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Regional Map 4.0
Posted: Jul 21 2013, 01:58 PM
PMEmail Poster
Also, while I appreciate ASMV going through the effort to RP his expansion into Kagdazka, I do not appreciate his choice to just go ahead and give it to himself without at least giving us (that's all of us, not just me) the chance to say something. And I thought it would be your IC ally that was the expansionist tongue.gif
Back in Black
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Posted: Jul 22 2013, 10:22 AM
PMEmail Poster
I simply stated this was my initial claim with an RP to follow, so as to indicate that it is my intention to RP the acquisition of that land, in compliance with all the rules you have cited, in case anyone else was thinking of doing the same thing.

Please read my first post stating such intentions above the one you quote.

This is the initial post to show a claim for a strip of land along the Calanian coast between Leorudo and the horizontal boundary level with Nellietopia, in the lands that are now Mckarthya.

The story and permissions will still have to be provided.

I clearly acknowledged that more would have to be done (Provide an RP and get permission from the current land owner's') in order to actually be placed on the map and I did not request any action to be taken at this time otherwise.

However, given your noted objections to point 3, I would hope that a reasonable RP, with no objection from the current occupant who as you say, did not comply with the legislation, would be suitable to have a small piece of that land carved out for someone who, at the future time the claim is formalized and submitted as more than just a declaration of intention, will have been in compliance.
Scribe in Training
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Posted: Jul 22 2013, 10:28 AM
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QUOTE (Legalese @ Jul 21 2013, 01:58 PM)
Also, while I appreciate ASMV going through the effort to RP his expansion into Kagdazka, I do not appreciate his choice to just go ahead and give it to himself without at least giving us (that's all of us, not just me) the chance to say something. And I thought it would be your IC ally that was the expansionist tongue.gif

Keeping Kagdazka as a colony forever was never really a part of the plan and so I am not against relinquishing it sooner than expected as long as it is handled via RP, which was what the whole thing was meant to generate anyway. (this is what can happen when the forums grow silent and I am left to my own devices to see who is paying attention).

Seriously though, all issues with the move can be settled in RP. I am in no way belligerent enough to hold something against the will of the community - OOCly anyway biggrin.gif
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
Posts: 372
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Posted: Jul 22 2013, 10:33 AM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
FYI- this thread was getting hard to read with the map continuously re-posting at 5500px wide. So I did the smart thing, and updated the link in the first post, since the map URL no longer changes smile.gif

Subsequent pages should now, no longer, be affected by horrid formatting due to the presence of the map, so long as it is presented as a URL in new posts and not an image.
Posts: 1300
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Posted: Jul 22 2013, 10:33 AM
PMEmail Poster
QUOTE (Tropicorp @ Jul 22 2013, 10:22 AM)
I simply stated this was my initial claim with an RP to follow, so as to indicate that it is my intention to RP the acquisition of that land, in compliance with all the rules you have cited, in case anyone else was thinking of doing the same thing.

Please read my first post stating such intentions above the one you quote.

This is the initial post to show a claim for a strip of land along the Calanian coast between Leorudo and the horizontal boundary level with Nellietopia, in the lands that are now Mckarthya.

The story and permissions will still have to be provided.

I clearly acknowledged that more would have to be done (Provide an RP and get permission from the current land owner's') in order to actually be placed on the map and I did not request any action to be taken at this time otherwise.

However, given your noted objections to point 3, I would hope that a reasonable RP, with no objection from the current occupant who as you say, did not comply with the legislation, would be suitable to have a small piece of that land carved out for someone who, at the future time the claim is formalized and submitted as more than just a declaration of intention, will have been in compliance.

The issue is that the lands you wish to claim have current owners. Leorudo has only been in CTE status for two days which is not nearly enough to cause him a loss of territory. and McKarthya is active, even if not on these forums. I would need permissions from one or both before your claim could be accepted.

Why specifically this claim with so much open land on the map?
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
Posts: 372
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Posted: Jul 22 2013, 10:34 AM
PMEmail Poster
QUOTE (Vilita @ Jul 22 2013, 10:33 AM)
FYI- this thread was getting hard to read with the map continuously re-posting at 5500px wide. So I did the smart thing, and updated the link in the first post, since the map URL no longer changes smile.gif

Subsequent pages should now, no longer, be affected by horrid formatting due to the presence of the map, so long as it is presented as a URL in new posts and not an image.

