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Djacor-Rysonia declares secession
Posted: Jul 6 2006, 08:23 PM
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Official statement, Djacor-Rysonian government:
The region of Djacor-Rysonia has decided to secede from the Democratic Republic of Chacor. The new nation will temporarily be led by Albert Préval, with the capital Túva. The Republic of Djacor-Rysonia now on this day the 1st of March, 2143 Chacor time, declares full independence. The government will seek entrance to the SAAS.

Official reaction from Chacor
The Governments of Chacor and Liverpool England fully condemn this action, and will not recognise this breakaway state. As far as the Deocratic Republic is concerned, the region of Djacor-Rysonia is still very much an important part of Chacor, and will continue to be run under Chacoran law. The Government of Chacor hope that foreign governments will condemn this action, and that the SAAS reject any possible application from Djacor-Rysonia..
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Posted: Jul 7 2006, 08:02 AM
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The Government of Djacor-Rysonia reject Chacor's claim to sovereignity over our rightful land. Our residents have been asked to choose citizenship between Djacor-Rysonia and Chacor. Should they choose the latter, they will be thrown out of our borders and belongings confisicated. The Chacoran and Liverpool England Governments should consider their next moves very wisely. We invite other nations to officially recognise our sovereignity. We also warn Chacor that in expectation of this event, we have built up a small nuclear arsenal - but bigger than Chacor's non-existant one.
Two. Two.
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Posted: Jul 7 2006, 05:29 PM
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To: Djacor-Rysonia; Chacor
From: President Stone, Free Republic of Lamoni

The Free Republic will not recognize Djacor-Rysonia until such time as Chacor allows Djacor-Rysonia to leave the country peacefully.  Any legitimate grievences that the people of Djacor-Rysonia might have with the government of Chacor must be settled diplomatically if peace is to be maintained.  To that purpose, the Free Republic would be willing to host talks between Djacor-Rysonia and Chacor.  We would also be willing to send in peacekeeping troops to patrol the disputed area until such time as the talks are concluded, if both sides agree to allow this.  We will not tolerate a Djacor-Rysonia admittance to the SAAS while the status of Djacor-Rysonia is still in doubt.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Jul 7 2006, 09:05 PM
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To: Chacor, Djacor-Rysonia, and the Nations on Atlantian Oceania:

In the interest of regional peace and security, the Government and Nation of Casari feels that it is in the best interest of the region and the nations involved that any political issues be peacefully through diplomatic methods.

However, based on the current regional situation and the tension between the Strategic Defense League and the SAAS, it is the feeling of this government that the deployment of SDL troops to an area which is asking for enrollment into the SAAS under the guise of peacekeeping would be a serious detriment to the peace of the region and create a possible flashpoint. For the same reasons, peace talks hosted by a nation in the SDL could not be taken seriously as the hosting nation would have a considerable bias.

Therefore, in the interest of Regional Peace, the Confederated Colonies would like to offer themselves as a neutral meeting place for the leaders of Chacor and Djacor-Rysonia, in the interest of reaching a mutually benefical peace without involving the forces of the SDL or the SAAS.

Prime Minister Ari Elisar,
Confederated Colonies of Casari
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Posted: Jul 7 2006, 11:13 PM
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In the interest of a quick reconciliation and peaceful end to this crisis, the Democratic Capitalist Republic of Pacitalia fully supports the attempts of her allies in the Confederated Colonies to host talks in the interest of continued regional peace, on neutral ground where neither the Strategic Defence League nor the Strategic Alliance of Autocratic States holds sway or bias over such proceedings.

As such, we object to the Lamonian request to enter peacekeeping forces into the Djacor-Rysonian region of Chacor, since, as Prime Minister Elisar has aptly stated, such actions could provide an easy catalyst for the breakout of full-scale war in Atlantian Oceania. Since our interests are for continued peace both in Chacor and in the region, we cannot support such a request from the Free Republic.

The Democratic Capitalist Republic urges all directly involved to come to the table in Tyrellia, or wherever in Casari the conferences are to be held, in order to peacefully and swiftly resolve this crisis. It is in the best interest of both the Djacor-Rysonian region and the Chacoran government to do so.

Albinanda Serodini
Agustinate of Foreign and Diplomatic Affairs
Democratic Capitalist Republic of Pacitalia
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Posted: Jul 8 2006, 05:11 AM
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While our buddies over in Pacitalia and Casari do raise a valid point that an SDL intervention on seemingly SAAS soil could cause undue alarm, we fail to see how having talks over in "neutral", whatever it is they call themselves, territory would be the best solution.

The fact is we have an upstart, very rebel-like sounding "third" organization which has been desperately trying to recruit any nation to its fold and that is facts. Nedalia views their latest attempt at having peace-talks in Casari or where they suggested as nothing more than their latest try at subtly insulting the SDL while trying to forward their renegade cause.

