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Nojikian Spies Captured In Orichalc....
Posted: May 20 2004, 04:17 PM
PMEmail Poster
(OOC: The reasons and tactics behind this are discussed in the AORDO RP thread about the South Cove.)

The Xilian general nodded in agreement with the Tachbian mobile commander. "This seems a good way to protect the Nojikian populace for the time being. However, long term protection is not certain. It is the belief of my government that we must invade now. Threat of attack is immenent, and invasion may be the only way to stave off certain disaster."

The Tachbian general looked down slowly, his mind racing...
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
Posts: 358
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Posted: May 20 2004, 04:24 PM
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(OOC: this could go on for a while like this. Oh well)

"There?s no way we can launch offensive action against such a weapon without huge losses. Even with the whole of AORDO. My government si working on something to combat it with but it is by no means ready. An Invasion tat hi state I suicide. We don?t know what action they may take, we don?t know the range. My government agrees the project should be terminated, but we are in no position to do so now."
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Posted: May 20 2004, 04:30 PM
PMEmail Poster
Alright, for right now, we will return troops to Nojika, but will keep our position of placing troops at distances atleast 3kms from one another. We await a further unraveling of events before we attack.
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
Posts: 358
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Posted: May 20 2004, 05:41 PM
PMEmail Poster
The battle screen lit up red and an orange circle flashed in the mapped areas of Novus Atlantian waters.

"Imperator, it appears a Nojikan ship has entered our waters at grid M20, it doesn't look like a hostile act. What it appears to be is that their incompetent navigator miscalculated the current effects of the Nojika Channel, while trying to move with their fleet 3KM away from the nearest allied forces. Thusly they have drifted into our waters, while this isn't a hos..."

The Imperator cut him off.

"Open fire with the defensive gauss rifles. Blast the son of a bitch out of the water."

The Consul nodded, tapped on the icon of a gauss rifle, entered a 4 digit security code and confirmed the command.

Several seconds later a Class IX Atlantian Gauss Rifle powered up, rotated 3 degrees to the south, and fired a super-dense, cylindrical, magnetically accelerated projectile at the offending ship.

The projectile cut through the hull of the ship making a 2 meter wide breach, as the water rushed in three more projectiles struck the ship being fired from the other defensive gauss rifles. In a matter of mere seconds a destroyer was reduced to a piece of torn and twisted metal.

This post has been edited by Novus Atlantica on May 20 2004, 05:43 PM
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
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Posted: May 20 2004, 05:49 PM
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AORDO Mobile Command

Alarm bell sounded as phones all round the place. Operators trying to make sense of the sudden inflow of information. On the far wall the Tachbian head looked at the income reports. "So it has started. Order our Naval forces to regroup at the Nojikan front. Tell them to wipe out anything that comes near them. Nothing must get past. "

One of the phone operators placed his hand on the microphone and spoke to the Tachbian. "Sir, the Nojikan force guarding the capital is requesting more ships from our groups"

"I though the capital group were handling their own defence. Okay, start dispatching some ships there but don?t thin out the front line. " I turned back to the rest of the room. "Inform all governments of the attack upon the reconnaissance vessel, get the planes into the air and put everyone on read alert. "
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Posted: May 20 2004, 06:21 PM
PMEmail Poster

After the recent event in which a Nojikan ship entered the waters of Novus Atlantica and was consequently destroyed, the Federation of Novus Atlantica formally declares war against Nojika and all nations aiding in the defense of Nojika. Our borders are now closed and our air space shut down.

Scientia est potentia.

:Imperator Revan Uvirith

This post has been edited by Novus Atlantica on May 20 2004, 06:29 PM
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
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Posted: May 20 2004, 06:26 PM
PMEmail Poster

For actions against the nations of Nojika, namly destroying a scout without warning or mercy, in responce to the decleration of war against the Nojika the defence union of AORDO declares war against the Federation of Novus Atlantica.
Posts: 689
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Posted: May 20 2004, 07:09 PM
PMEmail Poster
"So it has begun... Direct the gauss rifles to open fire on Rozier, try to keep civilian casualties to a minimum. Give the go-ahead order to the 9th Aerial-Legion; destroy the target and return to aid in the defense of Orichalc, that is if there are any survivors of that mission. Order my Sardaukar to take position around Orichalc."

"What of the LUCIFER system Revan?"

