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Winds of Change in the region(semiclosed)
Posted: Jun 11 2006, 12:56 AM
PMEmail Poster
Viastormin sat quietly, listening intently as each put in words their thoughts surrounding current issues and their thoughts concerning the future each member here knew would face them if these talks were to fall flat.

Finally he rose, ready to speak.

“I like a lot of the ideas that have been presented here. Let me begin with the probable largest benefit that has been mentioned - increased trade and reduction of tariffs to accommodate that point. That reason alone is enough for each of us to give careful consideration to the alliance.

But an economic alliance is not the main issue that we have come here to discuss. I also feel that the S.D.L. has grown unchecked for little better reason than whims and desire to tag along with powerful allies. That does not change the fact that that alliance has grown exceptionally fast and is fast becoming too damn powerful for their own good. In my opinion, the S.D.L. is absolutely no better than the S.A.A.S. They simply use a different agenda to justify their actions.

As for the S.A.A.S. being a dead issue - don’t count on that. Starblaydia alone is powerful enough to cause any alliance more trouble than they want at any given time. Nojika is less of a factor, but if the sleeping giant we know as Xile were to awaken, things could turn sour really fast.

None of us here have chosen to believe in the righteousness of either side. That is why we are here. Ones who have talked of this alliance for some time, as well as those who now see the need for it to become a reality. Now is when we must come together and prove that we will not allow the current situation to continue to balloon unchecked.

I support the idea of a joint military exercise as soon as possible. My thoughts would be to parade it through international waters off the coasts of Hockey Canada and Starblaydia between ASMV and Casari. At the same time hold another exercise off the coast of Sarzonia and Falcania. And to prove ourselves hold a third exercise immediately after the two already mentioned off the coasts of Lamoni and Khazaron/Olivery. That would send an immediate message to everyone involved on any side.

Adding Fmjphoenix, Commerce Heights, and/or Space Union (to begin) would be a great thing. That would greatly expand our base of operations to a point where we did circle the region. Any help that anyone can be to bring in such nations as that would be more than welcome.

I like the idea of having an office in every capital all the way around. I can also see the need of a centralized headquarters. MP’s idea is a very good one should we decide to take that route. If we choose to have a more permanent headquarters, I personally would like to see it placed in Bedistan, should they agree to join this alliance.

But whatever course we take, we must move quickly. That means that we need to spend some time in discussion on the general stances as well as more defined areas of stance. Without those being decided, we have nothing to build on. Promoting peace means nothing if we do not know how far we will take things to preserve what we are promoting and what will justify the actions that we do take.”
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
Posts: 372
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Posted: Jun 12 2006, 04:39 PM
PMEmail Poster
"Well, I'm flattered that you suggest Bedistan house the alliance's headquarters," President Buëlga responded. "I'm also glad because that now means I can endorse that without looking like I only care about my own country, heh. In all seriousness, since Bedistan is pretty much the geographical center of the alliance, it does make the most sense.

"And yes, if we can get those other nations to join, that would be great, though to be honest I wouldn't expect much out of Commerce Heights, seeing as I'm pretty sure their government is so weak that they wouldn't even have the ability to ally with us or anyone else for that matter. But it's worth a shot."
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Jun 12 2006, 06:27 PM
PMEmail Poster
QUOTE (Bedistan @ Jun 12 2006, 09:39 PM)
"…I wouldn't expect much out of Commerce Heights, seeing as I'm pretty sure their government is so weak that they wouldn't even have the ability to ally with us or anyone else for that matter.  But it's worth a shot."

OOC: While, depending on the details of the alliance, the Unified Capitalizt States would probably be unable to join, it may be possible for the Capitalizt Defense Alliance to join, much like Capitailzt SLANI acts as a representative of CH on the WCC and NSOC.
Commerce Heights
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Posted: Jun 12 2006, 07:37 PM
PMEmail Poster
"Concerning the joint military operations, to show off in all the areas you suggested, four operations would be better than three, but I see no reason why all four can't be done. Here are my suggestions."