Nedalia outright rejects this counter-proposal in the name of peace and equality. We believe if all parties are actually serious about solving this on-going crisis and not concerned with their own personal agendas, then we all put our personal opinions about each other aside, our differences aside, and meet together on the same team to help solve what could end up being a catastrophe for all humans in the area.

Dewars Strand
Minister of Foreign Affairs
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Posted: Jul 8 2006, 06:24 AM
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Falcania would like to make it known that Chacor has full support from our nation in this matter. We do not believe that Djacor-Rysonia has a rightful claim to what is essentially Chacor's land, and that this should be resolved with as little military impact as possible.

Benila Valens, Falcanian Foreign Minister, speaking today in the "Daily Almanac," Falcania's best-selling broadsheet newspaper, still only 12† a copy!
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Posted: Jul 8 2006, 09:11 AM
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Djacor-Rysonia rejects all attempts to solve this so-called "crisis". This region has been under constant oppression from the main governments in Chacoria and CCL, and we will no longer tolerate it. Our nuclear capabilities will be used if necessary. We have already positioned one of our missiles ahead of a possible test. We believe our missile could possibly reach as far southwest as Bedistan, south to Crystilakere, and north to southern Manhattan Prime.

Albert Préval, President of Djacor-Rysonia
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Posted: Jul 8 2006, 11:00 AM
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QUOTE (Nedalia @ Jul 8 2006, 04:11 AM)

While our buddies over in Pacitalia and Casari do raise a valid point that an SDL intervention on seemingly SAAS soil could cause undue alarm, we fail to see how having talks over in "neutral", whatever it is they call themselves, territory would be the best solution.

The fact is we have an upstart, very rebel-like sounding "third" organization which has been desperately trying to recruit any nation to its fold and that is facts. Nedalia views their latest attempt at having peace-talks in Casari or where they suggested as nothing more than their latest try at subtly insulting the SDL while trying to forward their renegade cause.

Nedalia outright rejects this counter-proposal in the name of peace and equality. We believe if all parties are actually serious about solving this on-going crisis and not concerned with their own personal agendas, then we all put our personal opinions about each other aside, our differences aside, and meet together on the same team to help solve what could end up being a catastrophe for all humans in the area.

Dewars Strand
Minister of Foreign Affairs

To the Nations of Atlantean Oceania:

While the desire of the SDL nations to have a voice in the current situation in Chacor is undertandable, the fact that the refusal of our attempt at helping the situation was dismissed in a number of thinly veiled insults makes this government question the position and plans of the Strategic Defense League even more in this matter. Perhaps in their overzealous persuit of the SAAS, they feel they must take every advantage. But as stated in our Charter, Regional Peace is our primary goal, and it is through the persuit of peace, and peace alone, that we are reaching out to negotiate in this situation.

The presence of nuclear weapons and the capability to attack several ASPIRE nations in this situation worries us deeply, and therefore we wish to see an expedited solution.

If we are to meet in total equality in peace talks, I must request that representatives of the SAAS be present for all negotiations, as well as those of the SDL and ASPIRE.

In a similar situation, we could not allow any SDL force to be dispached into Djacor-Rysonia without proper notification of the international community, and then possibly only as a segment of an multi-alliance peacekeeping force.

Prime Minister Ari Elisar
Confederated Colonies of Casari

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Posted: Jul 8 2006, 02:19 PM
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The Government of Chacor will take steps to expel any and all foreign troops and forces that, if indeed deployed, move beyond the borders of Djacor-Rysonia.
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Posted: Jul 8 2006, 07:05 PM
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"Oh bloody hell," muttered new Secretary of State James Keller. He was reading the discussion about the various viewpoints and about the idiotic reaction of the ASPIRE members, and he had to admit that the response of the SDL was schizophrenic at best. "We really need to work on that." He sat down and composed his official response.

QUOTE (Alliance Departement of State @ July 8, 2085)

TO: All Parties involved in the Djacor-Rysonia

I must admit that the Alliance views this situation with a bit of surprise at the rashness of the actions of the nations. While the Alliance views the actions of ASPIRE with suspicion at their highly reactionary move, we can't theoretically understand their trouble with the growing power of the SDL and it's opposition to SAAS, and it's commitment to freedom and democracy. Unfortunately, we feel that these fears and incredibly misplaced. The SDL is just that, a defence against ruthless oppression and exploitation. That being said, some issues must be dealt with first.

