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The Republic Falls...
Posted: Jan 15 2005, 10:02 PM
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QUOTE (Lamoni @ Jan 15 2005, 02:01 PM)

IC: An aide walked over to the Foreign Minister and handed him a note.  After reading it, he walked over to where President Stone was, and handed it to him, saying "Mr. President, this is a message from Nojika telling us that they are going to stay neutral in the coming war.  However, I don't believe them.  For one thing, this message was not sent under any kind of code.  For that kind of message to be taken seriously, it would be encoded.  Secondly, it... just doesn't feel right."

Out of Character: Wow. Note that the message sent to Lamoni was insecure, meaning it could have been a public broadcast made by any government official or even a simple message, thus allowing domestic and regional media to access the message and be under the impression that Nojika would remain neutral. Taking a neutral stance in a war isn't something a nation would keep private, so why would not sending it encoded be a big deal? Bah, you screwed that one up good...


This post has been edited by Nojika on Jan 15 2005, 10:04 PM
Senator in Training
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Integrity Messenger IMAOLYahooMSNTop

Posted: Jan 15 2005, 11:35 PM
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QUOTE (Nojika @ Jan 16 2005, 03:02 AM)
QUOTE (Lamoni @ Jan 15 2005, 02:01 PM)

IC: An aide walked over to the Foreign Minister and handed him a note.  After reading it, he walked over to where President Stone was, and handed it to him, saying "Mr. President, this is a message from Nojika telling us that they are going to stay neutral in the coming war.  However, I don't believe them.  For one thing, this message was not sent under any kind of code.  For that kind of message to be taken seriously, it would be encoded.  Secondly, it... just doesn't feel right."

Out of Character: Wow. Note that the message sent to Lamoni was insecure, meaning it could have been a public broadcast made by any government official or even a simple message, thus allowing domestic and regional media to access the message and be under the impression that Nojika would remain neutral. Taking a neutral stance in a war isn't something a nation would keep private, so why would not sending it encoded be a big deal? Bah, you screwed that one up good...


OOC: someone feels mean today... tongue.gif

Without a doubt, THS ground forces were ready. The Elite Sniper Battalions attached to each division were being cleared to enter into Lamoni territory to stay behind enemy lines if the attack came. They would coordinate orbital bombardment and, if NA was pushed back, eventual artillery strikes and local resistance. They were waiting for this fight their entire lives, battle-scarred from former wars, on former worlds. But to them, those were only petty squabbles in comparision to the magnitude of this potential fight. each squad contained 15 snipers and related personell.*15 total* Multiply that by 300 hundred and you had a formidable, self sustaining, behind the lines, military force that could wreak havoc. They just had to rely on their skills to survive. They would set up in mountanous, hilly, forested areas on the border, and sometimes in towns, where they could set up an underground system in the nearby hills. They just hoped they would live through it all.

Soon enough, after the sniper teams had been sent in, whole divisions came in under the best cover that could be had; bad weather, attempts at cloaking, etc, but this would all be futile to cover their entry into Lamonian territory.
Holy Saints
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Posted: Jan 16 2005, 01:21 AM
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[OOC: No matter what size your space ships are, I'm not getting involved. Partly because I'm already in a war and partly because I don't do future tech. Period. Consider my ignore cannons fired.

If you want a wide audience involved, you've got to do modern tech or post-modern tech.]
It's all about the Navy.
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Posted: Jan 16 2005, 02:32 AM
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OOC: Please clraify, guys. If you intend not to stick to modern/post-mod tech, I'd rather not participate. Sorry. smile.gif
Senator in Training
Posts: 233
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Posted: Jan 16 2005, 09:04 AM
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OOC: I intend for modern/post-modern tech. I would really like to keep it that way because even if your ships can be taken down by a single laser... guess what? We don't have any lasers. The closest we have is my Lucifer system, but if anyone complains I'll have it burn-up in the atmosphere as I'm thinking of doing away with it.
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
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Posted: Jan 16 2005, 05:13 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
(OOC: I was planning on doing modern/Post-Modern)


On Radio Lamoni:

