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Atheistic Right Missile Testing
Posted: Jun 15 2006, 07:26 AM
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Government of Hockey Canada
Red Capital Building
Commanding and Leadership Office
Ondrea Di Lorenzi

Fellow Atlantian Oceanians, The Darwinistic Peoples of Atheistic Right have failed to comply with the demands of Starblaydia and AORDO to dismantle their nuclear program or allow nuclear weapons inspectors to enter the country. The previous building of our armed forces has been made public and we would like to test our capabilities with this conflict with Atheistic Right to protect Atlantian Oceania and her citizens. Although we do not always agree with Starblaydia's policies, government decisons or military tactics, we believe a temporary alliance with Starblaydia should be made until this crisis is over. After this conflict ends, we propose the alliance be terminated as it was before. For the safety of the Region is at stake here.

An uneasy rumble on the deck of the Hockey Canadian aircraft carrier Kursk shook the crew of the ship into a nervous silence. The thunder of the B-2 bombers preparing for the initial assault of Atheistic Right shook the upper levels of the ship as it prepared for immediate takeoff. The inaugural assault for the new navy, this was a first for many of the crew on the ship. Igor Ulanov stood on the bridge of the ship overlooking the Taaru sea. Awaiting orders for the bombers to roll off the carriers and swarm the island.

"Wait for my command."

[OOC Edit by Star: Either the HC air force have their own type of B2 bomber not related to the RL one, or your carriers are about a mile long, as B-2 Spirits can't take off from carriers]
Hockey Canada
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Posted: Jun 15 2006, 07:49 AM
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Bazalonian Ministry of Defence had been watching the events and with the launch of Cruise missiles on Atheistic Right by Starblaydia the time for talk had ceased and now time for military action.

The Bazalonian ambassador contacted the Mrytanian ambassador and asked for permission to send a variety of tanks to Mrytannia to be used to aid in the defense of Mrytannia until a staging for a tank based invasion of the Atheistic Right mainland.

200 Bazalonian Strike Fighters launched from the Bazalonian mainland and flew over the AR Mainland striking at critical military comunication infrastructure. Anything to prevent a potential nuclear launch by these maniacs would be great for the region.

The Anti Aircraft measures where fairly laughable as they where made for planes that flew at a much lower level.. most likely used in internal conflicts.....

Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Jun 15 2006, 08:28 AM
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The Great Lion read reports of the activities of the Bazalonian, Hockey Canadian and Starblaydi forces.

"Bah... BazaNoHopers, Brain-Dead Canadians and Stars Blade Yaself are attacking just leave us the **** alone." exclaimed The Great Lion before the 2nd in command came in.

"What news do you have for me, 2.I.C."

"Well it seems the Bazalonian's have reaked havok with communications ... our AA implacements jst can't shoot high enough or accurate enough to ket their fighters.. Starblaydi Naval forces are bombarding defensive placements on the island... I think they want our tech... A hockey Canadian aircraft carrier has been spotted in the see... I think it is ready to launch..."

"Okay they have Air Superiorty... but we have Under-Ground superiority."

"You mean go into the bunker?"

"Exactly... We've got that tunnel system you've we have been buiding bit by bit... I don't think they would have noticed... Oh one more thing..."


"I am to be the only person that knows about this." said the great Lion moving closer to his 2 I C

normally, to anyone else this phrase would mean "Keep your traps shut or you know what's going to happen." but for The Great Lion it meant "take out a hidden dagger and kill the person that knows."
he left the body and his dagger in it while he managed to open the portal to the tunnel system underneath Atheistic Right and locked it and 10 minutes later the building blew up. leaving that entrance to the Tunnel system burried under mounds of rubble.


He knew that the Air bombardment would soften up the nation but what really would determine the result would be on the ground. And this was Atheistic Right's strong point.
Atheistic Right
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Posted: Jun 15 2006, 09:00 AM
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"SNTSF, timeline has passed. Clear to engage."

"Understood, Command. Got the coordinates for our targets?"

