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Leorudian Territorial Expansion: Part One
Posted: Nov 25 2012, 06:52 PM
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Xalec Az’huin sat easily across from Wight President, Dictablanda Baptiste. During his time overseeing the renovations and arming of Sa Tu’urk he had developed quite a friendship with the man. But these turbulent times called for diplomacy - not friendship.

“Let me speak bluntly” Xalec began. “We walk a fine rope right now. Your new friends and yourself have been quick to openly condemn Leorudo for their recent actions. My personal opinion is that you are in the right to do so. However, my position does not allow for personal opinions. And your official stance puts us at possible odds with at least two of our CCS Comrades in the forms of Savski Venac and Falcania. We would surely have preferred those odds to have been of our own design.”

He paused to let that statement sink in.

“Rest assured that we will uphold our commitment to defend Wight from any and all attack, should it come down to that. And also rest assured that we do not condone the actions of Leorudo and have them under severe scrutiny awaiting any misstep that allows us to take action more advantageous to us and all our allies. And yes, Leorudo is a delicate situation for us.”

President Baptiste leaned forward. “Did the Vegai not just endorse Leorudo for inclusion in the CCS?”

“Yes,” Xalec smiled. “And such are the political machinations we must navigate - the game we must play.”

It was the President’s turn to smile. “what is it you need of me?”

“That is simple. Try and temper the overzealous new playmates you have acquired. Warkus and The Inevitable Syndicate have both come close to outright jabs directed to provoke Leorudo, and already Mantenwic has picked up their call. Falcania has money, a ton of it, invested in these new ports. I would guess they plan to one day control them directly. Do not think Falcania will sit idly by and watch their money diappear. You will need the Vegai publicly on your side when it comes time to deal with Leorudo.”

Xalec stood. “Now if I may take my leave, I have serious matters at home to be dealt with.”
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
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Posted: Nov 25 2012, 07:30 PM
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To the nations of Atlantian Oceania,

Following the recent events that have lead to the city-states popping up around the region, upon which sovereign ground was seizes and spheres of influence ignored, and a general destabilization of the regions, the Vanorian military has decided to initiate a full blockade of two of these city-states controlled by Leorudo. The city states of New Undavil and New Pathdon will be under full military blockade from our combines Navies and Air Force. Any attempts to breach this blockade will be seen as an act of war. Vessels attempting to enter these ports or airports will be giving a warning shot before fired upon. This blockade will only be lifted when Leorudo pulls its entire program from these ports.

General Duke

Even as the telegram was being sent out across the region, the forces of the Vanorian military machine were already circling around the pair of selected city-states. The Navy would cut off its ports, the Imperial Navy the skies, with the Air Force acting as reinforcements for the pair of Navies. It was the boldest move Valanora had made in its affairs with the outside world in nearly a century, but Vanorians saw the intent of these port cities and it was not about to sit idly by and let it come to pass.
a.k.a Elves Security Forces
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Posted: Nov 25 2012, 08:54 PM
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Blue Briefing Room, The Citadel, New Shirley

"All rise for his Majesty, The Falcon, King of-"

"Yes, yes, I know the titles." Falcon hurried into the room, flanked by some aides. The Military Council had convened. In attendance, most of the actual Council of the Nation: Falcon himself; Ronnand Warst, the Chairman of the Nation; also the Directors of the Treasury, Home & Foreign Affairs, Law & Justice, Commerce & Industry, and of course, the Military. Falcon had also invited a grab-bag of High Marshals, Generals, and various other intelligence and military personnel. Notably, Black was leaning against one wall, thumbing through documents on a tablet PC.

"Ladies and gentlemen. The Vanorians have... well. They say that any breach of their blockade is an act of war. But... really, it rather seems that establishing a blockade is, itself, an act of war."

"We must strike at them!" cried General Harker. "We've sunk enough talons into this project, haven't we? Too many to see it fail because the Vanorians aren't happy! They can't just expect to get their own way."

"Why not? We do?" Replied High Marshal Qindle. "This is exactly the sort of sabre-rattling we've been employing for years."

"We never went through with it, though." Chairman Warst pointed out. "Deploying a carrier group to shake up Starblaydia, patrolling a couple of miles outside their waters, that's one thing. They've gone and typed up a telegram. On official letterhead and everything," he noted, drily.