"The first, I think, should be launched from Casari, in order to show Viannor and Starbladyia we mean business. For lack of a better name, I'll call this Operation Spring."

"Next, we send the same message to Falcania and Sarzonia, launching a joint operation from Pacitalia and possibly from Bedistan and Hypocria as well. I'll call this one Operation Summer."

"For the third, we go towards the SDL heartland by launching from Andossa Se Mitrin Vega and head towards Khazaron, Oliverry and Hockey Canada. Following the pattern, I'll call this one Operation Autumn."

"Finally, we make a statement to Lamoni, Myrtannia, and Bazalonia from my country, Geisenfried, and Milchama as well. As you might expect, I'll call this one Operation Winter."

"That's my take on the joint military operations. Also, are there any objections to the 'Coalition of Soverign Nations', before we put it on the books?"
Dedicated Scribe
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Posted: Jun 13 2006, 01:10 AM
PMEmail Poster
I do like the idea of the joint military training/ventures. I also have no objections to the proposed names of the operations. As for the Alliance name, I am still undecided on the issue and general consensus seems to wish for that to be the final piece of this puzzle.

QUOTE (Commerce Heights)
While, depending on the details of the alliance, the Unified Capitalizt States would probably be unable to join, it may be possible for the Capitalizt Defense Alliance to join, much like Capitailzt SLANI acts as a representative of CH on the WCC and NSOC.

I personally would have no objection to this, but it would have to pass a majority of votes from nations present.

I also like Bedistan for the headquarters for the same reason they named - geographical center. That does not mean that I would not support the rotating headquarters if a suitable system can be installed.

Now for the heart of these discussions. We have all joined in this conference in order to facilitate more peaceful stability within the region. We are all here because we know that the other alliances seem to fall outside the boundaries of what we would call acceptable. But as of yet, not one person has commented on what steps we should actively take to preserve the peace we all desire. Where is the line that we do not wish to cross? It is foolish to think that we will never have to use force to accomplish our goals. We do need to hear what everyone thinks on this issue.

Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
Posts: 372
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Posted: Jun 13 2006, 06:24 PM
PMEmail Poster
Elisar nodded. "I think the difference is that while we should be prepared at every moment, we cannot be eager to strike first, which is what the more warmongering alliances seem to be doing at every oppertunity. The first move should always be made in direct defense."
Dedicated Scribe
Posts: 79
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Posted: Jun 13 2006, 11:43 PM
PMEmail Poster
I wholeheartedly agree. We should never be the first to strike. I also feel that any strike we would make should be considered as a last resort after diplomatic ends have met with very little or no success. Diplomacy should be given every chance to work first.

Now if force is neccessary, we all have to be on the same page with ensuring the peace we have tried to establish. We all must be ready to do what is required to preserve peace. Once force has been called out, we should also be watching for the point when diplomacy can resume. After all, we are not the warmongers of the other alliances. We simply wish to preserve our peace and protect our interests without the fear of running up against the S.A.A.S. or S.D.L. alone.

So if this is the basis of our alliance, let us now put that point forward to be ratified and see who is willing to make this commitment.

The Draggonnii Socialist Empire of Andossa Se Mitrin Vega formally accepts this as the basis of an alliance to be named later between all or part of all parties present.

As for a name, how about Regional Peace Accord (RPA)?
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
Posts: 372
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Posted: Jun 14 2006, 01:44 PM
PMEmail Poster
“Before we reach the ratifying stage I feel I should clarify our position. At this precise moment in time the Autocracy is a signatory of the Lavingrad Pact and as such a member of the Strategic Alliance of Autocratic States. Only the Autokrator can end that association and commit to this new endeavour which is why he wanted to be here in person. My instructions were to test the water and then report back to him.”

