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The Republic Falls...
Posted: Jan 13 2005, 06:11 AM
PMEmail Poster
...The National Assembly hears the results one by one from the vote. All 543 regional assemblies have agree to allow volunteers to assist the Free Republic of Lamoni. As the news goes out across the country people begin to sign up as volunteers. The national assembly puts out a statement to the region.

The National Assembly of the Federation of Emagol would like to offer 100,000 volunteers to the Rree Republic of Lamoni. Unfportunatly we have little in the way of equipment so it is necessary to provide weapons for these volunteers. All other costs shall be covered by the Federation. Good luck in your fight

The volunteers prepare to move out as families and friends say their good byes, all in the hope that this conflict will end peacefully.

At the same time there are peaceful demonstrations by groups of anarchists who oppose the intervention but they are largly ignored as people continue to go about their business.
Posts: 9
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Posted: Jan 13 2005, 05:13 PM
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An Aide walked into the War Room, and handed a message from Emagol to President Stone:

The National Assembly of the Federation of Emagol would like to offer 100,000 volunteers to the Free Republic of Lamoni. Unfortunatly we have little in the way of equipment so it is necessary to provide weapons for these volunteers. All other costs shall be covered by the Federation. Good luck in your fight.

After reading the short message, the President handed the message to the military head of the Lamoni Army, Colonel General Iosif Bondarenko. While passing the message over, he said, "I want you to see to the preparations involved in bringing the Emagol volunteers to the Free Republic, arming, and giving them whatever training that they might require, General."

Giving a smart though uneeded salute, the General simply said, "Yes Sir!"

Afterward, the President directed that a message be sent to the NA Imperator:

FROM: The Free Republic of Lamoni  To: Imperator, Novvs Atlantis

Whether the State can loose and bind
 In Heaven as well as on Earth:
If it be wiser to kill mankind
 Before or after the birth --
These are matters of high concern
 Where State-kept schoolmen are;
But Holy State (we have lived to learn)
 Endeth in Holy War.

Whether The People be led by The Lord,
 Or lured by the loudest throat:
If it be quicker to die by the sword
 Or cheaper to die by vote --
These are things we have dealt with once,
 (And they will not rise from their grave)
For Holy People, however it runs,
 Endeth in Wholly Slave.

Whatsoever for any cause,
 Seeketh to take or give
Power beyond the Laws,
 Suffer it not to Live!
Holy State or Holy King --
 Or Holy People's will --
Have no truck with the senseless thing.
 Order the guns and kill!
Saying -- after -- me: --

Once there was The People -- Terror gave it birth;
Once there was The People and it made a Hell of Earth
Earth arose and crushed it.  Listen, O ye Slain!
Once there was The People -- it shall never be again!

- Rudyard Kipling, "Macdonough's Song"

This has been what I have been trying to tell you the whole time.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Jan 13 2005, 05:48 PM
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(OOC: Rudyard Kipling is the man. Guess that makes the rest of us dance the limbo. Anyways, let me get this straight. An *anarchy* supporting a war that does *not* directly concern them and having 100,000 volunteers in a nation of 18 million people, when there is apparently no standing army to speak of BECAUSE it is an anarchy? Enough to make a head spin? Or maybe just enough to melt some ice.)
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
Posts: 358
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Posted: Jan 13 2005, 08:24 PM
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Troops being volunteered, actual deployments being perpared, and issuing of ultimatums. The Prime Minister stared at the telegraph on his desk from an officer of Novvs Atlantis. It seemed it was time for him to make a decision. With new territory up for grabs which would undoubtedly affect Abattoir's trading influence through the world; it was time for him to make a decision. Unfortunately for Lamoni and his allies, a permanent addition to the Societas of Xile and NA was too tantalizing to resist.

Antoine Tariskany, only two months after his election into office, was about to make the biggest foreign relation decision since the assassination of Prime Minister Lavinsky.

"Send a reply to the Imperator, tell him we will give him full support in any action taken against Lamoni and/or his allies." Antoine directed toward an aide.

