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Leorudian Territorial Expansion: Part One
Posted: Nov 21 2012, 10:25 AM
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'Warkus and Wight are sided with Secladius, and believe Balone holds no power in Leorudo. What's your stance, sir?'

Andrew Browne was at home, playing a video game, when he got the datalink call from his right hand and Head Moderator, Stephen Jones.

'What's this about Balone? I'm about to play against Starblaydia in Football 2012! It's the cup final!'

'I think this is a little more important. We're going to debate our stance in the forum tomorrow, and I want to know what side you're on!'

'Oh, I see. So, the basic gist of the situation is this: Leorudo have constructed a bunch of really awesome trade cities, and people believe that they didn't do it all by themselves. Wight and Warkus think that Balone and his government are but puppets, and that Secladius is the true leader of Leorudo. Correct, Jones?'

'Well, it seems like that, sir.'

'So, what about the other cities?'

'Well, the closest one to us is aptly named "New Leorudo". It's a nice, shiny trade hub.'

'And what's this about Secladius?'

'He's nowhere to be found. He might be going to Spit, however.'

'Spit? As in, Wight?'

'Yeah. So, the question is as follows, sir: Do we support Leorudo's seemingly-not-their-own expansion claims, or do we believe the current President is a sham and that Secladius should be ruler of Leorudo?'

'Give it more time, Jones. We'll have to wait and see.'

Andrew dropped the call and continued with his game.
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Posted: Nov 22 2012, 04:29 AM
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Marko Gajinovich was on the feils of New Ireland with his IRA guardsmen.

Tell me son,were you in the IRA during the civil war?
said Marko
Yes comrade Marshall,I was 9 then.

You were even younger than me!

My parents were dlaughtered by the fascists,so i took my pops rifle and
went to help the IRA.

In that moment a helicopter landed near them,a man came running out of it and
twoards Marko Gajinovich
Comrade marshall!
he saluted
A message from Oliver Balone the president of Leorudo!
he handed a paper to the Marshall
Well i cant read this with all the wind and fhe noise here,guardsmen board on the chopper
we are going to Tyroon.

Tyroon was one of the Savski Venac millitary HQ in New Ireland.
It was also one of the buisiest as the planes tanks choppers and other viechles manouvered
a lot.

20 minutes later in the Marshalls office

Marko was sitting in a blac leather chair and reading the letter.

Dear respective nations,

In this crucial juncture of civilised history, a time in which moral issues confront economic issues on a daily basis, the leaders of the World are forced to make crucial decisions that can shape the future entirity of all intelegent beings. In doing so, international economies can be confused and congested to a complete breakdown at times when it comes to international trade. Well, one step to creating a more secure and productive international economy is having small, isolated, hubs of trade located throughout our region in locations that are benefictual to all nations. These ports would operate utilizing trade based on one common currency (that is the Nationstates Dollar, or NSD) and simple regulations determined by the citizens of the ports themselves, not some faraway private intrest group, but a government that is ran based on the common jugdement of what is the intelligent thing to do. Now, in out region's history, these moral and economic hurdles had been parried by nations such as Andossa Se Mirtin Vega, who have attempted to keep northwestern trade routes calm in the wake of the devestation that was Sorthern Northland Civil War.And too Starblaydia, who has made great strides to improve the quality of the energy that powers their nation and it's effect on the envirnment, and Falcania, for helping develop the land south of Secocia for further prosperity. Now, back to the point, Leorudo, with the voluntary aid of outside sources, has already established seven ports spread throughout the region, and tonight, the nation-state of Leorudo declares it's ports open for buisness. Further offers concerning the development and port rights to the new cities can be discussed on the return address.

-President Oliver Balone

Hmm... i wonder who were the voluntary sources.
Well,we should recodnise their expansion,after all they are in the CCS.

Someody knocked on the door,an officer came in with another paper
Comrade marshall, a message from Wight!

The soldier handed the paper to Marko Gajinovich,and Marko started reading.