“It’s a mere formality and a single phone call is all it will take. The boss can be a difficult man to read but I firmly believe he feels Viannor will eventually bite off more than she can chew. I’m confident he’ll consent to the Autocracy joining this alliance but I do have to hear it from him. Presidente Commandante, is there perhaps a quiet room I could use to make the call?”
Experienced Senator
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Posted: Jun 14 2006, 01:54 PM
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Moshe Rabin who had been listening and taking notes finally decided it was time for him to speak again,

"So then, I believe we have all agreed that joint military exercises are needed. And I think we can agree that Geisenfreid's plan is the best."

"So that means it is time to vote."

The voting shall take place in alphbetical except that Milchama shall come first.

Milchama: "Aye"


Royal Scribe
Posts: 189
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Posted: Jun 14 2006, 05:54 PM
PMEmail Poster
"I'm not quite sure- the Regional Peace Accord sounds more like something we'd sign after beating the hell out of each other. I don't mind the Coalition of Soverign Nations, myself, but what about something like the Oceanic Treaty Organization or something like that?" Elisar said, shrugging. "Or, we could be 'The Alliance without a Name!', just to try to shake things up."
Dedicated Scribe
Posts: 79
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Posted: Jun 14 2006, 10:45 PM
PMEmail Poster
"Atlantian Oceanian Treaty Organization... AOTO for the acronym, I guess... doesn't sound bad, but let's focus on the other things first. I'm go for the joint military operations, but I have one thing to say concerning the 'defensive wars' clause. I only bring this up because of the situation in Atheistic Right. From what I've seen, they take Darwin's 'survival to the fittest' to a level of radical fundamentalism, and aren't exactly the people you want to trust with nukes. Because they are close to my nation, it's most likely that we will join in any AORDO coalition attack against them. So, if such a clause were added, I ask that it be made to say that the entire alliance will only move in a defensive war, and that individual nations within the alliance should be free to move about in conflicts that they feel concern their national security, as in our case with Atheistic Right."
Dedicated Scribe
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Posted: Jun 14 2006, 11:19 PM
PMEmail Poster
"That sounds entirely reasonable. There needs to be some amount of discretion involved, as a nation rampantly wielding nuclear weapons in a threatening fashion is a surefire threat to regional peace." Elisar said. "I think what we want to force ourselves to avoid are the things that the SDL are constantly doing- plotting attacks against others at every moment of the day while waving the banner of Peace, Freedom, and Democracy."
Dedicated Scribe
Posts: 79
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Posted: Jun 15 2006, 12:55 AM
PMEmail Poster
QUOTE (Casari @ Jun 14 2006, 11:19 PM)
"That sounds entirely reasonable. There needs to be some amount of discretion involved, as a nation rampantly wielding nuclear weapons in a threatening fashion is a surefire threat to regional peace." Elisar said. "I think what we want to force ourselves to avoid are the things that the SDL are constantly doing- plotting attacks against others at every moment of the day while waving the banner of Peace, Freedom, and Democracy."

Amen. I dont have a problem with this either. As long as it is within semblance of reasonable actions to address a direct threat such as the idiots in AR. I would not have a problem with that at all.

QUOTE (Hypocria)
Presidente Commandante, is there perhaps a quiet room I could use to make the call?”

Viastormin called over an aide who had been standing quietly to the side. "Please make the Blue Room available to our esteemed guest for the call to be made."

QUOTE (Milchama)
Milchama: "Aye"


ASMV: "Aye"

Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
Posts: 372
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Posted: Jun 15 2006, 01:49 AM
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"AOTO, or perhaps even AORSO - the Atlantian Oceanian Regional Stability Organisation, would work," Serodini said. "Anything with AO in the name sends a clear and present message as to our aims and will instantly steal some credibility away from the SDL."
The best place on earth.
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Posted: Jun 15 2006, 08:10 AM
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"AORSO sounds way too much like AORDO," commented Buëlga. "No need to confuse things even more than they already are. Though I must say I'm a fan of the name 'Coalition of Sovereign Nations', myself. That said, I fully agree with our esteemed representative from Geisenfried; national security must come first."

ASMV: "Aye"


Bedistan: "Aye."

Royal Scribe
Posts: 108
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