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AORDO entrusts lands to CPS: Cocoabo Forest rises!
Posted: Jul 18 2015, 12:42 AM
PMEmail Poster
KIONAO, TURORI :: Noa-isinao Wioauoi finally had the approvals he needed. Wioauoi had just received word that the Atlantian Oceania Regional Defense Organization (AORDO) was approving the use of Atlantian Oceania protected lands to the North and East of the Island Emirate of Turori by the exploratory consortium formed between the Cocoabo Preservation Society and Tropicorp.

For Tropicorp's part, they would be providing mostly funding. While the research done at Tropicorp often seeks to develop technology to help the populous, or, to take dirty industry out of the Vilita & Turori mainlands, it would only be a matter of time before some protest group somewhere started complaining about the destruction of natural overgrowth on the Calanian coast by Tropicorp research and production centers. As such, a little bit of funding to support Noa-isinao Wioauoi monstrous vision and some Tropicorp logos associated with protected natural lands aimed at the preservation of one of the native species of the Island Emirate of Turori would go a long way to rebutting any future accusation that Tropicorp didn't care about nature or needed to be more sensitive about the environment.

All the grunt work, the administrative work and the oversight however would be the responsibility of the Cocoabo Preservation Society. While eventually there would be an entire team and staff associated with the effort, for now, with the majority of the work required being high-level negotiations, dealing with official entities and committing agreements on behalf of the Cocoabo Preservation Society, the majority of the existing work had fallen on the shoulders of Wioauoi himself.

Now, with all the paperwork ready to go, and the project ready to move on to the next stage, it was time for another party.

Wioauoi opened the doors to the Cocoabo Preservation Society headquarters and invited all comers. He had an announcement to make. And a lot more donations to take.

As the crowds came in, each one was welcomed personally by the head of the Cocoabo Preservation Society, Noa-isinao Wioauoi. The room was set up differently on this night than it had been during the World Cup 71 Madness Gala just a week prior. That event, with a more formal feel, as if it were designed as a 'night of elegance, pomp and circumstance' was a limited entry, invitational event for those at the Silver Cocoabo membership level or higher.

On this night, however, the doors were wide open. The dining tables were gone replaced by standard seating in the center of the main hall, and standing social tables around the perimeter.

As the crowds found their seats, each found a bottle of Calanian Spring water and a goodie bag filled with snacks and a coupon to be traded in at the beverage center for one beverage of their choice. Tables around the perimeter offered a small selection of pigs in a blanket, chips and dip and some traditional turorian snack foods for the guests. The CPS concession stand around the corner was also open, selling traditional light meals that some guests picked up on their way to a seated or standing position.

Finally, the lights flickered to signify to the guests that it was time for the preceedings to begin, and Noa-isinao Wioauoi took to the stage.

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"I'd like to welcome everyone here to the Cocoabo Preservation Society headquarters" Wioaoui began, "I hope you will be as excited as I am when you find out what we have in store for the evening."

Wiouaoi made a motion to two assistants at the side and then continued with his announcement.

"Working closely with the Atlantian Oceania Regional Defense Organization, and thanks to some support from our friends at Tropicorp, the Cocoabo Preservation Society has been lucky enough to be granted full access to a large swath of land that has been held under the protection of the AORDO for some time." Wioaoui made another motion to some assistants who took the curtain off a presentation board showing a map of the greater Vilitan Cove and Calanian Coast region, and a large section of land on the Calanian Coast highlighted in Red on the map.

"As you see here, the lands to the North of Turori, from the Point of Calania eastward to the Krytenian border, which have been long held as a protectorate of the Atlantian Oceania Regional Defense Organzation, will soon be transferred into protectorship right here to the Cocoabo Preservation Society!" - A minor rucus of support broke out within the crowd.

"It has been a lot of hard work to secure this, and of course we had to provide assurances to the Atlantian Oceania Regional Defense Organization that we would have the administrative capability to take on the task of overseeing such a large section of Calanian coastline. This is one reason why we have partnered in this endeavour with our friends at Tropicorp. Tropicorp offer the financial stability as well as the experience in autonomous oversight of independant isolated landspace as they have proven to do plentifully with their own lands south east of the Tuorki Isle."

