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Growing Decent
Posted: Jun 6 2004, 03:54 AM
PMEmail Poster
[OOC: Hvem er Dansk her? Jeg kender Danmark/Kristiania meget godt :-p]

IC: We would like to offer our support to the government which is under siege. We believe that we must stop any spread of left-wing ideals in order to secure the region.
Scribe in Training
Posts: 30
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Posted: Jun 6 2004, 08:40 PM
PMEmail Poster
The Gauss fighters (officially named the NAF-9 "Paladins") were black and constructed similar to the F-117 and they were cruising 25,000 feet above THS land.

"This is Alpha Lance to base, reporting in for coordinate check. I repeat Alpha Lance to base. Over."

"Roger that Alpha Lance coordinates confirmed. ETA to target 5 minutes. Over."

The legion was comprised of 18 of these sleek and menacing jets and they were currently en route to the Kristiania airbase where they would refuel, be briefed on their mission, and then launch the offensive strikes against the rebel forces.

5 minutes later the 18 jets took their turns landing and refueling. The HS battle commander briefed the pilots on their mission to destroy the mobile rebel HQ. Thier primary goal was to destroy all anti-air defenses and radar systems, their secondary goal was to eliminate as much armor support as possible. With the anti-air defenses gone the bombers could level the HQ and the lack of armor would at least take away from some of the rebels power when they reached Kristiania.

As the fighters took off, the bomber legion just began to land, they too recieved the same briefing and by the time the bombers began to take off the fighters were in position to strike the rebel HQ.

"Alpha Lance to Kristiania, we are in sight of target. Over."

"Bravo Lance to Kristiania, we are in sight of target. Over."

"Charlie Lance to Kristiania, we are in sight of target. Over."

"Confirmed. Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie Lances, you are approved for mission go! Over."

Three voices rang out through the mic.

"Roger that Kristiania, beginning attack vector now. Over."

The sleek jets, like a group of graceful migratory birds swept down and began operning fire on the HQ. Destructor missiles shot from the wings of the Paladins and exploded on SAM sites, reducing them to hulking mounds of burning metal. Gauss rifles charged and fired heavy tungsten shells, tearing tanks to shreds.

Several rebels got their acts together and brought up a Stinger man portable missile-launcher. The rebel fired, the missile shot toward a Paladin and seemed to be confused. It arced up and began to spin wildy out of control. It shot back down toaward the ground and erupted in a ball of flame in a medical tent.

"Hoo-ah! Those damn techies finally managed to get our EMP defenses working!"

The pilot of the targetted Paladin was estactic. His joy was cut short as a functional SAM site targetted his jet. It fired a missile, the missile erupted from the site and shot toward the jet, with the EMP system down and the pilot not focused the missile made a direct hit.

"Oh gods! Noo!!! Ahhh!!!! ...static..."

The screams of the pilot played over the entire aerial legion comlink.

"Take that site down!"

Three Paladins converged on the site, unleashing hell upon it with gauss. The tungsten shells ripped the site apart, scarring the ground and obliterating not only the SAM site but everything within 5 feet of it.

The HQ was in chaos. Rebels were screaming and firing blindly into the air. Troop transports were trying to get away. There were many tanks left, but the SAM sites were destroyed.

"Alpha Lance return to base! Over!"

"Bravo Lance our mission here is done! Head back to Kristiania! Over!"

"Charlie Lance the gods were with us for this one! Let's manage to stay alive and feast in their honor! Over and out!"

The Paladins screamed as they sped away from the carnage.

"We've got radar contact of the Dark Angels, we've also got... What the hell? Enemy contacts! Closing in fast! We're not done just yet! All fighters! Let's takes these bastards out!"

The Paladins, no longer worried about stealth, shot upward and came back down... right behind the enemy jets.

Unfortunately the Paladins had expended their arsenal of Destructor missiles, meaning they would have to rely on their gauss rifles...

The Paladins began opening fire. Magnetic accelerators charged and shot their tungsten shells forward at hypersonic speeds. A single shell ripped through the end of an enemy jet and came out through the nose of the jet. It fell to the ground.

The other enemy jets attempted evasive maneuvers but such attempts were useless as evading gauss projectiles, which hit their targets nearly instantly, was not like evading missiles.

Five of the enemy jets managed to get an angle on the 8th Aerial and began launching their missile salvos. The EMP systems caused many of the missiles to spiral to the ground but several found their mark causing the pilots to eject... over hostile territory where they would likely be killed.

Finally as the bombers became visible with the naked eye, the enemy fighters were down and the 8th Aerial Legion began its return to Kristiania, minus 4 fighters...

The bombers moved in towards the burning HQ, the rebels, thinking all was safe were regrouping when they saw the shadows on the ground.

"That's strange... I didn't think there were any clouds in the sky today..." He looked up and idmediately lost control of his bowels. What he saw would make any man do the same.

18 Novus Atlantican "Dark Angel" bombers, all with thier payload doors open, loomed overhead the enemy...
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
Posts: 244
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Posted: Jun 6 2004, 08:40 PM
PMEmail Poster
QUOTE (Dartace @ Jun 6 2004, 08:54 AM)
[OOC: Hvem er Dansk her? Jeg kender Danmark/Kristiania meget godt :-p]

IC: We would like to offer our support to the government which is under siege. We believe that we must stop any spread of left-wing ideals in order to secure the region.

(ooc: jeg er norsk, men faren min er dansk... men jeg bor i amerika, saa jeg har mistet lit of mitt spraag og skrift...)


<<~From: THS 206th Command Battalion, Kristiania~>>
<<~To: Dartacian and Xilian Military Commands~>>
[TRANSMISSION BEGIN] Although the Holy Saints has traditionally been a left wing government, this uprising is attempting to instill and authoritarian right wing government not unlike that of Nazi Germany.  However, The Holy Saints would welcome any aid, and pleads that you not base this on political ideals as at least 40,000,000 people will be wiped from the face of the Earth if these rebels gain control.  To Xilian Military Command, we wish to express great graditude and hope the Saints may be with you in this time of hardship.[OUT]

*about 3 kliks outside Kristiania...*

'Fox Team!! get to that hill and scout enemy positions!'
'Charlie Team!! Secure our flanks with Bravo and Delta!'
'Alpha and Easy, come with me and bring up the center.'

*a few moments later, from Fox team.*
'Sir' crackled over the radio, 'We have a status report. There are approximately 14 battalions in the field ahead, and more are coming out of the forest on the far side... -explicitive removed-e, they've spotted us!! retreating!'
'B company, Retreat back to the city! bring word of the coming forces!!'
Holy Saints
Senator in Training
Posts: 246
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Posted: Jun 6 2004, 08:46 PM
PMEmail Poster
*On the top of Mount Kristiania, next to a gigantic Rail Gun defensive turret.*

'Ah, sir, look down there, see all those black squares?'
'Yes, I do private. Those are the enemy. Prepare to fire!'
'Of course sir. Loading up the spikes at once!'

'Sighted sir.'
'Calculate velocity'
'calculated, sir.'
'FIRING SIR!' was barely heard over the enourmous noise made by the 20 foot long spikes flying at the enemy formations 5,000 feet below.

'Look at that! 2 of those blocs are not even moving anymore! Sweet Saints almighty!'
'It is a mighty powerful weapon, ain't it son?'
'Yes sir, it is.'
Holy Saints
Senator in Training
Posts: 246
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