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Posted: Mar 9 2005, 07:04 PM
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Lamonian President Matt Stone lounged around in the mountaintop retreat that would soon (if everything worked out) see the making of an alliance that would counter the one that had been made by the Autocratic states. Officials from Chacor, Emagol, FMJPhoenix, Ainorpisp, South Ossetia, Legalese, Krytenia, Falcania, Latao, and THS had been invited to take part.

The President had a glass of wine as he waited for the others to arrive, saving the loads of Lamonian Vodka for the actual discussions.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Mar 9 2005, 08:41 PM
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Legalese Consul Marcus Davies heard a whoosh above his head, indicating that a new message had arrived. He reached over his desk, to the location where the tube entry had been relocated, and read the contents.

"Hmm, the Lamonis want a meeting? I think I can arrange something here," though Marcus to himself. He reached for his phone. "Marcia, dial me to outside counsel. I think I need a ruling on this one."

Later that afternoon, the outside counsel for the Legalese Consulate entered Davies's office. "Marcus, what do you need?"

"Jake, thanks for coming in. I wanted to know about my jurisdiction regarding foreign affairs. I've been invited to discuss such matters at a meeting here in the region, and I don't want to tread where I cannot."

Jake frowned, as he was all too familiar with this issue, the extent of power between the Senate and the Supreme Court. "You see, Marcus, you know the Senate's legislative power extends solely to domestic issues, as does the Consulate, as the executor of the Senate's decisions. So, while you serve as the head of government, and can influence and advise the Court on any policy issue, even foreign, you technically cannot make such decisions."

Marcus already knew of this problem, but needed to hear this anyways, so he could make his next statement: "Now Jake, the Supreme Court doesn't really exist at the moment anyways, right?"

"Depends on what you mean. All the seats are presently vacant."

"So, I'm covered"

"Well, there's nothing covering that. Theoretically, I guess you are, but we'll see what happens when the Supreme Court appears."

Marcus smiled. "Yes, we'll see. Until then, I have to make arrangements. Thank you for coming in Jake."

After he left, Marcus dialed his secretary again. "Marcia, send Lamonian President Stone a message. Tell him to be expecting me and an ambassabor, and thank him for the vodka. It was quite tasty."

"Oh, and Marcia? then dial George Williamson's cell. I need to have a chat with him."
Back in Black
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Posted: Mar 9 2005, 10:56 PM
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*Au'Marui, Chancellor of The Commonwealth of the New Atlantians, recieved the daily newspaper on his desk.*

"Hmm...", said the Chancellor,"The nations of the Atlantian Oceania region are trying to form an alliance of sorts." Considering that the Chancellor had recently founded his country in the newly discovered region once known as Atlantis, this became of great interest to him. Any alliance in the neighboring region would surely impact his own region. He quickly called his assistant in. "Good Johnny, your here. I want frequent reports on the Atlantian Oceania Conference. If anything new happens, I want to be told as it happens."
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Posted: Mar 10 2005, 03:11 AM
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Chacorian Foreign Ministry Official Press Release

We can at this time confirm that the Democratic Republic was approached by the Free Republic of Lamoni about an alliance. It is also true that a message was returned expressing the Democratic Republic's interest in such an alliance. The Democratic Republic will send Lamonian Consul Timiz Ozerkakhov and Government Advisor to Lamonian Affairs Felix Gordon, ex-prime minister of the then-Disputed Territories, to attend the meeting in Lamoni. That is all for now, with details to be established to the press at a later date.

Foreign Ministry
Democratic Republic of Chacor
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Posted: Mar 10 2005, 12:15 PM
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The plane touched down in Lamoni, and off came Consul Marcus Davies, as well as former Regional Delegate George Williamson. Before striding towards the welcoming delegation, Marcus turned to George. "Do you have the package on you?"

George whispered back, "Uh, sir. Is this the appropriate time to be talking about that? Not to mention, I'm only interested in..."

Marcus hit George: "You know what I mean, George. The contact with the New Atlanticans."

"Oh, that package. Yeah, it's here. Did you remember the other package."

"Of course, my subordinate delegate. Let's see how our neighbors like Binchensburg Bourbon."
Back in Black
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Posted: Mar 10 2005, 04:53 PM
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Waiting for the Legalese Consul at the head of the welcoming delegation, President Stone had to smile at the message he had recieved about how good Lamonian Vodka is. Finally, the Legalese plane touched down and the Consul as well as Legalese's former Regional Delegate George Williamson came down to where the welcoming delegation was.

When the Consul and Delegate reached the welcoming delegation, President Stone was the first to speak: "Welcome to the Free Republic of Lamoni. As you already know, I am President Stone. So far, Legalese and Chacor are the only ones who have given us an answer, but we expect that to change quickly as the other nations check their messages. In fact, we are expecting the Chacorian delegation to arrive any time now. Either way, the meeting place is ready; and has lots of Lamonian Vodka, as I see from your message that you have developed a taste for it."

President Stone then introduced the pair from Legalese to the rest of the welcoming delegation: The Vice-President, Senate Speaker, Chamber of Deputies Speaker, as well as the head of the Lamonian Joint Chiefs, Colonel-General Bondarenko.

This post has been edited by Lamoni on Mar 10 2005, 04:55 PM
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Mar 10 2005, 09:24 PM
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(OK, im actually going to try and standardize my officers, offices, characters and such now and keep records. Consider any name changes as due to democratic process and appointees by way of that democratic process, and reformation of the military, with new officers, etc)

Vigorously rubbing his chin, Executor Artanis hears a beep from his datapad; yet another message, grumbling, "I wonder if I'll hear that beep past my deathbed..."

