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Djacor-Rysonia declares secession
Posted: Aug 9 2006, 10:17 AM
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OOC: Presume this is taking place after the Kafra meeting.

This is madness. What the -explicitive removed- are they doing, thought Dewars Strand to himself, once again appointed Foreign Minister. The Milchamans, Nedalia's western neigbor across the Channel, were sending in some kind of troops in Djacor-Rysonnia, presumably to defend the country that never was.

The leaders of the SDL, apparently the only sane ones of the AO, had meet in Kafra recently discussing ways to bring the Chacorian mess to end diplomatically. Then Starblaydia went and destroyed Djacor-Rysonnia and basically made the whole discussion mute. Just to make sure that things really, really became disco funky, Milchama were sending in what seemed like mercenaries, knowing their ways, to fight alongside them against Starblaydia, defending a country which wasn't even recognized and contained nuclear weapons.

What the -explicitive removed-!

Strand sighed, put his hand on his face and elbows on his desk. Where was Andrew Bren when you needed him. The fact remained, Strand knew he was re-elected by the Dala'a administration as a sign of respect for Bren, not for her admiration for the man who ran against her. Once the 2nd most powerful man in Nedalia, and only advisor to the President as well as best friend, his status was only symbolic now. On top of all that, the region was falling to pieces. War was coming, sooner or later. He hoped that Dala'a had enough sense to make sure it didn't hit the shores of Nedalia.

He called up Dala'a and asked her if she had gotten the Milchaman message, which she had. It seemed now the SDL had no choice but to send multi-national force to Chacor, but Dala'a was insisting it be an SDL-ASPIRE coalition force. The response, however, had not yet come.

This post has been edited by Nedalia on Aug 9 2006, 10:43 AM
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Aug 9 2006, 05:39 PM
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To: Office of Patriarch Khara
From: Lord Ricardo Gomez

We thank you for your recent communique regarding the Djacor-Rysonian situation. Rest assured that we seek a swift and permanent solution the current crisis. May I take this oppurtunity to point out that Chacor itself initiated hostilities with Djacor-Rysonia, in bombing their proposed capital city, before any mention of the word 'referendum'.

Our intentions in Djacor-Rysonia are twofold. Firstly, and most importantly, to rid this new and dangerous 'nation' of the obvious perils of nuclear weapons. Starblaydia has a recent history of pursuing this aim with maximum effectiveness, as the situation in Atheistic Right has shown. Secondly, the message that no weapons of mass destruction byunstable states will be tolerated obviously needs to be re-stated in the wake of Atheistic Right's demise. Djacor-Rysonia will be yet another example that such actions will not be tolerated, either by Starblaydia herself or by the region at large.

The so-called President Albert Préval and his cronies will be brought to Chacoran justice and Djacor-Rysonia will be pacified before any referendum can take place. Starblaydi troops are proceeding most excellently in this regard, upholding the honour of their nation for all to see. With luck, Starblaydi forces will be able to hand back control of Djacor-Rysonia to their legal Chacoran government, with any further action on Djacor-Rysonia's independance to be decided at a later date by Chacoran authorities.

On behalf of the Lady-Protector,
Lord Ricardo Gomez,
Minister for Communications
Protectorate of Starblaydia
Starblaydia Triumphant

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Posted: Aug 10 2006, 12:00 AM
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President Lauir shuddered as the image of Lady Viannor finally faded off of the screen.

"That is one creepy bitch."

He could hear the footsteps of the over-zealous aides scrambling down the hallways. As an afterthought, he locked his door and retreated into his private study. He called his secretary, Allison Krauss from the foyer.

"Allie, I need you really quick, hun."

The buxom woman rushed in, licking her lips in the usual anticipation of Adonis' 'needs'. She would be disappointed.

"Contact Viannor, I know there has to be more brewing below the surface than has been let on thus far. Also, begin assembling a few special forces units to begin to... pacify the situation. We need to begin military maneuvers, but keep it on the lower levels. I don't want the rest of the region to know that this sleeping giant is beginning to wake."