She hurried out of the room to draft the message and get it sent immediately. The silence seemed to echo throughout the room, and it was as if you could hear the Prime Minister thinking. Eternity seemed to spout from those few remaining moments of peace.

He looked at his War Department appointee and stated, "Get the troops ready."

This post has been edited by Abattoir on Jan 13 2005, 08:27 PM
Pinprick of Apathy
Posts: 398
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Posted: Jan 13 2005, 08:30 PM
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And now, NANN brings you this special report from President Kain, broadcast from an undisclosed location...

"Good evening, my fellow Ainorpispians, and the rest of the Atlantian Oceania region. We have remained silent for far too long, but this was due to an unforseen event. During our silence, the High Council voted to seperate Ainorpisp into two nations. Therefore, we have re-emerged as those two nations - The Democratic States of West Ainorpisp, and our sister nation, the Confederacy of East Ainorpisp. Former Councilor Omar Longbottom is now the acting President of the CEA, and he will broadcast a statement soon."

"As President of DSWA, I am deeply troubled to see a possible war mounting between Novvs Atlantis and our traditional allies the Free Republic of Lamoni. In light of the seriousness of this situation, the Democratic States hereby is calling up all reservists and available troops of our share of the Ainorpispian armed forces. We offer our support to the Free Republic should a pre-emptive war be initiated by Novvs Atlantis. However, we take into consideration the accusations made of Lamoni's supposed supplying of PsiPronian weapons to the Antixilean Fatwah as well. It is important that we take this accusation seriously."

"Therefore, we have dispatched an inspection force to the Free Republic headed by Colonel Myrna Thiel, who first came across reports of PsiPronian weapons in former Krytenia. We urge both sides in this conflict to wait for their inspections of Lamonian stockpiles before attacking. A pre-emptive strike by Novvs Atlantis would recieve both our condemnation and force us to side with Lamoni in any armed conflict. We are ready to send an initial expeditionary force of 50,000 troops to aide Lamoni in this event."

"That is all for now, and may the blessings of the Golden Path be with you all."
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Jan 13 2005, 10:23 PM
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A purple light winked at the Imperator, a message.

"What have we here? A poem?"

The Imperator read through it, laughed, and deleted it from his data pad. On second thought, he went through the system drive and deleted all traces of it. He didn't want to take any chances of getting a virus.

He sighed and turned to his friend,

"Do you think we can win this?"

"What do you mean?" Marivs was startled, he was daydreaming of harvesting his grape crop and selling it for a huge profit. The season was a good one, sparse rain had made the grapes this year very, very pure. They would sell for quite a bit.

"Lamoni's economy is in shambles, yes, but they have four times our number. For every man we send out they have four breathing down his neck. Not to mention their interstellar allies, THS. Are they even in this region anymore? I thought they packed up and left. But now it seems they have a full fledged military base in the area."

"Caesar... Of course...."

"Seriously now, our space program is nothing but a few orbital weapons platforms and our Lucifer system, the Felix fighters are hardly space-faring craft."

"But Caesar..."

"Our troops, while extremely experienced and well trained will be no match for the orbital bombardments of THS. Couple that with the huge forces of Lamoni and we are done for."

"Caesar, will you shut the hell up and let me speak?"

"Fine, but it won't win us the war."

"On the contrary. We have recieved word from Abattoir."

"Wonderful, another enemy to fight. I might as well kill myself."

"No, no, no! They have accepted our offer. Full military support against Lamoni and any of her allies. The Nojikan delegate has sent nothing, but they are notoriously slow for deciding. Give them time and you shall soon see. Many of the AO nations are remaining neutral. Preferring to stand aside and either watch or just carry on with their lives. Surely that is better than fighting us? Besides if we win, think of what we can do to the Lamonians!"

Siricvs smiled. He remembered the sound of the Tachbian screams and their abrupt end as the Lucifer system crushed their cities to dust. He chuckled. How he would love to hear that sound again.

"You're right. Send word to our allies: Don't let up on military production, if anything increase military alert levels. Domestically? I want to run the Lucifer simulations, make sure anti-missile platforms are in order and try to get those Marketing goons to get some patriotic commercials out, and get Maximvs in here."