"We have... realistically, two carrier groups on immediate standby." Marshal Strongbeak noted the figures on his clipboard. "That's Feather and Vulture. We can... if it becomes necessary, retask Phoenix from the North-East. And in eight weeks, Hawk will be ready for shakedown. Each one," he said, in the manner of a schoolteacher, "should have the capacity for a prolonged engagement on an entire land/air front, and sufficient resources for a series of counter-naval movements."

"We know that, thank you, Strongbeak." Falcon sighed, and pinched his beak high between his eyes. "We... need the Raptor back. That's our number one concern. Then we can tie off these loose threads, declare ourselves merely businessmen, not political agents. You know the lines, 'just good business sense, no intentions to control territory,' type of thing." He drummed his fingers on the desk, in thought for a moment.

He caught Black's eye, and nodded.

"The Feather is going down to..." he tapped a spot on the map. "Area 16. A couple of hundred miles north of the Vanorian blockade. Then-"

He was interrupted by a young clerk bursting into the office and throwing himself at his feet. "Pardon, my Lord Falcon, there's a message from Foreign." Falcon becked the lad to his feet, taking the sheaf of paper - at the same time that most of the mobile phones in the room buzzed.

"Sky above us all..." Falcon murmured as he read it. "Zirakuli partisans starting a civil war in the north? This is..." He paused. "I need to contact the Princess. Warst," he pointed to the Chairman of the Nation. "The plan still stands. We're sending a ship to police the blockade. Keep it friendly, you know, 'just here to help ensure that the highest standards of blah blah blah,' and one last thing - not the Feather. The Vulture. We may need to send the Feather north again."

He swept out of the room. Black silently detached himself from the wall and joined him in the corridor.

"My Lord Falcon," he muttered. "I'll have my men start winding up Jurassic."

Falcon nodded, and Black melted away.
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Nov 25 2012, 11:06 PM
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"Sir...wake up...something is happening."
Captain Fredrick Meladius did not lake being woken up in the early morning, but if Commander Livingston woke him at this hour, something was important. He slowly opened his eyes, groaning in the process.
"I am getting to old for this." He muttered to himself as arose to his feet.
"What is it, Commander?"
"We have a large naval force entering the area."
"You have the scans?"
"Here they are, Sir."
"Yes...okay...Valanora...entire naval fleet...offical notice of blockade...heading straight for us." The Captain muttered as he marched towards the observation deck, flanked by Commander Livingston, telling him various stats.
The captain reached the top of his deck, and he scanned his vessel. He captained the L.S.S. Coalitus, named for a past President of Leorudo, Percy Coalitus.
It was the fifth strongest vessel in the entire Leorudian Navy, for that reason is was pretty much just his ship and a few patrol boats to defend the entire colony of New Mathdon. His ship was a Littoral Combat-Type vessel that was best for defending coastal area and making quick-strike missions agianst enemy vessels before retreating back into position.
"What are our odds agianst the Valanorian Navy?"
"We might take a few ships out, but we would eventually go down."
"Odds of reinforcement?"
"Little to none."
"What is the 'little'?"
"Well, Carrier Group Fourteen is a ways out, but they could help."
"Would they?"
"Okay then...should we challenge them?"
"It might be better for the cause if we stayed."
That sentence hung in the crisp midnight air like smoke on water.
"Lets send them the offical cease and desist."

To: Any ships in the area
From: The L.S.S. Coalitus

To Sir or Madam,

Greetings. I am Captain Fredrick Meladius of the L.S.S. [i]Coalitus[/i], stationed in New Mathdon, and I am contacting you on the matter of naval vessels approaching my position with the cordinates enclosed. As of the current time, I am ordering an offical [b][i]cease and desist[/b][/i] order agianst any vessels that enter within my ships pre-determined jurisdiction as listed enclosed. Any vessels without expressed written consent entering my jurisdiction will be considered an act of war and will be responded agianst in the appropriate matter.