The Syndicates of the Broken Islands of Wight reject Leorudan claims on the following territories:

New Almintora Jerojane New Tournet New Leorudo Leoingrad New Undavil New Mathdon

Further, we invite the nations of Atlantian Oceania to reject these territorial claims by Leorudo as without substance and furthering the political and territorial ambitions of a third party nation, unnamed. Since by our estimation the Government of President Balone is no longer the sovereign power in Leorudo, we call on the people of that nation to demand the restoration of sovereign power. In the interim, we recognise the former President Donald Secladius as the last independent leader of the nation, the last legitimate leader of the nation, and therefore, the only authority by which Leorudo is independently represented. We invite former President Donald Secladius to form a Government in Exile, and are willing to host said Government in the city of Spit, Wight, free from harrassment or threat of harm until such time as a democratic and sovereign government is elected by the people of Leorudo.

I didnt know about this "former president" who is he?

He was overthown by ...

Oliver Balone?

Yes comrade.

Call Oliver Balone,i want to talk to him in pearson,also send a communiqe ro all thenations oc AO that Savski Venac recodnises the territorial expandion of Leorudo.
Savski Venac
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Posted: Nov 22 2012, 08:48 AM
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It had been just thirty minutes into the debate, but The Forum was already ablaze with opinions and arguments. The voice of the people, these two hundred men and women, were deciding one thing – whether they agreed with the actions Leorudo had taken.

Sharon Edwards, member of Freenex, and Moderator of Wonzinsteppes, stood up to the podium.

'It's simple, people! Leorudo have done nothing wrong! They are a small country, and should be allowed to expand! It doesn't help that Starblaydia and Austenersey are choking it's ability to grow!'

Anthony Smith, EconoSol MP for Falcinfolk, rose from his seat.

'I agree. Also, trading with this country is making us money! Can't you all see this? It's fantastic!'

'I do see that, Mr. Smith,' said Andrew Browne, 'but the problem is it isn't them doing all this! Balone is merely a front for something much more sinister!'

'That's a load of rubbish. How do you know this, Mr. Browne?'

'Wight thinks so. So do Warkus.'

'That's it?' Sharon cried, 'That's all you're going on?! The fact that some other leaders wrote a letter? Oh, please. Anyway, what of Savski Venac?'

'Ah yes, Ms. Edwards. Savski Venac. That country that calls everyone “comrade”, and sides with Falcania? What about them?'

Cheers erupted from the Synditek Benches.

'They accept Balone as President, and they recognise the authority that Leorudo has in their new territory.'

'But he's a sham! If Venac are working for Falcania, then so is Balone! It's blindingly obvious that Leorudo is merely Falcania's Mercenary force! Have you seen the dossier on that flying aircraft carrier? No, you haven't, because you aren't The Administrator!'

'Now now, Mr. Browne,' spoke Anthony Smith, 'There's no need for what seems to be a personal attack on Ms. Edwards. We can all understand your anguish, and to be honest, we at EconoSol are divided. We understand the barriers to trade that accepting the Leorudo Situation could create, but we also understand the barriers it could create if it didn't. So, we'll see what happens when we vote.'

'Okay, so the vote is as follows!' said Will Hastings, the independent vote counter The Forum had hired. 'The votes for the acceptance of Balone and the sovereignty of Leorudo make up.... 42% of the vote! So, by popular vote, we are against Balone and his reigime! Long live Secladius!'

'Ahem, that's enough, Hastings. Right, so let it be known. I'll compose a letter to the other leaders.'

Message From the desk of Andrew Browne, Administrator of The Inevitable Syndicate

Dearest leaders of Atlantian Oceania,

I report to you at a time of great instablility. We here in The Inevitable Syndicate believe in freedom and justice for all, and we believe that Leorudo is not receiving these things. Therefore we reject the claims of land made by the current Leorudo government, and join our brothers Wight and Warkus in demanding the restoration of President Donald Secladius and his government. We also offer Secladius and his government free passage into our lands, and, if they do so wish, a permentant position in Tracy Gardiner's office, as I don't like her.

Your friend indeed,

Andrew Browne
Administrator of The Inevitable Syndicate.
'We are the change we wish to see in the world.'