"We will be using a similar model, but of course for a different purpose. The lands, which for now shall be known as the Cocoabo Forest, are the single most similar climate in the region to the natural habitat of our beloved Cocoabo. As such, the location could't have been more perfect." - At this point, another curtain was unraveled revealing the name "Cocoabo Forest" and what appeared to be a flag or insignia for the new preservation.

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"While we are thrilled and excited at the possibilities of expanding Cocoabo Preservation to the Cocoabo Forest, it will take a massive effort from everyone here at the Cocoabo Preservation Society to prepare for this. As such, we will have plenty of new job opportunities in the Cocoabo Foret, but, we will not be leaving the Cocoabo's native home here in Turori. The better job we do here in Turori, and the better that Preservation efforts continue, there will always be a home for Cocoabo's here on the main islands of our home. In order to best preserve the Cocoabo's for the future, however, expansion of preservation land into Calania is the best bet, and we're so excited to take you on this journey with us!"

Wioaoui walked out into the crowd a this point, "Obviously, we always need your donations and support, and now, more than ever, your donation can make a difference. We have a chance here to start fresh. Provide a perfect sanctuary where Cocoabo can roam free, unperturbed, unfenced, unrestricted without the thread of civilian interference. Lets make this happen!!"

The crowd cheered as Wioaoui walked out and shook hands with some of the dignitaries who had some of the few seated tables on the side of the hall. One of the assistants made an announcement that folks were free to wander about the CPS headquarters for the next hour, and after the break, they would continue on by simulcasting the reveal of the next round of World Cup 71 Madness results.

In the back of his mind, Wioaoui both breathed a sigh of relief - the big announcement was over - and reared up the butterflies all at the same time, knowing that his whole career - his whole life, would be defined by the success - or failure, of the Cocoabo Forest.

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Island Emirate
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Posted: Jul 18 2015, 12:43 AM
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COCOABO FOREST :: Noa-isinao Wioauoi stepped foot in the "Cocoabo Forest" and deemed it fit for habitation by Turori's most beloved native species. Wioauoi, the president of the Cocoabo Preservation Society, had worked with Vilitan quasi-governmental conglomerate entity Tropicorp to get the proper funding, manpower and expertise to complete the effort and ensure that Cocoabo Forest would prove to be a suitable home for the re-naturalization of the Cocoabo for many years into the future.

While many native Turorian's have voiced their dismay at the collaboration with Tropicorp - uncertain with what "strings" or "kickbacks" such a relationship might require; to date, there has been nothing but conservation and charity coming from either Tropicorp officials or the staff at the Cocoabo Preservation Society. There had been rumors of a large amount of construction related supplied on their way to Cocoabo Forest, with many concerned that Tropicorp may be using the protected Atlantian Oceania lands for its own internal benefit. However, Noa-isinao Wioauoi has assured that all development within the Cocoabo Forest would be directly related to Cocoabo Preservation.

Tropicorp is expected to help fund administrative costs associated with upkeep in the Cocoabo Forest, but the actual administrative work will be handled by officials trained and employed by the Cocoabo Preservation Society. Naturally, with officials, scientists and preservationists on site 24/7, there will need to be some sort of infrastructure set up to maintain a quality of life and basic amenities for those in the Cocoabo Forest. It is expected that these infrastructure plans and costs would also be incurred by Tropicorp.

The vast lands signed over to protection of the Cocoabo Preservation Society by the Alantian Oceania Regional Defense Organization, shown in bright red on the enclosed map, run from the western shore of the point of Calania through to the border with Krytenia; by indirect extension making Krytenia the first country to share a national border with both Vilita & Turori. The Cocoabo Preservation Society, protector of the lands of the Cocoabo Forest is a registered and flagged Turorian entity while Tropicorp, a national asset to both the Tropics of Vilita and the Island Emirate of Turori, is a quasi governmental entity spun out and registered with the Tropics of Vilita, although it is self flagged. Tropicorp also shares a land border with Krytenia, although a much smaller border at the southwestern tip of the land of Cyan.