Thank you in advance for your compliance,
Captain Fredrick Meladius
L.S.S. [i]Coalitus[/i]

"Mr. Morcavi, your seat is ready." A waiter dressed in a perfect tuxedo adressed James Morcavi, the man who had reserved his seat in the Outlook two months in advance just to meet with the head developer of an LDI project that could put his shipping operation years ahead of the competition. Even after the Lake Bekk helicopter incedent, if he was going to make money from these ports, he needed the government's help, and they needed his. He did, after all, fund these projects every April.
"Good evening, Mr. Morcavi." An older woman adressed him.
"The same to you, Ms. Peteli." He said, flashing a simple smile.
The two sat down at a table overlooking the skyline of the Leorudian Industrial District.
A waiter approached the table.
"Would you like to sample our selection of wines?"
"No thank you." The woman across from Mr. Morcavi said, gesturing for the waiter to come back at a later time.
The woman was in her late sixties, small glasses and a thin, worn face. She had obviously lived a long and complicated life.
"So Mr. Morcavi, what are you willing to propose in exchange for one of my instruments?" The woman asked as plainly as she could muster.
"A believe a total of 500,000,000 Monetary Units are in order for your UBL Account, consider it a "donation to the studies of technology" or something of the sort."
The woman nodded, writing a note on her paper.
"Mind my asking, but what do you intend to do with these devices?" She asked, trying to sound as honest as possible.
"I intend on getting my carriers past all blockades."
"How does my device help that?"
"It doesn't, it gives shows me as something else."
"Do you have contacts with the Valanorians?"
"I like to think they would be friendly, but you never know."
She smiled at this. This man was an upstart in the world of politics, but he was a career buisnessman, and he knew how to deal with people in a way that made them want to know what he knew.
He smiled. He continued.
"It's kind off funny, why are these other nations so angry? When Wight literally destroyed Northeastern trade routes out of the AO, and then we want to start some ports where we can increase trade in the areas, the nations either envy us or hate us for something we have done in the past. I would never make a good politician."
She raised her glass of water.
"I can toast to that."
The waiter approached them agian.
"So, are we ready to decide?"
"I think we are."
Dedicated Scribe
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Posted: Nov 26 2012, 02:39 AM
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'...with Valanorian Forces occupying the ports of New Undavil & New Pathdon. The Valanorians have made it clear that making any attempt to breach this blockade is as an act of war. How will the Syndicate respond? Only time will tell. In other news, New West Guiana...'

Christopher Arnell didn't like getting up so early in the morning, but he was sure the people he was going to meet with didn't either. He didn't have time for breakfast, so Arnell brushed his teeth and stepped into his car.

'Mr. Arnell, you're late!'

'I'm sorry, Mr. Browne, I got here as quickly as I could. If you'd have let ISIS given me priority on the roads, then-'

'I know, I know. We have more important things to talk about then that. Did you hear the news?'

'Yes, I did. How did ILN find out before we did?'

'Mr. Arnell, we were asleep. That's how they found out. From observation. We did get a nice letter, though.'

'I know, Mr. Jones, I got it sent to me this morning. The question is, what are we going to go about it? It's fantastic that the Valanorians have actually stepped in and done something, but the ports they've blockaded aren't even close to us.'

'I know. Something needs to be done about New Leorudo and New Almintora. We can't really touch New Leorudo, as that's too close to Carpathia & Ruthenia. But New Almintora...'

'But Mr. Browne, I don't think our drones reach that far...'

'The Hive is moveable. Mount on some sort of truck, pretend to make a peace offering, then BAM!' Andrew made some scrunching actions with his hands, to simulate what would happen.

'And think what a hit we'd be if we did that!' interjected Mr. Arnell, 'The amount of paperwork!'

'I agree with Arnell on this one. It's too dangerous for us to do anything at the moment. But, Arnell, any word from... Well, you know.'

'Oh, the Wellstood Initiative? Yeah, we do have word from them. They've told us loads about Leorudo's military expenditure.'

'Brilliant, Arnell!' piped Browne, 'I knew your spy network would help us win!'

'Jones, tell him it's not a spy network. Well, it is, but... It's not mine. Anyway, I'm try to get them out of Leorudo, as I fear their actions may have been compromised.'

'That isn't great. Arnell, Jones, I have to go now. But I will write a statement of my reaction when I've had time to mull these things over.'