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Posted: Nov 22 2012, 01:29 PM
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"What evidence are these leaders basing their analysis on?" The President said, reading over the multiple condemnations agianst him.
"Sir, from what the LDI has gathered, they seem to think we are doing something illegal." An advisor explained.
"Such as?"
"Working for Falcania."
"Well, thats all? Almost every government has worked with another government before! That is why they are agianst this? And then they want to work together to STOP us? That is hypocritical! That is-" The President's rant was interuptted by another advisor.
"Sir, they doubt they legitimacy of your rule."
"I don't know, I'm pretty sure they think Secladius was forced out of office."
"Why on Earth would they think that?"
"So, we have to do a little public relations work. Fun."

To the nations of Atlantian Oceania,

Regarding the condemnations of Wight, Warkus, and the Inevitable Syndicate, the government of Leorudo is appalled by the allegations made agianst the Leorudian government, military, and people as a whole. Allegations stating that Leorudo is
A) A puppet nation of Falcania
B) The governing party of Leorudo is invalid and is agianst a democratic process.

In response to these claims:
A) Leorudo is a self-governing and self-sustaining nation. It has been doing so since before you were born and intends to do so long after your demise. To indicate that Leorudo is operated by another nation is wrong and flat-out ignorant. Regarding the nation of Falcania, any information regarding our contact will be mailed out to you at your request.
B) This indication is flat out wrong. The former leader Donald Secladius was voted out of office after his second term as President, and the people selected our current President Oliver Balone in a fair and unbiased popular vote. Any further information regarding our electorial process will be mailed to you at your request.

Furthermore, the lack of direct proof indicated by these nations regarding their
"claims" furthers Leorudo's own claims that these nations are opposed to the progress of the entirety of Atlantian Oceania as a whole.

And a note to our former President Donald Secladius, wherever he may be:
We have recieved further information regarding rouge missles shooting members of your own navy. We are outraged and disgusted by such an act, and we further condemn any nation that gives this traitor of a man refuge. We will take military action if nessecary, as the lives of the Leorudian people are non-negotiable. We believe it will be nessecary that he is returned to Leorudo for a fair trail.

Thank you for your time,
President Oliver Balone

Well, that was done.
"Also, Sir, Savski Venac is on the phone, they request a word."
"Put them through"
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Posted: Nov 23 2012, 01:33 AM
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To the nations of Atlantian Oceania,

Regarding the condemnations of Wight, Warkus, and the Inevitable Syndicate, the government of Leorudo is appalled by the allegations made agianst the Leorudian government, military, and people as a whole. Allegations stating that Leorudo is
A) A puppet nation of Falcania
B) The governing party of Leorudo is invalid and is agianst a democratic process.

In response to these claims:
A) Leorudo is a self-governing and self-sustaining nation. It has been doing so since before you were born and intends to do so long after your demise. To indicate that Leorudo is operated by another nation is wrong and flat-out ignorant. Regarding the nation of Falcania, any information regarding our contact will be mailed out to you at your request.
B) This indication is flat out wrong. The former leader Donald Secladius was voted out of office after his second term as President, and the people selected our current President Oliver Balone in a fair and unbiased popular vote. Any further information regarding our electorial process will be mailed to you at your request.

Furthermore, the lack of direct proof indicated by these nations regarding their
"claims" furthers Leorudo's own claims that these nations are opposed to the progress of the entirety of Atlantian Oceania as a whole.

And a note to our former President Donald Secladius, wherever he may be:
We have recieved further information regarding rouge missles shooting members of your own navy. We are outraged and disgusted by such an act, and we further condemn any nation that gives this traitor of a man refuge. We will take military action if nessecary, as the lives of the Leorudian people are non-negotiable. We believe it will be nessecary that he is returned to Leorudo for a fair trail.

Thank you for your time,
President Oliver Balone

"Well, this is going to put a thorn in our plans.." said King Reun III, sharing the information with Aldwyn Beven. "This could have the potential to be much worse than we originally thought," Reun continued, "Either Balone is the most incompetent president to have ever lived, they're making a poor attempt at covering up their lack of sovereign rule, or they're actually not puppets of Falcania."