With that, he exited again into his room to enter another alcohol induced coma.


Official Statement from the Sacrosanct Realm of Xile
Status: Encrypted

The Sacrosanct Realm of Xile has decided to take interest in the recent actions taking place in Chacor and the disputed territories of Djacor-Rysonia.  In the name of our strategic alliance, we would like to request further information pertaining to the course of action of the alliance, as well as offer any assistance we can.

We have ordered three surreptitious units into the disputed territory to begin scouting out possible strategies of our own, but we have also ordered six more highly-trained units to report to Starblaydi headquarters in the region.  These units will be briefed upon current happenings and report back to Xile headquarters, as well as assist in any further missions.

Should you have any questions, please contact President Lauir at your convenience.

Punch-Drunk Psychosis
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Posted: Aug 10 2006, 12:38 AM
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The Bazalonian government had condemned the activity of the Starblaydian forces in Djacor-Rysonia/Chacor


The current military engagement while having been spouted as being to "pacify" the force, we have seen how Starblaydia has "pacified" it's opponents, both in Atheistic Right and in the situation involving Chacor and speratists in Djacor-Rysonia. Before the involvement of the Starblaydian forces this was a civil war. A war that Starblaydia had no business getting involved in. However we recognise that since the Starblaydi forces are already there the removal of these will cause more problems than it would solve. Discussions have been underway with fellow SDL members as welll as a number of ASPIRE members and a multi-national, multi-alliance police action that has a 3 step plan to resolve the current situation with as little bloodshed as possible. We urge Starblaydia to become apart of this multi-alliance police action to permanently resolve hostilities with as little bloodshed on all sides as possible.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Aug 10 2006, 06:49 AM
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Chacor announces new security warning system, initial level set to "High"
The Government of Chacor has, in an emergency sitting of Parliament, passed a new law that creates a special security task force, along with a new security warning system, designed to, in the words of the bill, "effectively counter any and all attempts, be they political or civil, terrorist-in-nature or otherwise, to disable, either temporarily or permanently, or damage, either temporarily or permanently, the Government of Chacor, the safety of the nation, the people of Chacor or the relevant governmental or law-enforcement bodies of Chacor."

The levels are,
Level 1/Alert - this is the mandatory level at all times. It calls on people to "be on their guard for any possible attack. Evacuations may be necessary in 48 hours."
Level 2/Raised - the Raised level is issued when law enforcement is actively involved in a potential situation. The official wording notes that "an attack is expected sometime soon. Evacuations may be necessary within 36 hours."
Level 3/Warning - the Warning level is issued when law enforcement or the Government believes a significant attempt at an attack is in the closing stages of planning and execution may be imminent. The wording states that "an attack is highly likely in the near future. All residents and citizens are urged to take the necessary precautions and stock up on food supplies. Bomb or air raid shelters may be needed as the circumstances warrant. Evacuations may be necessary within 24 hours."
Level 4/Medium and Level 5/High - the Medium and High levels are issued only when the attack being dealt with is a politically-motivated war or attack, and the Medium is issued when it is expected within 72-96 hours. High is issued when it is expected within 24 hours, or is ongoing. Bomb shelters are required by law to be open 24 hours a day for as long as necessary. The wording officially states that "Evacuations may be necessary within twelve hours or may already be mandatory. All members of the public should take shelter, preferably in bomb or air raid shelters." Schools will be closed on issuance of level 4.
Level 4/Severe and Level 5/Emergency - these are only issued when the attack dealt with is a civil revolt or a terrorist attack. Level 4 is issued when this revolt or attack is highly expected, although it may not happen. The wording warns that "death and destruction may be imminent, and members of the public should do their utmost to help law enforcement weed out potential trouble." Level 5 is issued when the revolt is ongoing, or it is in the aftermath of a revolt or attack, and cleaning the mess up has begun. The wording reminds the public that "while in the process of rebuilding, another attack may be in the works to further cripple the nation. All members of the public are to remain vigilant and continue to help law enforcement weed out potential trouble. They should also, as far as possible, stay indoors." Schools will be closed on issuance of level 5.

