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Paladin Technologies
Posted: Jun 29 2006, 07:31 PM
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Open Letter to All SDL Nations:

Greetings to our fellow SDL brothers and sisters from the Paladin Technologies HQ, Nedalian division. We have been hard at work on our Parawinger prototype, and we are glad to say we are very close to calling it a success. With enough experience under our belt to begin other projects, we are extending our hand to all those who might be interested in aiding our efforts to continue to protect the rights and freedom of our citizens.

After a meeting with my counterpart in Lamoni, Mr. Charles Newberry, we have drawn up plans for our next generation projects which will begin work on immediately. With an almost limitless budget assured to us by our respective governments, we are pleased to announce our next ventures with full confidence. We will be working on them simultaneously. They are, in no respective order:

- Next Generation Attack Helicopter
- Next Generation Pseudo Cruise Missile
- Full range of our newest line of Assault Weapons

The Lamoni division will share the details of our projects in due time. We are asking any SDL nation interested in sending their engineers/scientists to aide us, either in Lamoni or Nedalia, to please respond accordingly, and we will most certainly accomodate. Afterall, this technology is for all of us. Stay safe.

Best Regards,
Jarsun Akhtam
Paladin Technologies
Nedalia Division
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Jun 30 2006, 07:49 PM
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OOC: Myrtannia, this also includes you
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Jul 1 2006, 03:11 PM
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Benjamin Valens is interested in merging Jay Industries with Paladin Technologies. Jay Industries, as you know, hold a near-monopoly on Falcania's technology. We have a massive workforce, and an impressive capacity for R&D.

Am I in?
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Jul 1 2006, 10:17 PM
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OOC: Falcania; YES as agreed previously over MSN.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Jul 7 2006, 06:28 PM
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Jursan Akhtam, head of Paladin Technologies, Nedalia Division, adjusted his tie. This was it, the big day. After the merger of Jay Industries in Falcania with the Nedalian/Lamonian operation, the new project was paying dividends, big time. The scientists were putting in work night and day, and it finally appeared ready to go out onto the market.

By his side sat Mr. Newburry, head of Paladin Technologies, Lamoni Division, who would explain the more technical aspects of the weapon after he was done. Full credit went also to the Falcanians, ofcourse, for designing the thing, and making it sure it was, in blunt words, "sexy."

The cameras were rolling, the press was getting anxious. Akhtam looked over to Newburry, who gave him a slight nod. He took one more sip of the water infront of him, and began:

"Thank you for coming out, ladies and gentlemen. As you are all aware, today marks the unveiling of the Zimorodok Pseudo-Missile, the latest project to roll out successfully from the doors of Paladin Technologies. It has been a resounding success in our latest tests, and we believe it is the perfect time to make the missile available to our comrades in the SDL, in order to continue to protect all our citizens in case harm was to come our way. Ladies and gentlemen, the Zimorodok!"

Akhtam signalled for the large white screen behind to come on, and a huge picture of the Zimorodok appeared, to the applause of the press in the room.

"This is the Zimorodok Pseudo-Missile...A torpedo in a cruise missile, in a ballistic rocket, designed to destroy surface ships like aircraft carriers or battleships. I will now hand it over to my partner, Mr. Newburry, to further explain the more technical side of the Zomorodok."
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Jul 7 2006, 06:51 PM
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"Thank you, Mr. Akhtam," Mr. Newburry said with a polite nod. He then pointed to the picture of the Zimorodok. ( Zimorodok pic ) "As you can see; and as Mr. Akhtam has said, the Zimorodok is a special torpedo inside a cruise missile, inside a ballistic rocket. The ballistic rocket is 10 meters tall, and 1,880 mm wide. The rocket contains the entire package, which ensures that the Zimorodok can be fired from any SSBN (nuclear missile carrying submarine). The full package receives targeting information that is fed to the launching submarine by an outside source such as a satellite or aircraft. When lauched, it flies to an altitude of 98 miles in order to radar scan the target. After the target has been positively identified, the full package then drops to an altitude of 23 miles off of the surface of the ocean, where explosive bolts will get rid of the outer stage of the Zimorodok weapon.

Once the outer stage is free, the weapon becomes a cruise missile that will dive toward the ocean while directly above the target aircraft carrier or battleship; since most naval radars do not look directly above the ships that they are the 'eyes' for. The missile then drops to 10 miles above the ocean while heading away from the target in order to get to an optimal torpedo range of 5 km. The missile will then turn back and get a radar fix on the target. After the radar fix is complete, the missile (which has a shaft diameter of 553 mm, a finspan of 750 mm, a 75 mm finwidth, a 1,700 mm wingspan, and a 5,500 mm length) components will then be blown off by explosive bolts.