"Not yet Deviath. We shall hold that for a good show."
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
Posts: 244
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Posted: May 20 2004, 09:36 PM
PMEmail Poster
6 hours earlier, Aidan gave the order for all of his troops to abandon their current positions and build up in the southern portion of the peninsula. War was imminent, and there was no time to waste.

Aidan shouted out, "commence the attack!" Jets screamed out of the southern base camp of the Nojikian peninsular and began swarming toward the Novus Atlantican border. They close in on their target and open fire...

The first Tachbian vessel takes a hit and begins to fall beneath the water. The entire southern defense grid falls as the Xilian Air Force sweeps through. Then they turn around and meet the rest of their approaching armies. The gauss rifles of Novus Atlantica continually pound Rozier while the area is in havok. All Tachbian and Nojikian bases come under heavy fire.

Aidan slowly drops his head and mutters, "...for the people." Chaos ensues on the screen in front of him as the Nojikian southern defense goes up in flames.

The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Novus Atlantian Marine legions land on the southeastern coast and rendevous with the occupying Xilian forces before beginning their march northward...

This post has been edited by Xile on May 20 2004, 10:44 PM
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
Posts: 358
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Posted: May 20 2004, 11:09 PM
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Aron Lavinsky sits at his desk, pondering over recent reports of an unexpected Xilian assault against the AORDO and Nojika.

"Well Salvon...what the hell is this?"

"Sir, at this moment we really don't know. We aren't sure if this was planned all along, or if its just a recent development. We had reports earlier of diplomats being sent from Novus Atlantica to Xile, but we thought they were just discussing the peace treaty."

"Well obviously that was not the case. When I asked for your opinion, I would've thought my military advisor would have one better materialized than this. You may be dismissed."

"Yes sir..."

Jason Salvon simply turns, and exits the room, a look of defeat in his eyes.

"I hope the rest of you have better information for me" the Prime Minister states while coldly staring at the rest of his staff.

The Secretary of Commerce is the first to speak. "Sir, I say that it would be in our best interest to pull out our forces for the time being. Without knowing what the Xilian government is planning, we have no way of knowing where we stand at this juncture. Our economy is strong yes, but a long, drawn out war could not benefit us at this point, and if i were to refer to our last dealings with Xile, neither of us could be said to have benefited."

However, Abattoir's Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Robert Hudson, interjects. "I must disagree with you. To completely withdraw would not be for the best interest our nation at this point. We have been working hard to achieve a higher standing among the heirarchy of the region, and this is a time to assert our power, not dwindle away from the challenge."

Lavinsky sits there in his chair silently brooding over the situation, with a look of amusement over his face. "Okay, let's get out of Nojika...We don't need to lose troops to crossfire right now, and try to arrange a meeting with someone, anyone."

He turns in his chair, and glances at a map on the wall, muttering, "I wonder what that bastard Cannonite is up to..."
Pinprick of Apathy
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Posted: May 20 2004, 11:50 PM
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"Sir! The Xilian armies are marching north!"

"Already? I wasn't aware they had landed on the beaches of Novus Atlantica, when did..."

"...No, no sir, they have turned North from their position in the South Mountains, they are marching North to the capital. And reports show that the Xilian air force attacked vessels of Tachbe in the channel. We can assume that they have aided N.A. in landing on our beaches and are together marching North..."

"We can assume? You mean we don't know for sure what the hell they are doing?"

"That's right sir."

"Alright then, move our Southern most fleet into a position to shower their path and alert the 22nd army division of the forces moving North towards them." Slaming his fist into his desk he shouted, "I do not want these frauds to advance!"

"Yes sir, right away..."

"And contact the Defense Organization, tell them we request their immidete and complete support, there is no way we may be able to counter this attack on our own..."

Rushing out of the room, "Yes sir."

This post has been edited by Nojika on May 20 2004, 11:55 PM
Senator in Training
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Integrity Messenger IMAOLYahooMSNTop

Posted: May 21 2004, 05:29 AM
PMEmail Poster
AORDO Mobile Command

The room shook around them. Maps fell off the wall. The Tachbian general looked out the door, 3 missiles hit a towering skyscraper and it started to rock. Another one smashed into its side the the top half started to crumble and collapsed into the streets below.

"Sir, we have confirmation that the Tachbian embassy staff made it to Lopinka in time" stated a commander leaning over the war map on the table.

The general looked back to him and pulled the door closed. "How did they evacuation go?"