"...That's bad. Very bad." said Beven, shocked. "If they're not directly working for Falcania, then that means...No, they have to be puppets..." Beven said. "It's still a possibility, and that scares the life out of me. We just need to act cautiously from now on, people's lives are at stake here." said Reun.

"...You're right. We just need to think this through, it's still entirely possible that Balone is a bloody idiot and that they're merely Falcanian puppets. It wouldn't take much effort to make a reply to Balone's comments, nor would it take much effort to display his lies across all of Atlantian Oceania. That's not what I'm concerned about." said Beven. "But what are we going to do?" Reun asked.

"We need to get in proper contact with Wight and The Inevitable Syndicate. Open our doors, and offer them our support through the Leorudian Crisis. We need to unite with them to face this ever-growing threat. I'm going to make formal contact with both nations immediately, and try to organise a formal meeting of some kind." Beven said.
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Posted: Nov 23 2012, 02:20 AM
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My Dear King Falcon,

It has been overlong since we sat down to discuss the finer things this life can offer. Perhaps we should do so very soon. It would do my soul much good to know that our little friendship is as strong as ever.

I will say that it has been nice to see you finally making strides in a region wide manner. Falcania has been long over due for such status and recognition. I must admit that it was a work of pure artistry as you thoroughly neutralized your largest domestic threat. Jay Industries was and is a stroke of genius as it essentially killed two birds with one stone. And that with neither bird knowing they are dead. Brilliant.

I am, shall we say, not as optimistic or enthusiastic about your new marionette and the fuss it is causing. If trade were the only issue… How again were these new points of interest chosen? Surely it could be no more than coincidence that their positions are perfectly aligned to neutralize every major player in the region. You and I know, and a few others could guess, that money is what has you hooked into this. No other reason makes sense. But all see the marionette and its alleged master. Most do not care for that at all. Save the Venacians that is.

Have you ever noticed that a bird will often attempt to gather a shiny bauble, much to its own detriment? I do hope that you are indeed the master of all this. It would pain me to know that the marionette had laid this shiny bauble for you to latch onto knowing full well that some hidden force would allow it to become master and dangle you from the strings.

Again, I think we should meet soon. Much there is to be discussed.

Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
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Posted: Nov 23 2012, 04:57 PM
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QUOTE (Andossa Se Mitrin Vega @ Nov 23 2012, 07:20 AM)
My Dear King Falcon,

It has been overlong since we sat down to discuss the finer things this life can offer. Perhaps we should do so very soon. It would do my soul much good to know that our little friendship is as strong as ever.

I will say that it has been nice to see you finally making strides in a region wide manner. Falcania has been long over due for such status and recognition. I must admit that it was a work of pure artistry as you thoroughly neutralized your largest domestic threat. Jay Industries was and is a stroke of genius as it essentially killed two birds with one stone. And that with neither bird knowing they are dead. Brilliant.

I am, shall we say, not as optimistic or enthusiastic about your new marionette and the fuss it is causing. If trade were the only issue… How again were these new points of interest chosen? Surely it could be no more than coincidence that their positions are perfectly aligned to neutralize every major player in the region. You and I know, and a few others could guess, that money is what has you hooked into this. No other reason makes sense. But all see the marionette and its alleged master. Most do not care for that at all. Save the Venacians that is.

Have you ever noticed that a bird will often attempt to gather a shiny bauble, much to its own detriment? I do hope that you are indeed the master of all this. It would pain me to know that the marionette had laid this shiny bauble for you to latch onto knowing full well that some hidden force would allow it to become master and dangle you from the strings.

Again, I think we should meet soon. Much there is to be discussed.



My dear, you are correct in one thing - it has been far too long. I trust the orange tree I left you has flourished. They take a long time to flower, but their fruit is the better for it.

Ser Herberd is, I trust, very happy in his psychotic little experiment. We've walled them in, we let them have their rallies and their marches, and throw a truck of mouse carcasses over the wall every so often. Proverbially speaking. It goes against my core, to know that Falcanian men and women are being oppressed, without the freedom to choose their destinies. I sense I may have to encourage an uprising soon.