The three men said their goodbyes, and left, almost as quickly as they had arrived.
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Posted: Nov 26 2012, 11:48 AM
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"All this fuss in the region gives me a headache"
Said Marko sitting in his office in the Predidentum oc the PFR Savski Venac
"It seems rhat the Dwarves in ASMW are rebelling.Mitya how old were you when
the in Umbria started?"
"Ten,comrade marshall"
"Twenty years ago,i started a communist revolution,a 15 year old that lost
his mum and dad.You know Mitya,i think that non of that shouldve happened.
The whole civil war,its a big pile of cr.p . If there wasnt a civil war in our country
i woulfnt have had to kill my friend.A civil war is the worst war that can happen to a
nation.Son against father,brother against brother."
"I know hoy you feal,comrade marshall."
Please,Mitya,stop calling me comrade marshall.Call me Marko."
"Yes comr... Marko"
"Mitya i would like you to send this communiqe to all the nations of AO."
Marko handed him a sheet of paper

The Peoples Federative Republic of Savski Venac
Народная Союзная Республьика Савскоя Веннаций
Народна савезна Република Савски Венац[/size]
[align=center]user posted image[/align]
Официялны коммуникей
Официјални комунике
Official communiqe

The recent secession of Zirakuli from the ASMV is condemned
by the PFR Savski Venac.The goverment if Savski Venac clsims that the seccession is illegall
and is not possible.There fore PFR Savski Venac will not recodnise the newly formed country untill it gets a goid reason to do so.Furthermore the act of
the Valanorian millitary is also condemned by the goverment of the PFR and is
consedered illegal.

Marko Borisavič Gajinović
Savski Venac
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Posted: Nov 26 2012, 01:07 PM
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Datalink IM Conversation



[carnell] 17:45 - Shouldn't you have sent that letter out?
[abrowne] 17:46 - Cant tonight it's anniversary. Taking wife to The Fat Duck.
[sjones] 17:46 - You got me laughing on that one!, have fun mate, media will be all over that one!
[carnell] 17:47 - Ah, fair enough. I'll get on it then. Anything you want me to say?
[sjones] 17:47 - Do it tomorrow? Nations can wait. It's not like we're gonna get bombed or anything, =P
[abrowne] 17:48 - I agree with Steve. Do it later.
[carnell] 17:48 - Okay. Have fun at the Fat Duck. Congrats to you and your wife. How many years has it been now?
[sjones] 17:49 - About 300, eh Andy?
[abrowne] 17:49 - 6. And here's to six more! Anyway, gotta go, table booked for 18:30.
[carnell] 17:50 - Alright. have a good evening!
[sjones] 17:50 - Try not to screw up mate!
[abrowne] 17:51 - Cheers guys. See you later!

Dedicated Scribe
Posts: 72
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Posted: Nov 26 2012, 08:50 PM
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War Council

The words made Frank shudder. Never in his time in the military had such a meeting been called.

And yet, here he was, entering the appointed meeting room, situated near Upson Square - likely under; the actual location, while near the Civil Service’s central location, was officially a state secret, hidden from even the majority of the War Council.

Not even the Chairman of the General Staff, one General Francis M. Connell, Chief of Staff of the Legalese Army, knew where he was going. Felix just hoped it wasn’t a sign of things to come.


While the War Council had never met before, the premise of it was rooted in history. Since the early days of Legalese, joint meetings of the elders and leaders have been prevalent. The founders of Francis City, Numalia, and Ellentown, respectively from the three tribes of Brittanics, Nom Le, and Goli, would meet to settle issues between the towns and tribes, leading to the eventual neighborhood swapping, the creation of the first High Court, and ultimately, the nation. Thus, with the current structure, the War Council was a meeting of the minds: the military aspect consisting of the General Staff - that is, the Chiefs of Staff of the Army, Navy - more of a Coastal Defence, really - and the Air Force - along with the elements of the Civil Service, the bureaucracy/technocracy that makes the federal government work, and keeps the trains running on time, so to speak; the domestic elements were generally not necessary for this work, so the representatives in this case consisted of two: the Director of Foreign Service, and the Director-General of the Civil Service - effectively, the Head of Government.

The High Court generally chose to stay out of such matters, and thus did not send a clerk.


The Director-General looked around the table, a weary look in his eye. To Frank, the look said “I’m too old for this”, and for good reason: he took the job twenty years ago, back when General Connell was Corporal Connell, nearing the end of his training and minimum service time, and considering going career.

“Barnes,” he said, motioning to the Director of the Foreign Service. “What are we hearing from the diplomats?”