"Roger, sending them, fresh from our recon satellites."

And with that, the two Defiance-class guided missile battlecruisers, the RNS Insurgance and the RNS Impulse opened up their heavy VLS, launching a flurry of cruise missiles into the sky, their smoke trails crisscrossing as the missiles soared off towards their intended targets: the uranium enrichment centers used to obtain weapons-grade uranium, the key ingredient for any nuke. From the Zodiac-class cruisers, more cruise missiles soon followed. From the Valorous, a Vigilant-class fleet carrier, launched its fighters, who claimed air superiority in the area over the strike force.

Meanwhile, strategic bombers, along with fighter escorts, launched from the Geisenfried mainland, headed towards Atheistic Right. Their targets were the various bases believed to be missile sites. The bombers were armed with thermobaric bunker busters, in case the missiles were stored in undergound silos. If the air defense was as weak and pitiful as it was against Bazalonia, then the suspected bases were toast.
Dedicated Scribe
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Posted: Jun 15 2006, 09:22 AM
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High above Atheistic Right's island, the Tomcats were flying completely unopposed. Atheistic Right had no Air Force to speak of, no need for the aerial slingshot match that was the exchange of air-to-air missiles. These Toms, however, did have other uses. Under their wings were slung anti-aircraft missiles, but attached to the fuselage were bombs, bombs to be unleashed on ground targets. The advance guard for the Super Hornets was to become the first strike from the air.

The laser-guided munitions dropped from the F-14s, falling down to their newly-acquired back-up plan targets: the secondary objectives of the nuclear development facility. While the F/A-18s were more concerned with air defence installations, tank depots and power stations, the first wave of Tomcats chose communications towers, fuel- and ammo-dumps and barracks as their victims. The two-dozen craft unleashed their smart weapons and returned to base. Already following them were more planes, the second wave of F-14s totally armed with bombs, thanks to the complete lack of threat from air defence.

Collateral damage was not a concern, merely the descruction of intended targets. The only thing not to be damaged, however, was intended to be nuclear storage facilities; no sense in requiring the troops to wear NBC suits if one could help it.

Behind those, however, the bombardment continued, but also the dozen helicopters filled to bursting point with Special Forces and their equipment. They would be landing in the complex soon, with more air support than strictly necessary.
Also available in purple
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Posted: Jun 15 2006, 12:59 PM
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OOC: My puppet Collonie was engaged in a war against Atheistic Right. You can see the thread here The thread

General Johnson just realized something terrible and spectacular was happening at the same time. He had been here for months with some succeses but now it looked like his time was ending. A Starblaydi had made it through the lines and had told him that they would take care of the Darwinists and that the Collonians will need to move out.

Johnson knew that the war was a success for Collonie. They had one several great battles and had announced the arrival of General Carter who had won two great victories over the Darwinists. Though as he looked at the shoreline of Atheistic Right for the last time he couldn't help but think they had unfinished business there. Aw well, he was away and they had won the war. He just hoped that the next war he was in would have a real ending, with him more prominently involved.

This post has been edited by Milchama on Jun 15 2006, 01:02 PM
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Jun 15 2006, 03:24 PM
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When the Starblaydis kicked off the attack on AR, everything on the Lamonian side was put into action. Lamonian special forces troops boarded their assigned transports, their parawings bumping into things. This was the first major test of the parawings, but the smaller scale tests had all worked to date.

When the last troop had boarded his transport plane*, all five of them lifted off and headed toward Atheistic Right. With the Starblaydi air presence; as well as the lack of AR air presence, a fighter escort was not needed. The paratroops received their briefings in the air, and were awaiting the word to jump.

Meanwhile, Lamonian Navy PT boats were racing down inland waterways inside AR territory. 76 mm guns and mortars rained destruction upon whosoever was foolish enough to attack them. Soon, AR wouldn't have any buildings left.


