to immediately see themselves as citizens of this great nation.

We will start by building a port, to open up trade with the south and further relations with the nations there.

Soul expression has no connection to water and the river's end is the closest water source. We desire to build a port there to start trade through there with the 3) nations of the south. The new canals will allow us access to the northern states as well. We beleive a port there would be greatly beneficial for trade in the area, as well as a very profitable venture for us. we also express great desire to have access to a waterway to begin undertaking proper 1) submarine exploration, something our nation has neglected until now. Owning a small parcel of land across another nation is undesireable to us and extremely impractical, which is why we believe that developping the whole region would be more beneficial to all parties involved.

This is proving to be more hassle than fun.
Im not going waste any more of my time repeating anything anymore.
Soul Expression
Royal Scribe
Posts: 137
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Posted: May 28 2004, 09:32 PM
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I believe you have answered the question fully now, so therefore you should get your land. If any other questions are asked before land is granted, a short, direct answer would suffice to the need of the inquirer.
Pinprick of Apathy
Posts: 398
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Posted: May 29 2004, 10:58 AM
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Xile proposes that the land for this treaty be granted to Soul Expression, as it's intent is not solely for the use of their nation. However, Soul Expression's role in the organization should be limited until himself and Crystilakere work something out.

In an attempt to ... speed things along, the nation of Xile imposes its own sanctions on Soul Expression until the situation is rectified. This should undermine SE's usefullness in the trading bloc they are attempting to create and force them to rethink their decision against Crys, who is of course our regional delegate.

Xile will no longer export any products to the nation of Soul Expression, and will not accept imports from the nation. All visitors from SE are to be out of Xile by the end of the week. Xile will refuse any SE planes and ships the right to land at the nation.

This is not an attempt to raise hostilities between nations, simply one to keep things running smoothly. Drastic times call for drastic measures.
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
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Posted: May 29 2004, 04:46 PM
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Granted. Closed.
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