All Lamonian citizens are advised to leave the nations of Novvs Atlantis, Xile, Nojika, and Abattoir as soon as possible. The Lamonian ambassador to Novvs Atlantis has been recalled, and the Ainorpispan inspections will begin shortly.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Jan 16 2005, 10:45 PM
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(ooc: grr. o well.
strong ground force it is. sniper squads, arty, millions of infantry, hundreds of thousands of vehicles... yay!)
Holy Saints
Senator in Training
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Posted: Jan 17 2005, 04:29 PM
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Col. Myrna Thiel, veteran of the War of Liberation, former representative of Ainorpisp to the Regional Council, was now acting weapons inspector of the DSWA in Lamoni. She'd landed in Lamoni's capital of Nephi not six hours ago, and had had to wait for her armed escort to set everything up, from vehicles to the laptops with databases that contained lists of the serial numbers of each PsiPronian weapon captured back during the WoL. Finally they set out, four Army humvees painted the Ainorpispian camoflauge scheme and sporting the flag of the Democratic States of West Ainorpisp. Along for the ride was also the ambassador to Lamoni, retired Capt. Hedwig Rammstein, a former Ainorpispian Navy carrier commander. As the small caravan arrived at the first military stockpile, Thiel sighed before stepping out of the vehicle and proceeding inside, even ignoring the salutes from the Lamoni military guards. This was going to be a long day.


Special Broadcast from NANN in East Ainorpisp

"Thank you and good evening. This announcement is being braodcast not only to the people of the Confederacy of East Ainorpisp and the Democratic States of West Ainorpisp, but to the whole of our region. On the eve of an all-out regional war, we are doubtful that this will make a difference in the events to come, but feel it is neccesary for our voice to be heard," began Omar Longbottom, the President of the Confederacy of East Ainorpisp.

"At this moment, as the armed forces of Novvs Atlantis and its allies prepare for action against those of Lamoni and its allies, West Ainorpispian weapons inspectors are searching Lamoni for any missing PsiPronian weaponry. Their enemies have charged that they gave these weapons to insurgent fighters in ex-Krytenia, and the inspectors are now on the case to determine whether these accusations bear any merit. Our sister nation, DSWA has pledged military support to Lamoni if she is attacked. However, it is my duty as President of East Ainorpisp to announce to the region tonight that my nation intends to remain neutral no matter what happens. This is not our fight, and we will stay out of it."

"We condemn any decision to proceed with an invasion should all PsiPronian weapons be accounted for. Any arbitrary action such as that would be insanity and prove the uncivility of the perpetrators. There is no need to threaten the sovereignty of a nation for no reason, and this invasion would be barbarity the likes of which have not been seen since the middle ages. I and the people of the Confederacy sincerely hope that leaders on both sides of the aisles can resolve their differences through diplomacy instead of the barrels of guns."


A few hours later, Col. Thiel had conlcuded the search of the second facility where PsiPronian weapons were kept, and had dispatched a team to the other location at which the weapons might be found. So far, everything was accounted for, though the third stockpile might prove otherwise. The claims of Lamoni aide to the insurgents seemed to be collapsing quite readily.

Leaning up against a wall, smoking a cigar, she wondered how long this was going to take. Then, a tech sergeant from the Marines came up to her, saluted, and motioned to the laptop he held. Glancing at the screen, Thiel couldn't tell what the fuss was about, and gave the sergeant a look that conveyed it.

"We've checked the serial numbers from the PsiPronian weapons against the list of every known weapon in the two facilities we've inspected, just to make sure we didn't miss anything. Thing is, we didn't. None of these serial numbers match the ones from the insurgent's weapons, ma'am," he explained, then pressed some button and made a second list appear on the screen, "These, however, are the serial numbers of weapons captured by the former nation of Doitsu during the WoL."

"And?" Thiel demanded, wanting to get through the details down to the point of the explanation.

"Ma'am, so far all the insurgent's weapons are matching up with weapons captured by Doitsu. It's highly unlikely that Lamoni was involved," the marine concluded, looking right into Thiel's eyes.

"Keep checking the list for every one of the weapons we found in Krytenia," Thiel ordered, then was interrupted by the ringing of her government-issue cellular phone, "Thiel. What is it?" she listened to the person on the other end for a long moment, occasionally nodding and saying 'yeah', then smirked, "All right, that's what we needed to know... odd, but still what we needed. Good work, soldier. Thiel out."

Looking to her aide, who'd come along on this trip as well, she announced, "Call for a press conference, tell them to make sure it's broadcast on international frequencies. We've come to a conclusion, and it's time AO heard it once and for all."
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Jan 17 2005, 05:39 PM
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"Prepare the B2's."


"The weapons inspectors are currently in Lamoni. All of AO is hinging on the release of data by the inspectors. An attack now will be to our advantage. Attempt to scramble communication out of Lamoni. I would prefer to keep THS out of this as long as possible.

Have the B2's target the industrial sectors of Lamoni. Those are first priority. Second priority will be military installations. Third priority will be government buildings.

Our pilots are skilled but I want to meet them tonight before they leave. Chances are, they won't be coming back."

"And the Navy?"