The result of this is to allow a torpedo (50 knot speed, 3,000 mm length, 300 mm diameter, and 5 km range) to make a parachute assisted landing into the ocean waters. The torpedo uses active sonar to acquire the target, and then goes 150 m beneath it. After reaching said depth directly beneath the target, the torpedo then heads directly for the underside of the target, which activates the triple stage warhead. The first stage is designed to create a crater in the underside of the target, while the third stage acts as a propellant to get the second stage inside the crater left by the first stage. It is believed that this will allow the explosion of the second stage of the warhead to punch clean through the target's underside.

Most modern aircraft carriers and battleships have their fuel and ammunition stores at or below the waterline in the belief that this will protect them. The Zimorodok is designed to reach these stores in order to create an even bigger explosion that will conceivably sink the target. For best results, at least two Zimorodok weapons should hit the target. The Zimorodok has a maximum range of 500 miles from the firing submarine, though work can be started on a version that can be fired from land if requested. Any questions?

This post has been edited by Lamoni on Jul 7 2006, 06:55 PM
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Jul 14 2006, 06:46 PM
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The projects were rolling out one after another now. Since Falcania had joined forces with the Nedalians and Lamonians, it seemed no project was big enough to contain the scientists from the 3 countries. The latest project: the F-4 Bird of Prey, the new all-purpose fighter jet to be introduced by Paladin Technologies, as well as the Nedalian Air Force and Falcanian Air Force.

Jursan Akhtam, leader of the Nedalian Division, looked over the sheet one last time. It was well known that any Paladin Technologies project was available to all members of the SDL; this went without mention.

He smiled as he finished up reading up. This was one hell of a plane; he was impressed. The NAF was to place an order of 82 of these babies, totalling $2.87 billion; the Falcanian Air Force, 120, for a total of $4.2 billion.


Physical Measurements: 18.7 m long; 5.5 m high; 12 m wingspan

Weapons: 4 MRMs, 2 SRMs and 3 LRMs, 27mm cannon, + customised mission-specific loadouts

Range: 1,800 km (1,120 mi)

Service Ceiling: 18,000 m (60,000 ft)

Max Takeoff Weight: 21,000 kg (46,300 lb)

Maximum Speed: Mach 2.0+, 2,390 km/h (1,480 mph) at high altitude;
Mach 1.2, 1,470 km/h (915 mph) at sea level; supercruise Mach 1.3+
at altitude with typical air-to-air armament

Powerplant: 2× Falconjet FJ200 afterburning turbofans, 60 kN dry,
90 kN with afterburner (13,500 lbf / 20,250 lbf) each

Crew: 1 (trainer model: 2)

Laser Designator: FALLAS pod

OVERVIEW: The Paladin Technologies F-4 Bird of Prey is a multirole missile/cannon fighter designed to sweep the enemy from the skies when either on the offense, or the defense.  The two Falconjet FJ 200 afterburning turbofans give this more traditional fighter excellent manuverability, which is vital in a modern dogfight.  With it's heavy missile armament, it can tackle up to nine enemy planes at one time, at various ranges.  The plane even has a laser designator in order to guide in bombs dropped by friendly aircraft. A great feature from this aircraft is its dual-weapons system. The nosecone features missile hardpoints for 4 MRMs, 2 SRMs, 3 LRMs, and a 27mm cannon; however, the space under the wings is specifically designed for customisation. In this way, the wingspace can be devoted entirely to mission-specific weapons such as bombs, while a full complement of air-to-air weaponry is kept in the nosecone.

Price: US$35 million

In NAF Colours: user posted image

In FAF Colours: user posted image

This post has been edited by Nedalia on Jul 14 2006, 06:48 PM
Emperor in Training
Posts: 486
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Posted: Jul 29 2006, 02:09 PM
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TO:Paladin Technologies HQ
FROM: Khazaron R&D, Archon City, Khazaron

First off, we of Khazaron R&D would like to apologize for taking so long to get ourselves involved in this venture of our allied nations. We feel that we have done a grievous affront to the spirit of cooperation that is supposed to be between our nations, and we seek to remedy said situation. To that end we would like to offer to send to your key research facility, or wherever you need help for that matter, a research team of our own.

Should you accept this proposal, we would like to offer to you a team headed by Dr. Carlos Rao, who has headed the Khazaronian military's weapons reasearch program for the past decade, and is an expert in ballistics and personal armor development. His team is composed of skilled veterans, as well as some of the more promising minds to recently come out of the Marcus Carain University science department.

We await your reply.