It was not immediately clear if any infrastructure added to connect the Cocoabo Forest with main-island Turori would have any impact or connection to Krytenian infrastructure.
Island Emirate
Posts: 54
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Posted: Jul 24 2015, 04:59 PM
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Cocoabo Forest Begins To Take Shape
Neutral Conservation Zone on Calanian Shore ready for Population

KIONAO, TURORI :: Less than a cycle after the Atlantian Oceania Regional Defense Organization (AORDO) had approved the use of Atlantian Oceania protected lands to the North and East of the Island Emirate of Turori for Cocoabo Conservation efforts, Noa-isinao Wioauoi stepped foot in the "Cocoabo Forest" and deemed it fit for habitation by Turori's most beloved native species. Wioauoi, the president of the Cocoabo Preservation Society, had worked with Vilitan quasi-governmental conglomerate entity Tropicorp to get the proper funding, manpower and expertise to complete the effort and ensure that Cocoabo Forest would prove to be a suitable home for the re-naturalization of the Cocoabo for many years into the future.

While many native Turorian's have voiced their dismay at the collaboration with Tropicorp - uncertain with what "strings" or "kickbacks" such a relationship might require; to date, there has been nothing but conservation and charity coming from either Tropicorp officials or the staff at the Cocoabo Preservation Society. There had been rumors of a large amount of construction related supplied on their way to Cocoabo Forest, with many concerned that Tropicorp may be using the protected Atlantian Oceania lands for its own internal benefit. However, Noa-isinao Wioauoi has assured that all development within the Cocoabo Forest would be directly related to Cocoabo Preservation.

Its no getting around, however, that association with Tropicorp will always bring questions from the purists among the protectionists. While the research done at Tropicorp often seeks to develop technology to help the populous, or, to take dirty industry out of the Vilita & Turori mainlands, it would only be a matter of time before some protest group somewhere started complaining about the destruction of natural overgrowth on the Calanian coast by Tropicorp research and production centers.

Tropicorp is expected to help fund administrative costs associated with upkeep in the Cocoabo Forest, but the actual administrative work will be handled by officials trained and employed by the Cocoabo Preservation Society. Naturally, with officials, scientists and preservationists on site 24/7, there will need to be some sort of infrastructure set up to maintain a quality of life and basic amenities for those in the Cocoabo Forest. It is expected that these infrastructure plans and costs would also be incurred by Tropicorp.

The vast lands signed over to protection of the Cocoabo Preservation Society by the Alantian Oceania Regional Defense Organization, shown in bright red on the enclosed map, run from the western shore of the point of Calania through to the border with Krytenia; by indirect extension making Krytenia the first country to share a national border with both Vilita & Turori. The Cocoabo Preservation Society, protector of the lands of the Cocoabo Forest is a registered and flagged Turorian entity while Tropicorp, a national asset to both the Tropics of Vilita and the Island Emirate of Turori, is a quasi governmental entity spun out and registered with the Tropics of Vilita, although it is self flagged. Tropicorp also shares a land border with Krytenia, although a much smaller border at the southwestern tip of the land of Cyan.

It was not immediately clear if any infrastructure added to connect the Cocoabo Forest with main-island Turori would have any impact or connection to Krytenian infrastructure.
Island Emirate
Posts: 54
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Posted: Aug 2 2015, 03:34 PM
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KIONAO, TURORI :: With the majority of the planning and preparation for the Cocoabo Preservation Society's vast Cocoabo Preserve completed, there was some time for Cocoabo Preservation Society president and former Turori National Team player Noa-Isinao Wioauoi to relax.

As much as he tried to relax, however, he couldn't stop thinking about whether he'd bitten off more than he could chew. The amount of land handed over to the care of the Cocoabo Preservation Society by the Atlantian Oceania Regional Defense Organization (AORDO) was double the size of Turori itself. Not only was it ample land for the Cocoabo to roam - it was probably ample land for all the Cocoabo that had ever existed. No one could accuse Wioauoi of not planning for the future.