Regarding Leorudo. Much more is being made of Falcanian involvement than is in fact the case. It is a simple arrangement. Falcanian infrastructure firms have secured lucrative contracts paving the way for Leorudo's expansion. They're mismanaging it all to the mist. A massive overextension - I do not expect them to be able to meet their debts. The defaulting clauses are severe. Balone is naive. Secladius was naive. I privately regret the decision to fund this - we have gotten in too deep with these fools. They have the FAV Raptor, dressed up, and they're going to crash it.

I assure you, the only string I intend to pull, is the one that deploys the parachute and ejects this whole sorry mess from our doorstep. The sooner we can disentangle ourselves from this expansion, the better for everyone. I fear I may have to sacrifice an aircraft carrier to do it. This will be... expensive.

Visit soon. I can arrange a lovely big parade in your honour. It would take the people's mind off these affairs - they always like to be reminded that an ancient and noble land is their kindred in the north.

All my best to your family,

Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Nov 23 2012, 06:09 PM
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Good day mister Balone!said Marko in irish accented english
My name,as you kbou is,Marko Borisavich Gajinovich and im te president of the
PFR of Savski Venac.Since we are in the same alliance and havd ghe same enemies,
not to mention the same interests,I would like to invite you to Savski Venac to discuss
some matters,i wouldnt talk about them on the phone,you know what i mean.

OOC:the denonym is Danubian not Venacian : P

This post has been edited by Savski Venac on Nov 23 2012, 06:12 PM
Savski Venac
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Posted: Nov 23 2012, 09:04 PM
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The President listened to this man's dialect, attempting to comprehend what he could.
"President Gajinovich, it is an honour but due to the turmoil in which my nation is going through I am afraid I cannot leave my post. Also, this is a secure line and anything you say on here is between you and me alone-"
Another voice entered the room.
"Sir, we have a situation in New West Guiana."
The President turned around to face his assistant.
"In a moment."
He was obviously not happy being interruptted.
"I am sorry, Mr. President, but my assistant is rather intrusive, anyhow, please continue with you question."
The assistant ran off into another part of Olympic Tower.
"General Lanoe, this just in."
A large, well-built man stood and read over the document placed in front off him.
"Good job son. You are dismissed."
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Posted: Nov 24 2012, 09:19 AM
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Since most of the people of the broken islands of Wight had arrived just after the Wight Catastrophe, and lived for some considerable time in little more than tent cities, it was no trouble to build a new tent city for the poor followers of President-in-exile Donald Secladius. The city quickly became known as Little Leorudo, population approximately 2000. The hospitable denizens of Wight were quick to provide the city with all possible amenities - catering vans, water trucks, mobile beer vendors, more catering vans, and a hastily erected market on the edge of Little Leorudo offering all the necessary provisions for comfortable living. Generous donors provided vast quantities of blankets and warm clothes for the cold winter ahead, soup kitchens ran 24 hours a day serving the best broth available, and of course there was a carnivalesque entertainment initiative, with great liars, circusmen, profound speakers, children's clowns, mobile cinemas and an all-weather small-form football pitch to keep up the spirits of the exiles. Proper housing would follow in due course, promised the authorities.

Meanwhile President Secladius and his cabinet office were housed in an embassy in the Cragoe district of Spit, where so far no ambassador or diplomat had elected to set up shop. Secladius' embassy building was referred to as The House of Parliament, Leorudan Government In Exile.

Foreign Secretary and halal butcher Tariq Hashashin was explaining the present political climate to his new friend Donald.

"We have official support from Warkus and the Inevitable Syndicate who have pledged to recognise you as the legitimate government of Leorudo, and we have invited them both to send ambassadors here to Cragoe to support both our effort to house a government in exile, and your effort to, well, govern in exile.

"Balone is of course blathering on about military intervention, but we need not fear. He will be up against the full might of the Vegai if he so much as paddles in the waters of Turkish Bight without our invitation. Now, I will be honest with you, we don't have a military force of our own to speak of. We have a scout troop, The Partisan Patrol, but they're up to their neck in Green Jello Salad at present, at some scouting jamboree. We have a minimal navy, the Wight Armada, but no boats yet. The air force consists of one officer and is based at the Wight Kite Flyers Club up on Orwell Island. He has a kite, of course, but it's a civilian one so we couldn't use it in a conflict situation, except maybe to send a signal to the Vegai who will scramble their entire North East fleet if we need it. But it won't come to that.