"Yes, Caesar." The Consvl rushed out of the throne room and into the briefing chamber, he stopped in front of somebody and pointed towards the throne room.

A man dressed in a formal Novvs Atlantian military uniform entered the Imperator's line of sight.

"Ahh... Maximvs... How is the Aerial Legion?"

"At 130% maximum efficiency. The Felix fighters have been properly tested and are ready for operations."

"Scramble them. I want them on training runs for every hour of the day. If anything from space, be it an alien, asteroid, or a THS scumbag, enters our or any of our allies' airspace, I want it shot down."

"Of course Caesar. Anything else?"

"On your way out, tell the Admiral I'd like a word with him."
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
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Posted: Jan 14 2005, 04:27 PM
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On Radio Lamoni:

The nation of West Ainorpisp has decided to send inspectors to inspect our stockpiles of Psipronian weapons. Should they find nothing amiss, and we are sure that they will not; they will also oversee the meltdown of the now obsolete Psipronian weapons.

Lamonian War Room: "What would happen if Abbatoir were to join in with NA and Xile?," President Stone asked the room. Air Force General Smith handled that answer, "It would make a VERY bloody fight. Even with the promised troops from West Ainorpisp, FMJphoenix, Emagol, and THS. We might be able to win that, though. Especially if we make certain that Novvs Atlantis and their allies take the first shot. That way, we can claim to be fighting a defensive war against their aggression. We should contact Nojika as well, if only to keep them neutral. I would suggest contacting The Lowland Clans as well, because it would keep our enemies on their toes."

With that decision made, the President then asked Colonel General Bondarenko about the status of the training of the volunteers from Emagol. Bondarenko cleared his throat, and replied, "They are doing well for civilians. We're giving them older Lamoni equipment; tracked tanks, old Assault Rifles (LAR-20), and all that. They will be ready when the war starts."

"Very good, General.," President Stone said. "I think that finding accomodations for the Ainorpisp inspection group, AND their troops should be an easy thing for you to accomplish as well?"

"Yes sir," was the reply, "We can do that."
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Jan 14 2005, 07:40 PM
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[OOC: this is about as short as an RP could get, I need time to read up before I do a more deatiled RP if you don't mind, Lamoni.]

"President Yanois!"

"Yes, General?"

"We've received a message from the Lamoni government, they're asking for assistance in the Novvs Atlantis/Xile-Lamoni conflict. They're requesting we send military assistance."

With that, Yanois stood up. A former military General himself, he fought for a liberisation movement when Chacor was still under Liverpool England control. He was not one to mess around with, as people who knew him well would tell you.

"Very well, General. Mobilise 1400 troops and 30 tanks. They move out at 1400 hours."

This post has been edited by Chacor on Jan 14 2005, 07:41 PM
Senator in Training
Posts: 233
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Posted: Jan 14 2005, 09:31 PM
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Out of Character: Sorry for the delayed response. Just typed this up, so excuse any grammatical or otherwise spelling errors.

The room was silent. Around the table sat the Emperor's entire council. On either side of Emperor Brakiss stood Grand Vizier Baskar and a hologram image of Lord Kahal who was on his naval flagship, the Illuminator. Generals and Grand Moffs, some holograms and some in person sat around the table. And inbeded into the center of the table was a holgram map of Atlantian Oceania.

The Emperor looked up, "Baskar; send a priority transmission to our neighbors Novvs Atlantis. Be sure it's secure and sent in a shared code. Make them aware that Nojika will side with them in their war. Send a second insecure message to Lamoni ensuring their leaders that Nojika will remain neutral throughout this war. Our aid to Novvs Atlantis will come to be a surprise to the enemy lines, which will surely gain our allies and ourselves an advantage."

Grand Vizier Baskar wrote down a few notes on his datapad and sent them to an assistant elsewhere in the Imperial Palace, "Yes, my lord. It will be done."