Then, of course, there was Tropicorp. They were responsible for a lot of the designs, donating the hours of some really good engineers and planners at no cost to the Cocoabo Preservation Society. The only concession required was continued access and rights to maintain the employee village and transportation routes within the Forest, presumably allowing Tropicorp to conduct small amounts of research as well in concert with Cocoabo Preservation Society specialists.

Wioauoi had just finished a meeting with Dr. Hamonii, the lead of Tropicorp's Cocoabo Forest efforts. Dr. Hamonii was more of a visionary than a functional manager, always thinking about the future and not terribly concerned with the day-to-day - which is likely why he was in Kionao talking with Wioauoi and not on site in the Cocoabo Forest.

That said, Dr. Hamonii invited Noa-isinao Wioauoi to come to the section of the Forest to see what they had been up to.

After taking some time to relax, Wioauoi met up with Dr. Hamonii outside the Cocoabo Preservation Society headquarters where they boarded a flying transport and set off for the Cocoabo Forest.

The flying transport itself was a tri-blade 3-seater with no room for additional passengers or cargo. It was clearly emblazoned not only with the Tropicorp colors - Navy Blue, Orange and just a touch of white, but the "Tropicorp" wordmark prominently along the top of the craft, just under the blades; and the instantly recognizable tri-dart emblem adorning the tail just above a stabilizing rotor.

Inside the craft, spaces were cramped and, taking the middle seat, which was recessed from the pilot and co-pilot seat - the co-pilot seat being occupied by Dr. Hamonii, the view was somewhat limited to what was in front and at reasonable elevation.

It wasn't a long trip from Kionao to the forest, but along the way the two discussed something that had been on both of their minds for some time. What if the Cocoabo Forest was more than just a place for scientists and researchers to monitor, understand and preserve the Cocoabo? What if the Cocoabo Forest was also accessible to the general public?

To Dr. Hamonii's delight, Wioauoi was receptive of the idea. While there would still be smaller Cocoabo preservation areas throughout the Island Emirate, including one right at the Cocoabo Preservation Society headquarters, it would likely make it a more inviting and comforting environment for the on-site employees, researchers and scientists if they got he occasional visit from family, conservationists or just the touristy enthusiast type.

Dr. Hamonii, perhaps with something more grandiose in mind, referenced that the transportation authority of the Kingdom and United Provinces of Krytenia had already agreed in principle to the construction of a passageway between towns on the Krytenian Border and any settlements inside the Cocoabo Forest - a potential upgrade to the dirt road and flying transport methods currently required for access.

As they approached the Cocoabo Coast, the excitement in Dr. Hamonii's voice was evident. Wioauoi strained his neck to see if he could get a better view. With the added range of motion and a little loosening of his belts, Wioaoui could just make out a settlement that he hadn't seen before. It was far more developed than the others within the Forest.

"You've been busy, haven't you Jon?" speaking informally to his colleague and friend.

"Spared no expense", Dr. Hamonii retorted.

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TROPICORP OUTPOST, COCOABO FOREST :: The pilot and Dr. Hamonii exited the flying machine first, followed by Noa-Isinao Wioauoi. Dr. Hamonii urged Noa-Isinao to enjoy himself, and to keep an open mind about what he was about to experience. For his part, Noa-Isinao Wioauoi, the president of the Cocoabo Preservation Society, had no idea what to expect. What he originally expected to be a simple tour of construction and research settlements was quickly turning to have a feeling of something a little bit more grandiose.

A four wheel drive vehicle awaited at the landing pad to receive Dr. Hamonii and Noa-Isinao Wioauoi, while the pilot stayed behind with his craft.

The four wheel drive vehicle proceeded down an un-paved path carefully plucked out of the forest, but soon opened up into larger expanse where building supplied lined either side of the passage. Dr. Hamonii explained to Noa-Isinao Wioauoi that they had decided to invest upfront in the infrastructure. Even if it never met its full potential, Infrastructure is always something that is appreciated by patrons of any municipality, nation or simple worksite.

Noa-Isinao inquired as to where the pathway was taking them. Dr. Hamonii jested "To where we are going, of course!", chuckling as it came out. Wioauoi chuckled along with him, but with a notable sense of moderate discontent. "Back that way", Dr. Hamonii elaborated, "We're constructing a larger dock".