"There is, um, one little question, Donald. Probably nothing, of course. A misunderstanding, I expect, you'll forgive me for asking but President Baptiste is curious. Um, ever heard of the LSS Agridia? Seems to have sunk, along with a number of other vessels, in a surprise and very well orchestrated attack. Not something you would know about, is it? Only, well, embarrassing really, but it would be terribly awkward to find you had a cache of advanced weaponry somewhere, um, close to, or, so to speak, on, Wight. As I say, I'm sure it's nothing, but any light you can shed..."
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Posted: Nov 24 2012, 09:54 AM
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It wasn't everyday Foreign Moderator Christopher Arnell had things to do, but today was one of those days. Wight had called to send an ambassador out to help Secladius form his government there, and Arnell had to pick who that was going to be.

Andrew Browne had written in that he desperately wanted to send Tracy Gardiner, Shadow Administrator of party Freenex, as he wanted her out of the country so he could get on with running it. This couldn't be done however, as it wasn't on. Tracy wanted to send Andrew, of course. That couldn't be done either. EconoSol had unanimously agreed on sending a board of the country's best directors, in order to make some business venture with Wight. This wasn't happening either, as it wasn't the time for that.

So Arnell decided to not let his party decide, or his prime competitor, or those shoddy business freaks. No, Arnell asked Pascal Rowling, Shadow Administrator of the Green Party, for his input.

'So, Mr. Rowling, who do you think we should send as an ambassador? Now would also be a good time to construct an embassy in Wight, and also build some embassies here. to open us up for more international diplomatic relations.'

'That's a fantastic idea! As for who to send to Wight, I feel that we should send one of my own - Shadow Magnaeus Moderator, Thomas Lockwood. Magnaeus is a SyndiTek stronghold, so if any election does come up, he's fine in Wight.'

'I see. Well Mr. Rowling, I will do just that. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to notify Wight of Lockwood's arrival, and possibly draw up some other plans...'

'Of course, Mr. Arnell. I bid you good day, and good luck. I fear this may turn nasty if the Leorudians take this the wrong way.'

'I appreciate it. Good day.'

To: Tariq Hashashin, Wight
From: Christopher Arnell, Inevitable Syndicate
Cc: Andrew Browne, Inevitable Syndicate

Dear Mr. Hashashin,

We here in The Inevitable Syndicate accept your offer to send an ambassador over to Wight to help Mr. Secladius. As a result, we are sending our very best: Mr. Thomas Lockwood of the Green Party. He will be able to help you out with this, I'm sure. Mr. Lockwood will be in contact with The Forum regularly via Datalink, so should you need to send a message to us, going through him would be the best form of contact.
As we've heard, Balone is talking about military intervention, and we thought we should let you know you have the full support of The Inevitable Syndicate's Air Force, Drone Army and People Army should any problems arise. We may not be the best, but we will not let anybody rain on our parade.

On behalf of your friends indeed,

Christopher Arnell,
Moderator of Foreign Affairs,
The Inevitable Syndicate.
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Posts: 72
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Posted: Nov 24 2012, 02:48 PM
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QUOTE (Wight @ Nov 24 2012, 09:19 AM)
"There is, um, one little question, Donald. Probably nothing, of course. A misunderstanding, I expect, you'll forgive me for asking but President Baptiste is curious. Um, ever heard of the LSS Agridia? Seems to have sunk, along with a number of other vessels, in a surprise and very well orchestrated attack. Not something you would know about, is it? Only, well, embarrassing really, but it would be terribly awkward to find you had a cache of advanced weaponry somewhere, um, close to, or, so to speak, on, Wight. As I say, I'm sure it's nothing, but any light you can shed..."