First of all, this issue needs to be handled internally if at all possible, it seems as if this issue has already exhausted that option. Second of all, the grievances must be aired. So far we've only heard of generic claims of oppression, but little concrete evidence of any actual oppresion. Thirdly, control yourselves gentlemen, no need to go pointing nuclear weapons anywhere. Any use, any testing of nuclear weapons should be considered intentional provaction of the international community and dealt with as swiftly as we have seen dealt with in Atheistic Right.

The Alliance agrees in principle with our SDL partners Lamoni and Nedalia, and that Djacor-Rysonia should no be allowed admittance to any regional alliance before this issue is fully resolved. We also do not think that nay 'peackeeping' troops should be sent, seeing as those troops would almost immidiately be forced to take sides, against or for Chacor or Djacor-Rysonia. Despite being a member of the SDL, we would like to offer ourselves as a potential location for any peace conference or discussion of this issue for several reasons.

First, our association with the SDL is more or less pragmatic. We feel that the SDL is the current alliance that will guarantee the safety of the region and the most positive outcome of any conflict, as well as matching up with the founding values of the Alliance. Once the conflict is defused, we will evaluate our position within the SDL, but do not be surprised if the Alliance leaves the SDL. Also, we have no particular attatchment to either side, and thus being an decent neutral.We also represent a nation with close geographic proximity to the conflict and should it break out we have the most to lose from it, outside of Chacor and Djacor-Rysonia.

We await your response.

This post has been edited by The Lowland Clans on Jul 8 2006, 07:05 PM
The Lowland Clans
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Posted: Jul 9 2006, 12:02 AM
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A message from the Office of Prime Minister of Bazalonia


I am certainly concerned with the potential this situation has to escalate and e a focus point for regional instability, but as I said to the Chacoran representatives during my recent visit, As it stands as current this is an internal matter between the Chacoran government and the autonomy-seeking region of Djacor-Rysonia. We would like to encourage communication being mediated by an external un-involved and a nation trusted to truly act neutral. That way all the issues can be aired in a constructive manner to a view to provide a peaceful resolution of the situation whether Djacor-Rysonia secedes from Chacor or not.

On another note, we'd like to condemn the threat of usage and developement of Djacor-Rysonia's nuclear arsenal, this only would act to raise tensions and the stakes over the issue. If it not a crisis now your actions will certainly make it one in the future.

We counsel Djacor-Rysonia to take notice of what is happening in Atheistic Right, it's developement of Nuclear weapons galvanised members of all 3 alliances SAAS, SDL and the newly formed ASPIRE. We ask to stop this game of Brinkmanship and come to the negotiating table. Learn from Atheistic Right's mistake and discuss the issues involved with your secessation and we have a good chance of resolving this issue with no blood shed.

OOC: btw... The Battle in Atheistic Right is still going... *pokes certain people to post*

This post has been edited by Bazalonia on Jul 9 2006, 12:05 AM
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Jul 9 2006, 03:48 AM
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The Government of Chacor has reason to believe that Djacor-Rysonia has test-fired a nuclear missile, capable of destroying most of Port Harvey, into the waters west. We tracked an unidentified object landing about 175 kilometres west of Port Harvey. The Government of Chacor condemns this action, and will not tolerate any further nuclear activity.
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Posted: Jul 9 2006, 09:39 PM
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From: President Stone, Lamoni
To: All AO nations, Djacor-Rysonia

Seeing as how we won't get anywhere if peace talks are held in any nation of the three major AO alliances, it is the suggestion of the Lamonian government that said peace talks be held in former Wapahkoneta, with any neutral government that wishes to act as mediators.  We feel that talks offer the best chance to resolve this dispute with no bloodshed.

As such, we officially condemn the possible actions of Djacor-Rysonia involving the object that landed about 175 kilometers west of Port Harvey.  Blackmail is never an acceptable way to get what you want.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Jul 11 2006, 10:32 PM
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The Government of Chacor condemns the latest move from Túva, in declaring their own constitution and unilaterally setting their borders - which are well outside of the Chacoran-recognised provincial/regional lines. We also condemn their renaming of the city of Túva to Trèvu, as well as the military build up near the unrecognised Chacoran-Djacor-Rysonian border - which, to us, is an act of war, with the build-up of forces well inside Chacoran territory.

We call on the foreign nations, especially our neighbours, Sarzonia, and the nations which Djacor-Rysonia's supposed nuclear power is reachable, Bedistan, Crystilakere and Manhattan Prime, to help us.

Finally, there has been a move in the Parliament of Liverpool England to officially remove any mention of itself from Chacor's Constitution. A similar move has been started in the Chacoran Parliament, by an anti-Liverpool England party. While we would support a move in ordinary circumstances, such a move would force Chacoran Prime Minister Thomas Douglas to give up either his job as Chacoran PM or Liverpool England PM, and in this very crucial time any slight change could have drastic effects.

Yuri Noble
Foreign Minister
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