"Aren't the existing docks big enough?" Noa-Isinao Wioauoi queried

"Nonesense!" Dr. Hamonii quipped, "We've got approval from the board to fund projects here in the Cocoabo Forest. Infrastructure requires virtually no sign off. Better to have it and not need it, then to regret not having it in the future." Noa-Isinao Wioauoi, not quite used to having quite the budget capacity that it was obvious Dr. Hamonii was working with, just nodded and enjoyed the scenery.

"Now up here, Noa, this is where we are heading!" The excitement on Dr. Hamonii's face was evident. "Its just a little further up this way, you're going to love this, I guarantee it!"

Now Noa-Isinao Wioauoi was curious. He didn't know he was in for a surprise, nor how much of a surprise he was in for. What was around that bend? Wioauoi began to let his mind wander a bit into the 'extreme' and even to the 'ridiculous'. Perhaps Dr. Hamonii had built a permanent research center, to replace the temporary trailers that the scientists and engineers at the Park had been using the past months in the preparations. After all, he had said it, 'Spared no expense.' Noa-Isinao let his mind wander and enjoyed the thought of being able to travel to the Cocoabo Forest, and spend the net in something other than a cot. Perhaps even a full fledged dormatory for the workers here on the island! Oh how nice that wou "Here it is!" Dr. Hamonii exclaimed, snapping Noa-Isinao out of his day dream, "Right around this bend!"

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...Noa-Isinao Wioauoi was at full attention now as the four-wheel drive vehicle rounded the bend. He could start to make out a large structure. He could hear mechanical noises as the structure began to open in front of him...

"Welcome to Cocoabo Park!" Dr. Hamonii exclaimed enthusiastically

"Alright, so what is Cocoabo Park?" Noa-Isinao Wioauoi asked, looking around. The road forked ahead, and there really wasn't anything but foliage and nature around them, certainly nothing resembling a park.

Dr. Hamonii then opened up, and began to explain his vision, as the four-wheel drive vehicle they were passengers in took the fork to the left.

"Imagine an open plain where the Cocoabo could roam free, and people could come visit, watch from a short distance their beloved animal in a natural habitat, doing natural things."

Noa-Isinao Wioauoi contemplated that statement. While space on the Island Emirate was certainly tight, the Cocoabo Preservation Society had worked hard to maintain Cocoabo Preserves throughout the Island Emirate.

"Don't we already have some of those back home?" Noa-Isinao responded, "I mean back in Turori?"

Dr. Hamonii Chuckled, "Yes, of course, but nothing like this!" - gesturing at the open field to his right, "This field alone is the size of Almintora. Since first arriving here in the forest, our scientists have done an analysis on the packing range of the Cocoabo, and we are very excited about the opportunity to maintain a pack here in the Park without decreasing their quality of life, and to study in comparison with the Cocoabo that roam through the rest of the Forest"

"So what you're saying is, you want people to come all the way to the Cocoabo Forest in order to get in a four-wheel drive vehicle, ride around and get a glimpse of a flock of Cocoabo in a natural habitat like this, and then go home?"

"Oh no my friend!" Dr. Hamonii responded, "There will be much, much more!"

Dr. Hamonii went on to explain that the permanent research facility was nearly completed, and Noa-Isinao was immediately percolated.

"Now, I'm very interested in seeing the research facility, will it have proper dormitory's for us?" Noa-Isinao queried, reviewing his day dream moment from earlier in the day, and realizing its possible that yes, indeed, there would be some improved facilities here for future visits.

"And so much more!" Dr. Hamonii interrupted. "So much more! I don't just want to make the scientists & researchers themselves more comfortable, I want to expand the research, expand the science. I want to understand the Cocoabo genome, document it, and track any changes over time!"

The mention of the word 'genome' stuck out to Noa-Isinao. Certainly such research was way out of his league. At the Cocoabo Preservation Society, Noa-Isinao Wioaoui's objectives had always been simple. Preserve the Cocoabo, and it's way of life. He'd always equated that to mean 'Keep Cocoabo Alive. Keep Cocoabo Breeding. Give Cocoabo a Home.' He'd never given any consideration to whether the Cocoabo genome was changing over time, or how pure it was, or any other random thoughts that were now popping into his head. "So what type of things do you plan to be able to do with the genome - I mean, how do you plan to track it? What do you mean by understand it? How do you do that?"