Donald Secladius was walking through his "tent city" with Wight's Foriegn Secretary Tariq Hashashin, making easy conversation when this question arose. Donald judged by the attitude of the question that he was trying to be touchy. Everything involved with his stay in Wight was instantly in the balance. It was time to get political.
"Mister Hashashin, I am sure this matter has troubled you deeply, and I can assure you that this "attack" that is being played up by Balone is nothing of the kind. The event which occurred was this: The Leorudian Navy led an invasion force agianst my safehouse equipped with ground assests and strike missles, and I had no choice but to defend myself. The attack was led by a Leorudian ship, and the invasion was repelled by my loyal forces. Yes, as you might have guessed from the supply crates I brought with me I have the adequate supplies required to sustain by loyal forces. If you would like to use some of these weapons, I would gladly donate a few weapons to your, uh, scout troop, and I would consider it a payment for such generous hospitality."
The President made a mental note to himself:
Get the heavy weapons out of Wight. And fast.
Dedicated Scribe
Posts: 94
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Posted: Nov 25 2012, 04:26 AM
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To: Tariq Hashashin, Wight
From: Gildas Williams, Warkus
Cc: Franklin Gou, Warkus

Dear Mr. Hashashin,

We would like to send Ambassador Franklin Gou to Wight on behalf of Warkus. He is a fine man who we believe represents our nation well, and will be able to provide full contact with our nation. We also offer military support, as Balone has threatened military action.

On behalf of our efforts in Warkus,

Gildas Williams,
Minister of Foreign Affairs,
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Posted: Nov 25 2012, 12:23 PM
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Prime Minister Fredrick Colson and Foreign Mininster Francis Wexfield were meeting in Colson's office in Harrelson Hall named in honor of the first Prime Minister, Marcus Harrelson. Colson and Wexfield were deep in discussion about the recent happenings around the region especially the Leorudian Crisis.

"This is really a huge mess that Leorudo has put together" Mr. Colson said in a irritated voice.

"Yes it is, but we must go over the facts and reasons as to what might have led them to this expansion. Wexfield replied

"True, and I can use these points when I address Her Majesty on Tuesday morning?" Colson asked

"Most certainly and I will get on the phone with the Speaker of the Assembly after we are done here." Wexfield replied hastily.

"Alright lets start with the first thing that stands out... Who is this Donald Seclaudius and why has Oliver Balone taken his position and started to expand so quickly?"

"Well, Mr. Colson..." Wexfield paused for a minute thinking about how strange this situation was in the first place. "Donald Seclaudius was the former president of Leorudo, but he was driven out of office and exiled. Apparently the Leorudian public voted this Balone character in".

"Okay... and this President Balone demanded construction of small port cities all over the AO?" Colson asked with a puzzled look on his face. "How did they manage to fund all of this?"

"The general consensus is that Falcania is funding it, sir" Wexfield responded with a nervous tremor in his voice.

"Good Heavens!" Colson exclaimed. "Do they have the funds to repay Falcania?"

"I...I don't know" Wexfield responded

"Well, it seems to me that either they are being taken atvantage by Falcania or that Falcania is running this operation." Does it directly effect us, Wexfield?" Colson asked hoping the answer would be no so that he could get on with the rest of his day.

"I'm afraid it does... only one of the six ports though..." Wexfield answered hesitantly.

"Is this port city in the way of any of our trade routes?" Colson asked.

"Yes, the city of New Undavil... It is on the way to the ports in the Vilitian Cove and northern nations."

"It is suspicious how quickly these cities popped up... Colson pondered before he asked... "Do we have any allies involved in this situation?"

"We don't really have any allies... as you should know by now... but there are two nations that we have good standing relations with involved." Wexfield replied.

"Who are they and what stand have they taken?" Colson eagerly awaited the response as he remembered that Mantwenic wasn't apart of any alliance or did they have a strong military.

"The Inevitable Syndicate and Wight stand firmly against the actions of Oliver Balone... they are also working with.... uh... Warkus." Wexfield replied trying to remember if Mantwenic had any relations with Warkus... he didn't think they did."

"Well, that does it for me... who supports the actions of President Balone?" Colson asked.

"No one has really given them thier full support... it seems that Falcania has... but thier only funding the entire project... no big deal" Wexfield replied sarcastically.