With the issuance of a High warning, the government cited the ongoing bombing in Djacor-Rysonia as the reason. All schools and non-essential services within a 100-kilometre radius from the Djacor-Rysonia territorial border will be closed.

This post has been edited by Chacor on Aug 10 2006, 06:54 AM
Senator in Training
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Posted: Aug 11 2006, 07:09 PM
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OOC: LE, the 'ongoing bombing' is nothing of the sort, it was only four attack planes hitting the airport before the airborne troops went in. The Armoured Cavalry unit rolling back and forth across D-R does have aerial ground-attack support, but painting it as a bombing campaign is quite incorrect.


Ducks in a barrel, candy from a baby, turkey-shoot, simple as A-B-C, easy as 1-2-3. What littlke resistance the 'forces' of Djacor-Rysonia were willing to put up had been crumbling with every passing day. All that was really left were huddled groups of frightened citizens who still called themselves Chacorans. Préval had played his game of thrones and he was about to be checkmated, assuming he didn't die of a plague, first.

Black-clad, sunglass-wearing female operatives had been in the wake of the push by the Armoured Cav, silently going about their mission - Operation Legacy - with deadly efficiency. There was enough of the fatal virus in the Djacor-Rysonian water system to contaminate the entire county. The VOIA had not been in effect here, and 'President' Préval had been far too busy dreaming of the Strategic Alliance to get involved in vaccination programmes, assuming he had even heard of the virus before the Crosaibi Council's terrifying press release.

Two objectives were left as the combined Emperor-Legacy Operation wound down. Préval was to be captured - preferably alive - and the people of Djacor-Rysonia would die of Quirrithian Plague.

All of them.
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Posted: Aug 11 2006, 08:56 PM
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An open statement from the government of Casari:

We are rather disheartened at the fact that no nations feel that endlessly repeating the same course of action across the region under the pretense of "peacekeeping actions" is a constant, reoccuring problem that not only harms relations within the reason, but moreso, our ability to trust one another's actions.

In this situation in particular, we would not expect Starblaydia to accept any discussions that would make some stride for regional peace, as, of course, the constant "threat of nuclear weapons" provides them with every excuse, according to general consensus of everyone else, to invade any nation in the region.

Particularly in this latest case, where there was no actual nuclear test, merely posturing over the possession of a nuclear weapon of which we have no idea the destructive power of, no evidence over the capabilities of any delivery system other than the announcement by the government of Chacor that "A nuclear missle was fired." The missle was only labeled as an "unidentified object" in Chacoran announcements to the rest of the region, with no positive identification that the object was capable of carrying a nuclear weapon in the first place. We also have no idea even of the amount of popular support that the Djacoran liberation movement had before it was made out to be a regional threat.

Based on all recent actions, the Government of Casari feels that it has no reason to trust any statement made by either Chacor or Starblaydia in this matter. Moreso, the nation of Casari would, at this point, willingly participate in any multinational effort to counter the Starblaydian offensive and see the possability for an actual liberation of Djacor-Rysonia, as unlikely as it seems at this point, from the nation of Chacor, who seems more than comfortable in seeing a Starblaydian offensive destory people who they still claim to be their own.

Ari Elisar
Prime Minister
Confederated Colonies of Casari

This post has been edited by Casari on Aug 11 2006, 09:01 PM
Dedicated Scribe
Posts: 79
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Posted: Aug 12 2006, 04:14 AM
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"Who knew the moron gene could be so prevailent so close to our own nation," Lord Carlito Orfosi, Minister of Defence, was now taking the time to see the military analysts' thoughts on a invasion of Casaran soil, "how often does one little island nation offer help in confronting forces of its larger, more powerful neighbour?"

"Prime Ministers always have something to say, that's why they're there." Viannor's statements in the Inner Council meetings always commanded attention.

"We chopped the head of the snake off with Latao, then Atheistic Right, and now we're doing it to this silly little Preval spod," Orfosi counted them off on his fingers, "what about we do it to this Elisar?"