"High Alert status. As soon as the B2's drop their payloads I want our ships to open fire on any and all coastal bases and shipyards. Enemy ships are to be left to the Pluto and Styx submarine groups.

Activate the Jupiter defense grid. I doubt Lamoni would be stupid enough to detonate nuclear weapons on their neighbors, but let's be safe anyway.

How's Lucifer?"

"We've been unable to stop its orbital decay... It may burn up before we can use it."

"Power it up."
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
Posts: 244
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Posted: Jan 17 2005, 06:15 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
"So," the Foreign Minister said to President Stone, "you think that Novvs Atlantis and his allies fell for the 'out-of-region' bait?" Looking the Foreign Minister in the eye, President Stone gave an affirmative grunt.

Then thinking that he wanted to say something, he replied, "Building all of our military bases underground will likely prove to be a great idea. If I know the Novvs Atlantian leadership, they'll try to hit us hard. Preferably BEFORE the inspectors prove to everyone that we didn't give weapons to the Fatwah. I've given them access to laser communications with one of our satelites that will enable them to broadcast their findings to the region at large. It should be able to make it through any real jamming, even if they have agents in our communications network, which I personally tend to doubt. I also don't think that they even suspect that we have LADAR. It'll be fun to see if they try to sneak in stealth planes or something like that."

While he was saying this, he DIDN'T tell the Foreign Minister that the same trick could be used to communicate with Lamoni's allies, and that all of the newer Lamonian satellites had this capability. After all, it would be hard for Novvs Atlantis to jam the communications networks of THAT many nations. Besides, the allies (THS especially) had been watching the conflict with their own means, as well as what was given them by Lamonian Intelligence.

Looking over at the Air Force General in the room, he told him to send out the Recon UAV's (Unmanned Arieal Vehicles). This would enable them to tell the instant that Novvs Atlantian forces crossed the border. This was the second to last thing to do. The Navy had made it's deployments, as had the Army, as well as the Air Force and Marines. A lot of the allied forces had already arrived, and those that had were on alert as well.

President Stone then looked over at the Colonel General Bondarenko and ordered him to activate the Civil Gaurd (in the Lamonian military, the Civil Gaurd is like the RL American National Gaurd, while the reserves are the ones that have been 'called to the colors.'), and put the agreed upon reserves on alert. Then he told the General to shift the military status to DEFCON 1 (total war) as soon as enemy forces had started their attack. When the Air Force General came back into the room, the President instructed him to launch an ASAT at the Lucifer satellite, but keep it some distance from the satellite until the attack came.

President Stone knew that the enemy would have absolutely no clue what the allied battle plan was, and that they would be very suprised when their war machines stopped working.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Jan 17 2005, 09:42 PM
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"Pilots... Tonight, you are spearheading the attack on Lamoni. It will be a tough ride, and I won't lie to you. Many of you won't be coming home. The anti-air fire will be minimal, last satellite scan showed no AA guns in the area. However, we suspect the Lamonians to have other tricks up their sleeves.

We're sending you in after the F-117s. They're going to try and take these buildings out here,"

The Imperator pointed to a holographic chart of Nephi. His fingers drifted from one large circular building to another.

"These are where the energy readings were the highest. Most likely LADAR facilities. We doubt Lamoni would consolidate all of their LADAR exclusively in those locations but the destruction of those facilities should be very helpful.

After the strike on Nephi you are to attempt to return to base. You'll refuel, re-arm, and take off again. This time, your target is the city of Spraat, Fmjphoenix's largest economic city. A blow here will cripple their economy. Defenses should be minimal.

One last thing, if any of you wish to step out of this now, I am giving you Imperial pardon to do so,"

The pilots remained still.

"Very well, may the goddess Fortvna guide you to victory."

As the Imperator left the hangar, the pilots gave a grisp salute and started to suit up for their final flight.

Of course, that wasn't the only group of pilots the Imperator had to address. There remained still pilots that were going to be bombing Moroni, Katakan, Kazatlan, Karakan, and Komono, as well as the F-117 pilots that would be clearing the way for them...

... The F-117's roared to life and took off from the airfield into the night sky towards Lamoni, six for each main city. They crossed the Adriant Sea in no time and no sooner than they did contacts were picked up on radar.

"This is Alpha leader to Beta wing, I've got multiple contacts on my six, you copy?Over."

"Copy that Alpha leader, proceeding to shake 'em. Over."

Two of the fighters dived while two more did a complicated double roll, the last two burst into flames as they were struck by enemy missiles.

"-explicitive removed-, we've lost Delta wing. Over."

"Keep it steady, we've got to take out those LADAR facilities. Over."