Turning his attention to Lord Kahal, "Prepare all military units. Move the Command and First fleets into positions that will make our efforts minimal to begin an attack, if neccasary. Put the Rozier Defence fleet on full alert, but they shall not move from their current positions. We must retain the element of surprise."

"As you wish, my lord."

With that, the Emperor stood up. Everyone, including those not physically present stood and bowed. And in an instant, two of the twelve Royal Gaurds in the room were by the Emperor's side. As he walked out of the room, those that remained sat down and began to discuss possible strategies.
Senator in Training
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Integrity Messenger IMAOLYahooMSNTop

Posted: Jan 15 2005, 01:09 AM
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OOC: Sorry for not rping my re-introduction into the region but eh, im way too lazy for that.
There was a lurching noise throughout the hull as the ship entered the Earth's gravity well, and the ship began entering station in orbit above THS. All weapons systems on-board were warmed up and ready for any eventuality. The ship's shielding was at 100% and it could deflect most anything with minimal effect up to heavy, consistent shelling or extremely powerful projectiles or other weapons systems. Their shielding was somewhat impervious to Ion weapons, but not completely; if you broke the shield and fired at the ship directly the fast re-charging shield would not come into service again anytime soon. Even if one did break the shield, one would have a tough time of breaking the 7 metere thick alloy armor around normal decks and then the 10 metere thick alloy around essential decks; the bridge, the engine compartments, the main weapons caches, the power routers, etc. This was one of the soon ageing heavy battle-ships in the fleet, but so far only 2 new generation battle-ships had been produced, and they were only to be sent here if, and only if, the conflict got too hot. They each could carry over 250,000 men and 20,000,000 tons of equipment. That fairly doubled the current ship-of-the-line battle-ships capacities, although there were 16 of those older models in comission. If worse came to worse, the THS population of Earth would be evacuated. There was enough ships for that. The problem was protecting the evacuees. The weapons systems could evenly and accurately devestate any groundside installation, and the Gauss Cannons had been proven scientifically and physically to penetrate over 60 metres of pure Grade A Titanium, laterally. So far the government hadnt tried shooting from space. Each ball also has an explosive core that can go off at certain depths if needed. This so far has not been tested... each carried a 140 megaton nuke.

OOC: just a little i wanted to share bout my fleet... rather the pride of it.
Holy Saints
Senator in Training
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Posted: Jan 15 2005, 01:46 AM
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OOC: So basically what I'm looking at are ships that are nearly impervious to our weapons and could easily destroy even the lowest levels of the Citadel (what other purpose would it serve to include the nuclear depth charge and super-duper Gauss Cannons?)

Not to metion your return to the region... Coincidentally at the time of a war. I'd really like to keep this modern to post-modern tech.

I generally don't consider myself future tech because all of my "advanced" technologies are relatively easy to counter or have no real variation from their "lesser" counterparts. The Lucifer system can be taken down from a missile salvo just as easily as your everyday commerical satellite can. Naval gauss rifles are just as damaging as their explosive shell comrades. Aerial gauss rifles are just as destructive as missiles, only they don't track (making up for it by reaching the target at extremely high velocities.). Finally, land based gauss rifles are too large to be carried by a soldier so you will only find them on tanks

I don't mind if you fight against me, but when you have a super-planet destroyer fleet orbiting the planet, that's where I draw the line. If you really want to continue with your space crusiers, than go ahead, but you probably won't find anyone to fight.
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
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Posted: Jan 15 2005, 02:00 AM
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"General Kerrigan!"

"Yes Commander!"

"I have orders here that have been given to me from the Presidents Office. You are to select 5 full wings from your command to prepare for combat. We have been requested from Lamoni to join them in the strugle against Novvs Atlantis. I have told him I will send in a portion of our Air Force to help them."

"5 full wings?? Thats 4 squadrons in each wing, so 20 squadrons of 12 fighters... 240 air fighters?"

"Yes General. In this sealed document, you will find orders that allow you to choose the 5 wings at your discretions. You will have 4 hours to choose. I need your completed report of what fighter wings you will take with you, including your own of course. Once you are ready with your selections, make sure they are ready to leave. You will ship out at 0500 hours, understood?"