In the name of the Patriarch,

General Elias Surn
Khazaron Research and Development
Dominion of Khazaron
The Red Devil
Posts: 515
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Posted: Jul 29 2006, 05:46 PM
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OOC: Get MSN, we'll be waiting.
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Jul 29 2006, 07:02 PM
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To: Paladin Technologies HQ
From: Ministry of Defense, Research & Development Division, Allied States of Myrtannia

In the interest of promoting greater co-operation between ourselves and fellow SDL nations, Myrtannia would like to join in the joint technology development firm begun by Lamoni and Nedalia. We feel that Myrtannian military scientists have much to offer Paladin Technologies, just as Paladin Technologies has much to offer Myrtannia.

Firstly, the Myrtannian government would like to purchase 10 F-4 Bird of Prey fighters for viability testing. Depending on how well they perform in mock air-to-air combat with the mainstay fighter of the MAF (F-35 Joint Strike Fighter), and the economic viability of using this new fighter, more may be purchased at a later date. We would also appreciate a concept design image of an MAF F-4 (colors are dark blue with an orange circle as national marking on the fuselage and wings... think Japan national marking).

If accepted, the Allied States would immediately send one Dr. Carleen Agamao along with a crack R&D team of scientists to assist with Paladin Technologies. Dr. Agamao is a former MAF fighter pilot, and has twenty years of experience in the field of military science and technology.

Gen. Jamaal Siner
Research & Development Division
Ministry of Defense
Allied States of Myrtannia
Experienced Senator
Posts: 362
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Posted: Jul 29 2006, 10:08 PM
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OOC: I can talk with both Myrtannia, and Khazaron.

To: Khazaronian Defense R&D, Archon City; MoD R&D-D ASM
From:  Charles Newberry, Paladin Technologies, Lamoni division

Pending consultation with the heads of the Falcanian and Nedalian divisions of Paladin Technologies, the Lamonian division would welcome scientists from both Khazaron and Myrtannia into the Paladin Technologies fold.  As you know, Paladin Technologies (PT) works to develop military weapon systems and support equipment for not only the SDL nations, but also for those nations that the SDL has good relations with.  An example of this is the sale of F-4 Bird of Prey fighters to Manhattan Prime. 

Any scientists that your nations would care to have join the company can select whether they wish to work at the Lamonian, Falcanian, or Nedalian divisions of PT.

I await your reply.

Charles Newberry,
Paladin Technologies,
Lamoni Division

This post has been edited by Lamoni on Jul 29 2006, 10:09 PM
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Jul 31 2006, 05:39 PM
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TO: Charles Newberry, Paladin Technologies, Lamoni division
FROM: Khazaron R&D, Archon City, Khazaron

In response to your previous letter, we shall send our team to the Nedalian division of the company to get started on their future work with Paladin Technologies. Seeing as how that is also home to the SDL HQ and perhaps the largest concentration of Khazaronian diplomats and embassy facilities, it seems to make sense.

We would also like to take this time to offer space in Khazaron for Paladin Technologies research facilities. As you may, or may not, know, we in Khazaron have a rather wide-open eastern part to our nation. Much of it still remains in the hands of the wildlife and trees. As such, we believe it to be an ideal place for development on projects that may wish to be kept away from the public eye or just for test purposes. Let us know how this proposal suits you.

In the name of the Patriarch,

General Elias Surn
Khazaron Research and Development
Dominion of Khazaron
The Red Devil
Posts: 515
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Posted: Aug 2 2006, 02:06 PM
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To: Khazaronian Defense R&D, Archon City; MoD R&D-D ASM
From:  Charles Newberry, Paladin Technologies, Lamoni division

The scientists of both Khazaron and Myrtannia are welcome to start work with Paladin Technologies.  We still have to talk about the land deal in Khazaron, but the scientists are officialy welcomed onto the PT team.  We hope to see them working in the near future.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Aug 2 2006, 08:10 PM
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To: Charles Newberry, Paladin Technologies, Lamoni Division
From: Ministry of Defense, Research & Development Division, A.S.M.

After consulting Vice President Jett, we feel that the ideal destination for our scientists would be the Lamonian division of Paladin Technologies. Both geopgraphically and in light of the strong bonds of friendship between Halosen and Nephi. Dr. Agamao and her staff will arrive in Lamoni soon to begin working with PT ASAP.

Gen. Jamaal Siner,
Ministry of Defense
Research & Development Division
Allied States of Myrtannia
Experienced Senator
Posts: 362
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Posted: Aug 11 2006, 12:12 PM
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To: Khazaron R&D, Archon City, Khazaron
From: Charles Newberry, Paladin Technologies, Lamoni Division

Paladin Technologies has decided to accept the land deal in Khazaron.  I am sure that we can find a suitable construction company in the Dominion to help us build factories there.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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