The senior diplomat nodded. “The Vegai and the Falcons have agreed to let in an odd assortment of nations to their little alliance. joining Savski Venac are the Farfadillians, Svengarda, and most importantly, Leorudo. The latter is both odd and sensible at once, considering the Vegai’s friends in Wight, who have condemed the Leorudan expansion; this would put the Wightlings at odds with Falcania, who’ve appeared to provide support to Leorudo - not sure how else they would manage it.”

“However,” Barnes continued, “there’s an additional concern. The Vanorans have dispatched naval forces to blockade the ports of New Undavil and New Mathdon. Both are far to the west and south, and thus out of our areas of concern, but the bigger concern here is who they could affect - namely, the New Mathdon port, which being near Jay Industries, is likely to be a good way for Falcania to ensure their investments pay off. An economic disruption there could lead to trouble, which brings the Vegai into the mix - either as an active partner, or by their complete lack of a check, owing to their own civil issues.”

The Director-General nodded. “And where do the Starblaydi stand? As far as I understand it, their relations with both the Vanorans and the Vegai are positive.”

Frank tried not to roll his eyes as the Director of Foreign Service replied.

“Very true, Sir. That said, if they were to get involved, I suspect it’d be to side with the Vanorans, considering their feelings towards Falcania. At any rate, they appear to be silent. Reiner suspects that they’re dealing with internal issues, especially after the passing of the Lord-Protector’s sister.”

Good, Frank thought. Let’s worry about the real problem, and remember that we have other interests to worry about, like our southern border.

The Director-General thought for a moment. Finally, he spoke.

“Barnes, keep on Reiner, and tell him to keep his eyes open. If the purple horde moves, I want to know about it.”

He then turned to Frank. “General, how does this affect our military?”

Frank stood. “Very little, Director-General. The bulk of our force is land-based as it is, so some far-flung ports are not a major concern. A naval and air war that doesn’t take place over our soil is one that we’re best sitting out, as the General Staff concurs.”

Frank didn’t have to look back to see his fellow Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Kevin Robinson of the Navy and Marshal Charles Bragg of the Air Force, nodding. They had agreed on this plan prior to coming in.

The Director-General nodded. “Very well, General, we’ll do nothing with regards to war, other than wait and see. Now how about the situation in West Guiana?”
Back in Black
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Posted: Nov 26 2012, 09:13 PM
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As Prime Minister Fredrick Colson was driven to Landover Palace for his weekly meeting with the Queen he couldn't help but smile. He and Foreign Minister Francis Wexfield had organized the facts on why Mantwenic should assist in stopping Leorudo's expansion and the forty-two person assembly was going to vote on it later today. He was sure he could persuade the Queen of the necessary measures that needed to be taken. The vehicle he was riding in came to a stop and a guard opened up the car door. Colson stepped out, nodded slightly to the guard and proceeded through the opened door to the palace. He was then escorted to the meeting room where the Queen was to meet him. He walked in bowed slightly as he greeted the monarch. The Queen proceeded to ask him how his family was and they talked about what nice weather the capital city was having. They then agreed that it was time to discuss the matter at hand and so it began.

"Mr. Colson, I am not quite sure what to think of this Leorudo expansion... it seems so... wrong." exclaimed the Queen.

"Yes, your majesty I happen to believe the same and I think it is time that Mantwenic decide what our move is going to be". Colson said quite confidently.

"Really... and what have you concluded?" The Queen asked him.

"Well" Fredrick began "Foreign Minister Wexfield discussed and I tried our best to organize the facts and it seems clear that Falcania is behind this expansion... they are the ones funding it... and either they want to take advatage of Leorudo or they are using Leorudo as a puppet."

"Interesting" the monarch replied "but what does that have to do with us making a move?"

"Well, I am glad you asked" the Prime Minister replied. "Our friends Wight and The Inevitable Syndicate have joined with Warkus in outwardly refusing to acknowledge Mr. Balone as the President of Leorudo and they are prepared to do whatever it takes to stop them."

"But if Falcania is behind all of this... then these small militaries would be going up against...." the Queen started to say

"Yes, well that is where we come in" Colson replied. "We need to go to the aid of our friends."

"Mr. Colson I think you need to take a step back here and realize that we are only in the beginning stages of a solid freindship with these two countries. I think you need to realize that jumping into a full blown crisis with these nations might not be what is best for our relations with these countries."