* Modified (old) Airliners

This post has been edited by Lamoni on Jun 15 2006, 03:24 PM
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Jun 15 2006, 07:24 PM
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The Great Lion emeged from the tunnel, he was dressed totally different as he was when he left and had now assumed a different Identity, he was now called "Ramon Treslekyi". This identity was his scientific geek Identity. There is no one alive that knew te current Great Lion was very adept in the sciences.

This meant that the lion was actually one of the scientisits on the Island, though he wasn't working on the nuke... he was working on something else... something that he didn't want to fall into enemy hands.

Once the threats of war came the research and the prototype of the item he worked on where moved to an underground location on the island. Just like the Great Lions secret underground passage ways on the mainland a lattice of tunnels criss-crosses the island. Hopefully the enemy would have no idea where it was... but his first major task was to cross the straight to The Island... he had a plan but it was going to be risky....
Atheistic Right
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Posted: Jun 15 2006, 11:00 PM
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Meanwhile, aboard Khazaron-1, enroute to Kafra...

Patriarch Khara was sitting comfortably in his bed at the back of the plane, flipping through some notes, and about ready to get some shut-eye. All of the sudden there came a knock on his door. Quirking his head up, he cleared his throat. "Enter." he said, swinging his legs over to the side of the bed as in walked Minister Arani.

"I've got some interesting news Highness." he said as he toke a seat next to the bed.

"What's that?" Khara replied, his voice sounding very exhausted.

"It appears that the nation of Atheistic Right is developing nukes, and is refusing foreign attempts to contain said development. It appears that most of our regional neighbors are attempting to 'convince' them otherwise."

Khara eyes perked up, and a slight smile came across his face. "There's our reason." he said flatly, and to nobody in particular.

Minister Arani looked at the Patriarch with a very perplexed face.

Khara chuckled. "With Atheistic Right threatening the region with nuclear development, we can mobilize our forces in anticipation of a conflict."

"I'm afraid I still don't follow you Highness." Arani replied.

"You will later. For the time being, put all of our forces on High Alert. Cancel all leave and bring up the reserves. That should do for an appropriate response at this juncture."

Arani nodded and left the room to go make the call.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Jun 16 2006, 12:24 AM
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OOC: Just A note since AR is in the World Cup I won't RP AR's destruction on the main forums until the qualifiers end are done.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Jun 16 2006, 11:13 PM
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It seemed every military building in Atheistic Right was flattened, but that did not make the government or whatever approximated a government for Atheistic Right back down. Even though it's head The Great Lion had either been killed in an explosion destroying his house or setting it up to look like he had been. You can never be certain with people like the Great Lion. Either way the government refused to back down.

The Great Lion... sorry, Ramon Treslekyi had located a minisub and removed it's previous owner from it. If he could only get into the secret underground minisub docking bay then it was right... He dare not risk being heard so he engaged a noise modifier that changes the pitch of the sound... hopefully the naval forces won't know what it is or will be too far away to intercept him if they do...

Atheistic Right
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Posted: Jun 21 2006, 10:41 PM
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2 Container Ships left My Patio ports today heading for Atheistic Right in an attempt to give the innocent people living in the war torn country some things to salvage in their time of need. Slowly as the two ships made their way past Lamoni just avoiding the Starblaydi, Lamonian, Milchaman and Khazaronian fleets, they were prepared to give their second-hand cargo to what had become a second-hand nation. Kyle Thomas looked out over the bridge of the "Kristol" in a suit and sunglasses out over the water seeing land just barely over the horizon.

user posted image

The first ship docked quicker than that Atheistic Right officials had expected. People swarming to get their share of the releif, the crates were brought into a covered building and opened one after the other. The crates were all unloaded off the ship and ready to be sent back to My Patio. Kyle Thomas stood at the dock with a sly grin on his face watching for any sign on "Cobra" among the scavengers wanting a peek at the crates.