You are awesome cool.gif
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
Posts: 372
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Posted: Jul 22 2013, 10:56 AM
PMEmail Poster
QUOTE (Andossa Se Mitrin Vega @ Jul 22 2013, 03:33 PM)

The issue is that the lands you wish to claim have current owners. Leorudo has only been in CTE status for two days which is not nearly enough to cause him a loss of territory. and McKarthya is active, even if not on these forums. I would need permissions from one or both before your claim could be accepted.

And my first post acknowledges this and states that I would be working on them, so I don't see the issue here.
Scribe in Training
Posts: 16
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Posted: Jul 22 2013, 12:57 PM
PMEmail Poster
QUOTE (Tropicorp @ Jul 22 2013, 11:56 AM)
QUOTE (Andossa Se Mitrin Vega @ Jul 22 2013, 03:33 PM)

The issue is that the lands you wish to claim have current owners. Leorudo has only been in CTE status for two days which is not nearly enough to cause him a loss of territory. and McKarthya is active, even if not on these forums. I would need permissions from one or both before your claim could be accepted.

And my first post acknowledges this and states that I would be working on them, so I don't see the issue here.

Acknowledgement of this from them would be helpful, thanks.

And ASMV, I don't have a major issue with you having it (OOCly - I think my IC feelings have been indicated), but just was a little surprised to see it appear out of nowhere on the map. Besides, it was a chance to be indignant - I don't get that opportunity all that much biggrin.gif

ICly, you may be pushing me into another totally unexpected international position, but that's neither here nor there wink.gif
Back in Black
Posts: 431
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Posted: Aug 7 2013, 02:02 AM
PMEmail Poster
OOC: It was suggested to me that I should actually carry through my WC 64 RP line about the Lalo Limahina revolt with a map change. So here's a brief summary, I'd be glad to add more if required. For those who tl;dr, basically LL was dissolved back into MV.

The Governor of Lalo Limahina had long been tired of the Vaian rule. He perceived it much as a teenager views a parent: too restrictive and showing love at the wrong moments. The mother nation wasn't really much of a caregiver anyways, he thought in his paranoid mind (in reality, Maklohi Vai supplies over 80% of manufactured goods and over 95% of raw goods to Lalo Limahina). Coupled with a lack of recognition for Limahinans as a separate ethnicity in the mother nation (something ethnologists deny is a reasonable claim), plus adding in a good bit of paranoia and a Napoleon complex more severe than its namesake, the governor was ready to strike.

He, collaborating only with his defense minister and using foreign military aid, set up a series of military installations on Lalo Limahina's north coast, tucked into jungle right by the beach. These consisted largely of mid range missiles with a couple places for infantry barracks. However, he did not hide them well enough. On a normal surveillance run, Vaian planes took images of the installments, which were previously unknown and unauthorized. This set off what is now known as the Limahinan Missile Crisis (OOC: Yes, inspired by Cuban RL version).

For several days, leaders strategized and plotted, with the governor learning about the Vaian knowledge only a couple days after the fact. As the Vaian leaders gathered more information, it became apparent that although Lalo Limahina could not win a revolution, it could strike much of the main Vaian island as well as three outer islands. Vaian leaders tried diplomacy at first, but that did not work. After an address by the President about the situation, the entire island group, both nations, were aware of the situation. The Governor now was forced to barricade himself in his complex, as the angry Limahinan people protested outside. The Vaian military surveillance program then reported that the missiles were being prepared for loading and launch, with an estimated strike time only 18 hours away. Quickly acting, the Vaian Defense Forces threw together a assassination operation seeking to kill the governor and his MoD.

The operation was successful, leaving Lalo Limahina at the mercy of the mother nation. Vaian officials decided to take back the commonwealth, making it an autonomous territory within Maklohi Vai. As such, they are under the same flag and accordingly should be marked similarly on any map. (OOC: RL equivalent would be demoting Puerto Rico to a status similar to one of the Canadian territories).

OOC: So that's that. But there's something that still could be RPd: who gave the Limahinans the guns? I didn't think of it until now, but it could be interesting to RP if someone was willing to play the evil nation. It wouldn't be this WC, as I have something planned with Osarius, but if you're interested drop me a TG and we'll work something out.
Maklohi Vai
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Posted: Aug 15 2013, 01:53 PM
PMEmail Poster
Awesome. Work should slow down soon and my time return to normal. Will Get this done soon
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
Posts: 372
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Posted: Aug 16 2013, 02:23 AM
PMEmail Poster
Perlasilangani Factbook (3rd post/2nd reply)

The Dictatorship of Perlasilangan is looking for a new land to be called "home" by the Perlasilangani.