"But... your majesty... the Prime Minister could tell that this was not going the way that he expected.

"Mr. Colson... what more do you think needs to be done... the Vanorian forces already did what needed to be done to the ports that affected us and them. They access very similar trade routes that we do I am sure and they were alarmed by the "pop-up ports" as we were and they sprung into action which we would have done if we had the forces that they do... but we don't... and I don't want to send our forces into something that would surely crush us... if we messed with them."

The Prime Minister was silent... he couldn't think of anything to say.

"Plus, the monarch added we don't want to befriend all of the nations nations that have small militaries and make enemies with the biggest forces in the region!"

"But, we can't sit on the wall and let Leorudo keep expanding!" the Prime Minister exclaimed.

"That is what countries like Valanora are for... they stand for the same thing we stand for and they have a larger military force than we do... let them step in... I agree that Mr. Balone is wrong and in fact I support the former President Seclaudius instead. However, we cannot afford to get involved in something as ugly as what is abput to occur" the Queen added.

"The Assembly is voting today on whether or not we should take action."

"And as you know Mr. Colson I hold the right to veto anything that I don't like."

"Yes, your highness and as you know once you veto the act it can be voted on again and with my stamp of approval it can override your veto" Colson said rather proud of himself.

"Be careful what you do, Mr. Colson... the election for Prime Minister is coming up... if you handle this the wrong way you may find yourself out of office."

In the Assembly, an advocate for taking action addressed the forty-two members on how immediate action needed to be taken and that it could not wait... of course he couldn't vouch for the Queen's opinion on the matter but anyway after the advocate's rousing speach the Speaker opened the voting. After a few minutes the final vote appeared on the screen on one wall of the Assembly.


The Prime Minister had just recieved the call from the Foreign Minister about the vote. The Prime Minister then explained that they would need to vote again to try to override the Queen's veto. They both agreed that this was much harder then they had originally thought.
Scribe in Training
Posts: 21
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Posted: Nov 26 2012, 10:19 PM
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"I cannot believe I am doing this." James Morcavi joked as he took another sip of his wine. It had been four hours since the CEO of the largest shipping empire in Leorudo sat down with an LDI Project Director for dinner, and what had started as a buisness negotiation had turned into a brainstorming conversation about Mr. Morcavi's political career.
"You will do great! The people will love you! You are a self-made man who takes initiative and at the same time can relate with the average worker. That is why you should run." Ms. Peteli told him.
"But I have no political party!" James exclaimed.
"Political parties in Leorudo are dead! The Expanision Party is ruined because of Mr. Balone here, and the old party lost it's base when Secladius' secretary came out, the only way to go is independant!" The woman exclaimed.
"Wouldn't that require too much money?" James said, trying to weasel out of this.
"Consider my donation of 500,000,000 Units into the James Morcavi for Tommorrow Fund from my personal bank account." She stated, much to Mr. Morcavi's amazement.
"You would really do that?" He asked.
"You really should do this." She said.
"One condition, your my advisor." He stated. He had given up and was running.
"That is a deal." She raised her glass, and the Presidential Campaign of Mr. Morcavi had offically began.
"Feel Good Inc" plays in the background of Morcavi Tower, the largest building in Leorudo. The building was also going to be the headquarters of the 2012 James Morcavi Presidential Campaign.

It was time for a launch party.

A banner was hung up in the lobby next to Mr. Morcavi's picture: "Democracy. 'Nuff Said." It was 9:47, and the party was just starting. It was very unprofessional in Ms. Peteli's eyes, but James insisted that he wanted to run a down-to-earth campaign.
"...And today, I wanted everyone to get out and get people ready for a new President in the next two weeks!"
The speaker was reffering to the Quarterly Vote, a vote in which if the current President did not get 25% of the popular vote, a new President could be elected. This was the plan.
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Posts: 94
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Posted: Nov 27 2012, 02:43 AM
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It was late, nonetheless the 95X President's personal staff, working on behalf of the 95X Board of Directors and the nation as a whole, released the following statement:

95X Official Communication
To: Every nation in the Region of Atlantian Oceania
From: Rick VanBuren, President, Nation of 95X
Re: Resolution of Possible Conflict from Leorudian Expansion

As a peaceful, domestic-focused, commerce-oriented, and sports-loving nation, 95X regularly welcomes not only new nations to the region but also supports innovation.