The fighters let loose chaff and kicked in their afterburners. As they reached the outskirts of Nephi the enemy fighters broke off.

"What in the name of the gods..."

Two more F-117's fell from the sky, no smoke, fire, or damage. Only Alpha Wing remained and it shot towards its targets.

It would only be able to take out two of the buildings but two was better than none. The first fighter launched its rocket salvo at the building and high-tailed it back to base, assuming the explosion to be enough proof that the building was destroyed. The second fighter lingered behind, actually confirming the rocket hits, then it sped off.

The B2 bombers shot across the sky, though slightly slower than their fighter counterparts. They too broke off into formation as they approached the different cities. As the I squadron reached Nephi airspace a trio of fighters zoomed underneath, obviously unaware of the bombers due to lack of information streaming from the LADAR centers.

"That was close."

"You betcha, I can't wait to tell the boys at..."

The pilot's words were cut short as he and two other bombers lost communication and smashed into the ground, short circuited by the Lamonian EMP.

"That leaves three of us boys. Let's give these bastards a little treat from the Imperator."

The bombers opened their payload bay doors and a stream of bombs descended upon Nephi's industrial sector. At the same time Novvs Atlantian battleships and crusiers began opening fire on targeted coastal bases and shipyards.

... Back in NA the Imperator was just getting word of the mission's outcome.

"Reports are pretty much the same for all wings. Most of the fighters were lost, but the bombers did significant damage. Not the maximum intended amount, but it will definitely leave the enemy hurting. Our naval fleets have just begun opening fire, several Lamonian ships have responded, but as of yet, we have no organized counter attack. That will change shortly as soon as word of the attack reaches Lamonian high command. Legions are on standby and awaiting your orders."

"Excellent. Analysis of Lucifer?"

"Well... We'll lose her if we don't fire, and we'll lose her if we do."


"If we don't fire, she'll burn up in several days. If we do fire, the burst will alter the orbit of the satellite just enough so that its rate of decay increases to the point that we lose it within a few hours. Personally, I say we use it on a THS base."

"Interesting. Very well, power it up and target the largest THS command base."

"Yes, Imperator."

Codes were transmitted to the Lucifer system and shortly thereafter it began its power-up. The Jupiter defense grid scanned the vast vacuum for any anti-satellite missiles, none had been launched.

Lucifer shook and shot a white hot beam towards AO, the shaking was violent. Too violent. The satellite burst into flames and the beam dissipated before it could reach maximum intensity. The debris was pulled into the atmosphere and burnt up.

"Lucifer has been destroyed, Caesar."

"Very well, ready up the defensive gauss rifles. Prepare the legions for assault on Lamoni and continue the air strike against her allies."

The Imperator left the control room and departed for his chambers, the nine Praetorians escorting him stopped at his door.

"Ave, Praetorians. You serve me well."

With that the Imperator retired for the evening and awaited the drums of war.
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
Posts: 244
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Posted: Jan 18 2005, 03:16 AM
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"Ma'am, something big's happening!" DSWA Minister of Defense Andrei Fokker blurted as he hurried into her office, reports in one of his hands, "Communications are somewhat scrambled, but from what NIA can gather, Novvs Atlantis has begun actions against Lamoni."

"Right... so it's come to war.. a stupid, random war that only people with nothing better to do would start," President Kain groaned, having wished that Novvs Atlantis would come to its senses and call off its attack dogs, "Very well - these are my orders: 1) The military is to be increased to full alert, all branches. 2) The expiditionary force we're sending to Lamoni will be increased to 100,000 troops, including an armored unit and a wing of our F-35 interceptors. 3) A carrier attack force will be sent to aide our allies - make it the ANS Enterprise. We can't stand idly by while a friend is attacked arbitrarily."

"Yes ma'am, I'll send the message out to the military," Fokker nodded, then asked, "What of the remaining fighter wings?"

"Have them on 24-hour patrol of our skies - if any aircraft enters our skies without direct authorization from me, it is to be shot down," Kain responded, knowing that she had to cover all the bases. Even sending 100,000 troops to Lamoni, there was still a very large force - the majority of the nation's military - still stationed at home, in underground bases not unlike Lamoni's. The DSWA's compulsory military service laws made sure they would always have a force ready to defend the Motherland. Their neighbors in the Confederacy were no different - it was almost ingrained in the Ainorpispian psyche that in times of war, someone always had a dagger poised to strike them. Even if the enemies were on the complete oppoiste side of the region, the Ainorpispians never sent the majority of their armed forces abroad.