"At least several hundred refused to leave. The rest are moving to the east. We have ships waiting to ship them out. Sir, we have had reports about Xile-"

"You will have to get in touch with Lopinka, it?s a disaster here. We need to move back, find a new defensive position. Send a message to all AORDO airforces, a full out air raid on all airbases in N.A. in range."

"The nations are moving out of formations. Send message to all nations, hold the line, all nations protecting the capital should form a defensive ring around the city and destroy anything they see, and get reinforcements. How is the Navy going? "

"Our ships and Samoninans are successfully holding back N.A. forces in nearly all areas. But there are some weak spots where they have broken through. We are dispatching fleets to eliminate them"

TNS Tabla Bridge.

"There?s those foreign buggers!"

"Admiral, that?s just the Nojikan fleet"

"Oh yes yes. Can we all use the same flag. Ahh, over there"

"Looks like NA is trying to land. "

"Full barrage of torpedoes, all weapons target their capital ship. Send the smaller vessels round to wipe out those landing craft and call in air support. "

The fleets weapons boomed across the oceans waves, the enemy fleet taking hit after hit smashing apart their hulls. The fleets flag took a hit on their bridge, the tall tower of the ship collapsed into the sea almost dragging the rest of the ship with it. The landing craft one by one sinking under fire of approaching gun boats. The returning fire started to hit the Tachbian fleet, An Atlantican frigate took a hit to it bow but remain in shape a sit responded with missiles finishing off the capital ships. The reaming ships starting to pull off as the battle now moved to the two air forces clashing in the skies.
The anti aircraft weapons of the fleet started to shoot the planes out of the air. A Tachbian planes started to fall, the ships desperately trying to recover those parachuting out. Then a series of missiles flew over the fleet from the direction of Lopinka towards south Nojika.

"I think they have got them working, don?t you commander?"

"I?d like to see them shoot those guys down. Whoever?s on the receiving end of that will be in for a surprise I can tell you.


Secondary Council Building ? East Gate City

The East Gate ambassador reviewed reports of Xiles attacks upon AORDO forces. He looked up and stared around the clean, modern room. Out of the window the massive city of East Gate stretched into the distance.
"We need to mobilise our defence force. Tachbe probably won?t be able to spare much but whatever?s available will have to do. Signal to Xile that we have no offensive intentions in this affair, we have no troops in the south cove."

"I told you we should have stayed out of AORDO. We have been ruled from Tachbe for too long already." Replied his deputy sorting through more papers.

"And if we are invaded who will come to our aid. History has shown the neutrals can still get invaded. "

The door chime sounded and in entered delegates from Perfectan, Villiges and Fronitre isle. The Perfectan delegate spoke up. "We have troops ready to help defend the city Mr ambassador. I and Villiges also intend to send troops to the south cove to back up the AORDO position there. May we ask what your position on the matter is?" They had assembled in the centre of the room as the deputy left into a side office.

"Right now we have Xile on our doorstep, we appreciate the aid to defend our city but can?t take sides in the South Cove situation for risk of provoking Xile to attack us." Replied the ambassador indicating them to sit in a small circle of sofas in the centre of the room. He placed his papers and glasses on the oak desk and walked round the desk and sat next to the ambassadors.

The ambassador from Frontire isle leaned forward adjusting his own glasses slightly. "Mr ambassador, we appreciate your position but if Xile intends to fight AORDO out of the south cove then the best way to do that is through this city, Salmatic would be harder and would provoke them to actively engage troops in south cove. And the domestic Tachbian fleet would not let them get far along the coast."

The villages ambassador quickly butted in. "It is doubtful Xile would invade Samonina or Tachbe itself, the protectorate nations are the core to the stabilisation of the region, and no army, no matter how big, could possibly take Tachbe island itself anyway, the natural defences there have held people off since the dawn of time virtually. This isn?t very realistic."

Everyone leaned back, a butler came in and offered drinks around. The Easy Gate ambassador was the first to speak again. "This war could spiral into total war any moment and the original reason could be lost. What we need is to settle the south cove situation quickly, preferably through diplomacy. NA wants land from Nojika, we need to find out if the Nojikans are willing to surrender any. Why NA can?t take unclaimed land I don?t know. Meanwhile we need to forge an agreement with Xile not to let this war spread from South Cove, a war over the northern Territories would end in certain disaster for both sides. "



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Posted: May 21 2004, 10:39 AM
PMEmail Poster
A sense of despair hung over the cabinet room of the Samonina Temporary Parliament House. Only there was no cabinet. Instead, the prime minister sat with the heads of the army, navy and air force. And the Minister for Defense.
No-one spoke. Not a word. There was nothing to be said. Everyone knew they were facing an impossible decision.
Eventually, the defeaning silence had to be broken.