Previously, nations have innovated the region through discovery of previously unknown islands, creating puppets or colony nations that are different in name however have their own non-contigous map claim and are ultimately controlled by a master nation inside or outside our region, terraforming existing lands to make them more productive to their endeavors, and even made lands such as Tachbe and Sorthern Northland uninhabitable through nuclear testing.

Therefore; we believe Leorudo's land claims are not only within the realm of possibility for the region, but also represent the same innovation that brought us to this time in the region's history.

We realize others may be unhappy with Leorudo's actions. We believe that those nations should use innovation instead of military power, to encourage the betterment of the region.

Make no mistake–95X is neither supporting nor opposing Leorudo. As the location of the nation's mainland as well as the air and sea space in question is close to 95X (especially Cascade Island and our major city of Cascadia, located at the Southern tip), we are very interested in a satisficing resolution to this conflict. If Leorudo was in any way associated or affiliated with 95X, such would have long since been openly disclosed.

We welcome any nations seeking a friendly neutral site for peace negotiations to please consider 95X for such business, and hope the conflict is solved in a prompt, prudent, peaceful and professional manner.

95X President Rick VanBuren
Senator in Training
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Posted: Nov 27 2012, 03:17 AM
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"Beven? What're we going to do about the Gold Army?"

"Hm? That little Warku pride terrorist group?"

"Yes, sir. They're planning to occupy Jerojane!"

"Cool. This is going to make things much simpler..."

"What'ya mean by that?"

"We still have a lot of the new weapons from before, right? Give them some support, this should work out well."

"...But, aren't their goals a little...Different from yours?"

"That doesn't matter now. Let's help them on this one, and that's an order."
Scribe in Training
Posts: 16
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Posted: Nov 27 2012, 01:19 PM
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'So, any news concerning anything?'

'Well, Mr. Browne, 95X, Mantwenic, and Legalese have all made comments on the Leorudo Situation, Legalese and 95X isn't concerning themselves with it for the time being, and Mantwenic are having a hard time convincing their queen to take action.'

'Great. I hope Mantwenic sees our side of the dispute, and joins our cause. As for Legalese and 95X, we have no problems with them, do we?'

'Well, it depends. You know of the New West Guiana Situation?'

'Oh yeah, isn't there a civil war springing up there at the moment, Arnell?'

'Yes. Legalese is having trouble with it, as all the action is happening up north. Our borders are fine for the time being.'

'Ouch. Poor Legalese. Hope they come out of that unscathed.'

'Quite. Anyway, the other thing that's happening is that Warku 'forces' are occupying Jerojane!'

'What do you mean by 'forces'? You had an odd emphasis...'

'Yeah, technically they aren't forces. It's more of a terrorist group.'

'Blimey. It's a little like that Monopoly card, isn't it? "Terrorism in your favour. Collect 200 Megabytes."'

'Indeed. So I figured it was time we did something, what with Wight housing Secladius, Valanora blockading up the place, and Warkus occupying Jerojane.'

'What a good idea. I'll call a meeting with Williams, Arnell. Want to be in on it?'

'Well, who else will be there?'

'Williams, of course. Also Rowling, Gardiner, Spires, I'll bring Jones along...'

'Hmm. Yes, I'll be there.'

'Brilliant, Arnell! I'll talk to you later then!'

'Indeed. See you soon, sir.'

Christopher realised he was going to have to fill in a lot of paperwork.
Dedicated Scribe
Posts: 72
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Posted: Nov 27 2012, 05:24 PM
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The Emir had his hands tied. He had never wanted to be a ruler, let alone be a royal. Painting was his thing. Yet here he was, sitting on the throne, surrounded by several other members of the royal family and a few of his advisors. In front of him, the Darmeni Governor General of the nation, the guy who pretty much told the Emir what to do, was demanding that the Emir send his Army to invade the Leorudians new settlement, New Tournet.

"...Emir, it is imperative that you take control of this island. The Leorudian claims of peaceful expansion are nothing more than a coverup for a more sinister operation, possibly the takeover of the entire nation of Naitpyge. A pre-emptive strike against the Leorudians will render them incapable of such a feat, and will also expand your own territory."