Dr. Hamonii, staring out in the distance, paused for a moment.

"Noa, do you remember reading about a time when the Cocoabo were more than just a creature needing preservation? When the Cocoabo were trained athletes, and even went on to compete in the World Cup on behalf of the Island Emirate of Turori?"

Noa-Isinao did, indeed, remember learning about the 'Incredible Flock' - Champions of a Cup of Harmony and some of the most exciting sports times in the history of the Island Emirate - a Nation well known for its failure to perform on the sports biggest stage, the World Cup.

"Well, what if we could identify which modern Cocoabo were descendant of that Incredible Flock? What if we could keep those Cocoabo together in a flock, have them breed together, and strengthen those Incredible genes once more? What if we could train them to play once more!"

Noa-Isinao was intrigued. While, as the president of the Cocoabo Preservation Society, he had always been concerned about maintaining the Cocoabo Population and ensuring they always had a place to call home; as a former Turori National team player, sports enthusiast and die-hard national of the Island Emirate, the prospect of being able to re-cover some of the most exciting sporting history of the nation seemed quite exciting.

"So how do we do it?" Noa-Isinao asked.

"We've already started." Dr. Hamonii said with a large smile on his face.

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Island Emirate
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Posted: Mar 4 2017, 12:41 PM
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Bringing The Cocoabo Forest to Life :: Changing the face of the Preservation Society

The Cocoabo Preservation Society has long been a major player in many aspects of the Turorian way of life. From being the 'go-to' place for high society to mingle and philantropicly dump finances in return for generous tax write-offs, to being an organization that prides itself in bringing educational programs to the children of the Island Emirate, the Cocoabo Preservation Society was a microcosm of an embodiment of everything that it means to be Turorian.

However, the Cocoabo Preservation Society had always been an entity. An organizing body responsible for overseeing, for logistically ensuring existing commitments continued and the best interest of the Cocoabo was always at the forefront. A reactionary entity, and an entity charged with maintaining the status quo.

That was, until former Turori National Team player Noa-Isinao Wioauoi took over the role as president of the Cocoabo Preservation Society. To Wioauoi, there was more to the Cocoabo Preservation Society than counting heads in the flock, hosting benefit events and visiting elementary schools. Wioauoi had a vision of greater things for his beloved Cocoabo, and that Vision would be as grand as they would come.

Wioauoi knew he could not do it alone and sought the assistance of the regions largest quasi-governmental super corportation, Tropicorp. While Wioauoi had the vision - the drive to turn the Cocoabo Preservation Society into a force driving change in the Island Emirate, it was Tropicorp who had the capital, infrastructure and sheer manpower to implement Wioauoi's grandiose ideas.

Of course, little did Wioauoi know, even his plans would not, in the end, be as grand as those of the Cocoabo Preservation Society's newest corporate partner.

Wioauoi was the political lead, the glad-hander and the brains. He was no fool. He knew that, while Turorians were almost always well intentioned, as time passed and populations grew, there would almost certainly be more and more instances in the future when a choice would have to be made between the citizen population and the Cocoabo population. And while public sentiment for the Cocoabo would always result in a victory or two, in the long run, the Citizens would start tending to make decisions in their own favor instead.

It is for this reason that Wioauoi set out on his mission to locate a new, much, much larger piece of land to preserve in the name of the Cocoabo. A piece of land not within the water-locked limits of the Island Emirate of Turori, but land across the way. Forgotten land.

The climate in the AORDO protected zone West of Krytenia was nearly identical to that of the Turorian Forests that the majority of the remaining wild Cocoabo in Northern Turori prosper in. There hadn't been any major development through the AORDO protected zone in some time after the collapse of the Andossa se mitrin Vegan economy and the re-emergence of Krytenia as a regional power shifted many trade routes away from the coast and through the Bekkside states.