As an afterthought, she added, "Tell NIA to keep an eye on all international communcation, especially in this part of the region. We may have to reconsider our options depending on it."

Col. Myrna Thiel had attempted to make the announcement to AO, but the NA bombing postponed it for a long moment. Finally, using a combonation of the proffered Lamoni sattelites and the DSWA's own broadcast sattelites from NANN, her announcement went on the air region-wide.

"Attention all of you out there who are watching this: I am Colonel Myrna Thiel, Army of the Democratic States of West Ainorpisp and chief weapons inspector in Lamoni. Today, we concluded our inspections of Lamoni's stockpiles of PsiPronian weapons. All weapons captured during the War of Liberation were accounted for, and there is absolutely no evidence that Lamoni ever provided the AntiXilean Fatwah with such or any weapons. The reasons given for a war on Lamoni are outright lies in the face of this unshakeable evidence. Thank you."


The ANS Enterprise, still safely docked in DSWA waters, was an odd sight for a particular reason - the crew was lined up on the deck, dressed in combat uniforms. Saida Kaminski, the ship's commander, strode past them and returned salutes as the band played 'Anchors Aweigh'. Once the song ended, she stopped at the center of the ship and took a deep breath.

"Sailors, this is it - we are going to war. Our old friend is in danger, and we're going to answer the call to aide them. Now Lamoni's main enemy - Novvs Atlantis - is a fierce foe with a huge military. They seem to liken themselves to empires of old - you know the type, with Legions, Imperators, using 'v' instead of 'u', and what-have-you. I won't lie, this will be a bloody war, and many on both sides will go home only in wooden boxes if at all. But never forget who you are, either," Kaminski spoke fervently, "You are the descendants of civilizations that toppled such empires - your ancestors were Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Gauls, Teutons, Picts, Huns, Sarmatians, and other peoples called barbarians by history. Others amongst you are from cultures where the desire for Empire was conquered by the will of the people. Whatever your background, we have evolved into a free and democratic society! Democracy and freedom, sailors, that is what we go to defend, in the face of Empire-builders. Fight with all your heart and might, and remember the batte-cry of the War of Liberation: Victory or Death!"

With that, the assembled crew cheered at the top of their lungs, "VICTORY OR DEATH!! VICTORY OR DEATH!! VICTORY OR DEATH!!" And at the nod of the commander, went off to their battle stations as the Enterprise prepared to set sail accompanied by a naval task force.

This post has been edited by Ainorpisp on Jan 18 2005, 03:18 AM
Royal Scribe
Posts: 106
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Posted: Jan 18 2005, 08:16 AM
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"Ah holy hell."

The excited utterance from President Lauir suprised his aides.

"Scramble fighters, deploy the prepared troops. Get our ships in position, and activate the missle array. Xilean troops will be under the orders of NA command until we establish an effective base of command. That will be all."
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
Posts: 358
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Posted: Jan 18 2005, 12:07 PM
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Picking up roasted corpses at the edge of ground zero, THS clean up personell vomited left and right. an estimated 600,000 men had been vaporized, and according to energy readings that wasnt the full force Lucifer could have brought to bear. One of the 5 Commandants had been vaporized with the men. To say the least it was disastrous, but it was now, this quiet time, that was the lull before the storm that played on the command's nerves. On the front line it must be worse. According to intel, several LADAR instilations had been taken out, and that was never a good thing. The enemy fleet had begun operations; at least 4 of THS' attack submarines were MIA.

Now was the time for action. Thousands of engines roared to life accross THS protected areas and a steady drone of marching reverbrated through the forests. 1,400 engines heated up just 2 km behind the clean up teams and 1,400 heavy search and destroy aircraft roared to life, on their last missions, ready to die for the Throne. Before battle manouvres commenced, each and every man knelt and thanked their lord for this opportunity.

(OOC: just so ya guys know, my elite and spec ops are near suicidal if confronted. If the situation is for them, they are methodical and good troops... if the situation turns on them they'll open up and every explosive they can bring to bear is brought to bear, usually killing them as well. think Japan WW2.)

This post has been edited by Holy Saints on Jan 18 2005, 12:10 PM
Holy Saints
Senator in Training
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Posted: Jan 18 2005, 02:52 PM
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"Imperator, word has arrived from Xile, we have full command of their troops until they can establish a command post in the area."

"Station them throughout the Etruria region. Save them for Xile, we won't really need them for now."

"Of course Caesar."

Praetor Flaminius entered several commands into the battle map and returned to his desk.

OOC: The Romans were defeated more by internal conflicts than by barbarians. tongue.gif

This post has been edited by Novvs Atlantis on Jan 18 2005, 03:02 PM
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
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