'We have to avoid outright, full regional war,' stated the prime minister. Again, silence.

The head of the army spoke.
'Samonina should not enter into the war in her own right, only as a part of AORDO. See what a mess Xile has got itself into. We need to remain consistent. Anyway, Xile will not attack us. We are too powerful. Our main concern is the South Cove situation, and making sure it doesnt spread - '
'With all respect,' broke in the head of the Navy,'The Navy, as part of the AORDO force, is suffering crippling losses everyday. We need to prepare for the worst.'
'Well as the air force has had no major part to play here so far, we could work on defense here, while the army and the navy keep control of the South Cove situation.'
'Well lets keep to the point here, gentlemen. Minister for Defense, Head of the Air Force- That should be enough for today. you may both collaborate in organising our defense. I expect a briefing in 48 hours time. Dismissed.'
'Now to our plans for the South Cove Situation-'
Experienced Senator
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Posted: May 21 2004, 03:15 PM
PMEmail Poster
The battle screen flared yellow and tracked the missiles from Lopinka.

The Imperator chuckles and shakes his head...

"Send the command codes to the LUCIFER system. Target: Lopinka."

The Consul was busy tapping battle icons on the screen and moving them to different grids after he heard this he tapped an icon near the bottom-right of the holographic screen. The Consul punched in the grid co-ordiantes of Lopinka, entered an 8-digit security code, and confirmed.

In geo-synchronous orbit around Earth, 9 satellites came to life. They lit up and faintly glowed. Several seconds later 9 beams of energy conversed into a single beam and fired down on Lopinka.

The citizens on the ground saw the beam coming and stood in awe at the blinding light. The beam struck a skyscraper, dispersed and appeared to have no effect. Police officers recieved transmissions on their radios and set up around the city and began speaking through mega-phones.

"Attention citizens! What you just witnessed was the failed result of Novus Atlantica's Lucifer Project!! We are completley safe as that was their only shot! The A.O.R.D.O forces in the South Cove area are doing remarkably well and war will be over soon, there is no need to pani..."

The city erupted into a blaze of light and in a blink of an eye (shorter than that actually) the only thing left of most of Lopinka were the crushed remains of buildings and cars. It appeared as if a giant bomb erupted in Lopinka and destroyed everything in its 2 KM path. There were no fires, no explosions. Everything was just crushed. Buildings, cars, people, roads, all smashed together.

"How long until we can use it again?"

"We have to wait until a mission team is sent to replace the cegitolium in the satellites... At our current situation that would take months. Eventually we plan on expanding the satellites to include reserves of cegitolium that would replace themselves after each shot... But for now we must rely on the mission teams."

"I hope the war doesn't last that long..."

And for the first time in many years Imperator Uvirith held his head in his hands and wept... The first civilian casualties of the war...

This post has been edited by Novus Atlantica on May 21 2004, 03:26 PM
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
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Posted: May 21 2004, 03:47 PM
PMEmail Poster
Undisclosed Location

"They did it sir. The city?s gone"

"What!" The Tachbian President looked up from his papers immediately jumping from his desk and following the general into the war room. As he entered the room the shouting and screaming across the room ceased. On the monitored it showed Lopinka, what was left of it. The centre was set up once the Lucifer project was revealed to the council and constructed by a number of, undisclosed, nations for AORDO operations.
He indicated for everyone to go back to work. General Manjunas approached him.

"I told you it would be safer here." The general said, obviously about to suggest a new major offensive.

"Thank you. And convey my gratitude to our comrades for getting this place operational. Get us online and ensure they front is stabilized. What bout the Vilitan President, did he get out? "

"We haven?t got word from the Vilitan government. But we got the Lucifer data. "

"Let me see." The General guided the President to a large control screen, on it displayed images and scans of the Lucifer satellites."

"When they fired we obtained full scans, next time they try to use it, we will be read." The general said occasionally whacking his stick against the screen at some data obviously of some significance to what he was talking about but utterly incomprehensible to the average person.

"Then you may issue your offensive."

"Thank you sir, the force we have at the lines we will have them off the peninsular before you can say peace deal"
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