"Don't be foolish," Viannor said calmly, "we're not quite ready for that yet. And besides, as weak as ASPIRE are, there's no point in a war with them as the SDL would surely side with them. All that over one little PM's whining about the way we police the region? We're one of the oldest, largest, most-powerful and most-important nations in the region, while they're just some fools who collude with other cheating bastards to take our World Cup from us, right?"

All were in agreement, naturally.

"Just place them," she continued, "on our Untrusted Nations list. That'll do for now, Elissar will be in good company with Stone, Khara, Dala'a, Vyntra and the like."
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Posted: Aug 15 2006, 09:22 PM
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Official Transmission
To: Starblaydi in-command
From: Thomas Douglas
Re.: Djacor-Rysonia

Warmest greetings,
It is my utmost pleasure to announce the surrender of Albert Prèval to Chacor. Apparently, he couldn't take any more. The Starblaydi forces are welcome to stay to rid Djacor-Rysonia of its nuclear capabilities, but we hope this can be accomplished inside three days.

Thomas Douglas
Chacoran Prime Minister
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Posted: Aug 15 2006, 09:45 PM
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"We sent mercenaries and the Starblaydians payed them money to capture Preval and they did just that. I told we sent you the best mercenaries they are really really good."

"Couldn't you have gotten better troops?"

"Not without declaring war on Starblaydia which would have been dumb."

"Well did we send any real troops along."

"Yeh they did a good job and even were about to re capture Preval and continue the campaign in the mountains with the nukes."

"Did they at least come back with the nukes."

"Yes they did."


"I just realized that they are called Starblaydis."

"Really shoot."

"Do these Starblaydis know that we have the nukes?"


"Ok, so then what are they disarming?"



"They are non-functional nuclear weapons but they still are nukes."


"Good work then"

"We just increased our nuclear arsenal by 10 weapons"

Royal Scribe
Posts: 189
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Posted: Aug 18 2006, 02:22 PM
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"Peacemakers, roll out."

Operation Emperor was over. Djacor-Rysonia was returning to Chacoran control as Chacoran police and military units were moving in to their former territory now that the regime headed by Albert Prèval was in total disarray. What few forces he'd won to his cause had been decimated by well-trained, well-equipped and well-motivated troops in modern armour. Only the most minor of casualties had been inflicted on the Starblaydis, with the two Challengers that met their doom actually being disabled by friendly fire of one sort of another.

Emperor was just the tip of the sword, however, the real operation behind things was Legacy. The ancient and deadly Quirrithian Plague had been introduced directly into the water supplies of people that were completely unvaccinated against the disease.

It had spead quickly, and deadly, and as Chacoran troops took over Starblaydi-controlled positions to prevent any power vacuum, the newly-christened Peacemakers had returned to their landing ships, triumphant once more.
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Posted: Aug 21 2006, 10:54 PM
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To: All nations
From: Chacoran Travel Ministry

Chacor is hereby closing its borders to all foreign travel into and out of the country. Three cases of Quirrith Plague have been reported near the border with Djacor-Rysonia... and this precautionary action must be taken. All foreign nationals within Chacor are to proceed to Hubana or Chacoria, where their governments or the Chacoran government will lodge them until it is safe.

All foreign diplomats in Chacor are to remain within a 15-km radius of their nearest embassy, consulate, or otherwise ambassadorial residence.

The Starblaydian military in Djacor-Rysonia are requested not to leave, and instead to ensure that the borders of Djacor-Rysonia are well guarded. The Chacoran border guards on the border with Ryloss and Sarzonia will be flown to Bedistan, where they will remain.

No air travel is allowed over Chacor or Djacor-Rysonia beginning 24 hours from this message.

Travel Ministry
On behalf of the Prime Minister


Official Communique
To: Starblaydia
From: Thomas Douglas, PM, Chacor

Warmest greetings,
With reports of three cases of plague in Chacor, we are locking down our borders and flying our border guards along the Rylossian border to Bedistan. We hope that your forces will stay and help maintain the peace in Djacor-Rysonia until this situation can be better assessed.

Thomas Douglas
Senator in Training
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