After waiting for the Governor General to finish speaking, the Emir spoke, the first time he did so during the whole meeting.

"And why exactly must I go to war? The Leorudians have made no threats, either with their words or their guns, towards my people and nation. We have no reason to kill their young men, and remove them from their new settlement."

The Governor General paused for only a moment before answering. "Emir, I don't think you understand the situation. While Leorudo is a member of the Confederation of Common States, they really can be considered nothing more than a puppet of Falcania..."

The Emir interupted the Governor General, erupting into a furious rage. "JUST AS I AND MY NATION ARE A PUPPET OF DARMEN! You have done very little to help my people, my nation, and indeed myself even. All that your nation has done is to use our ports, our military, and our business, to make yourselves richer. I can not allow that to go on any longer!"

"Emir, I must admit, that the former Governor General and the Darmeni Government have failed you in several key areas, doing little for the wellbeing of you and your people. But things have changed, both here and in Darmen. Atlantian Oceania is no longer a safe place like it used to be. Several forces have readied themselves for battle, and there is no reason for you and your people to not be ready for a possible invasion of the Islands of Naitpyge."

"Forget the other nations and the Leorudians for a moment, Governor General. What exactly can you promise me and my people if we do invade New Tournet?"

"The Darmeni Government has already passed a bill in Parliament authorising the spending of 15billion Babas in the areas of education, health care, and public transportation. We believe that that is enough to bring your country into a new age."

The Emir had heard this before, but he had faith in this new Governor General. He was much more friendlier than the one who had preceeded him. Still, he had his reservations.

"And this money," started the Emir, "we'll get it whether we invade or not?"

"If you do nothing, the money will be diverted to Earo, a nation which has been much more sympathetic to our aims. But even if you do as little as mobilizing your Army and your Navy, you can expect to receive at the very least, a third of the money promised. A blockade, which I hear the Valanorians have opted to use against the Leorudians, would guarantee you at least two thirds of the money. But you won't receive all of it unless you invade."

"How long do I have to decide?"

"The Darmeni Government would like a decision before the end of the year, when the Constitutional Convention is expected to begin in full swing."

"You shall have my decision by the first of December, Governor General. Good day."

"Good day to you as well, Emir," said the Governor General, before turning to leave for his office. He had thought that he had done well, but only time would tell.
Scribe in Training
Posts: 44
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Posted: Nov 28 2012, 12:33 AM
PMEmail Poster
"Sir, we're being hailed by the Captain of the Leorudo navy presence at the port of New Undavil. They are issuing a cease and desist order and are saying any movement into their area of jurisdiction is an act of war. What is our response?" The commonications officer asked Admiral Talthael of the Subjugation.

Talthael stroked his chin at the relay of information. It was a bold move for such an overwhelmed force. Just three carriers at this port, along with a good division of the Imperial Navy's Curfion fleets and the Air Force X-series multipurpose aircraft in support. The trio of carrier groups at New Pathdon had similair support and he imagined that they were likely receiving the same sort of message from whatever token force was stationed there as well.

"If that is their choice of action, then it will be war. We're continuing on with the pressing of this blockade and if they fire upon us, we will fire back. If it's war that they want, they will have to make the first move. All the same, have all vessels have men at their battle stations. While they might get the first volley, it will be the only volley they get off before they are sunk. Scramble the planes as well, I want them ready to torpedo those bastards out of the water the minute they even think about firing."

The Subjugation, Truth, and Providence and all of their support vessels were given the commands and were sounding the alarm for crew to man their stations. Aboard two of the three carriers, the X4s were being fueled and armed for a torpedo assault, apart from Truth who was arming their planes for aerial superiority roles.

At New Pathdon, Defiance, Atlas, and Reconciliation were arming as well. They were expecting some sort of resistance as well, either from Leorudo or their supposed Falcanian masters. In Raynor City, Tobias Raynor waited anxiously for any news from the Dark Bows or the Military Council itself. While they had finally listened to reason and performed an action against this sinister plot, he still had doubts they were ready and willing for a full scale war, with it being nearly a century since the last full fledged engagement Vanorians were apart of, when there was no commonwealth and just the Elven people.

That's why he had his own private military in the Dark Bows, what they were not willing to do he would see to it. Peace it seemed was going to have to be paid for in blood.
a.k.a Elves Security Forces
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