"Well the only other thing left to decide is whether we think that Falcania is behind the scheme or are they just being friendly..." Colson added.

"When is the last time that you saw a tiny, microscopic nation develop into a trading empire practically overnight?" Wexfield directed the question at the Prime Minister for his response.

Colson thought... "Never" he replied "But, say that they do have the funds to cov.... he was immediately interupted by the Foreign Minister.

"They don't... why else would they go to Falcania for help?" Wexfield stated firmly. "Remember, Leorudo is a tiny nation sandwiched in between Austenersey
and Starblaydia on Lake Bekk."

"Alright, I think Mantwenic has no other choice but to get involved... With that New Undavil taking away trade from us... Colson began

"Well, not yet... everyone in the region is a little skeptical and no one has begun entering the ports... yet." Wexfield assured the Prime Minister.

"Still before anything else happens I believe that we need to go to the aid of Wight, The Inevitable Syndicate and Warkus and ignore the authority of President Balone and recognize Mr. Seclaudius as the president of Leorudo. Colson confirmed. "Now today is what... Friday? I will meet with Her Majesty on Tuesday to discuss it over with her."

"And I will call the Speaker of the Assembly right away to schedule a time... preferably Tuesday or Wednesday were he will address the Assembly and they will vote on what to do. Francis Wexfield confirmed.

"Well, that is done for now." Colson replied... see you Monday morning.

"Farewell, Sir"

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Posted: Nov 25 2012, 12:24 PM
PMEmail Poster
Brigadier-General Grade-Two Roger Lanoe had been ascended to military power through an honourable path. Destined to by a military man from the beginning, his father was a commander in the Leorudian Army, and his mother being a engineer in the Leorudian Air Force. After achieving a grant into the Navigatio Academy of Military Science, he trained in the 103rd Heavy Infantry Unit, with him slowly rising through the unit to become it's commanding officer. After his brigaide's commander retired, he was selected to take his place. Then he was transferred to Leorudo's Army of the Mountains, where he was taken under the wing of one General Olivia Lombardo. The general was known to teach the young Lanoe many things outsides of battle tactics, and when she fell pregnant, Lanoe was selected to take her place. Two years later, he earned the rank of Brigadier-General of the Army of the Mountains, and after many years of successful leadership, he was promoted to command of the entire Leorudian Army stationed in the city proper and in the Navigatio Brigaide, thereby making him a Grade-Two General. He had an office in Olympic Tower and a seat in the Velvet Room, so he was a powerful man.

He was also obsessed with meddling in Foriegn Affairs. He loved watching a rebellion rise and sending a crate of weapons here and a retrofitted tank there and make a good profit by the end of it all, which of course he used to buy more tanks and planes for his own army and gain support from upstart nations personally.

Today, he read over the events of the region, West Guiana had a potential rebellion rising, well-cordinated based on the reports. I wonder who could have been involved with that. The Zirakul were rising agianst Andossa Si Mitrin Vega, Good luck with that. Oh, and the Leorudian government was going to be in so much debt he would not have the weapons to start a formal rebellion.What is up with that?

It was an intresting time period, and right now he could do nothing but observe it all.
"I declare the portgate of New Almintora, open to the public!"
Cheers went up from around the platform from which a small man had given a speech about the new port. The city of New Almintora was still litered with construction projects here and there, but from a general perspective the city was fairly complete. The portgate was one of the last projects to be comepleted, with little portions of it operated before hand to ship in materails, but now it was finished, and international ships and planes could access the city.
The only problem was politics.
Well, the Leorudian government had not been doing the favorable thing by constructing an ocean-going port, and the main fear surronding the area was that the port would be black-balled by international companies, nevertheless, Morcavi Industries had it's entire fleet rolling out freshly made New Almintora exports to destinations around the World. A few cargo planes carried imports into New Almintora, but for now, the water was the main way of transportation.
The very first Leorudian ships to trade in international waters held their flags staffed high in the morning sun. Despite all the international outcry and setbacks, today was a great day for Leorudo. It was finally ready.

This post has been edited by Leorudo on Nov 25 2012, 12:34 PM
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