After days of searching for unclaimed territories, the leader of the Perlasilangani Government, Dictator Juan Lucas (Juan Antonio Serafino Lucas y Galledo) has decided to take claim of the island at the eastern Atlantian Oceania, located near the nations of Starblaydia, Audioslavia and very much near Leorudo.

The government is now awaiting for a response from the other governments that handle the claiming of territories if such a request can be granted.

OOC: We would like to claim the number 3 location in the AO map. We shall have the trigramme PSL for the nation. And also, since I only realized now that I cannot edit the OP unlike in NS, I placed the national info at the third post/second reply.
Scribe in Training
Posts: 19
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Posted: Aug 21 2013, 09:02 AM
PMEmail Poster
With both Leorudo and McKarthya now having ceased, I should be free to craft my storyline over the next few weeks and take ownership of a small portion of the territory they have vacated, something like this perhaps

user posted image
Scribe in Training
Posts: 16
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Posted: Sep 16 2013, 10:31 AM
PMEmail Poster
Mupdates Complete. Sorry for the delay.

95X -  95X
ABM -  An Blascaod Mor (Snorth)
ALF - Alhenfi
AMV -  Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
ATY -  Antaly
AUD -  Audioslavia
BAZ -  Bazalonia
BET -  Bettia
BLO -  Blouman Empire
CAR -  Carpathia and Ruthenia
CCS -  Confederation of Common States Protection Zone
COM -  Commerce Heights / Paripana
COS -  Cosumar
DEM -  Demot (Valanora)
DAS -  Dorian and Sonya
DOD -  Dominion of Drakia
FAL -  Falcania
FAR -  Farfadillis
FUR - Furellum
EYS -  Eystrck [semi-protected]
GEI -  Geisenfried
GLA -  Glascovia
HUT -  Hutt River
HYP -  Hypocria
IBX -  Ibex
IND -  Inis Na Dun (Snorth)
JFC -  Jeru FC
KIS -  Kishrael
KJD -  Kjeligsted
KHY -  Khytenna
KIN -  Kinitaria
KOR -  Ko-Oren
KRY - Krytenia
KUI -  Kiryu-shi
LGL -  Legalese
MAN -  Mantenwic
MIL -  Milchama
MIS -  Misrantis
MKV -  Maklohi Vai
MRQ -  Maraque
NAI -  Naitpyge
NBT -  Northern Bettia (Bettia)
NCD -  New Cloudsdale
NEL -  Nellietopia
NEO - Neo Lemmitania
NGP -  New Gordonopia
NMS -  New Montreal States
NOJ -  Nojika
NWG -  New West Guiana
OSI -  Osarius
PAC -  Pacitalia
PER- Perlasilangan
PGN -  Paragon
SCA -  Scandonia
SKS - Secundus Kasius
SNO -  Sorthern Northland [uninhabitable]
STB -  Starblaydia
SVC -  Savski Venac
SVN -  Svengarda
TCH -  Tachbe [uninhabitable]
THA -  Thatius
TIS -  The Inevitable Syndicate
TLI -  The Lymryck Isles
TPI – The Pazhujeb Islands
TRO - Tropicorp
TUR -  Turori (Vilita)
VAL -  Valanora
VET - Vettrera
VIL -  Vilita
WAP -  Wapakoneta [Regional Council]
WAR -  Warkus
WGT -  Wight
WHT -  Whittoria
ZIR -  Zirakul (ASMV)

Added:  Perlasilangan, Tropicorp

Reassigned:  Lalo Limahina to Maklohi Vai, Jay Industries to Falcania

Relinquished: Vegai claim on former Kagdazka

Removed: Yelvoldia, Undisputed Atols, Sportgirls, Mckarthya, Lzherusskia, Lemurian Oceania, Leorudo, Lahoa, Israeli Apartheid Client-State, The Bear Islands, Austenersey
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
Posts: 372
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Posted: Oct 10 2013, 12:31 AM
PMEmail Poster
Who should I contact to have Cosumarite cities added to the cities map?
Scribe in Training
Posts: 19
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Posted: Oct 11 2013, 07:28 PM
PMEmail Poster
QUOTE (Cosumar @ Oct 10 2013, 01:31 AM)
Who should I contact to have Cosumarite cities added to the cities map?

I believe TIS is working off of CH's old map.
Back in Black
Posts: 431
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