"Yes sir!"
Royal Scribe
Posts: 115
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Posted: Jan 15 2005, 02:04 AM
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QUOTE (Novvs Atlantis @ Jan 15 2005, 06:46 AM)
OOC: So basically what I'm looking at are ships that are nearly impervious to our weapons and could easily destroy even the lowest levels of the Citadel (what other purpose would it serve to include the nuclear depth charge and super-duper Gauss Cannons?)

Not to metion your return to the region... Coincidentally at the time of a war. I'd really like to keep this modern to post-modern tech.

I generally don't consider myself future tech because all of my "advanced" technologies are relatively easy to counter or have no real variation from their "lesser" counterparts. The Lucifer system can be taken down from a missile salvo just as easily as your everyday commerical satellite can. Naval gauss rifles are just as damaging as their explosive shell comrades. Aerial gauss rifles are just as destructive as missiles, only they don't track (making up for it by reaching the target at extremely high velocities.). Finally, land based gauss rifles are too large to be carried by a soldier so you will only find them on tanks

I don't mind if you fight against me, but when you have a super-planet destroyer fleet orbiting the planet, that's where I draw the line. If you really want to continue with your space crusiers, than go ahead, but you probably won't find anyone to fight.

no, no, no. its all quite easy to destroy. certain areas are incredebly weak. BUT blueprint-wise, etc, they are 'perfect'.
they havent been tested in battle yet. the if you have anything that can shoot into space at relatively high velocity(say, a laser) my ships would die quite quickly.
then again, ive gotten almost no sleep lately and ive had an apple and a bit of bread each one of these past few days. letting my imagination run, as per usual. how bout i keep it to a small fleet of corvette size ships and small fighters alongside a very strong ground force?
Holy Saints
Senator in Training
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Posted: Jan 15 2005, 05:01 PM
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(OOC: I'll give you that time you want, Chacor, but I can't garuntee that the enemy will. THS' proposal might work.)

IC: An aide walked over to the Foreign Minister and handed him a note. After reading it, he walked over to where President Stone was, and handed it to him, saying "Mr. President, this is a message from Nojika telling us that they are going to stay neutral in the coming war. However, I don't believe them. For one thing, this message was not sent under any kind of code. For that kind of message to be taken seriously, it would be encoded. Secondly, it... just doesn't feel right."

President Stone sighed, and said "So, you're telling me that we have ANOTHER enemy?" The response came quickly, "Yes Mr. President, we seem to have another enemy." Now rubbing his forehead and anticipating what was sure to be worse than a migrane headache, he stated, "This has gone out of all proportion for a randomly chosen invasion. Alert our out of region allies that we might need their help in this matter." The Foreign Minister simply said, "Yes, Mr. President."

"Sir," came the voice of the defense minister. "The five air wings from FMJphoenix will be arriving presently, and Chacor will be sending 1,400 troops and 30 tanks." "Very well, find them accomadations.," the President replied. "Yes sir!," was the response.

I wonder how far that Novvs Atlantis is willing to push this?," President Stone thought.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Jan 15 2005, 06:59 PM
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Consvl Marivs strode into the throne room, he saluted the flag and the Imperator and addressed him,

"Caesar, we have intercepted several broadband transmissions out of Lamoni to nations outside of AO."

The Imperator stopped reading and looked up,

"Interesting, no doubt spurred on by Nojika's announcement of neutrality. They supsect Nojika is lying and so have shat their pants and are now crying for help. Typical Lamoni cowardice."

"Indeed. Atlantian Outcasts could be a valuable addition to our alliance, they could destroy THS' fleet above Terra and help us bombard Lamoni. Shall I send them a transmission?"

"No. Only pathetic Lamoni scum would resort to out of region assistance. We will not stoop to their level. THS has pulled its carrier group out of the system anyway, leaving nothing but a few corvettes to command the battle. They are over-confident in their belief that they will destroy us. Instead, let us coordinate our invasion of Lamoni with our allies before Lamoni's out of region allies can respond."
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
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