Bringing The Cocoabo Forest to Life :: Signing the Deals to Make Things Happen

Though in the distant past, the lands in the AORDO proected zone West of Krytenia had been inhabited, it had been quite some time since the lands were either inhabited, or, even utilized by the Atlantian Oceania Regional Defense Organization for training or testing purposes.

It was just the opportunity that Noa-Isinao Wioauoi needed to make a difference in the World... at least the World that he cared about - Turori and its national treasure, the Cocoabo.

Wiouaoi engaged in long discussions with AORDO representatives. They went over the rationale for the protected status of the lands, and what were acceptable uses for it. The rationale was pretty much "Because its protected" and the acceptable uses for the land were pretty much "There aren't any acceptable uses of the land". Wioauoi knew he had his work cut out for him.

However, once Wiouaoi was able to get around the bureaucracy just a little bit, and break through to the reasonableness, it became clear that while it was important to continue protecting the land, there was nothing stopping a few outposts being built and some new inhabitants be introduced into the ecosystem. Once actual reasons for protecting the land were pried out of the AORDO, none of them really seemed to reference the fauna. Since the lands were previously occupied and build over, there really weren't century's of ecological pristinity needing to be preserved. A lot of the rationale surrounded strategic defense purposes, of which Wiouaoi had little concern for.

Eventually AORDO officials agreed to allow the Cocoabo Preservation Society to release and monitor Cocoabo in the Wild in the protected lands; including the ability to construct sporadic developments specifically associated with the monitoring, treatment and educational activities related to the Cocoabo. Now, the next step for Wiouaoi was to find funding. He could certainly get some Cocoabo over to the protected lands, but the protected lands were massive. There would need to be an infrastructure set up to monitor them. He needed a major sponsor.

Step forward, Tropicorp. The quasi-governmental corportation already knew all about taking overgrown natural lands and turning them into something different, as the entire Tropicoast region of Western Calania was created by the megacorp. However, as always follows a major corporation, concerns about "Whether they had the best interest" of the people, of the wildlife - of any group that could possibly be shunned or offended were starting to creep up. It was a win-win relationship. The Cocoabo Preservation Society would get the funding, the infrastructure build up, the construction and development expertise that they needed to begin a proper Cocoabo preserve in the protected lands.

Tropicorp, in the meantime, would be able to attach its name to a major conservation, preservation and habilitation project, taking away any concerns about where the companies priorities were focused. Instead, people would be focused on all the good things Tropicorp was doing.

Wiouaoi had what he needed. He had the land, he had the funding. Now he just needed the people to architect a plan and turn his vision into reality.

How many Cocoabo?

What kind of Cocoabo?

Young Cocoabo? Old Cocoabo?

There were so many questions - and that was just when considering the Cocoabo. Logistics, Infrastructure. It was a massive undertaking. Wioauoi knew, however, that this would be his legacy. Everything he had done up until that point - small potatoes.

This was the project that he would be remembered by. This would be the project that defined his career, defined his life... defined his existence.

Bringing The Cocoabo Forest to Life :: It can't all be done by just one man...

Though well aware with the fact that he needed their help, needed their capabilities...needed their financial influence, Noa-Isinao Wioauoi also had grown quite weary of some of the folks over at Tropicorp.

Sure, as president of the Cocoabo Preservation Society, Wioauoi's job was to look out for the best interest of the Cocoabo, secure funding, put on a good face. He wasn't necessarily a Cocoabo conservation expert, he wasn't necessarily an expert on infrastructure, ecology, land cultivation, Cocoabo Breeding - in fact, the list of things that Noa-Isinao Wioauoi was not an expert in was quite long, so he knew he would need to rely on many, many different people and organizations to make his dream a reality.

Normally, Wioauoi's job consists of talking to people, getting them to donate money, and getting them to make promises for the future. Now, with respect to his grandiose plans for a vast Cocoabo preserve in the AORDO protected lands West of Krytenia, he had already done those things. He'd talked to the right people, he'd gotten the right paperwork signed, he got a major quasi-government organization to make promises of support and to put forward the financial capital to accomplish those promises. Now, it was just about executing them in a single, unified vision.

This post has been edited by Turori on Mar 4 2017, 12:43 PM
Island Emirate
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