<Message; Begin:
Recieved From: Lamoni Gov't;
Encryption: High;{
\\ The Lamoni Government invites any THS representative, seen as fit for High Diplomatic Service, to discuss matters of increasingly urgent importance. Representatives of various other delegations are expected as well, and our hope is for a New Alliance. //
\\ Thank you for your patience and we look forward to your participation. //
\\ END //
Message: End;>

Wondering for a moment, Artanis quickly recalled every reputable diplomat in his trusted circle of Comrades, and fought for a few mor moments over who would be appropriate for the position. He put down his shaving blade, an old army issue single bladed one, and washed his face off. He walked into his living room and bathed in the glorious light coming in through his solid wall of glass, and stared into the stark blue sea for a second or two.
Suddenly, as if the sea inspired him, he came to a conclusion, "Prefect Adun... yes, he will be a perfect fit. I've heard he's been dying for a drop of that Lamonian vodka he loved so much in his college days... I'll give him a few thousand extra for his personal store. Perfect..."
Holy Saints
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Posted: Mar 11 2005, 05:11 AM
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QUOTE (Holy Saints @ Mar 10 2005, 09:24 PM)
(OK, im actually going to try and standardize my officers, offices, characters and such now and keep records. Consider any name changes as due to democratic process and appointees by way of that democratic process, and reformation of the military, with new officers, etc)

OOC: THS, start a wiki article for your nation and keep a place to store your information like that:
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Posted: Mar 11 2005, 09:33 AM
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The Confederacy of Latao is interessted in joining this new Alliance of freedom-loving people, as an opposite to the outposts of tyranny of several dictorships.

These words of the Latao Federal President Bieri were spoken today in the Confederacy House.

More detailed informatino is expected today for the TV prime time about 7pm Latao Time.
Posts: 535
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Posted: Mar 11 2005, 04:28 PM
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QUOTE (Latao @ Mar 11 2005, 02:33 PM)
The Confederacy of Latao is interessted in joining this new Alliance of freedom-loving people, as an opposite to the outposts of tyranny of several dictorships.

(ooc: sorry, that just makes me crack up when i look at my nation)
Holy Saints
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Posted: Mar 11 2005, 04:34 PM
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With the arrivals of the Chacorian and THS delegations, the talk was turning to matters of international importance. The other invited nations were still welcome, but some matters had to be taken care of first. President Stone had recieved word that Latao had also agreed to join in the talks to form the new alliance.

(OOC: I'd expect a NATO like alliance)
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Mar 12 2005, 09:32 AM
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*a person in a cleanly pressed business suit with the New Atlantian flag on the lepel walks quickly into the room and hands President Stone a note. He then walks over, whispers something into George Williamson's ear, and then quickly walks back out*
*The Note reads:*

President Stone,

    We have recieved your message and I must say, me and everyone of The Commonwealth of the New Atlantians is deeply honoured to have been invited.  I have made arrangments to leave and will be their shortly.  In the mean time, I have sent my cheif assistant, John Marvinous, to arrange things with your leasons.  I will also be bringing a case of the New Atlantians' finest wines, to share with the other delegates. 

Chancellor of The Commonwealth of The New Atlantians.
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Posted: Mar 12 2005, 03:43 PM
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George walked about the room, sipping his Binchensburg and Cola. After hearing what the New Atlanitcan representative had to say, he knew that contacting Consul Davies was essential, but didn't want to make a fuss of it. He saw his chance, when the Consul turned away from a completed conversation with the Prefect from The Holy Saints. "Sir," said George, taking Consul Davies' arm, "I have news for you."

Marcus looked at Williamson, and quietly said, "Very well, George. What do you have?"

"It turns out that the New Atlanticans are coming. President Stone ended up inviting them to the party."

"That's great news. Thank you, George. Now if you excuse me, I've a Chacoria-"

"Sir," George interrupted, "what should I do with the contact? I mean, if I don't call the New Atlanticans, who am I going to call?"

Marcus smiled. "Try the Ghostbusters", he said, before walking away from a bewildered George Williamson.
Back in Black
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Posted: Mar 12 2005, 04:38 PM
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Milling about in the party put on to wait for everyone to show up, President Stone had had chats with everyone who had come so far.

Everyone seemed to have brought their own drinks, so everyone was diplomatically seeming to have at least one drink from each of the different countries. So far six nations had responded to his call, but President Stone was hoping for more. He might even send a message to the newly arrived Bedistan.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Mar 12 2005, 08:08 PM
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"Leadies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We have now arrived in Lamoni. Please fasten your seatbets as we prepare for descent. All cabin crew to landing positions. Thank you."

"Timiz! We're here."

Ozerkakhov looked up from hs book, which he had been engrossed in over the whole 10-hour flight.

"Uh, Felix, what's the time difference here?"

"Uh... It's 14 hours I think."

"Ladies and gentlemen, your captain speaking. Please unattach your headsets from the socket and make sure your gamepad controller is securely fastened in your armrest. All windows should be fully open, and all seats must be upright. Now descending into Lamoni."

"Here we go, Timiz... The part I always throw up in."

"Uh, dammit... Crew are in their positions. Don't throw up on...."

"Sorry, Timiz."

"Oh, gross."

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Lamoni. It is 8.15am in the morning local time, and the temperature outside is 15°C. I hope you enjoy your stay in Lamoni. You may now unbuckle your seat belts."

"Uh, stewardess, could you help me clean this mess up...?"
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