There were short words exchanged, but they were not the only things exchanged as the two men swapped breifcases after a short conversation that barely raised a whimper in the crowd of people. "Excellent news. The releif has arrived and so has the documents." Thomas sorted through the breifcase loading everything visible into a seperate breifcase. He looked back at Cobra to meet eyes, before throwing the one Cobra handed to him over the dock into the water. It landed in a splash before a huge splash arose from the water. "Nice try, but I prefer my breifcase than yours." He loaded the empty container ship without looking back.
My Patio
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Posted: Jun 21 2006, 11:05 PM
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"Cobra" aka the Minster of Foreign Affairs and War was now the leader of Atheistic Right... Unfortunately as there are alot of people that believe the the Great Lion is still alive he cannot take the title.

The good people of My Patio had offered aid for the nation suffering under the bombing campaign of those aggressors while Atheistic Right only wanted to ensure it's defense.

Cobra walked through the crowd that had assembled to distribute the aid once unpacked and came across Kyle Thomas.Cobra had briefcases by his side as he walked to Kyle.

Cobra put down his briefcase and then talked with Kyle, confirming each others identity and the contents of the aid that was shipped from My Patio.

"The nation of Atheistic Right greatly appreciates the humanitarian effort that the nation of My Patio has given us, as a token of our appreciation here is 20 Million USD." he said with a wink...

Cobra picked up his briefcase and handed it to Kyle... "I believe everything is in order..." I will go and prepare the aid for.... distribution."

As well as the 20 million dollars in the briefcase an amount of C4 was concealed inside under the bottom. Cobra left to attend the goods. A light spalsh was heard befoore the biggerr splash of the bomb going off in the water.... then as kyled yelled Cobra smiled, he liked Kyle Thomas, maybe he'd do some more business with him in the future.
Atheistic Right
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Posted: Jun 24 2006, 02:33 PM
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"Highness, it appears as though the bombing campaigns by Starblaydia and our other regional neighbors are still not pushing the people of Athiestic Right to back down." spoke Michael Arani, Minister of Defense for Khazaron. "What should be done with our forces that are being prepped? If we don't do anything..."

"Nothing." came the quick response from Khara as he sat behind his desk. "We'll do absolutely nothing. Starblaydia and the others have this well under control. Send an official condemnation of Atheistic Right as well as an offer of support to our SDL allies that are helping with the operation, but for right now we will not commit our forces to a large scale operation."

Minister Arani looked puzzled as he stared at the Patriarch. "Highness, if we don't do something, we're going to get questions as to why we mobilized in the first place. The National Assembly is already complaining that you are gathering an unnecessary amount of force. Many Archons are calling for you to back down from the mobilization."

Khara chuckled as he turned his chair around and looked out the window. "They seem to forget who holds the true power here in Khazaron. Inform them, next time they ask that I will not back down from the mobilization. Although..." he paused for a brief moment to gather his thoughts. "I should throw them a bone. It would be unwise to anger them at this point. Notify our SDL allies that are active against Atheistic Right that I will be offering them the use of our Crimson Guard, if they so wish it."

Arani looked a little shocked. "Crimson Guard Highness? Isn't that a bit overkill?"

Khara shoke his head. "If we are sending forces into this place, then I want to make damn sure they get the job done. Beside, it will give our best of the best a chance to train in some rather harsh conditions. From what I here, those people in Atheistic Right have a rather interesting society." Khara turned his attention back to Minister Arani. "Notify the Lamonians in the area, as well as our other allies, that I will give them the men if they so wish it. No more than 10 Guard per nation though."

Arani nodded and left.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Jun 24 2006, 11:57 PM
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Receiving the message from Khazaron, President Stone immediately sent a reply back to Patriarch Khara requesting the use of whichever Crimson Gaurd personell that the Patriarch would care to send. They could come to the AR shore by ship, and do whatever the Patriarch wanted them to do there, after they secured a landing area for the Lamonian special forces paras that were being sent into the conflict. It would mean a tight schedule, but it could be done, especially if the airspace around AR was still too full of weapons to safely drop the paras by the time that their transports reached AR airspace.
Democratic Maniac
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